02x08 - Red glare

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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02x08 - Red glare

Post by bunniefuu »

April ,

We have a new student
in class today.

His name's Robert.

And he's just moved
here from st. Louis.

Since he's coming on late,

he'll need a study buddy.

Any volunteers?


That's swell,
Norman, thank you.

Now, uh,

I gather you're all curious what
brings Robert to Philadelphia, so...


Go ahead, son.

My daddy's got a new job.

We had to move.

He's in a band.

There's a club here
wants him to play.

I got one of his records.

That's him there.

He plays drums.

Is he gonna be on bandstand?

Does he know Perry Como?

I don't think so, but...

he jammed with Louis Armstrong once.

Mr. Garvey,

if Norman doesn't want to
be his study buddy, I will.

No way! You didn't raise your hand.

Neither did you, fatso.

Now, now, there's plenty of time
for everyone to get to know Robert.

Good morning, children.

Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Garvey,
but there's been a...

a mix-up.

Robert. Get your things
and come with me.

What's all this?

- The boy's at the wrong school.
- I don't understand.

Elliot, look at him.

What's it matter?
He gets along well...

It matters plenty.

Now, don't go making trouble.

I wouldn't want to
lose my best teacher.


Name's Howard Garvey.

He's seeing this
court-ordered shrink.

Of course they get to
talking about his father.


The guy always heard his dad
was a drunk, deserted the family.

Find out something new?

Yeah. The truth is, he was
k*lled in Fairmount park, .

Huh. So why the cover story?

Well, he's in my office, Lil.
You can ask him yourself.

I'll, uh, grab Scotty.

You can't be here.

Nice to see you too, Lil.

Yeah, you can't be here.

- I just want to talk.
- Christina.

Boss has something.

I don't put a lot of stock
in head doctors,

but I'm under orders.

And this guy had to check
my family's medical history.

For emotional disorders.

Depression, whatever.

I guess it's hereditary.

Or you thought maybe
your dad had it, too?


But if he did, well, that beat-down
in the park got him first.

Why do you think your mom
kept the m*rder a secret?

Don't know.

But the medical examiner's
report is clear-cut.

You, um...

have an accident, Howard?


That was me.
That's why the court-ordered doc.

What does your family say
about your dad now?

Called my mom for the
first time in years,

see if maybe dad wasn't
a bum, after all. / And?

Said she'd call me back
after cribbage.

That was last week.

Got any siblings?

A brother. Dean.

Lost his number, long time back.

I don't even know
where my dad is buried.

If we do this, Howard,

we're gonna need you around.

I'm not going anywhere.

Sure about that?

I'm sure.

We waiting for Lil?

Said go ahead without her.

Elliot Garvey,

th grade teacher,
found beaten to death,

no w*apon, no suspects.

Car had two slashed tires,
a mile from the scene.

"Next" what?

They found a blade broken off
in one of the tires.

There's an engraving,
or part of one.

Looks like a bird wing, letter B.

Could be military.

See if we can source that logo.


And Garvey had a record.
Marijuana possession.

Busted in a raid two months
before he died.

north rd.

Mantua, in the 's, that was
the other side of the tracks.

Poor, and all black.

So what's a white schoolteacher
doing there?


And that's the secret
mom kept for years?

Lot of information,
not a lot done with it.

Only a few interviews.

No neighborhood surveys.

Looks like they stopped working
this job after a couple of weeks.

So this one didn't go cold,

it started that way.

I knew you'd still be here.

I knew you'd come find me.

I'm going through a bad breakup.

I need a place to think things out.

What's wrong with New York?

This guy is...

it's not safe in New York.

I can't help you, Chris.

Hey, our guy had an arrest in Mantua.

Thought we'd go over to the address.


Yeah, good.

Hey. / Hi.

So, is there any way I...

Looking for Renaldo Copely.

We buried dad in January.

Something I can do for you?

Looking into an old m*rder, .

Think your dad knew the guy.

' ? You're kidding.

Victim's name was Elliot Garvey.

Got pinched here in a drug raid.
You remember anything like that?

There were a lot of raids back then.

None of them legit.

All these arrests on
your dad's sheet,

any of them legit?

He was an activist.

Got locked up every other week.


Little thing called civil rights?

Your dead guy was probably
here for a meeting.

Don't suppose you remember him.

Didn't see a lot of
white folks back then.

Ones I did...

made an impression.

Every train car, washroom,
and lunch counter

is legally segregated in the south.

So I brought my family north.

And up here, we found
de facto segregation.

I'm Reina.

Elliot Garvey.

- Friend of Harlan's.
- This country is stuck...

Welcome. / in the s.

England and France integrated
their schools years ago.

Lots of folks are still fighting
the civil w*r down south.

Can we, uh, appeal to the mayor?

He's like all the politicians, Elliot.

"Change must be gradual."

The emancipation proclamation
was issued years ago.

That's gradual enough.

Integration in classrooms won't
happen unless we force it.

What do you say, Mr. Garvey?

Well, I, I, uh, don't know
about Europe or politicians...

but what I do know
is that this nice boy

got kicked out of my
classroom last week,

and it just didn't seem right.


these drug raids were just
an excuse to break up the meetings.

They never ran out of excuses.

Who were the guys
taking down plates?

Who you got?

Cops, klan...

most people weren't real
hot on integrating.

Any threats?

Guy burning a cross
on the porch, that qualify?

Wouldn't have burned
a cross on his porch.

For him, they'd have
done other things.

White man up here?

Means he's a sympathizer.

Made him a target, too.

Close game.

It's those aluminum bats.

When I came up,
they were all wood.

Had to work for an RBI.

That's kind of what we want
to talk to you about, Dean.

When you came up.

We're looking into
your father's death.

I don't like to talk about that.

Take after your mom.

You talked to her?


Hit the retirement home this morning,

but she wouldn't come
out of her room.

What's the big secret, Dean?

years, what does it matter?

We hear he got in
with some activists.

Activists. Right.

Maybe m*rder*d over his involvement.

You make him out to be
some kind of hero.

- Took a lot of courage.
- He wasn't a hero.

Integration wasn't important?

Integration was a front.

Front for what?

Dinner, Harley.

Mr. Jenkins let the colored
boy come back?

No. Shipped him off to Emlen.

That's rotten.

First thing every morning,
the children ask where Robert went.

Dean, about ready.
Wash up.

Already did, pop.

Mmm. What'd you put on this?

Something I picked up in Chinatown,
they call it soy sauce.


Little adventure never
hurt anyone, hmm?


- I saw that.
- You did not. Sit down.

So, Heather, you working at your
dad's soda counter this summer?

Yeah, that's right.

And going to the drive-in
with me every saturday night.

Maybe you should work, too, Dean,
instead of loafing your time away.

Ma, I got baseball.

And his trip to Washington.

I can't believe you're
gonna meet Mr. Eisenhower.

All I ask is you get a photo
of you shaking his hand.

Elliot Garvey?

That's right.

Federal bureau of investigation.

Consider yourself served.

House un-American activities.

My father was no hero.

He was a communist.

All right, if Garvey
was a communist,

then your suspect pool
just got a deep end.

Well, figured it wasn't
the most popular club.

Better dead than red.

Maybe someone took that literally.

Got subpoenaed mid-May,

and he ends up dead
a month later, June .

He was supposed to
testify the next day.

And we really think this guy
got k*lled over politics?

Joe McCarthy had people
crazed, Scotty.

Communism had overthrown
China, Korea.

He had everyone convinced
we were next.

Now, here's something.

Rosenbergs got the chair
at sing-sing in ' , June .

Same day as Garvey's m*rder.

Explains the touch-up on his car.

"You're next." / Yeah.

Much as I hate to say it, it could
explain the soft investigation.

What, you think the
cops tanked the case?

Well, people didn't want
commie K*llers in prison,

they wanted them in office.

I'll put in a call to the bureau.

They kept files on all of them.

Been looking for a military
match on that blade.

Got a hot bowl of nothing.

We'll take another crack at the wife.

Secret's out, maybe she'll talk.

Hey, your sister still in town?

How'd you know she's my sister?

I talked to her.

I don't recommend that too much.

Looking for a Mrs. Lang?

That's me.

Lilly Rush, homicide.

We'd like to talk to you
about Elliot.

I told the other ones,
I don't want to talk about that.

It's been years.

When do you think might be good?

We're going to the Rodin.

The statues ain't going nowhere.

Neither is Elliot.

Your son Howard asked us
to look at the case.

He was referred to us
after his su1c1de attempt.

You didn't know?

I tried to make Howie forget
about his father.

I remarried.

Thought we could be a family again.

He didn't forget.

It was such a...
painful time.

I never wanted Howard
to have to know.

That his dad was a communist?

Elliot wasn't a communist.

Well, the feds came after him.

Yes, because he went to some
school integration meetings.

That's it?

That's all it took in those days.

Things took a steep dive after that.

Honey. You're early.

Here, let me take that.

I went overboard
and bought prime rib.

Don't be sore.

What is it?

Jenkins suspended me.

Whatever for?

He heard about the subpoena.

They can't do that to you.

But it's done.

There's a stop on my next paycheck.

Our bills will go past due.

I know.


it's ridiculous.

It's all a misunderstanding.

What are you doing?

We don't need prime rib.

In fact, most of these things,
we can do without.

He says it's just temporary.

I'm sure it'll all be fine.

It wasn't fine.

I take it he didn't get
his job back.

It was the beginning of the end.

Neighbors started to shun us.

The market wouldn't sell to us.

How'd Elliot handle it?

He got quiet.

Kept everything inside.

Well, you must've talked about it.

Not really.

The wall went up between us.
That was that.

Anyone he might've opened up to?

Our friend Harlan, who brought him
to that meeting in the first place.

Harlan. / Sealey.

Taught at Haverford.

The irony was, I was the
dyed-in-the-wool communist.

Elliot just thought integration
was an okay idea.

So why'd they go after him?

First rule of a witch hunt.

Don't limit yourself to the witches.

Or maybe they wanted to roll him.

Elliot's FBI file says they
were trying to get him to spill

who else was at those meetings.

Why do you think he lost his job?

They were ruthless.

But somebody kills him the night
before he was supposed to testify.

So whoever he was gonna give up
might've had motive.

Oh, you don't have
to tell me about that.

Were you named?

More than once.

But not by Elliot.

When they were done with me,

it was years before I could
get another teaching job.

- That's rough.
- Ah, I got off easy.

The Rosenbergs,
they paid a real price.

And Elliot, that same night.

The third execution.

So you think they were related?

We're talking fanatics.

Any fanatics in particular
might've gone after Elliot?

There was an incident
at a ball game.

Polio took my chance for sport.

But I've always loved to watch.

Hey, pop. Mr. Sealey.

How you feeling, Dean-o?

Not so hot.

They're saying this pitcher's throwing
fastballs right out of the majors.

Boy can really hum them in, huh?

He's just about leading
the whole world in home runs, too.

What do they say about his uniform?


Well, you figure he puts it
on one leg at a time?


Yeah, I'll bet he does.

Maybe if you swing a hair sooner,
you might put some wood on the ball.

Hey, Garvey!

You missed the sign on the way in.

No parking on the grass,

no hooch on the field,

and no reds in the bleachers.

That's bunk, Wade.

Let me put it simple.

We don't want your boy
on the field with ours.

Come on, this is screwy,

You're already a disgrace
to the country.

Don't be one to your own kid.

Go on, son, go warm up.

You're cruising for
a bruising, pinko.


Come on, let's just go.

No. We stay.

You better look around.

Not a soul here is
gonna stand behind you.

He took Dean and left.

I'd have done the same.

Ribble meant it.

He was an ignorant, violent man.

But when Elliot was k*lled,

you didn't report this Ribble
guy to the police?

That would have been pointless.

Wade Ribble

was the police.

Wade Ribble had some IAB file.

Excessive force, false
imprisonment, animal cruelty.

Shot the neighbor's dog.


But you better have evidence
before you accuse a cop of m*rder.

You're the one thought they
pulled up short on the case, boss.

That's a far cry from sweeping
a homicide under the rug.

Hey, boss.


What about the other angle?

People at the meetings?

Had a lot to lose if Elliot
named them when he testified.

That makes the timing of
his death pretty conspicuous.

You get names?

Sealey gave us a few.

All of whom are dead.

Ditto for Ribble.

But there's a restraining order in the
file from a lawyer named Bloodworth.

Telling officer Ribble
to step off Elliot.

Martin Bloodworth?

You know him?

I knew him.
He died last year.

If they were drawing up papers,
it was serious.

It's not the kind of thing
his wife would forget.

Wade Ribble was a menace.

And we obviously couldn't go
to the police about him.

So your lawyer filed
the restraining order.

Yes, and looked into his whereabouts
the night Elliot died.

What'd he find out?

Ribble was in Harrisburg, at
the state baseball championships.

So there's an alibi.

Elliot said

the only thing Wade liked more than
berating pinkos, was berating umpires.

Do you know what Elliot was planning
on telling the committee?

Well, I know what
they wanted him to do.

They had a list, ten names.

All they wanted to hear was, yes,

these people were at the meetings.

But Elliot wouldn't do it?

Said he didn't want to ruin lives.

But that ruined ours.

Remember any names from that list?

Only one.

A name I've tried to forget.



Oh, hello.

I'll have to phone you back.

Let me guess.

The woman with the accent.

Barber shop closed today?


They wouldn't take him.

Not them, too.

Hey, mister, pick that up.

What for? I don't need it.

What's that?

I'm not going to Washington.

- Of course you are...
- I'm not an eagle scout anymore.

- They just told me.
- They give a reason?

Yeah. One guess.

I'll be at Heather's.

We're pariahs, Elliot.

All you have to do is give
those names, and it will stop.

These feds with their scare tactics,

going to the neighbors,
they're bullies.

- I don't give in to bullies.
- You can't beat them.

- It's because of her, isn't it?
- What?

She's on the list.
You're protecting her. / Kay...

- Is she more important than us?
- Of course not.

Then name her.

Her name was Reina Kraus.

She was at those meetings?

And she was Elliot's mistress.

You hear that from him?

I just knew.

She was so beautiful,

exotic, worldly.

How's a simple housewife
compete with that?

Excuse me.

Wasn't expecting you, Howard.

Dean called.
Said she was here.

Hi, mom.


Your mom's been real helpful.

They say you've had some troubles.

That surprise you?

Howard, I'm sure your mother did
what she thought was best at the time.

Telling us dad abandoned us?

Like some deadbeat?

You're too young to remember
the shame...

That's crap, mom.

You're the one who dug
this up, Howie, not me.

How else was I supposed to find
out what happened to dad?

She was trying to protect you,

Well, she did a bang-up job.

Let me see, Howie.



and exhale.

This last one is shavasana,
or corpse pose.

You're the detective?

Is there somewhere we can talk?

We got out of Prague in ' .

My father wanted me to live in
a country without oppression.

Little did he know.

Ironic, I know.

You spend a lot of time
with Elliot Garvey?

As much as I could.

How long was the affair?

There was no affair.

His wife says otherwise. / No.

We took walks,

we talked,

that's all.

The fact that you were on
the list, Reina, gives you motive.

But I could never have hurt Elliot.

He meant too much.

Some of us will be downtown tonight.

For drinks.

I don't know if I can make it.

Why not?

It's complicated, with Kay.

She wants me to cooperate.

What do you want?

I want to do right.

So what is that?

To me, it's saying no.

No one knows what the future is,

but I think the world will look
back at McCarthy as a disgrace.

That's hard to believe.

If you're asking for permission to
name me, I can't give it to you.

Kay thinks this is about you.

That there's something between us.

There is.

I knew at the meeting that night,
what you said, so genuine...


Tell me you don't feel what I do.

Say something.

I believe in marriage.

He was true to her.

Which made me love him even more.

Do you know what he was going
to do, when he testified?

I'd like to think the right thing.

For you or for his family?

For him.

Who were the other names
on the list?

Cute cats.

Kind of tweaked, but...

What are you doing here?

I don't know where to go.

Trains to New York are still running.

I told you, I can't go back.

And I told you, you can't stay.


it was nine years ago.

Can we get over this?

I don't know, Chris.

You have to forgive me sometime.

Would you?



Just so you know...

I like being back here.

So I'll be around.

It's a big city.

Rush got the names
from that french lady.

She's Czech.

Whatever. We got the list.

But we don't need it.

Mrs. Lang said something about scouts.

Got me thinking about our broken blade.

I ain't looking at any more logos.

This "B" here? / Yeah?

BSA. Boy scouts of America.

We're looking for a boy scout gone bad?

He was an eagle scout, actually.

Till he got his wings clipped.

' was a tough year for you.

Bounced off the baseball team,
cub scouts didn't want you.

Eagle scouts.

Right. That's like the elite.

The eagle scouts become CEOs,
cabinet members.

They ain't stuck calling
strikes in juco ball.

Quite a turn your life took.

Those are the breaks.

All because of your dad.

Makes what you did
almost justifiable.

I didn't do nothing.

You followed him that night,
you slashed his tires.

Made it so he had to walk home.

You knew he'd go through
the park. / No.

- It was an ambush!
- You're wrong!

They got a merit badge
for premeditated m*rder, hmm?

I didn't k*ll my dad.

So explain that knife.

I trashed the car...

but I was only trying to scare him.


Because he was supposed
to testify the next day.

Can't you people leave me alone?

Oh, my god!


Dean, stop.

Relax, it's okay, son.

I don't really want you dead.

I know.

I just...

just I wanted you
to be scared, and...

Son, it's okay.

It's not okay!

Just, just do what
they want, would you?

Dean, they're asking me
to hurt people.

Son, I swear, later on,
you'll understand.

Later's gonna mean nothing for me!

The girl I want to marry
even deserted me.


Dean, don't go.

- Listen, I'm sorry to hear that.
- Don't be sorry!

Fix it!

It was my fault.

He wouldn't have been in
that park if it wasn't for me.

Your dad's friend, Reina,

you said she and Harlan Sealey
were holding hands?


Sounds like Harlan and Reina were close.

Close enough Sealey
should've mentioned her.

He knew she was at those meetings.

So he's covering for her.

But why?

You had the pick of the crop,

didn't you, Reina?

With Elliot, Harlan.

What do you mean?

But you also had a problem.

If you were named, you'd be deported.


Yeah. Forgot to mention that.

How is that relevant?

I'm guessing that's why
you loved Elliot so much.

Why you couldn't allow him
to name you.

You were looking out for number one.

I would have gone to Siberia
if Elliot asked me to.

Yet you were cozying up
to Harlan Sealey,

not a mile from where
Elliot was k*lled.

If I was so scared of being deported,

I would have married Harlan.

Did he ask you?


But he was a...

he was a man of words.

I wanted the real thing.

You wanted Elliot.

Did Harlan know that?

It was obvious.

And he knew Elliot might
give your name to the committee,

sending you back to Prague.

You gave us a lot, Mr. Sealey.

Names from the meetings,

a dirty cop... / all of whom are dead.

And innocent.

But thanks, anyway.

I'm sorry nothing panned out.

Well, Reina Kraus is still around,

but you didn't mention her.

Reina had nothing to do
with Elliot's death.

But she did.

She was the reason.

You wanted to marry her.

I plead guilty to being
a young man in love.

Must've hurt knowing
she loved Elliot.

What about Harlan, here?

She said he was a man of words.

All talk, no action.

- That's tough luck.
- I didn't begrudge Elliot anything.

No? Even though he was the one
standing up to the feds, the hero?

And the one getting the girl?

The girl Elliot might give up
to the committee the next day.

Elliot hadn't decided
on anything that night.

How do you know?

I mean, either you're
some kinda psychic...

or you were with him that night.

They're not gonna put me away.

I only have a few years left.

Then you can decide right now

how you're gonna live them.

It wasn't just Elliot
that died that day.

A whole family died, too.

You want to be a man of action?

This is your last chance.

Those refused to admit
any wrongdoing

and they claimed their innocence
right up till the end.

And that's the news from sing-sing.

Officially, then, and at long last

atom spies Julius and Ethel
Rosenberg are dead.

So terrible.

It's too bad that Elliot
didn't make it tonight.

He has a lot on his mind.


I'm going home, Harlan.

Good night.

Good night.

There you are.

Missed you.

Evening, Harlan.

That's some nasty business here, huh?

May have to arrange for a tow.

Come on.

I'll walk you home.

In case they come back.

They're not coming back.

Well, can't be too careful.

Big day tomorrow.


If I were a gambling man,

I wouldn't dare sit down
at the table with you tonight.

I have a lot to think over.

There's not a soul out here with us.

We could talk it through.

I'm all talked out, Harlan.

Might help.

Even a good man sometimes folds.

Listen, Harlan, you
don't have to worry.

You're not on the list.

Then what's to think over?

Reina is on the list.


What about her?

Will you name her?

Kay wants me to.


However, my conscience
says not to.


So I...

I don't know what I'll do.

What are you doing?

You can't give her up.

- Get ahold of yourself!
- You can't!

I never said I would!

I can't take the chance.

Frank SinatraÀÇ I Believe
(For Every Drop Of Rain That Falls)

I believe for every drop
of rain that falls,

a flower grows.

I believe that somewhere
in the darkest night,

a candle glows.

I believe for everyone who goes astray,

someone will come to show the way.

I believe...

I believe.

I believe for every drop
of rain that falls,

a flower grows.

I believe that somewhere
in the darkest night,

a candle glows.

I believe for everyone who goes astray,

someone will come to show the way.

I believe...

I believe.

I believe above the storm the
smallest pray'r will still be heard.

I believe that someone in the great
somewhere hears every word.

Every time I hear a newborn baby cry,

or touch a leaf

or see the sky,

Then I know why I believe!
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