01x15 - The Torrents of Greed Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order". Aired: September 1990 to May 2010.*
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Detectives and prosecutors work to solve crimes and convict perpetrators.
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01x15 - The Torrents of Greed Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator:. In the criminal justice
system, the people are represented

by two separate yet
equally important groups-

the police
who investigate crime,

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

Here you go.


It's up to 26 mill
this week.

They're selling 10, 000
tickets a minute,

and today, Isaac picks
to oversleep.

You forgot the milk.
Yeah, yeah, right.

Oh, look at that,
will you?

You know, Isaac's
never been this late.

They should've never
traded this guy.

He damn near led the league
last year in Philly.

He couldn't hit
lefties in Shea.

I'm gonna go
check this out.

Maybe Isaac's in there, he just
forgot to turn on the lights.


Corner of 12th and Elizabeth!
we got an EMU!

we need an EMU
here immediately!

Back door's open.


Anyone coming in
or going out?

Not through
the front door, no.

How close were
you looking?

we were waiting right outside
for him to open.

Place was locked up.

Cash register's clean.

His name's Isaac-
Solnick- Skolnick.

Real nice guy.

Hell of
a "welcome to America. "

Doctor:. An acute
subdural hematoma.

That's bleeding
around the brain.

The pressure gets
built up. Fatal?

Eh, five to two against.

Then again,
I bet heavy on Oakland.

We'll have to drill holes
to make sure it doesn't go pop.

when will Mr. Skolnick
be able to talk to us?

Couple to three days
if we're lucky.

I'm doing another
CAT scan this afternoon.

If we're unlucky?

Intercrainial damage,
brain edema, spastic hemiplegia.


Every morning
around 5:30.

Logan: What about this
morning? Same as usual.

Look, I don't even
know the guy.

He's still closed when I
get there in the morning.

Leave the papers out front.
Que sera, sera.

Did you see anything unusual in
the neighborhood this morning?

It's Greenwich Village, man.
You tell me.

Like, junkies for instance?

Nah, they're
over on 10th.

I toss those papers
and I haul ass.

You know,
come to think of it,

there's usually this weirdo
hanging out outside the store.

He sleeps out on the subway
grating over on the comer.

Real scuzzy, you know what
I mean? And loony tunes.

wears this ripped up army
jacket with a blue watch cap.

Looks like he's stoned
all the time.

There is no fire
like passion.

There is no shark
like hatred.

There is no snare
like folly.

There is no torrent
like greed.

Look Mr. Hoover,
you had $112 in your pocket.

Either business was real good
or you did something real nasty.

Sergeant Greevey?


Meg Hennessey,
Homeless Defense League.

I'm sure you read
Mr. Hoover his rights.

Mr. Hoover's
not under arrest.

He willingly agreed to help us
with our investigation.

From now on,
you'll keep quiet, Edgar.

Edgar Hoover.

My client has spent
six years in an institution.

Oh, well, he's cured.

There is no way he could be charged
with any crime let alone serve any time.

I'm sure you gentlemen are familiar
with the word "incompetent. "

Yeah, well,
from where I sit

he's competent enough to do
31?3-to-10 years.

Isaac was a capitalist.


But he couldn't
help himself.

He had a good heart.
He gave me cigarettes.

And 112 bucks?
Don't answer that, Edgar.

Men have done time for less,
Miss Hennessey.

He was already down.

And you helped yourself
to the money?

Fast forward,

I've seen this before.


look at him.
Look at me.

Isaac had six inches
and 60 pounds on me.

If I'd tried anything I'd be
the one with tubes up my nose.

I saw a guy come out
the back in the alley.

Mean looking.
Fancy suit.

Like Donald Trump.

Could you
recognize him?

His face is etched
right here.

Let me ask you something,

if you liked Isaac so much,
why'd you clean his register?

Didn't look like
he was gonna need it.

So all we got
is the wacko?

Our guy lets
the perp in...

he does his business without
even peeking into the register.

Maybe he was a rookie.
Maybe he forgot.

Maybe he was
after something else.

And maybe he wasn't, Max.
This is New York, remember?

Sometimes people get beat up
just for the hell of it.

Sometimes they even
get dead.

It's a fact of life.
It's not always a conspiracy.

All I'm saying is that
- Logan: I just got a nibble.

A guy named Akbar,
he's an Indian.

Owned a candy store
down on 14th.

Two weeks ago,
he's beat to a pulp.

Get this,
no robbery

no witnesses,
no arrests.

Okay. Once, it's part
of the freak show.

Twice, maybe it's
a little more organized.

MO- brutal.

Could be gangs.

westies, Koreans,
Russians, Vietnamese, no.

The guy was wearing
a suit, remember?

Donald Trump?

Go talk to the Indian.

well, uh,
we're a little late.

He wasn't
as lucky as Isaac.

Is it true that most
robberies go unsolved?

well, we don't think
this was a robbery.

Does your father have
any enemies?

He works.
He sleeps.

On the holidays
he goes to shul.

Since my mother died,
he's kept very much to himself.

Does he gamble?


Borrow money?

why would he borrow.

He makes $75,000 a year
at the store.

I don't understand what
you're getting at, Detective.

This was not
an isolated incident.

My father never broke
the law in his life.

Maybe he ruffled
somebody's feathers.

we would just like
to get on with our lives.

why would we put ourselves
into further jeopardy?

It looks to me like you're
already in jeopardy.

You don't want to go
through this again, do you?

Two weeks ago,
I was at the store.

I answered the phone.

It was a man
by the name of Pilefsky.

My father made me
hang up.

You knowwhat it
was about?

No, he wouldn't say.

But he warned me never to say
anything to anyone.

He was scared.

Joe Pilefsky.

'71, as*ault.
'73, as*ault.

'75, '76,
more as*ault.

Charges KO'ed.

Sounds like muscle.

'80, possession
of stolen goods.

'82 extortion.

'84 federal extortion.

No convictions.

whew, a real

Alleged sweetheart.

Think Edgar can
ID him?

Depends on what planet
he's on today.

I don't think he'd
recognize himself

if he looked
in the mirror.

If he hits, I want to put
him up in a hotel until trial.

No way.

we can't hold him.

we can't be sure
he won't disappear.

The Fillmore's only
30 bucks a night.

That's the guy.

You sure?

Etched in stone.

See if you can find something a
little cheaper than the Fillmore.

And pick up
Pilefsky, quick.

Look, I never heard
of Skolnick.

I never heard
of Akbar.

Tuesday night, I worked
till almost 3:00.

And after that?

Early to bed,
early to rise.

I'm sure somebody
can confirm that.

Yeah, but I never
got her name.

You've got zippo
on Mr. Pilefsky.

Only an eyewitness.

Your Mr. Hoover is
the Babe Ruth of crazy.

You knowwhat I'm going
to do to him on the stand?

No secrets,

There's gotta be
something more going on.

A guy that wears
$1,200 suits

doesn't do a number on a
candy store just for kicks.

Joe Pilefsky stinks.

Somebody, somewhere,
ordered this.

Real world, Mike. The stink
test doesn't wash with a jury.

we'd be lucky to convict
on as*ault.

Hey, Pilefsky's mobbed up.
we all know it.

I say let's give it a spin,
see where it lands.

I figure we do
a complete bio-

friends, relatives,

Fine, great.
Be my guest.

But when the wheel
stops, j my guess is

we're gonna be right back
where we were yesterday-

a witness who on a great day
belongs in a rubber room.

In other words, we got
zip, bupkis, zero.


Less than zero.

Hotel manager:. I looked in,
Hoover's dead as a doornail.

Why'd you look?

TV was playing
all night.

The guy in 212 was
complaining about the noise.

Check out was noon.

Somebody's gotta
pay for today.

He lives for 10 years
on the street eating garbage.

we give him a meal and a bed
and a day later he's dead.

You sure it was
the booze?

He had a smile
on his face.

A pig in poop.

was bad timing. Screws
the pooch on Pilefsky.

Nobody knows about Hoover.
Nobody has to.

Let me hold on to Pilefsky
for a couple of days-

at least until
Isaac can talk.

we've got
a constitution, Max.

News flash:

Pilefsky's co-defendant
on the federal extortion rap

was a wiseguy named
Mario Zalta.

Masucci family?

what would the mob want
with a guy who sells newspapers?

They want to keep up
on current events.

Yeah, well, it seems like
Zalta's a real choirboy now.

He's got an import-export
business down near the river.

I'm sure he wouldn't mind
answering a few questions.

we don't need to go
headhunting here, Max.

Cutting off a couple of toes
will make me very happy.


Meaning, Pilefsky first.
Anyone else is gravy.

Logan: How's this sound?
Pilefsky, Zalta. Zalta, Masucci.

But that's like,
you know, past tense.

Yeah, you don't associate
with Mr. Masucci anymore, huh?

Hey, honesty is
the best policy.

Also, it's
a lot safer.

Think about it.
what would Frank Masucci want

with some old Russian
candy store owner?


He's been watching
too many old flicks, here.

This isn't Chicago
in the '20s, over here, huh?

I forgot.
The Mafia doesn't exist.

what about Joe Pilefsky?

Aw, he's just
dumb muscle.

He probably
just got mad because-

your Russian sold him
a bad lotto ticket.

People don't end up
in ICU over a lotto ticket.

This is New York.

Go figure.

Could be anything.
dr*gs. weapons.


How about
I check the back?

Looks good.

My old lady says
I should eat more salad.

I figure what's the point?
I live a couple more years, eh?

Only to eat
more salad, eh?

You got it, man.

Hey, what's
in the boxes?

He calls it art.

I wouldn't give you
10 cents for any of it.

Is that all that comes
through here?

Are you kidding? Everything from
screwdrivers to Kiwi berries.

Zalta's not what you call
a specialist.

Anything else?

Look, man, you know
how hard it is to get work?

I keep my eyes closed.
I keep my job.

what about your ears?

Sure, I hear stuff.

what kind of stuff?

Like guys that that talk
don't talk for very long.

Look, I've seen "Godfather"
I, I I, and I I I.

That's Hollywood.

Look, I hear
Zalta's connected.

To whom?

Guys whose names end in vowels.
And I don't mean Shapiro.

Really, man,
I don't know nothing.


You don't smoke.

Check it out.

No tax stamp.

They're bootlegging

But you didn't
have a warrant.

I had a hunch.

He had a hunch.

well, I'm really glad
for you, Mike.

But it's
not probable cause.

Ergo it was an illegal search. Ergo
the cigarettes are not admissible.

Ergo, we got squat!

At least we know
their motive.

Oh, I know I'm
gonna sleep better.

250 million packs
of cigarettes

are sold every year
in this city.

State and city taxes
come to what,

35C a pack?

This is big business. Isaac
was about to get in their way.

Get me some
probable cause.

listen to this.

Zalta's warehouse
is owned

by a "Meridian
Property Management. "

It's a DBA for a guy
named Harv Beigal.

Is that supposed
to ring a bell?

Not unless
you read page six.

I checked him out.
Four years ago,

Beigal married Catherine
Masucci, Frank's sister.

Zalta's a capo
in the Masucci family.

Now you don't think
that the Don would hire

his own brother-in-law to work
in the family business, do you?

I love this job.

You guys want something
on Frank Masucci,

you're coming to the wrong guy.
I'm in real estate, period.

Mr. Beigal, why don't you
just tell us

about your warehouse on 23rd?

You want it? The real estate
taxes are k*lling me,

not to mention
the interest payments.

what can you tell us
about the lessee?

I haven't dealt with tenants
in years. Nothing but headaches.

You gotta talk
with my managing agent.

Ask for-

He handles my commercial buildings.

Look, let me just refresh
your memory a little.

Your tenant Mr. Zalta

and your brother-in-law
Mr. Masucci are like this.

Five years ago I was in Saks
shopping for ties.

I couldn't decide between
the Adolfo and the Hermes.

Those long curls and eyes
helped me decide.

Four years ago
I married her.

You didn't know
she was Masucci's sister?

I didn't care. I married
the girl, not her family.

not a crime.

Then it's just a coincidence
that you rent to Zalta.

I own three office buildings,
two apartment houses,

five parking lots
and six warehouses.

You can't expect me to be
familiar with all my tenants.

Hey, by the way.

which tie did you buy?

If you'll excuse me.

I remember when this
cost a nickel.

Yeah, and you used
to walk barefoot

12 miles through the
snow to school, right?

Two hours, Max.
All we've got to do

is find one guy who's selling
the bootlegged cigarettes.

Yeah, and then convince
him to talk.

If it is the mob,
it ain't gonna be easy.

You know how many of these places
sell cigarettes? You got a better idea?

All this to get probable cause
to find out what we already know.

Send you complaints
to the Supreme Court.

Let me have
a pack of those.

A pack of those.


You're closed
for the day, pal.

There's a guy
in St. Vincent's

with holes drilled
in his skull

to relive the pressure caused
by bleeding around his brain.

But what's that
got to do with me?

He was sent there
by Pilefsky.

I never heard of him.

Think the DA will call
Mr. Spivak a co-conspirator?


But selling of stolen
goods, tax fraud,

we're talking about
three years minimum.

Look, I'm just trying
to make a buck.

I mean the rent
on my place

has doubled over the last
couple of years.

A guy comes up to me
and offers

to supply me with butts

at 25C less
than my normal distributor.

And you didn't ask
any questions?

I'm not on salary.

Every penny counts.

I never heard
of no Pilefsky.

who's your supplier?

That's another year.

what's in it for me?

Peace of mind.

Maybe you can
keep your store.

A guy named Zalta.

as*ault. Possession
of stolen goods. Tax fraud.

I wouldn't be surprised
if they reopened the case

where the store owner died.
Right, what's his name? Akbar.

The list goes on.
Mind turning around?

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Come on, Mario. Three truckloads
of bootlegged cigarettes

just happen to appear
in your warehouse?

And a store owner just happens
to pull your name out of a hat?

Suppose I was
in the business.

Certainly no need
for muscle.

It's a big market
out there.

One vendor don't want
to do business,

so then there's a lot
of other takers.

And you never heard
of Pilefsky?

I told you!

I don't associate
with guys like that no more.

Yeah, sure.

Your witness died.

we can't even charge
Pilefsky with jaywalking.

But Pilefsky used
to work for Zalta.

Past tense. we know for sure
he beat the hell out of Isaac.

well, we can't prove it
with a dead witness.

So he walks? Unless
you can connect them.

Zalta swears on a stack
that he knows squat

about Pilefsky's number
on Skolnick.

well, we don't need
to show knowledge,

just actions furthering
a common criminal goal.

That's the beauty
of conspiracy.

And if not?

Pilefsky walks.

Well, fellas.
The good news is.

The guy who ID'd you
isn't going to testify.

The bad news is
he's dead.

Well, I don't know
nothing about it.

I'm sure you don't.

It's a coincidence
that your attorney

knew all about
our witness.

who then unexpectedly
finds himself dead.

You had me locked up.

Even you got friends.

I guess one of them thought
they were doing you a favor.

That's not my problem.

The law says it is.

You're stretching Logan.

Detective Logan is implying
that the witness's death

was part of some sort of conspiracy
to keep you from going to trial

and if you had
knowledge of it,

you'd be culpable
in the eyes of the law.

That's crap.
I don't know nothing.

Someone's making it look
like you did.

Are you charging him?
we're checking into it.

No secrets.
Right, Counselor.

It's a con, Joe.
Don't fall for it.

He's like
a dirty sponge.

Squeeze him, all kinds
of scum comes out.

If he don't spin
on Zalta, he walks.

He'll spin.

m*rder two's
25-to-life, Joe.

You should have stuck
with as*ault.

How much does Masucci pay you
to go down on m*rder two anyway?

So maybe- maybe
I roughed up the Russian.

Shut up, Joe.
I'll talk to you later.

I had nothing to do
with no cigarettes.

I don't know nothing
about him, or- or-

whacking the nutcase. So
why the number on Isaac then?

He bothered me.

well, last I heard, annoyance
isn't a valid defense.

He was scared
he'd talk.

About what? I don't
know. I don't know.

who was scared, Joe?

You need a roadmap?

25 years
is a long time.

So's dead.

Look, I want a deal.

I don't know nothing
about whacking Hoover.

I'm sure the DA
will listen.

Wait a minute.

Harv Beigal?

we want protection.

There's our connection.

we know that Pilefsky
did a number on Isaac.

The vic can't talk, and our
only witness has passed on.

So far you've got
nothing. So it seems.

But we also know
our friend Zalta's

been selling bootlegged
cigarettes to small vendors.

we've got a seller
who'll talk.

Did Zalta supply

No. It seems Isaac overdosed
on the American dream.

He wanted nothing
to do with these guys.

we figure he was about
to squeal,

so Pilefsky taught him
that silence is golden.

Now, Pilefsky swears he knows
nothing about the cigarettes.

He did, however,
admit he was just doing

a favor
for his old friend Beigal.

So Beigal is an accomplice
to as*ault.

It gets better.

Mr. Zalta says

he's too chi chi to associate
with riff raff like Pilefsky.

But it just so happens
he has several truckloads

of stolen cigarettes
in his warehouse.

Guess who owns the
warehouse? Beigal.

Logan: So even if Zalta and
Pilefsky are telling the truth.

The left hand doesn't know
what the right hand is doing.

But they're washing each other,
so it's conspiracy, gentlemen.

They could all go away
for a long time.

with the possible
bonus being...

Oh, no, that's
a different story.

Frank Masucci, he goes
for a walk in the woods,

he doesn't leave
many bread crumbs.

Defendants are charged
with as*ault,

conspiracy to commit as*ault,
tax fraud, and extortion.

How do you plead,

Not guilty,
Your Honor.

Not guilty.

Recommendations on bail,
Mr. Stone?

Each of the defendants
has connections

to organized crime,
Your Honor.

And as such, there is
certainly a risk of flight

from the jurisdiction
of this court.

My client has
a business to run.

May I remind
Your Honor

he was in no way
associated with the as*ault?

The as*ault is part
and parcel

to the conspiracy charges,
Mr. Davis.

Your Honor, Mr. Beigal has
a spotless record.

His only connection
to any so-called criminals

is by way of marriage. Some people
think blood is thicker than water.

Bail is set
at $150,000.

Hey, gimme a break,
will you, Stone?

Harv Beigal is a major
player in this town.

You want my advice, I wouldn't
bring that up in court.

Face the facts.

All you've got on Beigal
is the testimony

of some third-rate

Implicating your client
in a major league conspiracy.


we don't want to have the
public humiliation of a trial.

I'm listening.

Suppose he testifies
against Zalta and Pilefsky?

I don't need
Beigal's testimony.

How about possession
of stolen goods?

In exchange for what?
Suspended sentence.

You'll be a hero.

Not to that girl who visits her
father every day in the hospital.

what do you want?

Frank Masucci.

Beigal has nothing
to do with Masucci.

It's a shame.

Guess I'll see you
in court.

I don't even smoke. I hear it's
not very good for your health.

Is it true
your brother-in-law

is involved in a conspiracy-
Hey, as far as I know,

Harvey's in
the real estate business.

Although, you never can tell
about in-laws.

Can you comment on rumors
of your involvement

in the disappearance of
Union President Russell Mackey?

What do I look like,
a travel agent?

Excuse me.

Big Frankie.

Dandy Don. You too, can
have monogrammed socks.

I once saw a kid
on the news.

He was going
for a world record.

He had 10,000 dominoes
lined up.

He filled the floor
of Madison Square Garden

and he flicked
the first one

and 30 minutes later
the last one fell.

where you going? It'd
be nice, wouldn't it?

Put Frank Masucci
out of business.

The Fed has tried.

Always finds a way.

Even if it does turn out
that Masucci was in

on this cigarette scam,

people won't testify
against him.

The dominoes
are all lined up.

why don't we just knock over
the first one,

see where it leads?

A bird in the hand. Don't
forget what you already got.

Daughter:. It's called
spastic hemiplegia.

He won't be able
to walk.

I'm sorry.

You got the man?

He'll go to jail.

well, you never know
with a jury.

But I'd feel more secure
if your father would testify.

It's the right thing.

He did the right
thing, once.

Look what happened.

I don't know nothing
about assaulting that Russian.

That's the beauty
of conspiracy.

The right hand can get the
left in a lot of trouble.

Hey. Tell me about Frank
Masucci. was he involved?

why, you actually think

I knowwhat goes on
in Camelot?

You're saying that Frank
Masucci was not involved.

I'm saying nobody knows
what Masucci knows.

That's why he eats at 21
and I'm sitting here.

See you in court.

Before we start,
I want simple as*ault,

suspended sentence.

That depends
on Mr. Beigal's song.

You'd be happy.

No matter what happens
in court, the deal stands.

You're smart, Stone.

But, uh,
Frank Masucci?

I'm listening.

Russell Mackey.

what do you know about
a missing union president?

where he is.

Did Frank Masucci provide
the transportation?

Uh, do we have
a deal?

If what Mr. Beigal
tells me

helps Mr. Masucci
into court,

we can arrange

Frank told me
he ordered the hit.

who pulled the trigger?

Vinnie Ruffo.

Masucci's top mechanic.

And where's the body?

we're not that close.

what about Ruffo?

My guess is he's
across the Atlantic.

Talk to Pilefsky.

He and Ruffo
are old buddies.


we're not even sure
Russell Mackey's dead.

He's been missing
for eight months.

Beigal will testify
to Masucci's confession.

And you're gonna believe him.
It's a dangerous lie to tell.

I don't see a body,
do you?

You can't even prove
a crime has been committed.

Adam, the dominoes
are starting to fall.

Beigal ordered
the as*ault on Skolnick,

and you're willing
let him walk?

Aren't you? This is Frank
Masucci we're talking about.

All right.

Get me something to corroborate
Beigal's testimony.

who's gonna explain this
to Skolnick and his daughter?

First the homeless guy,
then Mackey.

what's next, JFK?
we're not charging you, yet.

what's that supposed to mean?
Vinnie Ruffo pulled the trigger.

we know you were friends.
I know nothing.

who do you suppose
told us about Ruffo?

How do you think
we knew you were friends?

Sure, I know him.
But that doesn't-

why you protecting them? Can't
you see you're being fingered?

Beigal wants to deal.
You're the barter.

Beigal and Zalta are out on bail. It's
funny nobody came forward to help you.

Big fish eat
littler fish.

I had nothing
to do with it.

Beigal and Zalta
tell a different story.

You know the truth.

Was it Ruffo? Did he k*ll
Mackey on Masucci's orders?

You don't know
what you're asking me.

was it Ruffo?

Frank Masucci?!

You're under arrest for
the m*rder of Russell Mackey.

You have the right
to remain silent.

If you do not choose to
exercise that right, anything-

Don't ruin lunch
for my guests.

Seven to one, I'll be teeing off
at La Costa wednesday morning.

what about
the eyewitness testimony?

Every draw
to an inside straight?

Greed makes people see things
that aren't there.

Mr. Masucci is
a successful businessman.

The DA's office has this
irrational vendetta against him

and his family simply because
of his Sicilian background.

That's not justice.
It's prejudice.

Defense is claiming
that this case is based

solely on your bias against
Mr. Masucci's background.

The laws of the state
of New York

draw a line between civil
and uncivil behavior.

Some people step
over that line.

Against those people,
yes, I am prejudiced.

Excuse me.

Please state your full name
for the record.

Florence Mackey. Are
you married, Ms. Mackey?

I was.

Can the witness produce a certificate
of divorce or a death certificate?


Who is your husband?

Russell Mackey.
And what position did he...

excuse me,
does he hold?

He's the President
of Local 297.

And when was the last time you
spoke to or saw your husband?

Last May.
May 16th.

Thank you.
No further questions.

Do you have any children,
Mrs. Mackey?

Relevance, Your Honor? I believe
that the jury is entitled to hear

about the alleged victim's
family life, Your Honor.

I'll allow it.

I have a son.

And when was
the last time

you saw your son?

Please answer
the question.

Two years ago.

Did you ever think,
Mrs. Mackey,

that maybe it's your company that's
repellent to the men in your life?

Objection, Your Honor! withdrawn.

Mr. Zalta, what, if any,
business relationship

do you have
with the defendant?

I don't know
what you mean.

Permission to treat this
witness as hostile, Your Honor?

Go ahead, Mr. Stone. In your dealings
in the import-export business,

you frequently retain trucking
companies. Is that true?

Oh, yes. was one of those
companies Beckner Trucking?


And isn't it true,
that you have

in the past 24 months,
used Beckner Trucking

for 92%
of your deliveries?

Could be.

Your Honor? Make your
answers j more responsive

or you'll be held
in contempt.

Did you use Beckner
that much?


And Beckner is
a non-union shop?

Yeah. So naturally,
Mr. Russell Mackey,

as president of the trucking union
would be very upset. Isn't that true?

I wouldn't know.

Who owns
Beckner Trucking?

You're under oath, sir.

Frank Masucci?

I beg your pardon?

Frank Masucci.

It was the 4th of July.
I was at Frank's house.

That's the defendant,
Frank Masucci.

Uh, yes.

That's when
he told me.

Told you what,
Mr. Beigal?


Frank was tired of Mackey
showing up with his hand out.

He said it wasn't curiosity
that k*lled the cat,

it was greed.

What else did he say?

Calls for hearsay,
Your Honor.

It's a statement against
interest, Your Honor.


He said...

Mackey would no longer
be any trouble.

And he said that...

Vinnie Ruffo
took care of him.

So the defendant
confessed to you,

that he ordered
Russell Mackey's m*rder?

I told you what he said.
Thank you, Mr. Beigal.

So, you would
have us believe

that Frank Masucci just
volunteered this information.

That's right.

Did he offer
any colorful details?

Frank said
he was disgusted.

He said he wasted four hours
trying to convince him.

So no cement shoes?

No horse's head in
the bed? Your Honor!

Mr. Zuckert.

Mr. Beigal,

isn't it true
that you cut a deal

with the District Attorney
in exchange for this testimony?


And isn't it also true
that the defendant

is your brother-in-law?


There goes that invitation
to Christmas dinner, Mr. Beigal.

Your Honor, please.

Even if we assume that
the witness' testimony is true,

that my client would
be dumb enough to confess

to the m*rder of Mr. Mackey-

the rules of evidence
are clear-

that where there is
no corpus delicti

the defendant cannot be
convicted on the basis

of his confession alone.

where's the beef,
Your Honor?

There's no proof that Mr. Mackey
is dead, let alone m*rder*d.

Now unless Mr. Stone can offer some
independent corroborating evidence

that a crime
has been committed,

I move for
an immediate dismissal.

Thank you for your eloquent
summary of the law, Mr. Zuckert.

Mr. Stone?

The State plans to offer such
corroborating evidence, Your Honor.

I'm looking forward to it.

Tomorrow, gentlemen.

So Masucci didn't like
paying Mackey off.

But that doesn't mean
that he k*lled him.

The jury is looking
to convict, Adam.

I think they believed
Beigal's testimony.

Yeah, they may also believe that
he'd say anything to stay out of jail.

People don't usually jump at the
chance to testify against Frank Masucci.

Skolnick's daughter
wasn't pleased.

She knowwho
Frank Masucci is?

She doesn't care.

I don't know if I do either.

we all know you're infallible
when it comes to matters

of faith and morals, Ben.

But for some of us,
it's not so easy.

Isaac Skolnick
is in a hospital bed.

Harv Beigal put him there.
That's real.

I can see that.


I don't photograph well
with egg on my face.

How about you?

Since when does losing
a case bother you?

when it affects the public's
perception of this office.

Yes, it's a shame
that Beigal walks.

Yes, it bothers me

And yes, I'd do it
again tomorrow

and the next day and the day after
that to put a Frank Masucci away,

'cause as long as he's free, there'll
be more Mackeys and more Skolnicks.

The State calls
Joseph Pilefsky.

Raise your right hand.

Do you swear to tell the truth,
the whole truth

and nothing but the truth,
so help you God?

I do.

would you state your full name
for the record, please?

Joe Pilefsky.

Are you employed,
Mr. Pilefsky?

I work at Vincent's,
a restaurant on 46th.

Been there three years.

Are you familiar
with the name Vinnie Ruffo?


Is he employed?

Vinnie works for Frank.

That's right.

when was the last time you met
with Mr. Ruffo?

Last spring.

Could it have been
May 16th?

That sounds about right.

Stone: Tell us what
happened at that meeting.

I was at the restaurant.

Vinnie called,

asked if he could come
in after I closed.

He said he had
an important meeting.

And did you oblige him?

Sure. Vinnie and I
go way back.

Then what happened?


around 2:00,

this guy Mackey comes in

and he says he's there
to meet with Vinnie

so I give him a table.

was anyone else there?

Just me.
And then Vinnie showed up.

And then what happened?


I had nothing to do
with it.

would you explain
for the jury

the meaning of the word,

That's a wire
around the neck.

It's over like that.

- Jeez.
- Incredible.

Thank you.

You said you've been at the
restaurant for three years,

isn't that correct,
Mr. Pilefsky?

Yeah, give or take.

Let's not.
Let's try to be precise.

How many nights
a week do you work?

Six. Sundays off.


I don't like
to travel.

So, you worked six nights
a week for three years.

That's right.

How's your health?

Relevance, Your Honor.

Goes to the credibility
of this witness' testimony.

I'll allow it.

I'm fine.

Ever been
to a hospital?


As a matter of fact, you had an
appendicitis earlier this year.

- So?
- So.

So I have your hospital
records here.

It appears that you had complications
following your appendectomy.

It appears that you
were confined to a bed

at Manhattan Memorial Hospital
for the entire month of May,

isn't that correct?

why are you perjuring
yourself, Mr. Pilefsky?

What has Mr. Stone
promised you?

Objection, Your Honor!

I demand
an immediate mistrial.

A continuance, Your Honor.

I want a mistrial
and sanctions against Mr. Stone.


Prosecutorial misconduct-

knowingly offering
perjured testimony.

Get off it, Mr. Zuckert.

I did not know
Mr. Pilefsky was lying.

That's what you get
when you bargain for testimony.

I submit that this entire thing
was a set-up and with a continuance-

Do you have any proof?

well, of course he doesn't.
This is not the first time

that an overzealous DA
has gone-

Does the State plan
to offer

any further
corroborating evidence?

with a continuance.

At the expense
of my client's reputation.

Mr. Stone should have a case
before he comes to trial.

I'm sorry, Mr. Stone,
but you know the law.


You mean Masucci walks
for good?

For Mackey's m*rder, yes.

Double jeopardy.

what about Beigal? we can
still get him for conspiracy

and as*ault
on Skolnick.

we made a deal.

He kept his end
of the plea bargain.

You got greedy.

They knew it
and they set you up.

So Pilefsky's perjury
was all part

of Frank Masucci's plan
to free Beigal.

And unfortunately
we can't prove that.

And if we rescind the deal, we
lose all credibility in the future.

Hey, they don't play
by the rules, why should we?

Because that's our job.


Beigal walks,
Masucci walks.

- We got squat.
- Oh, no.

Masucci's not walking.
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