01x10 - Every Boy Does It Once

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Brady Bunch". Aired: September 1969 to March 1974.*
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A woman with three daughters marries a widower with three sons.
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01x10 - Every Boy Does It Once

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Here's the story ♪

♪ Of a lovely lady ♪

♪ Who was bringing up
three very lovely girls ♪

♪ All of them had hair of gold ♪

♪ Like their mother ♪

♪ The youngest one in curls ♪

♪ It's the story of a
man named Brady ♪

♪ Who was busy with
three boys of his own ♪

♪ They were four
men living all together ♪

♪ Yet they were all alone ♪

♪ Till the one day when
the lady met this fellow ♪

♪ And they knew that it was
much more than a hunch ♪

♪ That this group must
somehow form a family ♪

♪ That's the way they all
became the Brady bunch ♪

♪ The Brady bunch ♪

♪ The Brady bunch ♪

♪ That's the way they became ♪

♪ The Brady bunch. ♪

And so, Cinderella
lived happily ever after,

in spite of her mean stepmother

and all the terrible things her
mean stepmother made her do,

like cleaning the chimney
and sweeping out the fireplace.

Now, next week,
boys and girls...

Who cares?

Why did you turn it off?

Maybe it wasn't
over about Cinderella.

When they talk about
next week it's over.

I loved Cinderella.

Didn't you?


Why not?

The whole thing about
that mean stepmother...

Boy, they can be mean.

You're lucky, on account
of having my mother

for your stepmother.

She's not mean.

So far.

Well, I'm not worried,
and I got a stepfather.

Whoever heard of
a mean stepfather?

It's only the mother
who's famous for mean.

Now, do you think my
mother would ever do

all the rotten things
Cinderella's stepmother did?

No, I guess not.

Bobby, dear, would
you do me a favor...

Save Alice some work

and clean out the fireplace?

Now, I think if we can just

shorten these sleeves a bit

that'll eliminate the rips.

This was Greg's.

Oh, I know, dear,
but it'll look beautiful.

It'll still be Greg's.

No, it won't... it'll be yours.

Wait till you see

what your mother does with it.

In the store, everything's new.

In the store,
everything costs money.

Hey, wait till you see

how I fix the knees
of Peter's pants...

Leather patches,
just like hunters wear.

They'll still be hand-me-downs.

Oh, is that what's
stuck in your craw?


What's a craw?

It's just an expression.

It means, "what's
bothering you?"

They'll look brand-new, Bobby.

How come Greg
and Peter aren't here

getting hand-me-downs?

They're over at Gordy's house.

They didn't even say good-bye.

Well, you were watching a
television show with Cindy.

They could have said good-bye

during the commercial.

You're right, sweetheart.

They should have said good-bye.

Hey, how about trying on

these pants with
this shirt, okay?

Go ahead.

I wonder why Bobby
seems so upset this evening.

Well, maybe something
happened at school.

Okay, which one
of Marcia's sweaters

do I end up with this year?

Give her my blue one.

Your blue one's faded.

We'll dip it... peacock blue.

It'll be gorgeous.


Give her my green one.

I'll keep the blue one.

You girls let your
mother work it out.

How about yours, Mom?

When am I going

to start getting your sweaters?

Oh, a little later, dear...

After you've filled out a bit.

Mother, may I remind you

there's a male in the room!

Oh, I didn't hear
a word you said.

Then how come you answered?

Kids these days are
just too darn smart.

After we finish, can
we go to the movies

with Nancy and Carla Dittmeyer?

Their dad's going to go there

and pick them up and
then drive them home.

Well, I suppose so.

It is Friday night.

Okay, dear?

What kind of movie?

It's one that's rated

"acceptable for children."

It must have been
made before 1950.

As soon as the movie's
over we'll come home.


You guys going to the movies?

Hi and bye, small-fry.

See you later.

Can't I go, too?

Sweetheart, you're too young

to stay up so late.

When you're older...

Besides, we couldn't take you

looking like that.

Of course not... Who'd
look at the screen?

Hey, those pants are great.

I don't need this
mop if you promise

to slide around
the floor for a while.

You're making fun of me, too.

I wouldn't make fun of you.

I was just kidding.

I didn't think that was funny.

Well, even Bob Hope
misses once in a while.

Just a minute, sweetie.

What's the matter?

I got something in my craw.

Your craw?

Well, that's what Dad says.

Well, whatever it
is, you can tell me.

After all, I've known you

since the day you were born.

Say, that's right, Alice.

You're my real housekeeper

and you're only a
step-housekeeper to them.


The girls... You're
their step-housekeeper

and nobody likes steps
as good as they like

the real ones.

You're coming through, but
it's not making much sense.

It's like stepmothers...

They like their own
kids better than steps

don't they?

Where'd you ever
get an idea like that?

A stepmother can
love her new children

just as much as
she does her own.

So can step-housekeepers.


Cinderella's stepmother
was real mean.

I saw it on television
with my own eyes.

Hi, Dad.


Whatcha doing?

Well, I'm fixing Cindy's cradle

before her doll
wants to take a nap.

You said you'd fix my bike.

Oh, yeah.

Well, I will, Bob.

That's kind of a big job.

I'll do that, um... Saturday.

Do that tomorrow.

Oh, don't worry.

You're trusty steed will be
riding the range again, partner.

Bobby, you having
trouble in school?


Chester Brown
picking on you again?


He doesn't pick on me anymore.

Not since I told him my father
was twice as big as his father.

Here, shake.

Well, I tell you, they don't make
cradles the way they used to.



Are fairy tales
ever really real?

No, of course not.

Not really real at all?

Well, there might have been
some truth to them at one time

and then somebody
took that one true little part

made a big fairy tale out of it.

You mean like
Cinderella's stepmother

could have been a living
person and been rotten and mean

and somebody made up the
pumpkin and the glass slipper

and the fairy godmother
and all that other junk?

Yeah, something like that.

I'm afraid that story's really
given stepmothers a bad name.

You take your
mother, for instance.

She loves you boys

as much as she loves
her own daughters.

Are you sure?

What do you mean am I sure?

Sure I'm sure.

Your mother and I
have six children now

and we love them all the same.

And you think that's what's
been bothering Bobby?

Well, he told me
he'd seen Cinderella

on television tonight.

He's all shook up
about stepmothers.

Oh, but that's silly, Alice.

Bobby knows I love him.

Mrs. Brady, you know

kids get the strangest
ideas in their heads.

Anyone would think
you'd asked him

to sweep out the
fireplace lately.

Oh, Alice...


is that meeting very
important tonight?

Well, every meeting
is important, honey.

More important than Bobby?

What kind of a question is that?

Honey, please be
late for the meeting.

What's this all about?

I think I know what's
bothering Bobby.

What's more, I think I have
a solution to the problem.

What does this have
to do with my meeting?

I want you to go

to the bicycle shop with me now.

It's open late Fridays,

and we can give the
bike to Bobby tonight.

Before his birthday?

Because of Cinderella.

Cinderella... everybody's
talking about Cinderella.

I'll explain on the way.

Remember, not a word to anyone.

We'll surprise Bobby.

Then you'll go
on to the meeting.

The heck with the meeting.

If it's that important to Bobby,

they can get along without me.

Want a glass of milk?


An apple?


What did you look
in the refrigerator for?


Sure is quiet around here.

Hey, you know why
it's quiet around here?

Because there isn't any noise.

Nothing like a lack of
noise to make it quiet.

Did Dad go to his meeting?

I don't know... I guess so.

Hey, you know what
kind of cookies we've got?

Your favorite.

The marshmallow kind
covered with chocolate...

Where's Mom?

You really love these, Bobby.

Isn't Mom here either?

Well, she had to go
out for a little while.

You mean, nobody's here?

Well, what do I look
like, the invisible woman?

Everybody went out and
nobody said good-bye.

Well, maybe you were
busy when they left.

I wasn't too busy
to say good-bye.

That's only one word, or maybe
two words... I keep forgetting.

Your mother will be
back in a little while.

Where did she go?

I don't know exactly.

Come on, Tiger.

You're the only one around
here who cares about me.

Hey, hey, hey, hey... come here.

Believe me, sweetheart

you're getting yourself
all upset about nothing.

Everybody in this
house loves you...

Your mother, your father

your brothers, your
sisters and Alice.

We all love you.

When everybody leaves
and nobody says good-bye

that ain't love.

Come on, Tiger.

You still like me.

I'll show them.

I'm not going to stay
where I'm not wanted.

I'm going to run away.

That's what I'm going
to do... run away.

Hi, what you doing?


Greg home, too?

Yeah, he's downstairs
watching TV.

You seen my bubblegum?


I'm only taking things
from my drawer.

Taking things for what?

It's a secret.

That's your suitcase.

I know it.

I'm packing my things.

What for?

I told you, it's a secret.

I can't tell anybody.

I'm not anybody.

I'm your brother.

Well... I won't
tell anyone else.

I can keep my
mouth shut... look!

Okay... I'm going to run away.


Did you ask Dad?

If you ask, you're
not running away.


Where you going to go?

To a place nobody knows about.

Not even me.

How long will you be gone?

Maybe all my life.

Maybe longer.

Maybe we ought to
tell Greg about this.

You said you
wouldn't tell anybody.

Okay, I won't tell anybody.

I'm sorry.

I won't tell anybody.

Won't tell what?

I told you, I can't tell you.

I promised Bobby.

The only reason he told
me is because I'm his brother.

Well, so am I, dummy!

Hey, yeah... that's right.

Now, if he can tell you

then you can tell me.

Bobby's going to
run away from home.

Run away?

For real?

He's upstairs packing.

For real.

But we can't let him.

How can we stop
him if nobody knows?

We'll have to
think of something.



orange juice...

Hi, Alice.

Hi, Greg.

You kids should have
your own supermarket.

We need more eggs,
more cheese... more milk.

I better start ordering
an extra quart.

Well, you'll have plenty
of milk after tomorrow.

After tomorrow...

what's that supposed to mean?

Oh, nothing.

I have this teeny tiny feeling

you're trying not to
tell me something.

It's a secret.

A secret I can't tell
anybody in the world.

Well, those are the only kind
worth listening to... proceed.

Sorry, I can't tell you, Alice.

Not exactly.

Beat around the bush a little.

If I figure it out for myself

then you're not giving
away the secret, right?


One of the kids in this
family, who shall be nameless

is going to run away from home.

And it's not me or Peter

or Marcia or Jan or Cindy.

Marcia, Jan, Cindy,
Greg, Peter, Bobby!

Bobby is going to
run away from home?

I didn't say... I was just
beating around the bush.

Your mom and dad,
I've got to tell them.

Don't forget,
Alice, it's a secret.

That's okay... everybody
knows I can't keep a secret.

That's what I was counting on.

I wonder where your folks went.

I'll try the Steven's.

Well, what do you think, honey?

Do you like it?

Mm, yeah...
especially the color.

With his eyes!

And with a few little extras...

What kind of extras?

Oh, for instance, a license
with the kid's name on it.

For a buck.

Well, wonderful idea!

That's good.

What's his name?


Well, thanks anyway,
Mrs. Korngold.

I thought they might have
gone to your place for a bit.

I'll try the Merediths.


Is it a beaut or is it a beaut?

I'd say it's a beaut.

Now the only thing left

are side-view mirrors.

Side-view mirrors!

That'll complete the picture.

Believe me, folks

a kid who gets a bike like this

will go absolutely wild.

Take my word.

Whoever gives it to him
will win him over for life.

Win him over?


I know exactly
what you're thinking.

This is bribery.


We can't give that
bike to Bobby now.

Maybe later for his birthday,

but not to win his love.

Let's go.

H-hey... what about the bike?

Hold it for us.

We'll be back in about a month.

The name is Brady.

Bye, and thanks for
those magic words.

Magic words?

Hello, Mrs.
Feiffer, this is Alice.

Are Mr. And Mrs. Brady there?

Oh, they didn't tell me
where they were going.

I wanted to ask them something.

Thanks all the same.

Is Bobby still packing?

He just switched
to a bigger suitcase.

Yeah, mine.

Try to keep an eye on him.

I got to find your
folks before he leaves.

Thank heavens, they're home.

You two wait here.

If somebody has to squeal

I don't want it to
be his brothers.

Thanks, Alice.

Hi, Mr. And Mrs. Brady.

Hi, Alice.

Hi, everything all right?

Oh, yes, everything's
fine, peachy keen.

With one tiny possible
little exception.

Something's wrong.

Nobody's hurt
or sick, but, uh...

But what?

One of your little chickadees
is about to fly the coop.

Fly the...?

Take it on the lam,
hit the road... Bobby.

Without mentioning
any names, yes.

Oh, Mike... Where's Bobby now?

According to reliable sources

he's upstairs packing.

I've been phoning
you all over town.

Thanks, Alice.

I think we better
go right up to him.

Let's be careful
how we handle this.

I think you ought
to talk to him first.

And then?

I have an idea.

As soon as I get settled
somewhere, I'll send for you.

I'd like to take you now,
Tiger, but I can't carry all this

and hold on to your leash, too.

Hi, Bobby.

Oh... hi, Dad.

Am I interrupting something?

In a way.

Before you got back
I wanted to be gone.


You're going somewhere, are you?

Well, yeah... I'm
kind of running away.


I see...


Lots of reasons.

I'd tell you, but
it's getting late

and I'd better be going.

Don't you like it here anymore?

No, sir, not as
much as I used to.

Well, don't worry about it.

You know when a person
isn't happy where he is

he has every right
to look for a place

where he can be happier.

You know what beats me
is how very wrong we were.

We all love you...

and we thought
you loved us, too.

Oh, I do.

It's just... well, I
better be going.

Yes... Here, I'll,
uh... give you a hand.

You're going to let me go?


Well, if that's what
you really want.

You will write, of course,
and keep in touch, won't you?

Sure. Soon as I
know where I'll be.

What about money?

I got $9.86.

Well... a lot of famous men
started out with less than that.

Of course, you'll get
more when you go to work.


You can't keep
running all the time.

You're going to have
to stop and go to work.

What can you do, Bob?


I can finger-paint
and glue things.

Well, I guess with
that kind of experience

you can find an
opening someplace.

Lots of luck.

I thought you'd be mad.

Why? Would you
want me to stay around

if I didn't want to?

You have to.

You're the father.

That's very true

but I don't want any son of mine

staying when he doesn't want to.

Bye, Dad.

I'll walk you down.

Good-bye, son.

Good-bye, dad.

Mom... I heard you were leaving.


Well, why don't you let me take

the big suitcase and
you can carry mine?

Where are you going?

Well, I'm not going to
let you go away alone.

That's a big world out there.

I'm going with you.

What about the other kids?

You going to leave them?

Your father can
take care of them

unless... you don't
want me to go with you.

Mom, would you
really go with me?

Really, Bobby.

Nobody said good-bye
to me or anything

and I didn't think
anybody cared.

Oh, sweetheart, everybody cares.

And I'll bet you
your baseball cards

you can't guess
who cares the most.


Even though I'm only a step?

Listen, the only
steps in this house

are those...

The ones that lead
up to your bedroom.

So how about marching
right back up there?

Hey, Dad!

Mom and me are back home again.

Good, because that's
where you both belong.

Isn't it wonderful, Mike?

Talk about a happy ending.

Yeah, Bobby went to
sleep as happy as a bird.

Darn that Cinderella anyway.

You know that's what
started all the trouble.

Maybe we should
write a nasty letter

to the fairy-tale control board.

Well, thank goodness

the other fairy
tales aren't like that.

Good night, dear.

Good night, honey.

Mommy, Daddy.

Cindy, what's wrong?

What's the matter, sweetheart?

It's Henry.


That bullfrog I found today.

I've kissed him twice already

and he still hasn't
changed into a prince.

He's just a plain old bullfrog.

Oh, sweetheart...
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