04x03 - Discord

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order". Aired: September 1990 to May 2010.*
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Detectives and prosecutors work to solve crimes and convict perpetrators.
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04x03 - Discord

Post by bunniefuu »

(male narrator) In the
criminal justice system...

the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups:

the police who
investigate crime...

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

First time I heard this, I was in my
parent's basement with Shelly Fern.

Sixth grade, you
listened to Sinatra?

My brother, he was in
tenth. He said it never fails.


I love hotels, they
make me horny.

This is last call.

I thought this was the
city that never sleeps.

The city doesn't, I do.

Does she have a name?

She's been sitting
alone for the last hour.

I'm a perfect cure for that.

[clears throat]

You from out of town?

Me and my friend,
we're from Elmira.

I know it sounds corny but
we're kind of overwhelmed.

Maybe you could show
us... Please, leave me alone.

How about a refill? Hey, Dave.

You want a drink? Here.


I just want to go home.

Look, miss, maybe the
gentleman was a little out of line.

It's no reason to get violent.

In the future, I suggest you
take your business elsewhere.

Business? Honey, it's
after 1:00. You're alone.

I want to make a phone call.

[phone rattles]

Yes. I'd like to report a r*pe.

At the Radcliffe Hotel.

Her name is Julia Wood,
19, junior at Bradfield College.

She says it happened
in one of the hotel suites.

So how bad did it happen?

Positive for semen. There's
some vaginal bruising.

She says it was r*pe.
And you're not buying it?

She's definitely upset. r*pe?

My mother told me that ladies don't go
to rock stars' hotel suites after midnight.

Wanna give me a hint?
She claims it was C-Square.

She's sedated now.
You'll have to come back.

C-Square? Smile,
Lennie. Heavy metal.

Your kids will probably
want his autograph.

Four platinum records.

You know what
kind of money that is?

It'll keep his great-great-grandchildren
driving Bentleys.

I'm glad about his future.
What about his past?

His real name is, get this...

Clarence Carmichael.

He was born right here in Hell's
Kitchen. Now he lives in L.A.

Besides being number one on Tipper
Gore's hit list for dirty words, nothing.

Rock 'n' roll r*pist. Not
much in the initial report.

We got some pictures here, but
they don't really take us anyplace.

I see a lot of black and blue.

(Logan) Shoulders, upper arms.

This guy C-Square weighs a 180.

According to that report,
she was 100 soaking wet.

The doctors can ascertain
intercourse, but not necessarily r*pe.

Yeah. I picked this
up on the way in.

Have you ever had
a look at this guy?

♪♪[music playing]

♪ One more time,
on the kitchen floor ♪

♪ Your t*nk's on
empty but I want more ♪

♪ I get what I want,
it's a one-way trip ♪

♪ You ain't my lady,
you my bitch ♪♪

Great lyrics. Early Cole Porter.

Okay, okay, so what? Being
hairy gets him 25-to-life?

Just thinking maybe he puts
his monkey where his mouth is.

He came to my dorm. He
said we were going dancing.

In his hotel room?

He's rich. He's famous.

Why would anyone believe
a normal person like me?

We believe you, Julia,
but we have to ask.

He was gonna give
me tickets to a concert.

He said they were in his room,
the suite where the President stayed.

He said I'd get a
kick out of seeing it.

And when you got up there?

When he was done...

he told me I could find
cab fare in his pocket.

Did you scream
or try to get away?

(Logan) Look, Julia...

we're not saying that
this didn't happen...

but I got to tell you,
everybody knows his act.

What's a jury gonna think, they know
you went up to his room at that hour?

He can have any woman he
wants. Why did he do this to me?

So this is why they bounced us
from the presidential suite, eh?

It's a crime scene.
They have to check it out.

The crime is you guys waking
me up before noon, okay?


This is a fairy
tale. The girl's nuts.

Me, I was up for dancing.

But what's-her-face
had other plans.

So you admit you went to bed
with her? Yeah. Why wouldn't I?

Well, because Julia said that this
is a bad case of life imitating art.

I write what sells, man.

Doesn't mean I
live it. Okay? Okay.

Last night, little Miss
College, dressed up like that...

I guess I was wrong.

She said all she
wanted was some tickets.

She came up to my room to get
her eyeballs put on the ceiling, okay?

(Logan) Take it easy.

What, did you get up on the wrong
side of your cage this morning?

Hey, Teddy...

don't we have lawyers for this?

Yeah. It's okay,
Clarence. Right.

It's obvious what crap's going
down here. It is? Fill us in.

Clarence is in town to sign
a six-album, $20-million deal.

You got to see your Miss
Wood wants a little piece.

So it's extortion, not r*pe?
Like that never happened?

I been in the business 10 years, the
last two with Clarence. Give me a break.

Just check her out.

(Logan) You know, my cousin
used to play bass in a band.

Biggest joint they ever booked
was Louie's on Varick Street.

They couldn't even get a record
company guy to look at them.

So now he's pumping gas? Booze.

But I got to tell you,
something about rock 'n' roll...

The chicks that used to line up at his
dressing room door was unbelievable.

Yeah, but Julia's not like the
ones we saw hanging with the band.

Just 'cause she wears pleated skirts
doesn't mean she listens to Barry Manilow.

You know, most r*pe victims...

they run home, grab a
shower, call a close friend.

Julia heads straight for a bar.

Where the bartender said
she had a couple on the rocks.

I wonder how many
she had to warm up with?

Julia, Marti, and I had an
English exam in the morning...

and we went over to One Fifth for
lunch. You know, kind of a celebration.

Yeah? Did you talk the bartender into
giving you a couple of bloody marys?

We had cobb
salads and club soda.

C-Square was there
with his entourage.

And what? He hit on
Julia in the restaurant?

(Patti) It wasn't
obnoxious or anything.

We were at a table for four and
he kind of invited himself to join us.

I hate to admit it, but
it was kind of a kick.

You know, the whole
restaurant staring at us.

Julia mentioned something about
tickets. They were for her brother.

He's into heavy metal.

So she was expecting C-Square
to drop by with two in the front row?

No. He said he'd send them over.

We were in our room
studying, around midnight...

and C shows up,
looking for Julia.

He said that the tickets were down
in the car. Julia went down with him.

And a couple of minutes later,
she called us from his car phone...

said they were
going out dancing.

Julia usually go out
dancing after midnight?

He's C-Square.

(Briscoe) The people
in the room next to his...

were either very
sound sleepers...

or Julia isn't a screamer,
'cause nobody heard anything.

French silk. Button torn off.

Sounds like he
was a little eager.

You know, I'm trying awfully
hard to be politically correct...

but I've been eager myself. It's no crime.
If you don't take no for an answer, it is.

Unless it was
"no" after the fact.

If Ann-Margret had asked me to go
dancing when I was standing at the altar...

I would have turned to the
preacher and said, "I don't."

Fame makes people
do stupid things.

Okay, so Julia's star-struck.

Why does she call
foul after the fact?

Money. Publicity. Guilt.
Probably in that order.

You guys both
single? Three times.

Hey, how about this?

Julia's supposedly studying
when C-Square shows up.

Now, what co-ed bones up
on calculus in a $100 blouse?

Yeah. Maybe she was
expecting somebody.

Do you think it's possible
that someone in the lobby...

saw them on their
way up to his suite?

C-Square checks in,
we put on extra security.

Girls come out of
the shag in the carpet.

What about this girl?

Yeah, sure. She was
with him last night.

They look pretty friendly?
He had his arm around her.

And how accommodating
was the girl?

Like a cat after five courses of
canary. Happy she made the short list.

So it's the same routine
every night, different girl.

Actually, he's had a regular.

A tall blond with him
every other night this week.

You got a name for the blond? We
don't keep track of our guests' guests.

Let me explain something.

This girl in the picture here
had a couple of belts in the bar.

She's only 19.

[computer clicking]

[computer beeps]

(desk clerk) He
could sue me for this.

He called the same
four numbers every day.

I got a feeling one
of them's a blond.

(Sheila) Whenever he's in town,
we have drinks, dinner. What of it?

We were just wondering, did he kiss you
on the cheek at the doorstep after dessert?

What's this about?


We found out that you spent six of
the last seven nights at his apartment.

Then I'm sure you know exactly
where it was that he kissed me.

And exactly what
of mine you can kiss.

You guys don't look like Vice.

Look like them? We don't
even know their phone number.

Teddy Wayne, C-Square's manager, always
puts me together with the top people.

You might call me an
entertainer's entertainer.

So if he buys off the rack, you mean,
he never really knows what he's getting.

Guys in C-Square's
stratosphere, they're sitting ducks...

for people with bad
intentions and/or bad infections.

Teddy looks out for him.

I'm well compensated for a week's work
and everybody gets a good night's sleep.

Yeah, all right. You got paid for a
week, but what happened to last night?

C-Square was supposed
to pick me up at 5:00.

4:45 he calls, says
he made other plans.

So I did the same.

Tall drink of water.
Made me break a sweat.

I wonder if she takes
charge cards. Here we go.

Listen, if you
had a sure thing...

you gonna cancel unless you
had someone waiting in the wings?

You mean Julia? Not my
type. I like them a little dirty.

Well, maybe C-Square
likes the smell of soap.

What do you say we
ask her over to our place?

I was trying to do something
nice for my brother.

He's into heavy metal. I thought if I
could get him tickets to the Garden...

So you go up to this
guy's hotel room?

In my grandmother's day it
was etchings. You think I'm lying?

Guy's a star. Who knows? A lot
of girls might consider you lucky.

You think I would've gone up there
if I knew what he was gonna do?

So you went up there
with no expectations.

He's good-looking,
he's famous, rich.

You weren't thinking, "Maybe I'll
see what it's like, just this once."

Why does it matter what I
thought? He wouldn't let me leave.

He grabbed me. He stuck
his tongue down my throat.

You try to push him away?

Do I have to do this?

He didn't commit a Class A
felony with his tongue, Julia.

You made a serious charge
here. This is part of the drill.

I went into the bathroom.

When I came out he was naked.

He threw me down on the bed, pulled
up my skirt, tore my underwear off...

You know what
happens. You're helpless.

You just shut your eyes
and want it to be over.

Julia, I'm gonna get a cup
of coffee. You need anything?

Okay, give her a lift home.

We dropping it? No.

What? Did she slip
you a note in code?

"Shut your eyes and want it to
be over"? That girl was r*ped.

We're giving her facts. She's
giving us feminine intuition.

At this rate, the precinct's budget's
gonna go swirling down the toilet.

Since when are you
so fiscally responsible?

Come on, a detective with
brains wouldn't pull this crap.

Maybe the lady lieutenant's got
a take on this that we don't have.

I mean, what the hell do we know
about what goes on in a girl's mind...

when some guy's groping her?

You're forgetting, his other
girlfriend said he was a pussycat.

Yeah, but she's on the payroll.
We need somebody who isn't.

How about a Mrs. C-Square?

I hate to think of the
stories my exes would tell.

(Sharon) Remember
Different Colors?

Clarence wrote that one for me.

(Logan) I guess those
were better times.

What changes? That boy
still likes his reruns, though.

He comes into town and
it's the same old story.

"Sharon, won't you
please come home."

And what? You turn him
down? Well, that depends.

I mean, I've been going
with this guy since I was 17.

Married him two years later. Got
so, I don't know, I kind of like it.

So what happened? You got tired
of life on the cover of Rolling Stone?

Clarence has got one
large sexual appetite.

Any reruns this trip?

Andy, sweetie, why don't you
go inside for a little bit. Okay?

Two nights ago, he comes over,
and he lays it on thick, like molasses.

Dinner, flowers, you name it.

Andy gets me up at 6:00. It's
after midnight. Maid's on vacation.

How's Clarence take rejection?

About the way Andy takes it when I
tell her she can't have her rocky road.

Problem for Clarence, I
scream a lot louder than Andy.

Well, it looks like C-Square's
sure thing wasn't Julia.

Yeah. He's in heat, his ex turns him
down, he's already canceled his other date.

Oh, well, that scenario happens
to me a couple of times a week.


So it's too late to pick up the
local virgin down at the soda shop.

He remembers Julia,
finds her address...

And he and his hormones
head downtown in the limo?

Yeah, but Julia said C-Square
was gonna give her money for a cab.

Why do you take a cab
when you've got a limo?

I'm on 24 per. Some nights I
sit downstairs, read the paper.

How about last night?

All right, so maybe I caught a
couple of z's. That against the law?

How do you know C-Square
wasn't looking for you?

Between me, you, and
the coffee pot, all right?

My man's in for the night. So I
figure, what the hell, I'm not tired.

Plenty of time to pick up some
fares. That's a no-no around here.

How did you know he was
in for the night? He told me.

Said to come by around
noon for breakfast.


He told us he
wanted to go dancing.

If you send your limo home,
you ain't going dancing.

Do I have to tell you 100 times?

We went up to my room,
the girl jumped me. Okay?

All right. Tell me this.

If Julia jumped you...

how come she was wearing all her
clothes and you were buck naked?

Hey, whatever floats her boat.

You know, I don't
think that's very funny.

I got a strong feeling that the
only way you get any is to take it.

You better be careful, man.

You go too long, juices
back up, it makes you bonzo.

Well, tell me this, Clarence, where
were you planning on going dancing?

The girl said she wanted
to go to The Palladium.

Well, what magic carpet
was gonna fly you there?

See, that club's way downtown...

and we know you told
your limo driver to pack it in.

You want 100 names? 1,000?

Look, if this Julia chick doesn't
want it, I pick up the phone and presto.

I don't spend a night by myself, okay?
And there's no way I have to r*pe anyone.

Well, unless she was a nice,
squeaky-clean, preppy girl.

And there was Julia, right
in your bedroom. That's right.

Tight young bod, pleated skirt.
Hey, should have been there, man.

What's the problem?

The problem is, she
told you to hit the brakes.

You still don't get it, do
you, man? I'm C-Square.

♪♪[guitar humming]

This piece of cheese thinks
the world owes him something.

(Briscoe) Yeah, a lot
of women would agree.

I mean, he says his black
book's into quadruple digits.

If any of these women
told him to stop...

do you think he's the
kind of guy who'd listen?

I think he's been standing too
close to his speakers for too long.

These rock 'n' rollers
are a traveling menagerie.

You try talking to any of them?

Hey, you're on the gravy train,
you don't sh**t the conductor.

What's the manager's
name? Teddy Wayne.

He said he took over C-Square's
career two years ago. Right?

The guy's been on the
charts for what, five years?

Maybe the guy who had the privilege
of managing C-Square before Wayne...

might feel like he got r*ped.

(Feinberg) Ungrateful bastard.

He'd still be bussing tables
here if it wasn't for me.

A lot of guys forget the people
they met on the way up the ladder.

I'm not talking about
birthday cards, Detective.

I got him his first record deal.

I had him signed to a 10-year
contract to manage him.

And what happened? Teddy
Wayne's what happened.

Tells Clarence I'm
screwing up his career.

10% of $100 million should
be in my money market...

and for that I'd have
looked out for him.

You think this girl's on the up-and-up?
We're looking for confirmation.

It was about six months after
Clarence left me, he comes in here.

He's in trouble, see,
so he comes back to me.

Some girl in Passaic accused
him of some very nasty things.

He's scared. He sees the
whole thing slipping away.

I remember her name.
McCartney. No relation.

Got to the stadium at
4:00 a.m. on a Monday...

slept on the sidewalk till
Wednesday to get tickets.

I was 18. I was crazy. I
hope you got good seats.

Eighth row.

Right after the first break, one
of the roadies slips me a note.

C-Square wants to buy
me dinner after the show.

That's an offer you
couldn't refuse, right?

Refuse? 50,000
people, he chose me?

I was in heaven.

Let me guess, C-Square had a nice,
full refrigerator back at his hotel suite.

We ordered pizzas.
(Logan) Just the two of you?

I thought we were gonna
eat. He was all over me.

He got rough. I kept saying,
"Hey, stop. I don't want to."

It didn't make a difference.

That's called r*pe,
Tina. I talked to the D.A.

He said I could prosecute
if I wanted to but...

You know. No, no, we don't know.

Did you take the D.A.'s
advice? Maybe I did lead him on.

Anyway, I got the
money. Money, how?

C-Square's manager
gave me $10,000.

Said he was sorry for
the misunderstanding.

There's at least one
other victim out there.

It happened the
same way as with Julia.

Girl goes up to his room willingly
and he's only got one thing on his mind.

It shows predisposition.
Which isn't admissible in court.

Well, how many rapists you know
are gonna rent out Shea Stadium?

We're not gonna
find any witnesses.

It's not so much that I believe
her as I don't believe him.

Call it my male
intuition. Pick him up.

[crowd screaming]

[cameras clicking]

Clarence Carmichael. Okay,
you got me. I shot the sheriff.

But the deputy, I swear,
that was some other dude.

I just love rock 'n' roll.

Clarence Carmichael, you're under
arrest for the r*pe of Julia Wood.

You have the right
to remain silent.

You have the right
to kiss my ass...

Just keep quiet, Clarence.
This is harassment. False arrest.

You'll hear from our lawyers.

Oh, no. Not the lawyers.
I'm scared. You scared, Mike?

I'm shaking in my
blue suede shoes.

(C-Square) Bye, honey.

[crowd shouting]

(clerk) "Docket number 679073.

"People versus Clarence Carmichael.
Charge is r*pe in the first degree."

Nice place you got here, Judge.

How do you plead?
[whispers] Not guilty.

Not guilty.

What do the People have to say?
People request bail of $250,000.

Ms. Diamond? That's
fine, Your Honor.

There's no business
like show business. Next.

See you later. See you later.

Ms. Diamond? Claire Kincaid.

Yes, Ms. Kincaid.

This side of the
table's a long way...

from the doctrine you presented
in your Harvard lectures.

Not when your side
confuses feminism...

with destroying a man's
life for money and publicity.

It's time we turned in our passivity
and took more responsibility for our lives.

That's the feminism
I lecture about now.

[briefcase clicks]

She's one of the top
defense lawyers in the city.

A judicial conference this early
in the case doesn't make sense.

No papers. She probably just wants
to go over the parameters of discovery.

Adele Diamond? I wish
life were that simple.

Recuse myself?

I put on my robes, I
leave my politics behind.

In five years no one's ever
even hinted that I've been biased.

This is ridiculous,
Adele. Half the people

sitting on the bench
are former A.D.A.'s...

and most of them
have prosecuted r*pes.

Is everybody through?

And it isn't your politics I object
to, Your Honor. It's your genealogy.

This better be good, Counselor.

Specifically, one Gary Bergman.
I believe he's your nephew.

My husband's sister's oldest. I
haven't seen him since his bar mitzvah.

He's also a limited partner in a
restaurant in L.A. called The Amp.

(Kincaid) We're talking about
a r*pe trial 3,000 miles away.

What influence could
that possibly have?

If you'll let me finish, Miss...
Kincaid. Claire Kincaid.

The Amp has been losing
money hand over fist...

and the limited partners have
filed suit against the general partner.

Let me guess. The
general partner is your client.

Clarence is scared that
you'll hold it against him...

and I can hardly
say I blame him.

No, Adele, you're scared of
having a woman hear this case.

Nonsense, Ben.

This connection is so
tenuous, Your Honor...

no bar committee in the world
could fault you for continuing.

Unfortunately, it's the appearance
of impropriety I must deal with.

Your motion is granted,
Counselor. I'm off the case.

My clerk will draw up
the papers after lunch.

I thought they had laws
intended to shield us.

(Kincaid) Someone
tipped off the tabloids.

They prefer to publish today, worry
about the consequences tomorrow.

Mr. Stone. Mr. Wood and Julia.

How do you do? Ms.
Wood. Please be seated.

Julia and I have been over it.

(Wood) Backwards and forwards,
and there is only one conclusion.

To pursue this matter any further
is not in my daughter's best interest.

Ms. Wood, I can't put
myself in your position.

But I can sympathize.

A r*pe trial can
be very painful.

But balancing the
bad and the good...

(Wood) Good?

Reporters are already
camping on my front lawn.

They're going through my
garbage. I can't live like that.

Your daughter was the victim of a
Class A felony, Mr. Wood. Not you.

This will become the central
fact of her life for much too long.

(Stone) Ms. Wood...

I will do everything in my power
to protect your privacy in the future.

I'm sorry. I just can't do it.

It was the father's decision, Adam. I
doubt if the daughter was even consulted.

Yeah, well, it's for the best. You'll
have a hell of a time explaining...

what that girl was doing
in his room after midnight.

But does the 70-year-old mugging
victim have to explain why...

he was riding alone
on a subway at night?

Well, it'd make our job easier.

Of course it would. We
wouldn't have any more victims.

I don't want regret
prosecuted as r*pe.

She told him to stop, Adam.

Yeah. I tell my grandson:

"Your mother doesn't
want you eating any candy."

And then I leave him alone in
a room with a jar full of M&Ms.

Julia Wood is not a piece of candy,
Adam. To Clarence Carmichael she is.

[knocking on door] And
that's why we should pursue it.

Yes, come in.

You'd better read this.

"Julia Wood, the co-ed claiming to
have been r*ped by rocker C-Square...

"reportedly told her
roommates earlier that day...

"that it was a crime how much
money the singer earned...

"and that his ex-wife deserved all the
millions she received in the divorce."

(Schiff) Well,
that's just great.

We can forget about a deal.

Between her father and the media,
no wonder she's running for cover.

All I want to know is
was she, in fact, r*ped?

And if she was? Well,
I'll get her into court.

I think you might scare
her. You're probably right.

You talk to her.

I just want to be left alone. Why
can't anyone understand that?

You mean, you never
thought about his money?

My father dragged
me to a lawyer's office.

You hired an attorney? I
talked to him. I never hired him.

I was r*ped.

Do you actually think that any amount
of money will make that go away?

You must have read what your
roommate told the newspapers.

You know the impression
that gives. Of course I read it.

That reporter put words in her
mouth. It made me feel like a whore.

You can't tell me
you've never been there.

Some guy has his hand
in your... And he won't stop.

What's the use?

You don't even believe
me. I do believe you.

That's the problem.

You know, Julia, if you
don't pursue this, he wins.

And you'll always
feel like a whore.

I examined Ms. Wood within
two hours of the alleged r*pe.

What were the results
of your examination?

I found semen. There were hematomas
on her upper arms and shoulders.

Vaginal bruising.

And based on this examination,
what conclusion did you reach?

(Wells) The physical evidence
and her psychological demeanor...

during the several hours following
her admission are consistent with r*pe.

Thank you.

"Her psychological
demeanor." I see.

The patient was in
shock, was she? No.

She was screaming
hysterically? No.

I don't understand, Doctor.

What psychological
demeanor are you referring to?

She was depressed,
listless, uncommunicative.

Let's put Ms. Wood's psychological
demeanor aside for a moment.

Judging from the
physical evidence alone...

could you say beyond any
reasonable doubt that she was r*ped...

as opposed to engaging
in enthusiastic intercourse?


As soon as we got to his suite,
his whole attitude changed.

Julia, could you speak
a little louder, please?

He became, I don't know, crude.

Like I was just
there to be used.

It turned me off.

So what did you do?

I said it was late and
I was going home...

but he grabbed me and
said I wasn't going anywhere.

He started groping at my
blouse. He ripped a button.

I asked him to stop.

And did he listen?

He laughed.

I pulled away and went into the bathroom
and locked the door. I was shaking.

I don't know, maybe 10
minutes later, it was quiet.

So I thought maybe
he'd left or passed out.

(Stone) So you came
out into the bedroom?

He was naked.

He was mad because I
still had my clothes on.

He threw me down on the bed.

Did you say anything when
he did that? I said, "No."

Continue, please.

He forced my legs
open. He was so strong.

Then he was inside me.

Thank you, Julia.

When he grabbed you and tried to
unbutton your blouse, did you scream?


Did you call for help? I thought
he would hurt me. I was scared.

But you had enough presence
of mind to go into the bathroom.

I just wanted him
to leave me alone.

(Diamond) Tell me,
Julia, why didn't you...

pick up the telephone on the wall
next to the toilet and call for help?

I didn't think. I don't know.

Isn't it true, Julia, that you got a thrill
out of being with a famous rock star?


Enough to fantasize
about sleeping with him?

What I thought doesn't make a difference.
I begged him to stop and he didn't.

Very dramatic, Julia.

Tell me, has anyone from
the media approached you...

about selling your
rights to this story?

Yes, but I won't talk to them.

Have you been in touch
with any lawyers or agents...

who told you how much you might
make as a result of these allegations?


(Diamond) No further questions.

(Stone) She perjured herself.
Lied about talking to a lawyer.


If you were
sufficiently informed...

to recognize the
girl's perjury...

why weren't you sufficiently
prepared to prevent it?

I just found out myself.

Julia told me about
it before the trial.

You didn't think you
ought to tell somebody?

She told me that her father
brought her to the lawyer's office.

She swore that
she didn't retain him.

I didn't think it was relevant to whether
or not she was r*ped. I still don't.

Yeah. Did you notify Diamond?

(Schiff) She's already
planning her acquittal party.

We can't afford these mistakes.

I'm very sorry.
I'm sure you are.

We came forward as soon as
we learned about the perjury.

There is no ethical violation.

Don't you think we can
rationalize Julia's lie to the jury?

Ms. Kincaid...

my immediate concern is something
altogether different from that.

Specifically, being able to
trust the people that I work with.

You have the right
to be angry. Okay.

I made a mistake and I'm
ready to take the heat for it.

But I resent the implication
that I breached your trust.

I'm not interested in what
you resent, Ms. Kincaid.

I think it would be wise if you
requested a change of assignment...

immediately after
Mr. Carmichael is acquitted.


Ms. Wood, yesterday
I asked you...

if you had the occasion
to speak with a lawyer...

about any commercial
aspects of this case.

Do you remember that? Yes.

And how did you answer
the question? I said I didn't.

I see. Was that the truth? No.

So you lied to this
court, is that correct?

All I did was speak to a lawyer.
It doesn't mean I wasn't r*ped.

I see. And is that the
story you'd like to stick with?

Maybe this will help you decide.

Do you recognize this?

Ms. Wood.

It's a retainer
agreement with a lawyer.

(Diamond) And whose
signature is that at the bottom?

It's mine.

Newspapers, television,
they wouldn't leave us alone.

My father thought we
needed someone to protect us.

To deal with the reporters.

Books, movies of the week...

and the mother
of all jackpots...

a civil suit after you already
have a conviction in your pocket.

It's better than the
lottery, isn't it, Julia?

Why are you doing this to me?

It's not me, Julia. You sold
yourself for a wink and a prayer.

Redirect, Mr. Stone?

No, Your Honor.

They're always all over me
after concerts. Backstage.

I can't even walk down the
street. She was no different.

In what way is she like
the others, Clarence?

I talked to her for maybe five
minutes. She came up to my room.

When did she say
she didn't want sex?

She didn't. She didn't say anything
when I started with her blouse.

Is this the shirt she
was wearing? Yeah.

And was it buttoned
clear up to the top button?

No, it was only closed up to
this one, the one that came off.

The third one from the top.

Look, I'm telling
you, she wanted me.

I know what happened in that
room. There's no way I r*ped her.

Mr. C-Square...

did Julia Wood ever tell you...

that she wanted to have sex?

She was definitely
putting out a scent, yeah.

By coming to your
room? That's right.

So that any woman
coming into your room...

is implicitly consenting to sex?

They don't come for
the view, that's for sure.

Look, any time of the week, I go to a
club and I come home with any lady I want.

And do you make love to
all of them? That's what I do.

Do you recognize this? Sure,
it's the words to one of my songs.

Objection, it's irrelevant. It
goes to state of mind, Your Honor.

Then it's overly prejudicial
and inflammatory.

The witness has sold millions of albums,
Ms. Diamond. How prejudicial can it be?

All right, you can
proceed, Mr. Stone.

I'd like the court clerk to
read the highlighted portion.

"One more time, on the kitchen floor.
Your t*nk's on empty but I want more.

"I get what I want, it's a one-way
trip. You ain't my lady, you my bitch."

That's all, your honor.

A man and a woman,
both young, both attractive...

retire to a hotel
room after midnight.

Throw in the fact that the
man is a famous musician...

talented and wealthy
beyond anyone's dreams.

And what do you think is
going to happen in that room?

Now, Ms. Wood admitted that she
had a little bit of sex on the brain.

She went up to
Mr. Carmichael's room.

She unbuttoned her blouse
and showed a bit of cleavage.

What was he supposed to think?

Well, exactly what
you must be thinking...

that she wanted it as much,
if not more, than he did.

Now, we all want to believe a
woman when she says she said no.

But how can we believe her...

after she lied intentionally...

in this courtroom, under oath.

She says she lied
because she was scared.

But the evidence
shows that she lied...

because she wanted to take advantage
of my client's wealth and fame...

and didn't want
you to know about it.

Ms. Wood may have said no.

Unfortunately, she said it a day
too late, and that doesn't count.

Yes. Julia Wood...

willingly joined
Mr. C-Square in his limo.

And, yes, she willingly
went up to his hotel room.

And, yes, she even thought
of having sex with him.

But to give her the
benefit of the doubt...

Mr. Clarence "C-Square"
Carmichael is rich...

and to some people in this
courtroom, he's attractive.

And, of course,
he's world-famous.

But Julia Wood did not ask...

to be thrown down on the bed.

She did not ask...

to have her legs pried open.

She did not ask to
be pinned down...

and forcibly penetrated.

Julia Wood said no.

And whatever expectations she
had going up to that hotel suite...

once she got there, she changed
her mind. And that's her right.

But in Mr. C-Square's world...

a woman's rights are
of no consequence.

Sex is an entitlement
of his stardom.

Julia Wood...

ain't a lady.

She a bitch, an amusement.

To be held prisoner...

and used until he decides
that he's through with her.

In our country, one of
the fundamental rights...

is the right of any
of us to say no.

We do it in our religion.
We do it in our politics.

And in our workplace.

And in our world, when a woman
says no and a man ignores her...

that's r*pe in the first degree.

Have you reached a verdict?
(Foreman) We have, Your Honor.

(Barsky) On the sole
count of the indictment...

r*pe in the first degree,
how do you find?

We find the defendant,
Clarence Carmichael, guilty.

[people murmuring]


I'm preparing a calendar
of pending cases.

I'll forward it to
your secretary.

For all the problems we had, I do want
to thank you for a learning experience.

These working
relationships they can be...

very difficult. I
remember one assistant...

he stapled an internal memo to
a document that he then sent...

to defendant's counsel
and that case was lost.

I thought it was a
career-ender but they...

They gave me another chance.

So, see you in the morning?
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