02x09 - Salvation

Episode transcripts for the TV show "FBI". Aired: September 2018 to present.*
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Drama about the inner workings of the New York office of the FBI,
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02x09 - Salvation

Post by bunniefuu »

- I can help.

You just need
to have some trust.

Do you read the Bible?

- No.

Me neither.

My mother used to, though.

When I was down and out, she'd
always quote this same passage.

It goes something like,

"When the righteous
cry for help,

the Lord rescues them
from their trouble."

- I don't get it.

- It means I can't help you,

unless you actually
want my help.

- All you care about is
that little sexy girlfriend

that you always be
around all the time, I--

- Watch yourself, Alex.
- No, you watch yourself!

- Okay, Al.

It's time to go.

You crazy, bro?
I'm trying to help you, man.

- Get off of me!
- Go!

Get out of here.


Hey, uh, it's me.

I'm--I'm on my way home, but...

Yeah, call--

yeah, call the cops,
uh, tell them--

tell them--
tell them--

Please, don't do this, please--

- This is a small town.

We don't have a lot
of resources,

so I appreciate you guys coming
out and getting involved.

- Of course.

- Hi.

- Special Agent Bell.
This is Special Agent Zidan.

- Good luck, Vanessa.

- Thank you.


- So, Vanessa, can you, um,
just tell us what's going on?

- Yeah, okay.

Well, my boyfriend, Patrick,
never came home last night.

So I called 911,

the police came over,

started asking me questions,
making phone calls.

But then they said
that I should call the FBI--

that you guys are more equipped
to handle things like this.

- Has Patrick ever
not come home before?

- No, he says 8:15,
he means 8:15.

Or 8:10, he's very organized
and disciplined.

- When was the last time
you spoke to him?

- Uh... last night.
About 7:30.

He was in Coney Island walking
around, clearing his head.

He called to say that he was
on his way home, but then he--

he got real nervous,

like--like something
had happened,

or was happening.

- What do you mean?

- He said, "Call the police."

And I was like, "What are you
talking about?

What's going on?"

He didn't respond,
but I heard him say to someone,

"Please don't do this."

- Did you hear anything else?
- I mean, yeah.

I heard some voices,
some yelling,

but then the phone went dead.

- Has anything unusual been
happening in Patrick's life?

Any recent altercations
or arguments?

- Yeah, he got into an argument
yesterday with a student.

Said the kid tried
to punch him.

That's why he went down
to the boardwalk.

He was feeling
really bad about it.

- What's the kid's name?
- I don't know.

I can call the principal
if you want.

- That's okay.
We can take it from here.

Look, if anything else
comes up, please, call me.

- All right, we're looking
for a man named Patrick Miller.

He's an English teacher at West
Harbor High on Long Island.

- He's been missing
since yesterday evening.

His last communication

was with his girlfriend,
Vanessa Gallo, at 7:27 p.m.

During the call, he told her
to call the police,

and his phone went dead
shortly thereafter.

Based on what we know
at the moment,

Mr. Miller appears to be
an upstanding human being.

He was captain
of the Hofstra wrestling team.

He was voted West Harbor High's
Teacher of the Year not once,

not twice, but three times--
- Hey.

- Yeah, tell me.
- I was able to track

the phone call Miller made
to his girlfriend.

- Good, good.
- Pinged off a tower

four blocks from the
Coney Island boardwalk.

- All right, let's do this.

Let's start pulling
surveillance footage

in the vicinity
of the Coney Island Boardwalk.

Put a BOLO out
on Miller's car, and Mike--

Let's get some patrol officers
from the 61st over there.

I'm guessing Mr. Miller's car
isn't too far

from that cell tower.

- A lot of blood
on the pavement.

- On the side of the car too.

- Some on the inside as well.
- Yeah?

- Victim was trying
to get into his car.

Opens the door, gets att*cked,

blood starts to fly,
he falls to the ground,

and his head hits the pavement
right about here.

Yeah, and then he, or they,
drag the body that way,

causing these transfer stains.

- Yeah, they were probably
pulling him to a vehicle,

gettin' the hell out of here.

All right, let's get ERT
out here right away.

- I don't know
exactly what happened,

but it was definitely brutal.

The amount of pulling
was significant.

The blood splatter
on the door right here.

Medium velocity impact spatter.

The stains are 2 to 3
millimeters in diameter.

And over here,

we have some castoff.

Looks like an object was swung
in an arc.

- How many times do you think
he was struck?

- Mm, uh...

based on the number
of distinct arcs,

20, maybe more?

- What type of w*apon?

- Pipe, maybe...

a baseball bat?

- Any chance
the victim's still alive?

- It's impossible to say for
sure, but it's highly unlikely.

- Okay, so the assailants
attack Miller,

drag him to another vehicle,
and then dump him.

- The question is where.
- And why.

Why would someone do this

to a seemingly decent,
hardworking teacher?

Maggie Bell.


Great, great.

Thank you for getting back
to me so quickly.

That was the principal
of West Harbor High.

Alex Williams was the student

who threw a punch
at Patrick Miller.

- Okay, great.
Thank you.

- So we spoke
with your principal yesterday.

Said that you got
into a pretty intense argument

with Mr. Miller.

- So intense that Mr. Miller

filed a report
with the principal.

Said you threw a punch at him.

- Yeah, I did.

- How come?

- Mm. I was mad.

- Mad about what?

- I just wanna graduate,
all right?

- But what?

Mr. Miller said he didn't care?

Said he was gonna fail you
no matter what?

- No, no, he said
the opposite, all right?

He said he was actually trying
to help me get my grade up

so I could graduate.

- So he was trying to help you.

Okay, then why did you
get so upset?

- I don't know!

I guess I was in a bad mood.

I said something
about his girl,

Mr. Miller started tripping,
and he told me to get out.

- Where'd you go after that?

- I went home,
I got something to eat, and...

And then I went to work
at this restaurant.


- Do you know any students
who don't like Mr. Miller?

Think he's unfair?

- Nah, most of the kids,
they think he's cool.

But I did see him
and this other dude.

A grown-up.

They were going at it
a few days ago

in the school parking lot.

It was pretty nasty too.

- Yeah, let's go deeper
into this.

- Hey, the high school kid's
alibi checks out.

- Yeah, he was at Vinny's
from 4:15 to 10:30.

- Okay, what about this
argument in the parking lot?

- Yeah, that checks out too.

Take a look at that.

- All right,
here we go.

Those two
weren't messing around.

- Especially the dude
in the black pickup.

- Yeah, and I think I know why.

That black pickup

belongs to a Max Bailey.

He's married,
he's got one son, age 11.

His wife's name is Vanessa,

as in Vanessa Gallo.

Patrick's girlfriend.

- What?
Max was at the high school?

- He was,
in an argument with Patrick.

- That's really sad.

But I'm not surprised.

- Why do you say that?

- Max isn't taking
the breakup too well.

He's been calling
and texting a lot.

He wanted to get back together,
but I don't.

I keep telling him
that I've moved on,

that I'm dating Patrick.

- Has he ever
said anything specific

about wanting to hurt Patrick?


But a few days ago,

I told him Patrick and I
were going to get married

after the divorce
was finalized.

And he got really upset.

He said he still loved me,

that he deserved
another chance.

Then he called me a whore,

threw a beer bottle,
and stormed out.

- Max Bailey!

- I'll walk around back.

- Mr. Bailey!

- Don't move.

- Sir.

I'm going to turn around
nice and slow.

- The hell you doing here?
Snooping around?

- Mr. Bailey.
I'm with the FBI.

- So am I.

Drop the w*apon now,
or I will sh**t you.

- We just want to ask you
some questions, Max, okay?

Do yourself a favor,
and put the w*apon down.


- Look.

Look, man, I'm sorry, I-I
thought you were someone else.

All right?
I owe this guy money.

He said he was sending someone
over to collect, all right?

I had no clue you were FBI.

- Perfectly understandable,

Debt collectors make
rational people nervous.

In fact, we might even overlook
what just happened.

But you're gonna need to answer
some questions first.

- What do you mean
Patrick Miller's gone missing?

- We mean no one's seen him

or talked to him
for the past 19 hours.

- So?

- So we found a lot of blood
near his car--his blood.

And we're pretty sure he's not
sipping margaritas in Cabo

right now.
- Well, maybe not,

but that's got
nothing to do with me.

I got no idea where he is.

- So this has nothing to do
with him dating Vanessa?

Or that little argument the two
of you got into a few days ago

at West Harbor High School?
- No, nothing.

- Nothing, okay, so what were
you two chatting about?

- This guy Miller's bad news.

And I don't want him
near my wife or my family.

- Why?
- He's a pedophile.

- Do you have proof of this?

- He's dating
one of his students.

- You need to be
more specific, pal.

- All right, look.

I'm not proud of this,
but I started following him.

And the other day,

I saw him on some street corner
with a young girl.

I don't know, 16, 17.

And they were talking
real close and personal.

So I jumped out of my car
and confronted him.

He totally freaked out.

Told the girl to run away,

begged me to keep
my mouth shut.

He offered me cash too.

- Well, what did you say?

- "Stay away from Vanessa,
or I'll tell the world

you're screwing
one of your students."

- All, right, Trey,
appreciate it--take care of it?

- Hey.
- Hey.

- I think Max Bailey
might be telling the truth.

- Yeah, about what?
- Everything.

- Agents searched his car,
apartment, office.

Haven't found anything
connecting him to the attack.

- And that story
about the young girl?

That appears to be true
as well.

He told us where he saw Miller
and this young girl talking,

so we searched the neighborhood
for surveillance video,

and we found this.

- Hmm.

All right, let's track down
the girl in this video.

She could be the reason
Miller was att*cked.

Assailant could be an angry
father, brother, boyfriend.

All right, good,
you guys want to head out

to Miller's apartment,
see what you can find?

I'll call Maggie and OA,
send them to the high school.

- Will do.

- Okay, well, do you
recognize her by any chance?

- No, I have no idea.
I can't really see her face.

But this has to be a mistake.

There's no way Patrick Miller

is romantically involved
with a student.

I just can't see it.

His record is impeccable.

- Maybe.

I'd like to check it out
myself anyway.

- Well, like I said before,
Patrick likes to make deep,

meaningful connections
with his students.

This Bailey fella probably just
misinterpreted what he saw.

- We understand you have a high
level of respect for him,

but could you please
let us do our job?

Thank you.

- Yup.

- Okay, let me see
if I can still do this.

- Okay.

I think I got something.

"I don't know what I'd do
without you.

"I'll meet you
anywhere, anytime

as long as no one finds out.

- Okay, well, it is definitely
deep and meaningful,

but not in a good way.

- We should get this
to the lab right away.

- Been 21 hours and Patrick
Miller is still missing.

The angry, g*n-toting,
soon-to-be ex-husband

of Miller's gal pal has just
officially been alibi'd out.

He was at his son's soccer game
until 5:39 p.m., and then

he went to dinner with the team
at a local pizza joint.

He was there until...

7:45 p.m.

For the record,

he ordered a large pepperoni
and mushroom pie,

a chef's salad,
and two Diet Cokes.

But more importantly,

that means our only lead
is a young brunette

we believe attends
West Harbor High.

Problem is we don't know
anything about her,

or how--or if--she's actually
connected to any of this.

- So--
- Jubal.

- Yes, Elise, please tell me
you have something.

- We pulled a print from
the from the note Maggie found

in Miller's office,
got a hit too.

Jessica Sanchez.

Senior at West Harbor
High School.

Came to the U.S. two years ago
from Tampico, Mexico,

was granted temporary asylum,

and is living with her aunt
in Mineola.

- All right.
That's something.

Send Maggie and OA
the address right away.

- These people are FBI.
They wanna talk to you, Jess.

Said it was important.

I gotta go to work, so.
- Yeah, that's okay.

Like I said, we just wanna
talk to Jess--

- She in trouble?
- No.

- Do I need a lawyer?
- No.

She's not in trouble, ma'am.

- Jessica, we just wanna
ask you a couple questions

about your English teacher,
Patrick Miller.

Do you two spend a lot
of time together?

- What does that mean?
- We're just trying

to understand the nature
of your relationship.

Do you two see each other
outside of the classroom?

- Yeah.

But I don't want to talk
about any of that.

- Look, Jessica, um,

if your relationship
is in any way romantic,

or you're having sex,

it's not your fault.

- Sex?
What are you talking about?

Mr. Miller was my teacher.

He was my friend.
He was trying to save my life.

- What do you mean?

- He was trying
to help get me out.

- I'm sorry.
Get you out of what?

- g*ng life.

I've been with the DT 15s
since I was 13,

but I can't take it anymore,
I just--

I wanna live a normal life,
I wanna do normal things.

And Mr. Miller was gonna
help me do all of that, but...

now he's dead.

- Dead?
You know that for sure?

- Yeah.

Some people told me.

- Do you know
where his body is?

- We got something.

- Wait, Jessica, hold on.
Just wait.

- We got a body.

- It's him.

- Okay, okay, come on.
Let's go over here.

- It's my fault,
this whole thing.

- But why do you think
this is your fault?

- Some of the guys
in the g*ng--

they heard Mr. Miller talking
about trying to help me.

- You think that's why
they k*lled him?

- Yes, but it's my fault
because I went to him.

- Wait, the g*ng doesn't know
that you want out?

- No, because if they did,

I'd be right there on the
ground next to Mr. Miller.

- Okay, let's get back
in the car.

- Cause of death
was blunt force trauma.

Multiple contusions along
the cervical spine and abdomen.

Multiple perimortem
cranial fractures.

In plain English, he was beaten
to death by a heavy object.

I'm guessing a baseball bat.

- Hmm, multiple assailants?
- Looks that way.

There's also
several lacerations

along the groin and thigh area.

- So someone was slashing him

while the others
were beating him?

Any defensive wounds?

- No, it wasn't much
of a fight.

- Mm, well... bats and machetes

have a tendency
to make fights less fair.

- But I did find
some saliva on the body.

Sent it off to the lab.

- Great.
Maybe put a rush on that?

Okay, Jessica, we're gonna
need you to tell us everything.

Start from the beginning, okay?
What you saw, what you heard.

Here, have a seat.

- Okay, well,

I wasn't there,
so I didn't see anything.

And I don't know for sure
who actually k*lled him.

I just heard people talking.
That's all.

- You're gonna have
to help us out.

You just woke up one day
and said,

"I don't wanna be in a g*ng?"

- No.

I woke up every day
of my life saying that.

In my town, Tampico,
everyone I know is DT 15.

My brothers, uncle.

And they made me join.
And I hated it.

It just made me
nervous and sad,

and I cried all the time.

And I just--
I had to get out of there.

So I got a note from a doctor.

And I told everyone
that I was really sick

and that I needed to go
to New York

to go to a special hospital
or I'd die.

And then they found me in
school and made me come back.

- Made you?

- If I didn't, they'd k*ll me.

This g*ng thing is for life.

The only way out is a coffin.

- Jessica, I'm gonna get you
out of this g*ng.

But will you help us find the
people who k*lled Mr. Miller?

- I'll do anything you want.

Anything, I just...

want to be free.

- Okay.

Can you tell us
about your past?

About the crimes
that you've committed?

Because that's the only way
that we can really help you.

- Okay.
I'll tell you everything.

Sometimes, we steal stuff.

You know, food, liquor.

And we ask
for protection money

from stores and businesses.

And if they say no,

we break their windows
or slash their tires.

And if they keep saying no,

that's when the boys
get violent.

You know,
beat them up with bats.

But I've never
actually done that, so.

- Thank you.

I appreciate your honesty.

- Yeah.

- We are gonna run this
by our boss.

- Okay, but there's one more
thing I should tell you.

- Okay.

- When I was 14,
I k*lled someone.

- Can you tell us
what happened?

- There was this guy

named Ernesto.

They thought he was stealing
from the g*ng.

And so,

they tied him up

around a tree.

The leader, Miguel,
he gave me a machete

and he told me
to slit his throat.

- He looked at me, he said,

"If you don't do it,
we gotta k*ll you."

And then he looked
to my uncle, pulled out a g*n,

and pointed it at my head.

He said,

"It's just the way it is, Jess.

Just do what you gotta do.


And so I did it.

I slit his throat.

I will talk to the people
in our Mexico City office.

See if I can confirm her story.

Then call
the U.S. Attorney's office

and get the ball rolling on the
Witness Protection Program.

- Okay, great.
Thank you.

- She is gonna have to deliver
something pretty good.

The U.S. Attorney's office
doesn't just hand out

free passes.
- Mm-hmm.

- Especially when the person
confesses to m*rder.

- No.

- I know.

The circumstances are unique.
I get it.

But in the eyes of the law,
it's a m*rder.

Look, obviously,
I'm rooting for this kid.

I just wanna make sure
that she's telling the truth.

- She is.

You can see it in her eyes.
I mean, she's just a kid, OA.

Okay, a decent, innocent kid

who was born
into a horrible situation.

- I understand.
Trust me.

But not every kid born
into crap ends up in a g*ng

or k*lling someone.

- Well, she had no choice.
- There is always a choice.

- She was 14 years old, OA.

Okay, her uncle had a g*n
to her head.

Oh, what would you do, huh?
Given the same choice.

Are you gonna take the b*llet?

Or are you gonna slit
the guy's throat?

- I'd like to think
that I would take the b*llet.

- Yeah, I'd love to think
the same thing.

Pretty easy
to be a hero, though,

when no one is pointing
a g*n at you.

We've got a camera
in this necklace.

So just put that on
and you're all set.

Most importantly, be careful.

Don't push for information.

Let your friends
do all the talking.

Hopefully, someone will admit
to the m*rder.

- Yeah, I get it.
I know how to play these dudes.

- Good news.

We got a hit on the saliva.
Someone named Marco Gomez.

- You know him?

- Yeah.
He's the leader of our set.

- Okay.

If possible, try to focus
your attention on him.

- Yeah.

The fact that his saliva,
his spit,

was on Mr. Miller's body
means that he was there,

and most likely
part of the m*rder.

- That alone is not enough
to arrest him.

We need him to say
something incriminating.

- Jessica's entering
the arcade now.

- Copy that.

- Whoo!

- Told you.
- Told me.

- You owe me.

- What's going on?

- Lot of things, J.

But before we go any further,

I need to know
if you're down with us.

- What are you talking about?

This got something to do
with that teacher?

- Who?
- Miller.

The teacher at my school.

- Come on, Jessica.
Don't push.

- I don't know nothing
about that.

- He ain't talking about that.
- Fine, you know that

you guys started all this crap
asking me if I'm down.

Hell, I've been down
longer than any of y'all.

So don't come at me like that.

- Okay, this isn't going well.

- She's right, y'all.
Homey's been legit since 13.

She even did some real work
back in Mexico too.

Yeah, I heard about that.

- So we good then?

- Yeah.

We good.

- Okay.

- In fact,

we're having a party
later on today.

I want you to invite
your friend, Kayla.

Is there a problem with that?


No problem.

- Good.

- You okay?
- Not really.

- Why?
What happened?

- Gomez wants me to invite my
best friend, Kayla, to a party.

- Why is that bad?

- Inviting someone to a party
is code for k*lling.

Gomez wants me
to k*ll Kayla later today.

If I don't, he'll k*ll me.

- They want Jessica
to k*ll her friend today?

- Yeah, so do we pull her?

Seems risky
to keep her in play.

- Yeah, but it might be
riskier not to.

If we pull her,
we're gonna blow her cover.

And the g*ng will think that

she got nervous
and started talking.

I mean, even worse,

we're pulling out the rug
from underneath her.

She'll have nothing to trade.

We won't be able to get her
into WITSEC.

- Yeah, so let's do the course.

- Okay, what about
the target, Kayla?

- Have Scola and Kristen pick
her up, get her off the street.

As far as Jessica's concerned,
tell her

it's business as usual.

Make the calls, send the texts,
whatever the g*ng wants.

Gomez needs to believe that
she's willing to k*ll Kayla.

- FBI, open up.

- What happened?
What's going on?

- Ma'am, we need
to speak with Kayla.

- She's not here, why?
She's my daughter.

- Do you know where she is?
Okay, can you call her, please?

- Look, ma'am, we're just
trying to keep her safe.

Can you call her?

- She don't have
a regular phone.

She buys the kind
at the bodega--

the ones you pay for up front.

She bought one today.
Just threw out the box.

- Is it still in the trash?

You mind if I grab it?

Jubal, yeah,
we don't have eyes on Kayla,

but I do have the IMEI number
off her burner phone.

Yeah, it is Z234-KT221.

Okay, let me know.

- Searched the house.
Nothing too interesting.

So let's get back out there.
See if we can track her down.

- Okay.

Um, ma'am?

If you hear from Kayla,
or you find out where she is,

call me, but please don't
tell her we were here, okay?

- Don't tell her--you want me
to lie to my own daughter?

- As confusing and crazy
as that sounds, yes, we do.

- But why?

- Because if you don't,
Kayla will be k*lled.

It's as simple as that.

- If we find Kayla, you know,
we're gonna grab her

and we're gonna hold her
on some made-up charge

until this whole thing
blows over.

But we're never
gonna mention your name,

and we won't blow your cover.
- Okay, good.

- So look,
you're never actually

gonna come face-to-face
with Kayla--

we'd never put you
in that position,

and we'd never expose Kayla
to that type of risk.

- So, what I want you to do

is just go in there
and play along.

Hopefully Gomez and the others
will just start bragging

about what they did to Miller.
- I can do that.

As long as you promise
to help me when this is over

'cause I'm all alone,
I got nowhere to go.

- You have my word.

- Yeah, well, how do I know
if your word is any good?

- Jessica, do I seem like
someone whose word isn't good?

- No.

You're real.
I can see it.

I didn't mean no disrespect.
I just had to make sure.

- That's okay.

We got you.

Is she ready?

- Yeah.

- Okay, we're up.

- You owe me
a hundred bucks, bro.

- Whoa-ho!
- Okay, okay.

- These fools were betting
that you wouldn't show, Jess.

But I knew better.
'Cause I believe in you.

- I ain't here to prove myself
to you or no one else.

I'm here to do work.

For the g*ng.

- That's right.

It ain't about me.

It's about us.

DT 15 por vida.

- Jubal, we got a car
pulling up to the warehouse.

- Is it Kayla?

- Can't tell yet.

- If it is,
intercept her immediately.

- Copy that.

- Jeez.

- That's a hell of a knife.
- Yep.

Be ready, guys.

We're gonna roll
on the first sign of trouble.

- Jubal, the driver is a male
Hispanic with a machete.

No sign of Kayla yet.

- Copy that, Kristen and Scola

are in the vicinity trying
to locate her--so far, no luck.

But we just got her number.
We're running it now.

We'll keep you posted.

- So, Jess,

I'll be straight up with you.

I like you,

but I've been getting nervous.

So you agreeing to do this
is important.

- I just got a hit
on Kayla's phone--

pinged off a tower 100 yards

from the warehouse
they're in right now.

- What?
- Go.

- Maggie, Kayla is in
the immediate vicinity.

Get eyes on her right away.

If you can't find her
in the next two minutes,

hit that warehouse.

- So, why Kayla?
What'd she do?

- She ain't been loyal.

Spending too much time
with the Bloods and the MS-13.

Makes me nervous.

Shows lack of commitment.

- I understand.

- So you gotta send a message.

And it's gotta be
cold-blooded and messy.

Want you to use this.

And slit that bitch's throat.

- Okay.

Just tell me where she is,
and I'll go find her.

- You don't need
to find her ass, girl.

She's already here.

- Kayla's inside the warehouse.
Hit it now.

- On it.

- Stack.

- Tight, tight, tight.

- Do it, Jess.

Do it now.

Do it.

- Stand down. Stand down now.
It was a test.

- Can't believe
you was gonna k*ll me, Jess.

Thought we were friends.

- I love you, Kayla, but...

the g*ng comes first.

- Told you she was down.

All that BS with teacher
had nothing to do with Jess.

It was all him.


- Wait.

So you--
you thought that was me.

That I wanted out?

- Started hearing things, Jess.

Lucky for you,
Kayla had your back.

Said you were loyal.

The rest of us
just wanted to make sure.

- No, it's not my fault

my teacher was some type
of do-gooder, you know?

I kept telling him to leave
my ass alone, but he wouldn't.

You know,
kept trying to help me.

- I know.

That's why we k*lled him.

- We got him.
Hit the warehouse now.


On the ground!
Show me your hands!

- FBI, get on the ground!

- Drop the w*apon!

- Come on, down, down, down!
We got a runner!

- Did you not hear me?
- I said get down.

- Do you not hear me?

- Back stacks are clear!

- Marco Gomez,
you are under arrest

for the m*rder
of Patrick Miller.

- Don't worry.
This is just for show.

I'm gonna take you
to your home,

you're gonna be able
to pack your things,

say good-bye to your aunt.

We're gonna take you
to an apartment in the city

where you're gonna be safe
until things are official.

- Okay, cool.

- Okay, there's gonna be agents

surrounding your house
the whole time.

There's nothing
to be afraid of.

You did great.

- Make sure everything's clear.

- Jessica did good, though.
Stayed calm, focused.

- Yeah, well, growing up hard
has its advantages.

- Yeah, well, the good news is,

WITSEC can't deny her now,
not after that.

Um, listen, about before,

I had no right to question
what Jessica did in Mexico.

- Well, it wasn't right for me
to question your choice either.

- What do you mean?

- I have no doubt
you'd take the b*llet.


- m*rder w*apon?
- Sure looks that way.

We gotta go.
We gotta go right now.

- Um, can you get this
to the lab?

- Mm-hmm.

- Hey, what the hell's
going on?

- They got here
five minutes ago.

- Guys, listen, if I may...

- We have
an order of removal.

- Okay, she's working
with us, the FBI.

So just let her go.

- Can't do that.

- Let her go into my custody.

I promise we will work
everything out later.

- Like I said,
we have an order of removal.

- Okay, and like I said,
she's working with the FBI.

- I don't have discretion here.
I'm just executing an order.

So if you want to intervene,
you're gonna have to find

someone way more
important than me.

- No problem--who's your boss?
We'll call right now.

- Doesn't work that way.

- No, no.
You're not taking her anywhere.

- No jurisdiction.
- Hey, hey, don't touch her.

- I'm just doing my job.
- Well, do your job

without putting your hands
on my partner.

Do you understand me?

- Both of you, step back, now.

- I'm not moving.
- Neither am I.

- Then you're gonna
have to sh**t me

'cause I'm taking her in.

- No you're not.
- Back off.

- I swear--
get off me!

Jessica, I'm gonna
get you out of there.

- There's nothing we can do.
- Oh, yeah?


I need your help.

- Someone from the Bureau
called yesterday

and asked us to verify
her immigration status.

So we looked into it

and realized
she's a member of the DT 15.

So we issued
an order of removal.

- I understand that,
but she's been working with us.

We're trying to get her
into WITSEC.

- She's a known member
of a violent street g*ng.

- That she's trying
to get out of.

That's why she came to New York
in the first place.

That's why she was willing
to wear a wire,

so that we could catch
five known g*ng members.

- She's still a member
of the DT 15s.

Her asylum application
is pending.

That makes her eligible
for deportation.

- So make her ineligible.

- I can't.
- Why not?

- My job is to deport
violent immigrants,

not protect them.

The way things are these days,
I intervene

in a case like this,
I'm a dead man.

- And if you don't,

she's a dead woman, for real.

- I'm sorry.
My hands are tied.

- Hey, did you get my text?

ICE is not playing ball.
- Yeah, but good news.

My friend has agreed
to represent Jessica.

She's already here.

- And already
bossing us around.

So I'm trying to get Mona
to send over a letter

from the U.S. Attorney's office

saying that they're gonna call
Jessica as a material witness

in Miller's m*rder trial.

- Great, if ICE deports her,
she can't testify,

so a violent k*ller goes free.

At least that's what
she'll argue.

- I mean, that's great.

I mean, it sounds like
we're off to a hell of a start.

- Well, we are,
but we need more.

We need Jessica's handler,
Agent Bell.

- That's me.
- Okay.

I'm gonna need you to convince
the judge that Jessica

is a significant public benefit
to the United States.

Translation: she's a great kid.

The law is vague in the
definition of "public benefit,"

so just speak from the heart.

Tell the judge what you think
about Jessica

and why she should stay
in this country.

- Okay.
- All right.

Hearing's tomorrow morning.
If I were you, I'd get to work.

If I may, Your Honor,

I'd like to ask
Special Agent Maggie Bell

to address the bench

in the hope
of further establishing

the significant public benefit
Ms. Sanchez can provide.

- That's fine.
Agent Bell, please approach.

- Jessica Sanchez came
to the United States

to escape the v*olence
and cruelty of the DT 15s--

a g*ng that she was born into.

Despite her best efforts
to outrun her past,

she was found by the g*ng
and forced to rejoin.

Desperate, she sought the help
of her teacher, Patrick Miller.

After finding out
the g*ng leader, Marco Gomez,

and the rest of the crew

took baseball bats and machetes

and brutally beat Patrick
to death,

Jessica blamed herself
for his m*rder.

But rather than cower,

she agreed to risk her life

and help the FBI arrest
the people responsible

for this heinous crime.

Because of her,

there are fewer violent
criminals on the street,

resulting in fewer assaults
and murders in the future.

Your Honor,
may I approach the bench?

- You may.

- Your Honor, I know

that this is a legally
complicated situation,

but to me, it's pretty simple.

Jessica Sanchez is an unusually
courageous and honest woman.

And under
incredibly challenging

and dangerous circumstances,

my team and I

watched her continually
put herself in harm's way

for the greater good.

And for the opportunity
to live a better life.

She's the type of person
that we should be

bending over backwards
to keep in this country,

not deport.

I believe we have a duty
to protect her.

We can't just
look the other way

that if she gets shipped back

to Tampico, Mexico, someone--

someone will take her life.

This is not who we are.

And this is not
what our country is about.

Thank you.

- Thank you, Agent Bell.
That was quite a statement.

And your belief in Ms. Sanchez
is quite apparent.

She is a brave, young woman

who has helped the country
at great risk to herself.

But I am afraid
I have no choice

but to enter
an order of removal.

- Hey, what the hell
are you talking about?

- Sit down,
or I will hold you in content.

- No, Your Honor--
- Sit down now.

- Maggie.

- Whether we like it or not,
the law is clear.

A person with a violent history
cannot apply for asylum.

Even though Ms. Sanchez
cooperated with the FBI,

her affiliation with the DT 15s

renders her a violent criminal
in the eyes of the court.

Next case.
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