02x05 - Crossroads

Episode transcripts for the TV show "FBI". Aired: September 2018 to present.*
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Drama about the inner workings of the New York office of the FBI,
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02x05 - Crossroads

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, sweetie, it's me.

No, no, everything's fine.

That's why I'm calling.
I didn't mean to worry you.

I just... I got caught off guard.
We can handle this.

We can handle anything, right?

Yeah, I'll be home
in 20 minutes.

We'll figure something out.

Hey, are the kids asleep?

No, um, I'll wake him
when I get home.

More fun.

Uh, I gotta go.

I love you.

Was I speeding?

Get out of the car now.

Well, look at this timing.

Guess what I just found
at home?

- Daddy!
- What's up, baby girl?

How you doing?

- Is that mine?
- What do you think?

I don't know, Dad.

That pink kind of
works for you.

Oh, you got jokes, huh?

Abigail, what do you say
to your dad

- for bringing your backpack?
- Thank you, Daddy.

You're very welcome.

Tyler, will you buckle Abigail in?

I need to talk to your dad
for a minute.

Better do it.

What's going on?

I was hoping we could grab
dinner tonight.

Allan can stay with the kids.

Okay, you're gonna have
your boyfriend babysit

while you go on a date
with your ex-husband?

What's going on?

I am thinking about
moving out to Scarsdale.

I'm a little confused.

I feel like we've
talked about this.

I thought we decided to raise
the kids here in the city.

I know but I think it could
be really good for them.

The schools are great.
- The schools are great here.

Yeah, I know,
but they cost a lot.

Allan just got a new job
in White Plains.

It's a really good opportunity.

You guys are getting serious,



There it is.

Well, that's great.
That's great.

Congrat... congratulations.

Thank you.

- Okay, well, here we go.
- Mm-hmm.

I got a work call,
so I gotta...

Yeah, okay, so we'll talk
about everything tonight?

Yep. Okay.


Hey. I love you.

I love you.

- See you tonight.
- Yep.

NYPD has asked us to look into
a possible abduction.

Abandoned car, ransacked,
blood splatter on the pavement.

- Robbery gone wrong?
- Doesn't look like it.

The victim's wallet
and keys were left in the car,

which was registered to...

This guy.

Jim Russo,
34 years old.

Last seen at the trucking depot
where he worked,

4:30 this morning.

Wife said he never
made it home.

What do we know about him?

Commercial truck driver.

Married to his
high school sweetheart.

Uh, two kids.

Works 12-hour shifts
during the week

and coaches youth soccer
on the weekends

and volunteers at
a local church

in the little spare time
he does have.

So in other words,
the guy's a Boy Scout.

Troop 241,
earned Eagle Scout in '02.

Come on...

- So he was a working man
which means

he was not grabbed
for the ransom,

so what would have made
this guy a target?

Hey, Kelly, you wanna get
an ERT team down there,

see if we can find anything
the cops missed?

On it.

You guys wanna head down
to the trucking depot?

Talk to the colleagues,
his boss?

Uh, what about his wife?

Has anybody notified her yet?

Uh, yeah, Maggie
and OA are on the way.


- You boys play
in here while Mommy goes

and talks to these nice people.

Um, God, yeah,
I... I don't understand

who would do
something like this.

It doesn't make sense.

Well, has anything
unusual happened lately?

You know, have there been
any arguments or disagreements?


Have you noticed a change in
Jim's behavior, by any chance?

Um, unusual spending,
new friends?

No, Jim is... he's just a...
a hard-working,

good guy.

You know, he doesn't
stay out late drinking

or gambling or...

I just... I can't believe
that someone...

Why don't you take a minute?

Uh, in the meantime,

do you mind if we take
a look around?



- So you said you saw Russo
this morning

at around 4:38 a.m.?

Yeah, he came in,
dropped off his truck,

- and punched out.
- Okay.

Did he say anything to you?

Did he mention anything unusual
about his day?

No, he's been driving
that beat for years,

Newark to Boston.

The only unusual thing was
he got back later

than he usual does.

Found this behind his seat.

Dirt looks pretty fresh.

You know anything about this?

You guys, uh, keep an urban
garden out back or something?

No, the shovel's
from his tool kit.

All our trucks have them.

I don't know anything
about the dirt

or why he'd be using
the shovel.

Do you keep records
of your truck's routes?

Sweetheart, we're liable
for our cargo.

We keep records on everything.

All right, we'll need access
to all of it.

Driving information,
time stamps,

tracking information,

and, um, for the record,

I like Agent Chazal a whole lot
better than sweetheart.

Sorry about that.

Still trying to adjust.

You guys can have
whatever you want.

I'll do anything to help Jimmy.

All right, looks like Russo
pulled off the interstate

- at 11:53 p.m. last night.
- Which exit?

Uh, 54 Cedar Street,
Branford, Connecticut.

There was a police checkpoint
just north of there

and traffic slowed way down

so Russo probably went
around it to save time.

Must not have been
a very good shortcut.

He went way off route
and then he parked

- for almost a half an hour.
- Where?

There's nothing there.
It's just woods.

Could explain
the muddy shovel.

Yeah, so he sees
the police checkpoint

and he pulls off the I-95,
takes a detour,

parks for 30 minutes,

and comes back with
a dirty shovel?

I feel like there's
a joke in there somewhere,

- but yeah.
- Mm.

So while the truck was parked,
he did some digging.

Question is,
what did he bury?

What's that?

It is this woman that
I've kind of been seeing.

It's pretty new.

- But you like her?
- Yeah.


Ah, here we go.


It's at least 12 grand.

Do you know anything
about this?

Where did you find it?

In Jim's dresser.

I mean,
Jim's always handled the money.

It's, um... it's probably, like,
a rainy day fund or something.

Maggie, we have company.

You expecting anyone?


Cover them.

Okay, okay, you gotta get
down on the ground, okay?

It's gonna be okay.
Get down, okay?

Don't move.

Drop the g*n.

Hey, sh*ts fired
at 5325 Marshall Street.

Uh, suspects are heading east
in a black Escalade.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

Things just got
a lot more interesting.

Russo's been gone five hours
and we have gunmen

sh**ting up his house but we
still don't have any answers,

so we need to dig deeper.
Who are these sh**t?

Why are they sh**ting up
the home

of a regular old

truck driver named Russo?
Let's go.

- We get a hit on the black SUV?
- I ran the plates.

- They're fake.
- And what about traffic cams?

Surveillance footage?

Well, we're reviewing all
the footage we can.

There's so many highways
and roads nearby,

it's hard to tell
where they went.

All right, keep trying.

Uh, so ERT found blood
from the guy that OA clipped.

We're running it through
the DNA database right now.

Oh, great.

Any luck with
the g*n he dropped?

No, dead end.
Reported stolen six months ago.

All right,
what about Russo's wife?

- She okay?
- She's pretty shaken up.

She and the kids
are here with victim services.

All right, we'll,
give her a minute to breathe

and try to talk to her again.

Have we heard
from Kristen and Scola yet?


Well, I mean, yeah,
but an hour ago.

They're still trying
to find that buried treasure.

All right.
All right.

You sure we're in
the right spot?


No, but we've got tire marks
consistent with his truck

on the side
of the road over there,

so this has gotta be
where he was parked.

Well, maybe we're reading
too much into

this whole 30-minute stop.

Could it be he just took a nap?

Hey, guys,

got something in
the ground over here.

Laura, tell us about
the cocaine.

What are you talking about?

Your husband took a detour
from his usual route

from Boston to Newark to bury
$500,000 worth of cocaine.

That is not possible.

We found envelopes full
of cash inside your house.

- It is not drug money.
- Then what is it?

It's handbag money.

Kn... knockoffs the... the kind
they sell on Canal Street.

Okay, why don't you back up?
What are you talking about?

Please start at the beginning.

Um, okay, there was a man
at our church.

I guess Jim told him that we
were having money troubles...

And what was his name?

I... I don't know.
I'm sorry.

I only met him once.

He said he knew a guy who made
these counterfeit bags

and he would page him some
money to just throw a box

in the back of his truck
and drive it up to Boston

and deliver it to one
of their partners.

- And Jim took him up on this?
- Yes.

He... he just started.

I mean, he... he... his first
delivery was last week.

We needed the money.

You know, I just figured,
you know,

what's... what's the harm?
It's just stupid handbags.


I pushed him into it.

I told him sometimes
you have to do things

that you don't wanna do
for your family.

Laura, people that sell fake
handbags on Canal Street

don't usually get abducted.

Drug runners,
on the other hand...

Well, I'm telling you,
it is... it's not possible.

Jim would not have gotten
into coke or... or dr*gs.

His... his younger brother OD'ed.
He hates dr*gs.

He never...


Uh, last night, he, uh,
called me from the road.

He said that we should go
out of town for a while,

but I just thought he meant
a vacation so I...

He kept saying he got duped.

What do you mean, duped?

I don't know.
He wasn't really making sense,

but he told me not
to worry so I...


No, no, please, please.

You have to... you have
to find him.

Please, this is my fault.

I... I never should have
told him to do it.

You think she's telling
the truth?

I think she doesn't
gain anything from lying.

- Not at this point.
- Mm, right.

Okay, so Russo thinks
he has

counterfeited handbags
in his truck.

He sees a police checkpoint,
gets nervous,

because he's a Boy Scout,

and he pulls off
the interstate,

checks the box...

But it's filled with coke,
not handbags,

so he freaks out
and buries the dr*gs.

Which means they don't
get delivered.

So then the buyer gets nervous,
reaches out to the seller,

who then grabs Russo to find
out what the hell went wrong.

I mean... yeah, come in.

Hey, I might've got a hit

on the blood sample
near Russo's house.


We've ID'ed one of the men
involved in the sh**t

at Russo's house.
His name's Arturo Luna.

Lots of priors.

Aggravated assaults,
minor drug charges.

Uh, and also we just showed
Laura Russo the photo.

She confirmed that he is the
church friend that duped Jim

into delivering the handbags.

So what else
do we have on Luna?

Uh, so 42 years old.

He was born
in Washington Heights.

- Address?
- Uh, no.

Not in New York, at least.

We are assuming he's on
the DEA's radar,

- but, uh, Andy, anything yet?
- Yeah.

He has dual citizenship,
primarily based in Ju?rez.

Flies back and forth to
New York several times a month.

So he's with
the Ju?rez Cartel?

We believe so.

Uh, cameras at JFK caught
Luna getting into

a black sedan yesterday.

We tracked him to a diner where
he had lunch with the driver,

but we lost him from there.

We got a view of the plates,

Registered to a guy
named Miguel Boaz.

Yes, one prior,

also a dual citizen
born in Ju?rez.

You have anything on Boaz?

Yeah, I don't see
his name anywhere,

but I'll make some calls.
Maybe he's just the driver.

Drivers don't usually have
lunch with their passengers.

Yeah, pick him up now.

I'm telling you,

I don't know
anyone named Russo.

Are you sure?
Can you take another look?

Because there are two kids
who would really appreciate

your help finding their father.

I'm sorry.

What about Arturo Luna?
You heard of him?

- I don't think so.
- No?

Okay, I've seen him,
but I don't know him.


Do you usually have lunch
with people you don't know?

- What do you mean?
- You two had lunch yesterday.

Special Agent in Charge
Tom Brennan, DEA.

We're shutting down
this interrogation.

What the hell
are you talking about?

You don't have
the authority to do this.

Actually, I do.
He's my informant.

We put this guy Boaz
on the books six months ago.

What does he know?

We're not sure.
We're taking a flier.

Got a call from
an NYPD detective I know.

Said he arrested
a guy who claims

to have connections in Ju?rez,

so drove down to the precinct,
started talking to him.

He seemed credible
so we cut him a deal.

What was he arrested for?

Aggravated battery.

Some punk tried to sexually
as*ault his daughter

so he went after him.
Damn near k*lled the kid.

He was staring at real time.

So he was part of the cartel?
That's what you're saying?

Eh, he's on the periphery.
He drives, fixes things.

- He's an errand boy?
- Something like that.

right now your errand boy

is our only connection to Luna,

who is our only connection
to the missing truck driver,

so we need his help.

I understand that,
but I doubt he knows anything.

If he's so clueless then
why did you cut him a deal?

Look, I'll work
with you guys on this,

but I need him on the street
as soon as possible,

otherwise people are gonna
get suspicious.

Well, that's just the cost
of doing business.

Excuse me?

We're trying to find a young
married father of two kids

so maybe we think
a little more about him

and a little less
about your informant.

I'm sorry for all
the confusion.

I, uh, never really know
what I can say.

This whole informant thing is,
uh... is a little tricky.


Look, I'm only doing this
because of my family, okay?

They need me.


What can you tell us
about Luna?

Um, not much.

I just drive him
around sometimes.

Is he the shot caller?

I don't know.

I don't ask too many questions.

Okay, um,
has he ever mentioned

an abduction or a kidnapping?


What about after
you guys had lunch?

Where'd you go?
Where'd you drop him off?


It's okay.

If you don't remember then
we'll just seize your car

and check the GPS ourselves.

I took him to a motel.

Sunset Place,
in Queens.

Well, can you tell us
anything else about him?

Uh, where does he eat?

Where does he hang out?
Who does he sleep with?

Oh, come on, man.

You were with the guy
for over two hours.

- This is all you can give us?
- Hey, hey, hey.

- Take it easy, all right?
- What?

He's just trying to help,
all right?

- You call this help?
- Yeah, he's trying to help.

I know this guy.
He sh**t straight, all right?

If he says he didn't
hear anything,

he didn't hear anything,

so how about you dial
the tone back a little?

Extend a little
professional courtesy, huh?


I was just thinking
the exact same thing.

All right, guys.

We're done here.
Let's go.

What, you think
he's telling the truth?


You willing to put
your name on that?

I'm doing the best I can,
all things considered.

What's that mean?

If I hear about
the truck driver,

I'll give you a call.

Let's go to the motel.

I'll get the car.

I'm not saying that.

I'm... I'm sure it is
and all of that sounds great,

but it's a bigger decision
than just...

Uh, look,
I can't talk right now,

so I'll call you later, okay?

Hey, did you get anything
useful out of Boaz?

Uh, yeah.
We got, uh, Luna's hotel name,

so we're gonna go head
over there now.

All right, let me know.


- Yeah?
- Are you okay?

Oh, uh...

Sam wants to move the kids
out of the city.

- Oh.
- Yeah.

Her boyfriend got a job
in Westchester.

Uh, they... they found
a house they love.

You know, big backyard,
soccer goal for Tyler,

and they wanna put an offer in,
but under the divorce decree,

she needs my consent.

And you're not ready
to give it?

I... you know.

- Anyway, you should go.
- Yes, uh...

Keep me in the loop,
all right?

Yeah, we'll talk later.

Yeah, yeah,
he checked in yesterday.

He's from Mexico.

You know, I asked him who his
favorite football team was.

Soccer, really.

They... they call it
football over there.

I'm a big Chivas fan.
The Goats.

- Is he here now?
- I'm not sure.

- What room?
- Uh...

- 22.
- He here alone?

I don't know.

I haven't seen him with
any women or anything,

- but you never know.
- Have you seen this guy?

Um, no, no.

What's going on?

- We need the key to room 22.
- Okay.

- Stay here in the office.
- Yeah.



- Clear.

I got blood.

Check this out.

Watch, ring.

Okay, take photos
and send them to Kristen.

Get her to run them past
Laura Russo right away.

Copy that.

Okay, his last search
was directions

211 87th Street in Brooklyn.
It's the warehouse district.

Good place
to hide somebody.

I'll call SWAT and have them
meet us a block out.

Break left.


We have activity on the east
side of the building.

Let's go.

Don't move.

Put your hands where
I can see them now.

Don't sh**t!
Don't sh**t!

Put down the w*apon.

Drop it now!

Stand up.

Take him.


He's gone.


No, Luna.

You do this?
You k*ll that man?

- No, I swear.
- Where's Russo?

- He here, too?
- Who?

Russo, the truck driver
you abducted.

I didn't abduct no one.

I just came here to get high

and then I seen this dead dude
so I stole his cash.

And his g*n.
But I didn't k*ll no one.

I'm just a junkie, man.

I swear on my
little girl, Sophie.

Hey, did we confirm the DOA?
Is it Luna?

Uh, yeah.
I just talked to the M.E.

It's official.

I'm not shedding any tears
over Se?or Luna,

but it's sucks that he's dead.

He was our only connection
to the abduction.

What about the guy
in the warehouse?

- Is he involved?
- Uh, no.

GSR test came back negative.

It's not the m*rder w*apon,

So the b*ll*ts discovered
in Luna's body,

they were nine millimeter.

The junkie was holding a .380.

What about in the warehouse?
Any sign of Russo?

ERT's still combing through,
but no.

Nothing yet.

I mean, the only evidence
that we have tying to Russo

is the wedding ring
and the watch

that we found in the motel.

Has the abductor
made contact with her?

No, but she
and her kids are here,

so if she gets a call,
we'll be all over it.

I just talked to ballistics.

The g*n used to k*ll Luna
is a match to one of the g*ns

used at the sh**t
at Russo's house.

So then Luna's partner
is the k*ller.

Yeah, he probably knew
we were chasing him

and he shot him to tie off
the investigation.

Andy, we have any more intel
on Luna and his crew?

Yeah, Brennan sent over
an org chart.

He said the crew is pretty new
to the northeast,

- so the intel isn't perfect.
- Great, throw it up.

It looks like
the shot caller here

is a guy named Pedro Velez

and underneath him is our
dearly departed friend

Arturo Luna,
and a guy named Jorge Madrigal.

Uh, I'm pretty sure
this Velez guy

is the other sh**t
at Russo's house.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

that means he's probably

the one that shot Luna, too.
Pedro Velez, everybody.

Okay, let's get eyes
on him right away.

Just surveil,
don't arrest.

Hopefully he'll take us
to Russo.

Yeah, do we have
a last known for Velez?

Uh, no.

Just pulled up some
property records.

Looks like he owns
a bar in Queens.

- Rosa Mexicana.
- Great.

Call Kristen and Scula
and then y'all set up

- on the bar as soon as possible.
- Mm-hmm.

We have a black Escalade
in the back.

Maggie and Kristen are
preparing to go in the front.

A different license plate.

One, Charlie, kilo, delta,
four, seven, nine.

But it's fake like the other.

It means we're in
the right place.

Velez has gotta be in there.

The question is,
will he lead us to Russo?

No, better question is,
is Russo still alive?

My bookie's putting 90
to one on that.

Well, until it's
a billion to one,

we stay the course
and assume he's alive.

Guy's only been gone
eight hours.

With the cartel.

Just pointing out
the hard reality.

Yeah, well, the hard reality
is the guy made a mistake,

got into business with
the wrong people.

He was just trying
to be a team player,

help his family out.

Yeah, well, just 'cause your
wife thinks something's

a great idea... that it's the
right thing for the family...

does not always mean it is.

That's why you're divorced.

You could be right.

Okay, we're going in.

Okay, guys, we're up.

Hey, bartender.
Two vodka tonics.

Hey, uh, you guys play
any music here?


- How about some Mexican rap?
- Okay, cool.

- Like, uh, Cypress Hill?
- Oh, I love Cypress Hill.

No, I'm talking real
Mexican stuff.

Jezzy P.
Control Machete.

- Cartel de Santa.
- Okay.

- $16.
- Yes.

Uh, you know what?
Keep it.



He is cute.

- Do you know him?
- Yeah.

He's the owner.

- What's his name?
- He's married.

So am I.

Damn, you're looking
to get naughty, huh?


You got a lot
of naughty boys in here?

You got no idea.


Um, where's the bathroom?

- Be right back.
- Mm-hmm.

You lost or something?

- No.
- No?

Looking for the bathroom.

Ain't no bathroom back there,
but you know that.


I... I was looking for, like,
a VIP room.

We ain't in Manhattan, mi chula.

We don't got velvet ropes
up in here.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

Then I was looking
for the bathroom.

- Yeah.
- Ow.

W... wait a minute.

Let's... let's wait
for the distress signal.

- Okay, but...
- She's okay.

Let's play it out.

What are you doing?

Why are you looking
into my friend's office?

Because I thought
he was cute, okay?

He walked through.
I thought he was handsome.

What, is it a crime?

He hurt me.


I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.

Hey, Velez and Madrigal
are on the move.

They just went out
the back exit.

Copy that.

Hey, Jubal,
we got eyes on Velez

and his associate
Jorge Madrigal.

They're going wheels up.

We just passed over 76th Street
heading east.

Copy that.

We're about five minutes
behind you.

Suspect is now heading north
on 73rd.

It looks like they're trying
to get out of the city.

Hey, Jubal,
we got eyes on the SUV.

Just pulled into a driveway
on Hancock Hill Drive.

Okay, wait for backup.

SWAT is five miles out.

Maggie and Kristen
are about three.

Okay, copy that.

What the hell?

Okay, we have a problem.

Michael Boaz is here
with Velez.

- Boaz, the DEA informant?
- Yep.

Why would Boaz be there?
I thought he was an errand boy.

I don't know
but if we hit the house,

- we'll burn him.
- Not our problem.

Until Russo is confirmed dead,
he's considered living.

We hit that house.
Send Brennan a bottle of wine.

We can't breach.

We need Boaz and everyone else
on the street.

Russo might be in that house.

You'll k*ll
the whole operation.

What operation?

It's an ongoing matter.

Okay, well, we... we can't
compromise our case

for some pie-in-the-sky
ongoing operation.

It's not pie-in-the-sky.
It's real.

It's very real
and it's going down tomorrow.

- I have to make a call.
- Uh, hey, hey, hey.

What's going on?

Boaz is gonna deliver
El Patron.

El Patron?
Head of the Ju?rez Cartel?

It's going down tomorrow
afternoon at 3:30,

and we can't risk
the whole operation

for some guy who may
or may not be in the house,

and who may
or may not be alive.

Why the hell didn't you tell
us about Patron?

Because it's none
of your concern.

- Excuse me?
- Come on, Isobel.

You know how delicate
these operations are.

We're a day away
from making one

of the biggest arrests
in history.

Okay, that's fine,
but you're jerking us around.

You told us this guy
didn't know anything,

that he was an errand boy,

and now suddenly he can deliver
the head of the cartel?

So, what?
He's the boss, right?

He's in charge of the whole
northeast corridor?

Why would you lie to us?

I was protecting my asset.

At the expense of our case.

At the expense
of Russo's life.

All right.
All right, listen.

I'm not gonna litigate this.
It is what it is.

You need to back off.

Leave Boaz
and his associates alone

until we grab El Patron.

Are you forgetting?
Russo is still missing.

I've got his wife
and kids down the hall

crying their eyes out,
so, what?

You want us to just look
the other way?

- He's dead.
- Dead?

About an hour ago
on the wire.

I heard him say, "Don't
worry about the truck driver.

He's a dead man."

Now, he said it in Spanish,
but that's what he said,

so hitting that house
isn't gonna change a thing.

It's not gonna make
Russo undead.

Once we have El Patron
in custody,

you can arrest them all.

Boaz, Velez, every little punk
that's involved in this,

but until then,
you stand down.

No, we are hitting
that house today, now,

and I'm gonna arrest every son
of a bitch inside.

I just told you
the victim is dead.

According to you,
but guess what?

I don't trust you,
not even a little.

Don't make me go over
your head, Isobel.

Oh, you gonna call
the Deputy AG?

Go ahead.
Let's do it.

I would be happy to tell Nathan
that you're shielding a CI

who abducted
an American citizen

and ordered the m*rder
of another.

You can't prove that.

It's your word against mine.

Which is very
bad news for you.

Nathan and I are good friends.

You wanna run it up the ladder,

Let's do it.

Give Maggie
and OA the green light.

We're going in.

Yes, Ma'am.


Federal agents!
We have a warrant!

Let's move, move!


- Don't move.
- On the ground!


Hands up!

sh*ts fired coming
from the back of the house.

Drop your w*apon.

That's right.
It's me.

Put your w*apon down.

This way.
Go, go, go.


Step away from the table,

Keep your hands
where I can see them.

Make sure they're nice
and tight, Kristen.

Send the medical unit in.



Hey, Ronnie, bolt cutters.

He's alive.

We need a medic in here.

It's not very often people
go up against the cartel

and live to tell about it.

Yeah, well,
they wanted to k*ll me

but the boss, El Patron,
wouldn't okay it.

He wanted to hear from me
what happened to the cocaine.

I'm so sorry about all this.

I swear I didn't know
about the dr*gs.

I thought it was just handbags.

I know.
I believe you.

Oh, Jimmy!

You're okay.

Hey, say hi!
Say hi to Daddy.

You're okay.
He's okay.

I can't believe he's alive.


- Catch up with you guys later.
- All right.

So, you make a decision yet?

Uh, not really
but I definitely want things

to stay the way they are,
you know?

Keep the kids here in the city,

and I honestly think
that that's what's...

what's best for the family.

- You disagree?
- Well, it's not my call.

So you do disagree?

Do you really want
to hear my opinion?

I'm happy to hear it.

I just, uh... I think that
maybe you're holding on

to something that
doesn't exist anymore.

After Jason died,

I kept thinking that my life
would stay the same

Well, the fact is reality
was new and scary.

But new doesn't have to be bad.

That's true.

I mean, I think it's, uh,
a little different.

But I appreciate the advice.
I'll think about it.

Well, one more thing.

Scarsdale's only 30 miles away.

Hey, Sam.

Uh, so look.
I've been thinking.

You guys should buy the house.

It's the right call
for the kids.

For everyone.

I'll just... I'll make it work.

It's not that big of a deal.

It's only 30 miles away, right?
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