04x17 - Der Tag

Episode transcripts for the TV show "M*A*S*H". Aired: September 1972- February 1983.*
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During the Korean w*r the staff of an Army hospital find that humor helps deal with the difficulties.
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04x17 - Der Tag

Post by bunniefuu »

[Crickets Chirping]


[Frank] No, no, operator.
Listen to me closely, please.

Well, I told you three times.
Will you get it straight?

Not the Hairywood Hotel.
The Hollywood Hotel in Tokyo.

On Showadori Street.

- Well, however you say it.
- [Radar] Oh!

Moron. Major Margaret Houlihan.
I'll wait.

Margaret, it's me, Frank.

Well, I can't talk louder.
I'm in Radar's office...

and he's sleeping
just a few feet from me.

God knows
what filth he's dreaming.

Margaret, puss, I've been trying
to get you for five hours.

- Are you all right?
Where have you been?
- Oh, well...

the nurses' seminar
lasted forever.

Captain Parish gave a talk
on earwax problems in the a*tillery.

Dr. Nyler gave a talk
on peristaltic rhythm.

Last year he nearly won
the Nobel Prize for dysentery.

And then he also gave a talk on
suppositories..."The b*llet of Health."

- It's three in the morning.
I was getting worried.
- Were you, Frank?

Oh, I called and called. I thought maybe
you'd been in a rickshaw wreck.

You know, those drivers get running
in the rain and their glasses steam up.

The glass. Wash the glass.

Well, after the seminar, some
of the girls, the nurses, and Fred...

- Fred?
- Went out for a bite on the Ginza.

Margaret, who's Fred?
I thought it was a nurses' seminar.

He's a physical therapist.
Nice, but dumb.

He hasn't got a brain
in his whole "bod-y."

why do you say "bod-y" like that?
What do you know about his "bod-y"?

- "Bod-y."
- He's just a big, strong kid.

He crushed a beer can
with two fingers.

Show-off! Once I k*lled
a gopher with a stick.

What'd you do?
Where'd you go?

- We all went to a bathhouse.
- And where was Fred?

Well, we didn't see much of him.
He likes to stay underwater. [Laughs]

Margaret, l... What?

All right, operator.
Right away.

They're going to cut us off,
punkin. Our time's up.

Oh, I miss you so much.
Hurry back.

I got a new Andre Kostelanetz record.
It's called Two Alone.

We'll put it on in your tent and
I'll crush a beer can with my knees.

Margaret, l... Margaret?

Margaret. Oh, Margaret.

Oh, shut up.

[Man On P.A.]
Attention, all personnel.

Ralph Kiner has just hit
his 47th home run of the season.

And Corporal Murphy has just
struck out in the laundry room.

- Gimme a lap sponge here.
Colonel Potter?
- [Potter] Captain Pierce.

I think it's only fair to tell you
that this is my last patient.

- For today?
- For forever.

- So, you're leaving.
- All I need is a doggy bag...

filled with our cook's
famous unborn hash...

and a jeep
with a full t*nk.

I'll drive north up through Mongolia,
take a right at Siberia.

I may have a little trouble crossing
the Bering Strait. But after that...

- it's downhill all the way.
- Especially if you have the lights.

- Right.
- We'll set it up after lunch.

- Can we have some quiet in here?
- Don't bleed so loud.

It's like operating with a broken record
going around and around.

And "around and around."

- Colonel!
- Major...

I do wish you'd
exercise your command.

I only exercise it once a month.
I don't want to get muscle-bound.

- Thanks a heap!
- [Metal Object Drops]

- Oh, terrific, Kelly.
- Sorry, Doctor.

- You think I dropped it, don't you?
- I didn't say that, sir.

It's obvious you thought so
the moment I dropped it!


Come on in here.
We can talk better.

- Radar, no calls.
- [Radar] Yes, sir.

- Me too.
- Gentlemen, I need your help.

- Command me, sire.
- If it's shorts you want,
you can have my other pair.

- They need a little work.
- No horsin' around now. I'm serious.

So am I. Take my shorts and let
the chips fall where they may.

Frank Burns
is driving everybody nuts.

Ever since Major Houlihan went to Tokyo.
He even made Klinger cry.

- The cad.
- Told him his platform shoes
made him look like a tramp.

You've seen him
in O.R. All thumbs.

- And two of'em up his nose.
- Colonel, you've only been
around him for a few months.

- He's been a boil on my butt
for a hundred years.
- Then let's lance that boil.

- The man feels totally friendless.
- He is.

As a favor to me and for the good
of the unit, be nice to him.

Buddy up to him. Treat him like a pal.
You must have something in common.

- True. We hate each other.
- Hawkeye, B. J...

I'm begging ya.

Who could resist
those big Colonel eyes?

- Your bet, Father.
- [Yawns]

No help from the pit boss
in the sky.

- I call your two
and raise five dollars.
- Hmm. Bye-bye.

- Five bucks?
- Too rich for my blood.

Ah, come to Papa.

- Where'd you learn
to play poker, Father?
- Eddie Bertolucci.

Knew him well. First man to ride a
caraway seed down the alimentary canal.

Actually, he was a mailman.

When he passed the civil service,
I blessed his feet.

- Half-a-buck ante. Straight draw.
- There's mine.

- Who said you could play poker in here?
- I did, Burns.

- Enjoy your game, sir.
- [Laughs]

- Keep your enlisted giggles
to yourself.
- Yes, sir.

- Pot's light.
- I'm in.
- I'm in.

- [Potter Whistles]
- Oh. Oh, yeah, it's me.

I was watching
Major Burns untie his boots.

And he does it
without a safety net.

Dizzy simp.

- Oh, come on...
- Go on.

- Frank?
- I don't have to take that!

Why don't you
get in the game with us?

Oh, thanks a lot.
I know when I'm not wanted.

- No, come on. We really want you.
- Me?

- Yeah, come on, Frank.
- We don't mind.

- Get Frank a drink, B. J.
- Yes, sir.

Park it right here.

I don't know much about poker.
Louise and I mostly played
whist at the Moose Hall.

I read that
in Cholly Knickerbocker.

Go easy on that rotgut.
It'll pickle your giblets.


- Half-a-buck ante, Frank.
- Mm.

- [B.J.] A snapper purse?
- Oh, it says "no" to pickpockets
with a capital "N."

Get Mr. Ravenal a refill.

Anybody else
for pickled giblets?

Oh, no, thank you.
That's all right.

- Straight draw, Frank.
- Well, I don't know
much about the game.

You get five cards.
Keep your best.

You know, pair,
three of a kind, et cetera.

Then you draw, discard your garbage
and keep your best five.

Any dumb Dora knows that.

It's nice and lemony.

- You had lemons in there?
- We threw in a couple of cough drops.

- Is this jacks or better?
- Si, senor.

- I can't open.
- Nope.

- [Hawkeye] Father?
- I open for a dollar.

- Bye-bye.
- I'm in.

- Frank?
- Well, what do I say if
I want to say I think I can win?

- How about "So long"?
- Just say call.

- Then I say call.
- Me too.

How many cards
you want, Radar?

Two. Three. Uh, four.

Brilliant devil.
He's obviously got one of a kind.

- [Hawkeye] Klinger?
- Two beauties, please.

Can I have
another lemon squash?

- Comin' up, Tex.
- Best keep your wits about you, Major.

Oh, don't worry about me, sir.
I got a hollow head.

- Father?
- I'll take two, please.

One off the top,
if you don't mind.

- Frank?
- Don't bother me now. I'm busy.

- How many cards do you want?
- These will suit me just fine.

- Watch him.
- Uh-oh.

- He's bluffing.
- Dealer takes three.

Father, you opened.

I'll bet a dollar.

And up a half.

- Frank?
- Fifty dollars!

- Fifty dollars?
- Five-dollar limit, poker face.

- Well, five dollars then.
- Okay, I'm in.

Gee, I was gonna
buy a w*r bond.

What's more important?
The card game or the w*r?

- [B.J.] You can play w*r anytime.
- Okay, I'll stay.

- I'll stay.
- Oh, dear.

That's 5.50 to me.

I'll call, and may the Lord
have mercy on my cards.

Same deal for me, Lord.

[Mouths Words]

What do I do now?
Can I bet again?

- [All] No!
- No, you can't. Always wants to bet.

No, we called your hand, Frank.
Let's see your cards.


- Ay.
- A heart flush.

- Do I win?
- It's all yours, Frank.


- You sure you've never been
on this boat before?
- [Laughs]

- Ten high straight, Frank.
- [Groaning]

- [Mulcahy] Jacks full of deuces.
- [Radar] Holy!

Me again?

Father, would you pull
your collar over your ears?

I have a few
filthy words to say.

- I'm broke.
- There goes the zircon
for my belly button.

- Peg will k*ll me.
- Gee, I must've won
about two hundred dollars.

I'd like to join in
more fun things with you guys.

Okay. You're invited
to our sack race in the minefield.


## [Rag]

- You're dancing better.
- I'm learning by mail.

- You wanna dip?
- You might hurt yourself.

I can jump out of the way.

So this is customary, huh?

Oh, yeah. The winner
always buys the booze.


- Can I make a personal remark?
- Is it about your breath?

Up till tonight, I always thought
you were low, filthy scum.

And we always thought
you were a rotten fink, until tonight.

- And perhaps tomorrow. Maybe forever.
- [Giggles]

What a nice thought.

Oh, doughboys one and all.
Buddies at the front.


I had my eye on that
for a long time.

- Radar?
- Nurse Kelly.

- Nurse Kelly?
- Yeah!

The curve of her gluteus maximus.
The red fullness of her lips.

You're drooling, Frank.
Would you like a lobster bib?

Well, here goes nothin'.

[Imitating Frank,


Can a fella cut in?

- Who?
- Me.

Oh, uh, yes, sir.

Nurse Kelly!

I think it's fair to tell you that
I've admired you for some time now...

and in more than
a professional manner.

- Oh, thank you, sir.
- [Chuckles]

You're really
a hotsie-totsie.


Come on. Pep it up, Father.
Let's liven up the party, huh?

[Playing Louder, Faster]



- [Bell Ringing]
- [Coins Pouring]

He's okay.
He's just rusty at having fun.

[B. J.]

Yeah. I'd never forgive myself
if I dropped him.

- What's goin' on?
- Helping an old lady across the street.

- He O.D.'d on bourbon and Kelly.
- I appreciate what you boys are doing.

- Things are going to be
much better around here.
- Only if we bury him.

I'd buy that.

Here we go.

- Wait. Wait. Not on me! Not on me!
- [B.J.] Gangway!

- [Stirring]
- Easy!

Now, don't wake him up.
Don't wake him up.

- Don't you feel like a hypocrite?
- Like kissing Hitler on the mouth.

I'm tired of being nice
to this khaki specimen.



- Let's close the case. [Laughing]
- [Laughing]

You got a toe tag?

[Laughing Fades]

[Both Giggling]

Wha... What are you writing?

- "Emotionally exhausted."
- "And morally bankrupt."



Not too tight. We don't want
to cut off his ice water.

[Frank Laughs]


I don't know whether
to sleep in my filthy clothes...

or put on my filthy jammies.

I don't know whether
I don't care or I don't care.


Heart flush.

Doesn't know which end is up
and he gets a heart flush.

- I'd like to give his heart a flush.
- [Door Slams]

- Halt! Who goes there?
- [Slurred] I gotta go to the john!

You gotta give me
the password, heart flush.

Bursting bladder!

Close enough for jazz.

- Be nice to the rats.
It's their mating season.
- [Door Closes]

# Swanee, how I love ya
how I love ya #

- # My dear ol'... #
- [Horn Blaring]

[Klinger] What have we got? Wounded?
Come on. Let's get 'em in.

Okay. You got it.

In here.

- What's your hurry?
- We gotta get back to the front.


Holy moley!

Out, Radar,
or I'll turn you into a lamp base.

Major Burns has got the duty
and I can't find him anywhere.

- Try the latrine.
- I did.

He hasn't even taken the wrapper
off his new National Geographic.

He's not in camp. Gee,
maybe he's been captured.

Let's find that enemy soldier
and give him a nice tip.

What's ten percent
of Frank Burns?

- You try Major Houlihan's tent?
- Yeah, it's got
a big padlock on the door.

Well, does it look like
it's been cried on?

I remember you guys
carried him back in here.

- We dumped him on his bed.
- He was sound asleep.

Oh, I better report
to Colonel Potter.

Or you could report
to Colonel Potter.

How do you figure?

We carried him in here,
laid him out.

Didn't we take his boots off?

We must've.
My eyes are still burning.

Oh, come on, guys.
No horsin' around now.
What've you done with Burns?

- We did what you said.
- We showed him a good time, right?

- Right.
- He's disappeared!

It's his way
of saying "thank you."

- Radar, you say Klinger
saw him go to the latrine?
- Yes, sir.

Did he hear
a splash or anything?


4077 MASH.

Uh, sir, it's Captain Saunders,
Battalion Aid Station.

- Nick, how you doing?
- Not bad, Colonel.

Listen, I think I have one
of your officers up here.

He's out cold, but his dog tags
read, uh, "Frank Burns."

- What?
- Skinny guy...

uh, no chin, big pores?

- Is he wounded?
- No wounds.

Uh, but his toe tag reads, uh,
"Emotionally exhausted
and morally bankrupt."

Whatever the hell that means.

"Emotionally exhausted"?

And morally bankrupt.

You guys pull a fast one,
put a toe tag on Burns last night?

We addressed him,
but we didn't mail him.

I'd appreciate it mightily, Nick,
if you'd ship him back down here to us.

I'd like to help you,
but we're short on wheels here.

We only have room for the wounded.
If you want him, you're gonna
have to get him.

Okay, Nick,
I understand. So long.

- They do not deliver.
- Can they hold him on layaway?

They've got their hands full.
Somebody's got to go get him.

I need two volunteers...

Pierce and Hunnicutt.

Why don't we go tell them?

Practical jokes.

I'm glad I'm not one.

Hey, come on!

Why do you always keep me waiting?
You know I hate to be late.

- Sorry.
- And that's what you're wearing?
That looks terrible.

You wore that the last time
we went to the front.

I thought we might need
some Fig Newtons.

Oh, good idea. We can
spit seeds at the enemy.

Let's move, Kato.

- [Potter] Ready?
- Ready, sir.

To Lieutenant General
Harrison Hardcastle...

Letterman General Hospital,
San Francisco, California.

Dear General, I was not aware
that your daughter, Amanda...

was selling subscriptions
to McCall's Magazine.

Please put me down
for two years.

Militarily yours, Colonel Sherman
Potter, et cetera, et cetera.

This general helps his daughter
sell magazines, sir?

It's the old army game.
At Fort Leavenworth...

I had a four-year subscription
to his wife's cupcakes.

- [Phone Rings]
- I got it.

Colonel Potter here,
MASH 4077.

Nick Saunders, Colonel.
We've got a pretty big party up here.

- Lots of heavy stuff.
- [expl*si*n]

Yeah, Colonel?

I wish you could help me too.
No, listen, we might be overrun...

so you better keep
your people away.

Right, Nick. Thanks.
Good luck, guy.

They're under attack. Pierce and
Hunnicutt are walking into a holocaust.

- Oh, golly.
- You said it, brother.

This kid doesn't need a doctor.
He needs a farmer.

- [Saunders]
We'll have to clean him up.
- [Hawkeye] I'll do it.

Nice location you got here,
Captain Saunders.

- Hmm, you think so?
- Any closer, you could be
in a Chinese draft board.

- Am I gonna be all right, Doc?
- Nobody gets out
of paying his bill with me.

Better start getting
some plasma right now. Medic!

- We're all out of strawberry.
You'll have to take vanilla.
- [Chuckles]

- Set that up right away.
- Okay, Doc.

- What do ya got?
- Took one in the stomach.

- Oh, boy.
- Pressure bandage!

[Frank Sighs]

That guy can sleep through anything.

Yeah, he's embalmed in bourbon.


- Cover the wounded!
- Ah!

- Medic! Get me a suture setup!
- No, no, no, Captain,
this isn't a MASH.

- You get him stable if you can,
then just put him on a chopper.
- Right.

- Why don't we wake up Frank?
He'd be some help.
- Oh, leave him alone.

As a doctor,
he's hitting his peak right now.

- Come on, Frank.
- Up!

- [Straining]
- Come on.

- Oh! Whoa.
- [Strains]

- He's heavier.
- It's all our money.

- We're always carrying this guy.
- I've been carrying him for years.

- Lay him down gently.
- Why?

It's a good thing
you don't come C.O.D.


[Exhales Deeply]

Well, now you've seen an aid station.
What do you think?

Beats hell
out of Bermuda off-season.

Say good night, Gracie.

Good night, Gracie.

Captain Hunnicutt,
Colonel P... C...

- Oh, Major Burns, sir,
you've got the duty.
- Huh? Oh, right.

Well, another day, another dollar.

- Hawkeye?
- Huh?

Uh, Colonel Potter
wants to see you right away.

There's nothing like
a 15-second nap.

- B. J., Colonel Potter.
- Naturally.

Ah, come on, you sleepyheads!
Up and at 'em.

- Oh, buzz off, Frank.
- Get lost.

- I don't understand. You hate me again.
- What's not to hate?

We were such pals last night.

- It was a dream, Frank.
- All a dream.

No, it wasn't! I was popular
and don't you deny it!

[Blowing Raspberry]

- [Frank] Major Houlihan!
- Major Burns.

What a lovely surprise.
Here, let me help you with your bag.

I could bite
your clusters off.

How was your, uh,
seminar in Tokyo?

- Worthwhile?
- Very informative, yes.

You'd be amazed at the things they're
doing with suppositories these days.

- Oh, how was the weather?
- Lovely.

- Oh, Margaret, Margaret, Margaret!
- Frank, Frank, Frank!

Oh, it's heaven to see you.
Oh, you taste so good.

Well, I had a sardine sandwich
on the plane.

Tell me everything.
Tell me everything!

Oh, it's been "el boro."

I trimmed the hair
in my ears one night.

That's the only time
I stopped thinking about you.

And they showed that
Sonja Henie hygiene film...

- Of Ice and Lice.
- My poor baby.

The marines stole The Jolson Story
and they won't give it back.

- Well, now that I'm here,
we'll make our own fun.
- [Chuckles]

Did you
bring me a present, hmm?

You silly billy.

Close your eyes.

[Breathing Heavily]

Oh, Margaret! Glazed plums!

I saw them in a window.
I said, "That's Frank."

You're mad.

- Margaret, I'm on fire.
- What can I do to put you out?

I gotta go on hospital duty.

Oh, well, there's always later.

I hear the peace talks
are going badly.

We can only hope.

And then we went
to see a play at the Kabuki.

I can't pronounce it
in Japanese, but it means...

"Geisha girl, the samurai have
arrived to take you to the dance."

- We? You mean you and the girls?
- And Fred. Fred.

- Fred Fred?
- Fred, Frank.

he understands Japanese...

and has the most
beautiful samurai sword.

Samurai sword?
Well, where'd you see it?

Does he
wear it around or what?

He has a picture of it
in his wallet.

- Trouble in paradise?
- One can only hope.

- Suppose a rabbit died?
- Looks to me like she's
having lunch with him.
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