03x14 - Mr. Monk Goes to Vegas

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Monk". Aired: July 2002 - December 2009.*
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After the m*rder of his wife, Adrian Monk develops OCD which costs him his job as a prominent homicide detective, but he continues to solve crimes with the help of his assistant and his former boss.
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03x14 - Mr. Monk Goes to Vegas

Post by bunniefuu »

Have you seen my earring?

Nobody's gonna miss me.

You're not getting out of this one.

Half the people are coming just to have their picture taken with the great Daniel Thorn.


You bought me this dress just for tonight.



[Both chuckle]

I really do have impeccable taste, don't I?

Me or the dress? Both.


This thing is gonna k*ll you someday.

I have to wear it, darling. It's my trademark.

And we're late, I'll just wear these.


Save me, Roberto.

How about you go to this stupid benefit?

I'll stay here.

Have a good evening.

Mr. T, your car is right out front, and I put a couple of diet sodas in there too.

Thank you, Lewis.

Mr. Thorn, over here. One picture!

What is it?

Oh... do you have the tickets?

No, I thought you had them.

Oh... oh, I must have left them upstairs.

Uh, I'll go, you stay and meet your adoring public.

All right.

Sheryl, your scarf is caught.

Ohh! Sheryl!

Oh, my scarf! Daniel!

Ohh! Ohh!

Somebody help me!

Roberto, get to the elevator.

Check on Mrs. Thorn. It's that damn scarf again.

Just make sure she's okay.

Mr. Thorn...

You better come up.

It's Mrs. Thorn...

I think she's dead.

[Randy Newman ragtime theme]

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ disorder and confusion confusion everywhere ♪

♪ No one seems to care

♪ well, I do

♪ hey, who's in charge here?

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ poison in the very air we breathe ♪

♪ You know what's in the water that you drink? ♪

♪ Well, I do, and it's a-ma-zing ♪

♪ People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time ♪

♪ If you paid attention, you'd be worried too ♪

♪ You'd better pay attention or this world we love so much ♪

♪ Might just k*ll you

♪ I could be wrong now

♪ but I don't think so

♪ 'cause it's a jungle out there ♪

♪ It's a jungle out there ♪

[telephone ringing]



(Stottlemeyer) Hey, monk! You awake?

Listen, there was a m*rder here last night.

You know Daniel Thorn?

Daniel Thorn?

Daniel Thorn... The son of a bitch m*rder*d his wife, and he tried to make it look like an accident, and I can prove it!

Monk, I solved the case!

At least, I think I did.

Hey, hey. And keep 'em coming.

Hot pants!

Good god almighty! Ha ha!

Have you been drinking?

Who, me? Uh, yeah, a little bit.

Listen, monk, I need you, man.

I need you to come to Vegas.

I need a second opinion.

I'm staying at the monticello casino.


Room 3473.


Las Vegas?

[Upbeat jazzy music]

(Man) ♪ there's just one place for me ♪

♪ This is it

♪ yeah, just one place to be ♪

♪ This is it

♪ I'm so happy to be here

♪ when I look around, it's clear ♪

♪ Yes, it's perfectly plain to see ♪

♪ There's the cream of the crop ♪

♪ This is it

♪ on my list, at the top ♪

♪ This is it

some kind of holiday?

Nope, it's like this 24 hours a day.

All the time.

People come from all over the world just to give their money away.

They look miserable.

They are miserable.

You might be the happiest person here.

[Bells ring] Whoo hoo!

You all right?

This is nothing.

Wait till the tour buses show up.

This place is gonna be packed.

How do you know?

I lived here for two years.

I was a Blackjack dealer.

I didn't know that.

I've done a lot of things you don't know about.

Really? Like what?

Like it's none of your business.

Have you ever done hard time?

Do you think I've done hard time?


This way.

[Knocking on door]

[Pounding on door]


[Bottles crashing]


Where's my pants?

Hey, Randy, where's my pants?

You threw 'em out the window.

Why did I do that?

One of the girls bet you a dollar you wouldn't.

Looks like she paid off.

[Pounding on door] Coming!

Quit with the pounding.

Which one of you idiots invited monk?

Wasn't me.

Not me. Come on.

Hey, monk!


What are you doing here?

You called him.

I called you?

You said there'd been a m*rder.

What the hell are you talking about?

Can we come in?

Yeah, come on.

Whoo hoo hoo!

You guys have fun?

I don't know.

What's the occasion?

Larry fennigan's bachelor party.

Sergeant fennigan? No.

I just to talked to him last week.

He's not having a bachelor...

Uh, yeah, he must have changed his mind at the last minute.

We tried to call you.

Hey, look... stripper left her makeup bag.


Uh... It's okay, monk, 'cause me and the other married guys, we went down the hall until she left.


Um, we'll meet you guys later.

I'm gonna go hit the tables.

How's your luck?


I'm only down a couple hundred.

Whatcha playing? Blackjack.

Five bucks? Those are the kiddy tables.

I'm here to make some real money.

I got a system.

I didn't know you had a book.

Then you can't lose.

Come on down, see for yourself.

You can help me count my chips.

Hey, wait a minute. I called you, monk.

Right. Yeah, I ca...

I solved something.

Yeah! You said Daniel Thorn m*rder*d his wife.

You said you had proof.

I did?

Okay, this way.

Over here.

Right, this... This is where she was k*lled.

Does any of this look familiar?

I don't know.


You're only supposed to take two of those.

"As necessary."

You don't remember anything? Nothing?

Um... i know I left the party upstairs at about 1:30.

Okay, okay, were you alone?

I don't know.

I came down, I played some craps.

Lost some money.

I talked to someone.

Good! There you go.


It was a man.

Or a woman.

Oh, man or a woman.

That narrows it down.

So... so it wasn't a child?

Coulda been.

I got the case file.

Lt. Waliver said don't make any copies of it, and I have nice eyes.

Cause of death: Ligature strangulation and a broken neck.

Waliver said you're wasting your time.

It was an accident. She strangled on her own scarf.

Okay, let's check it out.

Uh, excuse me. I'm sorry.

These are private elevators.

The public elevators are across the lobby.

Yeah, um... P.D.

We're just gonna look around a little bit, okay?

Sure, sure.

Well, what's, uh, going on?

Can I help?

Were you on duty the night Mrs. Thorn was...

Why, is this, like, an insurance thing?

No, this is a

"we ask you some questions and you answer" thing.

Okay, okay. But you owe me one.

Here's what happened. They got off the elevator.

Sheryl... that's Mrs. Thorn... said, "do you have the tickets?"

Daniel... Mr. Thorn...

Checked his pockets.


She got back on the elevator.

Elevator doors closed.

And her scarf got caught.

You could hear her screaming from inside.

"Help me, Daniel. Help me."

That's pretty much it.

The found her upstairs.

And she was definitely alone?

Oh, yeah, I was standing right there.

I got a question.

Were you working last night at 2:00?

Oh, yes, sir.

Was I here?

Were you here?

Do you remember me? Did we talk?

No, sir, I've never seen you before.


We never met.

I was just testing you.

He passed. Good job.

Um, i... we're just gonna be a minute, okay?

Okay. Thank you.

So it's an express.

Yeah, it goes straight to the penthouse, non-stop.

There's an access panel.

Can we get up there?

Hey, look. Thumbprint scanner. Yeah.

This elevator doesn't move for anyone but Thorn or his wife.

Yeah, right. It's all here, look.

See? Daniel Thorn pressed the elevator scanner at 5:52 to come down.

At 5:55, three minutes later, to go back up in the elevator.

So it was definitely her.

Yeah, positive I.D.

What are you doing?

Well, look. It's odd.

Look at her thumb print.

It's at a weird angle.

Why would she press it like that?

I would have pressed it like that.

Wouldn't you? Mm-hmm.

Yeah, that is weird.

What is that?

It's a fingernail.

It's dug right into the leather.

It probably broke off when she was choking to death.

No, I don't think so.

She was too far away from the door.

What do you think?

I think you were right.

Something happened in here.

It was m*rder.

You know, some people thought that we should reschedule this groundbreaking ceremony after what happened last week.

But I know that sheryl would want us here today.

And as you know, she and I were never able to have children of our own.

So she always considered this project, this hospital, to be her baby.

Our baby.

If, in 100 years...

He didn't love her.

How do you know?

I know.

Or my casinos or my bestseller books.

No, it will be for this hospital.

So let's get started on this hospital.


Will somebody hold this?

What are you doing?

Poking around.

You can't do that.

I can do anything I want. I'm cute.

I want to thank everybody for coming out here today.

So let's get this thing built, huh?

Oh, thanks. I appreciate that.

Mr. Thorn, do you have a minute?

Yeah, sure.

(Natalie) No, no, sir. We don't want your autograph.

My name is Natalie teeger.

This is Adrian monk.

We're here with some homicide detectives from San Francisco.

Oh, I hope you're staying here at the monticello.

Yes, sir, we are.

We just have some questions about your wife and how she died.

You do?

Well, uh, we have our own police force here, Mr. Monk.

And, uh, they've already looked into it.

If you want a copy of that report, I can assist you with that.

Well, I've already seen the report, sir.

It doesn't add up.

Oh, yeah? What doesn't add up?

The night she died, the two of you were going to a fundraiser at the Baker Street pavilion.

Yeah, that's right.

It was a fundraising concert.

For this hospital.

Right, but she forgot the tickets, and that's why she went back upstairs.


These were in your pocket, sir.

Baker Street pavilion, may 2nd.

Oh, my, but...

I didn't realize they were there.

If I'd have known that, she'd be alive here today.

We've spoken to some witnesses.

They said that you looked for the tickets.

They said that you checked your pockets.

They were mistaken!

Look, why don't you just relax here, Mr. Monk.

Huh? You're in Las Vegas.

Do some gambling.

I'd be happy to comp you and your friend here.

I don't gamble.

Well, then, have a drink.

Don't drink.

Well, you don't gamble, you don't drink.

You wanna know a secret? I don't either.

You and I, we got a lot in common, Mr. Monk.

Yes, we do. My wife was m*rder*d too.

Sheryl wasn't m*rder*d.

I think she was.

We're done here.

Good-bye, Mr. Monk, Ms. Teeger.

Mr. Thorn.

(Monk) Okay, just take your time.

Does any of this look familiar?

Maybe that way?

Hey, there's Randy. Randy!

Randy! How you doing?

Hey, uh, I'm down. I mean...

But that's to be expected.

Money is like the tide. It ebbs and it flows.

It's all in the book.

Right now, I'm sort of ebbing.

Uh, son, exactly how much are you ebbing?

Down 800.

But that's not including the complimentary breakfast and all the free drinks.

Don't panic. Don't panic.

The worst thing you can do is panic.

It's all in the book.

Hey, uh, how's the case coming?

Actually, we're narrowing it...

Great, I wanna hear all about it.


Julia, I'm back. All right.

There's money. There ya go.

That bar.

I've been in that bar.

Hey! There he is!

This is the guy!

Hey, Leland, welcome back!

I think you've been here before.

I figured you'd be back.

You forgot this.

Everybody is still talking about it, man.

Thank you for last night.

You're welcome.

(Monk) First place karaoke contest?


Do you sing?


Look, last night is a bit of a blur.

What did I sing?

Ain't no sunshine.

That's a good song.

You made me cry.

Sing it again.

I don't think so.

Look, um...

Did anything else happen? It's kind of important.

You did a lot of drinking.

You were very thirsty.

Did he talk to anybody?

Hell, he talked to everybody.

You don't remember anything?


Let's see, you came in around 2:00.

You sang the song, you won the trophy, you threw up, and you collapsed on a table over there.

Was he alone?

I didn't notice.

About ten minutes later, you came back.

You were all excited, and you kept saying, "I solved the case!"

Anything else?

No, sir, you just ran outside, looking for a pay phone.

You sat at this table. You solved the case.

Look... do you have any idea what I meant?


I do.

You told me all about it.


What exactly did I say?

I'll tell you on one condition.

Hi. Remember me?

Oh, Ms. Teeger, room 1523.

Wow, you're pretty good!

You're gonna own this place someday.

That's the plan, yeah. Give me five years.

Listen, my friend Adrian monk just checked in.

Room 1525.

That's right.

Anyway, he's a little peculiar.

He has to have 60-watt light bulbs in all the lamps.

60 watt?

Uh, did you try guest services?

Yeah, there were ten people in front of me.

Could you help me out? I would so appreciate it.

Done. But you owe me one.

All right.

Is that Daniel Thorn's book?


You must be a pretty big fan, huh?

I'd say i'm more of a student.

I keep my eyes open.

You can learn more in this lobby than you can in any business school.

I'm sure you can...


I bet you have some great stories.

[Chuckles] Uh, well, uh...

Let's just say if I wrote a book about Thorn, about the things I've seen, it'd be pretty wild.

[Both chuckle]

I have a perfect view of who comes and goes.

And who comes and goes with who.

Ah, do you really?


[Ain't no sunshine playing]

♪ Ain't no sunshine when she's gone ♪

♪ It's not warm when she's away ♪

Don't ask.

♪ Any time she goes away

♪ wonder this time where she's gone ♪

♪ Wonder if she's going to stay ♪ Do the dance.

You did a little dance.

♪ Ain't no sunshine when she's gone ♪

♪ She's always gone too long ♪

♪ Any time she goes away turn around. I wanna see your tush.

♪ I know, I know, I know, I know ♪ Those are different pants. Where are the jeans?

Look, lady, a deal is a deal.

I sang the song, now tell me what I said last night.

All you said was, "they don't match."

They don't match? What doesn't match?

I don't know. You didn't say.

Wait, wait, wait. Is that it?

Is that all you've got?

Leland... Sing it again.

I just love the way you sing.

Thank you.

You were good.

Shut up.

Daniel Thorn has a mistress.

She's a dancer at another casino.

How do you know that?

Lewis the bellboy told me.

He told you, just like that?


Oh, that's right. You're cute.

(Man) ♪ come see me tonight

♪ I know that the time is right ♪

♪ For a rendezvous

♪ only me and you...

Mr. Monk, they're not naked.

They're naked-ish.

[Laughs] Well, you can't argue with that.

They are naked-ish.

Where's the captain?

He went back to get Randy out of the casino.

He's down $4,000.

He's never gonna leave.

Nobody walks away. It's like a drug.

I used to gamble.

I had a big problem.

That's why I left.

Sir, Teresa telenko?


Is he pointing?

Yes, he's pointing.

Where is he pointing?

To a woman.

♪ Tonight ♪

♪ Come see me tonight ♪ She's walking this way.

Excuse me... Ms. Telenko?

Hi, I'm Natalie teeger.

This is Adrian monk.

We're... we're working with the police department.

Looking into the death of... ooh!

Of sheryl Thorn.

Why are you telling me?

Because you're sleeping with her husband.

To check your phone records.

Okay, maybe that's true.

But that's my business.

It has nothing to do with his wife or what happened.

Ms. Telenko, we already checked.

The night Mrs. Thorn was k*lled, you called in sick.

You missed the show.

Is he blind?

Define blind.

I called in sick because I was sick.

I miss a lot of shows.

Would you like to see a note from my doctor?

What happened to sheryl Thorn was an accident.

She was on that elevator alone, and she choked to death.

I don't think so.


Look, if you're gonna accuse me of something, the least you can do is look me in the eye.

Mr. Monk, come on.

Thorn k*lled her.

I don't know how he did it...

But he did it.

I think you knew something about it, either before the fact or after.

Are you arresting me?


Then I have a show to do.

Excuse me.

Ms. Telenko!

When you talk to Mr. Thorn...

You tell him that I'm not going anywhere.

Tell him that he's smart, but I'm smarter.

And I am gonna figure out how he did it.

Is she still there?

So where's your boyfriend?

Sent him out.

Told him I needed a special kind of shampoo.

Boy, it's like you have super powers.

It's a gift.

And a curse?

Nah, just a gift.

All right, we have about 10 minutes.

Let me have the scarf.


What are you doing?

We're reenacting the crime.

You're the victim.

What if the elevator starts up?

It'll get caught again.

It's not gonna get caught.

Well, then you be the victim!

No, no, no, no, no.

Sharona was always the victim.

Yeah, I'm sure she was.

I... i can't be the victim.

I'm the detective.

I have to step back and observe the scene.

Yeah, well, I can observe stuff too.

Like, a... this is a crime scene.

No, no, no, you don't know what to look for.

Okay? I mean, we have a system.

It's a good system.

There's an old saying:

Don't... Change anything...


That's an old saying?

I've been saying it for years.

I know it's only $2 million, but two million here, four million there, after a while we're talking about real money.

Yeah, the answer is no!

Okay, I'm Mrs. Thorn.


Oh, looks fantastic on you, by the way.

All right, all right.

We walk out.

We stop.

I forgot the tickets.

We look for the tickets.

I must have left them upstairs.

I walk back to the elevator.

I press "p," penthouse.

The doors close.

The scarf gets caught.

Maybe somebody was hiding up there.

Well, that's possible.

But Mrs. Thorn was yelling about the scarf, not about some attacker.


So she's alone.

She presses her thumb.


Mr. Monk, oh my god! Here, I have a knife.

Hold on! Hold on!

[Choking] Hold on!

Oh! Here!


Almost got it. Almost got it.

Okay. There, there! [Gagging]

What are you doing, huh?

Do you think this is funny?

I mean, you r*fle through my pockets, and then you make a mockery of me like this?

I just buried my wife.

We are not mocking you, Mr. Thorn.

We are trying an experiment.

I could have you arrested, and I'm going to.

[Monk choking]

Are you okay? Do you need some water?


[Raspy] No, I'm okay.

I'm okay.



[Rasping garbled] Question.

Question for me? No, I'm sorry.

I'm on my way to a board meeting.

I'm already late.

[Choking] It'll only take a minute.

One... [cough] One minute.

Did I do something to offend you, sir?

I mean, why don't you let this thing go?

What happened to my wife was an accident.

Ten witnesses saw her get onto the elevator alone.

When it stopped, she was dead.

They said that...

They said...

They said your wife was screaming for help.

And that she called your name.

Yeah, that's true. That's true.

I will never forget that moment.

Well, just now, I was being strangled by the scarf, like your wife, but I couldn't yell anything.

I... i couldn't even breathe.

How do you explain that, sir?

I can't explain it. Can you?

I loved my wife, Mr. Monk.

As much as you love Terri telenko?

Yeah, I know you talked to Terri.

Virtue was not one of my virtues, and, uh, sheryl knew that.

She accepted it.

She realized that being married to Daniel Thorn in this town had other compensations.

You... you don't have any idea who you're dealing with, do you?

Come here, let me show you something.

The local rag put this picture on the front page!

I asked them not to publish it, and they ignored me.

So yesterday morning, I bought controlling interest in that company so I could personally fire

now, you understand?

Now, that's who you're dealing with.

I own this town.

And Ms. Teeger, you worked at the bellagio.

All right, so you've done your homework.

Yeah, so why don't you tell your friend what the first rule of Vegas is.

The golden rule. The only rule.

The house always wins.



Ah! There it is.

It's ruined now. You cut it all up.

I saved your life! You could have untied it.

Hey, monk, Natalie.

I've been looking all over for you guys.

It's Randy. He's in way over his head.

He's lost his savings account.

He's gonna lose everything.

Hit me.

It's Blackjack.

You try to get as close to 21 without going over.

Yeah, I think I've heard of that game.

It's not a game, believe me.

Hey, lieutenant, let's go take a break.

Not now.

Hold on.

Hit me.

Hit me.

Eight. Hit me.

Hit me.

Hit me.

So exactly how much are you down?



Where did you get 35 grand?

It's easy. They lend it to you.

Yeah, I'm in.


No, take it. Take a card.

He's got an eighteen. You don't hit on eighteen.

Well, the next card's low.

It's a 3, or maybe a 2.

You counting cards?

No... I'm remembering them.

What do you mean you're remembering them?

That's impossible.

There are eight decks in that shoe.

One card, please.

Hit him.

Take the card.


Hit me.

I don't know what happened.

I was on fire. I couldn't lose.

I was up almost $8,000.

And then I started doubling and tripling my bets.

Just like it says in the book.

The next thing I knew...

Let me see the book, Randy.

Let me see.

Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?!

How am I gonna win my money back?

You stay there.

If you go near those tables again without me, I will sh**t you in the leg.

Well, a very good friend of mine has a gambling problem.

I need to do an intervention.

Maybe Randy can find a support group.

I'm talking about you, monk.

Me? I don't gamble.

Yeah, that's the problem.

You should gamble.

See, you could be in there right now, gambling, winning his money back.

You can't be serious.

Monk, the kid is 35 grand in the hole.

That is his savings account,

on his mother's condominium.

I can't do it.

Yes, you can. I just saw you.

Mr. Monk, don't listen to him.

Look, just... you do that rain man thing.

Count a few cards.

It'll take you an hour and a half.

Look at me.

He has no idea what he's talking about.

Once you get a taste of it, you will be hooked.

For sure. You will never leave.

You won't get hooked.

He gets hooked on everything!

He's the most compulsive person I've ever met.

He's like a different species!

Thank you. I'll be with you the whole time.

We go in there, win the 35 grand back, and then we walk away.

Nobody walks away.

Mr. Monk, don't do it.

Mr. Monk...

It's Randy.

I have to do it. It's Randy.

And then I'll walk away.

I promise.

Could I have a different chip? This one's scratched.

It's his first time.

No kidding.

Don't even think about it.




Twenty-five, you bust.

You hit 20?

I did?

I'm gonna need more money.

Stay. Hit me. Hit me.




Hit me. Hit me.


Hit me.


I want to raise my bets.

Hit me.

Hit me.

Hit me.

Hit me!

Nicely played.

Hit me.


Double down.


Stay. Hit me.

Hit me.

I'll stay.

(Natalie) How you doing?

Good. I'm up 19,400.

I mean, how are you doing?

Ho, ho, I'm good.

I'm... i'm... I'm okay.

I'm okay.

Monk, I really appreciate this.

I'm never gambling again for as long as I live.

Want to bet?

1,000 bucks?


We can't cover that.

There's a $500 limit.

We're not afraid of him, are we? Nah.

You're the boss.

Why don't you add two more decks to the shoe?

Yes, sir.

Mr. Monk, that's 10 decks. That's too many.

Bring it.

We'll catch you.

I got friends hiding in the ceiling.

Friends? In the ceiling?

That's right.

There's an access panel above.

I know how you did it.

I know how he did it!

He m*rder*d his wife.

Good for him. Congratulations.

Let's play cards.


Hit me.

Here's what happened.

You and your wife went out to that fundraiser.

She left the penthouse with you, but she never made it downstairs.

You k*lled her in the elevator on the way down.

You had less than two minutes. That's all the time you needed.

After all, you had help.

Are you going to play or not?

Sorry. Hit me.

(Thorn) This man is delusional.

From the police force six years ago.

Yeah, that's true. But we are.

Go on.

(Monk) That wasn't your wife in the lobby.

That was Teresa telenko, your mistress, in disguise.

Come on, hit me!


Teresa was a trained actress.

Is that why you seduced her in the first place?

I wonder.

I'll split these.


Hit me.

Double down.

Hit me.

You hoisted her up through the access panel.

Hit me again and make it a 10.


What is that, 17? I'll stay.

Hit me.

Then Teresa took your wife's place in the elevator.

You had 45 seconds. That was plenty of time.

Hit me and... Hit me.



The elevator door opened.

And you two went into your act.

2,000, uptown and down!

Just keep it sassy.

You sure you want to do that? You said you'd quit.

Natalie, I know what I'm doing.

When the door closed again, Teresa started to scream your name.

Daniel! Daniel! Whoa, Blackjack!

I believe that's the name of the game.

Sheryl was already dead when she pressed the glass.

(Natalie) That's why her thumb print was upside down.


I want to raise my bets.

You said it yourself.

You have friends hiding in the ceiling.

A perfect plan.

Everybody knew sheryl was always catching her scarf on something.

Nobody was surprised when it happened again.

Fairy tale, Mr. Monk.

But that's all it is, a fairy tale.

There might be something in the elevator shaft...

Blood, hair.

You'd need a court order to even look.

But you're not gonna get it. Not in this town.

I did, I had it. I had proof.

I just can't remember it. Doesn't matter.

You're leaving anyway. [Snaps fingers]

I want him and his friends out of here now.

Wait, wait. Ten more minutes.

I'm on fire. Look, double down there!

No, no, I told you, Mr. Monk.

The house always wins.

Hey! Trust me, even's better.

No more bets. What the hell was...

(Croupier) 33 black.

Here you go. That's for you.


I did. I walked away.

You were dragged away, Mr. Monk.

Should we call lieutenant waliver?

He can't do anything without proof.

That game with the dice.

That looks like a lot of fun. Craps?


Craps, I can show you how to play that.

I got a great book. Probably still have...

Randy! Give me the money.

You'll get it back when you get home.

I'm not 10 years old.

Yeah, that's true. Give me the money.

Mr. Stottlemeyer.


Groundskeeping found these...

In the bushes.

Are they yours?

Yeah, these are my pants.

Well, don't worry, sir.

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.




This is it!

Remember, I was saying that they didn't match.

I was talking about the pictures.

Look, look, look, look.

See, that's her body, right? She's wearing hoop earrings.

So? So check this out.

Moments before she gets on the elevator...

(Natalie) Different earrings!

Different girl.

I'll call waliver.

That's enough for a search warrant.

How many people read this paper?


Nobody else caught it.

So, that means if...

If I'm drunk as a skunk, completely plastered, I'm as smart as you?


They found hair and rope fiber on top of the elevator.

With that and those photographs, we got him.

Mr. Monk!


Don't go now, Mr. Monk.

This game of ours is far from over, my friend.

I will be out by tomorrow morning.

I wouldn't bet on it.

I'm playing a few hands.

Should I save you a seat?

I can't. Thanks.

Good luck. Yeah.

You said you gambled?

I couldn't stop.

I was a mess.

But you walked away. How'd you do it?

I had Mitch.

How'd you do it?

I have you.
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