01x20 - Greed

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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01x20 - Greed

Post by bunniefuu »

Well. To boys,

Here's to
buying cheap and

selling dear.


I sold our positions in Navrax

right before the plummet.

- Why didn't you tell us?
- Couldn't risk the leak.

Timing is everything.

Had to get out
before the lemmings.

- There he is.
- The Kipster.

- We have a problem.
- What now, kiddo?

- We're celebrating.
- It's important.

Everything's important to you, Kip.

And nothing is important to you.

The mouse roars.

People are losing their
shirts on Navrax.

Well, I got my shirt.

Ascot Chang, it's tailor-made.

Please, Charlie.

- We have to talk.
- All right, all right.

Sit down.
Take a load off.

Keep 'em coming, Vicky.

Yes, sir, Mr. Danville.

Nice tail on that one.

To lives of quiet desperation

and not leading them.

Thanks for coming.

You could've just
cancelled over the phone.

Cancel? And miss the chance
of seeing Tripod and Cyclops?

Who says you're gonna see them?

I'm an optimist.

So, um, this guy is a friend of
my older brother's, Randy Price.

Got in the jam with the SEC, FBI.

Enron type scandal.
Now he wants to cut a deal.

He's got something
on the homicide?

Charles Danville, .

- Never heard of him.
- Big financial wizard back in the day.

Now Randy is in danger of going
the way of Martha Stewart.

What are you talking about?

Get your feet off my desk and
your ass out of my chair, Randy.

Geez, Kite.

Is that any way to
treat an old pal?

Detective Rush,
Randy Price.

You're a homicide detective?

I gotta start committing
some real crimes.

Enough of this white collar crap.

You got something
you wanna tell me, Randy?

I've got something amazing.

I know who k*lled Charles Danville.

Okay, fine.

You don't wanna solve the m*rder of
one of the biggest names on Market Street,

I can take this
info elsewhere.

Door's that way.

You told me this lady was
top notch, Kite.

She is.

Look, detective.

Before all this unpleasantness
with SEC occurred,

I was senior vice president
of mergers and aquisitions.

I'm really busy, Randy.

Two weeks before Danville was k*lled,
I was in the john of this hotel.

Son of a bitch,
you lost it all.

- Do I know you?
- Stu Livermore.

I invested grand in Bentech
and now look at this.

It's worthless.

You run the dry cleaners.

You begged me to let you invest.

Because you were supposed to be
the big shot with all the inside information.

Well, did you read
the perspectives?

Because it clearly states
the risks involved.

I need that money back.

All right, all right.

Stu, is it?


just maybe if I pull a few strings,
I can get you into Navrax.

What's Navrax?

It's a sure thing.

You already wiped me out, remember?
I don't have any more money.

- You must think I'm really stupid.
- Not stupid, desperate.

And Navrax is your way out.

Trust me.

Don't let me pressure you.

- You sure about this Navrax?
- Hey,

ou got a better way out?

Take it.

I got a life insurance policy.
It's worth about grand.

But I warn you.

This Navrax bombs,

you're gonna pay with your life,

trust me.

What happened to Navrax?

It crashed and burned.

Two weeks after Livermore invested.

Same time Danville got k*lled.

I told you it was good.

Well, why didn't you let the
cops know about it back then?

How would I profit from that?

I was saving it for a rainy day.

And now, it's pouring.

Theory in ' was
a car jacking gone wrong.

Danville's body was found
in an alley off the Market Street.

I remember Danville.

He was all over the business
section back in the ' 's.

His Delorean was found the next day
in Ardmore, miles away.

Junked and stripped.

Lotta high end cars got
jacked in ' .

Yeah, they busted a ring of guys for
exporting car parts overseas that year.

Details of the theft match
up with the MO in all the others,

except this one
left a victim.

And that pal of Kite's,
Randy Price..

A ' 's throw back,

a real Market Street,
'greed is good' type.

But he's got information?

This story about Livermore waving
that g*n around is pretty interesting.

Maybe Livermore shot Danville,

took the Delorean to
make it look like a car jacking.

Scotty and I'll track down Livermore,
see what he has to say.

Want me and Vera to go talk
to the last-to-see?

- Who was it?
- Victoria Jordan,

bartender at a place
called Arbitrage.

I've been there
with my stockbroker.

You're in the market, boss?

Half of America is, Lil.

Not my half.

I'll give my broker a call,

see what he know about Danville
and company he used to work for.

Stu Livermore?

Detectives Rush
and Valens.

Hey, finders keepers.

It ain't illegal colllecting
discarded tickets.

We wanna talk to you
about Charles Danville.


That lying huckster ruined my life.

We heard.

You been talking to my ex.

She told us
where to find you.

You had a run-in with him
June, th, .

Swore that if Navrax bombs,
you'd k*ll him.

That's right.


You think I made
good on that threat?

You shoved the g*n to his chest.

Should've fired it too.

But instead I invested
another grand with him.

Two weeks later,
that was gone too.

Mr. Livermore?

Hey. Kip Krowley,
I'm an associate of Mr. Danville's.

I don't want an associate,
I want Danville.

Mr. Danville is
extremely busy. / Yeah,

busy robbing on
his people like me.

I went to the headquarters
in Navrax Corporation.

You know what I found?


One old lady in an -by-
office answering the phone.

That's Navrax.

An old lady with a phone.

You..You must be mistaken.

No mistake. / Well, I'm sure
that there's an explanation.

That money was going to
pay for my children's education.

My wife's gonna leave me.

I'd k*ll myself,
but that wouldn't do any good.

I've already cashed in
on my life insurance.

Hey, I..

I'm very sorry.

Please, I'm begging you.

If I don't get that money back.

Just.. you give me your number,
Mr. Livermore, okay?

I personally gurantee Mr. Danville
will look into this and call you.

- When?
- End of the day.

Tomorrow morning at the latest.

I give you my word.

I was sitting by the phone
all that day like a chump

waiting for that kid to come through.

I got the brush-off.
I finally went to bed.

And I saw the story on
the morning news.

But you never got
your money back?

Guess I could've hired a lawyer,

try to sue, you know,
if I had a cent to my name.

But I didn't.

Still don't.

You were the last person
to see Charles Danville alive?

Yeah, around two am.

Saw him walk out that door
like every night.

Anyone with him?

Lost Boys left earlier.

Lost Boys? / Yeah.

Danville had a group of young
boys that worshipped him.

Fed his ego. / From Collins Brothers,
the firm where he worked?

They wished.

Danville's boys weren't Ivy League.

They were wannabes.
On the outside looking in,

until Danville took pity on them
about a month before he died.

He had met them before? / No,

not that I knew of at least,

but he got real friendly, real fast.

Wonder when
I'll ever be those boys.

Yeah. Galaxy far far away.

Go get some stock tips.

Holy crap,
that is Charles Danville.

He's.. he's coming our way.

Be cool.

Mr. Danville.

Can we buy you a drink?

You guys from Blaine?

Yeah, but how could you tell?

Well, to start,

You're dressed like
used car salesmen,

you're at the bar, because

you can only
afford an appetizer

and you're gawking at the swells

like they're different species.

Which they are.

Except for me.

I used to work in a sweat shop
just like Blaine back in the day.

Cold caling chumps for
ten dollar commissions.

So how did you get to
where you are?


Big brass ones.

You guys got 'em?

Yeah, we got going it. Yeah.

Good. Cause if you're hungry,
maybe I can help you out.


I'm putting together a bond offering
for a company called Navrax.

You know Navrax?

Yeah, of course.

Navrax is awesome.

You're crappy liars.

But you'll get better.

Stick with me, I'll teach you
how to sell snow to eskimos.

You'll be millionaires
by the end of summer.



Why would a big shot like Danville
wanna associate with nobodies?

Maybe he saw himself
in those boys.

Maybe he was just slumming.

All I know was,

the day he died, we got stuck
with thousand dollar tab.


worth more than my car.

- Way more.
- Owner of the Arbitage at the time,

he thought Danville was
made of money.

Just too busy to get
around to paying it.

Me, I would never
have let that happen.

- The owner still around?
- Sold the place, to me.

And I don't give credit to no one.

Four bucks.

So Mackie's your broker, huh?

He told you where to find me?

So Danville worked for you
for what, six years?

Something like that.

Thought he got k*lled
in the car jacking.

Well, we're taking
another look at that.

My detectives talked
to a woman at the Arbitrage

and said the guy was a louse,

welched on his debts.

- Sounds about right.
- I thought Danville was a heavy hitter.

Rolling in dough.

For a while.

Then he hit a losing streak.
Every stock he hyped went in the toilet.

That's why we fired him.


Wasn't he still the employee
of the Collins Brothers when he died?

On paper, he was.

But he begged us to let
him stay unsalaried

until he can get another gig going.

So Danville was on the ropes.

Day he died, we had to cover
about half a mil of his debts

to protect the firm's reputation.

Keep up the appearances.

And keep the authorities off
our backs checking records.

Fat lot of good
it did us considering

I got popped for insider trading.

Well, it could've been worse.

You could've ended up like Danville.

Broke? / Dead.

So Danville's broke
but still playing the big shot?

Yeah, scrambling to get the
Navrax deal off the ground

while his reputation's still intact and

he still had an office
at Collins Brothers.

So this guy's all tabbed out,
but he's still got a corporate apartment,

tab in the five star restaurant
and a Delorean to push around?

How do I get this job.

Now, how come the assigned didn't look
at the disgruntled investors for this?

- Car jacking theory looked solid.
- Collins Brothers covered for Danville.

They erased the
paper trail of his debts.

And plus white collar criminal
ususally get sued, not shot.

So, maybe the doer isn't
your typical investor.

Let's check the SEC records.

See if anyone with a criminal
record bought shares with Navrax.

We'll go talk to Danville's
old associates.

The Lost boys. / Start with the kid that
was supposed to get back to Livemore.


Kip Krowley?

Detective Rush and Valens.

It's about Charles Danville.

Charlie Danville?

That was a life time ago.

We've been talking to an old
associate of yours,

- Randy Price.
- Oh yeah, I read about Randy.

He's in trouble with the SEC, huh?

He says Stu Livermore
threatened Danville's life.

No kidding.

We know you dealt with Livermore
in ' running interference for Danville.

But you never told
the cops about that.

Well, Charlie was k*lled
in a car jacking.

What would Livermore
have to do with that?

Did you know he pulled
a g*n on Danville

two weeks before his death?

No, I didn't.

I just felt bad for the guy.

Did you talk to him?
Is he making out?

He's collecting used tickets
off the floor at the OTB.

That's a shame.

I tried to talk to Charlie
about him the night that he died.

To lives of a quiet desperation.

And not leading them.

So, kiddo.

What's so important that can't wait?

I went to the headquarters
at the Navrax Corporation.

- This about the drycleaner mope?
- Livermore.

And he was right.
It's nothing.

Nothing. It's an old lady
answering phones.


It's the idea that counts.

Not the the brick and mortar.


I promised Livermore that
you would call him.

I personally guaranteed..

Don't promise things, kiddo.

Can you help him?


For me.

That's good.


Going for the heart like that?

I actually have taught you something.

So you will talk to him? / No.


I'm a heartless bastard, remember?

No, you're not.

You are too good to be true.

Kiddo, have a drink.

Lighten up.

That was the last time that I saw him.

I walked to the train and
went to my mom's.

Danville sounds like he was telling the
truth about being a heartless bastard, huh?

Nah, that was just his way.

He was training me to be like him.

Were you upset when he died?

Broken up.

Like I said,

he was trying to
teach me to suceed.

Wasn't his fault I couldn't
cut it in his world.

These are records from the SEC.

About people invested
in Navrax back in ' .

Most for a thousand bucks or so.

And only a dozen
went in for grand.

Anyone with a record?

Yeah, one.
Teddy Mars.

Served years for dealing
cocaine in the late ' 's.

And another three for manslaughter,
broke a guy's neck in Frackville.

How does a ?? like Mars get into
business with a highroller like Danville.

If he was selling
cocaine to Danville.

Danville was broke.

Maybe there was
some bartering going on.

And cocaine for stocks?

- And if those investments tanked?
- Mars would come collecting.

The old fashioned way.

Check with his parole officer
see if he's got a good address.

Teddy Mars.

Wanna talk to you about
Charles Danville.

You ain't Vice.

And you don't look like Narcs.

Homicide. / You invested grand in the
complany Danville was selling called Navrax.

Hold up.

Let me get my lawyer down here.
We can have a real nice pow wow,

just the four of us.

While you're on the line,
we'll talk to your boys over there.

- What boys?
- The ones that are dealing for you?

You got me wrong detectives.

I'm an artist now.

Suit yourself, Teddy.

With what they're holding,
you're coming with us.

So how'd you get
involved with Danville?

That ain't a secret.

For a time I supplied
all the joints in Market Street.

- Including Arbitrage?
- Especially Arbitrage.

Them Brooks Brothers types
liked to party.


You should get on
this Navrax.

- Make some fortune.
- You wanna taste the merchandise?

How much for the whole ounce?

Boys deserve a treat.

Ounce is three grand.

You already owe me ten.

You know what,

I'm gonna cut you in on
this Navrax deal for thousand.

Couple of months,
it'll be worth twice that,

- maybe three times.
- Yeah, you do that.

After you pay me
the grand in cash.

I'll give that think through. / Teddy,

- this Navrax is like money in the bank.
- You don't got it, do you?

I'm offering you grand
in bonds for .

Give me your Rolex.

Teddy, come on.

Imma take your watch

and your worthless paper.

But hours,

I want my K in cash.

So did you get your money?

Next day.

One of Charlie's boys
delivered a briefcase full of green.

You happen to remember
who gave you the money?

Yeah, the pretty boy.
Beau something.

Look, if you don't believe me, ask him.

He'd tell you.
I got paid.

I didn't k*ll Charlie.
Cuz I had no reason to.

I may have met a Mr. Mars
back in the ' 's.

I couldn't say for sure.

We're Homicide, Beau.

- Not Narcotics.
- Or the SEC.

Well, then.

Hell, yeah, I remember Teddy.

He was our supplier.

Did Danville send you to him
with a briefcase full of money?


And he was pissed about it too.

We were coining it on Navrax,

but Charlie hated to
part with the actual cash.

So why did he?

Cuz Charlie could take the heat
from the blue ?? ladies or ??.

But Teddy Mars was
a different story.

So you knew Danville was a swindler?

I looked the other way.

You any other investors that
might want to see Danville dead?



Then who?

After I gave Teddy the cash,

I went back to Charlie to
return his Rolex.

Our brave boy,
back from the trenches.

The guy scared the piss out of me.

Sit down,
take a load off.

Help yourself.


I got your watch back.

I want you to keep it.

Token of my appreciation.


You're the one, Beau.

You're the one who's
gonna make it big.

I am? / I don't think
the others have what it takes.

But you,

you know what it takes.

Don't you?

That's when I got out.

Danville hit on anyone else
you know of?

He hit on all of us.

If you wanted to succeed with Charlie,
you play by his rules.

And that meant sleeping with him?

If you wanted to get ahead,

that's what it meant.

Want a deal, Randy,
you start talking.

And you tell all.
No more saving for a rainy day.

Livermore didn't k*ll Danville.

I know what I heard.

You know what we heard?

Danville liked boys.

Young ones.
Up-and-comers, like you.

He hit on you, Randy?
Cuz he hit on Beau.

Yeah, but Beau didn't k*ll him.

He's got an alibi.

He was at his girlfriend's
the night Danville got dead.

But you, you don't
have a alibi, do you?

Wait a minute.
You think I k*lled Danville?

That's insane.

So, you like biting the pillow.

You didn't get horizontal
to make it to Homicide?

Guy's worthless.

This deal's off.

Okay, okay.
Cool your jets.


Did I service Danville to get ahead?

Yeah, so what?

So maybe you felt
humiliated by that.

Decided to g*n down the man
who made you catch for him.

I did what I had to do.

- Big deal.
- You got anything more on Danville,

you wanna say it right now, Randy.
Cuz your deal is going south, fast.


All right.

This is the entire truth.

Well, that's big for Randy.

I met Danville earlier
than I said before.

How much earlier?

Little more than a month
before he was k*lled.

You want a ride?

Hey, you're Charles Danville.

That's right.

And you work for Blaine & Sons.

How do you know that?

I used to have a crappy
umbrella just like that.

Hop in.

This is so cool.

Took me hard days
of work to afford it.

Do you think I'm kidding?


You know, I used to work
for a joint like Blaine.

- Back in the day.
- Seriously?

Till I wised up,
took some risks.

You a risk taker, uh..?


Randy Price.

Yeah, I like risk.

Good, Randy.

Then I'm gonna
make you a proposition.

I'm gonna create a company
at thin air, sell the hell out of it.

Can you do that?

I'm Charles Danville.

I can do anything.

Still looking for a couple salesmen.

You know anyone
who might be interested?

So Danville meeting you,

Kip and Beau at the Arbitrage,
that was a setup?

Yep. Worked like a charm, too.

And Beau and Kip never knew
Navrax was bogus?

Beau knew it was
a boiler room scam,

but he didn't care
so long as he making out.

And Kip?

Kip was a fool.

Out of his depth.

Believed every word Danville said.

Why'd you keep
this from us, Randy?

Because it was a crooked deal.

And I'm facing charges of
invested fraud.

Okay, you know what,

I just remembered something.
And this is good.

Hey, feel that?

It's raining again.

Kip Krowley the dummy,
he got his mother to invest in Navrax

and she lost a bundle.

Oh we've seen the list of investors,
there's no Krowley.

No, Danville told me she invested.

He bragged about closing the deal.

Hey, your boyfriend in there
was telling the truth.

It's too bad.

Kip's mum did invest in Navrax.

She went by Mavis Breen,
not Krowley.

How much'd she drop?


That's worth a conversation.

What? You got plans?

Kind of.

You got plans?

You kidding?
I'm married.

I'd take any excuse
not to go home.

I wish you boys would've
given me some warning.

Would've made myself presentable.

We just wanted to ask you
about Navrax, Mrs. Breen.

Mavis, please.

I'm divorced.

Can you tell us how you came
to invest in the company, Mavis?

You'd have to
ask Kip about Navrax.

Well, we'd rather talk to you.

Kip isn't in any trouble, is he?

Cuz if he is,
it's my fault.

And how does that work?

Well, when it comes to men,

I make terrible choices.

And poor Kip had to suffer
through my divorces ??

all four of them.

So, about Navrax,

Kip told you to invest?

He knew I had some money in
the bank from my last settlement.

He just wanted to help me grow it.

Did you ever meet Charles Danville?

He took Kip and me to dinner.

You know, to make his pitch.

Chin chin.

What is this?

Well, that is called sushi, Ms. Breen.

Oh, it's Mavis.

Why isn't it cooked?

Oh, it's cutting edge.

Raw's the next big thing.

Well, I prefer chicken teriyaki.

Mum., Charlie has a great
investment opportunity for you.

It's a company called Navrax, Mavis.

High tech.

Japanese are interested
in investing, right, Charlie?

But I promise you
it has nothing to do with sushi.

Charlie's a genious, mum.

He's a senior VP at Collins Brothers.

I've heard of Collins Brothers.

I'm old news.

Kip here is the future.

No thanks to you, huh?

I may have helped out a little bit.

Charlie is my mentor, mum.

You flatter me, kiddo.

I certainly appreciate
your taking interest in my boy.

But when it comes to investing,
I'm all for cautious.

Well, your mum's just my lady, Kip.

It's obviously going
to take more than one dinner

to get her to see the
wisdom of investing.

So, Danville convinced you?


I really invested for Kip's sake.

You know, to help
advance his career.

Lot of good that did.

You must've been pretty angry
losing all that money.

- Furious.
- How about Kip?

He was devastated.

He really believed in that Danville.

So in your defense,
he took revenge on Danville.

Oh no, my Kip couldn't hurt a fly.

Me, on the other hand,

I wanted to string Danville
up by his lying neck.

But of course I didn't.

Man was dad
before I could buy a rope.

Your friend Price is a real prince.

He's my brother's friend.

And he's always been a low life.

Well, he's saint
compared to Danville.

That's the j.o.b.

We don't get to pick our victims.

So, you

wanna go see another
movie tomorrow night?

It's first Thursdays, tomorrow.

First what?

First Thursday of every month,
the homicide detectives get together,

- retired and active.
- To do what?



Sounds fun,
bring me along.

I don't know, Kite.

You're not in the Hat Squad.

You guys have more weird
names for yourselves.

It's usually just cops.

Well, I'm a friend of a cop.

You wanna see the girls?

Met your mum, Kip.

You did. / Heard how she lost
a cool K to Navrax.

Oh boy. / You forgot to
mention that to us, did ya.

Well, I didn't tell you because I thought
it would look like I k*lled Charlie.

- It does.
- And that's just the half of it.

- What do you mean?
- Randy Price, Beau Munger,

they say Danville was
a sexual predator.

They said that?

Come on, Kip.
Quit the act.

You worshipped Danville.

Not only did he use you
to get to your mum's money..

He hit on you too.


That's not how it went.

You really think I should buy it?

Hell yes, I think you should buy it.

Maybe I should save the money
that we're making off Navrax.

No, no, kiddo.

There's plenty more
where that came from.

- I do love it.
- Then buy it.

You derserve it. / Yeah?

I'm really proud of you, you know.

You've come a long way.

I don't know.

Hey, kiddo,
you stick with me.

You're gonna rule
Market Street one day.

Follow right in my footsteps.

Come on, kiddo.
Let's grab the bull by its horns.


I gotta tell you something.

The car's not the
only thing that I love.

I love you, too.

I love you, too, kiddo.

No, I mean

I really love you.

Charlie didn't hit on me.

I hit on him.

Now that must've surprised Danville.

He was surprised.

But then we fell in love.

You buy that Mustang?


Charlie and I drove
all over town in it.

I wanted to spend the rest
of my life with him.

So the thought of me k*lling him

is so crazy.

I loved him,

I still do.

Yeah, Kip said he took trains to
his mum's the night, Danville died.

- Yeah.
- There's a reason.

I ran all the car jackings
in June of ' ,

no mustang is stole in Philly.

But in Montgomery county
where Kip's mum lived..

- Cherry red mustang?
- Junked and stripped.

- Guess where?
- Ardmore.

Just like all the other
car jackings.

Including Danville's Delorean.

Pretty amazing coincidence.

How'd they miss this in ' ?

Montgomery County and Philly
were like two separate countries, Scotty.

So maybe Kip's playing us
using love as a alibi.

Let's bring the math teacher
in this time.

See whether he likes our house.

This is wrong.

Why are you doing this to me?

- He's excellent.
- Sure you don't teach drama?

I'm telling you the truth.

I didn't k*ll Charlie.
Why do you think that?

Well, cuz your precious
cherry red Mustang was car jacked

a few days before Charlie was k*lled.

So you knew exactly how
to cover up a m*rder

and make it look like
a car jacking.

Was it spur of the moment, Kip,
or premeditated?

I left Charlie at the Arbitrage alive

and then I went to the train station
jsut like I told you.

I believe you left the bar, Kip.

Then you waited outside for
Danville to leave.

Shot him twice and took off
in his Delorean.

- No, that's not what happened.
- So what did happen?

The night he was k*lled I,

I kept at him.

I confronted him one last time.


We're having
a conversation here, Kip.

I'm not leaving till we talk.

What's bothering you now?

- If you won't help Livermore..
- Get over Livermore.

At least tell me that the
thousand my mum invested,

you're not gonna scam her too.

Your mum already received
a return on her investment.

What do you mean?

Ask her.

Charlie, you're really
confusing me here.

Is, is my mother gonna get
her money back or not?

No, Kip.

She's not.

But she's my mother.

And she is not some stranger
like Livermore.

I thought that you cared
about us, I mean me.

I do, kiddo.

That's why you need to listen
to me very closely.

This game ain't for you.
Get out while you're still young.

Go back to the sticks.

Become a librarian.

Something more your speed.

You're kidding, right?

I wanted to help you
but you're just not catching on.

- Charlie.
- It's over.

- No sale.
- But I love you.


So long, kiddo.

I left there crying like a baby.

Never saw Charlie again.

Says you.

I went to my mum's.

Like I told you.

When it comes to alibis,

a mother's pretty close to worthless.

I can't confess to
a m*rder I didn't commit.

Why don't you believe me?

What are you doing here?

Kip's in custody for m*rder
of Charles Danville, Mavis.

Oh no.

No, that's not right.

Kip did not do anything.

We know about Kip's car
getting jacked.

So what?

That doesn't prove anything.

So you knew about that, too.

Well, of course I knew.

Mavis, there are ways of tesifying
that you could help Kip,

reduce his sentence.

He seems like a decent guy
jury will respond to that.


That boy's an angel.

All the same,
he k*lled a man in cold blood.

And left him to die in the road.

That boy is an angel.


and Danville

was the devil.

I'm sorry, mum.

So sorry.

I don't care about the money.

I loved him.

I know.


I really, really loved him.

You mean,

you and him?


God, he used me and
spit me out like I'm nothing.

He told me that I was..

I wasn't cut out for the business
and just go back to the vegetable patch.

It's okay.

It's okay, baby.

It's okay.

Hello, Charlie.


What are you doing here?

Called the bar,

made sure you were
still here and sauced.

What do you want?

You. / Again?

I didn't give you enough
of the workout last night?

Yeah. That was a business.

You had to close a deal.

What, are you sore
about the money?

Forget the money.

I want you.

Look, Mavis, I'm a little tired.

Im an adult,

I got no one but myself to blame

for sleeping with
a cold blooded reptile like you.

But Kip's just a kid.

- He's in his 's.
- He's a baby.

Look, why don't you just
put the g*n away. Okay?

We'll talk the whole thing through.

Sleep with a mother and her son?

This is low as it gets.

- Kip doesn't have to know.
- He's never gonna know anything.

Just think you got what was
coming to ya


♪ Cyndi LauperÀÇ 'All Through The Night' ♪

♪ All through the night ♪

♪ I'll be awake and i'll be with you ♪

♪ All through the night ♪

♪ This precious time ♪

♪ when time is new ♪

♪ Oh, all through the night today

♪ Knowing that we feel
the same without saying ♪

♪ We have no past ♪

♪ we won't reach back ♪

♪ Keep with me forward ♪

♪ all through the night ♪

♪ And once we start ♪

♪ the meter clicks ♪

♪ And it goes running ♪

♪ all through the night ♪

♪ Until it ends there is no end ♪

♪ All through the night ♪

♪ Stray cat is crying ♪

♪ so stray cat sings back ♪

♪ All through the night ♪

♪ They have forgotten ♪

♪ what by day they lack ♪

♪ Oh under those white street lamps ♪

♪ There is a little chance they may see ♪

♪ We have no past ♪

♪ we won't reach back ♪

♪ Keep with me forward ♪

♪ all through the night ♪

♪ And once we start ♪

♪ the meter clicks ♪

♪ And it goes running ♪

♪ all through the night ♪

♪ Until it ends there is no end ♪

♪ Oh the sleep in your eyes is enough ♪

♪ Let me be there ♪

♪ let me stay there awhile ♪

♪ We have no past ♪

♪ we won't reach back ♪

♪ Keep with me forward ♪

♪ all through the night ♪
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