03x01 - Mr. Monk Takes Manhattan

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Monk". Aired: July 2002 - December 2009.*
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After the m*rder of his wife, Adrian Monk develops OCD which costs him his job as a prominent homicide detective, but he continues to solve crimes with the help of his assistant and his former boss.
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03x01 - Mr. Monk Takes Manhattan

Post by bunniefuu »

I guess you've completely given up on trying to be cool, huh?

Yeah, pretty much. Wow, this place is amazing.

Look at these buildings. Look... look at that one.

How did they build that?

Actually, they built that one from the top down.

Really? Wow. Wow.

Better stick with me.

This town's going to eat you alive.

Man: Taxi!

Where'd he go? Who?

The... the man... Th-the other man.

The man in the front seat.

The nut?

Yeah, the nut. Where'd he go?

What was he complaining about? My taxi is very clean.

Why was he wiping, wiping, wiping everything?

Look, sir, your taxi is perfect, but where did he go?

Look, I don't care.

I'll never pick him up again. You tell him that.

I see him, I'll keep driving.

I don't care if I lose my license.

Hey, I'll keep driving.

I lost him.

What do you mean? He was... he was right here.

How could he get lost? We're 15 feet from the hotel.


Oh, my god! Adrian!


Adrian, you can't just walk away like that.

You scared me half to death.

Somebody dropped this.

You know what? You're going to have to forget about that.

There is no way that you're going to be able to clean up New York City by yourself.

Trust me. New York City wins.

It's always going to win.

It's so noisy.

So is San Francisco.

No, this... this is different.

I can't do this.

I can't really function here.

It's... This is too much, too much.

Adrian, listen to me.

Don't forget why you're here, all right?

You have a lead, a name.

Finally, after all these years, you know?

Warrick Tennyson.

That's right, warrick Tennyson.

And he is connected somehow to Trudy's m*rder.

But why does he have to live here?

I don't know. When you find him, that can be the first thing you ask him.

It won't be the first thing I ask him.

Check it out.



Ha ha.

I could get used to this place.

Do you think they have cable?

Of course they have cable.

Can we afford this?

Well, we didn't have a choice.

Adrian booked the reservation.

It's rated the cleanest hotel in New York.

Hello, I'm Adrian... Monk.

Party of four.

Not much of a party, really.

Here we are... monk.

You have three rooms.

Oh, three rooms. Well, me and sharona.

Wait, wait, wait.

I-I thought I was getting my own room.

Look, well, I'd rather not be by myself.

Me and the captain.

No. No, no. Sharing the cab was bad enough.

Well, why don't we just get a fourth room?

Sorry, we're completely booked.

Well, uh, how about me and sharona?

In your dreams.

Mr. Ambassador, welcome back. This came for you.

Thank you.

Oh, excuse me.

Excuse me.

Okay, well, uh, whoever gets me, I-I just have to let you know I'm going to need the bathroom all to myself, so...

Um, Adrian, Adrian, um...

Do you mind if you just guard the luggage over there? Hmm?

Just guard the luggage... And I think they're uneven.

Oh. Totally uneven.

Thank you. Good day.

That's the new Latvian ambassador.


Sis nav mans metelis.

[ Elevator bell dings ]

[ g*nshots ]

Get down!

Police officers! Everyone down! Down!

Down! Get down!

Call 911 now.

Everybody stay down! Stay calm!

Stay down!

Monk! Monk!

[ Groans ]

Are you all right? Mm.

Did you see him?


Can you identify him?

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ disorder and confusion everywhere ♪

♪ No one seems to care

♪ well, I do

♪ hey, who's in charge here?

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ poison in the very air we breathe ♪

♪ Do you know what's in the water that you drink? ♪

♪ Well, I do, and it's amazing ♪

♪ People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time ♪

♪ If you paid attention, you'd be worried, too ♪

♪ You better pay attention, or this world we love so much ♪

♪ Might just k*ll you

♪ I could be wrong now

♪ but I don't think so

♪ 'cause it's a jungle out there ♪

♪ It's a jungle out there

Is he okay?

Is there a problem here?

He's thinking.

Mr. Monk. Mr. Monk.

We know about your reputation, and we, uh, we appreciate your help, but this is a big case.

I've got the feds breathing down my neck.

I've got CNN outside. I don't have all day here.

I can't focus. It's too noisy.

What's... what's noisy?

It's, uh, it's the traffic.

[ All chuckle ]

But we're inside.

I can hear it.

[ All chuckle ]

Would you like us to shut down midtown Manhattan so you can focus here?

Would that be inconvenient?

Uh, excuse me. Do you mind if I just talk to him for a sec?

What's going on?

Can't you hear that? Can't you hear that?


It's... it's relentless.


The sirens.

There's no off switch here, okay?

I mean, look, I wish there was, but there isn't, okay?

The buses...

Monk, come here.

Come here.

Look, these are the people who are going to help us find Tennyson, okay?

So let's dazzle them here.

That way they'll owe us one.

Remember, we're here for Trudy.


Come on.

His coat.

Whose coat?

The ambassador's coat... It's damp.

He's right.

And the other coats are dry.

How'd we miss that?

You get used to it.

I remember, when the ambassador came in, he brushed up against me.

His coat was dry.

What, his coat was dry then but it's wet now?

Maybe the sh**t switched coats.


"Dometri krazluv."

No, it's the right coat. Now, that's the damnedest thing.

This might not have been political.

He was an ambassador, for god's sake.

His country's on the brink of a civil w*r.

What else could it be?

But look at how the bodies fell.

The sh**t k*lled the two bodyguards first.

Well, sure he did, on account of they were armed.

Nope. No. If this was political, he would have taken out his primary target first...

The ambassador.

And he wouldn't have used a .22 caliber.

It's a pea sh**t.

Well, it seemed to do the trick.

The sh**t got lucky.

Whatever happened here wasn't planned.

It... it just happened.

You know, I'm glad you got a good look at him.

I'm going to need you to come down to the precinct and work with my sketch artist. You know the drill.

You know what? That's going to have to wait, because we're meeting somebody from the d.A.'S office at 4:00 about another case, so...

Your wife's m*rder. Yeah, I was sorry to hear.

I just talked to the d.A., and the meeting's been canceled.

What? Since when?

Well, since 20 minutes ago.


Well, she didn't say. She never tells me anything.

Isn't that how it works in frisco?

First off, the name of our little town is San Francisco, not frisco.

Second of all, we just flew 3,000 miles to talk to this guy.

It's the first break we've had in seven years.

I understand. I've got people downtown.

I'll make some phone calls.

We're all on the same team, captain.

Are we?

Denise, we're talking about a cop's wife here.


Look, all they want to do is talk to the guy for five minutes.


Yeah, I-I see.

Yeah, well, I'm sorry, too.

She won't budge.

Well, who's her boss?

The state Attorney General.

You're right.

I'm going to call him. I'm going to call him right now.


Let me, uh...

Let me... let me clean up, uh, some stuff here.



The mole...

The mole.

What about it?

The mole on the ear, it, uh...

It was darker.

Like that?

Now it's too dark.

Too dark.

Mr. Monk, it doesn't need to be perfect, all right?

It's... it's just a sketch.

We've been here for over an hour and a half.

Okay? I-I think we're done with the ear, huh?

Okay, not quite.

Hey. Where you been?

Check it out. It's a rolex.

200 bucks, and it's gold-plated.

Where'd you get it?

Met a guy who knew a guy.

Never needs batteries.

Well, of course not.

It runs on stupidity.

Randy, you're so gullible, it's frightening.

Yeah, well, it does everything.

Look, I can tell you what time it is all around the world.

It's 5:30 here.

In Denver, it's 3:30.

In Los Angeles, 12:17.

And in Paris, France...

Time has stopped.


Thank god.

All right, let's move on, all right?

Tell me about this guy's eyes.

I didn't see his eyes.

He was covering his face.

All I saw was a left ear.

What are we supposed to do with this?

I can't distribute this.

I'd recognize him.

From this?

Every ear is different.

They're like fingerprints.

Hey, how's it going?

This is all that he saw.

You know what?

The earlobe was a little rounder.



I got bad news and some really bad news.

What do you want to hear first?


Let's see, I think, uh, the really bad, I guess, first, or... no, start... Just start with the bad, or... or the really bad. I-i-i...

This morning, warrick Tennyson agreed to testify in this big federal racketeering case.

He is in protective custody, incommunicado.

They're not going to let us or anybody anywhere near him.

Didn't you tell them about Trudy?

Look, I was up there for an hour and a half screaming my head off.

They said yes on one condition.

[ Jackhammer pounds ]

What... what... what... What's the condition?

It's about this new case, the, uh, assassination thing.

The d.A. Said if we help with this ambassador case, they'll let us talk to Tennyson.

What do you think?

Well... well, I guess... I guess I don't have...

I guess I don't real...

[ jackhammer pounds ]

I guess I don't real...

[ jackhammer pounds ]

I guess I don't...

[ jackhammer pounds ]

I guess I don't real...

[ jackhammer pounds ]

I mean, I guess I don't...

[ jackhammer pounds ]

I guess I don't really...

I guess I don't really...

[ jackhammer pounds ]

I guess I don't...

[ jackhammer pounds ]

I guess I don't really have...

[ jackhammer pounding ]

I guess I don't really... [ Jackhammer pounds ]

I guess I don't really...

[ jackhammer pounding ]

I guess I don't really have a choice!

It's big news.

Not just here, all over the world.

When Trudy died, she wasn't on the front page.

She was on page 4.

The next day, there was a little story on page 10.

And the next day...

She was gone.

Adrian, she's not gone.

We're going to find the people who k*lled her, I promise. And don't forget...

If we help them with this, they're going to help us.

Vladamir kazinsky, captain stottlemeyer. Good to see you.

Adrian monk and, uh, sharona Fleming.

Mr. Kazinsky's with the Latvian embassy.

So you were here with the ambassador about an hour before the m*rder.

No, not even one hour. 20 minutes.

I just can't believe he's gone. What are you looking at?

Your left ear.

What's wrong with it?

Nothing. It's...

Sir, we're trying to retrace where the ambassador was and where he went and who he might have met.

Well, uh...

We, uh, met, uh, for drinks.

We met every Wednesday, and we stood right over there.

Just the two of you.

He had his bodyguards with him.

Oh, and... and, um, did he seem worried about anything, or frightened?

Not at all. He was, uh, how do you... upbeat.

Mr. Kazinsky, I overheard the ambassador say something just... Just before he was k*lled.

"She's now gone meatless."

She's now gone meatless?

Does that mean anything to you?

Maybe he knew a woman who's a vegetarian.

I-I mean does it have any meaning in Latvian?


No, I'm sorry.

Thank you, Mr. Kazinsky.

She's now gone meatless?

That'll be all. I'll show you out.

She's... She's now gone meatless?

No. We appreciate your time.

If we have any more questions, we'll get back to you.

Okay, thank you. Thank you, sir.

[ In Latvian accent ] She's... She's now gone meatless.

"She's now gone meatless"?

That's what he said.

Maybe it's some kind of slang, like hip-hop.


Hip-hop. It's a sort of street talk.

Why don't you ask around?

Well, I'm not going to ask people what "she's now gone meatless" means.

Why not?

I don't know. I might move back here someday.

I-I don't know.

That was our supposed friend detective cage.

He's got a lead. He wants us to go to Brooklyn, talk to a man named Elmer gratnik.

Gratnik's been sending the ambassador some threatening letters.

Brooklyn, that... that's, like, an old bridge, right?

Or a tunnel.

Or a tunnel. Okay, a bridge...

Look, I got a plan. Here's the deal.

You two go to Brooklyn...

No, Brooklyn, no.

You go to Brooklyn, you talk to gratnik, you check out his earlobe or whatever it is you do.

Randy and I are going to snoop around here and see if we can't figure out where these clowns are hiding our witness.


Great. Let's meet back here at 11:00.

Randy, it's 11:00 right now.

Trudy loved New York.

She always wanted to bring me here.

I guess now she has.


Wait, wait, wait.

That's gratnik.

Right over there.

Cage says he always wears that hat.

He's been seeking political asylum for two years, but the I.N.S. Keeps turning him down.

And he blamed the ambassador.

Among others.

So you think he's the guy you saw?

Maybe. I can't tell.

I need to see his left ear.

Look, how about this? You walk by.

Maybe... Maybe he'll tip his hat.

Oh, he's not going to tip his hat.

He might if you sashay.

Where are you going?

I'm going to talk to him.

Look... sashay. Sharona, sashay.

Um, excuse me, m-Mr. Gratnik?


Now talk. You can bother him all you want.

We're working with the police department on the assassination.

That was no assassination.

Assassination is a word they use for great men.

Ambassador krazluv was no great man.

Vins bija suns... he was a dog.

Excuse me. That... that is a nice hat.

Thank you.

Did you thr*aten him?

I get mad, I say things, but I don't hurt people.

What is that? Is that... is that mink?

Sable. Sable. Wow.

Could I... could I hold it?


I love hats.

I collect them.

I'm a... I'm a chapeau-ologist.


Go away!

She's now gone meatless.


Before he was k*lled, the ambassador said something like

"she's now gone meatless."

Does that mean anything to you?

Excuse me. I think you are saying

"sis nav mans metelis," which is not really Latvian.

It's a completely different dialect called high tamien, but some people speak both.

What does it mean?

That means "this is not my coat."

This is not my coat.

This is not my coat.

Oh, I can teach you a new phrase.

Sah mats.


Velns paravis.

Idritvai kocin!

Idritvai kocin.

Warrick Tennyson.

I knew it.

Trial transcripts...


Cage said he didn't know anything about the Tennyson...

He's lying to us.

No shinola.

[ Watch beeping ]

What is that?

It's my watch. It beeps every hour.

Well, turn it off.

I can't. The instructions were in korean.

Well, do something.

Smash it.

No. It's a rolex.

Mister? Mister, are you okay?

Oh, he... he's fine.

He's crying.

We couldn't find a cab.

Is there anything I can do to help?

Make... it stop.

See? You did it. You rode the subway.

I'm proud of you.

You're becoming a real new yorker.

I rode on the subway.

Change? Yes, I think I did.

Okay, this is our exit, so stay close to me.

I keep thinking about what the ambassador said...

"this is not my coat."

But it was his coat.

I know. I can't figure it out.

And how did it get wet?

I think that coat is the key to... oh, my god.


He's urinating!

Oh, come... Hey, hey, hey, come on!

What are you doing?

There are people here!

Come on... Adrian, I'm really sorry that...

What are you doing?!

Adrian, what are you doing?!

Are you crazy?! Why did you go on there?!

Adrian, what are you... stop!

Stop the train!


Sir, sir!

Sir, you have to stop that train!

He's all alone!

Okay, okay, okay. Shh, calm down.

Calm down, calm down, calm down.

Ma'am, this happens all the time. What's his name?

Um, Adrian monk.

Okay, how old is he?

He's 45.





Find the queen, find the queen, all right?

We are happy people here in New York City trying to find the queen, all right?

Find the queen, you're living a dream.

You find the Jack, you don't get nothing back.

Okay, nothing at all. I'm sorry, you don't.

Except love. I give love to everyone.

Here we go.

Who see the queen, huh?

Who see it? You see the queen?

Come over here, man.

Put your money down on the table, boy.

Show me you got the cash, all right?

$5 will get you $10, $10 will get you $20, all right?

Put it down on the table, okay?

Show me the queen.

Show me the queen, man.

Right here?

All right, all right. You a pretty smart fella.

Smart fella playing the game.

No, no, no, no. We going to go again.

We going to go again, double or nothing, all right?

Double or nothing. Put the money down. There you go.

That's all right, you know? I don't get mad when I lose.

Never get mad when I lose. I just be glad when I win.

Very glad when I win, okay?

Here we go.

Where the queen, huh?


You see the queen again?

Game over.

Uh, well, what about my winnings?

Look, me keeping it. You cheated.

Excuse me.

I-I'd like to see your license.

My what?

Your gaming license.

I left it at home.

Yeah, man, oh, I left it at home.

You know, you just... You reminded me.

Stay right here, okay?

I'll go get it.

Don't... don't take all day.

No, no, I'll be right back, man.

His license better be current.

Don't worry.

We'll find him.

We got 1,000 uniforms out there looking.

This whole city's laid out on a grid.

That's a good thing. He likes grids.

How long has he been missing?

Four hours.

2 1/2 hours.

Okay, look, look, I've seen him in situations like this, okay?

He... he gets very overwhelmed, and he can't think straight.

Ma'am, you're describing half the people in this city.


Oh, I hear, uh, wonder boy is missing in action.

Hey, Walter, you got a minute?

Not right now.

I think you do.

We didn't fly 3,000 miles to see "cats."

Yeah, well, "cats" is closed.

I was straight up with you from the moment I shook your hand.

Are you accusing me of something?

Warrick Tennyson is dying from kidney failure and heart disease.

He probably will not live long enough to talk to us, and you knew it.

How long does he have?

He's got two, three days, maybe.

He's in some hospital, nobody knows where, and the d.A.'S been deposing him on that racketeering case, and they're afraid that they're going to lose him before they get what they need.

They're not going to let anybody get near him.

You gave me your word.

Come on, I didn't lie to you.

If we close the ambassador case...

Look, I don't care about the frigging ambassador.

He means less than zero to me, okay?

My friend's wife got blown up.

You understand?

And it k*lled him, too.

In a way.

If we close this case, we can call city hall, we can call the press, we're going to have juice.

Come on, you know how this works.

They won't dare say no to us.

Captain, it's not just your best shot.

It's your only shot.

[ Siren wailing ]

[ Whistle blows ]

[ Whistle blows ]

Man: And few there be that find it.

Praise the lord.

A cleansing is coming.

There will be a reckoning.

A cleansing is coming.

Who would like to see a cleansing?

I would... I would.

They found him. He's in Times Square.

Oh, my god.

There will be a reckoning because judgment day is coming!

Testify, brother!

Ha ha! Whoo!

Speak unto it, brother!

Get it said!

But it's still not too late.

Sharona: Is that him?

Oh, my god!

Oh, my god!

You fornicators! Save yourselves!

Adrian, what are you doing?

We're spreading the word.

Yeah, you're spreading something.

Don't listen to her, Jor-El. I know her.

She's a fornicator.

Adrian, Adrian, no... Fornicator!


Fornicator! Fornicator!


Stop it!

Come here.

Fornicator! Shame on you!

Hold still.

Just hold still.

Is he okay?

Yes, he's fine.

Captain, captain, there is...

There's a card game on 49th street.

I think it might be rigged.

Okay, well, we'll look into that, all right?

Adrian, here, here, I bought you some water.

Did you ever find warrick Tennyson?

We're working on that.

They've got the home field advantage, but we're still working on it.

Why don't we go back to the hotel and get some rest, okay?

Come on.

That's the guy from the hotel.

What, the sh**t?

How do you know?

His ear. I'd recognize it anywhere.

Disher: Yeah, his name's Steven leight.

His wife was just k*lled in central park.

I was just reading about him.

Wait, and he k*lled the ambassador?

What's the connection?

I don't know, I don't know.

But he's the guy.

I've never been more sure.

What time is it?

Not you.

Ooh, he's coming, he's coming.

Steven leight.

Hi, I'm Leland stottlemeyer, San Francisco homicide.

This is lieutenant disher, sharona Fleming...

And that's Adrian monk.

He's helping us out.

He's nearsighted.

You were supposed to meet us at your apartment nearly an hour ago.

You weren't there.

Are you avoiding us, sir?

No, no, no. I-I'm sorry. I-I forgot, you know?

It's... I'm just...

I'm not thinking very straight right now.

It's... it's... It's been a terrible week.

Your assistant said we might find you here, that you were doing some errands.

Yeah, that's right. I...

I went to the pharmacy.

You know, i-I've already talked to the police...

Five times.

I told them everything I know.

Monk: Oh, my god.

What? Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

What's wrong?

That girl...

That... that girl.

One of her gloves is missing.

Mr. Leight, would you mind telling us your story again?

You guys are from San Francisco, right?

Stottlemeyer: Yep.

I-I don't understand.

What does Beverly's m*rder have to do with you?

We're working on a different case, but we think there might be a connection.

Excuse me.

Excuse me. Yes...


What happened to your other glove there?

I lost it.

She lost it.

She... she lost it, for god's sake.

Go ahead.

Two days ago, it was... It was our anniversary.

We had tickets to the matinee.

We were supposed to meet out in front of the theater, and she never showed up.

Mr. Leight, excuse me.

Uh, I-I called everybody that we knew.

Finally I called the police, and...

Excuse me!

They had just found her body over by the boat pond in central park.

The cops, they... They think that...

They think that she resisted.

And what do you think?

I don't know, you know? She was...

She was wearing her grandmother's necklace, and it meant the world to her.

I think if somebody probably tried to take that, she would have fought back.

Now I, uh, I can't believe that she's gone.

Show me your hands. Show me your...

See? Okay.


Go... go skate.


How many years had you been married?

Seven years.

I'm so... Mr. Leight, um, do you live alone, sir?

Yeah, now I do.

Who are you sleeping with?

What... what... What are you talking about?

Well, your wife just died, but...

You're not sleeping alone, are you?

Of course I am.

Well, you just bought some snoring medicine.

There's only one reason a man buys snoring medicine.

You're keeping somebody else awake.

This conversation's over, okay?

I don't have to talk to you, and I don't want to talk to you.

If you have any more questions, here, I'll tell you what... Why don't you take a quarter?

You call my lawyer.

What... what is that?

Uh, a mint? Could I see that?

Unbelievable. You want it, take it.

Have a good day.

They're identical.

Which means...


It means Steven leight was in this bar recently.

Steven leight and the ambassador were both in this bar.

Uh, this isn't mine.

Oh, sorry.

I was looking at the wrong ticket.

What's wrong with me?

Here we go.

What's going on? Nobody's told me anything.

Yeah, join the club.

Mr. Leight, have you ever been inside this bar before?

Maybe. I don't remember.

Maybe I can refresh your memory.

You were here on Wednesday just minutes after you k*lled your wife.

Ha ha. You're crazy.

Here's what happened.

You took your wife to the park, and you found a secluded area, and when you were sure no one was watching, you shot her.

Then you took her jewelry to make it look like a robbery.

Afterwards, you were pretty shaken up.

Stottlemeyer: Cold-blooded m*rder has a tendency to do that.

So you decided to have a drink before you called the police.

Of course, you didn't notice that the ambassador from Latvia was sitting just a few feet away.

Why would you? You'd never met the man.

But then your worlds collided.

The coat check girl gave him your coat by mistake.

From what I've seen, that happens around here all the time.

Later, when she gave you the ambassador's coat, you immediately realized what had happened.

You had to get your coat back, because your wife's jewelry was still in the pocket.

It could have easily been traced.

If anybody found it, they'd know you'd k*lled her.

You found the hotel key card, so you knew where he was staying.

You ran the whole way.

You probably didn't even notice that it started to rain.

You. It was you.

You filthy, disgusting animal.

You make me sick!


What are you doing? He's a busboy.

Sharona, don't you recognize him from the subway?

He's the urinator.


It was you. Don't... don't... Don't... don't try to deny it.

We saw what you...

Monk, could we get back to the quadruple homicide, please?

Uh, he followed the ambassador to the hotel, the ambassador must have noticed the jewelry, leight k*lled them all, switched coats, and that's how one of them was wet.


Where were you raised?

I mean, how can you live with yourself?

Disgusting pig.

And you work in the food service industry, for god's sake.

You control yourself.

The ballistics check out.

The wife was k*lled with the same g*n.

Mr. Leight, you're under arrest for four counts of premeditated homicide.

Sir, captain cage, I'm going to need to borrow these handcuffs, 'cause you're going down, Mr. Pee.



That man took a whiz in the subway.

That man k*lled four people in cold blood.

Now, who do you think we should arrest?

The m*rder*r.

How is he?

He's on morphine, so there's no pain.

That's too bad.

Could you excuse us for a minute?

Thank you.

Uh, Mr. Tennyson, we're here from San Francisco to talk to you about Trudy monk.

Do you remember her?

Car b*mb.

That's right.

A man...

A man paid me $2,000 cash to build a b*mb.

10 pounds of plastique...

Magnesium charge.


How was it detonated?

Cell phone.

Who was it?

Who hired you?

I don't know.

I only met him one time...

Parking garage.

Stottlemeyer: What did he look like?

It was dark.

I never saw his face.

But I saw his hand.

He had six fingers on his right hand.


Could you...

Leave us alone for a minute?

I'll meet you outside.

Are you sure?

Oh, yeah.

All right.

Let's go.

You were the husband?

I am the husband.

Forgive me.

Forgive you?

This is me...

Turning off your morphine.

And this...

Is Trudy...

The woman you k*lled...

You know, it's a shame.

New York's the greatest city in the world, and we couldn't even enjoy it.

Well, I promise we're coming back. I promise.

Oh, yeah, let's do that.

No, wait, I have a better idea.

Why don't we never travel anywhere ever again?

We're going to be late.

Is that a new watch? Did you buy it in a store?


I bought it near a store.

I mean, this one keeps perfect time.

Swiss accuracy.

Your watch is smoking. Huh?

Your watch is on fire.

Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

Come on.


Ow... ow! Ow, ow.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

You guys, fine.

Not him.

No, no, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Hang on, hang on.

I'm handcuffing him, okay?

Yeah, I'm handcuffing him. He won't touch anything.

I promise.

Plus double the meter.

Yeah, let's come back here real soon.

And no talking!
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