02x18 - Operation Noselift

Episode transcripts for the TV show "M*A*S*H". Aired: September 1972- February 1983.*
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During the Korean w*r the staff of an Army hospital find that humor helps deal with the difficulties.
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02x18 - Operation Noselift

Post by bunniefuu »

- Where was I?
- ''To: General Mitchell, HQ, Seoul.''

''Subject: Reply to Report of 'Conduct
Unbecoming a Commanding Officer',

filed by Majors Houlihan and Burns.''

Boy, those two poops
are gonna drive me dippy.

Yes, sir.

All right. Here we go.

While it is true that during
our recent Mardi Gras celebration,

I did appear as King Neptune,

I wish to point out

that the costume worn by said King Neptune

covered my body completely
from the waist down.

Including your pelvic region.

''Including your pelvic region.''

Right. Pelvic region.

Furthermore, and to wit...

- To what?
- To wit.

..the rhinestone I wore
in my bellybutton offended nobody.

Is ''bellybutton'' one word, sir?

Is ''bellybutton'' one word?

Radar, the good Lord gave us one belly,
and one button for said belly.

Therefore it is two words:
belly... button. Good boy.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

And in conclusion,

I think a little relaxation

is essential for my men and I.

- Or should that be ''me''?
- Should what be ''me''?

- Should ''I'' be ''me''?
- Do you have any choice?

Never mind. Where was I?


- What is it?
- Sir.

Request permission to return
Daniel Baker to your custody.

- All right, I'll handle it from here on.
- Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.

What are you trying to do to me?

- Radar!
- Here's his file, sir.

It just isn't fair, Baker.

I'm goin' flat out
trying to run this squirrel cage

without the aggravation of you
going AWOL every ten minutes.

- It just isn't fair.
- Yes, sir!

What is it, son? You get ice cream
on Sundays, no bed check, movies.

We had The Thing
and The Blob both in one week.

- Yes, sir!
- If it weren't for the w*r,

we'd be having a good time.

Although what we'd be doing here
without a w*r, I can't tell you.

So maybe it's just as well there's one on,
if you follow the way I've drifted.


It's more than quite clear
that your case calls for stern measures.

The only problem is,
I'm just not good at discipline, you know?

It took me over six months
to house-break my dog.

Of course, there was
a newspaper strike at the time.

- I don't know what to do with you.
- This message just came in.

Thank you.

I'm gonna send you to Father Mulcahy.

He can be a big help.

- Ever hear him speak?
- I don't go to his services, sir.

I don't either. I avoid church religiously.
He's a good man.

- A very wise man.
- Now, just relax, son.

OK, Father, but I think
you should know I'm not a Catholic.

Nobody's perfect, my boy.

If it makes you more comfortable,
forget I'm a priest.

Let's just kick it around,
as they say, man-to-man.

I can't talk about it.

I'm very good at keeping secrets.

Why, there are some things
I won't even tell myself. What is it, son?

- You're lookin' at it.
- I don't think I follow.

You're starin' at it, like everybody does,
only you're too polite to say anything.

- If it's your nose...
- What else could it be?

There's only the three of us in here.

My son, we are all made in God's image.

Then he must have a schnoz
the size o' Texas.

Forgive me, Father.

But do you know what it is to live with
a blower like this? It's ruining my life.

I think you're making it
the repository of all your troubles.

I keep running away to hospitals
to get a nose job, but they won't touch me.

- How about our doctors?
- They only operate if you're wounded.

What do I do? Stick a grenade up my nose?

Not that it hasn't got room for it.

Come with me. His sending you to me
only reinforces my opinion of Colonel Blake.

Just wanna mark my place.

''Jawbone of an ass.''

A nose is a nose. It takes in air and breaks up
the space between your eyes and your mouth.

It has nothing to do
with a person's value or quality.

It's there to catch a cold through,
or look down on people from.

Enjoy it. You've been given
a strong aquiline nose.

- That went back for seconds.
- I like it. It's got character.

Yeah. It's got a certain assertive
je ne sais quoi.

And it arrives everywhere
five minutes ahead of me.

- You don't have a copyright on it.
- There're plenty of people with big probosci.

You know why Napoleon always kept his
hand down here? He was scratching his nose.

Look, I appreciate,
and you're only tryin' to make me feel better.

- It's only true.
- But you don't have to live with the jokes.

''Excuse me, but my bus is late and it's
raining. Mind if I stand under your nose?''

''Ever thought of puttin' in an attic?''

At my draft board the guy
next to me says ''You could be 4-F.''

''Just tell 'em you're an anteater.''

- What about it?
- The point is, we're not plastic surgeons.

It's not a tough operation, but it's a specialty.

We don't want to de-nose-ify you.
We want it done right.

- It's also against regulations.
- You think this is regulation?

Please! What happens after the army?

What happens with the rest of my life?
What about girls? Ever think of that?

All the time. There are a lot of people who
think a big nose is a sign of sexual potency.

- Sorry, Father.
- I just translate things like that into Latin.

Makes them sound noble.

Will you do it? I'd even pay.

You sure? We might
charge you up to a dollar.

- 50 cents a nostril.
- You guys serious?

We will set the trusty, rusty wheels
of the army in motion. Have faith, my boy.

Do you have any idea
how much hot water I'm in already?

I'm in it right up to my rear bumpers.

- Give us a minute.
- No!

- You know Baker?
- Yeah.

The kid that keeps going AWOL. I swear
he's just using us for his mailing address.

- Have you ever noticed his nose?
- That's quite a hooter.

There's one bazoo
that's begging for a salami slicer.

That's the trouble. If he could get it
bobbed, his problem would be over.

- Cosmetic surgery is against regulations.
- A good reason to do it.

This is the perfect time.
We haven't had casualties for a week.

- Maybe the w*r's over and they didn't tell us.
- Don't be silly.

I was very specific at the draft board. I need
two weeks' notice to look for another w*r.

Henry, you know who's a major
down at Tokyo General?

- Who?
- You ever hear of Stanley Robbins?

Yeah, sure, the plastic surgeon?
He does all those Hollywood people.

- He's doing face-lifting for generals' wives.
- He does that?

He's taken out enough puff
from their eyelids to make a comforter.

He's an old friend.
We did a residency together.

We could have him here
workin' on Baker's beak.

Don't tell me. I don't want to know about it.

You guys have my full permission,
and I never said that.

I'm not even here, so how could I?


Make an entry that I wasn't here today
and bring it to me so I can sign it.

- If you sign it, it'll show you were here.
- You sign it for me.

- Yes, sir. Should I sign your name?
- You'll have to. I'll say it was a forgery.

No sense hanging around if I'm not here.

Major Stanley Robbins
on the telephone. Tokyo General.

- You sure you can get him up here?
- No sweat. I know just which button to push.

Hello, Stosh? Hawkeye Pierce. I didn't
catch you in the middle of anybody, did I?



No, everything's very slow around here.
Stosh, I wanna hit you for a favour.

We got a kid here with a nose
that's right up your alley.

He really needs ajob.

You're not free, huh?

Gee, that's a shame. The barracuda
will really be disappointed.

We've taken out some nurses in our time,
but this is really Florence-what-a-Nightingale.

If you can't make it, you can't make it.


See you in two hours. So long, Stosh.

Question. Which nurse is the barracuda?

As soon as he finds out, we'll know.

- Hey, Stosh, how you doin'?
- Hawkeye! How's the action?

- Trapper John McIntyre.
- Pleasure. Heard a lot about you.

Maybe we can be friends anyway.

Well, I've seen the garbage dump.
Where's the camp?

This is it. Downtown 4077th.

You guys gotta be kidding.
This is a khaki slide area.

- Home away from home.
- I'd call in an air strike and start over again.

- Radar!
- Hi, Hawkeye. Hi, Trapper.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- She's not the one?
- No, she's not the one.

- What's wrong with a little appetiser?
- Radar, you wanna get the major's bag?

See that face? It can be saved.

- How's everything in Tokyo?
- Never stops.

- Rough, huh?
- Sometimes I get in a little surgery.

Who broke my doll?

- I didn't know you guys had a mental ward.
- That, Dr Ripley, is our commanding officer.

Do I salute or test his reflexes?

Henry, Major Robbins.
Colonel Henry Blake.

- Welcome aboard, Major.
- Thank you, sir.

So, you're the well-known
surgeon to the stars, huh?

- Henry's very impressed with your work.
- You betcha I am.

Done a lotta pulling and tightening
on those movie people out there, have ya?

Which ones?

Gimme a name, just one name.

- Colonel, you're a doctor.
- Gotcha. Ethics.

Then gimme some initials,
I'll take it from there.

- SS.
- SS?

- Male or female?
- Yeah.

- Sylvia Sidney?
- No.

- Slim Summerville?
- It's beautiful.

Sid Caesar!

Here you go, Stosh. The VIP Tent.

- This is it?
- Yeah.

- Where do you flush this room?
- Let's remember what you're here for.

- All right. Where is she?
- The nose first.

- Whatever she wants.
- I'll go round up Baker.

Hi, kids. Slip into the wrong tent?

Here are the very lovely Major Houlihan,
and the even lovelier Major Burns.

Major Stanley Robbins.

- Major.
- Major.

Did anyone ever tell you with a little work
you could have the jowls of a goddess?

- Major...
- Tremendous jowl potential.

We've all sure heard of you, Major Robbins.

Jowls can be the most sensual
part of a woman,

after the soft underside of the kneecap.
Just relax, Major. Honey.

Some of this fatty tissue'd
have to come off, of course.

- Stosh?
- To what do we owe the honour of this visit?

Social. We go way back.
Actually, he built me in his laboratory.

And it's time for his 3,000-mile checkup.
Turn your head and cough.

Nice of you to pay your respects, but he's
only here a while, so if you'll excuse us...

- Certainly. A pleasure.
- Ever want to reach me, I'm at Tokyo General.

Just leave the message ''Jowls''. I'll know.

Very exciting type. Spatulate fingers.
One drink, they tear you apart.

- Save yourself for the big game.
- When do I meet her?

As soon as you chop
a few feet off of Baker's nose.

A plastic surgeon in a field hospital. Don't
you think they're up to something sneaky?

If you do, I do, Frank.
I trust your sneaky instincts.

How does that one strike you?
Remember, a nose job is not a haircut.

If you don't like it, it won't grow back.

- Gee, I don't know.
- Tr?s sportif.

- I bet it cuts down on wind resistance.
- Leave this to me.

You're livin' in the armpit of the universe
and tryin' to help a world-famous artist?

- Could I see another one?
- Of course.

I never realised how hard it is to pick a nose.

Do me a favour, huh?
Big winner. Very popular number.

- This job paid for two Cadillacs.
- I'd call that paying through the nose.

The wit in this tent flows like molasses.
All right, no hurry. There's more.

You got taste, kid.
I got that one for my wife for her birthday.

We're in business.
All right, where's the barracuda?

Now, come on, it's been hours.
I'm gettin' a headache.

- Afterwards. She's not going anyplace.
- We got her idling, in neutral.

Watch it. You're talkin' about
the woman I love.

When can we do this, Doc?
The sooner, the quicker.

Synchronise your watches.
Operation Noselift is about to begin.

What am I signing, Radar?

It's concerning that thing
you don't want to know about.

- The reason why you're not here today?
- Want me to sign this pass?

- Someone going somewhere?
- No.

Why does someone who's
not going anywhere need a pass?

- If I explain it to you, then you'll know.
- Yeah.

Also this, sir.

- OK.
- Thank you, sir.

- Radar?
- Sir?

You're not gonna wind up
owning my car, are ya?

No, sir. Will that be all, sir?

If you say so.

I appreciate this pass, sir.
Can I bring you anything from Tokyo?

Yeah. I'd like one of those
hot-water bottles. About 37-24-35.

Yes, sir.

All right, Father, baby.
Right down the middle.

Hey, there, Father, baby. Hey,
you got a good strong arm there, Father.

You develop a lotta muscle
wrestling with temptation.

All right, right in the... Hey, Major Burns...

Very good, Frank.

I want the windows and those doors covered.

We'll just need the one table.
Once we start, nobody comes in.

- I'm counting on you to keep quiet about this.
- I'll add it to the list.

Let's get it straight. Right down the middle!

- Kid, you OK?
- My nose!

- Lemme see. Maybe I can help.
- I don't think so. He needs a doctor.

- What's the big tzimmes?
- He got hurt playing catch.

Lucky for you I just happen
to be in Korea against my will.

- I think it's broken!
- It does look like a break.

Don't worry, Radar. We'll set it right away.
You'll be smelling again in a week.

- Get outta my way.
- Nice of you to offer to help,

but we have Stanley Robbins here,
one of the best nose men in the business.

- That's right.
- What an opportunity to observe!

Robbins never allows anybody to watch him.
Sometimes even the patients can't get in.

- You're talking very fast, Captain.
- Try listening slow.

Attention! Major Robbins,
report for emergency surgery.

Major Burns, report to the CO.

Major Houlihan, report to Supply.

Those are the major
announcements for the day.

How's it going?

It's a great operation.
All we need is a doctor and a patient.

- The door was blocked!
- Take your clothes off.

- For a nose job?
- They say that to everybody.

If I sent for you,
I would be the first to know.

Can you think of a reason
why you might send for me?

Rarely. If ever even then.

- That's ridiculous.
- The whole thing's dumb.

- You calling me dumb?
- You said it.

- Come on.
- Where we gonna look?

The nurses' quarters. Try every tent.

By the time he's through, there
won't be a misshapen feature around.

Except for Robbins himself.

Let me go! You're an animal!

- Let me prove it to you.
- Stop it! I'll scream!

You'll scream, you'll holler,
you'll sing, you'll become a symphony.

- How's Radar?
- He's fine, Father. I'll explain later.

- I need Dr Robbins.
- Seek and ye shall find.

They certainly foresaw every contingency.

Dr Robbins in here?

I wouldn't be a bit surprised.

Have you seen...?
Oh, my goodness gracious.

Tell me the truth. What's your nickname?

- It's a lie!
- You're the barracuda, right?

I've known hundreds of women.
Please be one of them.

- I'll crack you across the face with this!
- I knew I could count on you.


I never thought I'd be glad to see you.

If you chop him in half
you'll find your grandmother inside.

Doctor, please, let's remember
who we are and what we're here for.

Hey, Trap. Major Houlihan just
had her pulses taken by an octopus.

It's Saint George time.

There, there, my Margaret.

Ain't nobody gonna harm y'all
unless you leave old Uncle Trapper's arms.

You got a fast hand.

First doctor in Beverly Hills
to break the four-minute nose. Swab.


If I could work on you
for half an hour, you'd be a star.

- I don't wanna be a star.
- Then just give me the half hour.

- The patient.
- This guy thinks he's got problems?

I've had noses that had to be
wheeled in on two tables.

- Sponge.
- Sponge.

You got a nickname, honey?
What do they call you around here?

They called me ''Red'',
but it was just because of my hair.

- Yeah, I'm holding.
- Be advised, Colonel,

General Mitchell will hear about this
in my weekly anonymous report!

- What are you doing here?
- I was drafted, sir.

Your nose is supposed to be broken.

Dr Pierce said it was just a sprain,

and if I keep off it for a month,
I'll only have to put liquids in it.

I'm a doctor, and that's crazy.

- I've heard that, sir.
- I have bigger fish to catch than you!


Telephone. It's your wife.
Your anniversary call.

- But that was last month.
- I just got through.


Yes, it's me, darling.
How are you, sweetheart?

- Gosh, it's good to talk to you, honey.
- Who the hell is that?

It's my wife!


Major Houlihan just came in.

Hi, Jim!

- Beautiful job, Stosh.
- Beautiful's the worst I can do.

Back home that woulda cost you a grand.

But because I like ya, and respect ya,
it'll only cost you one big nurse.

Or two small ones. And I'll give ya change.

All right, Pierce!
There's nothing wrong with Radar!

- Who did you just operate on?
- Surgery on the nose can't be hidden.

- He's right, you know.
- Everything roger, Doctor?

Roger and dodger, Doctor.

You'll all be in the clink soon as we find out
who you performed surgery on. Illegally.

Greatjowls. Great.

- You came through like a trouper.
- We really appreciate it.

You're thankin' me? I've received a farewell
I may have to write up in a medical paper.

- If I live. Ciao.
- So long, Stosh.

- Hey, Virginia, there is a barracuda.
- Girls, anybody here know Dr Robbins?

Do you know anybody
who knows anybody who knows Robbins?

Does anybody have a nickname here that...
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