01x03 - Eenie, Meenie, Mommy, Daddy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Brady Bunch". Aired: September 1969 to March 1974.*
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A woman with three daughters marries a widower with three sons.
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01x03 - Eenie, Meenie, Mommy, Daddy

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Here's the story
of a lovely lady ♪

♪ Who was bringing up
three very lovely girls ♪

♪ All of them had hair of gold ♪

♪ Like their mother ♪

♪ The youngest one in curls ♪

♪ It's the story of a
man named Brady ♪

♪ Who was busy with
three boys of his own ♪

♪ They were four
men living all together ♪

♪ Yet they were all alone ♪

♪ Till the one day when ♪

♪ The lady met this fellow ♪

♪ And they knew that it was ♪

♪ Much more than a hunch ♪

♪ That this group ♪

♪ Must somehow form a family ♪

♪ That's the way they all ♪

♪ Became the Brady Bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch ♪

♪ That's the way they became ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch. ♪

I got it! I got it!

Mary Ditmeyer thought
she'd win, but she didn't!

I got it!

Oh, Cindy, be careful.

I got it! I got it!

What'd she get?

Something Mary Ditmeyer didn't.

I hope it isn't mumps
or chicken pox.

Cindy, what'd you get?

Oh, Mommy, the fairy princess.

You got it!

The school play...
You got the lead!

Oh, Cindy, I'm so pleased!

I'm pleased, too.

As long as it isn't
mumps or chicken pox,

I can finish making dinner.

Oh, sweetheart, you'll be
a marvelous fairy princess.

Hi, there.

How are my girls?

Oh, it's Daddy.

You know what? You know what?


I'm the fairy princess

and I get to fly and marry
a prince and everything.

Terrific! That's great, punkin.

And I'm going to get
the most applause

'cause I got the most family.

Oh, you sure do.

She fell asleep like that.

Oh, she's been
studying her script.

Aw, she's really
excited about that play.

Yeah, Mike... you
want to carry her over?

Oh, my Prince Victor.

Oh, dear Prince Victor...

Boy, Cindy sure is hung
up on that old Prince Victor.



Poor Victor.


Oh, poor Prince Victor.

I shall never see him again.

Honey, what's going on?

Please, Daddy.

Don't interrupt my hearsal.


That's actor talk.

Darling, that's "rehearsal."

Would you like me
to read with you?

Okay. You be the fairy queen.


"The wicked witch
is afraid of daylight.

"If you crow like a rooster

she will think the
sun is coming up."

"Like this, fairy queen...

No, Cindy, crow
like a real rooster.

Hey, that's great.

If you crowed any
better, you'd lay an egg.

Oh, Daddy.

Roosters crow; hens lay eggs.

Oh, I forgot.

Oh, this is a good part.

I remember this
when I was in school.

Hey, listen why
can't I be in this?

There's no good
part for you, Daddy.

The wicked witch has
cast a spell on Prince Victor.

Spells can be broken.

I was very good
in dramatics, too.

Can you teach me to
break a spell, fairy queen?

Perhaps I forgot to mention I
was in the college drama club.

Cindy, for heaven's
sake, give the man a part.

But there isn't anything
for Daddy to do.

Well, how about Prince Victor?

Can't I play Prince Victor?

You really want
to be Prince Victor?


Okay. You come over here.

This I got to see.


Now, what do I do?

You get down on
your hands and knees.


Now, what do I say?

Nothing. You just keep croaking.


Prince Victor's a bullfrog.

You wanted to be
in show business.

You see,

the wicked witch has
cast a spell on you.

That's why you're a bullfrog.

Okay, okay.

You got to croak now.

I don't think I
know how to croak.

Oh, do the best you can.

Well, um, let's see... oh.

Ribbit, ribbit.

That's good.

Are you sure
that's Prince Victor?


We must find a way
to undo the spell.

Croak again, Daddy.

Oh, yeah.

Ribbit, ribbit.

Ribbit, ribbit.

Mike, Mike, Mike...

Mike, what are you doing?

What us frogs do best.

"Dear cousin, do
not eat that apple.

The wicked witch
has..." What's this word?



"The wicked witch
has poisoned it."

You're just saying
the words, Cindy.

Well, I have to, don't I?

You have to live your part.

That's what Stanley
Slavsky says.


Stanley Slavsky.

That's Stanislavsky, dumbbell.

I saw it in the encyclopedia.

Anyway, he was the greatest
drama teacher there ever was.

He said to be a great
artist, you must suffer.

How do you suffer?

I'll show you. Keep reading.


"Fairy cousin,

"that apple was meant for me.

You ate it to save my life."

"Cousin, dear cousin,
are you dying?"

Jan, are you okay?

I'm suffering.



Hey, if I'm the star,

how come she's
getting all the applause?

Okay, Herman, you can
stretch your legs now.

Go take a walk. Go on.

Hey, could I play?

Sure. Be the batter.

Come on.

Put it in here.

Strike one.

"Never mind.

"The fairy queen will save you.

"She can do anything.

"Let me call her.

"I will fly to get her for you.

"It's easy for fairies to fly.

"You just think lovely
thoughts and flap your wings

and fly!"


I'm okay.

Yeah, but you almost
squooshed Herman!

I'm sorry.

I was hearsing my part.

You were hearsing your part?

I'm the fairy princess.

I have to fly.

Boy, that's neat.

You get to be hung
up on wires and stuff.

You're not gonna
be scared, are you?

Course not.

How do they hang me up?

Want us to show you?

We don't have any wires.

We can use the clothesline.

That's a good idea.

We'll show you how.

Come on, Bobby.
You bring those boxes.

Peter, you give me your belt.

Boy, this is going to be fun.

Won't be scared, sure? Are you?

Cindy, come here.

All set down there, Bobby?

Just about.

Hurry up, you guys.

It's getting heavy under here.

There. How's that feel, Cindy?


You'll be perfectly safe.

These are real strong belts.

Come on, you guys.

Let's get rid of these boxes.


And now, fairy princess

we will show you the
wonders of space flight.

I'm not flying.

I'm just hanging here.

Pilot to copilot.

Ready for takeoff.


Now you're flying.

Hey, make me go the other way!

Okay. Having fun?


What a cast.

60 kids giving a band concert

followed by the fairy princess
with 26 speaking parts.

I know.

How can we fit the
families of 86 children

into this auditorium?

We can't even
seat all the parents.

What'll we do?

Settle it
democratically, I guess.

We'll have to limit each cast
member to only one ticket.

Each child can
decide for himself

which member of
his family to ask.

No, I'm sorry, Mrs.
Engstrom, Mrs. Brady is out.

Can I take a message?

Yeah, I see.

Well, I thought I'd better phone

and explain the situation
about the seating.

I understand... just one ticket.

The children can bring the other
parent to the next production.

Go faster, Greg!


Hey, Daddy wants to
know where you guys are.

Oh, my gosh!

We almost forgot
about that game!

Hey, wait for me!

Someone, let me down!

Alice, Alice!

Let me down!

Alice, let me down!

Cindy! For Pete's sake,

what are you doing up there?


I can see that.

I was flying, but they all
went off and forgot me.

Well, I'll get you down, honey.

Aw, gee! Sorry, Cindy.

We almost forgot about you.

That's okay.

Besides, our pants
were falling down.

Come on, fellas.
Help me get her down.

Here, I'll get this
back one first.

All right, that's one.

Let's get this one.

Okay, fellas, let her down.

You okay, Cindy?


Let's go.

Boy, that was fun!

Wait till you see me
in The Fairy Princess!

Oh, well... Let's go
inside, sweetheart.

I think we ought
to have a little talk.

You mean I can
only ask one person

to see me in the play?

I'm afraid so, honey.

Which one... Mommy or Daddy?

Well, that's up to you.

But I want them both!

Well, according
to Mrs. Engstrom,

you can't have them both, honey.

Not this time.

But whenever there's
things at school,

my mommy always comes.

Then ask her.

But I want all the kids
to see my new daddy.

Then ask him.

But they won't know
he's my new daddy

if he's not with my old mommy.

There's no sense you worrying
yourself about this, sweetheart.

What do you say
we leave it up to luck?


Okay... there.

One's for Mom; one's for Dad.

Now, you get

the pin-the-tail-
on-the-donkey game...

Got a blindfold here...
Here we go, honey.

Now, let's just get this
so you cannot see a thing.

Can you see anything, hon?


All right, 'round
you go and... go.

Look who gets to go.


Let me get another tail.

Hey, that's neato.

I wonder if this wand
is too long for Cindy?

Let's see.

I don't know.

You try it, Bobby.

Hey, this isn't a real
magic wand, is it?

Oh, sure it is.

Try some magic.

Aw, you're putting me on.

Go ahead, try it.

What do you got to lose?

Well, okay.

Robert Brady, you are now

an astronaut on the moon.

Oh, I knew it wouldn't work.

Magic wands are
only in fairy tales.

Like the play Cindy's in.

Will you guys do
something for us?

Oh, sure. What's up?

Jan and I each made a
pair of wings for Cindy,

and we want to find
out which one is best.

Okay, bring them in. Okay.

Let's add some more sparkles.

We really want
Cindy's wand to shine.

Like the floor?

I thought we told you
to put newspapers down.

You never said what for.

For extra sparkles, stupid.

Boy, I get blamed
for everything.

Even extra sparkles.


Which one is better?

Which one?

She made hers
for a 47-foot fairy.

They're not that big.

Well, what do you think?

Well, they're too
big for a butterfly.

Cindy is not
playing a butterfly.

She's playing a fairy
princess with wings,

and I say that these
wings are perfect.

And I think they're too big.

How do you know?

How do I know what?

How big a fairy's wings are?

Have you ever seen a fairy?

I've seen a butterfly.

Look, I carefully
cut out these wings,

according to the directions.

Then how come yours are bigger?

Because I made
my own directions.

I want everybody in the
audience to notice Cindy.

They'll notice her anyway.

Little Cindy looks like a fairy
princess, even without wings.

I can't wait to see
her in the play.

Neither can I.

I bet Mom and Dad
will be real proud of her.

I learned how to
whistle through my teeth.

Boy, am I going
to cheer for Cindy.

I bet I can clap
louder than anybody.

I'll bet she'll have the
best audience of all.



Yes, Mommy?

Would you stand over here, dear?


What you doing?

Oh, I'm trying to decide

which color to use
for your costume.

Mommy, when you have to
decide between two things,

how do you know which is right?

Well, you don't always.

Sometimes you have
to use your intuition.

What's that?

It's a little voice inside you

that tells you what to do.

Well, who tells
the little voice?

A big voice, I guess.

Suppose it tells you

to do two different
things at the same time?

Well, then, my love,
you've got a problem.



I was thinking.

Maybe the play isn't
going to be so good.

And you don't even have
to come if you don't want to.

Don't want to?

Oh, darling, wild horses
couldn't keep me away.

Hiya, punkin.

How are rehearsals coming?


It's just a dumb
old play, anyway.

"Dumb old play"?

You can't talk like
that to Prince Victor.

Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit.

It is a dumb old play.

Honey, what's the matter?

Yesterday, you were
jumping around here.

Are the boys giving
you a rough time?

'Cause you tell me if they are.

I want to know.

It's not that.

I don't think the play
is a big deal anymore.

And you don't even have to come,

if you don't want to.

Don't want to?

Oh, sweetheart, I
wouldn't miss that

for anything in the world.

Now, you run along and play,

and I'll see you later.

Oh, hi, Cindy.

Hi. What were you doing?


Just trying to
see how'd I'd look

with Faye Dunaway's nose.

What's up?

Promise you won't tell?


Well, I can only
invite one person

to see me in the play.

Only one ticket?

That's all.

And I don't know
who to give it to.

Well, what's the problem?

You have to ask Daddy
or you'll hurt his feelings.

Mom will understand.

But what about Mommy's feelings?

She doesn't even
care about wild horses.

Cindy, you just don't
understand about adjustments.


Sit down.

We're all going
through adjustments.

You see, Mom and
Dad and all the kids.

You have to try hard to remember

how the other guy feels.

I know how the other guy feels.

She wants to come
to the play, too.

Listen, Cindy, you have
to invite our new daddy

or you'll mess
up his adjustment.

Are you sure?

If you don't believe
me, ask Greg.


Cindy, don't you
know how to knock?

Yes, but the door wasn't closed.

Well, you shouldn't
sneak up on people.

I wasn't sneaking.

You just didn't see me
'cause you were looking

at your muscle.

Is it getting bigger?

Never mind that.

What did you want?

Well, I can only
invite one person

to see me in the play.

And Marcia says
I better ask Daddy

or I'll mess up his justment.

Is that right?



Don't you know ladies cry

and get all uptight over junk

like seeing their kids in plays?

You better ask Mom

'cause, if you hurt her
feelings and make her cry,

Dad'll get mad.

Honey, did you
notice anything strange

about Cindy today?

Well, she's a little
nervous about the play.

Yeah, I guess that's it.

She ran the strangest dialogue
past me a few minutes ago.

She did the same
thing to me, too.

Anyone offering a trip to
Europe for the right answer?

Huh. Parents are
always the last to know.

I feel like a fink.

I promised her I wouldn't tell,

'cause she wants to
make up her own mind.

About what?

Mrs. Engstrom
called from school.

She said that each kid
could only invite one parent

to the play.

Oh, poor baby.

I promised her, but I
thought you ought to know.

Poor baby.

Eenie, meenie, Mommy, Daddy.

Eenie, meenie, Mommy, Daddy.


Wish I was never
in that dumb old play.

All right, now, children,
let's get ready for rehearsal.

You stand over here, dear.

That's fine.

And you right over here.

No, no. Not behind his head.

Now, you right over here.

Mrs. Engstrom...

Oh, Cindy... why
are you limping?

I was playing tag
with my brothers,

and I twisted my left ankle.

So I guess I can't
be the fairy princess.

Oh, the play isn't for two days.

Your ankle should
be better by then.

No, I think it'll get worse.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Engstrom.

Mary Ditmeyer can do it.

And she won't mess
up any justments.

Cindy, I thought you said

you twisted your left ankle.

I did.

Then why are you limping
on your other ankle?

I think they both hurt now.



Cindy hardly touched
her dinner tonight.

I know.

You think we ought to let
her stew about this any longer?

I don't know.

It's such a big
problem for a little girl.

Maybe we should... I'll get it.


Oh, hi, Mrs. Engstrom.

She what?

Oh, I see.

No, you were right. She didn't.

We'll get back to you.

Thanks for calling.

Mike, Cindy told Mrs.
Engstrom she sprained her ankle.

She dropped out of the play.

Well, no wonder she couldn't
eat and she went right to her room.

Oh, Mike, she was so
thrilled about doing that play.

Relax, honey.

I'm going to straighten
out things right now.

It's just a dumb
old play anyway.

Nobody can turn a
prince into a bullfrog.

Hi, sweetheart.

Oh, hi, Daddy.

Punkin, tell me something.

Would you be very upset

if I didn't come
to see your play?

Well, why, Daddy?

Well, suppose that I
had a business meeting

that night out of town.

Out of town?

Would it be all right
with you if I went to that

instead of your play?

Oh, boy!

That's sure too bad!

That's awful, Daddy!

Where are you going?

I have to call Mrs. Engstrom.

I have to talk to her before
she talks to Mary Ditmeyer.

Fairy princess?

Have you seen
the fairy princess,

Mr. Tree?

Have you seen the
fairy princess, Mr. Rock?

Have you seen the
fairy princess, Mr. Bird?

Oh, I hope the wicked witch

hasn't cast an evil
spell on the, um...

Fairy princess.

Fairy princess.

Fairy princess, where are you?

Oh, my. That's your cue, Cindy.

Here I am, Mr. Elf.

I'm so glad

Cindy's father explained
her very special problem.

So am I. I guess children
don't understand sometime

it's possible to
bend the rules a bit.

It was very nice of the children

to give this special

It's been an
exciting day, Cindy.

I'm glad you're
going to bed early.

We thought you were a
very good fairy princess.

Maybe I can get a
part in the next play.

I hope so, sweetheart.

Good night.

Good night, honey.

Oh, no!

What's the matter, sweetie?

If I get a part
in the next play,

maybe I'll only get
one ticket again.

Should I ask my mommy
or my daddy or what?

Good night, Cindy.

Good night, sweetie.
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