02x15 - Will the Real Jan Brady Please Stand Up?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Brady Bunch". Aired: September 1969 to March 1974.*
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A woman with three daughters marries a widower with three sons.
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02x15 - Will the Real Jan Brady Please Stand Up?

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Here's the story ♪

♪ Of a lovely lady ♪

♪ Who was bringing up ♪

♪ Three very lovely girls ♪

♪ All of them had hair of gold ♪

♪ Like their mother ♪

♪ The youngest one in curls ♪

♪ It's the story of a
man named Brady ♪

♪ Who was busy with
three boys of his own ♪

♪ They were four
men living all together ♪

♪ Yet they were all alone ♪

♪ Till the one day when ♪

♪ The lady met this fellow ♪

♪ And they knew that it was
much more than a hunch ♪

♪ That this group ♪

♪ Must somehow form a family ♪

♪ That's the way we all
became the Brady Bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch ♪

♪ That's the way we
became the Brady Bunch. ♪

Hi, Mom.

Hi, honey.

How was school today?


Alice made some of your
favorite cookies if you're hungry.

Good, I am.

Mm... here, this is for you.


Hey, it's an invitation to
Lucy Winter's birthday party.

Who opened it?

I did, but it wasn't my fault.

Look at the envelope.

"Marcia Brady"?

How come my invitation
was addressed to you?

I don't know.

Lucy's your friend,

so I called her
and checked it out.

Well, what did she say?

Well, you know, just
one of those things.

She made a mistake

and put my name
instead of yours.


Yes, honey?

Did you hear about
Lucy Winter's invitation?

Well, I did hear
Marcia calling about it.

Why does this
always happen to me?

Why does what always happen?

People are always
forgetting who I am.

I'm always Marcia's
younger sister

or Cindy's older sister.

I'm in the middle

and being in the middle
is like being invisible.

Oh, Jan, I really think you're
making too much out of this.

I mean, after all,

you are the one who
was invited to the party.

They won't even know I'm there.

Jan Brady will, that's who.

Dad, can I talk to you?

Sure, Peter, just a minute.

Peter, what is it you want?

Well, I was wondering
if I could have

an advance on my allowance.

Advance on your allowance?

I just gave you your
allowance for this week.

Well, I was thinking more
like an advance on next week's.

What happened to this week's?

Well, I saw the chance

for a really great
business deal,

so I leant everything
I had to Jan...

Four dollars and 49 cents...

at 20% interest.

What does Jan need
all that money for?

She didn't say.

Well, what do you
need the money for?

Well, I was invited

to Lucy Winter's
birthday party, too.

So I guess I better
get her a present.

Well, that's probably what
Jan wanted the money for.

How much do you need?

Mm... 49 cents.

49 cents? Why exactly 49 cents?

Well, I figure that's
how much she spent

on my birthday present, so I
don't want to embarrass her

by getting her
something too good.

Well, that's very
considerate, Peter.

Here, you owe me a penny.

Got it all ready.



Look at that.

Good-bye, Peter.

Are you looking
for someone, dear?

Oh, no, ma'am.

I'm looking for a wig.

You mean for yourself?

Yes, ma'am.

I think your own hair is nice.

I love it.

I don't know why
you'd want to change it.

I think you'd probably know why

if you had two blonde
sisters at home.

Oh, I see the problem.

We want a complete
change, do we?

Yes, ma'am, that's what we want.

Well, now, what style
wig did you have in mind?

Oh, I don't know.

Something crazy... kind of
like the style you're wearing.

It's my own hair.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Not half as sorry as I am.

Well, now let's see
what we've got here.

There's "Early Rust," "Pompeii
Pumice," "Lunar Dust..."

Here's... no.

Hey, this one's kind of nice.

Oh, yes, that's your
"Midnight Temptress."

Listen, now don't you think
it's a little, uh... mature?

Well, I'm older
than I look... I'm 12.

That old. You
carry it very well.

Oh, thank you.

"Midnight Temptress," huh?

That's right.

Well, I don't think
I'll be up that late.

Do you mind if I
kind of look around?

Oh, not at all.

And listen, with each
and every purchase,

you get a free styrofoam head.

Hey, that one's
kind of different.

No, no, no, no.

I wouldn't recommend that.

Why not?

It's a handbag, and it
should be over here.

Helen! Helen, how many
times do I have to tell you?

Never mix the
merchandise, Helen.

It's tacky.

Well, I'll just keep looking.
It's so embarrassing for me.

A little girl almost
walked out of the store

wearing this on her head.

Cindy, what are you looking for?

Hair ribbons.

I can't go to over to
Ginny's house without them

or she'll get mad.


Because they're
her hair ribbons.

We swapped yesterday.

When was the last
time you saw them?

Last night when I took them off.

Hey, maybe they're
in the bathroom.

Whoever it is, I'm in here.

Jan, let me in.

I have to get my hair ribbons.

Come back later.

Come on, Jan, open up!

You let us in.

Grab her.

Jan, what happened?

The top of your
head turned black.

Don't be silly, it's a wig.

Where'd you get that?

Oh, I bought it this morning.

What do you think?

Jan, I think it looks awful.

Who asked for your opinion?

Oh, I've always liked
this dress on Jan.

You, too, huh?

Mm-hmm... Yeah, I agree.

Well, I hope we
got it right this time.

Honey, have you seen those
blueprints I brought home?

Alice, have you seen
Mr. Brady's blueprints?

She says they're
upstairs in the bedroom.

How could you
tell what she said?

Oh, very simple.


Honey, listen, if
you're going upstairs,

would you send Jan down?

I want her to try this on again.

Jan, you can't wear that

to Lucy Winter's birthday party.

I don't see why not.

Because you'll look like
some kind of kook, that's why.

You're just jealous, Marcia.

Well, I'm not jealous.

Wait till my friends
at the party see me.

You know what they'll say?

Mm-hmm, I can think of
a lot of things they'll say.

Very funny. They'll
say that for the first time

they've seen the real Jan Brady.


Uh-oh, that's Dad.

I don't want Mom
or Dad to see me

before I'm all set.

Then you'd better
get ready in a hurry.



Yes, Dad?

Your mother wants you.

Do you mean now?


Right now?

Yes. That's what
I said, right now.

You mean this very minute, now?

This very minute, now.

It's my hair... I can't
do a thing with it.

Hey, when's Peter coming back?

I don't know. He went
to buy a present for Lucy.

I got something
I'd better tell him.


Guess who's going to be

at Lucy Winter's party?


Margie Wipple...
Her brother told me.

The one Peter says is
always chasing after him?

Yeah, making those goofy
eyes at him and all that mush.

He's going to love seeing her.

We'd better warn him
when he gets back.

Hey, wait a minute.

What would happen
if we didn't tell him

Margie Wipple was
going to be there?

Then he wouldn't know
till he got to the party.

And spend the whole time

with Margie chasing
after him... get it?

That'd be a dirty
trick to play on him.



You wanted to see me, Mom?

Jan I thought you washed
your hair yesterday.

Oh, I did, but, uh,
it needed it again.

Well, come on over here.

I want to check
the length on this.

Couldn't we do it later?

Jan, honey, if you're going
to wear this to the party,

we've got to do it right now.


Come on.

Here, Alice, you hold it up

and I'll take a look.

Okay. Oh, you're really
going to knock 'em dead

at that party in this
dress. Thank you.

Looks great... goes so
well with your blond hair.

Hold still, Jan.

Oh, I think it looks fine, huh?

Mm, just right.

Mom, can we have a...

Hey, what are you
supposed to be, a swami?

Very funny.

What's a swami?

It's like a fortune teller.

Tell us, swami,

what do you see
in your crystal ball?

Yeah, tell our fortunes.

Oh, stop that.

What's the matter?

Did you lose your mystic powers?

Maybe they're under her hat.


What on earth?

What's so funny?!

Nothing, nothing...

if you want to look
like Davy Crockett!

What's going on in here?

She looks like she's got a skunk

sleeping on top of her head.

Go away! Just leave me alone!

Greg, Bobby, that's enough.

Here, Mrs. Brady.

Come on, guys.

I'll play you a
game of two on one.

I don't see what's so
funny about my wig.

Jan, where did you get that?

I bought it.

With my own money.


Because I want to wear it.

I want to wear it all
the time from now on.

Honey, why?

I want to be me.

I'm tired of looking
like everyone else.

I want to be Jan Brady.

But, honey, Jan
Brady has blond hair.

Nobody notices that Jan Brady,

but they'll sure
notice this Jan Brady.

Jan, a person doesn't
make himself different

just by putting on a wig.

It's what's inside that counts,

not the color of your hair.

Well, then, if the color
of my hair doesn't matter,

why can't I be a brunette?

Well, honey...
Please can I wear it?

Please... just to
Lucy Winter's party.

Well... if it means
so much to you.

And if it's okay
with your father.


Oh, thanks, you'll see.

Things will be different
for me as a brunette.

I bet I'm the hit of
Lucy's party tonight.

How do you think Kitty
Karry-All would look

with black hair?

The same as Jan... silly.

You think you're so smart.

All you'd have to do is
take a look at the three of us.

Which one do you think
people would notice?

Me... I'm the shortest.


Does this look like pliers?



Hi. Hi.

What's so funny?


What are you doing?

What does it look
like I'm doing?

I'm going to wrap
Lucy Winter's present.

Oh, that's right.

The party is tonight.

That ought to be a lot of fun.

Yeah... fun.

What's the matter with him?


He's just got the giggles.

Okay... something's up.

What is it?

Nothing at all.

Come on, Bobby,
you know something.

Tell me.

No, I don't.

I'll tickle you.


Tell me. No!


Stop tickling.

Not until you tell me.

All right, all right, all right.

I'll tell you.

Somebody is going
to be at the party.




Margie... Margie Wipple!

Oh, no.

No... You'll have
a great time, Pete.

Yeah, great, with her chasing me

and making dumb faces all night?

I'm not going.

You gotta go.

You can't promise
to go and take Jan

and then not do it... not unless
you were sick or something.

Yeah, well, just the same, I...

What's the matter?

Boy... am I
beginning to feel sick.

So I thought you'd
better take a look at Peter.

Yeah. He doesn't sound good.

He's kind of moaning.

And groaning.

When did this happen?

Just a little while ago.

All of the sudden.

Never a dull moment around here.

Peter, what's wrong?

I don't know.

I just don't feel so good.

It kind of hit him
all of a sudden.

Yeah, like lightning.

I think you boys
better leave us alone.

Sure, Dad.

Where does it hurt, Peter?

Kind of all over.

It's sort of a traveling pain.

When did it start?

Just a little while ago.

I guess I'll have to miss
Lucy Winter's terrific party.

It's that bad, is it?

Yeah, I'll have
to miss it all right.

Boy, am I unhappy about that.

Yes, we can see that.

Mike, don't you think
we better call the doctor.

Oh... yeah, right away.


Well, I'll be all right.

See, I can sit up a little.

Dear, I really think it's better

if you stay in bed.

At least for a couple of days.

But I have a ball game tomorrow.

Not if you're sick.

Wait, I'll be all right.

I feel much better now.

I'm sorry, Peter, but we
can't take any chances.


I'm not sick anymore, see?

Can I play in the game
tomorrow? Please?

Well... just to make
sure you're okay, Peter,

you can take your sister

to Lucy Winter's birthday party.

If you're okay after that,

then you can play.

That's a good idea, Mike.

I know Peter would just hate

to miss that party.

Yeah, I can hardly wait.

Come on, Peter.

What's the matter with you?

You act like you were going

to the electric chair.

It'd be better than
facing that Margie.

I think I'll lock
myself in a closet.

Well, you may not
have a good time,

but the new Jan Brady
is going to be a smash.

Now, you go first and
sort of announce me.

I want to make a big entrance.

Oh, hi, Peter.

Hi, Lucy, happy birthday.

Thank you.

Margie, Peter is here!

Did you have to do that?

Hi, Peter.

How are you?

Where's Jan?

Oh, okay, everybody!

Here's my sister,
the new Jan Brady!

Hi, there.

Happy birthday, Lucy.

Hi, Margie.


Jan, that's terrific.


That's the funniest joke

you've ever played.

You really look funny.

Hey! That'd be
great for Halloween.


Yeah, Halloween.

What's the matter with her?

Lucy, she didn't
mean it to be a joke.

You mean, she wasn't kidding?


Oh, honey, wasn't that good?

Is that over?

"Is it over?"

You were the one
who wanted to watch it!

Sure. It was one of
my favorite shows.

Oh, I'm gonna get you.


Hi, there.

Honey, what's the matter?

They laughed at me.

They thought my wig was a joke.

Oh, sweetheart, I'm sorry.

Mom, Dad, you were right.

I guess I do look

like some kind of
a freak in this thing.

Honey, you just
don't look like you.

Well, Jan, your friends
like you the way you are.

I sure wasted my
money on that thing.

Oh, well... I'm not so sure.

Maybe you learned a
valuable lesson very cheaply.

Why didn't you wait, Jan?

I would have walked you home.

Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Brady.

Hi, Lucy. Hello, girls.

Jan, we're really sorry.

We didn't mean to
hurt your feelings.

We thought the
wig had to be a joke.

Your own hair, it's so pretty.

We all envy it.

You do?

Will you come back

to the party with us, please?

Well... Oh, honey,
why don't you?

Well... I'd like to, I guess.


Come on.

Hey, come on, Peter.

No chance.

Hey, Peter, I thought
we had an agreement.

Oh, yeah... Okay, I'll go.

Yeah, he's shy.

Like father, like son.

Like heck.


Oh, uh... Uh... I-I didn't...

Jan gave it to me.

What do you think, Mrs. Brady?

Oh... oh, well, I,
uh, think it's, uh...

Well... what I
mean is, it's, uh...

Well... what do you think, Mike?

Uh, uh... well...
I think it's, uh...

I mean... it's certainly
got a lot of, uh...

I think I need a third opinion.

Alice, what do you think?

It's unanimous.

Oh, well... I can always shave
it and use it for a shower cap.
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