01x07 - Cops and Robbers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "FBI". Aired: September 2018 to present.*
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Drama about the inner workings of the New York office of the FBI,
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01x07 - Cops and Robbers

Post by bunniefuu »

They offered you more money,

better hours, but you said no?

Yeah, I'm happy where I'm at.

- You're nuts.
- I'm loyal.

See, now I know you're old.

Come on. Look at this.

Great place for a sobriety test.

Come on, you're
right in front of our drop-off.


Sure you wanna piss off cops?

Oh, damn it.


I'm gonna need you guys to back up.

How long are you gonna be?

Fifteen minutes, maybe more.

We gotta check all the boxes
on this idiot

before we take him downtown.

But hey, if you guys wanna
unload from here, have at it.



- Let's go!
- Whoa, guy's got a g*n.

- Hands, now.
- Okay, okay!

- Out of the truck!
- Let me see those hands, man!

Drop the bags!

Now, get out of the truck! Move!

- Take it easy!
- Yo! I'm moving, all right?

Easy. [GRUNTS]

We got this. Get the money!

Sit down. Sit down. Just sit down!

[GRUNTS] Okay.

Let's go, let's go!

Come on, hurry up.

- We can take them.
- No, we can't. Just sit still.

Shut up.

Leave him alone! [GRUNTS]

Come here.

- That's it.
- That's it, that's it!

Let's go!

Say one more word.

Say one more word, I'll k*ll you.

- Let's go.
- Come on, come on!

Let's go.




Two guys driving the armored
truck are over there.

They got tuned up pretty good,
but they're okay.

- That's good to hear.
- Only thing we know so far,

our perps are dressed like
undercover NYPD.

And they had two cars:
Crown Vic and an Audi.

We're checking for surveillance now.

- Any other witnesses?
- No, not yet.

All right, I'm gonna take him.

Hi, I'm Special Agent Maggie Bell.

Yeah, like I told
the cops... the real cops...

there was three of them.

Two white, one black.

Height? Weight?

One of the white dudes
was tall and skinny.

The other one and the black guy
were pretty average.

The guy who came up
to the window, he had a badge?

Yeah, he looked legit.

I could definitely ID one of them.

The dude who was pretending to be drunk.

Bastard stared right in my eyes.

Said he was gonna k*ll me.

This man have any distinguishing features

or characteristics?

Besides being a psychopath?

Yeah, besides that. Like,
an accent, a tattoo, a scar?

Do you remember anything?
Did he use a name?

- A nickname?
- No, no, nothing specific.

I just remember him getting in my face,

Yelling and screaming,
threatening to k*ll me.

We need to get him to
the hospital, run some tests.

Hold up.

Before you go,
I'm gonna need your shirt...

And your face.

I'm not gonna lie, people.
I'm a little pumped up here.

Hunting violent bank robbers

is how the Bureau cut its teeth.

I'm talking Pretty Boy Floyd,

Baby Face Nelson, and of course the FBI's

very first Public Enemy
Number one, John Dillinger.

Thanks for the history lesson.

Now, let's figure out who's involved.

Yes, ma'am.

How the perps knew that

that truck would be at
that place at that time

with that much money in it.

$2.6 million, to be exact.

It was a set route and set drop time,

so we're thinking they have
somebody on the inside.

What about the drivers?

It's possible, but it seems unlikely.

They were both p*stol-whipped.

Yeah, 2.6 million takes
the sting away pretty quick.

Kristen's got a team
that's vetting everyone

who works at the Five Burroughs
Bank and Conserva.

Hey, let's focus on
the employees with access

to route information,

and let's dig into those
two drivers, as well.

What about surveillance footage?

Ah, OA sent us this ten minutes ago.

Plates on both cars don't match
the make or model.

Because they were stolen.

What about the cars themselves?

Uh, checking into that now.

Actually, you know what?

Hold up.

What is this?

Let's blow this up.

Looks like a parking decal.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Get the name of the company
and every employee

that works there
with the same make and model.

You wanna know
where my car was last night?

- That's correct.
- Why?

We believe that your car was used

in an armored car robbery.

I obviously have nothing to do with that.

I design eco-friendly office buildings.

I don't rob banks or trucks.

So you were home last night?

I was at the theater with my wife.

We saw "Dear Evan Hansen."

Then we went out to a late dinner

and then back to our house
in Brooklyn Heights.

Feel free to run my credit cards

or check my wife's Instagram.

Anyone else have access to your car?

I'm the only guy in the city
with a black Audi?

No, but you are the only one

with a Kiriyuchi Design
decal on the windshield.

Literally the only one.

Is it possible somebody
used it without your consent?

Sorry, guys. I'm done.

If you wanna keep talking,
you can call my lawyer.

Jubal, get a tech up to Brooklyn Heights

and sweep the car.

You run his alibi?

Yeah, ran and confirmed.

Jack Salerno was telling the truth.

He and his wife, Alexandra,
were at the theater,

and then they went to dinner,
paid the tab at 12:01 AM.

Anything else?

Well, his wife loves selfies
and pictures of food.

Especially fish, but I got
something else.

Something better.
Salerno's brother, Nick.

He's got two priors,

drug distribution and armed robbery.

AND GET THIS: He used to work
at Conserva.

You have an address?

12 Chatham Road, Brooklyn Heights.

Same as Jack Salerno.

He lives with his brother.

Means he has access to the car.

- Do you have a work address?
- We're on it.

It's coming your way.

I was home all night
in my brother's basement.

Can anyone verify that?

Yeah, me.

Anyone else?

Anyone else more reliable?

What the hell is this about?

We're looking into an armed robbery.

Something you have experience in.

No, man, that's over. I did my time.

I work construction now.

You ever borrow your brother's car?

His car? What are you talking about?

It's not a trick question.
Do you ever drive it?

Yeah, every now and then. So?

So, you drive it last night?

No, I told you, I was home all night.

Look, guys, I got nothing
to do with this robbery.

So, the fact that your brother's car

was at the crime scene

and that you worked at Conserva
for six months...

What, that's just a coincidence?

Guess so.

How's that look?

Yeah, I really gotta get back to work.

You believe in coincidences?

No. Not the lucky ones, anyway.

Yeah, Nick used to work here.
He's a good guy.

Why'd you fire him?

I didn't fire him. The boss did.

Why'd your boss fire him?

Nick wasn't too reliable or responsible.

And he got caught stealing.

So, other than that,
he was a damn good employee?

Let's just say being a good
employee wasn't his thing.

And that doesn't fly around here.

This whole company is built on trust.

One transgression and you're out.

Can't have maintenance workers
stealing things off desks,

out of cars.

Any way Salerno could have gotten access

to the route information?

You mean for the armored cars?

No, impossible.

That stuff is highly confidential.

Only a few people in the whole
company have access to that data.

Wait, are you saying Nick
had something to do with

what happened last night?

We're not sure.
We're still investigating.

I'd be surprised.

Nick seemed to be doing pretty good.

- You still in touch with him?
- Yeah, once in a while.

When was the last time you spoke to him?

I don't know,
maybe two, three months ago.


Well, if you think of anything
that might be useful,

let us know.

Rangers lead the way.

Nice. You serve?

Yeah, two tours in Iraq. Army Airborne.

I did three.

- Specialist Jason Morgan.
- Captain Omar Zidan.

Hey, ran the name of every
Conserva employee...

- Mm-hmm.
- They run a tight ship.

Not a prior in sight.

There are barely any speeding
tickets, for God's sake.

What about the drivers?

Did a deep dive on the drivers,

came up empty, and none of them

have any connection to our
lead suspect, Salerno.

Good news, got a saliva hit
on the driver's face.

Name is Nick Salerno.

- You got it?
- I'm on it.

Maggie, it's Jubal.

Tell OA he's a baller
for swabbing that guy's face.

We're getting an arrest warrant
for Nick Salerno.

It's coming your way.

Squad will be there in a half an hour.


- Clear, team right, right!

Keep it moving, keep it moving.

Southwest hallway clear!

- Stack on me!
- Clear left!

Get a light on it!

Possible contact left.

- Contact!
- Clear over here.

What do you got?

Give me a spot on this right here.

- I'm here.
- I gotcha.

I got two points of entry
in the rear here.


We got one male down.
One DB. Repeat, one DB.

What were you saying about coincidences?

Copy that, dispatch.

Evacuate personnel and equipment.


Other than our lead suspect being dead,

what do we know?

Do we have any leads? Any witnesses?

Nothing yet.

Motive for the m*rder is pretty clear:

Ruthless crew tying up loose ends.

No honor among thieves.

Or construction workers.

You know, the only people
who saw us talking

to Salerno were construction workers.

It's possible that the crew
worked there, too.

You know, maybe they saw us
grilling Salerno,

they got nervous, took him out.

Okay, look into it.

And keep digging into Conserva.

There has to be an inside
connection somewhere.

Uh... haven't gotten any useful video

from the Brooklyn Heights house,

but we pulled all cameras
facing and adjacent

to the construction site.

This is yesterday around 4:00 PM.

That's an hour or so
after we talked to the DOA.

Salerno there, at the construction site.

Can you zoom in, get a better look?


That looks like the guy
that was staring at us.

Remember that?

And he matches the general description

of one of the perps: White, tall, thin.

His name is Eric Healy.

Got a positive ID from facial rec.

Eric Healy.

Has one prior, armed robbery.

No immediate family.

Grew up in foster care.
No formal education.


Yeah, that's him.

He was one of the "cops."

Kept barking out orders.

Are you sure?

Would you testify to that?

Damn right I would.

What about you?

If Jay says he's the guy, he's the guy.

Whether I saw him or not.

So yeah, I'd be happy to testify.

I'd also be willing to take
a bat to his head

if you happen to know his address.

We don't.

Probably shouldn't say that out loud.

Not to us, anyway.

Got a positive ID on Healy. He's our guy.

Look, I'll get the warrant,
you just find out

- where the hell he is.
- You got it.

Tall, thin, white guys are my specialty.

That didn't sound the way I meant it.

Bobby, let's put out a BOLO
on Eric Healy.

Male, white, 35.

Just head an emergency call
coming over the wire

involving a Conserva truck.

Mag, you hear that?

Yeah, we're rolling on it now.


How much they get?

Emptied it out.

- 1.2 million.
- Injuries?

The driver of the truck took some fire.

He's in bad shape, just left
for the hospital.

What about his partner?

Over there. She's okay.

- Physically, at least.
- Thank you.

Hey, what do we know about
the expl*sive device?

IED. Remote detonated.
Planted in the dumpster.

Hole cut to send it on the path
of least resistance.

Classic chokepoint:

Truck veers to miss the can, then boom.

We found a back-up detonator.

It was put on an old-fashioned timer.

Explodes when the minute hand
hits this pin.

Looks like it was set
to go off right about now.

Guess they were trying to
destroy any remaining evidence.



That construction tape could be
a marker which would

tell them when to hit the detonator.


There's another one.


That could be another b*mb.

- Everybody move back!
- Everybody stay back.

Move back. Get out of here, now.

Get back. Everybody back.

- Stay back.
- Move back now.

- Get out of here.
- Everybody get off the street.

Move back. Get out.

What are you doing? Get off the street.

I said, move. Move!

Maggie, you okay?

Yeah, are we clear?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

- You're good to go.
- Thank you so much.

Hey, hold on... are you kidding me?

- Get out of here.
- Get him out of here.


Okay, I'm gonna go talk
to the driver's partner.



Can I have a minute, please?

Hi, I'm Special Agent Maggie
Bell. I work for the FBI.

Can you tell me what happened?

We were headed for our first drop off

and Ed, my partner, he saw
a garbage can in the road.

He swerved and then
some sort of b*mb went off.

The truck flipped over
and... and then I heard g*nf*re.

What did you do next?

I ducked and I hid and...

[CRYING] I was so scared,

I just started praying.

Did you happen to see anyone's face?

Hey, this isn't on you.

Hey, the IEDs used in the second robbery,

were made with commercial C4.

That Healy stole from
Verdanti Construction.

I talked to the Foreman,

Healy wiped out their entire
C4 inventory.

So, he's not only in the wind,

but he's loaded with C4.

And he knows how to use it.

He's a demolition expert.

Which means he's escalating.

C4 is his domain and his expertise.

If you take someone like
Healy... uneducated,

troubled upbringing... he loves
to show off his expertise.

Makes him feel powerful and important.

So you better be careful.

The more pressure he's under,
the more brazen he'll become.

Guys, I think we found
the other members of the crew.

We've been reviewing surveillance footage

within a mile-radius
of Healy's old address,

and just found this.

Check out the time stamp, 9:00 AM,

morning of the first robbery.

So we got Healy, Salerno...

And that's Ryan Jenkins,

just got a hit off of facial recognition.

Priors include armed robbery and as*ault.

Born and raised in Brooklyn.

What about the other guy?

Don't know. Came up empty.

Kristen, can you zoom in on him?

That's Jason Morgan.

Rangers lead the way.

Jason's not here. He took a late lunch.

- He needed to run some errands.
- Any idea where he went?

What kind of errands he's running?

No, why? What's going on?

Well, we need to speak
with him about the robberies.

Great, I'm sure he's dying to help.

He loves it here.

I'm not so sure about that, sir.

We think he might be the one
supplying the crew

with the route information.

Jason? No, impossible.

He's a freaking w*r hero, for God's sake.

Purple Heart, Bronze Star
for Valor, all that.

Kid has like, 12 confirmed
kills over in Iraq.

He's not perfect, but he's a good kid.

What do you mean "not perfect"?

You know, he drinks a little too much.

Maybe self-medicating, I don't know.

I'm not a shrink.

He had a positive drug test
a few months back.

Positive for what?

Pot and cocaine.

But it's not like he's a driver
or a brain surgeon.

He oversees the facilities.

So, there's no chance
that he has any access

to the route information?

No, like I said, he's the facilities guy.

Does he have access to any
of the people who have access?

- What do you mean?
- Does he know any of them?

Or does he socialize with any of them?

He's dating Kate Valdez.
She's VP of Logistics.

She oversees the routes and the pickups.

If Jason comes back here,
we need to know immediately.

- Yeah, hold up.

He should be out front.

Jason, we need to speak to you.

Sure. What's up?

In private.


You lied to us, Jason.

You said you haven't seen Nick Salerno

for two or three months.

This is you on your way to breakfast

with the Conserva crew.

The morning of the first robbery.

You were the one feeding
the route information.

Which makes you part of this conspiracy.

You are on the hook for these crimes

just as much as they are.

Whatever they did, you did.

If you cooperate with us

and help us track down Healy and Jenkins,

we will work with
the U.S. Attorney's Office

and try to get you a deal.

If you don't, you're staring
down 10 to 15 years.


They said that no one was gonna get hurt.

They... they promised.

Well, I have more bad news for you.

You know the driver your boys lit up,

the one that's in critical condition?

He just died.

So now you're eligible
for the death penalty.

Turn around. You're under arrest.

♪ ♪


The more he helps, the better the deal.

Pretty simple.

But we have a 41-year-old
man with three kids dead.

So, he's gonna do real time,
no matter what.

I understand.
I just need something to dangle

to persuade him to cooperate.

Well, if he wants to make a deal,

even a whiff of a deal,

he needs to make up his mind now.

Because we're gonna find
Healy and Jenkins

on our own soon enough.

Morgan. He's a vet, right?

Yes, ma'am.

I respect what you're doing, OA.

But what this guy's involved in now

has nothing to do with being a soldier.

[EXHALES] I respectfully disagree.

Overseas, what this guy saw,
what he did...

In the name of this country,
that doesn't just go away

when you get home.

I want to help, but I can't.

That's not who I am. I'm not a traitor.

Yes, you are.

Excuse me?

You're the very definition of a traitor.

You stole information
from your employer...

from your girlfriend,
and you handed it off

to three violent criminals.

I mean the way I see it,
you've betrayed anyone

and everyone who's ever been good to you.

Kate, your company, your country...


My country betrayed me.

I did everything right.

Everything they told me to do.

I went where they told me to go.

I k*lled who they told me to k*ll.

They called me a hero.

They gave me a few stupid ribbons.

But they don't really care about me.

About what I saw.

What's going on in my head.

I asked for help, but no one was there.

No one real.

I understand what
you're going through, Jason.

I've been there, too.
I've seen what you've seen.

- Trust me.
- No.

Not what I've seen.


♪ ♪

May 11th, 2007.

Four of us doing advise-and-assist sweeps

in Al Asad.

♪ ♪

Billy Kenswick,

Matt Alverda,

Oscar Vaca, and me.

New translator was switched out
at the last minute.

It should have tipped me off,
but I was barely sleeping

two, three hours a night.

So, we're six into an eight hour patrol.

The translator took us to this
old bombed-out tenement.

The door was green...

But there were red streaks underneath,

like it was just painted over.

It's funny what you remember.

We go inside, and I go left.

Kenswick and Alverda go right.

And then there's g*nf*re.

Pop, pop, pop.

And I look back right as...

Vaca turns around,

but his head...

It wasn't there anymore.

There was more g*nf*re and more blood.

So, I pinwheel and next thing I know,

I am on the floor of a dug out basement

20 feet below, looking up, praying to God

that they did not see me fall.

But I can hear them... a dozen,
two dozen.

I don't know how many.

They're talking and laughing,
and I'm just praying to God

that they don't figure out
I'm down there.

'Cause then it's over.

Maybe I can get two or three,

but I'm a dead man.

♪ ♪

Three days.

I was in that basement three days.

Every minute, every second
not knowing when or how...

I was gonna die just knowing that I was.

♪ ♪

So, you're wrong.

I do know what's going on in your head.

So let me help you.

Right here, right now.

♪ ♪


I'm in.

But you need to know I never
wanted to hurt anyone.

I swear to God. I just...

I got lost.

I got lost.

I started drinking and doing dr*gs.

You do what you gotta do to block it out.

Exactly. Exactly.

So, I kept using.

Before I knew it, I was in the hole.

Owed Salerno a lot of money.

He was the one who sold me
the coke, got me hooked.

Then he told me he had an idea.

A way for me to wipe out my debt

and put some money in my pocket
at the same time.

[SNIFFLES] I didn't wanna do it, but...

I didn't have a choice.

So, it was all Salerno's idea?


But Healy, he's the boss.

He told us what to do and where to go.

Salerno was just along for the ride.


Until Healy shot him in the chest.


Isn't that what happened?

Yeah. Healy got nervous.

He saw you guys were
sweating him, so he...

He took him out.

[SOBS] I can't believe...

I can't believe that this
is really happening.


The story you just told about Iraq...

I just made it up.

Just needed him to break.

Let's keep Jason on a short leash.

- I agree.
- OA, too.

He's a little too invested in this one.

He might be projecting his own trauma

onto the conspirator.

Yeah, he just said the story
he just told Jason was a lie.

He's just trying to get him to flip.

I've read his file.

Keep an eye on him.

There's a transmitter
embedded in this phone.

We're gonna be able to hear
everything you that say.

So, you don't have to do anything.

Just keep it on your body.
We'll pick up the chatter.

It's also GPS-enabled.

We'll be able to track you
wherever you go at all times.

And we will be surveilling
from a distance.

Just stick to the plan. Right?

Take us to Healy and Jenkins,
and you'll be fine.

You sure you're up to this?

I'm positive.


Let's go.

I'm not so sure this is a good idea.

His hands were shaking.

I know.

But he's strong.

I think he can do it.

You think? Or hope?


I'm at the meet.

Where the hell are you?

No, all quiet on my end.

FBI came by, asked everyone
a few questions.


What the hell is going on?

Why can't we hear him?

Give it a sec.

[CUTTING OUT] I told you
bro, we're all good.

Word is, they still think
it's a bunch of ex-cops.

He's talking too much.

Okay, I'll see you there.


♪ ♪

What's going on?

I'm supposed to take a drive,

connect with Jenkins in 15 minutes.

To do what?

Meet up with Healy.

We're gonna whack up the cash,

then just go our separate ways.

Meeting them where?

A house in Brooklyn.

He said he's gonna call with the address.

Look, I gotta get going.

Keep your phone on.

I know.

It goes out, we pull you.

Deal disappears, you're done.

I heard you the first time.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

I thought we were going to Brooklyn.

Why is he turning right?

Maybe he got nervous.

- I say we pull him.
- No.

Phone's still on. Let's play this out.

He'll take us to Healy.

He's all over the place.

Who knows, he could be playing us.

Just give him some room.
Let him do his thing.

I know you're rooting for this guy,

but like you said, "there's no
honor among thieves."

Come on, you can't expect
the guy to be loyal to you

just because he used to wear
the same uniform.

Our goal is to take down the crew.

This is our best way to do it.

Jenkins just texted.

Change of plans.

I'm supposed to follow the blue car.

I see it.

All good.

♪ ♪

- What's up, man?
- Hey.

What's going on?

I thought we were gonna meet in Brooklyn.

Yeah, we good. Just go in.

[CHUCKLES] Okay, man.

Hey. CW just went into
the warehouse with Jenkins.

We think they're meeting up with Healy.

Spin SWAT up to 1831 North 12th Street.

Okay, got it. Thanks.

We'll keep eyes on the target
location 'til back-up arrives.

- How long?
- 15 minutes for SWAT.

Agents could get here sooner.
Then we'll set up a perimeter.

The other night with Salerno and the...

Hold up, I just gotta go
over here and turn this on.

...As you leave the city,
pretty clear across...

They're drowning his transmitter.

They made him.


Hold on, we need to... we
need to wait for back-up, okay?

- We need a perimeter.
- They're gonna k*ll him.

- OA.
- There's no time.

Okay, but we need a plan.

- OA!
- We don't have time.

Wait. God.

♪ 7♪


As a result of a string of
armored car robberies


The intersection of East
98th Street and Sutter Avenue

is currently blocked off.

Several police vehicles have
cordoned off the entrance

to the Two, Three, and Four
subway stations.

K9 units have been on the
scene for more than an hour.

NYPD asking all community
traffic be rerouted

north of East New York Avenue
west of Rockaway Parkway.

That is until further notice.

The intersection of Amity
and Court street...

- Go.
- Multiple vehicle accident.

EMS is on the scene.
Traffic is backed up...


Apparently an NTA bus
collided with a cyclist,

veered onto several park...

Hey! Don't move.


It's a trap.


The room is rigged.

Do not touch your radio.

Look at the wires. The room is rigged.


♪ ♪


We have six blocks of C4.

If it blows, it goes high
order, tears right through us.

We open that, it completes
the circuit, which means...

I know what it means.

♪ ♪

Too risky to open the project box

to see what kind of circuit it is.

And cutting the wires might be
the exact wrong move.

But the blast cap is buried in the C4.


♪ ♪


Give me the fiberglass insulation.

♪ ♪

Thank you.

That's it?

Yeah. Let's go to the door.

♪ ♪

And let's hope there's no more surprises.



We got 'em.


Jubal, we lost our suspects.

They were last seen at the warehouse,

1831 North 12th Street.

They might have got away in Healy's car.

What's our search radius?

How long they been gone?

Five minutes.

By car, moderate to heavy traffic.

We need about two miles. We're on it.

Maggie, hold up.

We'll talk about this later.

I'm sorry.


You were right.

Maggie, we have eyes on the suspects.

They stayed on foot.

The warehouse cameras
show them heading south

along the promenade
just east of Newtown Creek.

Right in front of the Getty Depot.

On it.

All right, they're close. They're
trying to get away on foot.

I need two to go around the West.

Okay? Try to cut them off.

♪ ♪

Here, OA, take the steps.

♪ ♪

No! I told you about Jason, man.


Keep your voice down, man.

The Feds are all over this place.

No, you should have been
worried about the Feds

when you brought in that military.


- We gotta move!
- Let's go!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

FBI, don't move.

Get down on the ground now.

Get down on your knees.

On the ground. Hands out.

- Let's move.
- Stay down.

Eric Healy, you're under arrest
for RICO m*rder and robbery.

♪ ♪


FBI, don't move!

Hands up high. Now.

Stop walking. Stop moving.

Stop. Now. Stop.

Look, I didn't mean
to sell you out like that,

but I... I didn't have a choice.

Get on your knees and get your hands up.

I can't go to prison.

I can't spend my life in a cage.


You were in a basement for three days.

I was a prisoner of w*r for three months.

I can't go through that again.

I won't.

Jason, don't do this, man.

Don't do this.

Don't go out like this, you understand?

♪ ♪


I can't. [CRIES] I just can't.



Don't... Jason.

Don't go for your w*apon.

[g*nsh*t BLASTS]



Call an ambulance.

This is Agent Zidan.

I need an ambo to the promenade
at the Getty Depot. Now.



♪ ♪


You guys okay?

Any word on Jason?

He lost a lot of blood,

but it looks like he's gonna make it.

So, what happened?

How did this get so messy?
I thought we had a plan.

Ma'am, it was my...

Things were moving really fast.

Okay, the targets didn't even
come into play

until they arrived
at the second location.

Ideally, we would have had
a perimeter set up.

But we heard signs of a struggle inside,

we moved in.


It was the right move.

I appreciate what you just did.


♪ ♪

I did what I thought was right.

♪ ♪


Are you okay?

What do you mean?

All that talk about Iraq,

re-living certain things.

I'm guessing that'd be pretty emotional.

I'm fine.

Don't do that.

♪ ♪

OA, I'm your partner.

Okay, I need you to be honest with me.

Honest with yourself.

But if you ever need to talk...

♪ ♪



♪ ♪


♪ ♪


You okay?


I'm sorry just to stop by like this.

But I was wondering
if I could take you up

on your offer to talk.

♪ ♪


Come on in.

♪ ♪
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