01x21 - Maternal instincts

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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01x21 - Maternal instincts

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ I'm trying to tell you
something bout my life ♪

♪ Maybe give me insight
between black and white ♪

♪ And the best thing
you've ever done for me ♪

♪ Is to help me take
my life less seriously ♪

♪ It's only life after all ♪

♪ Now darkness has
a hunger that's insatiable ♪

♪ And lightness has
a call that's hard to hear ♪

♪ I wrap my fear around
me like a blanket ♪

♪ I sailed my ship of
safety till I sank it ♪

♪ I'm crawling on your shores ♪

What's up?

You know Lindesy Dunlay?


Court-appointed child psychologist,
I went to high school with her.

Oh, yeah? What she want with us?

Case of hers. Sean Morgan was
arrested for a strong-arm.

Judge sent him to Lindsey for evaluation.


When he was three, Sean
witnessed his mother's m*rder.

The case was never solved. / Lil!

Hey, Lindsey. / Hey.

It's my partner Scotty Valens.

How you doing? / Good.

So, uh, what was she like in high school?

She'll never tell, right?

Let's just say Lilly and I
never made the year book.

The holy terror is over there.

What's his deal?

-year-old thug in the making.

Sean came up in foster care?

I'm hoping the judge goes easy,

'cause in another year
he gets the big time.

What was the robbery?

Purse snatching off an LOL.

Done two others just like it.

He's next to hopeless.

But it seems like he has some real
memories of his mom getting k*lled.

That's why I called you.

He never told anyone about it?

No one that believed him.

Sean, this is Detective Rush
who I told you about.

My partner Detective Valens.

Partners, huh?

You hit that yet?

I know I just misunderstood you, Sean.

I'm about to turn .

If he don't man-up real soon,
maybe you and I could hook it up.

Yeah, yeah, I'll think about it.

Sean, stop wasting their time
and tell them about your mom.

Lindesy said you had some specific
memories about her being k*lled?

I forget 'em.

So you like stealing from old
ladies, huh? That's impressive.

What do you know about it, smalls?

I know I got better things to do that
monkey with a kid trying to get attention.

Let's bounce.

I'm sorry, I thought this kid was different.


You get ignored all the time, right?

Treated like what you say
either ain't true or worth crap.

Yeah, that's about it.

And here come two people who want
to listen to what you have to say

and you're letting us walk away?

You want your mom's case
looked at, we're your chance.

Why should I believe you?

Look at me.

Am I lying?

Red and yellow balloons.

A train and the name "Bobby".

That's what I remember
about her being m*rder*d.

Rebecca Morgan.

A -year-old waitress.

Stabbed to death in her
rowhouse in Mayfair.

No w*apon recorvered.

Got some prints, hair, but never a match.

Lady was butchered real good.

Gaping neck wound.

Three-year-old Sean sat
with her all night like that.

No wonder he's a little s.o.b.

Who found the body?

Neighbor. Leon Kincaid.

Up early for a jog, heard
the kid wailing, called .


She worked as a cocktail waitress
at a joint called Boilermakers.

Ton of interviews from there.

Patrons, co-workers--- nothing stuck.

Jeffries is running the names again.

Maybe years later someone's
true colors have come through.

Anything on Sean's father?

The assigned's notebook says
he was never in the picture.

No next of kin, landing Sean in foster care...

leaving us with red and yellow balloons,

a train and the name Bobby.

Pretty modest starting point.

Any luck for us?

Yeah. Your caller, Leon Kincaid,
the guy's on the books.

What'd he do?

Well, starting in ' , been arrested
for open lewdeness, loitering,

and my personal favorite,
prowling at night.

Any idea where Leon
hangs out these days?

Yeah, he happens to be the top man
at the Germantown Dorsett Bank.

Leon Kincaid?

Detectives Rush and Valens.
Can we have a minute?

Um... Okay.

I'll be right back, Jodie.

This way.

About : a.m.

I'm out running and hear
the kid bawling his head off,

so I go aroung the back

and look in, and, uh...
it was just awful.

Did you know Rebecca?

Enough to say hello, that's about it.

Ever see anyone go in
or out of her house?


Pretty girl, right?

I guess.

Ever ask her out?

Like I said, we never really spoke, so, uh...

I'm sorry, I'm not much help.

Uh, but I should get back.

To Jodie?


Need to get back so he can look over
her shoulder, down her blouse.

Busty girl.

We know about you, Leon.

We know you've had your
trouble with boundaries.

I never hurt anyone.

I never touched.

Did my probation, got counseling.

Good for you.

But in ' , you were just getting revved up.

Hey, Leon, you registered
as a sex offender?

No, hell no. I never molested anyone.

Still, maybe I'll talk to sex
crimes see what we can do

about getting you on the books.

Yeah, 'cause this sheep
dresses up real good.

Better get the word out.

Oh, jeez, okay. Okay.

I'd peep on Rebecca.

Pretty regular?


How about the night she died?

But I didn't k*ll her.

Ned, is something wrong?

I wanted to apologize for earlier.

You don't have to say anything.


well, the ball's in your court, okay?

Okay. Thank you.

One more thing.

What's all this?

For Sean, for his birthday.

Hey, these are for you, little man.

There you go.

Ned, don't give him any gifts.

Oh, every boy needs something
to open on his birthday.

We have cake, that's enough.

Oh, here.

This is gonna be just like the Pampers.

Oh, no, no, no.
I take back what I said earlier.

I've written everything down.
I'm going to write you a check.

What, so it can bounce?

Here you go.

Red and yellow balloons.

Like Sean remembered.

So, Leon, that's all you saw?

I wasn't exactly pumped to stick around
for a three-year-old's birthday party.

Right. No girl coming out of cake.

Where's the upside for the
guy standing in the hedge?

At least my move wasn't handling
out Pampers and balloons.

This Ned guy's a complete stooge.

Ned Ryan.

The write-up here says you
told the assigned detective

you hadn't seen Rebecca in over a week.

Been so long now.

I couldn't tell you when
I talked to Rebecca last.

Well, how about the night
she was m*rder*d?


Ned, we know you were at Rebecca's
shortly before it happened.

And you came bearing gifts; balloons.

So don't lie about it like you
did the first time around.

Maybe... I was there.

But I left after a few minutes.

But you were angry, right?

So maybe you did a U-turn.

Yeah, 'cause you and Rebecca
fought earlier that day, too.

Rebecca was a regular at the store.

I felt bad for her-- struggling
to support Sean on her own.

You were giving her Pampers.

Yes, I'd slip her Pampers,
baby food-- to cut her a break.

Thanks so much, Ned.

Not a problem.

I just added another shift at the tavern,

so it won't be long before
I'm on my own two feet.

I wish you were working
less at that bar, not more.

A woman like you in such a filthy place...

it's not right.

Well, you're a doll, but it's a real
blessing to have more work.

Thanks again, Ned.

Oh, Ned...

Oh, Ned, I'm sorry.

I'm just not the kind of gal who
casually necks with a man.

Rebecca, I didn't mean it like that.

I would like to kiss you,

because what I have to say
is anything but casual.

But you barely know me.

My folks dated one
evening at a county fair

to know that they would spend
the next years together.

Oh, Ned.

You need a man in the house.

A father figure to Sean.

There's already a man in my life.



And where is he?

He's from before -- back in Virginia.

Well, how could he allow
you to be here alone?

It's just all mixed up.

It's upside-down.

I'm sorry, Ned.

This just isn't proper airing
these personal matters.

I guess I would have figured
it all out soon enough, huh?

Yeah, Sean's three today.

I guess he won't be needing
boxes and boxes and boxes

of Pampers too much longer!

So you felt rejected.

No, no, no. I felt horrible
for blowing up like that.

And that night, when I goofed
again, I left... for good.

Where were you the rest of the night?

I lived in an apartment building at the time.

Whether anyone saw me,
can vouch for me, I wouldn't know.

Okay, Ned.

We'll look into it.

I just wanted to find a gal like
my mother... from a better time.

Rebecca was that girl.

Ned's story checks out.

An old coot at the Tree Lane Apartment

knew all about his pining for Rebecca.

What, he see him the night of the m*rder?

Coot says Ned was on his
balcony for hours that night

letting balloons go one by one.

Time to shift focus to this man in her life.

Well, maybe the man in
her life was Sean's dad.

Maybe that was Bobby.

Got something?

Autotracked Rebecca Morgan

looking for that connection back in Virginia.

Rebecca Morgan...

died in .

Four years before Sean was even born.

Rebecca Morgan was a
-year-old freshman at Virginia.

Died in a car crash in .

So who was Sean's mom
and why she using an alias?

Woman goes into hiding,
she's usually running from abuse.

Abuser could be the man in her life.

She told Ned she was in
a mixed-up relationship.

"Upside down."

Someone who wasn't around.

Maybe why he wasn't around.

Brings us back to,
she was probably on the run.

So let's figure out who "she" is.

Start with the ME's office, Scotty.

They should have her
fingerprints to run through AFIS.

You get her name, buzz me.

I'm going to go see Sean.

So how's Elisa?

Good. She liked meeting you.

Coming to first Thursdays.

She someone serious?

We were engaged.


Before everything happened.

Well, maybe you'll get it back.

I'm hoping.

I'm not supposed to have girls up here.

It's my foster parent's rules.

Sean, the red and yellow balloons,
they meant something.

That's supposed to make me feel better?

Tell me more about the train, and Bobby.

I'm not even sure the train was real.

Maybe a toy train?

No, it was a sketch,
a drawing or something.

That's it, that's all I got.

Sean, I think your mom
was running from someone.

Yeah? Like who?

I'm not sure.

In fact, I'm not sure who your mom was.

Rebecca Morgan.

No, that's the name she was going
by, but she was someone else.

Soap opera city.

She was trying to get
away from something.

Let me tell you the , okay?

Solve my mom's case or don't.

'Cause I could give a flying
middle finger, okay?

So why have Lindsey contact me?

'Cause I was bored.

And now I'm bored again.

You're not doing it for me anymore.

You're too pushy.

So how about the hearing you got
coming up-- that bore you, too?

You're .

The judge dosen't have to
treat you like a kid, you know?

The judge can show up with
no drawers under his robe.

He can also kiss my ass.

That's a smart attitude.


Yeah. Okay.


Wanna know your mom's real name?

No thanks.

When did my daughter die?


I'm sorry to hear that.

Care for a drink?

No, no, thank you.

I'll be truthful.

Having Linda was the worst thing
that ever happened to me.

She was a bad kid?

Not so bad. I just never took to her.

No matter how you slice it,

for years you lose your life.

I know I wasn't maternal.

Everyone kept saying, "when
she pops out, you'll feel different."

Well, guess what?

Miss Frandsen, do you remember
the last time you saw Linda?

Guess the spring of ' ?

What was the occasion?


Her ex-husband.

We weren't aware she had a husband.

Well, they didn't walk down the aisle,

but for all intents and purpose...

And so Linda showed up here?


It'd been three years
since I last saw her.

I wasn't even aware
she'd gotten pregnant.

His name's Sean.

Finally got your wish, huh?

Yeah, and he's been so healthy.

Happy to hear it.

Why are you here?

Vic's a freak.

It's one thing if he wants to punch
on me, but I won't let him hurt Sean.

Here we go.

Here we go what?

If he's as bad as you claim he is,

go to the police,
get a restraining order.

All that'll do is help make for
a tearjerker on the : news.

Sure that's not the drama
queen coming out?

Don't you dare do that, Mama.

So what?

You don't wanna go to the police,
what am I supposed to do?

Let us stay here with you.

One night, then we'll leave
and I'll be out of your hair forever.

Linda and Sean were on the road early.

What about Vic?

He ever come around?

No. Didn't call either.

I'm sure he didn't expect me
to know where she was.

You never heard from Linda again?


I always figured they were
still out there somewhere.

Hey, Rocky... relax.

How was she m*rder*d?

We'll get to that.

Linda's mom says she
was on the run from you.

Well, that's wrong. I never met her mom.

Not that I didn't want to.

Linda wouldn't let that happen?

She had a lot of rules.

She has one against marriage?

She said a piece of paper's
what ruined things.

I disagreed.

So LInda keeps pulling that kind of
nonsense, why keep her around?

'Cause my life was different with her.

Ton of smiles.

Vic, you front like this big, gentle giant,
but you know what... I don't buy it.

'Cause we've been here five minutes

and not once have you
asked about your son.

My son?


Is that Linda's son?

'Cause it wasn't my son.

Linda's only dream was to have a baby.

I couldn't give her one.

sh**ting blanks.

Thanks for that.

I failed her in the biggest way.

What? Horse, why you smiling?

'Cause we're going to get a pony.

Vic, what?

I went to the adoption agency
today, got us an appointment.

Oh, no.

I thought that'd make you happy.

They're not going to
approve our application.

You don't know. Might get lucky.

We're not going to get lucky.
You've been out of work too long.

That'll change.

'Cause it is time to
play less and work more.

Hey, we'll slow down.

Better yet, we'll get married.


Yeah, it'll increase our chances.

Baby, what's wrong?

I'm pregnant.

I didn't think I could make that happen.

It's not yours, Horse.

Horse, I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry, Horse.

I'm sorry.

Tried talking to her,
I thought we could work it out.

I come home one night from
job hunting, she was gone.

And when was this?

It was April in ' .

You know who the father was?

Found a name written down once.

Had a hunch he was the guy.

Any chance the name was Bobby?

No. Silver.

Kyle... Silver.

Not a period of my life I was so proud of.


I'm married years.

Linda was my one transgression.

My wife almost divorced me.

Pregnancy didn't go over
real big at home, huh?

That part was never a problem.

Linda had a miscarriage.


Caught the biggest break of my life.

I mean, an affair is one thing, but...

a second family-- that only plays in Utah.

That was it then?

As far as you know, Linda
moved on to someone else?

I wouldn't say she went quietly.

Nor was it easy for me to say good-bye.

Why not?

Because this girl was
so sexy that it was sily.


What are you doing here?

Let me put my tongue in your mouth.

Are you out of your mind?
I asked you not to come here.

Everybody's looking at us.

"Who's the piece with Silver?
Is he doing her?"

You love it. / Stop it.

I'm telling you, this is not the right way.

That's too bad.

- 'Cause I'm not giving up.
- What are you doing? Linda.


You know this is how you want it.


Don't you?

Don't you? / Linda.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

I'm not giving up, baby.

I can't do it this way. / Come on.

I'm sorry.

For the last time.

This is all wrong.

I walked back to my office
and never saw her again.

And sexually speaking,
this is how Linda was?

Overt like that?

Well, I guess that makes
two secrets I've kept.

I mean, if my wife knew the particulars,
she never would have forgiven me.

Hospital records confirm, Linda
had a miscarriage September ' .

Sean was born October ' .

She had to have gotten pregnant fast.

Well, after hearing Silver's account of Linda

that would have taken her all of an hour.

Question is, do you believe
Silver's version of Linda

or ex-husband Vic's?

Or Neds?

Mm. Three different girls.

Or three girls in one.

There she is--

best and brightest physician
in all of Philadelphia.

Shut up, Vailens.

It's Valens. V-a-l-e-n-s.

Hey, Frannie. Thanks for coming so late.

What else am I doing at : at night?

Our victim had a miscarriage shortly
before getting pregnant a second time.

Yeah, we're determining a timeline

for when the actual roo-roo took place.

This is Rebecca Morgan,
now Linda Frandsen case?

No. According to the autopsy,

there's no indication of striation
in the bone structure of her pelvis.

Come again?

Your victim never gave birth at all.

Linda's autopsy shows
she never dilievered a baby.

Sean wasn't hers.

She was in no position to adopt.

We contact the Center For
Missing and Abused Children?

Ran a search on abducted children

in the Virginia, mid-Atlantic states,
' to ' .

Two possible matches :

John Barrett of Aberdeen, Maryland,
Robert Gordon, Richmon, Virginia.



Gordons could be Sean's real parents.

Don't float that till you're sure, Scotty.

I'll contact Virginia. They'll
have the Gordon's DNA on file.

I'll call over and get Sean to get a DNA
swab, say it's part of the investigation.

As soon as you get a match, heads out.

You say Bobby's been
in several foster homes?

Moved a lot.

He's had it rough.

Been arrested?

Jeff, don't assume that.

A bunch of foster homes -- come on.

Am I right?

Several times.

For what?

Assaults, theft.

But so far, the juvenile
courts have bailed him out.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon,

ever known someone
named Linda Frandsen?

She the one who took our boy?

Frandsen? Wasn't that what's
his name ex-wife, the landscaper?





Linda came by with him once.

What a sweetie!

How old is he?

Ten months.

What's his name?



You're just a little miracle,
aren't you, Bobby?

That's what I tell myself as I'm
combing the Cheerios out of my hair.

Can I tell you a secret? / Sure.

I'm expecting.

That's wonderful.

I think it's a boy.

She seemed lovely.

They came off decent enough.

Yeah, we know Vic.

When can we see Bobby?

He goes by "Sean" now.

And he doesn't know about you yet,

but Child Services will be
in touch to facilitate things.

Will you tell him that we miss
him and we want to see him.


Why what?

You came here because you
want to solve her m*rder?

Why? To hell with her.

How'd it go?

He's getting another chance.

But if he so much as jaywalks during
probation, Judge Haze will look him up.

So, you want to do girl's night soon?


Of course, if you'd rather go
fly a kite, I'd understand.

Who you been talking to?

Oh, man, my shadow again.

You caught a break today, huh?

I don't know.

You did, Sean.

Don't screw it up.

Thank you for your advice.

Her name was Linda Fransen.

I told you I could give a heave-ho.

She kidnapped you when you were two.

Man, you keep trying to shock
me and you keep missing.

I'm just giving you the straight story.

Here's the rest :

we found your parents.



Mom and Dad?

I got a bunch of brothers and sisters, too?

Two brothers.

You know what?

You can have 'em.

They don't want me, they want you.

You talk to 'em?

They want to meet you.

I bet.

They got to be thrilled their
kid's a juvie delinquent.

Sean, you got a family waiting for you.

I don't want a family.

I would have settled to have
one parent looking out for me.

Here you got two and you're snubbing it?

I didn't realize you were such a hothead.

Sean, you can be the kind of
kid they want, or be a thug.

It's up to you.

Snatching babies, huh, Vic?


Thought you'd work the
old razzle-dazzle on us,

send us to Dr. Silver
and the trail would end there.

But it didn't.

I'm sorry. You fellows are losing me.

It led to your old employers, the Gordons.

Yeah, where you and Linda stole a baby.

Come on.

And afterwards, we're thinking
Linda must have ditched you.

Yeah, that's why you looked
her up, to wipe her out.

I want a lawyer.

We'll get you a judge and jury, too.

You do that, 'cause I didn't k*ll her.

Say we're in the jury box
and we're eyeballing Vic here.

We know he's a kidnapper.

I didn't do that.

You ain't going to beat that one, Vic.

That'd be a one-in-a-million shot.

Think about how whupped
he was by this Linda,

so much he swiped a baby for her.

Did a federal crime for his lady

and she gives you the high hat?

I see motive, real clear.

Oh, yeah.

Who do you think the jury's
going to put the m*rder on?

I did not do m*rder.

Okay. Good luck with that.

I didn't.

I only ripped off the kid.

After Linda lost that other yo-yo's
baby, she come back to me.

I wanted her to stay.

I said I'd do anything.

What'd she say?

"Prove it."

Anyone see you?

I don't know.

Calm down. Calm... Look at me.

Hand him over.

Give me my boy.

Scoot over, I'll drive.

No, darling, you got to get back.

Finish your work.

I can't go back. I'm nervous.

Horse, you're such my baby, too.

You go on. You be strong for me, okay?

In a few hours, you'll be
seeing us at the motel.

Go on.

Go on.

I got back to the motel that
night, she'd cleared out.

Just like that?

She left a note.

Said she's going to Philly
to find us new haunts.

That she'd send for me.

Meanwhile, I'm supposed to keep
clocking in over at the Gordon's.

Never got the call, huh?

Weeks turned into years.

Who else knew she came to Philadelphia?

A few years later, I told this guy

that'd come around asking
questions about her.

What guy?

A private investigator.

P.I. say what he wanted with Linda?

No, I didn't push it.

I was pretty torqued off by then.

I told him, "Hey, she's somewhere in Philly."

Vic copped to the kidnapping,
not the m*rder.

You believe him?

Linda humiliate him pretty good.

Made a fool of Ned, too.

Seems like that was kind of the
way she walked through life.

Got a trail of guys behind her she duped.

Eventually, one of 'em didn't sit still for it.

The P.I. who approached Vic was a
weasel by the name of Isiah Bagley.

Did he say who worked for?

You'r gonna love this. Dr. Kyle Silver.


Why's a doctor hire a P.I.?

Thought he was glad she split.

Bagley said he wanted
her found at any cost.

Okay, thanks.

That was your friend Lindsey.

Sean just got picked up for stealing a car.

My lawyer says I could get two years.

I heard.

So I'm supposed to sit
in this joint for two years?

You stole a car and you were drunk.

Three beers.

Drunk driving can lead to homicide

and homicide leads to jail
for the rest of your life.

So I get it.

You're as full of it as
everyone else. / Sean...

what is it that you want?

Right now, to get up out of here.

Say you're out...

the foster homes, too.

Then what?

I'm on the run and I'm not looking back.

You taking anyone with you?

A girl?


I'm going to meet my woman.

Someone who doesn't know you.

Make a fresh start.


And me and her gonna
settle down, kick back

and make a lot of love.

Be careful.

Nah, no jimmies for me.

I want kids.

I'm gonna have of them.

What are you gonna do for work?

Whatever. I don't know.

mouths do feed and you don't know?

So not .

Maybe just one.

Make it a girl.

So what happens when your little girl

comes home with a purple foot?

Why would she get a purple foot?

Because it's winter time
and you got no job,

your wife has new guy

and your daughter's
got holes in her shoses.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- No, answer me,

what are you gonna do?

What are you gonna do?

So you're saying I got no right
to want anything in this life?

No, no, no, you can have it all.

But you're gonna need help.

How would you know what I need?

Because I wanted everything, too.

But I was too damned proud to
ask for help for way too long.

Good luck, okay.

I did wanna meet my family.

Silver ever call back?

He's here.

Let's do it.


Mr. and Mrs. Gordon...

what are you doing here?

We were told Bobby stole a car.

Jeff, use his other name. Use Sean.

How serious is this?


He violated his probation,
so he's in custody.

Tomorrow morning he
goes before a judge.

Oh, God.

Maybe we go back to the hotel,

take the boys home.

It might not be the best way
for the boys to meet Sean.

I see.

We'll just wait till this
whole thing blows over.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon,
this isn't blowing over.

Sean will probably go to jail
for the next two years.

What if we showed up at the hearing,
would the judge show leniency?

You can't count on that.

For what it's worth, I know it'd be
good for Sean to see you tomorrow.

Excuse us.


you said your wife almost divorced you,

but the D.C. Superior Court says
you initiated proceedings.

I was the one who filed. Big deal

It's not that you filed, Doc,
it's when you filed.

September ' , a month
before Linda was m*rder*d.


And we know how bad you wanted Linda.

I admitted that.

Here's what I think, Doc.

You already had the wife
and kids, the experience,

so this time you wanted a little hottie

to go off with, have a romp all over Europe.

Yeah, Linda was your girl...

so sexy it was silly.

But when you tracked her down,
you find a baby, too.


And now she don't want you
anymore, she only wants the kid.

So you damn near take her head off.

Tough to look at, huh?


'Cause she was a decent girl.

Silver, we know you hired P.I. to find Linda.

You had Isiah Bagley on the case
for six months, so don't tell us

you never went to see her again.

Okay, I visited Linda.

On October , , that night?

It was somewhat like you said.

I went there to take Linda away,
but she didn't want to go.

But I took it in stride.

You just left.

I hopped a train to Washington, D.C.

You were travelling by train.

Not a car? Can you prove that?

I purchased a round-trip ticket
from Whshington, D.C.

Look it up.

We will.

Here's another bummer, Doc.

Linda's son can put you in her
house at the time of the m*rder.

He remembers you taking that train.

A three-year-old remembers
me taking a train.

That's not even worth my calling a lawyer.

It's enough for us to call a judge
to make you submmit DNA.

And the hair samples and prints we
got, that's put-you-away evidence.

That little boy spent nine hours
sitting in his mom's blood.

I wanted what I wanted.

She should've just come away with me.


You gonna invite me in?

Four years.

You look so different, Rebecca.

How did you...?


I like that, Linda.


How did you find me?

It wasn't easy and it wasn't cheap,
but the important thing is, I'm here.

What do you want?

What do you think I want?


You had your chance.

But I told you then it was wrong.
My kids were still in school.

And I told you, I wasn't giving up.

Now I have what I wanted.

Yes, and that we need to talk about.

What a good-looking boy.

Funny, he doesn't resemble you.

Why don't you just go back to D.C., Kyle?

I know what you've done.

I know every move you've
made for the last six months.

Walk out of here.

Relax. I'm gonna help you.

Sean's the man in my life now.
I don't need anyone else.

Linda, if you look at it,
you have two choices :

You can come with me
or you can go to prison.

Come with you? Are you high?

I know how to get Bobby back home.

Don't call him that.

Nobody's gonna know where
he's been, right, Bobby?

Don't touch him!

You always did like it dirty.

Let me put my tongue in your mouth.

Don't talk to me like that. / Why?

You know you love it.

You've got to be kidding.

What are you smiling at?


You were the worst I ever had.

Sorry, Bobby. I gotta catch a train.

["Eternal Flame" by The Bangles]

♪ Close your eyes,
give me your hand, darling ♪

♪ Do you feel my heart beating ♪

♪ Do you understand ♪

♪ Do you feel the same ♪

♪ Am I only dreaming ♪

♪ Is this burning an eternal flame ♪

♪ I believe it's meant to be, darling ♪

♪ I watch you when you are sleeping ♪

♪ You belong with me ♪

♪ Do you feel the same ♪

♪ Am I only dreaming ♪

♪ Or is this burning an eternal flame ♪

♪ Say my name,
sun shines through the rain ♪

♪ A whole life so lonely ♪

♪ And then you come and ease the pain ♪

♪ I don't want to lose this feeling ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Say my name,
sun shines through the rain ♪

♪ A whole life so lonely ♪

♪ And then you come and ease the pain ♪

♪ I don't want to lose this feeling ♪

♪ Oh, oh, eternal flame ♪

♪ Close your eyes,
give me your hand, darling ♪

♪ Do you feel my heart beating ♪

♪ Do you understand ♪
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