02x15 - Trust

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order". Aired: September 1990 to May 2010.*
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Detectives and prosecutors work to solve crimes and convict perpetrators.
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02x15 - Trust

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system,
the people are represented

by two separate yet
equally important groups...

the police
who investigate crime,

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

(police radio chatter)

Oh, great.

Another citizen
with hallucinations.

What the hell
was this guy doing

down here
in the first place?

Probably looking
for a $10 hand wax.

- Here?
- (object crashes)

Let's go.

- (object crashes)
- Hey! Hey, hey.

Is there anybody else
in there?

Watch 'em.

(rats squeaking)


It's a kid.

(theme music plays)

(police radio chatter)

(camera clicks)

You got one through
and through.

.38 or heavier.

Body's into
rigor mortis,

but the eyes
are moist.

I'd say 12
to 18 hours.

Can't be more than
16 years old.

Let's roll him over.


Hold it.

Student ID...

Bishop's Academy,
Robbie Fenwick.

- 15 years old.
- Detective?

It's a.357 Magnum.

Probably tried
to chuck it in the river
and came up short.

Okay, bag it
and work it up.

We're going
to hold the kids
for questioning.

You want anything
from 'em now?

- Is that them over there?
- Yeah.

little nose-wipes.

Which one of you
is going to tell us

about that dead boy
in there?

- Nothing to tell.
- You know him?

What are you doing
around here?

We heard there was a body.
We just came to see.

You live around here?

- Jackson Towers.
- Logan: Jackson Towers?

You came all the way here
'cause you heard there was
a body?

Something wrong
with that?

Slug is a five
with a right twist.

It's a Wadcutter series II.

It's a probable match
to the w*apon that
you recovered.

I've only seen Wadcutters used
in target practice.

w*apon's a Ruger
Security Six.357.

Custom Pachmayr grip,

modified hammer
and trigger.

This is very clean.
It's not a toy.

The owner took
good care of it.

There are no live rounds
in the cylinders,

and only
the one spent casing.

That's all it takes.
You run it through
the system?

A g*n so loved,

it had to have
its very own license.

And it's lan Maser,

557 West 77th Street.

Do you own a Ruger
Security Six.357
Magnum p*stol?

I do.

It has been found
at the scene of a homicide,

and it's been determined
that's the m*rder w*apon.

That can't be.

I keep that g*n locked
in my bedside table.

This it?

Yes, it is.

Does anyone else
beside yourself

- have access to this g*n?
- There's the maid.

- Cerreta: Are you married?
- Divorced.

- Does anyone else live
in the house with you?
- There's my son.

- Cerreta: Where does
he go to school?
- Bishop's Academy.

But he's not there now.
He's upstairs in his room.

He's not feeling well.

Well, look,
do you mind if we have
a talk with him?


(rock music playing)



can we ask you
a few questions?

If you wanted
to show Robbie the g*n,

why did you go
to the warehouse?

That was his idea.
He wanted to sh**t it.

Then what'd you do?

Robbie had the g*n.

He was aiming it around.

Then I had it.

I was holding it.

Show us how you
were holding it.

About, you know, here.
Like waist height.

Did you have your finger
on the trigger?

I don't remember.

Where was Robbie?

He was standing.
Like about where you are.

- That close?
- Uh-huh.

He wanted me
to give him back the g*n.

I reached over,
you know, like this...

and it went off.

Did you do anything to see
if he was alive?

I didn't know
what to do. He...

Iooked dead.

I freaked.
I just jammed out of there.

I didn't mean it,
you know.

I really didn't.
I swear.

It just went off.

It just did.

What we're really talking
about here is a scared

He's not going anywhere.
I don't even see why we got
to charge him.

And what do you guys suggest,
sending him home with a hug
and a lollipop?

There was a sh**ting here.
Accidental or not,

we gotta charge this kid
with something,

- I don't care how minor.
- Robinette: There's enough
to support

a charge of reckless

Maybe second degree,
but that's even a stretch.

Criminal possession
of a w*apon?

We can always upgrade
if necessary.

(phone rings)



The desk has Robbie Fenwick's
parents on the line.

I'll take it outside.

How close are you
to wrapping up?

Well, we just got
the crime scene report
this morning.

We just have
to walk it through.
Maybe a day or so.

Robbie is standing
right about here.

And that means
Jaime's about...

here with the g*n.

We have an entry wound
in the right temple,

going out the back left.

Robbie turned
his head away.

We have a wound
on his right hand.

He was asking for the g*n.

Well, if he was reaching
for the g*n,

that would mean he'd have
to be closer to Jaime,

and there'd be powder-burns
on the right hand.

According to this,
there weren't any.

Which means
the g*n has to be at least
a couple of feet away.

Yeah. All right.
Let's put him about...


All right,
his hand has to be here.

How did he get
the hand hit?

Unless he's like this.

His hands are up here because
he's trying to protect himself.

And if Jaime was cradling
the g*n down here...

he'd have g*nsh*t residue
on his shirt.

The tests were negative.

We'd get a higher b*llet hit.

We supposed to be surprised
every time somebody lies to us?

Jaime, we took
what you told us

and put it alongside
the physical evidence,

and it just doesn't match.

For starters,
you weren't standing

next to Robbie when the g*n
went off, right?

And you weren't holding
the g*n the way you said
you were, also, right?

Jaime, if there's something
you want to tell us,
this is the time.

It's all right.
You can talk to them.

We were playing a game.

What kind of game?


See, you aim the g*n
at the other guy,

like you're going
to sh**t him,

until he tells you to stop.
Until he gives.

Who's idea was this game?

I don't remember.

All you want to do is let
the other guy give.

You don't want
to hurt him.

So what happened?

I was aiming at Robbie.

I was squeezing
the trigger...

real slow.

Didn't it occur to you
that this g*n might go off?

No, there was no way
it was going to go off.

I didn't cock the hammer
before pulling the trigger.

It wasn't supposed
to go off.

I mean, you have
to cock the hammer first
with your thumb.

Where'd you learn that?

That's the way
we always did it.

When we went
to the range.

I swear, there was no way
it was gonna go off.

- You ever fire
one of these?
- Never.

Strictly for
competition sh**t.

Oh, you have to manually
cock the hammer.

- Single action.
- Right. Now the g*n
is ready to fire.

You just pull
the trigger, and...

I know you've fired
one of these.

.357 double-action

You just pull the trigger
and the g*n does it all
for you.

It's possible the kid made
a legitimate mistake.

Possible? Sure.

I don't know.

The kid takes aim.

the trigger slowly,
like he says.

- He's looking down the sight.
- If he was trained to sh**t,

he was trained
to look down the sights.

You can't tell me he didn't notice
that hammer cocking back.

He knew that g*n
was going to fire.

How long has Jaime been
at Bishop Academy?

Jaime transferred here
the middle of last year.

Late transfers
are never easy.

Jaime never seemed
to make it over the hump.

- You mean in his studies?
- He's a fair student.

The problem is, he never
latched onto any peer group.

- Not one.
- Logan: Except for
Robbie Fenwick.

Robbie was a bit
of an outcast.

Not totally.

I had hoped he'd help
Jaime assimilate.

Never happened.

You ever talk
to Jaime's father?

Initial interview,
and one other time

to ask him about
Jaime's medication.

What kind of medication?

His file says it's
a psychiatric prescription.

Mr. Maser downplayed
the whole thing.

- Didn't go into details.
- Did he have mood swings
or outbursts?

Not that the teaching
staff observed.

But as I said,
he's a very quiet young man.

I'm not even sure how well
his classmates knew him.

I got this weird vibe
from him.

Sometimes he had
this look,

this stare.

You just knew the gears were
like mashing up in his head.

Did he try
to make friends?

Yeah, at first.

You know,
new kid at midterm.

But we've all been going
to school together for years.

Nobody really had time
for him.

Except for Robbie.

That guy was twisted.

Twisted? How?

He was always talking
about g*ns,

and like, sh**ting,
and getting high.

Did you ever hear Jaime talk
about g*ns?

No, that was Robbie.

That kid was always
maxed out on w*r stuff.

Like when Bush did
his thing in Iraq,

Robbie was totally
into it.

He knew every single w*apon
they had over there.

We used to call him

Why is that?

Well, last year he showed up
with this little.22.

You know, I think his old man
ended up taking it off him.

Claire found it
in his dresser.

I was never able to get
a straight answer as
to where he got it.

The boys spend a lot
of time in here?

Jaime had been here
a few times.

He was always polite.

He didn't talk much.

Robbie loved g*ns.

He was fascinated
with the fact that

Jaime's father was
a competition sh**t.

Neither of us know
why or where it came from,

but he just...

he seemed...

to feed off of it.

The first few months,

wouldn't talk to me
about the new school.

When he first hooked up
with Robbie,

I was happy he had made
a friend.

He has trouble
making friends?

Jaime wouldn't win
any popularity contests.

He's... self-reliant.

Something happen to make you
change your mind about Robbie?

A few months ago
Jaime came to me

and asked me whether
he and Robbie could come

to the firing range
with me.

I got the impression
it was Robbie's idea.

So what about
the medication?

What about it?

Well, can you tell us
what it was for?

When did Jaime
start taking it?

I'd be happy to,
if I didn't think I'd get
my butt thrown in jail.


It's terms
of my divorce.

It's partly why Jaime's
on medication.

Would you mind telling us
your ex-wife's address?

305 West 21st Street.

But it won't do you
any good.

She can't talk
about it either.

You know,
before the Academy,

the only g*n I ever shot
was a Daisy... BB g*n.

My old man used
to let me sh**t

a stack of newspapers
in the basement.

Of course, one day
I wing a pigeon, right?

He flips out,
throws the g*n
in the incinerator,

makes me bring
the damn bird to the vet
in a shoe box on the bus.

- (laughs)
- To this day I hate pigeons.

They're rats with wings.

Well, you see,
when you give a boy
a g*n,

eventually he may go
after bigger game than
tin-can targets.

- That was my mother's argument.
- That's everybody's
mother's argument.

Either that or,
"Someone's going to get
their eye put out."

"Somebody's bound
to get hurt."

I bet Jaime's mother
is no different.

I can't.

Jaime's therapy is tied
to the divorce.

It's pretty much
the reason we split.

You got divorced
because Jaime's
in therapy?

No, no.
The incident that led
to the therapy.

Look, you can't push me
on this.

It's been sealed.

Part of the negotiated settlement
was that lan and I honor that seal.

Mrs. Maser,
a boy is dead.

All of our instincts
tell us

there's something
we should know here.

Have you spoken
to Jaime lately?

It's not my time
to see him.

- Terms of the divorce.
- Even under extraordinary

His father is very absolute
about things.

My son and I
are just getting back
on track, Detective.

It's been a long time.

He doesn't really talk
to me that much.

She said "sealed."

That can mean only one thing...
he was in some trouble.

Wait, wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

Are you telling me
the kid's juvenile record
is sealed,

and forbids them
to talk about it as well?

What the hell kind
of a settlement is that?

If whatever happened
with Jaime

was severe enough
to split the family,

an argument could be made
both were in the kid's
best interest.

That is just great.
Now we know there's

something in there,
and we can't look at it.

To get a court order
to open a sealed record,

I have to show relevance.

And I can't do that unless
I know what's in the record.

This is a hell
of a system we got.

With a prosecutor's judge,
maybe we get lucky.

But since Jaime's
a youthful offender,
I doubt it.

And then we've shown
our hand.

Fine, you know what?
Screw the record.

Somewhere some cop had
to write it up.

The Masers lived
in Chelsea before the divorce.

The report's probably
still in the precinct.

The seal applies
to the official police files,

as well as to the reports,
notes and records

of the investigating

You think it applies
to what

the officer might have
to say a few years later?

(siren wailing)

Happened over near
East River Park.

Something I never liked
about that case.

What are two kids doing
there with a g*n?


The only thing that's
down there is junkies
and squatters.

And the other kid
ends up dead.

An accident... right.

- An accident asking
to happen is what I say.
- Right.

Did you keep
your own notes
on this case?

Off the record.

Never know when
you might need 'em, right?

It happened
when Jaime was 13.

The other kid,

who's name was
Graham Campbell, was 12.

It was the same thing...
one to the head.

The g*n was a Colt Python,
registered to lan Maser.

Ruled an accident.

He told the detective
on the scene

he was just trying
to show his friend
how the g*n worked.

Jaime's 13, white,
middle class, no priors.

And here's the kicker.

He said he thought you had
to cock the hammer back

by hand before you could
fire the g*n.

- Same excuse he's selling now.
- Worked the first time.

- Why not stick with it, right?
- Anything else?

The two sh**t
were practically identical,

right down to Maser Senior
corroborating his son's claim

- he didn't know how
to work the handgun.
- This time he's lying.

We get a statement,
he perjures himself.

But it goes deeper
than that.

We got to start
with the kid.

We all know he wanted
to scare Robbie Fenwick.

We gotta prove
he wanted to k*ll him.

He pointed a g*n
at somebody before,

he had pulled
the trigger before.

He knew
the consequences.

That's not enough
to prove intent?

It is for everybody
in this room,

but legally we may not
even be able to use
the first sh**ting.

You want to go down
to man two?

No, I want him
at m*rder two.

Depraved indifference
to human life.

- No need to prove intent.
- And we try him as an adult.

Cerreta: Jaime.

- Come here a minute.
- What?

Come on, get in.

- Why? What for?
- We're putting you
under arrest.

What do you mean?!
You guys said everything
was gonna be fine.

- Take it easy.
- What are you guys doing
here, anyway?

- Just get away from me!
- Logan: Do us a favor
and get in the car.

Read him his
freakin' rights, will you?

Your Honor,
it's more than outrageous.

They practically dragged
the child out of the classroom.

Spare us the hyperbole,

Your Honor, the People
are informed

that officers were, in fact,
outside school grounds.

- 10 feet?
- Defense: Given
the defendant's age,

and the obvious
strong-arm intentions
of the DA's office,

we intend to ask
for removal

of these proceedings
to Family Court.

Your Honor,
the People feel that...

I'm aware
of the defendant's age,
Mr. Barnett.

You want to make
the motion, feel free,

but I see nothing here
to indicate

why he shouldn't be tried
as an adult.

Supreme Criminal
to retain jurisdiction.

Defendant remanded
to the custody of his father.

Our claim
of diminished capacity

is based on the fact that
at the time of the sh**ting,

Jaime was involuntarily

According to this,
he was legally taking

a prescribed medication
under the supervision

of licensed psychiatrist.

Tracon is known
to have adverse reactions
in certain individuals.

We can demonstrate
it affected his ability

to appreciate
the consequences
of his actions.

He had the presence of mind to lie to the
investigating officers.

He had the presence of mind
to hide the fact

that he was involved
in a prior sh**ting.

The prior incident
is not relevant.

And I'm sure a jury
will have no trouble

understanding that
my young client

was frightened and confused.

He was under the influence
of a powerful psychotropic drug.

Tracon did the sh**ting?

I have the precedents
to back it up.

Grundberg. Petty.

Charges dismissed against
a woman who shot her mother
eight times?

And an acquittal on a guy
who stabbed his ex-wife
in the heart?

Neither case involved

And unlike Mr. Maser,
the defendants

did not have
a previous history

of reckless
or violent behavior.

Come on, fellas,
you're blowing smoke.

Negligent homicide,
and no time.

I'm not gonna plead this down
to a slap on the wrist, Dan.

More than happy to let
a jury decide.


Have a nice day.

Nobody's responsible

You k*ll somebody,
it's not your fault.

You're addicted to sugar,
or the wrong medication,

and someone should
pay you a million dollars
for your suffering.

Who's doing Jaime's

I'll call Olivet.

You ever had
any blackouts?

What about the last time
things didn't turn out

the way you wanted,
how'd you handle it?

Did you get mad,
did you yell,

did you trash
your room?

- I just got over it.
- How about your dad?

When he gets angry,
does he let you know it?

Yeah, I guess so.

What about with Robbie?

When you were pointing
the g*n at him,

what were you feeling?

I wasn't feeling

What do you think
Robbie was feeling?


He felt scared.

And Graham Campbell?
How about him?

I don't remember.

You remember
how you felt?

I think you do.

You want to tell me
about it?

Nothing to tell.

I hear you say that,
but I'm seeing something

Let's try
something else here.


I want you to make up
a story based

on the pictures
I'm going to show you.

You tell me
who the characters are,

what they're thinking,
what led up to the scene
in the picture. Okay?

What's happening
in this picture, Jaime?

- I don't know.
- Yes, you do.

He's trying to learn
the violin.

What else?

He's pretty lame with it.

What about the look
on his face?

What about it?

Do you think
he'll pick it up?

Do you think
he'll try it?

- I don't know.
- Do you think he wants to?

- I think he's got to.
- Why is that?

Because if he doesn't,
his old man

is probably going to beat
the crap out of him.

Probably serves him right.

Why does it serve him right?

Well, he's got
to learn it, right?

I don't know.
Does he?

- What's the point, otherwise?
- Olivet: Of what?

Of taking the stupid lessons,
if he's not gonna learn
how to play it?!

I'd say he's
a psychologically abused kid

with an incredibly
exacting father.

Confirms what Cerreta
and Logan picked up
from the mother.

Abused kids follow one
of two tracks.

They either identify
with the victim,

and place themselves
in situations where they'll
be victimized,

or they identify
with the aggressor...

internalize his qualities,
his power, his strength.

And he became
the aggressor.

And what effect did Tracon
have on his behavior?

It's an anti-anxiety drug.

It can affect mood, memory,
any number of variables.

But my opinion is that
Jaime's behavior

predates administration
of the drug.

Jaime exhibits
repetition compulsion,

a need to act out
his subconscious conflict.

He wants to feel powerful.

He enjoys the fear
he creates.

That's what this game
with the Fenwick kid was all about.

And drug or no drug,
he'll play it again

the first chance he gets.

The first sh**ting
when he was 13,

that was part
of the game, as well?

He became pretty agitated
when I brought it up.

He was probably traumatized
by the incident.

But not enough
to stay away from g*ns.

Best thing you can do
is plea it out,

make residential
psychiatric care a condition.

Six months of daycare?

He had two years
of therapy, Adam.

He knows what happens
when you pull a trigger.
And he didn't care.

You cannot make the case
without entering

the first sh**ting
in evidence.

No judge will allow it.

You got a sealed
record there.

You got a juvenile
who's the offender.

Any jury would convict
this boy

on the second sh**ting
solely on the evidence
from the first.

Jaime said
he mistakenly shot

Robbie Fenwick
because he didn't know

the difference between
a double-action

and a single-action

The Graham Campbell sh**ting
demonstrates he'd learned
that lesson two years ago

when he claimed to have made
the same mistake.

Take a run
at Judge Markman.

Jaime Maser sh**ting
Graham Campbell at age 13

had to have been
the single most important

incident in the boy's life
to date.

If that act is not admitted,
it allows Jaime

a defense claim
that's clearly fraudulent.

Your Honor,
it's irrelevant.

Our defense isn't based
on a claim of mistake.

Maybe not now,
but he did make the statements.

The investigating officers
will testify

Jaime told them
he was confused on the g*n.

The prior sh**ting
should be admitted to show
that statement to be a lie.

Under a technical application
of Molineux, you're right.

But I have to take
into account the impact

the knowledge of this
prior sh**ting

will have on the jury,
as I'm sure you did.

In my opinion,
it's so inflammatory,
so prejudicial,

it will outweigh
its value as evidence.

So I can't allow it
to be introduced.

Everything was in slow motion.

It was weird.

I felt like I was standing
outside my body...

and watching.

I could see me
and Robbie...

like in a movie.

And I wanted to see how far
the trigger would go.

I wanted to see
what Robbie would do.

Did he say anything
to you?

I don't... I don't know.

It was like it was
in a bubble.

I couldn't hear.

I just kept pulling
the trigger,

and there
was this flash.

And the g*n went off?

I don't remember.

There was Robbie,
just laying there...


It was like the movie
was still going on.

I couldn't feel.

I heard this roaring sound
in my ears.

I just couldn't
stop watching.

No further questions.

Mr. Stone.

No questions at this time,
Your Honor.

Subject to recall.

Since its introduction,

Tracon has had a favorable
success rate.

But it has also generated
10 times more

adverse reaction reports
than similar dr*gs.

What kind
of adverse reactions,

Nervous system

Rebound anxiety, amnesia,

hostility, delusions.

It's my opinion Tracon
can ignite repressed anger.

Can you offer
an opinion

about his
emotional state

at the time
of the sh**ting?

Based on his behavior
since being prescribed Tracon,

it's my opinion Jaime
was suffering

from Tracon
intoxication syndrome.

Thank you, Doctor.
No further questions.

Doctor, could you describe
dissociative phenomena?

It's a feeling
of standing outside oneself,

of being a witness
to something happening to you.

That sounds very similar
to a symptom

- of Tracon intoxication.
- Yes.

And isn't it true
that victims

of sexual or psychological
abuse also suffer

from dissociative

Yes, that's true.

Have you ever heard
of repetition compulsion?

- Yes.
- Would you describe it?

It's the need to repeatedly
act out an inner conflict.

An inner conflict
that may stem

from psychological

Yes, possibly, but...

And a subject may be feeding off
a surrogate figure's fear...

a fear that would
encourage him to re-enact

a situation he found
pleasing once before?

Your Honor,
prosecution's questions

seem designed
to elicit information

that is not
admissible here.

Watch your step,
Mr. Stone.

No further questions,
Your Honor.

How old were you
when you first learned
to sh**t a handgun?

I was 11.

My father taught me
how to sh**t

his target p*stol.

Is this your father's
target p*stol?

Jaime: Yeah.

How do you fire it?
Just pull the trigger?

No, you have to cock
the hammer first.

Would you show me?

Your Honor,


Go on, Jaime.


you cock the hammer first
with your thumb,

and then just pull
the trigger.

Is that different
from this g*n...

the one you shot
Robbie with?

- Yeah.
- How's it different?

That one you don't have
to cock the hammer first.

- You just pull the trigger.
- And how would you hold it?

Who taught you to hold
a g*n like that?

My dad.

So how did it feel pointing
a g*n at your friend?

- It was a game.
- Oh, it was fun, right?

- It was just a game.
- So, it was a game

pointing a g*n
at your friend.

Was squeezing
the trigger part of the game?

- Yeah.
- Would you show me?



You testified you pulled
the trigger very slowly,

and the hammer came back,
just like that, right?

- Did you see it moving?
- I don't remember.

- Robbie see it moving?
He say anything?
- I don't know.

- Did he say anything at all?
- No.

So you went ahead
and pulled the trigger
like you're doing now, right?

- Yeah.
- You held it on him
the whole time?

- Yeah.
- And how did you feel?
Was that exciting?

- I don't know?
- And how did Robbie feel?

- Was he afraid?
- I don't know... (trigger clicks)

It went...
this isn't fair.

It wasn't...
it was just a game.

It wasn't like this.
We didn't know.

It's my medicine.

Move to strike,
Your Honor.

It makes me confused!

The jury will disregard.

Madam Foreman,

has the jury reached
a unanimous decision?

Yes, we have,
Your Honor.

How do you find?

On the sole count
of the indictment,

m*rder in
the second degree,

we find the defendant,
Jaime Maser,

not guilty by reason
of mental defect.

(gavel crashes)

Good boy.

Good job.
Thank you.

Pull everything you can
on the first sh**ting.

Get the records unsealed.

I want to reopen
the investigation.

It's a two-year-old
case, Ben.

There's no statute
of limitations on m*rder.

Adam, you heard
the report.

- The kid lives on fear.
- Fine.

No one in this office
walks on water.

Convicting him
on the first sh**ting

will be twice as hard
as this last one.

A two-year-old case,
less evidence to work with,

and you can't use the fact
that it matches up

to the Fenwick sh**ting,
because that sh**ting

- has not even taken place.
- I'm open for suggestions.

- Nothing out
of the parents?
- No.

They're bound
by the gag order
on the divorce.

We know the father lied
about Jaime's knowledge
of g*ns.

Two boys dead.
Not an ounce of guilt.

- We'll find something.
- Find something?

- With the case sealed?
- Cerreta and Logan have notes
from the first detective.

You better get
walked through it, then.

Graham Campbell
was found right here.

The position
of the body indicates

that he was kneeling
when he was shot.

Jaime must've been
somewhere about right here.

There weren't
any powder-burns

- on Graham's body either.
- But that was discounted.

Gullikson said
it rained the day
they found the body.

But assuming there was
no residue to begin with...

That would put Jaime
far enough away

from Campbell to make
an accident very unlikely.

Same game,
same excuse.

One shot to the head,

both times fired
from six feet away.

Any takers
on coincidence?

You taught Jaime
how to fire a single-action
handgun when he was 12?

Yes, at a firing range.

And the double-action
handgun he used

in the sh**ting
two years ago,

- didn't you teach him
how to sh**t that, too?
- No.

I told you before,
I only wanted him interested
in target sh**ting.

Come on, you guys.
What is this, net fishing?

It's about your client lying
to protect his son.

We know he lied
about Jaime's knowledge

of handguns
in the Fenwick sh**ting.

It is not unreasonable
to assume he told

the same lie two years earlier
in the Campbell sh**ting.

- And?
- It's a perjury, Mr. Maser.

Class "E" felony.
Carries some time.

I don't respond
to threats.

Two boys are dead.

Boys just as important
as your son.

And I hold you
greatly responsible,

if not legally, ethically,
for both those deaths.

That's one
of the great things
about this country.

You can believe
anything you want.

It's going to take more
than an E felony

to leverage anything
out of him.

Find out where he did
his sh**ting two years ago.

And see if you can get us
in to see Pamela Maser
and her lawyer.

Here he is.
Lan Maser was a member
until two years ago.

I think he moved.

His credit card receipts
show he'd been coming here
for six years.

Mm-hmm. His kid
was a member, too.

You give memberships
to kids?

It's a promotional
kind of thing.

Kids like having their own
membership cards.

They can't sh**t unless
their parents are around,

Maser bring his son
in here often?

I don't recall
how often.

Maser kept
a target p*stol here.
That was his thing.

I remember him teaching
the kid how to do it.

I used to hear him holler
at him all the time.

Maser ever fire
any other g*ns?

I see where he started
buying.357 a*mo before
he moved.


Oh, yeah.

Then he got himself
a Colt Python.

That was pretty funny
for a while.

- What was?
- Colt's a big g*n.

Seeing that young kid
trying to keep a bead
on the target.

I don't know.
I never had anything
to do with the g*ns.

That was between lan
and Jaime.

Jaime never talked
to you about it?

He told me
if he'd done well,

if he'd pleased
his father.

But specifically, no.

And your husband
never talked about it?

The g*ns
were male business.

Lan assumed
I wouldn't understand,
which wasn't true,

or that I didn't want
to know, which was true.

Your husband and you
separated not long after

the first sh**ting incident,
is that correct?

Is that because
of the g*ns?

Or the sh**ting?

Or the way your husband
treats Jaime?

Shaky ground, Mr. Stone.

You know that information
is sealed.

What I know,
sealed or not,

is that two boys
are dead,

and your son may
or may not have been

irreparably damaged
by his relationship
with his father.

I think you know,
as well as I do,

that no matter
what the settlement

or the financial support,
it can't be anywhere near worth it.

Lan wasn't an easy man
to live with.

Things were his way
or no way.

And if they weren't his way,

Jaime or I paid for it.

After Graham Campbell
was shot,

things got way out
of hand.

Out of hand?

Anything would set lan off.

Jaime was out of control.

Lan and I separated,
and Jaime came to live with me.

He started taking things
out on me, too.

He started acting like
his father.

In what way?

He threatened me.

With what?

A g*n.

And did you keep a g*n
in the apartment?

No, it was one
of lan's.

I don't know
if it was loaded or not.

He pointed it at me.

I must have looked blank,
or something.

He said...

"You don't believe
I'd do it, do you?

Graham didn't
believe me, either."

You can't imagine
what it's like to be afraid
of your own son.

"You don't believe
I'd do it,"

and "Graham didn't
believe it, either."

Do you understand
what Jaime meant by that?

Graham didn't believe
Jaime would sh**t him.

Did you believe
he'd sh**t you?

I did.

Now, under the terms
of your divorce settlement,

you have been forbidden
to make any mention

of the Graham Campbell

- Is that true?
- Yes.

And yet here you are,
testifying in court.

Why is that?

I gave up everything.
I gave up custody of my son.

And now I'm forfeiting any
financial settlement by testifying.

The only condition
I put on the divorce

was that Jaime receive
therapy to help him deal

with the sh**ting
and his subsequent behavior.

that hasn't been enough.

A second boy is dead,

and I couldn't live
with myself

if I let that go by
and did nothing about it.

Are you aware
of the consequences

of your testifying today?

I know that Jaime could go
to Spofford Juvenile Hall.

And after that,
maybe prison.

I just...


Leaving him with his father
just doesn't seem right now.

Jaime never fired
that g*n.

Earlier we heard testimony
from the owner

of the Greenpoint
Firing Range

that he saw you teach
Jaime to sh**t

a Colt Python.357.

Now, why would he
fabricate a story like that?

I was in the booth
with my son.

I know which g*n
he used.

This is an individual
who has nothing to gain

from lying about seeing
your son sh**t a.357.

Why would he concoct
a very specific memory

about a small boy
firing a g*n

too big for him
to sh**t?

I can't address
thin motives.

- What about your own?
- Objection.


I have no further

I know my son

would not willfully
k*ll that boy.

I taught him right
from wrong.

- Mr. Maser.
- I am his father.

Everything he learned,
everything he is...

Mr. Maser.

You may step down.

On the sole count
of the indictment,

m*rder in
the second degree,

how does the jury find?

We find the defendant,
Jaime Maser, guilty.


We didn't have a lot
of choices.

I'm sure Pamela Maser
is turning herself

around with that
same thought.

She's tough.


Or maybe she just gave in
and did the inevitable.

Think you could
have done it?

Give up my child?

Not without ripping myself
in half I couldn't.

(theme music plays)
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