Return to Me (2000)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Return to Me (2000)

Post by bunniefuu »

♫ Return to me ♫

♫ Oh my dear, I'm so lonely ♫

♫ Hurry back, hurry back ♫

♫ Oh my love, hurry back, I'm yours ♫

♫ Return to me ♫

♫ For my heart wants you only ♫

♫ Hurry home, hurry home ♫

♫ Won't you please hurry home to my heart? ♫

♫ My darlin' ♫

♫ If I hurt you I'm sorry ♫

♫ Forgive me ♫

♫ And please say you are mine ♫

♫ Return to me ♫

♫ Please come back, bella mia ♫

♫ Hurry back, hurry home ♫

♫ To my arms, to my lips, and my heart ♫

It's a shame we gotta put roofs on 'em.

All right, Bill, goin' home,
see you, buddy.

♫ Solo tu, solo tu,
solo tu, solo tu, mio cuore ♫

See you, Big Mike.

Hey, Bob, have fun tonight, okay!

As always!

So this is what I'm gonna say...
I'm gonna get up on the podium, uh-huh,

and I'm gonna address the audience, I'm gonna say,
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen."

"Tonight I'm speaking on behalf
of my friend Sydney..."

And, um... Sydney! Sydney! I'm really nervous.

- But do you care?
- Liz?

I knew I'd find you here.

Hey, Sydney, how you doin', brother?

Listen, I need your signature here
so I can change the polar bear's diet.

And you know, it's already five. I'll check in on
the calf, you just go home and get ready, Okay?

Thanks, Char. Bob's
picking up my dress, I have

stockings, I have to take Mel
to the park for a quick run,

my hair and makeup, God, I'm so nervous!

You're gonna be fine.

Now what's the worst that could happen?

You forget your speech and we
don't get any donations.

- Don't even say that.
- Just kiddin'.

Oh, look at him, Charlie.
We'd go nuts in a place this small.

I know. But we're workin' on it.

Wish me luck, Sydney.

He only does that with you.

- Who are you bringing tonight?
- Haven't decided. Still got two hours.

Don't shake, don't shake!

No, no, no, no! C'mon!

Oh, wet dog.
Come on, let's do it. Wet doggie!

Good boy! Boy, you hungry,
you hungry? Let's eat!

Here! Let's go, Mel, she'll be home any minute.

Come on! Come on and eat! Let's eat!

Ooh, this looks good! Um!

C'mon, and get it!

You got some dinner. Come on!

Dinner! Come on!

All right, she'll be home in a minute.

- Hi, my baby!
- Hey, babe.

Ah, hey, Honey! It's pouring out.

- Did you get my dress?
- Yeah, yeah, picked up your dress from the cleaners.

We're on schedule, everything's
gonna be fine, you'll be great.

Mel, I'm so nervous, it's not funny.

Hey, I took Mel out.

- In your tux?
- Yeah.

Honey, your pants are soaked.

- Tell Mel to eat.
- Mel, eat! Go on!

You are cute!

Spend all day with an ape,
what do you expect?

Under our care at Lincoln Park Zoo

Sydney has regained his strength
and maintained his excellent health.

Over the years Sydney has become
a part of the family.

Here he is with my husband.

My husband's the one on the right.

With the generous donations
we've received here tonight,

along with continued
fund-raising, of course, hint hint,

I hope - we hope - to expand
the gorilla habitat to triple its size.

Thank you all for your tremendous
support, and enjoy the evening.

Elizabeth Rueland.
Thank you, Dr. Rueland.

Let's hear it for the doctor.

And now, ladies and gentlemen,
please welcome Mr. Joey Gian!

Thank you very much and good evening.

And speaking of animals, the band and I
worked up a little something special for you.

So let's get this party started.

"What do you expect most
from a relationship?"

"A) Companionship,
B) Sex or C) Respect?"

I'd go with B, sex, but let's put C so we get
a higher score. What do you think?

I think...

What is it? What do you need? Is it your neck?
Here, I'll move the pillow. I'm sorry.

Your back? I can raise you up.


Very funny. You almost gave me
a heart attack, if you'll excuse the expression.

Meg, you can go home, ya know.

To what? My cable's out.

Joe and the kids.

They're okay.

It's good for him to be with them when
they're comin' down from the sugar.

He usually fuels 'em up and then
they go through detox on my shift.

Well, you've seen it!

Promise me
you'll take care of my grandpa.

Now what's got you talkin' like that?

I may never get a heart, you know.

I know you'll get one, I know.

You'll be able to do so many things you were never
able to do... that's what you gotta concentrate on.

Just think about it, Grace,
picture ridin' a bike.

Yeah, ridin' a bike.

That's what you need to think about.
And traveling, and painting in Europe

and dating really handsome men!
That I know! It's got to happen to one of us.

I'm getting a new heart, not a new ass.


Bob, Bob Rueland!

Mr. Bennington. I didn't see you
or I would have stopped and said hello.

- Elizabeth's speech was wonderful.
- Wasn't it wonderful? I'll go tell her that.

I suppose she told you about
our sizeable donation?

- My Missus.
- Mrs. Bennington?

My wife... gave, you know...
strictly anonymously.

Of course. Very generous, as always.
I'm just gonna let Elizabeth know.

We also gave quite a
chunk to the rainforest.

And, you know, then, before I
know it, I was on a safari, Bob!

Can you imagine me on safari, Bob?

No, I cannot.

I was, I... me and the Missus,
hackin' through the bush, what do ya think?

- Hey! Charlie!
- Hey, Bob! Mr. Bennington!

Charlie, did you hear about
my sizeable donation?

The anonymous one. Yes, I have.

- She loves this song.
- Apparently.

We don't want keep you, so let's...

Oh! No, no! Stay, I'm gonna run
and put on a little more lipstick.

Is that possible?

- I'm gonna go with you, c'mon!
- To the ladies' room? Charlie!

Charlie, you got big news
here for Mr. B, don't you?


Mr. B, Charlie's got big news for you.

- What news?
- I don't know, what are you...

You know, it's because
of that sizeable donation,

Charlie's puttin' up a picture of you in
the monkey house. Isn't that wonderful?

- Oh! Charlie, I'm deeply touched!
- It's a great honor.

Ya know, it's not official, and I still do have to
run it by a couple of guys. I can do that right now.

Well, you two obviously... no, no, no, you have a
lot to discuss, so why don't you just stay and...?

Listen, Charlie,
would you ever consider

- A mural, maybe?
- A mural.

We love it there. My mother's family
is from Tuscany so it's like going home.

That's so sweet.

You have to come out some time. Our place is
right at the edge of the most magnificent vineyard.

Everything's at the edge of a vineyard,
it's Tuscany.

- Mrs. Rueland.
- Hey, stranger.

Honey, you remember Celia and Tony.

We were just telling Elizabeth
about our place in Italy.

We were supposed to
Italy on our honeymoon.

Yeah, but we didn't think
Sydney would tolerate the flight.

I promise you we'll go to Italy... eventually.

That's big.
If that's a promise, I'll take that.

Where are you vacationing this year?

We're going to go to one of those
water theme parks for the weekend.

That'll be nice.

It's a joke, Celia.

I... I promised my wife that we'd dance
tonight, Tony, so if you'll excuse us...

- Certainly.
- It was wonderful to see you both.

Good night.

It's just a little crowded out here right now,
let's wait for the next song.

So really... how was I?

You were perfect. Absolutely
perfect. And with the backlighting,

I tell you, I you could see
right through your dress.

No, you were wonderful. Really. Really
wonderful. I'm so proud of you.

Don't be too proud. Poor Sydney's
still stuck in that small space.

Yeah, tell you what, if you promise you'll take
time off for a trip to Italy with me

I promise to build Sydney a new home,
with or without the rest of the funding.


Come on, you can stand on my feet.

♫ Return to me ♫

♫ Oh my dear, I'm so lonely ♫

♫ Hurry home, hurry home ♫

♫ Won't you please hurry
home to my heart ♫

♫ My darling ♫

♫ lf I hurt you I'm sorry ♫

♫ Forgive me ♫

♫ And please say you're mine ♫

♫ Return to me ♫

We got a female, , car accident.
Hit on the right side.

Head trauma, unconscious
at the scene, never regained.

- Call neural surgery, get Westfall into scrub.
- Done!

- Name?
- Does she have any allergy?

Sir, Her name?
Sir, Her name?!?

- Sir?
- Eli-Elizabeth Rueland.

Sorry, Sir, sorry, Sir, you can't go in.

Sorry, you're going to have to wait here.

We're going to try to help.

♫ Retorna me ♫

♫ Cara mia, ti amo ♫

♫ Solo tu, solo tu, solo tu, solo tu ♫

♫ Mi' amor ♫

- All right, Angelo, andiamo, now, get that while it's hot, will ya.
- I got it, Marty, I got it.

- Aah, I said I'd get it myself.
- All right, suit yourself, Baby.

Where's Sophie?

Sophie, she got a perm today. Her scalp is
still burning, she went home early.

Oh, of course she did. Why did I ask?

Will you go find yourself a gondola?

Pick up.

Now then, Nancy darlin'...

I know that looks massive
but you'll get through it.

Why, thank you.

Marty, how is Gracie doing?

Oh, fine, fine, you know.
We... we're all waiting.

- Are you still keeping up the rosary?
- Every night.

- Give her our love.
- Oh, I will, of course. Of course I will.

I can do that.
Where are the three chicken Vesuvios?

Already served them, Marty.

Ah, then thank you very much,
thank you, thank you, grazie.

Oh, you've got it, haven't you?

You have? Oh! Thanks be to God
and all the saints in heaven!

Let me talk to her.

All right! I'll be right over! Here's Angelo now.

Call everybody!
Call everybody up now!

Hey! You got a heart.
You got a heart, huh?


What, like an hour into it? Or...

No, someone'll come out
and tell you intermittently. Excuse me.

Oh! See! He's here.

- Hey.
- Isn't she beautiful?

Oh, you're here. Grandpa, thank you for
always taking care of me.

And if I don't come out...

I love you so much.

Oh, you've got to come out,
if those tulips you planted,

they come up and see only me standin' there,
they's gonna go back into the ground again.

Thanks. Give me a kiss.

Okay, folks.

- Here we go.
- Pray, Grandpa.

We'll take good care of her.

- Okay, I'll see you later.
- Yes.

I got to walk Mel.

I left the hospital a few hours ago.
I came by and took him to the park.



- I'm gonna stay.
- No.

I'll pick your parents up
from the airport in the morning.



If you need anything, you call me,
I'll be here in two minutes.

Thank you, Charlie.

She's not coming home, Mel.

Blessed Michael the Archangel,
who protects in battle,

and this is the greatest
battle of our lives...

I know my wife never thought much of you
but you were always my favorite saint.

'Cause you're a battler,
you're a fighter. Well,

fight for us now, Michael, fight for us.

In the name of the Father,
and of the Son and the Holy Ghost, Amen.

Adam Martin Dayton, what is that?

Cherry pop.

- Sophie, did you give him wine?
- Angelo...

Angelo, what are you doin' to me here?

- It's tranquilizer.
- Oh, that's great!

So sue me.
Now they're drunk and disorderly.

Is that funny, Dad?

Stop it, right now, both of you, stop it! Joe!

- Joe!
- What?

Help me out! Go get the kids together and take
'em to your Ma's, it's one in the morning.

- Here, Emmett. Nourish yourself.
- Ah! Thank you.

Could I have milk, please?

Tyler, c'mon, I want you
with your brothers up here.

Hey! I'll only buy more.

- C'mon, let's go.
- I wanna stay and see the new heart.

You'll see it when it comes home.
Come on.

No stopping anywhere, Joe, you come straight
back here when you're done with them.

- I'm gonna stop at a lap-dancing bar.
- Oh! That's so funny.

- Where's Marty?
- I don't know. Dad! Where's Marty?

Oh, he's in the chapel, Honey.

Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee...

Want me to shuffle for you?

- You wanna ante a quarter?
- Yes, I do, I do.

Ante up there!

Ah! This guy you're talkin' about,
he can't sing at all.

- Can't sing! Then how come he's got such a big band?
- To drown him out.

Wally, Wally, stay out of this.

How many famous
Polish singers are there?

I got two words for you: Bobby Vinton.

Bobby Vinton?!
Bobby Vinton, Bobby Vinton!

Well, what have you got?
The Irish Rovers?

Well, well, well.

I got three words for you.

Mr. Bing Crosby.

Oh, he made a lovely priest.

Yeah, he made a beautiful priest,
but he beat the hell out of his kids.

Doesn't mean he couldn't sing.
Sinatra beat up everybody.

Frank did not.
His people did, he did not.

Look at Dean Martin.

- The guy never hit anybody.
- That's right, you're right.

What about Jerry?
But he was askin' for it.

The point is: we got Frank,
we got Dean, we got Perry Como,

we got Vic Damone,
we got Bobby Darin,

We got Mario Lanza,
we got Luciano Pavarotti,

we got Beniamino Gigli,
we got the composers!

Verdi, Leoncavallo!

- Millions.
- That's right. A dynasty.

- I'm not bragging, but...
- You're not?

You're not bragging?

Christ, he goes on for a half hour.

Oh, come on.

Uh, Grace, you want me to take
you to the doctor in my Caddy.

No thanks, Wal, I'll take my bike.

- Let him take you in the car, suppose it rains?
- Then I'll get wet, Grandpa.

Then you'll be sick next.

Gracie, settle something for us, huh,
best male singer, dead?

Dean Martin.

- Frank!
- Bing.

Bobby! Bobby Vinton!

Will ya leave her alone, Wally!

Now, go straight to your appointment,
then you go to meet Megan.

And if change any of your
plans then you telephone me.

I may have to stop off at the Pussycat Club,
'cause I think one of their strippers quit.

Oh, don't say strippers,
God's listening ta ya.

Hey! C’mon, it's been over a year,
you can hardly see it anymore.

Nice try, Angelo.
I just don't like all the questions, yeah?

You tell everybody that you're
just the luckiest girl in the world.

I know, Grandpa, I know.

You're beautiful, and no one's
going to notice your chest.

Thanks a lot.

- I'll see you later.
- Bye, Grace!

- Have fun at the Zoo.!
- Yeah!

Ride on the sidewalk, now.

Marty! Leave her alone. Please!

And you can stop in at the church as you go by.

C'mon she's thanked God enough already, okay?

You're going to be
a long while in purgatory, you are!

Really? Well, I'll be with friends.

God's listening to that.

All right, guys...

Now, out of respect we gotta give
honorable mention to Sammy Davis Jr., right?

He only had one eye, so...
what else can I tell ya?

- He was Irish, you know.
- Are you blind? He was Jewish.

Whatever. Somethin' didn't fit.

This is hard for him, ya know.

Everyone he's ever loved has died,
and I'm all he has, he's all I have.

- Morning, Grace.
- Hey, Alice.

Well, everything's looking very good,
you're doin' great. How are you feeling?

- Good. Happy. Of course I'm happy.
- Good.

- What else am I gonna be?
- Well, we all have our days.

Add those to your morning meds.

- point .
- Uh-huh.

I don't feel like I should have "days".

I should be happy
just to be alive, and I am.

I'm alive 'cause someone else is dead.

I should just shut up and be happy, right?


Okay, you can get dressed. See you next month.
Say hi to your grandpa.

He's a great listener.

- What, Honey?
- Nothing.

Tom, what the hell is goin' on?

- It's not my department, don't look at me.
- Well, who's department is it?

- Look, my guys worked hours yesterday.
- At time and a half, I'm cryin' for ya.

- You got the best guys workin' for you here.
- I don't give a shit, Mike.

I got to take a break.

Don't forget, you're on Wabash at
o'clock, new beams goin' in.

Keep up.

Mail it, Grace, you'll feel better.

- I know, I want to.
- C'mon, stay with Mommie, Honey.

Every time I go to do it, I... I can't.

I don't know why not, it's anonymous.

It says you're grateful, God knows I'd want to get
it if I lost someone I loved, wouldn't you?

Yeah, but, it just seems so strange.

Sending a thank-you note for a heart. Ya know...

It seems so...

..not enough.

- Won't you feel worse not sending it?
- Well, yeah. I mean, I always have it.

I know, Grace, and it's been
a year, so go back there,

drop it in and move on,
Honey, I'm sure they have.


Let it go.

Okay, everybody clap for Auntie Grace,
she just mailed a very important letter. C'mon.

- Mom, look at the cool truck!
- Yeah, oh, look at that.

- Look at their arms.
- Yeah! Wow!

Okay, come on, gorillas.

Karson, your pants, Honey, are falling down.

These are Adam's. He has your pants on, Honey.

That's all right, let's go, come on, Laura.

Laura, stay in front of Mommie, c'mon,
all the time now while we're here.

Aunt Grace, are you okay?

Yeah. Whatever it was, it didn't hurt.

Well, all right, let's try it.
See if we can get him to come over.

- "H"...
- Look! Here he comes!

Look, Mom, he likes us.

- Doesn't he remind you of Daddy?
- He looks bigger than Daddy.

- Do you see?
- That's kinda sweet, huh?

Bob, calm down, don't go in there,
I just talked to 'em!

Okay, guys, here's the deal.

My wife wanted this
building up years ago,

so the way I see it we're
already way behind schedule.

First of all, you:
artificial trees are not planted.

I'm asking for an additional feet
to build around the existing oak trees.

And I will leave plenty of room
for your godforsaken souvenir shop.

And if you don't approve, I am walking. I'm taking
my men and it's over, because I don't need the work

and I'm certainly not here because of the money,
I'm here because of my wife.

Have you got it?


Well, thanks for yellin' and screamin', 'cause now
I gotta go in there and clean everything up.

All right, look, you want to get a drink?
Somethin' to eat, shake this off?

- Come on! Let's go get a beer.
- Thanks, Charlie. No.

All right, well, if not tonight, Friday night,
because I got somebody for you.

Oh, Charlie, no.

She's got a great body:
attorney, great body, intelligent, great body.

You gotta start goin' out! She loves
animals, her cat was a patient of mine.

I'm a dog person.

I'm just trying to help you, Man.

- Dan, you got 'em!
- Yeah, it's the first time I'm wearing 'em.

- You look good.
- Feelin' good.

- All right, need some help?
- I think I'll be okay.

Look at you!

- Where are you goin'?
- I don't know.

- Thanks.
- All right, all right.

I took Mel out.

Put the mail next to the phone,
on the pile.

Okay, thanks, buddy, see you later.

Come on, Mel.

Any calls?

You have no messages.

Wanna eat?

- Hi.
- Hi, Mr. Rueland.

Hey, Mel!

- There you go.
- Thanks. See you tomorrow night.

- Yeah.
- Bye. Bye, Mel!

Come on, in the kitchen.

C'mon, Mel, I got you some rice.

Here we go.

You're gonna eat in here today.

Good! Good, good, good.

Come on. Come on.

C'mon, I'm not doin' this anymore.
We're goin' back to usin' the kitchen, c'mon!

Goddammit, Mel, come on back here and
eat in the kitchen like a normal person! C'mon!

Good boy, good boy, c'mon, let's go.
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!

To the kitchen, let's go! That's it! C'mon!
Follow me! C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!

There's a good boy.

Good boy, you made it halfway.

You gotta snap out of it, Buddy.

Charlie, it's Bob.

I'm gonna... I'm gonna go out with you
on Friday, all right?

Yeah, yeah, you heard me.



O'Reilly's Italian restaurant?


Where is that?

♫ Ah, Marie, ah, Marie. ♫

♫ Quanto sonno agiu perse per te.
Famme` durmi, my Marie ♫

♫ Ah, Marie,
Ah, Marie. ♫

Big finish, Grandpa!

I'm still trying to get them
to play "Danny Boy".

All right, I got a chicken Vesuvio and a corned
beef and cabbage, no butter on the cabbage for them.

All right, darlin'.

Here, now, don't eat that.

Oh, my God!

Save it, save it, save it for the Italians!
I know you love me!

Are you sure, can we afford it?

Angelo says that a true artist
must paint in the Pissa Navona.

Piazza Navona!

- And, ya know, I... I could go over with you.
- Sure, yeah, sure.

- Marty, let her go alone.
- Or, you wouldn't have to go at all.

- She'll be fine.
- I'm gonna go.

She's never before been on an aeroplane
and Rome is far, far away.

Marty, she'll be fine, you
already paid for the ticket.

We'll discuss it later on.

- Ange. Two more, Hon.
- Sophie, Sophie! He gave her the tickets.

You couldn't wait 'til I was in the kitchen!

She had the same look on her face then
as she has now. Show her the face!

- Say it!
- I miss everything!

Well, the customers out there
are missing you, and so...

Can I at least look at it?

Here! Look, look, look! Here!

Don't put your fingers on it!

- Look how much it cost.
- It's so beautiful!

- Oh, you deserve it, Sweetie.
- She does indeed, she does indeed.

- Oh, well. All right, let's go.
- Thank you.

All right, back to work.

Thank you, Grandpa.

Angelo, thank you!

How did you talk him into it?

My goodness! I'm so proud of him.

He loves you so much,
he's like an Italian mamma!

Ya know, I can't wait to tell Megan,
she's gonna flip out.

- Hey, I got another surprise for you. Come here.
- What?

- He is here.
- Who's he?

The guy I was telling you about.
He's at the bar, waitin' to meet you.

- Oh, Angelo...
- Don't worry about it, I told him everything.

- I told him you had your chest worked on.
- What?!

- Angelo, he's gonna think I had a...
- What?


It doesn't matter, he's a terrific guy.
In fact, he had a transplant, too. So...

Coraggio, go on!

My doctors, they say it's a solid transplant.

Look how natural it looks.
Go ahead, give it a tug.

- No, that's okay.
- Oh, come on, give her a tug!

Good evening, Sir.

- Are you staying or leaving or what?
- I'm staying.

Thank you very much.

Bob! Bob!

My man, Bobby!
How ya doin'?

This is Marsha.

- Come on!
- I have bacon fat on my hands.

It's okay, Grace, I can wash it,
shower in it, run in the rain,

anything, swim, come on,
give it a good pull! C'mon!

- I don't want to hurt you.
- It's okay, it's okay! I'm fine!

- Okay.
- Ow, ow!

- You picked a soft spot.
- Sorry.

Gracie, mind the four-top
over there, will you?

Yeah, I will.

Okay, well, it was really nice to meet you.

- Good luck with your hair.
- Thank you.

Hey, Patrick. Wanna grab on
with two hands and run for the door?

- No, Ralph. I don't touch men.
- It's women's hair.

And then I said, "It's Squeaker, my kitty!"

Everyone was laughing! Ah-ha-ha! Oh!

That's when I met Charlie,
he was the only vet open.

- Funny story.
- Where are the menus? What is going on?

Anyway, Squeaker won't let
another vet touch him.

Yeah, well, I better not hear about
anybody else touching your squeaker.

I didn't mean to say that.

- Charlie, I really like this place, it's very nice.
- Oh, well, if you like this kind of place.

And everything here is good,
that's the beauty of it.

Oh my gosh, look at us, matchy green.
"Matchy matchy green squared!"

I'll take care of that.

Thank you very much.

Oh, could you hang this
up behind you, is that all right?

- Yeah.
- Thank you.

So, Rob, Charlie tells me
you work at the zoo.

Wait a minute, he doesn't work there,
Bob is there building, Bob's a builder.

You know the new building on State Street? Bob's.

- You own it?
- No. No, I designed it.


Good evening.

Oh! No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Do you have bottled water?

Sure, anyone else?

- May I have a wine list, please?
- Sure.

Do we know each other?


...think so. Have you been in here before?

No, no. I think I'd remember
an Irish-Italian restaurant.

Yeah, you would.

Oh, my God, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah. My water?

I don't want Swiss water, I got sick on an imported
Swiss water once, do you remember that night?

Ach...that was horrible.

As long as it's not Swiss or tap water
it'll be fine. Preferably French, no bubbles.

I want it cold, no ice, no glass,
just the bottle and a straw.

Do you want to write it down?
I don't want Swiss water...

I'm pretty sure I got it.

I'm sorry, can I get a cup of coffee?

- Sure.
- No straw.

I hate when they don't write it down and they
come back and everything is wrong, you watch.

- It will be wrong.
- Maybe she'll get it right, I've been here before.

It's not gonna happen.

Nope, not me.

- Not me.
- No.

I think your ass is ringing.

I usually don't bring it, I'm sorry.


Okay, Mike! Mike, mike!
Excuse me, I gotta take this.

Come on, what do you think?

Patrick, can you gimme an Aquafina?

That's... that's good, Mike.
We'll call in a favor on the

welder and work four days
for us and one day at the zoo.

Either way they get paid
under the original contract.

Who else is on the clock?

Um... no, no, that sounds good,
that sounds good, I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay.

No, no! Hold on, Mike!
Can you do me a favor,

just call me back in like two or three
minutes and whatever I say, just disregard it?


So, the old man goes,
"How many times I gotta tell you,

I don't want no brown bananas?"

- Wine lists.
- That's a good one.

- Oh, I bet that's refreshing.
- Oh, such a difference!


There you go.

It's about time.

I'm doing this new food combination,
so I don't really need something...

We have some specials this evening:
the chicken Vesuvio...

Please! I'm around them all day.

I didn't mean to...

I'm a vet, you know?

...and a corned beef and
cabbage soufflé and a spinach

ravioli in an arrabiata
sauce, which is my favorite.

- I'll have that.
- That sounds so fattening.

- Well, just order something else.
- Is every dish here cooked in oil?

No, some we boil in Swiss water.

- We're gonna need another minute.
- Okay.

We should talk to the manager
here and get that smartass fired.

- Did you hear her?
- She's fine.

No, that is not fine,
no, that was uncalled-for.

Get out of the way, Patrick.

We're getting a lot of
compliments on the pasta tonight.

Why wouldn't we? Angelo's the best
Italian chef in the City of Chicago.

Angelo! Three more of the shepherd's pies,
if you please.

Oh, that's me, that's mine.

Rueland. Hey, Mike.

I'm just havin' dinner.

No. No, that's not a problem.

If I have to be there, I have to be there,
I'll see ya in five minutes.

- Where?
- The Wabash building.

- You're saying they're working on a Friday night?
- Can you believe that?

- No.
- It's an emergency, I gotta be there.

- It was nice to meet you, Marla.
- Marsha.

- And Shari?
- Yeah, that's it.

I apologize, and... have fun.


- Is everything okay?
- Oh, yeah, I'm fine, I just... I got called to work.

Ah! Is your girlfriend and your friends,
are they gonna be staying?

God, that's not my girlfriend, it's not
even a friend, it's not an acquaintance, either.

Yes, they will be staying.

Oh! Will you hang on a second.

- Soph, what is that?
- Ravioli and a side cabbage for pickup.

Here you go, Mr. Atsuki.

Ah, you know, on the house.

Come back again.

Thank you.

- Ticket, Sir? Thank you, Sir.
- Thank you.

♫ Buona sera, signorina, buona sera ♫

♫ It is time to say ♫

♫ good night to Napoli ♫

♫ Though it's hard for me
to whisper a buona sera ♫

♫ With that old moon above
and the Mediterranean sea ♫

- What are you goin'?
- I got a call, I gotta go.

- You're already out, it's Friday night.
- I know.

Drink some wine,

drink some more wine, enjoy the evening.

Can't, really.

I gotta go to work, sorry.

- Thank you.
- I know you're goin' home.

I'm not goin' home, I gotta go to work.

Yeah, yeah, right.

- Grace? Umbrella.
- Oh, thanks.

Another set of keys. Oh...

I found this phone on the bar earlier.
Nice, huh?

♫ Buona sera, signorina ♫

♫ Kiss me good night ♫


According to this latest set
of plans, it looks like we're...

are we only enclosing the one oak tree?

No, no, no! I got a newer set of plans
in my office. Maybe we'll work Saturdays.

- We are working Saturdays!
- Okay, look, I'll get the new set of plans.

I'll take this home, my kids love
coloring between the lines on these.

- Hey, Bob, could I see the new plans?
- Yeah, sure, right here.

- These'll be the last set, right?
- Yes.

Oh, yeah.

Did anybody call back about my phone?

Oh, yeah, the restaurant called, they have it.

- Who called?
- The restaurant.

- No, I... who from the restaurant?
- I don't know, some woman.

- Young or old?
- Bigger than a bread box, I don't know!

- I'll send one of the guys to go get it.
- No, no, no, I'll swing by there later, it's fine.

Oh, that's cute, that's cute.

Will you stop with the piano?

Think I'm gonna go in the fall.

- Here's the baby pig pen.
- Okay, those are pigs.

The mommy has ten baby bottles
coming out of her tummy.

That's cute.

Will you stop with the piano!


- What? I'm not playing it.
- But you...

What else did you see at the zoo?

Then we went to see the gorillas
and mommy said it was you.

Oh, I did not! I did not!

- Did she take you to see the elephants?
- Watch it, Joe!

- Did you change him?
- Yeah, I'm gonna.

No! Joe! Get up and change him!
What have you been doing?

- I've been saving lives all day, Honey, I want
to sit down a relax a little bit, okay?
- Oh, very funny, now c'mon.

- I'll change him.
- No, no, no, Grace, I got it, Grace, I got it.

- Joe, get up and do it right now.
- Grace, I got it. I got it, Grace, I'll do it.

- Megan.
- What?!

I invited Rudy over.
Ya know, to meet Grace. Ya know.

Father Rudy?

Stop sayin' that,
he's not a priest any more.

To me he'll always be a priest.
Joe, she'll meet someone on her own.

Where? She's here
on every one of her nights off.

- He's a nice guy.
- It doesn't matter! Joe!

It's not easy to dance when no one's leading.
Would you stop drinkin' that beer

and help me clean up the puzzle!

- Here's the barn! The barn is gone!
- What's goin' on?

- Nothing.
- The barn...

Joe went and invited somebody
over, like a blind date for you.

- What?!
- It's not a date.

He's comin' over for dinner, Grace, that's it.

- I gotta find my scarf.
- Well, ya better hurry!

It's all right, I already
told him you've had work done.


God, Joe! She's not a Buick.

He understands, he's fine with it, he's okay
with it, Honey, he's a priest, for God's sake!

- A priest?
- Yup.

An ex-priest. What's the big deal? C'mon!
He's never dated, you've never dated.

- Joe! Grace has dated.
- Who? Chooch Patucci?

I never dated Chooch Patucci!

That's a date?

You dated Chooch Patucci?! C'mon!

I don't say that name said in this house.

- It's all right, Megan.
- Do you hate priests, Aunt Grace?

- No, Honey.
- 'Cause if you do you'll go straight to hell.

Watch your mouth! Nobody is going to hell.

That's great, Joe, that's
great. You taught him "hell".

I did not, you picked it
up from Mom, didn't ya?

I have never said "hell",
you son of a bitch.

You try to help somebody! Okay!
Back off, back off, just back off.

Oh, shit! Father Rudy's here.

Don't say "shit" in front
of the priest, understand?

Shit! Shit!

Would everyone just calm down,
for the love of God and all that is holy?

Calm the hell down!

Stop playing that.

- Shut that thing off.
- No, no... Dad...!

Good night, Nurse!

For Christ's sake, he's just a man!

I'm not used to being without it yet, Joe.

Come on in.

- There she is.
- Oh, boy!

Dinner, I mean.

♫ Hallelujah! ♫

I'll call my friend and see where he's at.


Hey, where you at?

You ran away last night, you don't show up tonight.
I thought you wanted to hang out, Man.

I'm sorry, Charlie,
I'm just not feelin' up to it.

I don't know, maybe somethin' I ate.

I'm just going to... I'm gonna kick back,
take it easy, and maybe go to bed early.

What you doin'?

Now? Just watching the Cubs game.

What's the score?

The score? Oh, it's, uh...


It's... the Cubs are losin'.

Hey, Mr. Rueland?

Dan the man!

Bob the slob...just kidding, just kidding.

Yeah, maybe you could clean up the place.

I don't think you could afford me.

Hey, how do I look?



Tall, yeah.


Oh, Megan, it was fine.
You know... he was a nice guy.

Yeah, well, at least
we had a few laughs.

Yeah, we did.

Did you notice how he was afraid
to even let me lift a plate of potatoes?

No, I think he was just being polite.


No, but it's like as soon as they know,
they think of me as broken.

I think they see you as a kind, loving
woman that's beaten unbeatable odds.

- Yeah, that's the way I see you.
- Urrgghh!

Okay, Tyler, come on!

- The right guy will know... trust me.
- Get up! Up, up, up, up, up!

Can't have Joe settin' you
up though, can you imagine

havin' him describin' your
surgery, it'd scare anyone!

You and me, tonight, they're
asleep, we can do it!

What did he say?

He's saying he's sorry about tonight,
so please forgive him.

Left! Step up! Good boy!


- Goddammit!
- Oh, Dear.

- Goddammit!
- Megan! What?

I'm right here, everything's fine, take it easy.

- Dad, I want some water.
- You can't have water.

He can have some water!

No, he'll pee in his bed
and who's gonna change it?

I do, damn it.

Okay, potty mouth's gonna
change it. Get up there, c'mon!

Come on, Honey, get up there.
C'mon, you're going to sleep... forever!

Stop yellin', it's gonna be in
their little heads all night.

I'll put something in their heads!

Dad, what are you doing?

I'm trying to put Mom to
bed, too, c'mon, go to bed!

- Grandpa, you need some help?
- No, no, Darlin', not at all no.

I'm blessed with work.

Sweet dreams, Gracie Alana.

Good night, Grandpa.

Best female singer.

- Dead or alive?
- Either.

Peggy Lee.

- Ella Fitzgerald, easy.
- Now, I can agree with that.

I agree.

- I still take Ernie Banks over Ty Cobb.
- Ah, don't be ridiculous.

You can't mix your dream team
from different eras.

- What is this, a new rule?
- You can't mix living and dead players.

Ty Cobb was the greatest
ball player that ever played.

- A great player, but an animal.
- I'd still take Ernie Banks over Ty Cobb.

Know how many people would go to Bank's funeral?

Joe DiMaggio was
the classiest of them all.

Apples and oranges, come on, guys.

- Yeah, but you can't...
- Compare short stop to short stop...

Now, you are either very late
or very early, what's your view of it?

No, no, I think I left my cell phone here,
somebody called back, I think it was a young lady?

Ah, I'll have a look around for
it, come on in and have a beer.

Oh, no, thanks.

- Have to get home to the little wife, do you?
- No.

- You're... you're not married, then?
- Mmm... no, not really.

I hope she didn't walk out on you.

No... no, no, she passed away.

Oh, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, that's very sad.

Oh, I hate to hear that, but anyway...

Come on in, we'll have a pint on that.
Meet the lads back here.

Now, this is my friend, uh...

- Bob.
- Bob! Bob... his wife is dead.

Hey, Robert! How are ya?

That's Wally over there, and this is
Emmett here. This is my brother-in-law Angelo.

And I'm Marty. So deal him in.
Sit down and I'll get you a beer.

Give him a chair, come on!

- Sophie, bring over another pitcher of beer.
- I'm not real good at cards, but...

- You got cash?
- Yeah.

- You're in.
- Pay a nickel, take your chances.

Well, I'm on my way home.

- Ah, hi there.
- Oh, hi.

- How did you get caught in their net?
- Sophie...

His wife is dead.

Ah, welcome.

Who's walkin' me?

You're two doors down,
what's gonna happen, you gonna get lost?

I hope I do get lost so
you have to live with the guilt.

- Oh, yap, yap, yap...
- Oh, Sophie, I'll walk you myself!

Don't pay any attention to them.
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