12x06 - Dream House

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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12x06 - Dream House

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on E.R.:

Who are you?

Victor Clemente.
Your new attending.

And congratulations, Doc,
you just k*lled me.

Look, I know
what happened in Newark,

and I really do not want
a repeat here, okay?

Hear you're getting out
of here today.

You thought it
stunk to work here.

Try being a patient.


Do you know
what you're doing?

Yeah, I know what
I'd like to do.

I'm your half brother.
Good to meet you, man.

This is my wife Evelyn,

my daughter

This is Greg...

my son.

You don't want to have anything

to do with me, but what
about your little brother?

Oh, don't use
him like that.

I'm trying here.

Then stop.

You getting ready
for a roast?

We got to clean this place up.

Gallant won't be here
for another three days.

Yeah, well, it's gonna take
a week to disinfect.

I just want it
to be nice for him.

He's been over there
a long time.

Okay, come on,
we're gonna be late.

Oh. Hi. I'm Zoe.

Yeah, I remember.

You have a cool place.

Thin walls, though.

Uh, sometimes
you really get it going.

Yeah... Have you seen my, um...



Keep it.

I have gum.

You're just leaving her here?

Why, you afraid she's
gonna steal something?

She already took my toothbrush.

Don't worry, she'll lock up.

We gave her keys?

Look, it's different with Zoe.

There's something real
between us.

Yeah. Real loud.

They wouldn't admit
him because what?

Too young?

Yeah, we got a
NICU, but it's...

not exactly S.O.P.


Standard Operating

It's m*llitary talk.

Ah, that must mean
you like him.

( laughs ):
It's gonna take
a little more than that.

All right, all right,
but you owe me, man.


I need a room
with a warmer

set up for an
infant, miller one
and a two-five.

What's it, a preemie?

Yeah, but, uh,
we got it. Thanks.

You can see it
in his eyes.

It's starting to sink
in on the poor sucker.

What is?

That he actually works here.

( chuckles )

This is a special case,
needs to be treated on the DL.

You follow?

Is it your
love child?

Try to be cool, okay?

Nine-week-old with two days
vomiting, diarrhea and fever.

Tachy, couldn't get a BP.

How about a sat?
Probe wouldn't stick
to the fur.

Hey, easy, easy, easy.

Lockhart, this is Darwin.

That's... the ugliest baby
I've ever seen.

Okay, folks, the good news is

the hospital has approved
four-to-one ratios.

Now, that means

extra full-time

and zero, zero tolerance
for excessive O.T.

Well, let's hope we
have enough people to
fill all those shifts.

Sam, you got a haircut.

No, it's just high... lights.

Good morning, E.R. staff.

So it's true--
we're not alone.

What's going on?

Well, this device was designed

to offer remote
surgical consults.

So, since
I'm still at home recovering,

I thought I'd give it
a test drive.

Okay, meeting's over.

Uh, nurses, nurses, uh,
for the sake of the trial

I'm gonna need a few things.

Damn, I miss the Bronx.
This is why
I don't have cable.

How are you doing that?

I have a joystick in my lap.

That is too much

Sam, we're gonna
be in sutures.

You need help?

No, that's okay, we got it.

Morning, Dr. Lockhart.

Some kid in triage
asking for you.

Yeah, tell him
to take a number.

He says he knows you.

( sighs ):
Uh, yeah, um...

set him up in two, okay?

Haleh, walk with me.

You sure like to walk.

Remember that little
chat we had?

No more O.T.-- I did
what I promised.

( laughs ):
You're picking up extra time
by taking shifts in ICU.

Well, you never
said I couldn't.
Yeah, I also didn't say

you couldn't start flipping
burgers around the corner,

or turning tricks
in Lincoln Park.

Excuse me?!

It's overtime-- you know
what I'm talking about.

I'm sorry-- it
won't happen again.

Good boy.

Okay, his temperature's only 94.

I must have skipped
school the day they
taught monkey veins.

Word on the street is,
you give good neonate.

Human neonate, Dr. Moreau.

Bet you didn't know
that chimps and humans

share 96% of their DNA,
did you?

I know--
it's fascinating.

So this is what happened,
so Darwin's handler

calls me up and tells
me that the vet's
kind of nervous.

So he figures this
little guy's best sh*t
is here with me.

Oh, of course he does.

carotid's weak.
And this handler,
he knows you because, what,

you went to clown
school together?

How'd you guess?
No, I'm serious.

I was at NYU while
he was at Ringling Brothers.

I had kind of a...
circus thing.


We need access, Lockhart.

Right. Abby. I'm gonna try
to find a transilluminator.

Is there anyone else
we can trust?
What are we doing?

I-I'm an attending--
I can't spend all day

in here with a chimp.
I know.

So what are we doing?

Go, go, go, okay? Go, go.

Don't forget
the knock, okay?

( whispers ):
Please, go.

Hey, I heard you have
a baby in there.

You need some help?
No. I, uh... we got it.

Is it cute?
Yes, it's a...
hairy little monkey.

I love babies.
And babies love me.

I just have a
way with them.

Can you get me
a transilluminator?

I'm like the wind.

Oh, hey, Neela, um,
do you have a minute?

We could use
an extra set of hands.

Clemente and I have
a-a patient.


( sighs )

CLEMENTE ( quietly ):
Come on, hurry up.

Transilluminator was MIA,
but I...

Forget that, I got a 24
into the antecube.

Oh. Wait. What?


you two do realize
that's a monkey.

Chimp, actually.

96% human.

Who knew?

So how'd this happen?

Aw, I was just
horsing around.

Looks like you did a little bit
more than that to me.

Got in a fight.

Where, at school?

Nah, at home.

With Dad.

Did he hit you?

Nah, man, he doesn't do that.

So what were you fighting about?

I always felt
there was something going on

at my house
I didn't know about.

Then I met you, and...

I got it.

It was like...

it was like
a cloud was lifted.

But the cloud came back.

You mean
'cause I cut off Charlie?

Not just him, man,
you cut me off, too.

I don't want it
to be like that.

I mean, ain't we brothers?

( sighs )

This may be worse off
than it looks.

( knocking )

Sounds like they need this room
for an actual patient.

You know, another thing
they share with humans

is a tendency to get
sepsis as neonates, so...

( phone rings )
let's go
with a CBC,

d-stick, cultures,
portable chest

and 20cc's per
kilo bolus.
Oh, that's it?

No foley? No LP?

Tap might be
jumping the g*n,

but foley's not
a bad idea.

Hold on... hold on a second.

( over speaker ):
Hello, Dr. Clemente?
Yes, Eve.

We're over in Trauma Two

with our friend Jessie,
who has multiple fractures

from a fall.
Yeah, yeah.

We were just wondering
if it would be possible

for you to get your ass in here?

All right, all right,
all right, all right.

Shake a leg, okay?
'Cause if this chimp

gets sepsis,
he could crump at any minute.

And lock the door.

We should take
the core temp.

I'm not sticking anything
up this monkey's ass.

You know, if I had a nickel
for every time I said that...

How about we flip for it?

Hey, Abby,
the transilluminator's missing

a bulb,
but I thought I'd give you

a little help with
the sweet lit...

( gasps ):
By all that is good

and holy, what
diabolical spell

have you cast
on this child?

Dr. Pratt, can you
sign off on this chart?

Hey, who's it for?
The kid in two

who got into it
with his father.
Wait. What?!

Social worker's
in with him now.

You weren't supposed
to do a chart!
I had to do a chart.

No, no, no!
It's not like that!
Eve's strict with this stuff.

Suspicion of abuse--
I have to call them in.

Look, I don't need any help
from you-- I'm fine.
That's not how it looks.

Man, why do I got to go
through all this with her?

I'm Dr. Pratt.
Liz Dade,
social work.

Yeah, can I talk to you outside
for a minute?
When I'm finished here.

Look, see, the thing is...
I'm not finished yet.

Well, I think you should be.

Look, the nurse
jumped the g*n, okay?
I know this family.

It's a stable home.

It's just an innocent argument.

The kid just got
a little too steamed.
Is that so?

And nobody
hit anybody?

I just got real mad
at a chair.

( chuckles ):
That's not gonna do it.

Okay, look, all right...

He's my brother.

His brother.

Yeah. Same last name,
check it out.

Why didn't you
just say so?

I'll do a follow-up
phone call.

( screaming )

Tom Cruise? Ret*rded!

Sammy Sosa? Ret*rded!

( screams, groans )

Son of a... bitch!


( laughs ):
Ah. Um... yeah, I just...

No, that's all right.

How Ret*rded was that, huh?

Listen, I overheard you
talking to Inez.

Oh, yeah, sorry about that, Eve.

It's just sometimes she needs
a little bit of guidance.

Oh, no, that's okay-- I'm
actually really impressed.

You have fantastic
interpersonal skills.

The younger nurses
respect you,

the older ones trust you.
Oh, thanks.

So I think it's time
you moved up the ladder.

( chuckles ):
What ladder?

Nursing administration.

I'm pretty happy
doing what I'm doing.

Your job wouldn't
change that much.

You'd help out
with staff education,

implementing nursing policies
and procedures.

Sounds like a lot of work.
There'd be a big pay hike.

How big?

Shopping on Michigan
Avenue big.

Well, if you put it
that way...

( chuckles )
when do I start?

Right away. First thing I need
you to do is fire Haleh.

Hold on. What?

Welcome to management.


Is it done?


Inez, How's that pulse ox
probe working out?


I'm not going
to fire Haleh.

Hey, management's
a bitch.

Yeah, and not
the only one.

You know, Haleh's
been warned three times,

twice in writing.

She has?

With all the O.T. she's doing,
we could hire two nurses

and still have enough
for a wet bar

in the lounge.

Well, then let's counsel her.

Oh, yeah, you're
confusing me with Oprah.

Dr. Clemente, did you send in
this patient in sutures?

No, no, no. VIP.

What, he's the reincarnation
of the Dalai Lama or something?

No, no, it's a privacy
issue kind of thing.

Well, he still needs to be
tracked. Give me a name.

Any name.


Darwin what?


Are you gonna need a NICU bed?

No, no, no, 'cause we'll
be transferring him back

to the referring

It's closer to
where he lives

'cause the mom doesn't drive.

( clears throat )

I'm not doing it.
I don't need the job that bad.

Either way, Haleh's gonna go.

But she's a great nurse.

You've never fired
anyone before.


All right, okay,
it's a new skill.

It needs to be developed.
We'll do it together.

Ah, cheer up
It won't be so bad.

Now, listen, my EMT trainees are
waiting for their 12-lead class.

I'll come
find you after.

( knocking at door )


Hey, you left the door open.

All right, so, Doctors,
so what's the status report?

Heart rate's down.

He's on 100-percent
room air.

Took eight ounces PO.

Oh, that's great.

Good little guy.

Good little guy.

All right, let's ship him out

before they put us all
on a psych hold.

Shouldn't we keep him awhile?

Yeah, for observation.
awfully young.

Guys, guys, it's just
a bad viral GE,

that's all.
We should recheck
the cultures.

Yeah, well, I'm sure
the vet can do that.

Well, he's gonna need
another round of antibiotics.

Oh, I thought
you didn't like monkeys.

I never said that.

And anyway, he's not a monkey.

Okay. Now, I don't know if I'm
touched or if I'm nauseous,

but, you know what,
we're done here, so DC the lock

and let's get a move on.

There's a giraffe out there
clogging up triage.

12-year-old crushed
under scaffolding
at a construction site.

What's your name,
little man?

Is my pop all right?

Chest injury,

respiratory distress,
but vitals stable.

What happened to his father?

Everything fell on me.

Dad had an MI trying
to dig him out.

Ray, that's you.

All right, I'll check
on him, Barry.

Okay, both lungs are up.
Let's go.

Cardiac arrest
during exertion.

All right, down time?
Maybe 12 minutes.

Shocked him three times
with epi and atropine.

Hold compressions.

Pulseless v-tach.
Let's go! Let's go!

Okay, kiddo,
deep breath now.

( takes deep breath ):
It hurts.

Little bit of stridor here.

Pulse ox 92.

Chest, c-spine, pelvis, CBC.

You hang in there, Bar.

Thank you, ma'am.

Chem 7, UA, type and screen.

500cc saline bolus.

Okay, Simon says
squeeze my fingers, pal.

Good, man.

Now wiggle those toes for me.

I'll be right back.

Oh, I didn't say "Simon says."

Shock again at 360.

( zap, beeping )
Sinus rhythm.

I got a pulse.
Let's check a BP.

Man, it's hard to keep track
of the Splenda in here.

Pupils sluggish
but reactive.

All right, folks, let's hope
for some neurological function.

( cell phone rings )

( phone clicks off )
What, no response?

BP's 100 over 70.

His GCS is only 3, fellas.

Fellas, if we save the heart
and lose the brain,

we might as well go home, huh?

Worsening respiratory distress
in here.

Okay, I'm coming.


Come on.

We need to paralyze
and intubate,

six-and-a-half ET tube.

Yeah, hold on.

Is he okay?

He will be.

Why's he so stridorous?

Uh... laryngeal injury?

No neck injury,
no midline shift.

Okay, get me some
lido and a tower clip.

You think
the clavicle's displaced?

I think
it's compressing the trachea.

He needs an airway
right now.

Draw up etomidate
and sux.

Don't push anything yet.

So, Barry,

what's your dad

A dream house.

Oh, yeah?

It's for my mom.

That sounds nice, buddy.

Okay, buddy, you're gonna
feel a little stick here.

( inhales deeply )

I'm helping.

Pratt, push the etomidate.

Oh, I just gotta get
a good grip.

Okay. So, uh, Barry,

what kind of house is it?

A Craftsman.

( sharp groan )

Is he all right?

Sats coming up,
pulse is normalizing.

Vitals stable, tenderness
over the lower ribs.

Get a CT abdomen and chest.

What's next door?

V-tach arrest. We got him back.

Is that a robot doctor?

Oh, yeah.
We're very advanced here.

How's it going?

He's not waking up.

We got ROSC
without RONF.

Come again?

Return of spontaneous
circulation without return

of neurologic function.

The down time was
over ten minutes.

Not good enough for brain cells.

Cath lab?

No, I don't think so.

Look, all he's got is
a little ST depression.

I think ICU.

No, no, not yet.

We're gonna go with a portable
chest and a cardiac echo.

What for?

Oh, a little ditty

I like to call
"induced hypothermia."

Look, I'll be right back.

How you doing?

Me? Uh... I'm okay.

The board's
not too backed up.

You need anything?

Uh... no, I'm good.

I kind of like this new energy.

You mean Eve?

She's tough, but it's gonna
be good for all of us

in the long run.

Yeah, I hope so.

So, this new nurse manager's
working out, huh?

She's a t*rror1st, Neela.



Are you looking for Ray?

Oh, um, no. Actually,
I was hoping you could help me.

Where did you
get this thing?

I stole it from the last place
I worked at.

Hey, but that's
between us, okay?

How cold do you set it?

91 Fahrenheit.
33 degrees centigrade.

Which many consider dangerous.

What, we're decreasing
his metabolism?

Yeah, only six percent
per degree centigrade.

Look, it might get his brain
started again.

What about the effect on oxygen
demand in low-flow regions?

The studies show
a 23-percent improvement

in neurologic outcome.

Yeah, I'm familiar
with the literature.

Okay, okay, that's it. I'm done
arguing with a television set.

It's believed to suppress
radical formation...

Did you just call me
a television set?

That's pretty funny.

This isn't a surgical consult,
my friend.

It's believed to suppress
radical formation...

Look, if you can't get
out of bed and come into work,

then I don't see why we should
have to listen to you.

...slow enzymatic reactions

and inhibit excitatory

It kind of burns when I pee.

It sounds like a
bladder infection.

Oh, I figured.

You can get it
from many things,

like having...
sex... a lot.

Oh, I've been doing that.

Don't I know it.

Look, I hope
you don't mind.

I just didn't want to ask Ray
to do this, you know?

It's... fine.

I'll need a urine sample
and run some tests,

but first, I'll need to
get some information.



Um, Butler, Zoe Butler.

Okay. Address?

1226 Parkington Road.

Okay. Date of birth?

December 12th... 1990.


December 12th.

No, I know, uh...


1990. So you're... 14 years old?

Almost 15.

( chuckling ):
My birthday's coming up.

When will he wake up?

Soon, we hope.

He cheated.

On a business trip,
with some lady from work.

When my mom found out,

she wouldn't let him come home
for a month.

He lived in a hotel.

You know, parents
make mistakes, too.

He's trying
to make it up to her.

Is that what the
house is for?

He wants everything back
the way it was.


Are you okay?

Yeah, Mom... I'm okay.

He's got some
broken bones

and a small injury
to his liver,

but we don't think
he'll need surgery.

And Paul?

Your... your husband's
had a heart att*ck.

His brain's been
deprived of oxygen.

We're doing our best
to help wake him up.

Excuse me.

What's the big hurry?

Zoe's here,
she's in Exam Two.

She is?

Yes, she is.

Oh, and I almost forgot,
she's 14 years old.

Shut up.

She was born in 1990, Ray.


That's the decade
immediately preceding

the one that we're in.

Are you for real?

Yes. And in prison math,

I believe 14
equals five-to-ten.

Where is she?
Exam Two.

And here's the
kicker, Jerry Lee--

your prepubescent
penis pal has chlamydia.

I had no idea
she was that young.

Young? She's
still teething,

although, I don't know,
maybe you enjoy that.

She didn't say anything.
How was I supposed to know?

Take her out for coffee,
converse with her a bit,

before you start boffing
and handing out house keys.

I don't card
my dates, okay?

( chuckling ):
Oh, well, maybe it's
time you started.


It was a very good
year for chlamydia.


Why didn't you tell me?

I just thought it was
a bladder infection

from all the sex we were having.

No. God, not that.

Why didn't you tell me
how old you are?

You never asked.

You said you were
a student.

I am.

In what? Ninth grade?


But I didn't think
you'd like me if you knew.

Well, you know,
you're right.

Because I also don't
like courtrooms and prisons

and men named Hank
who make me their bitch.

What is the big deal?

We like each other.

It's fun.

Wait, who's Hank?

Zoe, I'm going
to give you

a prescription
for doxycycline
for the chlamydia.

And you're going to need
to be tested

for a bunch of other STDs, okay?

Like gonorrhea, syphilis


Sure, whatever.

And under the circumstances,
no parental consent is required.

That's good.

Thank you.

Wonder who I got it from.

Not me.


How many other
candidates are there?

Were we being monogamous?

He's starting
to shiver.

All right, start
25 of Demerol, IV push.

His wife coming in?

Not just yet.

Sam, ready?

For what?

Haleh's in the family room.

Go ahead, I got this.

I'll push the meds.

Hey, wait a second.
Wait a second.

Come on, do not do this.
It's wrong.

You think I find
this enjoyable?

f*ring Haleh
is going to send

a message to every
nurse in this joint.

Joint? We're not
in jail, Eve.

No, but it should
feel like we are.


Is something wrong?

Well, we've had quite a few
meetings about your overtime,

right, Haleh?

And I've discussed

those meetings with Sam.

Right, Sam?

Yeah, I guess.

Haleh, uh...

you are a wonderful nurse,

and, um...

I'm sure you're going
to continue to do great work,


It's going to have to be
at some other hospital.

Excuse me?

It's just that you've
been warned three times

and, uh...

We're going to have
to let you go.

You're not serious.

Is she serious?

You can report
to HR tomorrow.

You can't do this.

Where you'll turn in your badge
and collect your last paycheck.


Haleh, I'm so sorry.

Just getting out?


I read some

I never realized
the human esophagus

could be
so complex.

Look, man, you know,
I'm sorry about all this.

But you've got to understand
that it's like this

because of the choices
that Charlie made.

It's not on me.

Dad's a hard guy to figure.

I think maybe some
stuff happened

that he never talked about.

Maybe so.

I think there's some stuff
you don't know too, Greg.

Some stuff that...

maybe your mom didn't
tell you the truth about.

Is that what he told you?


Radiology faxed down
these results.

I just got here, Frank.
What patient?

It's me, actually.

I had a mammogram
last week.

It's normal.

Hey, congratulations.

Dr. Clemente, I'm out of here.

The kid in one is stable.
You watching the dad?

Yeah, I'm on the case.

Frank, will you forward
anything for me to my house?

Of course.

We're all really
sorry, Haleh.


I'll try to come by
for a visit...

when I'm up to it.

Take care.

Bye, Haleh.



What happened?

Sam fired Haleh.

Screw you, Frank.

Eve fired her.
I just...


I'm sorry. That's
the word on the street.

Eve's making a statement?

And all the words
are dirty.



Code banana.

Our VIP's bouncing back.



Haleh, I feel terrible
about this.

Who covered for you
all those times

your kid was in trouble?

How many shifts
were you late

or had to leave early?

And now you're going
to fire me for too
much overtime?

For what, Sam?

A couple extra hundred
bucks a month.

You calling
her a liar?

I don't know who you mean.

My mother.

Isn't that what you said?

Slow down, son...

Don't you ever call me that.


You want to talk about
why you're upset?

I'm not one of those
little Ceasefire punks

you've got convinced
that you have wisdom.

Don't forget,
I know you.

You're not a lesson
or a role model
for anybody, Charlie.

You don't know
everything that happened.

How it all went down
when you were little.

I don't want to talk about it.

Then why the hell you here?

You've already lost one son.

Don't make the same
mistake with Chaz.

You come to give me advice?

Don't bring him into this, okay?

Don't talk to him about it.

He asked. He needed to know.

Know what?

Know what? How you spin it?

Some nonsense
about a dead woman

who happens to be my mother?

She wasted her life away
taking care of me

with no help from you-- nothing.

I tried to come back.

She wouldn't let me.


I can see we've both had
rough days.

Let's not do
this tonight.

Don't turn
away from me.

You can come by the house
some other time.

There's something
of your mother's

I think you should have.

You've got something of hers?

It belongs to me and her.

Maybe it belongs
with you now.

Whatever it is, I want it.

You hear what I said--
you can come by the house...

Right now!

Right now.

He started breathing hard again,

so I brought him
right back here.

I thought you said
he was okay.

He was, Alonzo, he was.

He looked great
after the bolus.

He was drinking
and playing.

Bag him.
He's not moving air.

Maybe you should have
kept him here longer.

No. No, he seemed
buffed after the fluid.

We thought it was
just dehydration.

I promised Cookie's owners
he'd be okay.

Who's Cookie?

Darwin's mom.

She belongs to this
super nice couple
from Evanstan.

I also keep their llama.

BP's 66/25.

He's gone hypertensive

with a widened pulse pressure.


Dopamine at ten mics.

He's, um... he's got a bacterial
infection in his blood.

But you gave antibiotics.

Which ruptured
the bacteria,

releasing endotoxins
which can make things worse.


I'm so sorry, man.

I thought he was doing
too well to be septic.


Okay, tube.


Maybe you can put him
on a vent or something.

We're doing
the best we can.

Okay, I'm in.

My God, I lost the pulse.


Please don't stop.

These people really
love this little guy.

I think we
should call it.

Charge it ten joules.

Starting CPR.

Don't you want
to come in?


You don't have your keys?


Chaz, you okay?

Yeah, Dad.

I've got to get
something for your...

for Greg.

Hey, what's up, man?

What's up, man?

I just went to go talk to him.

Because of me?

It's fine.

Why don't you come in?

Nah, I, uh...

Chaz, dinner's on the table.

My mom's mac and cheese.

I swear to God,

it's the best you ever
tasted in your life.

Come on, man.


I'm sorry.

Why, because I talked myself
into liking some groupie

who turned out to be
Hillary Duff with an STD?

I know you liked her.

I'm an idiot.

The bright side is,
your urine dip came back

negative for chlamydia.

Oh, well, she must
have gotten it

from another rock star
she was partying with.

Probably one with
a recording deal.

I should probably
still swab you.

I used a condom, Neela.

Did you also use
a dental dam?

Neela, your top secret baby
is back.

Abby needs you in sutures.


Going again.

Still v-tach.
What happened?

I don't know.
Just resuming

Septic shock.
How long since
the last epi?

Two minutes. You want
another round of lido?

( sighs ):

Are you sure you don't
want another round?

Yeah, no, he's been...

We been doing this
for 35 minutes.

His brain's got
to be fried.
No, keep going.

He's been through enough.

I-I... we got to stop.

His heart's still b*ating.

That's more like a twitch.

It's not actually pumping
any blood to his body.

S-So, that's it?

Just about.

He's fading.

Can I go get Cookie?

I'm sorry?

His mother.

If he's dying,
she should be here with him.

Her baby was taken from her.

She needs to understand why.

Anybody says "next of kin,"
I'm gonna lose it.

I think you've
already lost it.

Why? Because I tried to help
a guy and it didn't work out?

Just game over,
that's all.
We're in it this far.

Why not let the mother in?

Because there's no need.
That's why.

Well, there was no need
to treat a chimp

in the first place,
but here we are.

The chimp was sick.
The mom is what?

She's a little depressed, maybe?

Well, it's the humane thing
to do.

Okay, forget it, guys.

You guys are getting
carried away with this.

Oh, come on.

You're the one that started
this whole monkey business.

( whispers ):
I didn't mean to say that.

Thank You, Lord,
for the blessings

we are about to receive.

Look over those now
who cannot be with us,

including the countrymen
who fight to protect us

in an overseas w*r

founded on lies told to us
by our government...


...and we welcome Greg,
and thank You, Lord,

for bringing him into
our home and family.



So, why do you have
that walker, if you
don't mind me asking?

Had a little fall,
broke my hip.

I was so scared

when I found her,
I thought she was dead.

She was laying there...
( imitates gasping )

( laughing )

I still have a ways to go
with my recovery.

And where'd you get
your surgery?


( sighs )

Must be downstairs.

It'll only take a minute.

Um... excuse me for a minute.

Why didn't you tell me
about Evelyn?

That she was the one
at County that day?

You know, maybe
I could have helped.

You didn't seem in
the mood for helping.


A bunch of things
I sent your mother

that she sent back.

A few notes she
wrote me, and...



An act of mercy--

her sending me
that picture.

I don't even remember
when this was taken.

I made mistakes, Greg.

I never denied it.

Got busted for some
stupid, petty stuff

and went away for awhile.

Regretted it
ever since.

But life is more complicated
than you think.

No respiratory effect.

( monitor beeping slows )

Yeah, well, it
won't be long now.

Is he in pain?


( sighs )

I'm gonna give him another
milligram of morphine,

just in case.

What? I just want to make
sure he's comfortable.

( sighs )

Okay, I'm sorry.

No, no, let go.

( Cookie moaning )

( whispers ):

( sighs ):
GCS is up from four to 11.

He's blinking on command.
Starting to move his fingers.

See? Sometimes you're good
and then sometimes you're lucky.

Which one is this?

This is sometimes
you're not sure.

( both chuckling )

We're waiting on ICU.

Good, good.

Hey, why don't you go
bring his kid in?



You know, patients
come and go.

And, uh, some days, some of
them don't even register to me.

So how is it that a
hairy little chimp

crumps on the table
and it's like...

Well, in any case it sounds
like you'll forgive me.

For what?

there's gonna be
some kind of disciplinary...


( chuckles )

What, did Eve find out?

She's not an animal lover.

More like an animal
strangler, I'm guessing.

You know, it's funny,
'cause when I was a kid,

I-I always wanted a robot
and a monkey.

That doesn't shock me.

No, no, I'm serious.

Me, too.

Well, I'm over it.

( chuckles )

Spontaneous eye movement--

that's a very good sign,

My name's Abby.

Yeah, I know.

( cell phone rings )

Jodi, Jodi, if you call me
one more time, I swear to God...

No, you just got to stop
that nonsense.

No, I'm not in New York.

Why would I tell you
where I'm at?

Yeah, why-why would I tell you?

Yeah, because you're...

Every time tha...

You're the... Hey!

Hey! Hey!

( clattering )

( Jodi speaking indistinctly )

( sighs )

Sure are getting good
at finding me.


I talked to Olivia.

This was our house.

I used to play
out here.

She would watch me
from the window.

So, you tried to come back.

She pushed you away.

She lied to you.
She lied to me.

And, no, I didn't know
any of it.

But the question is:

What did you do
to make her hate you so much?

I got into trouble.

Maybe she felt
she was protecting you.

When I got out of the pen,

I wanted us to be a family.

I was still a kid when she d*ed.
What about then?

( sighs )

I was living in Gary
with Evelyn.

I came here to find you.

But they told me
you had gone to Detroit

with your cousin's people.

So you gave up?

( sighs ):
That was the biggest
mistake of all.

But I had a second life

that I was trying
to hold together.

I've done my penance.

I do it every day.

But there's only one person who
I still need forgiveness from.

I hear you.

( sighs )

I hear everything
that you say.

( sighs )

But you and me...
we're here now.

None of that other
stuff matters anymore.

Because even if the
story's more complicated

than the one I spent the
last 20 years believing...

you still were
not there for me.

And I don't give a damn
why or who said what.


You were not... here.

Please listen to me.

And we can never change that.

We can fix it.

Never, man.


( sighs )
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