01x11 - Who Can You Trust?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Total Drama". Aired: July 8, 2007 to present.*
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Canadian animated comedy of teenagers who compete in a reality show in parody of reality shows.
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01x11 - Who Can You Trust?

Post by bunniefuu »

chris: last time on total drama island,

things really got cooking between the campers.

heather pushed leshawan too far

in the cook-off challenge

and ended up one chilly mamma.

owen had a hard day.

geoff led the k*ller bass to victory

and the screaming gophers

got to the bottom of their losing streak.

it was buh-bye beth.

have the gophers broken the curse?

and just how much trust do they have in one another?

find out on this week on total drama island.

Today's breakfast is hawaiian italian fusion casserole.

You mean leftovers from the cooking challenge.

Yeah, that's right.

You got a problem with that?

Sir, no, sir.

Need a little echinacea?

Oh. You're so funny.

You think that you can just lock me up in a freezer

And get away with it?

I am going to make you sorry, that you ever met me.

-Too late. -You are such a--

Aah! I hate this place.

I saw that.

How can you just steal a mug?

'Cause it's cool-looking and I don't have one.

Didn't have one, that is.

But you might get kicked off.


And here I thought you didn't care about me.

We're one player short and I don't wanna lose

Because you feel like going all criminal on us.


You dig me.

Ugh. Why do I even bother?

Hi. Chris here.

Sometimes teams just don't get along.

So the producers and I thought that

The best way to work through the group friction would be

To exploit it for laughs.

This is gonna be awesome.

So, last week's challenge exposed a few gopher issues

And I'm sensing a little something

Funky floating in the bass pond, too.

so this week's challenge is

gonna be centered around building trust.

Because all good thing begin with a little trust.

I trusted trent once.

He left me buried alive on the beach.

There will be three major challenges

That will have to be completed by

two or more members of your team.

Normally we like to have the campers

Choose their partners, but not this time.

More fun for me.

Okay, so for the first challenge,

You'll be doing an extreme free hand,

rock climbing adventure.

D.j. And duncan will play for the bass.

heather and gwen for the gophers.


Here's your belay and harness.

Hey, what's your damage?

If you think I'm letting you hold me up, you're nuts.

You won't be holding her up, exactly.

One camper pulls the slack through the belay

As the partners climbs.

If the climbers falls

The belay will stop them from crashing.

The catch? Both the side and the base of the mountain

Are rigged with a few minor distractions like...

rusty nails,

slippery oil slicks,

mild expl*sives

And a few other surprises.


The person on belay must also harness their partner up.

it's all about trust, people.

And remember, never let go of the rope.

Your partner's life depends on it.

Excuse me, can we trade partners?

I really don't feel like being dropped on my head today.


As much as I love your company, I'm not going to throw

A challenge just to k*ll you, yet.

Now spread 'em.

Never tried this before, have you?

Oh, yeah.

They teach you how to climb walls in prison all the time.

Aw, sorry, little buddy, you can't come up with me.

You can trust geoff, he's my buddy.

Yo, geoff, hold bunny while I'm on the rock.

Thanks, g.

Sure, man. Little furry dude, what's up?

There, you're all hooked up.

What's the second rope for?

It's a back up line.

What are you smiling about?


I'm just really happy we got on this challenge together.

It's all her fault for messing with me.

I've got a doctorate in revenge and humiliation.


gwen: ow!

It's okay.

i've got you.

I promised surprises.

Habanero pepper sauce, anyone?

Ugh. What the heck, chris?

(Gwen screaming)


Muy caliente.

Is that the best you can do?

Is that the best we can do?

Come on, gwen, you don't want to fall... behind.


Well, you don't see that every day.

No, you don't, my man.

No, you don't. Whoa!


This bites.

Uh, big time.

Ah, screw it.

chris: looks like the gophers have won the first challenge.



And now, round .

The extreme...

Cooking... Challenge!

Each team must choose, who cooks and who eats.

I was head chef last time.

You better cook.

Ooh, todd, I'll be the cook.


She's not stephen hawking, but hey, it's cooking.

How bad she could screw it up?

Today you'll be preparing fugu sashimi,

The traditional japanese poisonous blowfish.

The fugu blowfish contains enough lethal toxin

to k*ll people.

Fishies, meet your maker!


They must be sliced very carefully to cut

around the poisonous organs.

the poison paralyzes the nerves

And there is no antidote, so no worries.

You have taken biology, right?

chris: begin.


Ahh! Finished.




(Stomach burbling)

(Slurring) I thought you said you passed biology.

I said i took biology.


chris: it's cool.

Give him hours and he'll be up walking

And breathing good as new.

Is anybody gonna help this guy?


Last one in's a rotten bluefish.

Whoops. Whoa.

Gotta put bunny in a safe spot first.

You were so brave to eat that fish.

No, biggy. I knew I could trust you.

You're cool.

Know what else is cool?


This won't hurt a bit.

It'll hurt a whole lot.

(Bridgette gasps)

No! Bunny!

The eagle, geoff, get it!


Grab him by the feet, or the wings, or something.

That's it.

Here eagle, eagle.

Oh, come on!

chris: good news,

The third round involves three more challenges.

It's the three blind challenges.

it begins with the blind william tell,

followed by the blind trapeze and culminating

in the treacherous blind toboggan.

So where's the bunny? I miss him.

Ah, bunny? I'll go get him.

chris: like legendary marksman william tell,

You'll be knocking arrows of your partner's head

With crab apples.

Um. Wasn't the other way around?

Shh! Hush!

Also, the sh**t will be blindfolded.

The person who knocks off the arrow

While causing the least amount of facial damage, wins.


Ah, nuts.

Leshawna and owen, you'll be one team.

courtney and sadie, you'll be the other.

I'm violently allergic to apples

Ooh. Let me sh**t.

I'm a good shot.


You'd better be.

Okay, let's rock and roll.



Ow. Ow.

Ooh, did I get a bull's eye?

I got it this time.

Leshawna won already.

You moran, it's ov--ooh.

Sadie, it's over, man! Let it go!


You're going down.

And now, the blind trapeze.

To avoid serious injury,

The trapeze has been set up over this pond

which is full of jellyfish.


You two will stand blindfolded on the platform

Until your partners tell you when to jump.

And then?

Then hopefully they'll catch you...

Or that's going to be one heck of a painful swim.

Okay, hut, hut.

So, yo, where's bunny at?

Uh, I forgot.

I put him--

there was a--

he's not with us anymore.

He--uh--hopped way?

Uh, but I'm sure he'll be back.

Sorry, dude.

Nah, it's not your fault, man.

My little bunny. We were such good friends.


Why did you do me like this?

Okay, bridgette.

Jump now!


If we're going to win, you've got to trust me.

Okay, sorry. Next time.


One, two, three,



All right! You did it.


Okay, gophers, your turn.

Okay, one...



J-j-jump! No, no, not yet.


Ooh, that's a point for the k*ller bass.

Sometimes, the universe just gives you a freebie.

I can't believe I trusted that little--


Frickin' stinging jellyfish.



Where am i?

You're in the infirmary.

Got anything for removing jellyfish?

What's duncan doing with a rabbit?

And now the final leg.

The blind toboggan race.

The say, what?

Each team will have a driver and a navigator.

the driver steers while the navigator shouts directions.

oh, yeah, and the driver will be blindfolded.

-(All gasping) -not many of you left, huh?

Keep losing you guys. (Chuckles)

Oh, well, gwen and leshawna, geoff and d.j.

geoff: d.j., Dude, i know your sad about

Your pet bunny, but we've got to focus here.

This could be life or seriously heinous injury, bro.

Bunny deserted me.

Why should I trust you?

Because I don't wanna get hurt either.

Just lubing them up.

Get little more speed going.

On your marks, get set.

(Air horn honking)



Watch out for the tree!


Girl, we are flying now.



Ahh! I'm not ready to die yet!

D.j., We really need you to steer, dude!

bunny would want you to live!

Hey, d.j., Look who I found?

D.j., Duncan found bunny!

Don't tease me, man.

Bunny, you came back!

All right, let's do this.

Left, right.

Go d.j., Go.





What the heck was that?

We had a few expl*sives left over

And I just hate to waste.

-gwen: left! -geoff: right! Whoa!


All right! Oh, yeah!


Thanks, duncan.

You're the best.

Whatever, man. It's just a stupid rabbit.

I can't believe you found a new bunny for d.j..

You're a good guy.

What? No, I'm not.

You are. You're actually nice.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I saw you do it, duncan.

Whatever. He wouldn't leave me alone.

Weird rabbit.

Okay, fine. I did it.

Are you happy now?

Listen, don't tell anybody, okay?

I don't want them to think I'm soft or anything.

You're secret's safe with me.

I'm not nice, okay?

Just to set the record straight.

(Mumbling incoherently)

And the bass are the winners of the toboggan race.


Unfortunately, I said that these were blind challenges.

by taking off the blindfold for a moment

You broke the number rule.

Which makes the gophers today's big winner.

-(Cheering) -oh, yeah.

Rock and roll.

Oh, yeah, baby! That's how we roll.

Who wants a treat?

A tasty goodie that represents exemption,

Security, peace of mind--

Just get on with it.

And if you don't get a marshmallow

You have to walk the dock of shame

And you can never come back.


Let's see, one for duncan, one for bridgette,

One for courtney.

D.j., Geoff.

well done, my brothers.

Looks like we only have one left.

sadie and harold,

The final marshmallow...

When I say someone's going down, they go down.

Oh, come on, already.

Don't rush me.

The audience eats up this kind of dramatic conclusion.



You know what?

That's fine with me, you marshmallow eating freaks.

(Sadie bawling)

chris: rest of you are safe

For now.

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