02x10 - The Tattle-Tale

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Brady Bunch". Aired: September 1969 to March 1974.*
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A woman with three daughters marries a widower with three sons.
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02x10 - The Tattle-Tale

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Here's the story ♪

♪ Of a lovely lady ♪

♪ Who was bringing up ♪

♪ Three very lovely girls ♪

♪ All of them had hair of gold ♪

♪ Like their mother ♪

♪ The youngest one in curls ♪

♪ It's the story of a
man named Brady ♪

♪ Who was busy with
three boys of his own ♪

♪ They were four
men living all together ♪

♪ Yet they were all alone ♪

♪ Till the one day when ♪

♪ The lady met this fellow ♪

♪ And they knew that it was ♪

♪ Much more than a hunch ♪

♪ That this group must ♪

♪ Somehow form a family ♪

♪ That's the way we all ♪

♪ Became the Brady Bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch ♪

♪ That's the way we became ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch. ♪

Oh, boy.

Anybody want anything else?

Yeah. A pair of earplugs.

Boy, what a racket.

Mr. and Mrs. Liston are
adding a room to the house.

Sounds more like
a house to the room.

They'll be finished Friday.

Cindy, how did you know that?

I heard Mrs. Liston
telling Mr. Liston.

And he sure was mad.

He said now Mrs. Liston's mother

would come and visit
them and never go home.

Cindy, what other
people say privately

is none of our business.

Oh, thanks, Alice.

Where's the rest of the tribe?

I'll give them another call.

Jan! Marcia! Bobby! Peter!

Better get a move on if you
want breakfast before lunch!


Gosh. Now, how did that happen?

Peter was using the top

to strain a guppy
out of the fish t*nk.

Strain a guppy
out of his fish t*nk?


All right, Greg, that's enough.

But I didn't do anything wrong.

Peter strained the guppy.

What Peter did was wrong,

but what you did was wrong, too.

You know, that's
none of your business.

Your tattling is not right,

and can get other
people into trouble.

Would you like
someone to tattle on you?

Uh-uh. That's no fun.

Then why should you
tattle on other people?

'Cause that is fun.

Cindy, honey,
please stop fidgeting.

I'll try, Mommy.

You don't want me
to stick you, do you?

You just did!

Oh, I'm sorry, honey.

I really am.

Hi, Mom.

Hi, Greg.

Have you seen my bicycle pump?

Yeah. It's on the service porch.

Greg... you didn't wear

those old pants
to school, did you?

Uh, yeah. They're
kind of comfortable.

He tore his new pants
yesterday playing basketball.


Greg... Why didn't you tell me?

I was going to...

He asked Alice to patch it up

so it wouldn't show.

You little blabbermouth.

That'll do, Greg.

I'll talk to you later.

Cindy, do you remember
that little talk we had

at breakfast this morning?

You mean about the guppies?


Your father and I

warned you about tattling.

I didn't mean to get
Greg into trouble.

If I really wanted to,

I would have told
you about the time...

Cindy, Cindy, Cindy...

Hi, honey.

Hi, love.

Well, what exciting events
did I miss around here today?

Hmm. Exciting. Let's see.

Well, for one thing, I
saved you some money.

Yeah? How'd you do that?

Well, all the sales
started downtown,

and I didn't buy anything.

That's what I call exciting.

Oh, yes, and one
more thing, Mike.

Our little gossip
columnist was at it today.

Uh-oh. Who got it this time?


Well, I think it's a phase

she's going through...

The youngest one's
way of getting attention.

I guess you're right.

I hope so.


He's got your golf ball.

Tiger, drop that ball!


Well, it's probably all
chewed up anyway.

That dumb dog.

He was smart enough

to get into your golf bag.

I lose more golf
balls in this house

than I do on the course,

not to mention shoes and socks.

Don't tell me

he's going through a phase, too.

For the fabrics that are best,
put your faith in Everprest.

You will always
look well-dressed,

and you never will
be messed... up.

What's all that about, Alice?

Well, I'm writing a jingle

for the Everprest
fabric contest.

I've got to think of a good last
line to rhyme with Everprest.

Not another contest. Alice.

Talk about phases.

Alice has been going through

the longest one in this house.

Like they say, you
can't lose them all.

Oh, don't mind him, Alice.

I admire your persistence.


How did he get my tuxedo vest?

Honey, I put some
things out for the cleaners.

If that dog puts one
tooth mark in that vest...

Vest. That's it, that's it.

For the fabrics that are best,
put your faith in Everprest.

You will always
look well-dressed

in the east and in the vest.

Oh, Alice... All
right, all right.

I'll keep trying.

Hi, Bobby.

What do you want?

Will you lend me your skate key?

I'm not lending
anything to a snitcher.

I'm not a snitcher.

I just tell it like it is.

Well, I'm still not
lending you my skate key,

after the way you
squealed on Greg and Peter.

Okay. I'll tell what
you did yesterday.

You little fink.

Hey, Bobby.

Daddy, wait till I tell you

what Bobby did yesterday.

Yes, well, let's just drop

the whole subject,
shall we? Whatever it is.

Okay, if you don't want to know

that Bobby used
Mommy's new lipstick

to color his skateboard.

No, I d... You used
Mommy's new lipstick

to color your skateboard?

And you should have
heard Mrs. Denton

telling Paula Tride
to go to the washroom

and scrub off her mascara.


Lots of the girls use it.


Who do you think brought

her mother's false
eyelashes to class?


Come on, Jan.

I want to show you something.

You know, I wish we could move

out of our room.


Suppose one of us
talks in our sleep?

Little Miss You-Know-Who

would get up and take notes.

And, while the teacher

was writing something
on the board,

I snuck into the closet... Yeah?

And I had the lizard
in my lunch box.

Oh, uh... come on.

Let's get over to the park.

Maybe we can get up a ball game.

Uh, yeah. It suddenly got

very crowded out here.

It looks like the other kids

are teaching Cindy a lesson.

You mean she hasn't
tattled on anyone lately?

No. Not for five whole days.

And it would have been six

except she told me
about last Monday.

What about Monday?

You think I'm a snitcher?

Anybody for a refill?

It's on the house.

Oh, yeah... please.

How are things in the
contest world these days?

I haven't heard yet.

I wonder if I sent
in the wrong jingle.

The wrong one?

I had another one.

Everprest, just right for you

if you are no-matter-who.

Try our fabrics, and real soon,
in flannel, silk or gabardoon.


That's a pun.

You mean poon.

Aah! Watch the sugar.

Hi, Cindy.

Can I help?

Wouldn't you rather be out

playing with the others?

Aw, who wants to play
those dumb kid games?

You didn't think they were
dumb kid games a week ago.

Well, I was younger then.

Yeah, I guess you have
aged in a whole week.

It's more fun in here with you.

Can't I help?

I'm just about finished.

Then I got to do
my hair and nails.

Sam's taking me
to a dance tonight.

I like Sam.

Yeah. Me, too.

You going to marry him?

I sure am.

The question is, is
he going to marry me?

A registered letter
for Alice Nelson.

That's me.

Oh, sign right here.

I'll get it, Alice.

From the Everprest
Fabric Company.

It must be about the contest.

I'm so nervous.


Oh, hi, Sam.

This is Cindy.

Alice is at the front door

with the postman.

I won.

I won!

She's hugging the postman.

I won!

I'm positive.

She's hugging the postman.

I actually won something!

Isn't that beautiful?

I'll go call her.



Why don't you want
me to tell her it's you?

Okay, I promise I won't tell.


Hey, Cindy, guess what.

I won a prize in
the jingle contest.

Oh, that's neat.

What did you win?

They're going to let me know.

I can't wait to
tell Sam tonight.


Aw, that's too bad.
Uh... let me show you.

Maybe, if you just
kind of, uh, bent your...

Oh, come on, now!

It was a break in the carpet.

And no comment from the gallery.

Yes, yes, I know.

♪ Ta-da, ta-da-da, ta-da ♪

How do I look?

Well, would you
settle for "radiant"?

Wow. I prefer "breathtaking."

Well, I wouldn't want to start
an argument between you two,

so why don't we just settle
on "breathtakingly radiant"?

I wonder what's keeping Sam.

He's usually right on time.

Oh, he's probably getting
himself all slicked up.

It isn't every night a fella
can take out a contest winner.

I haven't told him yet.

I'm saving it for a surprise.

Well, I know one certain
party who was surprised.

Alice, look, if I could
remember what I said,

I would eat every word,
syllable by syllable.

Alice, you don't have
any idea what you won?

Only that it's
one of five prizes.

They're going to let me know.

Sam is never this late.

Why don't you call him?

Yeah, yeah, call him.

Maybe he got stuck
in traffic or something.

Or maybe he stopped
to buy you some flowers.

Sam, where are you?

Well, I know you're home.

You answered the phone.

Why aren't you here?

You're not coming?

What about the dance?

Let the postman take me?

What's that supposed to mean?



He's not coming.

Alice, what was that
about the postman?

I don't know.

Isn't anyone coming up
to kiss me good night?

Yeah, honey, in just a second.

I just don't understand
what's gotten into Sam.

He sure was sore this afternoon.

Cindy, when did
you speak to Sam?

He phoned when Alice was at
the door hugging the postman.

Maybe that's what made him mad.

Well, I was hugging the postman
because I'd won the cont...

How did Sam know that?

I told him.

Oh, Cindy.

Alice, why don't you and I

go in the kitchen
and call Sam back?

Maybe, between the two of us,

we can straighten
this thing out.

Oh, please, Mrs. Brady.

Sam is just so jealous.

Yeah, I think the time's come

for a little one-sided
discussion here.

Hop up there.

I want you to listen
to me very carefully.

Cindy, you know,

you've done a very bad
thing with your tattling.

Yes, Daddy.

I know it's difficult
for a little girl

to know what to say
and what not to say.

Grown-ups have
that same problem.

But you have to learn
when to keep quiet.

But what if someone
asks me where Mommy is?

Can't I tell them?

Yes, of course you can.

Even if she's
hugging the postman?

Cindy, the point is
that you are not to tattle

about other peoples'
business anymore.

Now, I mean never.

Because, if you do,
you're going to be punished.

Is that clear?

Yes, Daddy.

Good. I hope so.

Well, we just spoke to Sam.

Everything's fine.

He'll be right over.

And as for you, young lady...

Daddy already told me.

Well, I hope you were
firm enough, Mike.

He was.

Tiger, come back here!

Give me back my paper!

That hairy thief!

He took it right off my desk!

That does it.

If that hound snitches
one more thing,

I'm going to ship
him off to Siberia.

Would you really do
that to Tiger, Daddy?

Never mind about Tiger.

You just remember
what your father told you.

Don't worry, Mommy.

I'll never tell on anyone again.

Yeah, well, I would
like to believe that.

Well, I'll believe it
when I don't hear it.

Marcia, what are the
seven wonders of the world?

Seven wonders?

I've got six so far.

What's the matter?

What happened downstairs?

I can't tell you.

It's tattling.

If Cindy won't tattle,
there's your seventh wonder.

Come on, Cindy.

You can tell us.

I can't, because it might
get someone into trouble.


Me and someone else.


I can't tell you.

Gee, it looks like
she's really changed.

Now that I won't tell anymore,
will you tell me some secrets?

We'll see.

Let's not rush into anything.

Don't you steal any
jacks now, Tiger.

Who is it?


Registered letter
for Miss Alice Nelson.

She isn't here,

and I can't tell
you anything else

because I'm not a
tattletale anymore.

Well, you're a very good girl.

Can you sign your name?


Good. You sign right here,

and give the letter
to Miss Nelson.

Okay, but I better not
give you a hug for it.

Aw, I guess it's just
one of my unlucky days.

Thank you.





If you steal one more thing,

Daddy might send you to Siberia.

Tiger, come back!


Tiger, they better not
catch you with that letter.

Hi, Cindy.

Alice, can you manage?

Shopping's getting
rougher all the time.

First you run out
of money buying it,

then you run out of
arms getting it home.

Cindy, what are you doing?

Looking for my ball.

There's a rubber
bone in here for Tiger.

Maybe it will curb his
appetite for taking things. Tiger!

I think he's kind of busy.

Honey, come on in the house.

You can help us unpack.

Anybody going to
answer the phone?

Guess I am.




Oh, yeah.

I'm sure she
wants to talk to you.

Uh... hang on a second.

I'll see if she's home. Alice!

Alice, telephone!

Got it, Mr. Brady.

Honey, put this in
Mommy's sewing basket,

will you, please?

Well, I have to find Tiger.

You can do that
later, dear. Go on.

It's the Everprest
Fabric Company.

Oh, it must be about the prize.

I wonder what I won.


Maybe it's a trip somewhere.

Well... Maybe a fur coat?

Well... Maybe a car!



Ask the man.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Hello? Hello. Sorry
to keep you waiting.

This is Alice Nelson.

What did I win?


Oh, I'm sorry.

Keep talking.

I'll get it here.

I really won a
hi-fi stereo set?!

What do I have to do to get it?

Uh, wait, wait. Just a second.

Yeah, uh, Lloyd's Stereo Center.

Yeah, I know where it is.

Yeah, all I have to do

is present the
certificate you sent me.

That sounds simple enough.

Wait. What certificate
you sent me?

You didn't send
me a certificate.

Did I get another
registered letter?

Not that I know of.

Well, maybe the
mails are a little slow.

What's that?

It does?

Well, thanks for
calling, anyway.

What is it, Alice?

Well, you know that
certificate I didn't get?

Yeah? Yeah?

I got to get it to
Lloyd's Stereo Center

before midnight
tonight or it expires.

Boy, they sure give
you a lot of time.

If I don't show up,
they keep the prize.

There's still a few hours left

to find that certificate.

Maybe it's stuck in the mailbox.

Remember the time
the letter did that?

Maybe the same thing
happened to my letter.

Yeah. Come on,
Alice, let's look.

I'll put the groceries away.

Oh, wait a minute.

Cindy, do you know anything

about a registered
letter for Alice?

You do? Where is it?

Did the postman leave it?

What did you do with it?


Where did you put it?

I didn't put it. I just took it.

Well, where is it?

You mean exactly?


I don't know.

Well, how about approximately?

Cindy, please.

What happened to the letter?

But I can't tell you.

Sweetheart, I have to know.

But I promised not
to tattle anymore.

Well, look, dear,
this is different.

I give you permission to tattle.

Mrs. Brady, would
you order her to tattle?

Look, Cindy,

this letter is very
important to Alice.

Now, where is it?

But I can't tell you

because it might
get Tiger into trouble.


We might have known.

Hah! I got it!

Oh, good! Got it, Mrs. Brady!

With the holes he chewed,

it's going to look
like an IBM Card.

Come on, let's get it open.

Oh, Alice, oh, the
certificate's fine!

I'll get down to the
store right away.

You mind if I take the car?

No, not at all.



I know, I know. I
forgot one little thing.

I don't know how to drive.

It's beautiful, Alice.

It's really terrific.

Alice, it's so nice of you

to let us keep it in here.

This way, the whole
family can enjoy it.

Hey, have I got
a record for you.

Wait till you hear it.

The Three Baboons and Elsie?

The Eggbeaters?

No, this is music.

♪ A wandering minstrel, I ♪

♪ A thing of shreds
and patches ♪

♪ Of ballad songs
and snatches... ♪

Mike, Mike... Yeah,
how about the record?

Ah... the best of
Gilbert and Sullivan.

Is that a new group?

New group? Why,
these songs have lived

for almost a hundred years.

Thank you very much.
Could we play it, Alice?

Oh, yeah, you bet.

Hey, who's been
playing with this?

They left the amplifier on.

Cindy, did you do that?

No, and please
don't ask me who did.

I'm not going to
tattle on my mommy.

4,516... 4,517... 4,518...

Hi, Alice. What are you doing?

It's a contest.

Oh, no. Not another one.

I could win it.

I'm on a lucky
streak... One in a row.

A jellybean contest?

Yeah. That market
on Eighth Street

has got this big barrel of them.

You have to guess how many.

They've got some great prizes.

I like the green ones.

I'll take the yellow ones.

No, not while I'm
counting, please.

I'm trying to win
something for Cindy

for not tattling anymore.

Oh, that's very
thoughtful of you, Alice

but I'll bet these jellybeans

cost more than
the prizes are worth.

They had some
pretty nice things...

Dollhouses, bicycles.


You know, this looks
like a million of them.

I figure there are
about 40 bowlfuls

in that barrel.

So, all I have to do is
to fill up this bowl once

and multiply it by 40... simple.

Why don't you
just fill it half full

and multiply it by, uh, 80?

Don't confuse me.

Let's see, now. Where was I?

Uh, 4,518.

Or was that 5,418?

You must have heard me
counting when you came in.

Which one was it?


No, I think it was 4,518.


One, two, three, four, five...

A yellow one, Alice?

Six, seven...
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