01x15 - Disco inferno

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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01x15 - Disco inferno

Post by bunniefuu »

minutes to the biggest dance
contest South Philly's ever seen.

So get those platforms polished
'cause it's gonna be far out.

The Bell's giving one
thousand bucks to the winner.

You heard me.
One thousand big ones!

Outta sight!

Gas and Power guys
were fixing a leak,

found partial remains
about six feet down.

In an old disco?

Was an old disco, The Bell.

Off Lansing Boulevard, real eyesore?

That's the spot.

people were k*lled
there in a fire, .

Ruled as arson.

rd was presumed dead,
remains were never found.

You thinking this must be the guy?

John Doe.

That's all that's left of him?

Skull's all I need to get an ID.
Man had excellent teeth.

If he burned up in the fire, why
didn't we find him back then?

Well, apprently he was deep
underground where the VIP room was.

Plus, what is that?

Slug's been rolling
around in his brain pan.

Right between the eyes.

sh**t must have been close up.

Can we get rifling off this slug?

My guess is it's a . .
Should have distinct markings.

This guy was probably shot
before the fire ever got to him.

Well, maybe our doer started
the blaze, covered his tracks.

Hide one m*rder, cause others.

We don't got a cold one here.

We got of them.

Dental records were conclusive.

This is our John Doe.

Benjamin Issac Rosen.


I remember the news
coverage of The Bell fire.

Cryin' families, burned bodies.

Bulldozers come in quick,
demolish the place?

Yeah. What was left standing
was considered a safety hazard.

So maybe they did a rush
job finding all the remains.

Explains why they didn't find him.

You, uh, ever hang out
at this disco, boss?

Oh, not me.

But I think Jeffries was a beat
cop in South at the time.

I wonder what he did Saturday nights.

The Bell wasn't just a disco,
it was the disco.

Lines around the block to get in.

Lot of feathered hair,
gold chains, polyester...

Sounds like you got
some familiarity there, Will.

I was there once.

William Disco Jeffries.

Come on, Will, bust a move for us.

Yeah, do the hustle, baby.

You know, if it's all the
same, I'd rather not.

Those were regrettable times.

The arson report says the
blaze started in the White Room.

Do you know what that was?

VIP lounge, where all the
cocaine was snorted.

And where's Ben Rosen's
remains were found.

- So, maybe he started the fire.
- Right after he got shot in the face.

That's a point.

So who was with Ben
in the White Room?

Chief suspect in the arson
was the owner of the place.

Neil Chaney.

Torched his own club
for the insurance?

You'd think he'd wait
till after hours.

Looks like they dug, but
didn't get far with that theory.

We got partial rifling
on the b*llet.

It was a . . / Good
enough to find a match?

Yep. We find the g*n
that matches this slug,

could lead us to the doer.

I'd call that new direction.

Vera, Disco Will, have a
conversation with Neil Chaney.

- Meantime...
- We'll go to the Rosens.

You found Benny,
after all these years?

I always hoped, prayed, he got
out of that conflagration somehow.

Ran away or something.

Foolish. I know.

Benny lived at home with you?

He was going to go to dental school.

Top of his class.

Smart. Sweet.

He have any enemies you know of?

I thought he died in the fire.

I'm afraid he was m*rder*d,
Mrs. Rogen, before the fire started.


Was he in any kind of trouble?

How should we know?

Benny was an open book before he
started playing that so-called music.

After, he shut us out.

He knew we disapproved.

Why shouldn't I have disapproved?

That disco ruined his life.

We, uh, kept some of
his things in his room.

Maybe you'd like to see?

Salutatorian of
his high school class.

Adorable, right?

There something you
wanna tell us, Myra?

Something you didn't want
your husband to hear?

No, of course not.

'Cause I got the feeling there was.

We know this is difficult.

Doesn't have to leave this room.

There was something.

It's something I never told my husband.

What was that?

I came home from temple early
one night, on account of my arthritis.

This was a week before the fire.

And, uh...

I saw them together.

My Benny, and a shiksa.

Like you.

Mmm, not here, baby. / Come on.
My folks won't be back for hours.

But if we want to win this
competition, we got to practice.

I don't got the rhythm like you do.

You got it where it counts, baby.
You're far out.

When you gonna tell your
parents we're engaged?


You are such a foxy mama.


Hey, you know I wanna marry you,

spend my whole life
dancing with you.

We don't have to make it
now if you don't want to.

We'll practice,
then we'll make it, huh?

I love you, hot stuff.

They were in love.

At least my Benny had
that before he died.

Did Benny ever talk about
his wedding plans?

He was probably afraid to.
His father would have hit the roof.

You know what happened
to this girl, Sonya?

She got burned in the fire.

I visited her once
at Saint Ignatius,

she was all doped up.
Never knew I was there.

And your husband still
doesn't know about her?

He needs more heartache?

It's bad enough feeling his son
betrayed him over disco.

Sonya Witkowski?


Detectives Rush and Valens.

We're here about Benjamin Rosen.


I'll be right back.

I lost Benny in The Bell fire.

Part of his remains were
recently found, Sonya.

It appears he was k*lled
before the fire started.

Someone k*lled him?

I'm afraid so.

We understand you two were engaged.

We were gonna get married
after the dance competition.

That was such a long time ago.

Was there anything unusual going on
in Benny's life, right around then?

Fights? A threat?

No. I mean...

You sure he was m*rder*d?

Anything you can tell
us could really help.

A couple of days before
the dance contest,

I got there early to practice...

Hey, foxy mama, let's hustle.

What did Chaney want?


- Didn't look like nothing.
- Are we talking or are we dancing?

You deal blow for Chaney,
Benny, I'll dump your ass.

I'm not dealin' blow.

I swear.

You wouldn't lie to me?

I'd rather die.

Hey, after we win that
thousand bucks, baby,

let's elope.
We'll go to the Manhattan,

get married at Studio .

We gotta win first.

We'll win. You're the best
disco dancer in Philly.

Philly? Is that all?

In America. The whole world.

He was the love of my life,
you know?

The real deal.

What were Benny and
Mr. Chaney fighting about?

I don't know.

Benny used to give private dance
lessons to some of Chaney's clients,

but it seemed like
something more serious.

Are you sure it ain't possible
Benny was dealing for him?

He said he wasn't.

On the off chance that he was, Sonya,

you think Chaney was the kind of
man who could m*rder someone?

I know he had a g*n.

Used to show it off,
like some kind of big shot.

We're still looking for Neil Chaney,
but he did have a permit for a . .

Which he fired in ' .
Shot a burglar at The Bell.

- A year before Benny was shot.
- File's coming over from South.

We find the slug
he shot at the burglar,

match it to the one
we got on this job...

Makes Chaney a good bet for the doer.

We're talking about finding a b*llet
fired years ago from a g*n

we don't even know exists anymore.

Registered to a man we can't find.


The word "longshot" comes to mind.

We like a challenge.

Well, you got one.

File from South IDs this guy
Chaney shot as Mark Rigley.

Tried to rob a disco at closing.
Chaney popped him.

sh**ting was ruled self-defense.

Maybe Rigley knows what
happened to the slug.

He doin' time someplace?

Uh-uh. Custodial detail at
the River Rink, Penn's Landing.

Know how we been having
trouble findin' Chaney?

It's 'cause County's six months
behind processing death certificates.

Chaney's dead?

Three months ago.
Cirrhosis of the liver.


So what?
We still have unsolved murders.

We can't talk to the father,
we'll settle for the son.

He's not dead, is he?

No. Paul Chaney owns
a shop in Center City.


Out on the street, boss.

Excuse me just one second.
Enjoy yourselves.

Whassup, folks?

You want a pipe?

Depends what's in it.

Tobacco, the new marijuana.

That's far out, Paul.

Tobacco's legal, remember?

Hey, you wanna check
the pipes, be my guest.

- We ain't narcs.
- We're homicide.


What do you want with me?

Your father.
He had a permit for a . .

We thought you might know
where that g*n is now.

Uh, excuse me. You mind just
stepping over here for a second?

Why? What's this about?

The Bell.

A man was k*lled there that
night before the fire broke out.

And you want to pin it on my old
man who's trying to rest in peace?

- We're trying to solve a m*rder.
- Don't you mean murders?

I been through this a hundred times.

people burned to the crisp.
Everybody blamed my dad for it.

That's why he drank himself to death.

You don't think he was responsible?

My father loved The Bell.

The idea of his torching
it is just craziness.

So what about that . , Paul?

I threw it into the Delaware,
like, a decade ago.

I was worried my dad was
going to turn it on himself.

You remember a guy
named Benny Rosen?

Yeah, yeah, sure.
Benny the Rose.

Everybody knew him.

Someone k*lled him that night.

Shot him.


Well, come on.
It wasn't my dad.

I was by his side the whole
night, at the judge's table.

Who else at that disco
had it in for Benny?

Benny was king.

People worshipped him.
'Specially the women.

The guy was a real Don Juan stein.

He caught up in any
romantic triangles?

Nah, ha got a serious girl.

But you know, them two
had a fight that day.

Now I know about this 'cause I was
doing something you might think unsavory,

but try to remember, I was
just a horny kid at the time.

Oh, yeah,

do it for me, foxy fox.

This is the ladies room, Benny.
Get the hell out! / Sonya, don't cry.

You're a jerk, you know?

I'm just having second thoughts
about eloping. / Yeah, yeah.

It's putting too much
pressure on winning.

I don't want it to effect our dancing.

You don't wanna elope 'cause
you're afraid to marry a shiksa.

That ain't true.

I thought you said you'd rather did than
lie to me? / You know how my father is.

It's , for God's sake.
We can do what we want.

I know, but he'd k*ll me.

Well, waiting is k*lling me.

So you got a choice to make.
It's either him or me.

I should k*ll you,
making a slut out of me.

I was a virgin before I met you!

Oh, men, what an idiot that guy was.
Turning away a piece of ass like that?

Believe me, I wouldn't have.

I believe you, Paul.

Mark Rigley?

- Who's askin'?
- Philly P.D.

Your parole officer said
we might find you here.

My crummy boss telling lies again?


This is about him and that
borrowed car incident, right?

That was two months ago.

- It was an emergency.
- No, it's not about that.

Just walkin' the straight
and narrow here, man.

Pushing a broom for minimun wage.

Mark, in you were
shot at The Bell disco?

Yeah. So?

We were kinda hoping that you kept that
slug maybe as a suvenior or something.

We're trying to match it to
a b*llet on another case.

You bet I know where that slug is.

Right here.
For years.

Sets off metal detectors like crazy.

The docs couldn't take it out?

Not back then.
Maybe now, modern medicine.

You'd be willing to give it a go?

I'm civic-minded.

There's nothing I wouldn't
do to assist Philly's finest.

'Course, Philly's finest gotta assist me.

Assist how?

How much you think it's
worth going under the knife?

A couple grand?

That's mighty civic-minded of you, Mark.

Capitalism made this
country great, my friend.

That two grand?

That ain't gonna happen.

Then no deal.

You guys wanna buy my ass
b*llet, you know where I work.

You lied to us, Sonya.


You said you and Benny
were gettin' married,

but you broke up with him that night.

In the ladies room.


I mean,

we would have worked it out.

"I should k*ll you,
makin' a slut outta me."

Two hours later, Benny ends
up with a b*llet in his head.

Benny was the love of my life.

How do you know what I said, anyway?

Where were you when
the fire started, Sonya?

On the floor.

It was Doreen blabbin', wasn't it?

That nosy bitch knew
everything 'bout everything.

Who's Doreen?

Doreen Di Nova.

Had a real thing for Benny.

- Always trying to steal him for me.
- That right?

She was competitive
with me over everything.

Benny, dancing, you name it.

She in the dance contest that night?

Yeah. Her and her partner Ken
were our main competition.

She would have done anything to win.

Last chance for a practice dance.

One hour till starting time.

You heard of me, baby, one hour.

Oh, my heels.

That's okay.
I got another pair.

Come on, Benny.
Dance with me.

- No. I got a partner.
- It's not too late to switch.

We won last year. We
could do it again this year.

- I'm with Sonya now, Doreen.
- I'm better than her.¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

That don't matter.
I love Sonya.

And I love Kenny.
But you and me, we could go places,

win real competitions in
Manhattan and the like.

Get it outta your head.

It's not gonna happen.

Hey, Doreen.

Got your headlights on, I see.

Why you got to be so selfish, Sonya?

You already got Benny in the sack.

Why can't I have him
on the dance floor?

Why should I?

'Cause you can't keep
up with him and I can.

- I ain't heard no complaints.
- I ain't made any.¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Fine, be that way.

You're not gonna be
the king forever, Benny.

A lot could happen between
now and the contest.

What is that supposed to mean?

It means I'm going
home wearing that tiara.

- Problem, baby?
- No, there's no problem here.

Come on, hot stuff.
You're too foxy to fight.

- Polack.
- Slut.

"A lot could happen between
now and the contest."

- And that's a quote.
- You think it was a threat?

I just know she was dying to be
dancing queen two years running.

- Doreen Di Nova?
- Yeah?

We need to talk to you
about Benny Rosen.

Benny the Rose? Ooh.

That's a blast from the past.

You remember threatening him?


Gloria, hang on a second.

I need a smoke.

You been talking to
Sonya, huh? Right?

She a fatty now or what?

- You make good on that threat, Doreen?
- 'Cause Benny was m*rder*d that night.

Oh, yeah? Well, that's news to me.

Where were you when the fire started?

On the floor, with my partner Ken.

What, did Sonya tell you I whacked Benny?

You denying you made a threat?

I might have said
something as a psychout.

To win the contest?

Yeah. A thousand bucks was
like a million to us back then.

And Ken needed that money, bad.

Why's that?

This is ancient history, right?

I can't get in trouble for
breakin' any narcotics laws?

We're homicide.

Well, back then, coke
was the drug of choice.

Hey, Hoover, save a bump for me.

Don't worry, baby, I got more.


You're out.

You snorted it all?


I'm in trouble, baby.
Real trouble.

What do you mean?

I was supposed to deal that all that blow.
I'm into Chaney for thousands.

Well, you should have thought of that
before you snorted up all his merchandise.

I'm screwed.
Chaney's gonna k*ll me.

You guys got the studio upstairs reserved?

That's right.

Well, if you ain't gonna use it,
I thought maybe I'd get in some practicing.

We're gonna use it.

Doreen, that stuff throws off
your timing, makes you sloppy.

If I were you, I'd be worried
about Sonya's two left hoofs

and not my timing.

You used to be good... dedicated.

How come you don't practice
no more like you used to?

What do you care, Bagleboy?

We're still gonna wipe the
floor with you and Sonya.

I guess I should've realized
Ken was an addict, but...

at the time everybody was snorting
like there was no tomorrow.

You still in contact with Ken?

Nah. Fire busted us all apart.

Burning of The Bell was the
day disco died in South Philly.

Was Ken an anti-Semite
along with being an addict?

Instead of Benny the Rose,
he called him Benny the Nose, so...

So, Ken could have done
something to Benny that night.

Maybe to knock him out of the contest,
win that grand to pay off his coke debt?

Though Sonya says you were the
one who was so desperate to win.

Well, that figures.

I mean, me and the Polish American
Princess weren't exactly soul sisters.

But I wasn't a coke fiend like Ken,

and I wasn't into Chaney
for thousands of dollars.

The b*llet's still in him?

Says it's a pain in his ass, literally.

- He'll only cooperate for a price.
- What price?

- Neighborhood of two grand.
- We don't live in that neighborhood.

Can't we compel him to
give us the b*llet?

- Get a search warrant?
- Check with the lawyers.

Doreen's partner, Ken Mazzacone,

served a stint at Camp Hill
in ' for dealing coke.

Went straight, got a license
with the city, drives a cab now.

Want to go see him?

- Where are you with Doreen and Sonya?
- Both got motive, both got alibis.

They say they were on the dance
floor when the fire broke out.

Witness statements
from ' back that up?

Yeah, I'm on it.

You two, see if you can
find this cab dirver.

Lil, go visit ADA Kite

and find out about that search
warrant for Mr. Rigley's backside.

Gotta take the first hack in line.

You're the hack we want, Ken.

Do us a favor, step on out of there.

You remember "Benny the Nose", Ken?

From The Bell?
Yeah, I remember Benny.

Turns out he was m*rder*d
before the fire broke out.

- That's a shame.
- Ain't it?

- What's it got to do with me?
- We heard you didn't like him.

That a crime? He was uppity.

'Cause he was a jew?

'Cause he was a drag.
A real Goody Two-shoes.

Wouldn't deal coke for Chaney, right?

Relax. This isn't drug bust.

Well, yeah.

Chaney didn't like a lot
of people telling him no.

He liked you, though.

Hey, I ain't denying I
made a little extra cash,

selling merchandise for Mr. Chaney.

Except you used more than you sold.

Ended up owing Chaney a lot of moeny.

Heard you had a real love affair
going with the nose candy.

Yeah, well, I'm off of that particular
diet plan now, as you can see.

Thousand bucks, though.

Go a long way to paying off your debt.

All you had to do was
eliminate the competition.

I've eliminated nobody.
Didn't need to.

I was just as good a
dancer as Benny was.

We heard Benny was the king.

Then you heard wrong.

Where were you when
the fire broke out, Ken?

I was on the floor,
warming up with Doreen.

Who's the rabbi?

That's Benny's dad.

- You sure?
- Yeah, Mr. Rosen.

He comes into the cleaners sometimes.

- I'm gonna go say hello.
- Why?

Because he's looking for Benny,

and I'm gonna point him
in the right direction.

Mess with The Nose's head.

Mr. Rosen, Doreen Di Nova,
from the Fluff and Fold.

- Have you seen my son?
- Sure,

he's in the White Room. Come on.

Know why they call it the
White Room, Mr.Rosen?

'Cause that's where they do the blow.


You'd better stop talking, young man.


You don't wanna know "or".

Right in there.

Yeah, say shalomy to Benny for us.

Man was pissed going into that room.

I wouldn't wanna be
Benny at that moment.

And you're positive
it was Benny's father.

Hey, who else would be at The Bell,
hanging out with a Frisbee on his head?

- Not a chance.
- Don't say that, Kite.

No judge is gonna sign a search warrant

for a guy's body cavity to remove
a b*llet. Just won't happen.

- So that's it?
- That's it. No sale.

- Out of luck.
- Try again tomorrow.

Just like the exhumation.

You're still smarting about that?

We're supposed to be on the same
team here. / We are.

And my job, as your teammate, is to
let you know what's legally plausible.

This isn't.

How about the city offering
some cash as incentive?

What i... what is this case anyway?

It's a... disco m*rder.

Disco? / Mm-hmm.


♪ Well, you can tell by
the way I use my walk ♪

♪ I'm a woman's man, no time to talk...♪

- Stop that, Kite.¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
- We should go dancing.

We should go dancing.

No... no.

I'll take that as a maybe.
Huh? Whoo!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

- # Huh, huh, huh, huh... #
- Kite, honestly...¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

- # In love... #
- this could be a deal breaker.

Eh, this, uh...

this guy, the, uh...
with the slug in his ass,

is he in any trouble with the law?

Out an parole for a B and E.

Let me talk to his parole officer.

See if he'll go for reduced parole in
exchange for getting that slug taken out.

Do I have to do anything in return?


Why didn't you tell us you were
at the disco that night, Mr.Rosen?

I didn't see how it mattered.

Your wife know you went
to see Benny that night?

In orthodox temples,
men and women sit apart.

I was gone and back
before the service was over.

She didn't know.

What did you say to your son?

- That's private.
- Not good enough, Mr.Rosen.

Don't you wanna know who k*lled
your boy? The other people?

- Unless you already know.
- We know you got a temper.

And how betrayed you felt by Benny.

You think I k*lled my own son?

You had opportunity and motive.

You disapproved of him.
You said so yourself.

For good reason.


What are you doing here?

How can you pray in this cesspool?

What's it matter where I pray,
huh, as long as I pray?

And what are you praying for?

To win a ridiculous dance contest?

Or to get your hands on more blow?

I don't do that, Dad.

Come to temple with me.
It's Friday night. The Sabbath.

I'm not gonna temple.

I'm not gonna
dental school either, Dad.

You choose this degradation
over your heritage?

This is my heritage now, Dad.

Disco. / Disco's a fad.

Your family, the temple,
that's your life.

Disco's my life, Dad.

All right? It's not a fad.

It's here to stay.

And so am I.

In fact...

I'm gonna marry my dance partner,

the girl I love.

The shiksa.

You do and you'll never
step foot in my house again.



Then you're no longer my son.

I renounce you.

It's why I didn't tell you.

Why I never told my wife.

Those were the last words
I ever spoke to my son.

"I... renounce... you."

Where'd you go after you left
the White Room, Mr.Rosen?

I went back to the temple.

And while I was praying,
my son was m*rder*d,

burned to death.

Kite did us a solid, swinging
that deal with Rigley.

Rigley went for it pretty quick

when he found out he
could miss a day of work.

Sweeping up cigarette
butts in -degree weather

or taking an easy outpatient procedure.
I can see taking curtain number two.

Slug's in pretty good
condition, considering.

Is it a match to Benny's b*llet?

Congratulations, Detectives.

You have twins.


witness statements say
Chaney was at the judges' table,

all the way up until the fire.

His g*n, but he didn't use it.

What about our two dancing
queens, Sonya and Doreen,

and the cabbie, Ken Mazzacone?

Alibi's held up. People saw
them all on the dance floor.

And we verified David Rosen was back
in temple before the fire broke out.

Who are we overlooking?

Witnesses put Chaney at the judges'
table, but what about his son, Paul?

No statements about his whereabouts.

Just his own, right? Said he
was with his father all night.

A father who's conveniently dead.

Little weasel like him, he'd know
where his dad kept his g*n.

And he'd have access to the White Room.

Only one problem, motive.

Why would Paul wanna
k*ll Benny Rosen?

Paul Chaney was a little perv.

He have any beef with Benny?

Paul kind idolized Benny.

Wanted to dance like him.

He any good?

Total klutz.

He was always showing
off for Benny, "Watch me"

like an annoying kid brother, you know?

He show off for Benny
the night of the fire?

Earlier that day he did.

We were rehearsing a number...

Hey, Benny, can I cut in?

We're kind of working
on a move here, Paul.

I know, the Argentinean Tango.

I can do it.

Watch me.

That's not bad.


Think I could dancer one
day like you, Benny?

Yeah, Paul. Just keep practicing.

I will. 'Cause, one day,
I'm gonna be the king like you.

Hey, Doreen.

Benny says I'm a good dancer.

Don't let it go to your head.
He thinks Sonya's good, too.

Dance with me, Doreen.

Yeah, all right.

Come with me.

Why would a disco queen like
Doreen let Paul feel her up?

Owner's son, maybe.

Where was Doreen taking the kid?

Toward the White Room.

Me and that little twerp?

What, are you nuts?

According to Sonya, you guys
were all over each other.

He was all over me, more like it.

Why'd you let Paul grope you like that?

- I fet sorry for him.
- You take him back to the White Room?

We talked to your dancing partner Ken.

Oh, yeah?

How's he?


Ken says he can't remember

you being on the dance floor
with him before the fire started.

I don't believe this.

You're trying to pin
Benny's m*rder on me?

You got motive.

And without an alibi,
you got opportunity.

Unless you give us
good reason not to...

We're gonna have to arrest you.

The hell you are.
I didn't k*ll Benny.

Then who did?

I don't know.

I swear.

I just wanted to win.

Here's the deal, you little horndog.

I'm listening.

Benny always comes in here
right before dancing, right?


While he's doing whatever he does,

you sneak in wearing a ski mask,

whack him one on the knee.

Use a baseball bat, a tire iron,
anything that'll do the job.

And you'll let me make it with you?

You knock Benny out of the contest,
I'll let you do whatever you want.

The only thing the little twerp
was supposed to do

was wallop Benny on the leg,

put him out of commission.

But instead he k*lled him.

Then torched the place.

I don't know what
Paul did or didn't do.

I was on the dance floor
like I told you.

Oh, God.

I didn't want any permanent
harm to come to Benny.

But the thought of that
talentless bitch Sonya

winning the contest
and wearing the tiara.

I couldn't let that happen.

You gotta understand

I was better than her.

Way better.

counts of m*rder
in the first degree, Paul.

I want a lawyer.

I don't blame you.

Won't make a difference.

We got physical evidence.

That's the slug from
Benny Rosen's skull.

That's the slug from your dad's g*n,
one you threw in the Delaware.

Maybe you forgot,
you shot a burglar back in ' .

They're a perfect match, Paul.


So we know the b*llet that k*lled
Benny came from your dad's g*n.

Which you had access to.

Plus Doreen told us
about your little deal

knock Benny out of the contest,
get some action in returen

except you knocked him out permanently.

How do you live with yourself, Paul?

Knowing you k*lled the
disco king you worshipped,

not to mention other people?

if you count your dad
who drank himself to death.

I didn't k*ll those people.

Forensics says you did.

So does Doreen.

It wasn't my fault.

Whose was it?

It was...

it was Benny's fault.

Paul, what the hell?

Benny, I can explain.

Get off of me, you little twerp,
before I kick your ass.

What are you calling me that for, Benny?

All I ever wanted to do was be like you.

You, like me?

You're the worst disco dancer in Philly.

You think you're such hot stuff,
hogging up all the foxes for yourself.

Well, you ain't such
hot stuff now, are you?

♪ Donna SummerÀÇ "Last Dance" ♪

♪ Last dance, ♪

♪ last dance for love ♪

♪ I need you, by me, ♪

♪ beside me, to guide me, ♪

♪ to hold me, to scold me, ♪

♪ 'cause when I'm bad ♪

♪ I'm so, so bad ♪

♪ So let's dance, the last dance ♪

♪ let's dance, the last dance ♪

♪ let's dance, this last dance tonight ♪

♪ Last dance, last dance for love ♪

♪ yes, it's my last change ♪

♪ for romance tonight ♪

♪ Oh, I need you, by me, ♪

♪ beside me, to guide me, ♪

♪ to hold me, to scold me, ♪

♪ 'cause when I'm bad ♪

♪ I'm so, so bad ♪

♪ So let's dance, the last dance ♪

♪ let's dance, the last dance ♪

♪ let's dance, this last dance tonight ♪
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