02x15 - Wishing

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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02x15 - Wishing

Post by bunniefuu »

I want you to know I've always
thought of both of you as my boys.
March ,


I know you're right.
It's best not to cry.

Colin, are you ready? If we don't
go seeing movie, we'll be late.

I can't find Mr Wilson.

He can stay here.

But I told him about
the movie.

How the dinosaurs get out
and take over the island.


Have you checked
Wilson's hutch?

Hey, Mr Wilson.

Thanks, mom.

I wish you could come.

I know, honey.

But I should rest.

You should rest.

You're tired.

How old is Mr Wilson?

- Three, four?
- Can he go to the movie?

Is it rated R?

Honey, Mr Wilson's a rabbit,
so he ages in rabbit years.

Different from person years?

To you, Mr Wilson's young,

but he's actually lived
a good long time.

A good long time.

Hey, what's wrong?

Oh, it's just...

Here you are, my big boy,
going out on your own.

- I wish you could come.
- No,

you should save your
wishes for something big,

- something important.
- Because wishes come true.

We need to go, Colin.
It's time.

Good bye.

You ain't cold?


Hey, I got a couple more
hand warmers if you need 'em.

Those chemical things you
crush up?

Nah, I'm good.


- someone's leaving these at the grave.
- Yeah, anniversary of his death.

Three years running.

Kid died by train?

Filed as an accident,

but those make it look like
someone's trying to say different.

Why not come in
to Homicide to say it?

There's free coffee,
central heat.

- Lil, I know Chris told you.
- Let's not talk about it.

- If I gave you a wrong impression,
- Scotty, we're at work, so let's just work.



Philadelphia Police.

What's your name?

- Nathan Hicks.
- You knew this kid, Colin?

I used to take care of him.

So you know it's the anniversary
of his death?

- That's why I'm here.
- Come here every year?


It's first time.

Never put anything on the grave?

I don't know what you're
talking about.

How about taking a ride
with us, Nathan?


We saw Jurassic Park.

I lost him in the bathroom.

Any idea why he went
to the tracks?

They were familiar.

He'd walk that way
from school.

And how long did you
know Colin?

Three years.

I picked him up from
school a few times a week.

- Looked at his homework.
- So you were a baby sitter.



- He needed someone.
- Where were the parents?

Dad was out of the picture,

Sarah worked supermarket check outs
as many shifts as she could get.

And Colin had some kind
of condition?

He was limited, needed
extra care.

So you and Sarah looked
out for him and then..

- Sarah got sick?
- Breast cancer.

It k*lled her.

Know who might've done these?

Anyone who disliked Colin?

Wanted to hurt him?

Only the people he knew at school.

And there, it could've been anybody.

Why's that?

Colin was loving, trusting.

Everything kids that age can't be.

So open season on the slow kid?

Where's Colin?
Have you seen him?

Colin Miller.




What happened?

He said they were fly.

- He said he think them fly.
- Who said?

It's her... her birthday.

And he said she would like it.

That it would be magic.

They're all mush.

I can't get they're mush
for her birthday.

It's totally not as bad
as last time.

I mean, he still got
his underwear.

Josh, what happened?

Some kid told Colin that
he can make the Valentine's fly.

And them I guess he just
kind of flew.

- For a second.
- Some kid? Who?

Nathan, how is Leah gonna
know that I love her if they're mush?

Make a wish.

Fountains are the best place
to make a wish about feelings.

Everyone knows that.

I wish..

for Leah to know
how much I love her.

It worked.

I could feel it working.

What'd I tell you?

That was an average day.

There were worse.

Had Sarah tried to put him
in special school?

They had no money.

She paid me in
sandwiches sometimes,

typed up my
college applications.

Would this kid Josh know
who had it in for Colin, at school?

Yeah, he was his friend.

Or the closest thing Colin
had to one.

You guys with the groceries?

And we ain't housekeeping either.

Can we come in?

I don't really have visitors.

- Never guessed.
- I try to limit my social interface.

It's about Colin Miller.

Guy died years ago today.


- What do you know about that?
- Train hit him.

Accident, they said.

You think something different?

What's this?

Just a picture of my old boss.

From before your limited
interface thing?


Well, it looks like the
same artist.

Josh, you trying to say something
about how Colin died?

I don't know how he died.

Sit down. / Then why did you keep
leaving these pictures at his grave?

- It's just something for him.
- But today you left one on my car.

Maybe I wanted
a live person to see it.

Is this Colin on the tracks?


That's Colin and me.

- The guy on the tracks is Mac.
- Who's that?


Don't what?

Don't hurt Mr Wilson.

Is that what I'm doing?
Hurting him?


Hey, you're right.
I can hear him cry.

- No, stop it.
- Hey.

I'll give you your bunny back.

It's easy.

All you have to do is
say please.


Oh, no.

Look what you made me do.

Now, whatever.




You stay away from her.

You hear me?

That picture's us.

Our revenge on Mac if we'd
been strong enough.

So you don't act on these
artistic visions, just draw 'em out.


Who did Mac want Colin
to stay away from?

His girlfriend.

This have to do with
the Valentines?

The music room.

He jumped her.

Like.. sexually?

Colin was the nicest guy on Earth,

but I guess he's still a guy.

Sexual as*ault charge was
filed against Colin, then dropped.

We know why?

Matter was settled privately.

Guy messes with Mac's girlfriend,
Mac's got motive.

Colin have any history of
violent behavior before the as*ault?

None. / So who did
he pick it up from? Dad?

He had nothing to do with
Sarah or her kid.

Could've been native.

The way I hear with those
special guys.

Everything they lose up here,
they get back down here with interest.

Try DHS. Colin was special needs,
they'll have a file on him.

- Got the rap sheet on Mac.
- How does it look?

It's misdemeanor buffet.

Vandalism, resisting arrest,
simple as*ault.

Just my type.

Wanna go have a chat?

Leah's up with Jeffries.

Yeah, good.

I haven't thought about
Colin for a long time.

It's detective Rush.

We heard there was an
incident in the music room.

- Right.
- How'd it happen?

It was after school.

Colin came in, started
to kiss me, wouldn't stop.

Then my boyfriend Mac walked in.


You told the story a lot?


You know Mac gave Colin
a beating for that.

Your idea?


It's the one thing Mac did
my parents approved of.

Your folks didn't like him?

My mother collects Emily
Post books on manners.

Mac's big hobby was seeing
how far he could spit.

He was your rebellion.

Beauty and the Beast.

Every girl tries it once.

So Mac pummels Colin
at the tracks.

Any other fall out?

While Mac went after Colin,
my parents went after his mom.

Colin's father wasn't able
to make it.

He's not part of Colin's life.

I could change that with
a civil suit against both of you

for what your son did to Leah.

Colin's sorry
about what happened.

So am I. / Not to mention
the criminal investigation.

Dad. / Colin isn't dangerous.
If he misunderstood,...

We can't risk
his misunderstandings.

Well, you said you wanted
to discuss options.

Why don't we do that?

My family's thought it over.

We'd like Colin to leave school.

It could be the best thing for him.
Another school with kids more like himself.

Another school..

I don't have the money.

Maybe at home, or hospital,
whatever you do with...

- We do fine, Colin and me.
- Not if your boy can't keep it in his..

We do fine.

Ms Miller,
pull Colin out of the school.

Or we'll go forward.

Civil and criminal.

Colin, honey, we're going.

I'm sorry.

You can have
Mr Wilson if you want.

He was gone by the next Monday.

I never saw him again.

Sounds like you weren't %
behind this meeting.


or the beat down.

You don't think Mac hurting
Colin did any good?

Made Mac feel good.

I'm not sure Colin even knew
what he was doing really.

But I know Mac did.

Yeah, I remember the ret*rd.

You remember the beating
you gave him at the train tracks?

He tried to r*pe my girlfriend.

He needed a lesson.

A violent lesson.

I figured, a guy like that,

getting physical's the only
way he's gonna learn.

Some deep thought
you put into that.

Hey, I remember the guy,
what else you wanna know?

This little school of yours,
it only had one session?

You ever feel the need to take
Colin back down for a fresher course?

Wait, hold up.

You're asking about
how he died now?

And if you k*lled him.

Get real, fellas.

You got a temper.
He gave you a reason.

What I gave that reject,
he had coming.

But it's what happened after
that's really screwed up.

Who's got the brewskis?

You guys are geniuses.




- It's okay, Josh.
- No, it's not okay.

I make you tired.

I know.

- I make my mom tired.
- She ain't tired.

I'll have to stay with my dad
while she goes to the hospital

and get some rest.

She ain't tired.

She's sick.

She's gonna die.


And your dad,
he ain't gonna save you.

I bet he hates you.

I bet he hates because
you are too stupid to live.

Maybe I'll just put you
out of your misery.


It's what I saw.

I thought you were
Colin's friend, Josh.

I was.

That's why you gave him a follow-up beat
down after Mac and his pals were done.

- Oh, that?
- Yeah, that.

See, this is exactly
why I keep to myself.

- To avoid stuff like this.
- Like what?

Like getting fingered for m*rder
because I happen to be weird.

What's the deal, Josh?

You're the second lowest
guy on the food chain,

so to feel powerful you go
and drop the lowest guy?

Makes you feel good for a minute.

I didn't k*ll Colin.

Nah, you just kicked his ass
and threatened him a little.

I know I wasn't great to him,
but I liked him.



He was nice to me.

It doesn't happen a lot.

New information from DHS
about dad.

What about him? / He wasn't
doing too hot financially.

Yeah, putting it mild.

Spent most of the early 's
skating just the side of bankruptcy.

Never paid a cent in child support.

- Nice.
- Yeah, but not surprising.

Considering this guy divorced Sarah
as soon as Colin's condition got found out.

- What's that, boss?
- Sarah's medical history.

She got through about a cancer in ' ,
but it came back in ' with a vengeance.

This kid's got all the luck.

Mom was dying and
when she's dead...

The burden of caring for Colin
would fall on dad.

- Who didn't want him.
- How much of burden are we talking?

Couple of years with this,

he wouldn't have got out
from under.

So it's lucky for him Colin died.

Yeah, real lucky.

And we got a word for that
kind of luck.



I found another place.

Starting tonight.

I ain't kicking you out.

You've been really nice.

But I'm going.


- I tried talking to Lil.
- That was brave.

She didn't really wanna go into it.

- Deep freeze, huh?
- Yeah.

I'm familliar.

Why do you two don't
get along so bad?

There was a thing with her fiance.

She was engaged?

years back.

We all loved the guy.

Till one night, she was out
late on patrol.

He has a beer too many.

I think I'm hearing too much.

Yeah. Okay.

I guess I just remind her that time.


Hey, Chris..


You've helped me.

In hard times, you know.

I know.

See you later.

- Richard Miller, Colin's father.
- I got minutes for this.

It's about your son's death.

Big reaction.

- Wasn't really my kid.
- Biologically, you mean?


Sarah and I, we broke up real
quick after he was born.

What was the problem?

Couldn't stand looking at a ret*rd
when he was related to you?

Yeah, that was a problem.

All that kid ever
brought me was trouble.

You can't mean emotional trouble
since you were never around.

So you must be talking money.

We looked into
your finances, Richard.

Taking on Colin after Sarah
died would've ruined you.

So I k*lled him.

You benefited from his death.
It's something we noticed.

Look, you can be shocked
or disgusted as you want. Fact is ...

I didn't care enough
to k*ll him.

And this is Hadrosaurus,
the duckbill dinosaur.

- Sarah, this has been nice, but..
- Mom says you're paleontologist.


She says you go on digs
all over the world.

Trying to explain why you're
not around.

Yeah, you know, I got a shift
starting, so..

Richard. I didn't ask
you here just for cookies.

I need you to take him.
I'm gonna be hospitalized again.

You're gonna be okay.
You've kicked this before.

It's not like before.

I had to quit my job,
I've got nothing coming in.

If you don't take him,
they'll stick him somewhere.

Somewhere he belongs?

You've never seen those places,
what they do to him there.

- You're getting hysterical.
- He's your son.

How do you not care about him?

Just once, Richard.
Just this once.

Dad. I've got some pictures
of my mom and me.

- You wanna see?
- Colin, listen I'm sorry, but..

But you gotta.


This is us last year
at Halloween.

I'm a raisin.

And ...

this is us at Mother's Day.

- Who's that?
- Nathan.

He's my friend.
He loves me.

And mommy too.

Does he know?

You'll be fine, Sarah.

Looks to me like you've got
all the help you need.

Later I found out it was three years
she's been seeing that kid.

- You think it was romantic?
- I don't know how she did it being sick.

But from what I saw,
she had him lined up.

And you can tell all that
from a photo.

That plus the next day
this kid comes by my house

cusses me off for making her cry.

I got get hit head
over more than that.


Hey, am I interrupting the party?

My wife's baby shower.
I'm kind of exhaling.

You got a minute then.


We talked to Colin's dad, Richard.

Charmer, right?

He said your relationship with
Sarah was more than professional.

What would you know?


It wasn't romantic,
but it was intense.

Maybe a little too intense.

- I had such big problems.
- Sarah and Colin.

What was wrong with them,
I couldn't fix.

I was a kid.

And it was just a job.

And you were getting out?

Finished two years of junior college,
got a scholarship to Middleberry.

- Vermont.
- Even up there I couldn't escape it.

What happened?

I went up there for a week
to set up loans, housing.

And a few days,
and I got a call from her.

- About Colin?
- She'd woken up in the hospital.

Didn't know where he was.
It had been three days.

- She asked you to find him.
- So I hauled ass back to Philly.

I won't be able to release
him in your custody without...

- I have it.
- ...the sign-off from a judge.

I have it. Just took me five hours
and about phone calls.

I didn't design the system.

Why's he in a different section?

He's high risk.
Record shows a sexaul as*ault charge.










You came.

Are you all right?

I wished,

and you came.

That was Colin.

Middle of a nightmare,
calls the wish come true.

- You get him out of there?
- Took him home.

Stayed there till Sarah got back
from hospital.

That's a lot for a -year-old
to handle.

Look, I don't wanna sound heartless,
but it wore on me.

- It was...
- More than you signed on for.

You said he had that rabbit
with him.

Yeah, Mr Wilson.

You know how he got it?

For his birthday.
When he was .

No, 'cuz Colin have it
to Leah as an apology for this as*ault.

Sounds like him. / But if he had it
at the hospital, he must've gotten it back.

What, from Leah?

Why would she go back?

- To see the guy who..
- att*cked her?


It's a good question.

You told us Colin gave you
his rabbit when he came to your house.

- Right.
- Know what happened to it?

- Probably got thrown away.
- No, actually no.

He got it back.

He got it back from you.

I don't know how.

Well, we have a call
with your voice on it.

Calling an ambulance
from his apartment.

I almost overlooked it, there were so
many calls made near the end there.

Sarah wasn't doing so well.

I know.

Let's start again.

What aren't you telling me?

I went to apologize to him.

For what?

The music room.

The as*ault.

There wasn't one.

Nothing happened?

Colin was sitting with me
at the piano.

Started talking about his mom.

How he loved her.

Just like he loved me.

I felt for him.

So I let him kiss me.

- Then Mac came in.
- Got the wrong idea?

Yes. / But you didn't try to
give him the right one?

- I couldn't.
- Why not?

Because I was stupid.

Because I thought
what'll people say.

Leah's a slut.

Leah wants to make it
with the ret*rd.

Mac asked if he att*cked me.

I went along.

Even when your
parents got involved?

I thought, maybe Colin should
leave the school.

Maybe somewhere else.

That'll be nice to him.


It didn't work out like that.


How did you end
making that call?

It's freezing in here, Colin.


- How about some light?
- I'm not suppposed to see you.

Mr Wilson asked me to come.

I like him a lot. But

he really misses you.

I'm sorry for what I did.

No, Colin.

I'm sorry.

I lied.

You did?


I said something bad happened,

but it didn't.

I told you you could kiss me.

I'm hungry.

Have you had lunch?

I'm not supposed to open
the fridge or the cupboards.

I'm supposed to wait for mom.

- Where is she?
- Taking a bath.

A long one.

How long?

She went in days ago.

Where's that guy that takes
care of you?

In Vermont. But I'm not suposed
to interrupt when she's in the bath.

I'm gonna go to Vermont with him.
If mom gets really sick.

Sarah was practically dead.

She had been unconscious
for a day and a half.

And Colin got swept away
by Social Services?

They said they'd take him
to the proper place.

Colin thought he was gonna
live with Nathan?

I don't know if it was true.

Or just another lie someone told him.

It was mistake, Leah.

As far as lies go,

yours isn't the worst.

Okay. Hey, enough with
the Ice Queen, Lil.

- Just hit me with it, all right.
- I got nothing to say.

What, you wanna drop this thing?
Great, but you ain't dropping.

- You're giving me daggers all day long.
- And you don't deserve that?


I'm an adult.

I don't need your permisison
to go out with someone.

It's not someone,
It's my sister.

So what's that to you?

You lied to my face.

You asked in front of everybody.

I'm gonna say with Vera and
the boss right there?

Yeah, yeah, Chris and me
are stepping out.

You're right.

- Lying was the right thing.
- I'm gonna see who I want, Lil.

Great, god bless.

I can't help whatever happened
years ago.

She's trouble.

- Well, maybe to me, she's not.
- Fine, Scotty, but

horning it out with cocktail waitress
won't bring back your dead girlfriend.

What's going on?


Turns out, Nathan was more active in
seeing to Colin's future than he said.

Yeah, how?

Old records in Vermont show
he applied to be Colin's guardian.

Vermont. That's where
he was going to school.

A registrar in Middleberry has
his request for family housing.

So Colin could live with him.

Well, he told me it was
just a job.

That Sarah and Colin were getting to
be too much for him.

He might have worn it out,
but he was just getting deeper in.

I don't understand.
I've told you everything.

You didn't tell us you tried
to get custody of Colin.

- I didn't think it was important.
- Really?

Cuz I think the opposite. I think you tried
to hide it, cuz you know what it was.

You felt trapped.

You got stuck with Colin,
your whole life would get ripped away.

Yeah, but how'd he say no
to a dying woman?

- That's not how it was.
- She was handing you a life sentence.

You didn't have the guts
to just turn your back on them.

So your only way out was to
get rid of Colin.

- Losing him at the movies.
- Losing for good.

I loved Colin.

I wanted to take him.

- But they wouldn't let me.
- Who wouldn't?

The responsible agencies.

We got the call at morning.
I was too young,

- lacked the necessary skills.
- To care for a minor?

A minor with special needs.

Who posed to
possible sexual threat.

If only I had been older.

- If he hadn't att*cked that girl.
- Nathan, he didn't.

Leah let the story get out of hand.

- Well, if Sarah had known that.
- It would've been different?

She fought so hard for him.

I don't think anyone could've
fought harder.

But she was sick.

- And finally had to give up.
- With both of us gone,

the world was gonna eat him alive.

And we couldn't to anything
to stop it.

But you could do one thing.

Did Sarah ask you to take
him to the tracks that night?

It was never specific.

How'd it go today?

It's the end.

With this round?
They're starting something new?

No, Nathan.
They gave me a hospice registry.


Where they make you comfortable
when there's nothing else to do.

So.. that's it?

That's it.

You're here.

We can go to the movies.

What movie?

Jurassic Park.

You'll have to get your coat.

What's gonna happen to him?

I'll handle it.

How? They turned
down your application.

Sarah, I'll handle it.


I want you to know I've always
thought of both of you as my boys.


I know you're right.
It's best not to cry.


I've been thinking.

Maybe if I wished I could
make mommy better.

Sounds like a good idea.

And I think I can do it.

Because that wish I made
in the fountain about Leah..


It came true.

And them later, I wished for you
in the hospital and that came true too.

It did.

I wished by the phone where people
make calls so you'd hear me.

That was pretty smart of you.

So maybe I could wish
and make mommy better.

Colin, what she needs
is to get stronger.


You mean strong like a train.


Then this is the perfect place.

I'll stand on the tracks

and wish real hard.

You think that'll work?

Sounds good to me.


Thanks, Nathan.

Israel Kamakawiwo'oleÀÇ
'Somewhere Over The Rainbow'

Somewhere over the rainbow

Way up high,

and the dreams that you dream of

once in a lullaby.

Somewhere over the rainbow,

bluebirds fly.

And the dreams that you dream of,

dreams really do come true.

Someday I'll wish upon a star,

wake up where the clouds
are far behind me.

Where troubles melt like lemon drops

high above the chimney tops.

That's where you'll find me.

Somewhere over the rainbow.

Bluebirds fly.

And the dream that you dare to.

Why then, oh why can't I?

Someday I'll wish upon a star,

Wake up where
the clouds are far behind me

Where trouble melts like lemon drops

High above the chimney top

that's where you'll find me

Oh, Somewhere over the rainbow

way up high

And the dream that you dare to,

why, oh why can't I?
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