09x17 - The Advocate

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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09x17 - The Advocate

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER.

I'm fine.

Even so, I've scheduled
a meeting with Dr. Myers.

It's mandatory.


It was my great-grandmother's.

You're going to propose?

That's it?
You bought out

this whole place just for that?

I found a sore
on his penis.

I think it's syphilis.

Any way we can keep it out
of my medical record?

No, that is not the point.

You might say 2.4 up front,

but you're going to lose 20,000
primary care visits a year...

Thank you,
Dr. Weaver.

For a potential loss
of over $10 million.

We have to make tough choices
this fiscal year...

Tough, yes, short-sighted, no.

Is there a motion to vote?

Excuse me, Mr. Chairman.
I'm not finished.

I think we understand the issue.

Lack of primary care
leaves thousands...

And your argument.

These are human beings,
not statistics,

and we are abandoning
an entire community.

We get it.

Thank you.

Now, is there a motion
to vote in open session?

Mr. Chairman...



All right, all those in favor of
closing the Erie Street Clinic.

Those opposed
to the closing?

The nays have it.

15-minute recess.

( bangs gavel )

Nice work, Kerry.

Is it always this close?

You have the gift
of persuasion.

Well, pugnacity is more like it.

And an understanding
of what motivates people,

and that's the secret
to being a good politician.

I'm out of my league there.

Nonsense, it wouldn't
surprise me

if you were Surgeon
General someday.


Meet the future
Surgeon General

and savior of the
Erie Street Clinic.

Hello, Doctor.

He's kidding.

He never kids.

Ah, Kerry, you have
another minute?

Ah, sure.

Parks and Rec
has been pushed to 11:00

and Bamberger called again

about the Gay
Marriage Amendment.

Tell him I'm sympathetic,

but it will never pass, and I'm
not going to torpedo the bill.

Maybe we should get you
on that one.

Might actually stand a chance.

What do you mean?

You're a problem-solver,

A pragmatist.

I can't tell you
how much I appreciate that.

Thank you.

That's why I hate to implore you
for another personal favor,

but, oh, I frankly don't
know what else to do.

You were very considerate

in treating my
off-the-record condition.

Did the lesion not heal?

No, it did, but... I'm in a
relationship with someone,

someone who works for me.

I'm single,
we're in love,

but workplace affairs, well,
I don't need the attention.

And uh, she's symptomatic?

I was hoping you could
provide treatment

with the same level
of discretion.

You should send her
to any free clinic.

They're all confidential.

Just a simple sh*t
of penicillin, right?

Treatment without generating a
medical record is malpractice.

But you've done it before.

And I shouldn't have.

Okay, okay, I think
I understand.

I'm sorry, I mean, you know,
I, I, I could lose my license.

Don't be sorry.

You're a woman
of principle.

How can I not
respect that?

Forget I asked.

And congratulations again.

You did some real
good today, Kerry.

Thank you.

Of course, there
are no guarantees

for next year's budget
at your hospital.


There's an afternoon vote on
eliminating emergency services.

At County General?

You mean closing the ER?

I need you, Kerry.

Is your jalopy
still in the shop?

It's a Jeep.

Oh, a Jeep.

A Jeep.

You hardly touched
your breakfast.

Yeah, I don't like to eat much
before a shift.

All that blood and guts,
you know?

Don't remind me.

I had a feeling

there was some agenda
this morning,

but you've been
very mysterious.

Just wanted to check in,
see how you were.

And I wanted to give this back
to you for the time being.

She said no?

I didn't ask.

Did something happen?

No, just felt kinda rushed.

What did she do?


Doesn't even know.

I don't think she knows.

Maybe she knows.
I don't know.

I'm sorry, Johnny.

I thought you'd be relieved.

That you're unhappy?

I got the impression that you
never really... cared for her.

( sighs )

I've spent so many years

trying to get you to do
what I think is best for you.

You're past
having me badger you
about your choices.

This is yours.

Give it or don't,
to whomever you choose.

Oh, I'm thinking
Emergency Medicine.

Better than Iraq.

Hey, that is not it.

Don't you still owe four years?

Well, I can roll the time
to after my residency.

Afraid to fight,
all right.

Hey, anytime, any place,
old man.

I can smell fear a mile away.

Answer the phone, Frank.


You know, the holiday
is called Saint Patrick's Day,

not Saint Patrick's week.

You got something
against the Irish?

The giant shamrock in triage
started drinking 72 hours ago...

Excuse me, I'm looking
for Dr. Weaver.

Oh, she'll be back
in a few minutes.

Have a seat over there.

Why do they always ask me?

Do I look like
customer service lady?

He's cute.
He's a zygote.

Any more blind dates?
Never again.

But we're going
to Las Vegas tonight.

Who's we?

Me and Chen.
And 50 other county employees.

So, how's it going with you?

Rule out MI,
waiting on a second triponin.

No, I meant in general.

Any, uh, news?


Did you need that?

Um... oh, I thought
it was a different patient.

So, how are you and Carter?

Good, I guess.

Kind of.

He's been acting
a little weird.

Well, it's been rough
for the both of you lately.

Yeah, I think we're getting
back to normal, though.

Dr. Lewis,
he's seizing again.

Another four of lorazepam
and load a gram of dilantin.

Abby, clear CT on this one.

Blown pupil?

Sub-conj hemorrhage.

No ID. Too young for
a driver's license, no purse.

This the as*ault?

LOC in Union Station,
probably a street kid.

Not with those boots.

Expensive jacket, too.
Maybe she shoplifts.

She came in with that girl?

No, different run.

Dr. Kovac?
Chest is clear,
belly's soft.

Looks like isolated head
and facial trauma.

What happened?

Let's get a C-spine,
chest, and pelvis.

Dr. Kovac?
You got this?

Yep. Trauma panel.
Urine icon. Dip a UA.

I'm sorry, I forgot.

Three times.

That's three
missed appointments.

Yeah, I, I have
a bad memory.

Look, your department
required psychotherapy,

but I have to report to mine.

I don't want to be a heavy.

In fact,
I want to help you.

Prepare for disappointment.

I have extended
office hours tonight.

I'm free from 7:00 to 8:00.
Can you make that?

I really don't
see the point.

You don't have to see the point.

Just show up.

Just show up?

That's all I've been doing:
showing up.

Time goes by faster at work.

Pulse ox 99.

DTR's two-plus
at the knee.

Gold card.
"Joanna Banks."
Is that her?

Shift work. Treat-and-street
a few lost souls.

I doubt it.

You're with them
when they're most vulnerable.

Is that bile?

That's 17 Jello sh*ts.

All right, let's prep
for lavage.

When they're naked, weak,

you touch them,
look at their bodies.

See them more closely

than their families,
their lovers,

but it's mechanical.

You know, temporary.

You fix them up
or you watch them die.

Either way, it ends,
and you... move on.

No next time, no strings,
no real connections.

Maybe that's why I stay.

You waiting on incoming?


Did you sign up for incoming?


Cigarette break?

Do you want some?



No, thanks.

You're not turning into
a health nut on me, huh?

No. Waiting for an old lady
that fell of her treadmill.


Do you remember what happened?

Can I call your parents?

Um, I don't live at home.

Where do you live?

Molly, I can't help you
unless you talk to me.

Uh... they call it
a, a boot camp

for kids who can't get along
with their parents.

So they discipline you.

Does this look like discipline?

A camp counselor
did this to you?

I heard they r*ped a girl.



perhaps Molly should be speaking
with a police officer.

I'm sure your mother would like
to know that you're here.

That you're safe.

Who do you think sent me there
in the first place?

Any family?

She said
she has a husband, Charles.

And what else
did I say about him?

That he's useless.

Exactly. Forget him.

Listen, you chowderhead,
it's a stolen card.

How am I supposed to know
her mother's maiden name?

Hey, John, what are you doing
boarding four ICU players

and eight med-surg

Susan's driving.
Talk to her.

Dr. Weaver?

Keith Mitchell. I have
an appointment to see you.

Yeah, we don't make
appointments in the ER.

Report your complaint
to the triagers.

I believe special arrangements
were made by Alderman Bright.

Jonathan has nothing
but wonderful things
to say about you.

How long have you been
in his office?

Ah, I started
junior year,
spring quarter,

so about two years.

Now, I get
grad school credit

and on-the-job

He's a great mentor, very
generous with his time.

Oh, uh, this goes
in the buttocks.

I'm surprised that you waited
so long to be treated.

I didn't notice the sore.
Jonathan did.


Two nights ago.
I was so embarrassed.

I just hope I didn't
give it to him.

He didn't have it?

Ah, no.

I was pretty crazy
in my college days.

I mean, we're completely
monogamous now,

but I have to say
he was really cool about it.

Most people wouldn't be
so understanding.

All done.

We all have
our past, right?

I told you
not to work out so much.

So I can sit around
and watch the soaps all day?

Any other symptoms,
Mrs. Sanbery?

Yes, my hair is falling out.

But I blame that on him.

She just kidding.

The hell I am.

Have you checked
the fingernails?

Yeah, I'm getting to that.


These marks, these lines?
What marks?

These are called Meese lines.

What kind of work did you do?

Supervisor at a
wood processing plant.

Did they use arsenic?

They tested us for it
all the time.

That can't be it.

Okay, let's get
Mrs. Sanbery's blood
and urine reports from OSHA.

I will be right back.

Take him with you.

Ruthy, just relax.

Wonders of marital bliss, huh?

I don't know who's worse.

Her for being such
a pain in the ass,

or him for being
so pathetic.

Cuts both ways, I guess.

Hey, my bike girl trauma
may have a diminished
foot pulse.

Check Dopplers.
I'll be there in a minute.

Um, Mrs. Banks.


I'm Dr. Corday.

I'm the surgeon
treating your daughter.

She'll need surgery?

No, no...

I'm surprised the camp
actually called you.

Why wouldn't they?

Well, they assaulted
your daughter.

Is that what she told you?

She ran off
on the second day.

They didn't touch her.

Somebody did.

With Molly, there's
all kinds of explanations.

What makes you certain
it's not the camp?

Because she says it is.

Trashing my house
with a baseball bat.


Drinking, drug use.

Unwanted pregnancy.

Do I need to go on?

( pager beeping )

I need to call my office.

Maybe you can talk to her
when you're finished.

I haven't been able to talk
to her in three years.

Actually threw you
across the room?

In a bar fight,
not a tossing.

Big difference.

Congratulations, Kerry.

Whatever you're doing down at
City Hall seems to be working.

Well, it was
a close vote.

But without a single cut.

The hospital budget.

We were vulnerable to a 20% cut,

but it sailed through committee
less than an hour ago.

They say he drove out
the snakes.


Saint Patrick.

Well, I'd like to see you and
Robert in my office at 5:00.

Is there a problem?

Just a little

We should burn
through it quickly.

Dr. Weaver,
Dr. Lewis needs you.

What kid?

That kid.

He was looking for you,
waiting in chairs.

A paramedic brought him in.

125 of solumedrol,

50 of benadryl.

Stand by
with an epi drip.

Hey, Kerry,
do you know this kid?

What happened?

Passed out at Doc Magoo's.
Tight wheezes and hives,

barely any
breath sounds.

You don't
happen to know

if he has any food
allergies, do you?

No, I don't.

He was looking for you.

Sats are dropping, 93.
Pulse: 120.

Cords are too edematous.
20 of etomidate,

100 of sux.

Prep a crike tray.

Fiber-optic with a 7-0 tube.

Okay, one more look.

You're wasting time.

Kerry, you need
to let the dr*gs work.

He needs intubation
on the next attempt.

So you do know him.

He could be allergic
to anything.

An insect bite
or have a carcinoid.

He's got an ID
from City Hall.

Okay, do a jaw thrust and keep
a good seal when you bag him.

You know, I did get some papers
from Health and Human Services.

This man maybe dropped them off.

Okay, suction
and light source on high.

Let's go.

This is an emergency.

Listen, you tell him
that one of his staffers

is in the ER with
a severe allergic reaction.

Tell him to call me
as soon as he can.

You were right.
He does work at City Hall.

Mm, Alderman
Bright's office?

Yeah, how did you know?

Well, there's
no insect bite,

but there's a chancre
on his penis.


That's a bit of a leap,
don't you think?

The Alderman
walked out of here

with untreated

We don't know
that it was untreated.

And now one of his young
staffers comes back...

All right, we certainly
don't know

that the Alderman
is in the habit

of sexual harassment,
much less gay.

The kid is in
anaphylactic shock.

Either it's a sudden food
allergy or drug.

My guess is penicillin.

Not necessarily.

I mean, it, it could be

idiopathic histamine release
or vasculitis...

He's triggering
the vent.

Any spontaneous
eye opening?

Not yet.

Okay, call immunology
for skin testing.

Have them include

and get me as soon
as he wakes up.

What's his F.I. O2?

Fifty percent.

Sounds like
upper airway secretions.

I think he's
just a little wheezy.

Why don't you get
a suction catheter.

He might have a mucus plug
we need to clear out.

He's satting at 98%...

I want to optimize
his oxygenation.

Just get it.



Can you hear me?


Keith, there's a tube
in your throat

to help you breathe.

You had a severe
allergic reaction,

probably to the penicillin,

but everything
is okay now, all right?

We'll take out the tube soon,
you'll be able to speak

and the other doctors will
have some questions for you.

They've examined you, so
they know you have syphilis

and they'll be able to determine
an allergy to penicillin.

But Jonathan cannot
have sent you here.

To me.

You know what that means.

We have to protect him.

We can't give anyone
reason to speculate,

or they might
even target Jonathan

as the source
of the infection.

Listen carefully, Keith.

People have been known
to borrow prescriptions

from friends without
ever seeing a doctor.

They think they know
what they have,

and how to treat it,

so they take care of it
on their own.

Do you understand?


Dr. Carter.
Dealership called.

You need brake pads.
It'll be ready at 5:00.

Can you get rabies
from fish?


You're sure?

I'm pretty sure.

Well, what do you
make of this?

Big-ass pike bit me

when I was trying
to get it off the line.

Looks infected.

That's it?

Call me if you
start growing gills.


OSHA results.

The arsenic levels in
Mrs. Sanbery's urine samples

for the past three years
have been undetectable.

And today's results?

Over 200 mikes per liter.

( whistles )

Maybe she got down
about being home.

su1c1de attempt?

I don't know.

Happens to some retirees.

Either that, or someone's
trying to k*ll her.

Find out if she's
been depressed.

Take it from there.


What's that?


On your back.

It's the patch.

For... birth control?

No, for smoking.

You quit smoking?

Four days ago, yes,
thanks for noticing.

Thanks for sharing.

Last week I had to bring

a throat cancer
patient outside

so she could smoke
through her trach hole

and I decided this
has got to stop.


Uh, there's some bronchospasm.

Add a unit dose of atrovent
to his next treatment.

I think he's waking up.

Should I call Lewis?

It's her patient.

Get her
out of here!

Get her out!
Get her out of here!

Lie back or you'll
hurt yourself.

I told you not to call her.

Get out, you bitch!

Molly, you need
to talk to your mother.

About locking me up again?
About getting me r*ped?

Do you need

She doesn't give
a crap about me.

You told me we were going on
a camping trip, you lying slut!

two of Ativan.

Make it four.
I could use a good buzz.

Now, you listen to me!

I want you to settle
down right now!

Get her out of here.

I'll ask your mother to leave
if you'll stop struggling.

the reason

I put you in that program
is because I care about you.


Okay, okay, hard restraints.

Oh, God.

the Ativan?

Liar! Liar!

Liar! Liar!

From the time she was
two years old

she's been acting like this.

I actually thought that
she would get over it.

Okay, sit right here.

And then keep
pressure on that.

I know.

They shocked four times
for v fib.

Hold compressions.


Hate crime.

Forget it.

Gray matter and
brain stem failure.

Call it.

Time of death: 13:43.

Some jerk sh*t him
three times

because he wouldn't
get off the bus.

Said it was only
for Americans.

Morales is en route
with the sh**t.

Okay, Keith,

we have a breathing treatment
for you to work on.

( coughs )

Okay, here you go.

Deep breaths,
in and out.

Pulse ox 99.


You had a severe allergic
reaction to something.

Is there anything
you've eaten

that you know
you're allergic to?

Any new medications?


Why are you taking penicillin?


My ex-girlfriend called
and told me she had an outbreak,

and I better take care of it.

Did you know you're
allergic to penicillin?


Did the doctor

who gave it to you ask?

I didn't see the doctor.

My ex told me
that's what they gave her.

I had a friend

who had some left over
from a strep throat.

( speaking Russian )

We're still looking
for a Russian translator.

When they cry,
the eardrum turns red

and you can't rule out
an infection.

Kovac, eye trauma girl's
losing visual acuity.

She may need decompression.

I'll be right there.

( speaking Russian )

Dr. Kovac,

I was wondering if you'd write
a letter of recommendation

for my Dean's file.

I can't do that.



Did you give him
the message?

Luka, wait.

Corday needs help
with a canthotomy.

Hold on.

Tell him that I really need
to talk to him. It's important.

Well, you have him
call me back.

You're blowing off
your required therapy?


We had an agreement.

I never agreed
to anything.

Well, you came
back here, didn't you?

I told you it was
mandatory, didn't I?

Excuse me, Luka.

Hey, I don't need
to see a shrink.

What's wrong?

BP's down to 80.

Might have vagalled
with the ABG.

Something's wrong
with my stomach.

Get his head down and
squeeze in two liters.

Belly's rigid.

Where's his last chest film?

Why does it
hurt so much?

Tachy at 120.

Oh, God.

Free air under
the diaphragm.

What does that mean?

You have a perforation
in your stomach or intestine.

From the penicillin?

No. Hang 100 Gent,
500 of Flagyl.

down to 60.


Keith, how you doing? Keith?

How hard were you bagging him?

The cords were
swollen shut.

Which is why
you don't hyperventilate.

Kerry, don't
blame this on her.

Get Corday in here.

20 of famotidine
IV piggyback.

Sometimes small perforations
can heal spontaneously.

Now, Abby.

O2 15 liters by mask.

Set me up
for a central line.

Get me some

Can't see.

Why can't I see?

Hold still.

Dr. Corday, Dr. Weaver
needs a consult.

Retro-bulbar hematoma.

It's compressing
the optic nerve.

Am I going blind?

Will someone
tell me what's wrong?

You can't see because

there's blood
collecting behind your eye.

We have to drain it.

A tiny incision.

Dr. Corday?
You have to give me a minute.

You're going to cut
into my eyeball?

Just the skin on the side.

No, please, I don't
want you guys to do this.

The longer we wait, the greater
the risk of blindness.

Please don't do this, please.

I really don't want you
to cut my eye.

Molly, we have
no choice.

Mom? Mom?

1% with epi.

I'm here.

Sometimes you see it
in their eyes.


They're trusting
what you're saying.

You're the doctor.
You know best.

But I don't.

I guess.

And lie.

Say the same things
to different people

over and over again
until I can hardly

make the words come
out of my mouth anymore.

It's really hard
not to be disgusted...

with yourself, with the system,
everyone you work with.

Even with the people
you're supposed to help.

All done.

Dr. Corday,
we have a gastric rupture.

Can you suture?

Yeah, I got it.

How many

Infuser is primed.

I'm in. Hook me up.

He has a history of
peptic ulcer disease?

from bag mask ventilation.

He could have had
an underlying lesion.

Fluid's in.

Pressure's still
not coming up.

at ten mikes.

Tell the OR
we're on our way up.

Why was he being bagged?


Gram of Cefoxitin,
cover anaerobes.

No, he's allergic to penicillin.

Any family?

Not that I could see.

Sinus tach on monitor.



Any family?

I don't know.
Ask Frank.

He's had steroids?

So how long am I
in the hospital?

A few days.

You can go home

as long as there's
no re-bleeding.

Home, yeah, right.
My mom would rather I go blind.

She was just here,
holding your hand.

Yeah, holding my hand
for ten minutes

doesn't fix ten years.

Ten years of what?

Of hating me.

She hates me.

That's not what I saw.

I hate her, too.

What I saw was
a scared little girl

crying for her mother.

And her mother came.

She's never let me come home.

Ask her.

I can't.

Getting b*at up on
the street is better?

Would you?


Ask her.

The field's dry.

He's septic.

Dopamine's up to 20 mikes.

How much blood loss?


What's the last crit?


Run of six.
100 of lidocaine,

starting a drip
at two per minute.

He needs crystalloid.

Squeeze in two units of saline,
and hang Levophed.

V tach!

Crash cart!

Charge to 200.

No pulse.
Start compressions.

Amp of epi.

We're charged.


No change.

Charge to 300.

Epi's on board.

Charged again.


V fib.

Damn it.

360. He's a kid.
He should respond.

Satinsky. Vasopressin
40 units IV.

Mix up
a pronestyl drip.

He was probably going
to blow up the bus.

There's blood
in the belly.

He's tachy at 120.

Damn t*rrorists
everywhere you look.

He was Sikh.
They're committed
to non-v*olence.

Yeah? Why's he wearing
a towel on his head?

Maybe he just got
out of the shower,

which is where
you should be.

Blunt trauma.
Still hypotensive

after a chest tube
and two units.

Looks like an intra-
abdominal bleed.

Probably splenic lac

with fractured ribs
on the left.

Fluid in Morrison's.
Call the OR, book a room.

Pressure's down 50 systolic.

Let's put him in Trendelenburg.

Okay, 100% O2 by mask.

And squeeze in two units
of O-neg.

Let's go.

I'll take him
up myself.

Dr. Romano.

Grab the drug box.

Dr. Romano, your arm.

Damn it!

( sighs )

I'm fine.

Let's just... let's go.
Let's roll.

It's all my own fault.

I should have never married him.

You get one sh*t, maybe,
at being truly happy.

I had it with Henry Booth

when I was 20...
and I blew it.

Okay, well, I'm going
to come up and check on you

after your chelation therapy.

Till death do they part.

Maybe they deserve
each other.

Hey, do you want to get
some dinner tonight?

Uh... I can't, not tonight.

Abby, I need to pee.

Okay, I'll be right there,

I don't think I can hold it
that long.
I'm coming.

I was kind of hoping that
we could get together.

I can't.
I have a thing.

What thing?

I'm meeting someone.


My A.A. sponsor.

When did this happen?

I just decided
maybe it was time to say hello.

Hey, Gallant?

Where's Mrs. Banks?


You took care
of her facial lac.

What, she's not
in Sutures?


Listen, I'm, uh, thinking
of applying for the match.

In emergency medicine.

Bad idea.

Yeah, well, the letter
wasn't for my rotation.

It was for my
residency application.

I know.

( woman yelling in Russian )

He bit the balloon.

You think he aspirated?

He looks cyanotic.

Bag him and
get a pulse ox.

( woman speaking Russian )

( whimpers )

It's tough
to ventilate.

It's blocking his airway.

Pedes intubation tray
and a MacGill.

Pulse ox is 81.

( woman speaking frantically
in Russian )

I'm good at what I do.

I have certain skills,
certain abilities.

They came naturally to me.

You know, perfect fit.

Can you see anything?

It's not about seeing.

Others would struggle
to get through the day,

and I wanted more.

I might have something.

More urgency, more purpose.

( baby crying )

Stats are coming up.

( crying continues )

( speaking Russian )

The medicine
was exciting, powerful.


Today we saved
a teenager's sight,

I saved a child's life...

I didn't feel it.

Didn't feel anything.

Was he stopping at the ER?

They said he was
coming straight up.

Sorry, Kerry, I hope I didn't
keep you waiting.
For what?

I got tied up
with a parathyroidectomy.

Is Robert here?

Our 5:00.

Right, just, uh,
give me a minute.

Kerry, what happened?

I've been trying
to reach you.

I was stuck at an EPA site
with the mayor.

I've been calling and
paging you and calling.
Calm down.

This is why we have medical
records and nurses' notes.

Is there a place we...?

This is why we take
a history before we
administer dr*gs.

Privately, please.

Do you know
that he d*ed?

Keith d*ed.

He went into
anaphylactic shock

and his airway closed.


What brings you here?

Uh, I'm checking
on a staff member.

Well, congratulations
on the budget.

First year they haven't tried
to close us down.

Dr. Weaver did
an excellent job

of articulating
your needs.

Yeah, she's our own
little articulator.

Where are you going, Kerry?
Don't we have this meeting?

( quietly ):
Just give me a second.

You okay?

More trouble
with the arm?

Uh, not worse than getting it
severed in the first place.

I'm glad to hear it.
Stay well.

Yeah, you too.

His airway closed,

but they had
to bag him anyway,

which caused his stomach
to overinflate and tear.

In here.

But they intubated him

But then that overinflated
his stomach,

and then there was a tear
in his stomach

that caused septic shock.

But then his
blood pressure dropped

and they couldn't
resuscitate him.

Slow down. Slow down.

I thought he was getting
a sh*t of penicillin.

We did give him a
sh*t of penicillin.

That's what caused
the anaphylaxis.

Oh, my God,
what did I do?
Okay, okay.

Unexpected things like this
happen in medicine sometimes.

"Unexpected things."

I didn't ask him
if he was allergic.

We always ask.
But we always have a chart

and the chart reminds us

that we're treating
the patient correctly.

Yes, you could have asked.
It wouldn't have prevented it.

I could have given him
something else.

Or better yet, nothing.
Nothing at all.

I told him it would be
a sh*t of penicillin

even before I approached you.

He didn't tell me
he was allergic.
He didn't know.

This would have happened anyway,
however he got treated.

( knocking )

They're waiting for you
in the conference.

Anspaugh needs
to scrub in.

Have them start without me.

All right.

Um, there's already no record
of the sh*t.

It's too late for that.

We could tell the truth.

No one else knows?

Not yet.

Keith didn't say anything
about me?

For God's sake.

Oh, my God, he's dead.

I know, I know...
Jonathan, he's dead.

It hurts me more
than you know.

Hurts you?
That's crap.

You let that
poor kid believe

he gave you
the syphilis.

Don't tell me I don't care.

I care.

I care.

But I do need to know
what people know

self-servingly, yes.

I have to protect myself,
but I also have to protect you.

And I have to protect
this hospital

and a dozen other
county programs.

What about protecting
your staff?

What about protecting
your lover?

Kerry... this is not your fault.

You understand?

It's not your fault.

But if you confess
to something like it was,

people will treat you
like it was.

And then everybody loses.

Did he say anything about me?

Don't worry.

He lied for you.

He loved you.

( knocking )
They're starting.

And I k*lled him
trying to hide that for you.

Yes, you won't want to be late
for that meeting.

But I will need you later
for a press conference.

He was one of my staff.

Good-bye, Jonathan.

Congratulations, Kerry.

Hold on.

I never let rehab
compromise my work

We both know administration
is not your strong suit.

Should I come back later?

No, Kerry,
this involves you.

How long you been
planning this?

I've asked Robert
to consider sharing

the Chief of Staff position
with you.

I'd rather cut
off my good arm.

I'm sorry you feel that way,

I thought this was a solution
that served everyone.

Well, you were wrong.

It's a gift, Robert.

I suggest you take it.

Take it right up the ass.


Congratulations, Kerry.

You've just become
Chief of Staff.

No disruption
of the vasculature.

No, there wouldn't be
with the mechanism of injury.

What's next?

Let's see, I could cut it
while slicing a bagel

and not realize it
till I pass out from blood loss.


Or maybe I could set
the damn thing on fire.

( sighing )

You need to
be patient.

Yes, so everyone
keeps telling me.

Although none of us
actually believe

I'm even going
to partially recover,

do we?

Believe in the laws of karma,

Eastern philosophy,

the influence of past actions
on your future life.

I know what it is.

So, I can be a jerk.

So what?

I've always
been honest.

Brutally honest.

Bruised some egos,
hurt some feelings,

maybe, uh, provoked
a few tears, but, uh...

honesty's a hell of a lot more
than most people can claim.

I don't deserve this.

Hey, what time
is your thing?

Uh, she's probably waiting
for me right now.

Did you get your car fixed?

Yeah. One of these days,
I'm going to get one that works.


You know, right?

Know what?

That night at
the restaurant.

I had a ring-- you
knew that, right?

I figured if, if you
wanted to talk about it,
you would have.

I didn't go through with it
because in that moment,

it just felt...

It didn't feel right,
and I don't know why,

and I wish I
did know why,

but I think the fact
that I didn't do it

means that maybe
there's something
that isn't working.

I get it.

It's okay.

I got to go.

You get it?

Well, that's good.

Maybe you can
explain it to me,

because I don't get it.

I know that I
show up for work,

and you act like
a completely
changed person,

and I think that's great,
if that's real.

The patch, the sponsor...


For real. For you.
Or is this something

that's going to get
thrown out the window

the next time
something bad happens,

'cause if you're trying
to prove something to me,

like some kind
of quick fix...

I didn't do it
for you.

I woke up sick of myself, okay?

And if you're sick of me,
and, and just all of it,

I don't blame you.

I'm not sick of you.

How do you hear that?

Because all I ever do
is disappoint you.

I feel like
all I'm ever going to do

is disappoint you.

I don't know why...
Stop, stop!

Stop with this whole routine--

this whole fatalistic
black cloud,

going-to-happen routine.

It's not a routine.
What do I have to say?

What do I have to do
to get through to you?

She needs
a stable environment.

She is the one
that's unstable.

Yeah, I wonder why.


She's your daughter.

I've got this
now, thank you.

Do you
even give a damn?

Thank you.

Does he think
that this is the first time

I've ever had to make this kind
of decision with Molly?

I wish to God it was,
but it's not.

Well, if she wants
to come home...

Now. She's scared,
she got hurt,

but what happens
when we get there,

and it starts
all over again?

You try harder.

I have--
a thousand times.

Maybe I am a bad mother,
but I can't do it anymore.

Enjoy her
when she's this age.

She's not old enough
to hate you.

I was, uh, I was trying
to calm the baby--

you know, with the
glove, the little...

Don't worry about it.

Yeah, but he
could have d*ed.

Yup, but he didn't.

I think
you're one of the best

medical students
that's come through here

in a long time.

Well, the place
will be lucky to have you.

A letter from me
wouldn't mean much.

They only tolerate me.

Know I can burn
through a shift.

Tomorrow I'll get up
and do it again.

Have you thought

about taking
some time off?

Yeah, yeah.

Maybe moving home--
I don't know.

There's a cartoon
I once saw in a magazine.

A little man
is sitting in a room

with two doors.

One door says "Do not enter,"

and the other door says
"Do not exit."

So, um... he just sits there...

holding his hat.

We only have
15 minutes left.

Did you want
to keep talking...

or do you want to get to it?

One dispo, two admits,
and I am out of here.

Are you ready?

Yeah, but, uh,
I wasn't going to change.

Hey, this way I go
straight to the casino.

Where you can sing backup
for Tony Orlando.


Never mind.

I'll meet you outside.

Okay, I'll get a cab.

Excuse me, miss,
can you tell me

how to get to the cafeteria?

Uh, I'm sorry.
I don't work here.


All of us at City Hall

are saddened by the loss
of Keith Mitchell.

He was a bright
and vibrant young man,

who had a promising future
in public service.

He devoted himself to bring
dignity and opportunity

to the underserved members
of our community.

Even though his death was sudden
unexpected and heartbreaking.

His spirit will live on
through his contributions to
social programs

and through the thousands of
lives he touched.

All our thoughts
and prayers

go out to Keith's family,
to his many friends

and to all those affected by
this unavoidable tragedy.
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