06x07 - In Love and w*r

Episode transcripts for the TV show "M*A*S*H". Aired: September 1972- February 1983.*
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During the Korean w*r the staff of an Army hospital find that humor helps deal with the difficulties.
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06x07 - In Love and w*r

Post by bunniefuu »

♪♪ [theme]

Set her down right over there.


Take a look at this.

-Oh, dear.
-What do you think?

You'd better dress
those burns stat.

Get Winchester to cover
for you out here.

Get her into pre-op.
Start a saline I.V.

[no audible dialogue]

Pierce. There's
a child in that car

with a dislocated clavicle.

Get him inside and have
him X-rayed right away.

-I'll check him in a second.
-Just get him inside.

the principle of triage

is to take the neediest first,
not the best dressed.

What's the problem?

What makes her think
she can tell me

I have to take a clavicle
before I take something else?

She didn't. I told you.

I got a busted femur here.
When do I take her?

What are you getting
so cranky about?

You do the femur first,
then you do the clavicle.

Just get to the kid
as soon as you can.

[no audible dialogue]


You called, mon Colonel?

Madame Min's mother's
back at her estate.

She needs medical attention.

This is all
pretty light stuff.

-I think we can spare you.

Well, possibly I could
stop by around 6:00-ish

on my way to the club
for a sherry.

I'll explain to you later

what an ass you're making
of yourself.

Park your carcass
in that car.

Thank you.

If Scott and Zelda drop by,
have them wait by the pool.

Nice wheels.

I guess this heap must've set
you back quite a bundle, huh?

You don't talk much, do you?

I know it's very lower class
of me to get upset,

but when the local
countess butts in

on a line of sick people,

I get a fast case
of rising gorge.

When a person you love
is in pain,

it is very hard to wait.

They're all in pain, lady.

This is it?
This is the estate?

Yes. As you can see,

many a*tillery shells
fall short of the mark.

[speaking Korean]

[responding in Korean]

Tell her I have a diploma
and everything.

She wants me to change
into my everyday clothes.

I'll be right back.

Okay. Let's see
what we got here.

[speaking Korean]

Look. I'm a doctor. See?

This is Lieutenant Gleason,

She's just been
transferred from Tokyo.

-Hi. I'm Peggy.
-I'm Bobbie.

Why don't you help Bigelow
change this dressing?

-I'll show you
your tent later.
-Yes, Major.

Come on over here
and put one of these on.

No use getting dirty.

Ooh. Things really move fast
around here.

5:00 this morning, I was
dancing down the Ginza

with a lieutenant colonel
under one arm

and a bottle of hot sake
in the other.

-A farewell party, huh?

Must've been tough
leaving Tokyo to come here.

Well, I'll tell you,

I was glad to get away
from that dimwit colonel.

All hands and no brains.

Let's hold down the chat,

Major, that is the last
you'll hear from me

about old Donald Dimwit.

Old Donald?

-Yeah. What a cluck.

Major, I'm sure it couldn't
have been your Donald.

Well, of course not!
What was his last name?

Uh, well, we didn't actually
get to know each other

on a last-name basis.

Ohh. But he was a cluck?

Uh, well, in an amusing
sort of way.


Major, don't you think we
oughta change this dressing?

Right. And later on,
you can tell us all
about Donald Cluck.

What'll I do now?

Just keep away from her
for a couple of days.

Gleason, you're at my table.

And watch out
for the scalpels.

[both speaking Korean]

I think your mother
may have pneumonia.

I gave her some medication,

but there's really
not much to do

but let it take its course.

I'll come back tomorrow
to see how she's doing.

Thank you, Doctor.

[speaking Korean]

That your daughter?

No. She and her mother lost
their home in an air raid.

Her father died a year ago
in the w*r.

We had some room, so I just
asked them to stay with us.

What about the others
here? The same?

Yes. The same.

Eight people stay with us.

How do you manage?

Not so bad.

We have some chickens
for eggs.

We grow vegetables
in the garden.

There's a well about a mile
away where we get water.

You haul water
from a mile away?

How can you do that?

That's where the water is.

I guess I owe you
an apology, huh?

For what?

Can I help with anything?

Can I get you
some medicine,

some clothing, some food?

I want to make up for
some of those wonderful
things I said before.

Do you speak any French?

Just a "petit peu."

You need something

No. I just want
to hear it again.

I studied in Paris
when I was young.

And then there was
the very intelligent man
from our village--

a doctor, used to
come to the house.

We would talk in French
about art, literature.

He's gone now, huh?

All the men
in the village are gone,

except the very old
and the very young.

These people
are very dear to me...

but no one here
know La Rochefoucauld.

Isn't he the one who said
"Evil to him who evil thinks"?

"Honi soit qui mal y pense"?


Then I don't know
who he is, either.

You know, you have
a fantastic attitude.

That you can go
through all of this

and still smile
is wonderful.

I guess nothing
is all that bad

unless you think it is.

You do know
La Rochefoucauld.

I do?

-That's from one of his poems.

One is only as happy
or unhappy as one imagines.

You know, uh...

"je suis, uh,
poulet à la poetry."


What did you mean to say?

That I'm pulled
toward poetry.

-What did I say?

You said you was a chicken.

Nice-looking taxi driver.

That's a fantastic woman.

You know she's taken in
a bunch of widows and kids

to live with her?

That's why I put her
at the head of the line.

Why didn't you
tell me?

Because when they
make you a colonel,

they take the bone
out of your head

that makes you explain orders.

We're gonna drink
your whiskey.

-You wanna join us?
-As long as you're buying.

You think she'd be willing
to see me again

and again and again
and again?

-Is this your heart going
-Oh, do yourself a favor.

-Don't fall in love
during a w*r.
-Why shouldn't he?

Because w*r is cruel.
For every hello,
there are two good-byes.

-I wonder if she'd go out to
dinner with me?
-Love and w*r don't mix.

The rockets' red glare
is no candlelit supper.

You realize
you're talking to the post?

I might as well.
I ain't gettin'
anywhere with him.

Aha! Mm.

Your hands
are for surgery.

Would you have dinner
with me?

Would you like to share
our evening meal with us?

No. I mean
let's have dinner.

Let's go out.


Uncle Ho's.
We can eat by candlelight.

Uncle Ho has been
bombed out for six months.

I know. You can always
get a table there now.

[both speaking Korean]

No. It's all right.
We're finished.

We're done.
Tell her we're done.

-[speaking Korean]
-Okay. Rest up. Rest up.

Come on. What do you say?
We can take our own food.

We'll get a break
from the w*r.

I'll pick you up tomorrow
night around 7:00, okay?


If you touch one of
my artichoke hearts,
I will cut out yours.

Charles, I met somebody
who means a great deal to me,

and I want this to be
a special occassion.

-All right.

Here. With my compliments.

And have a really
romantic evening, Pierce.

Wild boar goulash?

That sounds really, uh,

Oh, yeah.
The can's a bit swollen.

You better have her
taste it first.

I think I'll try
the Mess Tent.

I hope our table's ready.

I hate waiting at the bar.

You'll love this place.
It's so informal.

Designed by the famous
Italian architect Al Fresco.



Violin music.


What is that?

Beethoven. It's the only
violin music I had.


I brought some kimchi
and some dried fish.

-I hope you like dried fish.
-I love dried fish.

I hope you love
pork and beans.

-What's the matter?
-I'm afraid.

Of what?

That this will go too far.

That I will feel something
I haven't felt in a long time.

Kyung Soon,
I'm touched by you.

By the way you sit
in a bombed-out house

and make jokes in French.

Even by the way you yank
vegetables out of the ground

and carry water
from a mile away.

And I like the way
you pat the chickens

when you take
their eggs away.

And your eyes have shot their
arrows into my heart.

That's from Dante.

I know. I got that out
of a Classic Comics edition

of "The Divine Comedy."

I thought it wouldn't
hurt to throw it in.

So how about me?
You think I'm cute?

I'm touched by you, too,

because you care
about my people,

and I like your laughter,
your warmth.

And your eyes have shot
their arrows into my heart, too.

So what are you afraid of?

Of everything.

Will you dance with me?

I don't think we should.

Will you?




What does "Kyung Soon" mean?
Does that mean anything?

It means I'm bright
and obedient,

but my father
used to tease me.

I'm not very obedient.

What does "Hawkeye" mean?

That's just
the name of a character

in a book
my father liked.

It just means
eye of the hawk.

What is hawk?

It's sort of a cute vulture.

And your father
named you this?

Birds like that are
very big in our country.

On Thanksgiving,
we eat a turkey,

which is kind of a vulture
with a double chin.

We have Thanksgiving too.

-It's called Choosuk.

The autumn festival.

On that day, we travel to
the graves of our ancestors,

honor them with rice cake
and rice wine.

Do you have custom
for that day?

Our custom is to try
to eat everything we see--

the turkey, the table,
a couple of chairs.


[rooster crowing]

It's gonna be light soon.

-You have to go?
-Yeah. They told us

to expect casualties
right after dawn.

I'll be back
as soon as I can.

I have to go now.


I have to leave.

-So long.
-So long.

I'm getting in my jeep,
and I'm driving away now.

Here I go. I'm leaving.

[rooster crowing]

All right.
I'm going. I'm going.

Lieutenant, I was just
thinking about you.

Major, I really don't know
any more about Donald

than what I told you.

Ha ha! Who was
thinking of Donald?

But as long as you
brought him up,

was he wearing
a Masonic pinky ring?

I don't think
it was him, Major.

Oh! Wait a minute.

Ha! Oh, it couldn't
have been him.

Donald wasn't even
in Tokyo last week.

-The man you were out with

must have been
a total drip.

He was a lunatic.

He kept licking
my fingernails.



Licking your

Isn't that creepy?


It was him!
It was him! It was him!

It was Donald! It was him!


KLINGER: Captain,
that lady you examined,
the one with pneumonia?

She's taken a turn
for the worse.

-They think she's dying.
-Oh, God.

-They want you right away.
-I can't.

I'm trying to put this kid's
spine back together.

There's a little boy
waiting outside.

-What'll I tell him?
-I'll be there as soon
as I'm finished.

-Have a jeep waiting for me.


Why does everything bad always
happen at once around here?

-You probably like to hunt
and fish, don't you?
-I beg your pardon?

Well, what was
the attraction?

Are you athletic?
Firm muscles, is that it?

As far as I know,
all I have is firm fingernails.

-What the hell is going on here?
-Major, would you get
on the phone,

see what's holding up
our shipment of hemostats?

-I'll have someone do it
-I'd rather you did it.

-I'm rather busy right now.
-I'd really rather you did it,

-Certainly, Colonel.
-Thank you, Colonel.

-Thank you, Colonel.
-Thank you, Colonel.
-Thank you, Colonel.

Okay, okay. I get the point.
I'll straighten her out later.

Thank you, Colonel.

[engine running]


I couldn't leave.
I was in surgery.

I know.

I'm so sorry.

She kept asking for you,
you know,

in that demanding tone
that she has.

That she had.

Colonel Potter,
there was no reason
to transfer Lieutenant Gleason.

I can handle my personal
feelings about her.

Look, Margaret. I once had
a beautiful gelding could
jump over a fence

as easily as you could step
over a crack in the sidewalk.

Only trouble was,
every time the horse saw
my wife's blue Pontiac

he tried to jump over it.

Now, one of 'em had to go.
I could've shot the horse,

divorced my wife,
or sold the car.

-What do you think I did?
-You could've painted the car.

You know,
I never thought of that.

Anyway, you're more important
to me than Gleason was,

so I had her transferred,

Well, I guess it's over
and done with.

I told them to send her
as far away from here
as they could.

Not Tokyo?

Gee, I never stopped
to think about it.

You never... You...

I should've shot the horse.

Kyung Soon,
you wanna answer me?

I stay in this place because
it was my mother's house,

out of respect for her.

Even there's nothing
left of it.

All right. So you won't
stay in this house anymore.

Why do you have
to leave Ouijongbu?

How can I stay here?

How can I do that
to the children?

I can't even let them
play in the fields

because of the land mines.

In another two years, the boys
would learn to be thieves,

and the girls--

What do you think
will happen to the girls?

So where will you take them?

There's a missionary
school in the South,

near Changnyeong.

At least they get
an education there.

How will you live down there?

I've sold everything
we had of any value.

Some silver.
That dress I had.
The phonograph.

You sold the phonograph?

And I traded the car
for a pair of oxen.

-A car needs gasoline,

but the oxen can eat grass
at the side of the road.

You're being awfully
practical about this.

I thought you liked
that about me.

The way I dug for vegetables
and carried water.

Kyung Soon,
how can you leave?

How can I stay?

♪♪ [singing dirge in Korean]

Look, out of this whole w*r,

at least there are two weeks
you won't wanna forget.

Doesn't that help?

Would it help you?

No. I guess not.

Charles, do you have to poison
the air with that smell?

Why don't you go
on over to Rosie's,

let her fix you
some Korean food?

Because the only thing capable
of consuming Korean food

has four wheels and flies.


Aha. All right.

Where's my steak?

It is now a Korean
welcome mat.

-You lunatic!
-You better take
a walk, Charles,

or I'm gonna make you
eat that steak.

You hadn't even the courage to
confront a man face-to-face.

You have to attack his meat
behind his back.

-Colonel Potter!

I can't let her go.

Let her go.

Do you have room for this?

Yes. Thank you.

Do you know
what record this is?


I want to tell you
how much it's meant to me

having you come into my life,

but there aren't words for it.

Will you write me?

Of course I will.

Long letters full of everything
you're going through,

every detail of what you do
during the day.


And I'll write you, too.

Yes, please.

And we won't stop,
no matter what.
We'll keep writing.


Not just for a month or two.

No. We keep writing.

I'll never see you again.

We'll write a few notes

as a graceful gesture
of futility,

and I'll...

I'll never see you again.


-This place stinks.

The food stinks.
The liquor stinks.

And the smell stinks.

You said it.

And the w*r stinks.

It certainly does.

What are you agreeing for?

You're one of the things
around here that stinks.

So what are you gonna do?

I'm gonna take him back.

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna let her go.

That stinks.

It certainly does.

♪♪ [theme]
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