02x15 - The Shadow of Skeletor

Episode transcripts for the TV show "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe". Aired: September 5, 1983 - 1985.*
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The most powerful man in the universe, He-Man, holds up his sword to Skeletor saving the planet from evil forces.
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02x15 - The Shadow of Skeletor

Post by bunniefuu »


And the Masters of the Universe.

I am Adam, Prince of Eternia.

Defender of the

secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed

to me the day I held aloft

my magic sword and said,

by the power of Grayskull.

I have the power!

Cringer became the

mighty Battle Cat, and I became

He-Man, the most

powerful man in the universe.

Only three others share this secret:

Our friends the Sorceress,

Man-at-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend Castle Grayskull from,

the evil forces of Skeletor.

I don't care what
anyone else says!

I love you.
Even if you are a monster.

You love Me?

I certainly do!

You've turned into a prince!

I was a prince, until an evil
witch changed me into a monster.

Man-E-Faces, that was a great rehearsal!

I appreciate your helping me go
over my lines in the play, Teela.

How do you like my monster disguise?

It's really scary.

Duh, anyone here seen Orko?

A monster! I'll save you, uh, Teela.

No Ram Man! No! Don't!

It's me. Man-E-Faces.

Ram Man, are you alright?

Wood? Uh, I had my...

my head set for stone.

Ram Man you broke the scenery!

How was I to know you
weren't really a monster.

Come on, you guys.

It was just a misunderstanding.

I-It's your fault.

My fault? It was your fault.

There's no need to argue.

After all, you two are friends.

Friends? Hah! Not anymore.

Who needs him for a friend.

Ah, this sure moves fast.

Almost forgot.

Skeletor doesn't want me
to touch the controls.

Oh, he'll never know.

We gotta get Ram Man and

Man-E-Faces to be friends again.

They won't even talk to each other.

It's heading for the palace.

We have no time to lose.

By the power of Grayskull!

I have the power!

There's only one way to stop it.

I'll turn myself into a human whirlwind.

Go He-Man! Go!

Now, for a happy landing.

I better change back to Adam,

and have Man-At-Arms check out this ship.

Very fancy setup.

Yes. I wonder what it's purpose is.

A force field.

All right, what's the delay?


Sshh. He's on the radio.

So Skeletor's behind this.

I wonder what he's up to.

There's one way we can find out.

we have an actor with us.

Can you impersonate Beast Man's voice?

Why, uhm, you mean like this?

Good. Find out about the mission.

Beast Man. Come in, you fool!

Do you hear me?

Sorry Skeletor. I was busy.

What's the delay?
The a*t*matic

pilot should have already

delivered you to the location.

Just a technical problem.

I'll be on my way soon.

Excuses, excuses.

I'm tired of hearing all your excuses.

Fix the problem and go!
Over and out.

Yes Skeletor.

Good work Man-E-Faces.

I'll fix the a*t*matic pilot

and see where this thing will take us.

But when we get there,
then what do we do?

That's where Man-E-Faces comes in.

You won't get away with this!

Do you hear me?

No prison can hold me.

I'll bust out,

of this joint one way or another.

Thanks for the warning.

But your cell is escape proof.

All the bars are electronically controlled.

Even the ones on your window.

I warn you!

When Skeletor finds out,

you will be in big trouble.

Come on, Adam.

Look at Man-E-Face's great disguise.

What do you think?

Beast Man! Yipe!

I surrender! I give up!

It's just me.

Didn't mean to scare you, Cringer.

Wherever we're going,

they're sure to think
you're the real Beast Man.

I'm glad to help in anyway I can.

But I wish you didn't
have to bring him along.

Stop complaining.

All you ever do, is complain!

Now see what you did!

Me? How dare...

Quick! Adam, Teela come here!

What is it?

We aren't going to land on Eternia.


The Moon of Darkness!

Why would Skeletor,
want to send Beast Man there?

It's a photon blaster cannon!

And it's ready to fire.

We're done for unless...

Unless I change into He-Man.

But Teela will see your transformation.

We have no choice.

The photon blaster is ready to fire.

There's no way we can escape!

I can't delay any longer.

By the...


Now the cannon is moving away!

We're saved!

Adam, you were saying what...?
By the...?

Uh, Yes...
By the way Teela, remind me

to show you my great new
jacket when we get back home.

Adam, hah!
Here we are in danger,

and all you care about is your new jacket!

The Photon Blaster

is aiming at Eternia's moon!

It's sh**ting photon rays.


That mountain is near our Moon Colony.

We better go down and
make sure they're alright.

We can take one of the shuttles.

You'll have to stay
aboard this ship

and see where it lands.

I understand Adam.

You can depend on me.

You can keep in contact with
us on this communicator.

We better hurry before it's too late!

How long has our colony
been on the Bright Moon?

Almost 20 years.

And they've made amazing progress.

They've created an artificial atmosphere,

bringing life to what was once
dark, dead planet.

Just like the Moon of Darkness.

That's right Ram Man.
The Moon of Darkness,

is always positioned
over Skeletor's domain.

People who live on that moon
have a hard and unhappy lives.

But why would the people
on the Dark Moon want

to sh**t a Photon Ray
at the Bright Moon?

That's what I wanna know.

You arrived just in time.

The people of the Dark Moon are
preparing to declare w*r on us.

w*r? But Professor Orion,

I thought you just signed a
treaty of friendship with them?

We did.
But recently

strange events have been
occuring on the Dark Moon.

Strange events? Like what?

We'll find out, right now.

We're about to receive a message

from the leader of the Dark Moon.

You and your people have
betrayed our friendship.

The only answer is - w*r!

Well I assure you, King Barbo, we have

nothing to do with your
Moon's unfortunate incidents.


You call tidal waves and

destruction of our historic

buildings, mere incidents?

But why would we want to harm you?

When we're using our

science to help your people.

We have a witness who

saw your science used against us.

Well that can't be true!

What about the Solar Mirror project?

There will be no Solar Mirror!

And so far as the treaty of
friendship is concerned...

Please King Barbo!

There must be some way
we can remain friends.


From now on, we are enemies!

Duh. Wow, he sure was angry.

When friends are
angry, they sometimes

say things they later regret.

Like you and Man-E-Faces.

Tell me,
what is this about a Solar Mirror?

It's the basis of our friendship treaty.

What does the Mirror do?

Well, come with me and I'll show you.

Our scientists have devoted the past

2 years to building this Mirror system.

It's just been completed.


It sure is big!

It has to be.
It's purpose is to reflect the light

from the Sun onto the Dark Moon

The sunlight will help
the people there increase

their agriculture and bring
the Moon out of darkness.

I would think they'd be all for it.

They were, until these,

incidents started occurring on their Moon.

Now they think we're out to destroy them.

There is only one person

who could be behind all this.


You better take the
shuttle to the Dark

Moon in case Man-E-Faces
needs your help.

Great idea. I'll leave right away.

I just hope Man-E's disguise works.

It's getting ready to land.

I better hurry up and
put on my Beast Man face.

I'm wonder who I'm going to meet.

Well Beast Man.

It's about time you got here!


Why, you seem so surprised?

Well I, uh...

I just didn't expect to see you here.

What are you talking about?
We're all here!

Yeah, c'mon Beast Man.

We got lots of work to do.

Skeletor wants us to cause
even more destruction!

There must be no chance of peace

between Eternia's two Moons.

Good. Good. Have you...

decided when the destruction is to begin?

As soon as we get word from Skeletor.

Good timing Beast Man!

We must proceed with our
plans ahead of schedule.

Why is that?

Don't interrupt!

I have recieved word that,

that troublemaker Adam

has arrived on the Bright Moon

and is attempting to bring peace.

The nerve of him!

Well, what do you want
us to do Skeletor?

You must use all your
powers to bring misery

and despair to the people of the Dark Moon!

I.. Want.. w*r!

I've got to get word to Skeletor that

Man-E-Faces, is pretending to be me.

Prince Adam said all the bars

are electronically controlled.

If I can cut those power lines,

I could escape.

It'll be easy. I'll use my

ability to control wild animals.

Hear me, Beast of Mighty Winds!

Do as I command!

It worked!

The bars are released!

Take me to Skeletor!

King Barbo, you must reconsider

your decision to declare w*r.

I promise to find out

who's really behind the destruction.

Well, out of respect for your parents,

who have been kind to me.

I will grant you 24 hours

to check out your theory.

Thank you, Your Highness.

I won't let you down.

Good luck, Prince Adam!

Gee, King Barbo seems

like a nice guy after all.

I sure hope he makes up with

the people of the Bright Moon.

And I hope you'll do the
same with Man-E-Faces.

We'll land near the Dark Moon colony.

There's the Dark Moon colony.

We better hurry and do our dirty work.

You can bring me up to date
on what you've done so far,

I used my power, over the ocean,

to bring the tidal wave,
ruining their crops!

Hah! I whipped a couple of
their buildings to pieces!

I bit down the supports to
the colony's main bridge!

Ha ha ha ha!

And King Barbo thinks the people

of the Bright Moon did it all!

How did you get him to think that?

I was a witness!

I turned myself into a...

peasant girl, and told the King I saw

the Bright Moon people do the destruction.

And that dope fell for it!

I'd better warn the others.

Take a bow Man-E-Faces,

because your acting days are over!

Uh oh. Looks like
Man-E-Faces is in trouble!

We gotta save him!

He's my... He's my friend!


Ram Man could get hurt.
I better change into He-Man.

By the power of Grayskull!

I have the power!

So! You tried to trick us.

You'll regret it!

You better not touch him!

Ha! I'll use my magic rays

to transform both of
you into moon rocks!

Oh no you won't!


It'll take a while for Evil-Lyn's
magic to wear off, Mer-Man.

I hope the rest of you,
will leave the moon in peace.

Forget it, He-Man!

Keep He-Man busy!

Trap Jaw and I have work to do, elsewhere.

I am going to shake you up!

A rock-slide!

Oh no!

Good work, Whiplash!

That's the last
we'll see of He-Man!

You two are going on a trip!

Okay Ram Man.

Knock this rock back to Eternia!

Thanks, for saving me Rammy.

It was nothing, Man-E.

I better take care of Skeletor.

The photon blaster is aimed

directly at the Bright Moon's Solar Mirror!

Now I can destroy it!

That'll stop their peace treaty.

We'll see about that!


I thought I'd put the jump on your blaster.

You two are all wet.

You won't get away with this, He-Man!

Now, to finish off the photon blaster.

That just about ties it up.

Now lets set it off.

Here's to peace.

And here is to He-Man!

Well I'm happy you two made up.

We're never gonna fight again.

I think Man-E-Faces is the
best pal a person could have.

No, I think you're the
best pal a person could have.

No. You are!

No, you are!

Ha ha ha ha!

Today, you saw what happened when
Ram Man and I got into an argument.

It almost ruined our friendship.

I'm sure happy we're pals again.

When people lose their temper,
they often say things they later regret.

So, if you get angry,
be careful you don't say something you

really don't mean.
Something you'll be sorry about later.

I'm glad we made up.
Because now

we're better friends than ever.

Right, Man-E?

Right, Rammy!
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