02x14 - Blood is Thicker

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order". Aired: September 1990 to May 2010.*
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Detectives and prosecutors work to solve crimes and convict perpetrators.
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02x14 - Blood is Thicker

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system,
the people are represented

by two separate yet
equally important groups...

the police
who investigate crime,

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

(car horn honks)

(police radio chatter)

Sunday night, huh?

- If you were off,
this what you'd be doing?
- I'd be tuning my Harley.

Or Mary Louise.

Come on, break it up,
break it up.

Just relax, you'll get in.
It's not a problem.

- Get the manager out here.
- Is there a problem?

You got excessive noise,
you got loitering.

- Not me. My feet are moving.
- Peter, come on!

I was talking
to the policeman.

Where are you going?
The car's over there.

- We got to go home.
- At midnight?

- Let's go to Nirvana...
- It's time to go home!

It is not time to go home.

No, I don't want to...


- Nobody saw her at the club.
- Was she invisible out here?

Tore the necklace so hard,
took skin with it.

Lois Ryder,
16 East 85.

Off the park. Nice.

- Saperstein, 3-6.
- Phil Cerreta, Mike Logan.

What's the matter,
you don't get enough
work in your own turf?

Hit her in the head?
Maybe a baseball bat?

Took the jewelry,
left the credit cards?

Case closed.
You got the guy booked?

Last six weeks,
two within 10 blocks.

- I didn't see it
on the borough sheet.
- No.

We don't want the MO out.
We gagged it downtown.

The guy hits them with a bat,
takes the jewelry, leaves the cards.

What do you got?

Hits 'em with a bat,
takes the jewelry,
leaves the cards.

You got nothing.

(theme music plays)

We realize
it's a difficult time.

You were in the country
all weekend?

I had to get
the roof fixed.

Who cares if the roof
was leaking?

Mr. Ryder...

Mr. Ryder?

Do you know what your wife
would have been doing tonight?

I talked to her this morning.

She and I talked.

And she said she might go
to the movies,

and I told her not to walk.

The movie, Mr. Ryder,

would you know
which one that would be?

She likes the 69th Street Twin.

Mr. Ryder,
do you happen to have

a photo of her
that we could borrow?

Girl: Daddy?

is something wrong?

Where's Mommy?

Scandinavian film festival.

People committing su1c1de
in the snow.

Not exactly what New Yorkers
want to see in the winter.

We sold 86 tickets.

One to her?

I'm so bored, I'm working
with my eyes closed.

Okay, thanks.

Six more bars,
four Korean fruit stands.

Nobody saw her.
What's he got?


In Swedish.

Massive blunt force trauma.

Matches the other victims.
This guy is batting a thousand.

She ate an hour
before she died.
Meat, huh?

Maybe she found an art house
that served carpaccio with the cappuccino.

You find semen in the vag*na,
you don't call us?

Nobody said it was r*pe.
There's no sign of r*pe.

No tearing,
no abrasions.

- Her husband was out of town.
- I'm supposed to know that?

- What am I, his travel agent?
- What time did she do it?

Before midnight last night.

Sperm cells were dead
this morning.

And after midnight Friday.

I found acid phosphatase...
seminal fluid.

Disappears 48 hours
after intercourse.

Of course, it's also found
in cauliflower juice.

I think we can rule out
a cauliflower.

Your friend Saperstein
from the 3-6?

Jewelry from one
of the other murders

turned up
in the Diamond District.

Not traceable.

Why does she go to a late movie
with two little kids at home?

Maybe because she had
two little kids at home.

And because
she has a housekeeper.

She's not going to tell the housekeeper
where she's going?

She had dinner,
she had sex.

Spells boyfriend.

- Maybe a lovers' quarrel?
- Or the husband wasn't gone
for four days.

It would be nice to know
who she was sleeping with.

You're gonna have to go see
the husband.

Boy, if it wasn't him,
this is a lousy time

to bring him
that kind of news.

My son's under sedation.

This is not a good time.

We really do have
to talk to him.

The children,
the funeral arrangements.
He's very upset.

Mr. Ryder,
sorry to bother you.

If we could just have
a minute, privately?

The family
is in this together.

- I really don't think...
- No. No, it's all right.

Your wife...
there's medical evidence

that indicates she had
intimate relations

in the 48 hours before
she died.

That's impossible.

I went to Southampton
on Thursday.

- If it wasn't you...
- What are you saying?

My wife was having
an affair?

I'm sure Lois was doing
no such thing.

If we could track
her movements,

we might find a witness
to her m*rder.

Ryder: It can't be.

- I know my wife.
- It's possible the lab was wrong.

If you would take
a blood test,

we'd know it's you,
we don't have to look

for someone
that doesn't exist.

My daughter-in-law is dead,

my grandchildren
don't have a mother,

and you want to drag
my son through some cheap scandal.

I don't think so.


Tell me, what's the big deal
about taking a blood test?

Your wife just died, maybe you don't like
being asked to prove she wasn't
sleeping around.

Maybe he didn't want us to know
he saw her over the weekend.

Your guy Ryder?
Draft bait, Vietnam.

Joined the National Guard.
Dan Quayle Brigade.

The Army found
his DD214.

Blood type "A."
That doesn't match the semen.

So why won't
he take the test?

Like I said... grieving husband,

Maybe he just don't
like cops.

Maybe he knew
it wouldn't match.

Didn't want us to know
she had a boyfriend.

- And that he had a motive.
- I'll tell you one person

who saw her before she died...
the boyfriend.

- Where do you have her last?
- Housekeeper says the hospital.

Carnegie Hill.
Volunteer work.

What are you waiting for?

I need people
to hold patient's hands.

Most volunteers,
they want to work

the resale shop
on Madison.

First dibs
on the used Adolfos.

So you didn't know
Mrs. Ryder well.

Ryder money built
this hospital.

Lois should have been part
of that crowd,

but she didn't understand
the game.

Worked the pediatric
cancer ward.

Did she ever tell you
about her life?

We think she had a boyfriend.

I wouldn't know.

Ms. Phillips, you can either tell us
or a grand jury.

He's married.

He has kids.
Leave him out of it.

He's already in it.
What's his name?

Joel Friedman,
Chief of Pediatrics.

Lois Ryder?

Of course I knew her.

She volunteered
at the hospital.

Were you with her
Sunday night?

I don't know
what you're talking about.

We'll make it easy for you.

Sunday night, Lois Ryder.

You, together.

Do you want us
to tell you your rights?

Who is it, honey?

I'll get my coat.

- We want a blood test.
- If you're not going to give it to us,

- we'll get a court order.
- Relax, gentlemen.


I was with her.

We'd been seeing each other...

about five months.

Normally, I wouldn't see her
in my apartment.

She called.

She wanted to talk.

- Her husband says
they were happily married.
- Really?


No, there's a picture
in the Ryder house.

Lois told me.

His grandmother
on a camel.

Egypt 1930.

In 1930, her grandmother
was scrubbing floors

in East Orange,
New Jersey.

And the Ryders
never let her forget that.

I can't be involved
in this.

Did her husband know
about the affair?

I saw him last month
at a hospital fundraiser.

He smirked at me.

He knew.

Lois didn't understand
what she was doing.

I did.

I was there
to make him jealous.

He's cooperating.

He didn't k*ll her.

I know it, you know it.

She's using him.
Maybe he loses his temper.

The elevator man says the Doc's wife
got home 40 minutes after
Lois Ryder left.

He was waiting
at the door for her.

That gives him just
about enough time.

Fire escape dumps into a locked yard.
There's a tall fence.

So the Doc goes out,
climbs the fence,

clobbers Lois Ryder, hauls her body
from West Side to the East Side

and gets home just in time
to kiss his wife hello?

What is he, Houdini?

The Doc here says
Ryder knew about him.

And Ryder said
he didn't know.

I knew.

I just didn't see why
the rest of the world had to know.

We had to know.

He was one of the last people
to see her alive.

My granddaughter...

should she read
in the newspaper about
her mother's infidelity?

And especially
with someone so foreign.

Yes, he's from
the West Side.

You know what I mean.

He was not
of our element.

No Jewish doctors
in your crowd, huh?

Mr. Ryder,
let me ask you something.

Your wife's affair,

you didn't have a problem
with it?

Look, this thing
with Dr. Friedman...

my wife
and I discussed it.

It was ending.

And frankly, I don't think he was
very happy about it.

First Ryder sends us
to the movies,

but his wife didn't go
to the movies.

- Then he points at the doctor.
- It's all crap, and it's all
coming from Ryder.

Maybe he came into town early
and surprised the wife.

Give us six guys,
and this time we canvass
with Ryder's photograph.

Why don't I just hire the Russian Army?
They're not busy.

First we do the doc's neighborhood,
then we do Ryder's neighborhood,

and then we do
where she was found.

Just give us Profaci and Lee.

One shift.

I got a guy who saw Ryder
driving a news delivery truck.

It was either Ryder,
or it was a black guy

who looked exactly
like him.

I got a guy
who saw a UFO.

Pick up Lee,
go home.

And say hello to Shirley
for me, all right, Profaci?

- I'll see you, Phil.
- Logan: Phil! Phil!

I love New York
this time of year.

You got somebody who saw him
the night she was hit?

Not quite.
Come meet Mr. Lewis.

Nice looking lady.

For me, a little old,
but great cheekbones.

Tell him about the boys.

Couple of weeks ago, two kids,

they're renting porn.
"Vibrating Vixens."

- There oughta be a law.
- There is a law.

Anyway, they're talking
about the baseball bat guy...
the mugger.

The lady with the cheekbones,
she comes in all the time.

- Art movies.
- Mrs. Ryder.

The one in the picture.
She gets upset.

- She turns
to the guy with her.
- Mr. Ryder.

She's all riled up.
"What's wrong with society?

Life is unfair.
No wonder they mug people."

He says, "Can we finish the speech
when we get home?"

Me, I say,
"They oughta get shot."

Ryder knew about
the mugger.

Thanks a lot.

Now we know why he didn't want
to take the blood test.

He didn't want us to look
for the boyfriend.

We find the boyfriend,
we find out Ryder knew
who he was.

He knows who he is,
he knows where to look
for his wife.

He waits outside
the doc's apartment.

- That's Riverside Drive.
11:00, nobody on the street.
- Cracks her skull.

Brings her over here
across town,

- dumps her
in this neighborhood.
- Copycatting the mugger.

And then figures
we drop it right here.

"One more mugger victim.
Too bad. Case closed."

My ass. Case open.

1:00 a.m., he pulls in.

You know,
I just come on.

Ryder says he came
straight from Southampton.
Nothing says he didn't.

"Traffic on the Southern State,"
he said. Like I care.

Not your favorite
customer, huh?

I get in, I want
to park the car.

He's yakkin'.
His winter place
in the Islands,

the roof's broken,
the pool's too hot.

In the winter, I'm lucky
if I get to Park Avenue South.

Mr. Ryder,
is he always so cordial?

- I gotta just sit
in the cold car and listen.
- Cold? The car was cold?

- It was freezing.
- Thanks a lot.

What is it to Southampton,
two hours?

- Yeah.
- I go six blocks in my car
and it overheats.

He hit his wife,
then we went and sat
in some coffee shop

for a couple of hours
till the shift changed here.

You want to canvass
10,000 coffee shops?

I want to get in
that damn car.

Only if we impound
the car,

Ryder's gonna know
we're sniffing around.

I'm going to dance for the warrant.
They can do it here.

No blood in the car.

Must have bagged
her head.

But CSU tweezers
picked up fibers

from Mrs. Ryder's sweater.

But where's that going
to get us?

- Even $800 cashmere sheds.
- It's her car.

There's bound to be fibers
from her clothes.

In the trunk?

Paul, I can
guarantee it.

He waits outside
Friedman's apartment,

he hits her, he drags the body
across town,

he dumps it, he makes it look
like a mugging,

he tells us she was
down at the movies.

No evidence.
We can barely convict
Ryder of lying.

- What about the fiber?
- It could have been there
for months.

- The car was cold.
- It wasn't bloody.

What do you want us to do?

Hit every sporting goods store
in the five boroughs,

- find a clerk who sold
a middle-aged man a bat?
- Cragen: Hey, hey.

Last time I looked, we all got
our paychecks from the same place.

He is not the enemy.

Give us something...
like motive.

There's the affair,
but the doc says Ryder
didn't even care about it.

Ryder? I guarantee he cared
his wife's lover was Jewish.

Come on, who cares about the religion
of the guy your wife is boffin'?

The Ryders. You heard what she said...
"Not in our element."

An affair.
Is that motive?

But what was going on
in the marriage?

She must have told

Let's get photostats
of her date book.

"K, drinks,
'The Algonquin."'

"Kent, lunch."

"K. Meeker,
dinner, 'Lutece."'

"Kent, lunch,
'Le Perigord."'

What have we got,
another boyfriend?

Lois and I?

No. Just friends.

- Are you friends with Mr. Ryder?
- Prep school.

We were on the swimming team,
St. Luke's.

- I'm almost family.
- How about Mrs. Ryder?

Is she "almost"
family, too?

Lois was k*lled by a mugger,
isn't that right?

This time that you spent
with Mrs. Ryder...

She came to me because...

look, let's say
that my pedigree

was marginally better
than hers.

She needed advice.
Her marriage.

What's wrong with it?

Lois figured it went bad
when Jonathan's mother

left the wedding reception
before the florist did.

My mother
doesn't like my wife.

I stopped worrying
about that 20 years ago.

You are not
Jonathan Ryder.

You know, when we were
in prep school,

he wasn't doing well.

His mother comes up,
there's a new Ryder building.

Suddenly his grades are fine.

She never let him
forget that.

- That he was a screw up?
- It takes its toll.

He once booted
the cat across the room.

- Did he ever boot his wife?
- Worse.

Lois told me he offered her
three million to leave.

Just handed her a paper.

"Hi, honey, sign this,
go away."

She loved him.

She wanted
a marriage counselor.

But he could get a divorce
with her or without her.

Her share of the joint property?
In the neighborhood of 20 million.

- Unless she just
happened to die.
- Jonathan?

Doesn't have the giblets.
Mama cut 'em off years ago.

Maybe you should ask
Barbara Ryder where she was that night.

Ryder should've popped
his mother and told her where to get off.

- You the expert on lousy moms?
- As a matter of fact, I am.

Mrs. Ryder's necklace and bracelet...
pawned in Chelsea.

Identified from insurance
company photos.

Who pawned them,
Jonathan Ryder's mother?

I don't think she frequents
the "New Era Pawnshop."

When did that jewelry
come in?

Morning after the m*rder.

- Pawnshop got our flyer yesterday.
- Are we making this up?

Was she k*lled
by a mugger?

Why don't you find
the guy and ask him?

What's with the muscle?

I saw the circular,
and I called.

I'm gonna eat the money
I gave that creep.

Since when have you become
so law abiding?

Since I did one-to-three
for receiving.

My wife likes me home
for the holidays.

Okay, good.

Hey, your Mr. Everett
who pawned the jewelry?

Bad ID. His license
was stolen three weeks ago.

The law says get an ID.
I got one.

Oh, yeah? Did you look
at the picture on it?

What color was he?

- White.
- No.

The real Mr. Everett
is black.

You didn't look
too good.


this guy laid out
$4,000 on a fake ID.

- What do you think?
- I think he's probably got
other stolen stuff here.

I think I should open
the safe.


This guy is crazy.

He could k*ll me.
I don't want trouble.

From him
or from us?

Who's it gonna be?
Give me the name.

I guess the middle class
really is moving out of New York.

Cerreta: 14.


Henry Willard?!

New York City Police!

Go to it, big daddy.

- (glass shattering)
- (yelling)

Tough guy, huh?

I guess we interrupted
his recreation.

Come on, get out of here.

Henry. Henry?

Your driver's license,
your ID at the pawnshop, Henry,

you mugged a guy
to get them.

Not to mention mugging
the lady.

She's in pretty bad shape.

- You better hope
she can't identify you.
- I found that stuff.

- On Mrs. Ryder.
- In a dumpster.

Penn Station somewhere.
Middle of the night.

I was high.
I don't remember.

You're a real specimen.
Stupid, drugged and violent.


Okay, Henry...

these are the insurance
photos of the jewelry.

Pay attention!

This is the bracelet,

this is the necklace,
this is the pin.

Over here.
Where's this pin?

There was no damn pin.

Don't you want us
to tell the DA that you cooperated?

- Huh?
- Get me a lawyer.

Mr. Willard's yellow sheets.

B and E, mugging, crack...

He mugs for jewelry,
sells it for dr*gs.

I got a problem.
The guy's a whacko.

- He swung a table at us.
- I don't see the problem.

- Book him.
- A table, not a baseball bat.

There wasn't a bat
in the room.

He going to buy
a new bat every time
he mugs someone?

Listen to this.
"Bracelet, diamonds,

made by Harry Winston,
1979, appraised 18 grand.

Necklace, diamonds
and rubies,

30 Gs, Harry Winston, 1985.

Pin, silver,
1,000 bucks,

Lucien Peller, 1931.


Suppose Mr. Congeniality
in there is telling us the truth.

He found the expensive
necklace and bracelet in the dumpster,

- but not the $1,000 pin.
- Ryder.

He threw the new stuff away.
It was only money.

The pin was an heirloom.

You're telling me
he k*lled her,

then started feeling
a little sentimental,
kept the pin?

The city house,
the country house
and the mother's house.

This time you dance
for the warrant.

Tennis rackets, skis,
polo mallets,

and what is this?

A lacrosse stick.
My son hasn't played in years.

- You mind if I use
your phone again?
- Not at all.

No baseball bats.

- You should wait
for my attorney.
- Yes, ma'am.

But the law says
we don't have to.

Get me Detective Lee,
please. Thanks.

Hey. Logan.
You find anything?

Oh, thanks.

Nothing on the other
side of town.

Ryder says they wrinkled
his suits.

Yeah? Well, he may not
be wearing them for a while.

Pin, silver, 1931.

Docket number 5231.

The People versus
Jonathan Ryder.

The charge is m*rder
in the second degree.

How does
the defendant plead?

Not guilty.

The People seek
substantial bail.

- The charge is m*rder.
- So I heard, Mr. Robinette.

Mr. Webber?

- Your Honor, Mr. Ryder
is a well-established...
- I know who he is.

He can afford it.

The usual
travel restrictions.

Paul, Mr. Ryder's mother,
his sister,

they were all playing bridge
the night of the m*rder.

- Alibi witnesses.
- Bridge? Three of them?

I believe a computer made up
the fourth hand.

Is the computer going
to testify, too?

Well, who do you
and Stone have,

the Mormon
Tabernacle Choir?

Anything to avoid it.
I don't want to testify.

A m*rder trial isn't
a matter of personal

My daughter comes home
at 3:00 in the morning.

My son wants to know why
his mother won't talk to me.

They'll turn my life
into tabloid headlines.

- What do you need me for?
- Your affair.

Mr. Ryder's
awareness of it.

What time Mrs. Ryder left
your apartment.

I don't know anything
about the m*rder.

If you cared
for Mrs. Ryder...

I loved her.

I wanted to marry her.

My kids...
I couldn't leave my wife.

She wouldn't survive.

I'm on the board
of six Jewish charities.

I know that
sounds stupid, but...

that's my life.

If you don't testify,
I'll cite you for contempt.

I can't bring her back.

I want to salvage
what's left of my life.

Cite me for contempt.
I'll pay the fine.

My lawyer said
you won't put me in jail.

Mr. Robinette...

we thought it would be
more convenient for you
if you saw us together.

Your lawyer said
you wouldn't see me
any other way.

There must be
some misunderstanding.

I hope we can dispose
of this situation.

Why don't we sit down?

We left Jonathan's house
just after 11:00.

Did you notice the time,
too, Mrs. Dickey?

Jane never wears
a watch.

I've tried to convince her
for years.

You left your brother's house
with your mother?

Jane's staying with me
in the country.

We were so sorry
to hear about Lois.

May I be frank, Mr. Robinette?

I'm very worried
about my son,

as I'm sure your mother
would worry about you.

Jonathan's been accused
of a horrible crime.

I spoke with him
this morning.

He hasn't left
his house in days.

Now that you have our statement,

you'll drop the charges,
won't you?

We are certain
it was 11:00.

My late husband
insisted I be punctual.

I always know
the time.

Think they'll hold up
on the stand?

Paul says the sister's
just like Ryder...

- under his mama's thumb.
- She's convinced her daughter
to commit perjury.

She drove her son
to k*ll his wife.

The paper Ryder asked
his wife to sign.

You wonder why she didn't
take the three million to walk?

- Paragraph seven.
- He wanted her to give up
the kids?

Sure. To them
the mother's disposable.

The children are Ryder's.

She went, they stayed.

- Why didn't Ryder burn this?
- Didn't know we were looking for it.

- We got it from his corporate lawyer.
- They let you have it?

- It's attorney work product.
- No, Ryder wrote that himself.

They can't claim privilege.

Couldn't have got it
from Ryder, anyway.

- Why not?
- You're gonna love this.

His mother said
he was home.

They went to serve
a subpoena on him,

not in the city
or Southampton.

The housekeeper gave me
the limo service.

Dropped him
and the kids at JFK.
Sun Air terminal.


- Ryder has a winter house?
- Two.

Palm Beach, where he isn't,
and Barbados.

- The bail conditions say
he can't leave the country.
- He broke bail.

It looks to me like your client

was fleeing
this jurisdiction.

Mr. Ryder had
no intention of flight,
Your Honor.

He wanted to get
his children away
from the press.

I put people in jail because they don't
have 25 cents for bail.

Mr. Ryder thinks the rules
don't apply to him?

I advised him
it was all right.

- At worst, a technical violation.
- Bad advice.

Very bad advice.

I've got a technical

for your technical

Mr. Ryder likes islands?

I've got one for him.

- This is ridiculous.
- Your Honor.

Bail is revoked.

Ryder in jail
for two months?

His idea
of a rough weekend

is a picnic
with warm champagne.

You think he'll start
blabbing to his cellmate?

By the trial he'll be
a blithering idiot.

- So let's put
an informant in his cell.
- We'll never survive on appeal.

Sixth Amendment right
to counsel.

No, the Supreme Court
is clear.

If the informant doesn't
elicit anything, it's admissible.

Who's available
to send in?

An armed robber,
a rent-gouging landlord.

Both of those are ripe
for deals.

Go with
the armed robber.

Ends up in front
of a jury,

he'll get more sympathy
than a landlord.

I know what you want.
I'll get it.

You will not get it.

You will not ask
Mr. Ryder any questions.

You will not say
good morning.

And if he tries to confess,
I should break out of the cell?

If you mess this up,
you'll be very sorry
you cut a deal with me.

Ryder mentions his wife,
you avert your eyes,
say nothing.

You don't trust me,
you put in a robot

with a tape recorder
in its head.

If I could, I would.

Cashmere fibers in the trunk

matched fibers from the sweater
Mrs. Ryder was wearing beyond any doubt.

Was the pattern of fibers
in the trunk distinctive?

Well, they were spread in a band

about three feet long,
and pulled out at the base,

as if they'd been wrapped
around something heavy and dragged.

Your witness.

Mr. Medill, your report notes
traces of naphthalene.

- What is that?
- Dry cleaning fluid.

This ticket
from the Seaview Cleaners

in Southampton itemizes
clothes removed from storage

two weeks
before Mrs. Ryder died.

Do any of those
listed items match the type

of fiber you found
in the trunk?

There's a pink
cashmere sweater.

This fiber pattern,
could it have been made

by a bundle of clothes
removed from storage,

and put in a trunk
with a pink sweater
on the bottom?

Dry cleaners wrap
their clothes in plastic.

And if the plastic ripped?

- I suppose so.
- You suppose what,
Mr. Medill?

It could be
consistent, yes.

Thank you.

And after Mrs. Ryder left
the hospital,

do you recall
whether she was wearing
any jewelry or not?

There was a pin
on her coat.

She wore it
all the time.

I'm showing you
People's Exhibit Number 12.

- Is this the pin?
- That looks like it, yes.

Thank you.
No further questions.

Ms. Phillips,
does this resemble

the pin Lois Ryder
was wearing?

It's similar.

And this?

Yes, it does.

And the pin
in this photograph?

Your Honor, objection!
Where did he get these?


Excellent question,

If you had those things produced
to create confusion...

The Ryder family had four
nearly identical pins

made in 1931.

The insurance agent that identified
the one Lois Ryder was wearing
made a mistake.

- He'll testify to that.
- This is a very convenient mistake.

- Easy one to make.
- How did that pin end up
in Barbara Ryder's house?

She took it to wear to her
daughter-in-law's funeral.

Mr. Webber,

if you don't back
this up,

you're looking at
a character committee

Objection overruled.

Ms. Phillips,
I ask you again,

are you absolutely certain

which of these pins
Mrs. Ryder was wearing?

I think it was the first one.


Which is the first one?

Hell of a case
of reasonable doubt.

You still think
Ryder's guilty?

Some of that stuff
is bunk.

- The cleaners?
A ripped plastic bag?
- The pins are not bunk.

And the alibi witnesses
are not bunk.

And this is probably
the lousiest staff work
I've ever seen.

You want me to fire somebody?
That make you happy?

The man is arrogant,
he's stupid.

He's going
to get away with it.

That fella you planted,
what's he getting?

Ryder's teaching him
how to play bridge.

How to play bri...

This is People's
Exhibit 12.

Do you recognize it?

It's one of a set
of four pins.

My father had it

What is the history of these four pins?

My daughter has two.

Lois had two.

She was wearing one
when she died.

That one is missing.

I borrowed this one
from Jonathan.

Why did you borrow
your dead daughter-in-law's pin?

I wanted to wear it
to Lois' funeral.

I wanted to have something
of hers near me.

Thank you.

Mrs. Ryder, where were you
when this photo was taken?

At Lois' funeral.

Would you show me
where the pin is?

I can't.

It was high on the left side,
under the collar.

L... you can't see it.

Isn't it true your son
gave you the pin to hide after the funeral,

so the police wouldn't
find it in his house?

No, that is not true.

Isn't it true that this is the pin
Lois Ryder wore when he k*lled her?

If my son had k*lled
Lois, Mr. Stone,

I would be leading
the pack against him.

Lois was a Ryder, too.

- Are we winning?
- Like we won Pearl Harbor.

We have another rowboat
with a peashooter to add to the fleet.

A club in Bridgehampton.

Mrs. Ryder likes
the piano player.

She always requests
"The Girl From lpanema,"

which would annoy him,
but she's a good tipper
after four drinks.

He's pretty sure
she was there the night
of the m*rder.

- Pretty sure?
- That's the good news.

He has no idea
when she walked in.

Could've been 10:00,
when she swears she was
playing games with Johnny.

Or it could've been 12:00,
when Johnny was on his way
not to k*ll his wife.

Great, we put him on the stand
as a rebuttal witness.

If Webber forgets
to cross-examine, we're all set.

But if this plays out,
we won't have to.

Everything's going his way, Adam.
We got to shake him up.

Telling Webber you're going
to indict Mother Ryder for perjury
and accessory

based on the testimony
of a piano player.

I offer to reconsider
if he pleads to manslaughter.

And this piano player
does not remember

when Mrs. Ryder got
to the bar.

She knows
when she got there.

If it was after midnight,
her alibi story holds.

That's the beauty of it.
It only works if she's lying.

All this is to get
Ryder excited.

He's not going to like
the picture of his mother in jail.

Suppose I have a witness
that puts her elsewhere?

Do you or don't you?

Don't do the deal
and find out.

Even at her age,
she'll do time.

You shouldn't be dealing,
you should be apologizing.

I'll consider
manslaughter one for him.

Otherwise, it's accessory
and perjury for her.

They could be in neighboring prisons,
with a joint card room.

Don't wait by the phone.

Ryder won't crack.
34 hours.

Webber's been in
to see Ryder twice.

I know you didn't like it.

If he takes the deal,
I'd say yes.

If he takes the deal,
I'll start buying lottery tickets.

I got to go home.

- Mr. Stone.
- Yeah?

You've got a call from Rikers.
It's Morgan.

What did you guys do,
put angel dust in his caviar?

- What did he say?
- At first, nothing.

A relief.

I had enough bulletins
from the society page.

Then he asked me the longest term
I'd done upstate.

I said a nickel.

He says he might do

You didn't ask
any questions?

I put a magazine
in my mouth.

He gets weepy.

Says mother was right,
he's a total foul-up.

Couldn't k*ll his own wife
without getting Mother sent to jail.

Not bad, huh?

Then he's crying
his brains out.

He starts talking about the bat.

The bat and Alison.

- Who's Alison?
- His little girl.


Says maybe
it's for the best.

How could he face her,

Then he shuts up,
I take the magazine out
of my mouth and call you.

I'm going to set up
a hearing with the judge
on Monday morning.

You tell him exactly
what you told me.

I always tell the truth.

- It's not good.
- Oh, no, please.

Don't tell me
Morgan died.

Bad case
of memory loss.

Says he made it
all up.

- There was no confession.
- Barbara Ryder got to him.

Morgan's wife...

emergency visit
to Rikers yesterday.

You talk to her?

She's done time herself.
She's got a lawyer.

I wonder how much
they paid him to do
another two years.


He gave us Ryder's

He tampered
with a witness!

- Put away your slingshot.
I never talked to Morgan.
- Who visited his wife?

Larry, if you tampered
with a witness,

I will personally appear
at your disbarment hearing.

- Judge, a threat?
In these circumstances?
- Get off of it.

We're off the record.

But I must tell you, Ben,

I don't like jailhouse

They always say they keep
their mouths shut.

I wouldn't have
admitted it anyway.

In that case,
I'd like an order

to examine Ryder's daughter, Alison,
as a potential witness.

An 11-year-old to testify
against her father?

It's indecent.
Not to mention fruit
of the poisonous tree.

If the so-called confession
isn't admissible,

neither is anything
stemming from it.

Come again, Counselor?

He learned about the daughter
from a confession you say doesn't exist.

According to you,
there is no poisonous tree.

He had an informant
in the cell.

US versus Ceccolini.

The Supreme Court
allowed a witness

by an illegal search.

They certainly showed
greater reluctance

to suppress a live witness
than physical evidence.

All right, gentlemen,
this Court is issuing an order.

The People will get
a psychiatric examination
of Mrs. Ryder's daughter.

Thank you, Your Honor.

We were going
to Barbados.

It was after...
after Mommy died.

Craigie, my brother,
he wanted his bat.

It wasn't
in the tool room.

Craig was crying.

Daddy said we lost it
at the beach,

but I didn't think so.

Daddy said we did,

but I saw it after
the summer.

I think I did.

When Mommy left that day,

and told you she was going
to the hospital,

do you remember what pin
she was wearing?

It was mine.

When I grew up.

Mommy always wore
the special one.

How was it special?

I don't know.

She said
it was a secret.

She said she'd tell me

I think she knows
her father k*lled her mother.

- She can't deal with it.
- She's useless as a witness.

She can talk about the bat.

She won't hold up
on the stand.

And the jury will love you.

She said there was
a secret.

Who did Lois Ryder tell
her secrets to?

They bought a witness.

- They committed perjury.
- I've been following the trial.

Do you know anything
about the jewelry she was wearing?

Your lawyer's wrong,
I'll cite you for contempt,
I'll send you to jail.


I'm not sure
that's the worst thing
that could happen to me.

Tell that to me after
you see Jonathan Ryder

at the next hospital

I worked occasionally
on Sunday nights.

My wife accepted that.

In the course
of your affair,

did you ever have
any indication

that Mr. Ryder knew
of his wife's infidelity?

Lois would...
Mrs. Ryder,

she would call
her husband.

She would give him

They were ridiculous.

Two times in a row
she told him she was

going to the Monet exhibit
at the Met.

The Monet exhibit
was already closed.

Did you ever meet
Jonathan Ryder?

I saw him at hospital
fundraising events.

Did he ever indicate
he knew where you lived?

Friedman: Once.

He told me he didn't understand
why a doctor would live
on the West Side.

He said,
"Riverside Drive...

not very safe
over there."

The last time you saw Mrs. Ryder,

do you recall what jewelry
she was wearing?

Her wedding ring,

a necklace,

a bracelet and a pin.

Dr. Friedman,
here are three pins.

Do you recognize
any of them?

That's the one
that Lois was wearing.

Let the record indicate

that he identified
People's Exhibit 12.

Let the record
so indicate.

Why did you pick
that one?

Mr. Ryder's grandfather
had four of them made.

This one was for his daughter,
Jonathan's mother.

She told Jonathan
it would be for his wife...

before he married Lois.

But how did you
identify it?

The initial "B"

is etched into
one of the leaves.

When Lois got married,

she asked Jonathan

to have an "L" etched
in opposite it.

"L" for Lois.

She waited two years.

She finally
had it done herself.

Her mother-in-law
never knew about it.

Lois always...

Lois always wanted
to add an "A"

for when her daughter
would wear it.

Thank you. No further questions.

On the sole count
of the indictment,

the charge of m*rder
in the second degree,

how does the jury find?

We find the defendant

(scattered applause)

I had a call
from a lawyer representing
Dr. Friedman's wife.

She filed for divorce.

Wants copies of anything
her husband said to us.

Another generation
of Ryders.

God help 'em.

(theme music plays)
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