03x10 - Her Sister's Shadow

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Brady Bunch". Aired: September 1969 to March 1974.*
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A woman with three daughters marries a widower with three sons.
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03x10 - Her Sister's Shadow

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Here's the story ♪

♪ Of a lovely lady ♪

♪ Who was bringing up ♪

♪ Three very lovely girls ♪

♪ All of them had hair of gold ♪

♪ Like their mother ♪

♪ The youngest one in curls ♪

♪ It's the story of a
man named Brady ♪

♪ Who was busy with
three boys of his own ♪

♪ They were four
men living all together ♪

♪ Yet they were all alone ♪

♪ Till the one day when
the lady met this fellow ♪

♪ And they knew that it was
much more than a hunch ♪

♪ That this group must
somehow form a family ♪

♪ That's the way we all
became the Brady Bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch ♪

♪ That's the way we
became the Brady Bunch. ♪

Thank you.

Here's my essay, Mrs. Watson.

Thank you.

Oh, what a splendid title, Jan.

"What America Means To Me."

I hope the judges like it.

I hope so, too.

Incidentally, I'm very pleased

with the way that your work
has been improving, Jan.

Thank you.

Of course, I always expect
great things from a Brady.


Your sister Marcia

was one of the best
students I ever had.

I know, you've told me.

And I'm sure that if
you try hard enough

you can do as
well as your sister.

Thank you.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Hi, Jan.

Hi, Marcia.

Hello, Mrs. Watson.

Oh, Marcia, we were
just talking about you.


Hey, wait a minute.

I stopped by to
walk home with you.

I think I can do
that all by myself.

Gee... I wonder
what's bugging her.



Hi, honey.

Mom, have you seen my awards?

They're not on my shelf.

No, I haven't.

Well, they were there

when I left for
school this morning.

Well, maybe Alice took
them down to dust them.

That must be it. Thanks.


Oh, yeah?

Did you take my
awards down to dust?

No, I didn't, Marcia.

They were in the usual place

when I cleaned this morning.

Well, they're not there now.

We'll find them, sweetie.

A whole lifetime of
achievements were on that shelf.

All my years of hard work.

All my awards.

Gone, gone, gone.

And you never got
a dramatic award?

Alice, it isn't funny.

Well, they've got to be
around somewhere, honey.

What about the boys?

Maybe they're pulling
one of their jokes.

The boys...

they sure do have a
dumb sense of humor.

GREG: You missed again.

Now watch a master
show you how to do it.

I can do that without
being a master.

Watch me, you guys.

Any questions?

All right, you guys.

Now which one of you took them?

Took what?

You know what.

Marcia, we didn't take anything.

And we're trying to play ball.

They're just trying.

I know how.

Hey, give me it.


( kids shouting)

Nobody gets the ball
until I get a straight answer.

( kids shouting)

GREG: What do you want me to do

take it right out of your hands?

Hey... Hey, what's all
the yelling about, huh?

She stole our ball.

I'm just trying to find out

what they did with
my school awards.

They took them from my room.

We did not.

At least, I didn't.

Me neither. I
wouldn't touch them.

I can't even reach them.

Well, fellas, let's stop
kidding around, huh?

Honest, Dad, I didn't
lay a hand on 'em.

Me, neither.

I'm too short.

somebody took them.

Mom hasn't seen them
and neither has Alice.

All right, honey, don't worry.

Come on, I'm
sure we'll find them.


Marcia, were the
boys responsible

for the missing awards?

Well, they said they weren't.

Marcia, if you're
through with these

can I have them?

Where did you find
my awards, Cindy?

In the closet in my room.

The closet?

What on earth were
they doing there?

Hey, I could scratch your name
off, Marcia, and put mine on it.

Sorry, Cindy.

Cindy Brady. Class President.

Hey, that would be really neat.

I wonder how they
got in the closet.

Thanks for finding them, Cindy.

You're welcome.

I wonder who could
have done that, Mike?

I don't know, honey.

Everybody's denied it

I guess except
one person... Jan.

But why would Jan do it?

That's a good question.

Oh, Jan, did you put
these awards of mine

in the closest?

What if I did?

Well, why would you
do a thing like that?

Because I felt
like it, that's why.

What kind of a
dumb reason is that?

I want to know why you did it.

It's none of your business.

Jan, wait a minute!

I don't care to discuss it.

Come back here!

Honey, hand me a
screw, would you? Sure.

MARCIA: Well, you must
admit it was a goofy thing to do!

JAN: So I'm goofy!
What's that to you?

MARCIA: You can
at least tell me why!

Hand me another
screw, would you?

MARCIA: That's not the point.

JAN: It is as far
as I'm concerned.

MARCIA: But it was
such a dumb thing to do.

Was it something I
did to make you mad?

JAN: I told you, I don't
want to talk about it.

MARCIA: Just tell
me why you did it.

I don't have to
tell you anything.

Oh, hi.

What's all the yelling up there?

What's wrong?

Oh, nothing. Nothing at all.

Uh-huh. That's
the kind of nothing

that bothers me the most.

Come on.

I didn't hurt the awards.

Marcia always makes such
a big deal out of everything.

Jan, if those had
been your awards

and Marcia had
dumped them somewhere

wouldn't you be upset, too?

I guess.

But every time
Marcia turns around

they hand her a blue
ribbon or something.

Oh, now, Jan, you
know that isn't so.

Marcia's worked very
hard for those things.

Well, all I hear all
day long at school

is how great Marcia is at this

or how wonderful
Marcia did that.

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia.

Now, sweetheart...
JAN: All those awards

staring me in the
face was too much.

I'm tired of being in
Marcia's shadow all the time.

Now, Jan, you're not
in anybody's shadow.

Well, Marcia's three
years older than you.

She should have more
to show for herself.

Maybe. But everything
comes so easy for her.

Oh, Jan, come on. You
have to be realistic about this.

Nobody, nobody, has
smooth sailing all the time.

Well, that's right.

Marcia has her
disappointments, too.

She doesn't always win.

You'll never guess what.

I just got a call
from the school.

I've been made editor
of the school newspaper!

That's fine, honey.

That's great, Marcia.

I've got to call Jennifer.

She'll just flip.

See what I mean?

She wants to be editor...
Boom, she's editor.

Jan, you're really
not being fair.

You know that Marcia's been
working on that for months.

Look, honey, now,
if you really feel

you're in your sister's shadow

do something about it.

Get out and develop
your own talent.

That's right, Jan.

Some of us are good at one thing

and some of us
are good at another.

It's like your father
and I always say

find out what you do best

and then do your best with it.

Maybe you're right.
But what can I do best?

Well, if you keep your eyes open

I'll bet you something
will present itself.

This is the opportunity

I've been waiting for, Katie.

Hey, I think I'll try out
for pom-pom girl, too.

I'm going to start
practicing right after school.

That's one thing my
sister's never done...

Been a pom-pom girl.

Oh, do you have one
of those sisters, too?

Have I ever.

But I'll show her.

Alice, the news
can't be all that bad.

Well, you know what they say...

No news is good news.

What are you cutting
up the papers for?

I'm not cutting up papers.

I am creating.

Creating? Creating what?

Pom-poms. Jan wants to join

a pom-pom squad at school.

She wants to practice,

so I am creating pom-poms.

Oh, now I get it.

The strips of paper, you
tie them to the spoons

and pom-poms.

Oh, well, now that you've
got the idea in your heads,

hey, how about a little help?


This is fun.

GREG: You know, pom-pom
girls are really important.

Last year, our team was terrible

but the cheers were great.

Like what, for instance?

I said, hey, hey,
what do you say?

Who's going to win
the game today?

I say, ho, ho,

what do you know?
The score we've got

is going to grow. I
say, hey, hey, ho, ho,

come on, team, let's go, go, go!

Hey, that's great.

Go, go, go!

Well, I hate to say it, fellas,

but I think we did
it better in my day.

Oh, yeah? Like what?

Oh. Well, uh...

Popcorn, peanuts, onion soup!

We want a touchdown,


I think that's a little
old-fashioned, Alice.

Well, in my day, it
was just right on...

As heavy, man, is today.

Hey, I heard a great cheer

at Peter's basketball
game the other day,

but I'll need some help
from you guys, okay?

Okay. Sure.

Give me a "B"!

"B"! "B"!

Give me another "B"!

"B"! "B"!

Give me another "B"!

"B"! "B"!

What does it spell?!

What does it spell?

What does it spell?

B-b-b, b-b-b, b-b-b!

Yeah, that was a
really great one, Bobby.

Hey, there they
are. They're finished.

How do they look?


Why don't you try them?


And... Hey!

Can I turn it on?

No, I better limber up first.

How can you practice
being a pom-pom girl

without any pom-poms?

Alice is making me some.

Well, I've heard
of flying saucers,

but shoes?

I was just warming up, Mom.

ALICE: Anyone for pom-poms?

Those look like mops, Alice.

When they're down
here they're mops.

When up here, they're pom-poms.


It's the best I could
do in short notice.

Thanks, Alice.

Well, come on, honey,
let's see you do your stuff.

Okay, Cindy... now.

( "Washington
Post March" playing)

( chuckles)

Well, she certainly
is working hard at it.

I sure hope she makes it, Dad.


Hey, maybe I could
give Jan a few pointers

and show her
some steps I learned

when I was trying
out for pom-pom girl.

Marcia, now I know
you want to be helpful,

but I think under
the circumstances

you better not, hmm?

Yeah. I'm the last person
she'd want help from.

But I sure am rooting for her.

Well, I think she'd
like to know that.

Why don't you tell her?

I sure will.

( music stops, applause)

Oh... hey, that's good!

Oh, thanks.

Boy, you've been working.

Yeah, but I still have
to practice a whole lot.

Oh, that's okay.



I was watching
you rehearse before.

I just want you to know I
think you're doing great.

You really do, Marcia?

You might even be chosen to
be the leader, Miss Pom-Pom.

Wow. Thanks.

Well, I just wanted
you to know how I felt.

That's all.

That means a lot to me, Marcia.

( "Washington
Post March" playing)

It's really hard
to do it by myself.

There's supposed
to be three other girls.

What do you think you're doing?

We're just trying to help.

That's all.

Hey, that's a great idea.

Bobby, you get over there

and, Peter, you
stand right there.

Jan could use some help.

Oh, yes, you boys will
make lovely pom-pom girls.

I'm not gonna be
any pom-pom girl.

I'm not even gonna
be a pom-pom boy.

I really could use some help.

Well, I'll lend a leg.

I once won a twist contest.

Oh, I may have
one good kick left.

Okay, now what do we do?

This is a different one.

Okay, so we go,
right, left, right, kick.

Left, right, left, kick.

Hey, this is fun.

Come on, Alice. Get up there.


Oh, oh, uh-oh.

What's the matter?

That's my two-way stretch.

I think it just went three ways.

( marching music playing)

Thank you, that was very nice.

The last girl up is Jan Brady.

Ready, Jan?

Yes, ma'am.

( march playing)

Thank you, Jan.

You were all wonderful, girls.

But, as you know, we only
need four pom-pom girls.

And the ones we've selected
to represent the school this year

are Gloria Harper...

Katie Rand... Judy Smith...

and Laura Richmond.

Thank you, girls.

That's all for today.

I wanted to go over
to try to cheer Jan up,

but I thought I'd just
make her feel more upset.

Jan wanted that so badly, too.

She worked so hard for it.

If there was any way I thought
I could make her feel better,

I'd gladly give
back all my awards.

MIKE: Well, when she gets home

let's not bring up
that pom-pom thing.

If she wants to talk
about it, she will.

I doubt it. She's
absolutely miserable.

JAN: Hi! Have I
got terrific news!

You made the pom-pom team.

No. Better.

Remember my essay
on Americanism?

It won the contest.

I finished the first
in the whole school!

Oh, that's wonderful!
Hey, that's great.


After I bombed out
in the pom-pom trials

Mrs. Watson was
waiting to tell me.

My essay won 98 out
of a possible 100 points.


Yes, the highest
anybody ever got.

The closest was
Nora Coombs with 95.

Oh, Jan, we're so proud of you!

Monday morning, at assembly,

in front of the
whole student body,

I'm going to be presented

with a certificate in
the Honor Society.

Oh, I'll make that
the headline story

in the school newspaper.

Tell me, Miss Brady,

how does it feel
to be a celebrity?

No different, darling.

I'm so used to it.

I've been one for
almost an hour.

As the mother of a
celebrity, Mrs. Brady,

would you care to tell us
anything about her childhood?

Oh, yes, I'd love to.

Well, you know, she
always was a genius.

She learned to say
"mommy" and "daddy"

before she was six years old.

One more question, please.

Sorry, Miss. I cannot
go on any longer

it's been a most exhausting day.

Well, everything's
back to normal.

Finally, I did it...

Something Marcia has
never done in her whole life.

98 points.

"Spelling, 15; Grammar,
14; Neatness, 14;

"Originality of Idea,
15; Composition, 15;

Presentation, 10;
Literary Style, 10..."

That only adds up to 93.

It is only 93.

I didn't win.

Nora Coombs did.

Jan, everybody thinks you won.

But I didn't.

Nobody but you and I know that.

We're not going to tell, are we?

How can I take an
honor I haven't earned?

Listen, they owe it to you.

You should have
been a pom-pom girl.

You were the best one there.



Honor Society Woman of the Year.

I'm going to bake you a cake

the size of Mount Rushmore,

but much sweeter.

( all yelling congratulations)

Hey, that's great!

Hey, is this it?

Yes, that's it.

I'm not going to steal it.

I just want to see
your terrific score.

But I don't want you to
smudge it or anything.

98, wow.

I hope I grow up to
be as smart as you.

Yeah, you could use it.

Well, congratulations
again, Jan.

Yeah, that's really good!

You finally did something
Marcia never did.

You're not going to
throw that away, are you?

I guess everybody would
be awfully disappointed.

Your mother and
father would be crushed.

You can't let them down.

Besides, you have
it coming to you.

I'm happy to say that
the PTA bazaar raised $87

for the student activity fund.

The Dramatic
Society's annual play

will be postponed one week.

The lab schedules for Science 9B

will be posted on the
bulletin boards tomorrow.

And any students wishing to
volunteer for Cleanup Week

kindly give their
names to Mrs. Atterbury.



Now I'm going to turn over
the microphone to Mrs. Watson

who has a very important
announcement to make

regarding the
Honor Society Award.

Mrs. Watson.

( applause)

As you all know,
this is the time of year

when our students compete

for a place in the
Honor Society.

Wait, Mrs. Watson.

Oh, I'm afraid the announcement

I was about to make
has to be changed.

I just learned that
an error was made

in scoring the essay contest.

The winner of the
Honor Society Award

is not Jan Brady.

It is Nora Coombs
with a score of 95.

We will present Nora's
award at assembly next week

so her parents can be present.

I wish I had a special
award for Jan Brady

for calling this
error to my attention.

She has today set a standard

of sportsmanship and honesty

that truly gives meaning

to the words, "Honor Society."

I'm sure Jan's parents
are very proud of her.

Her behavior today should
be an example to all of us.

And I wanted to win
at something so badly

I didn't know what to do.

Well, Jan, sometimes
when we lose, we win.

You really created a
sensation yesterday, Jan.


Yeah. My room was still
buzzing about it today.

Oh, thanks.



What's the matter with you?

You're the matter with me.

What do you mean?

They changed my
room in school today.

I got one of your old teachers.

So what?

She heard about what you did.

Now all I hear all day is
what a great sister I have.

Jan, Jan, Jan.

Look, Cindy,

some of us are good at one thing

and some of us at another.

That's right.

So find what you do best
and do your best with it.

It isn't going to be easy.

Why not?

I'm good at so
many different things.

( humming)

Hi, there.

Hi. You're sure in a good mood.

Yes, I am, and it's
all thanks to you.

Me? What did I do?

Well, you cut my
housework in half.

How did I do that?

By teaching me those cheers.

Now, you know the
way I usually dust...

You know, like this?

Pretty dull work,
right? I guess so.

Well now, thanks to you...

Rickety-rack, rickety-rust,

give it a flick and
away goes the dust!

Rickety-rack, rickety-rust,

give it a flick and
away goes the dust!

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