01x06 - Love conquers Al

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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01x06 - Love conquers Al

Post by bunniefuu »

May ,

♪ You should have seen
by the look in my eyes, baby ♪

♪ There was somethin' missin' ♪

♪ You should have known
by the tone of my voice, maybe ♪

♪ But you didn't listen ♪

♪ And I meant, every word I said ♪

♪ When I said that I loved you ♪

♪ I meant that I loved you forever. ♪

♪ And I'm gonna keep on lovin' you ♪

♪ Cause it's the only thing
I wanna do ♪

♪ I don't wanna sleep, ♪

♪ I just wanna keep on lovin' you. ♪

♪ Baby, I'm gonna keep
on lovin' you ♪

♪ Cause it's the only thing
I wanna do ♪

♪ I don't wanna sleep, ♪

♪ I just wanna keep on lovin' you ♪


- He here?
- Room "A".

Doing what?

Meet your new partner.

Figured he'd make a good impression,

bringing his girlfriend
to headquarters his first day?

- He says she's an informant.
- Really?

Fugitives has something interesting.

Sherman picked up
a guy in Virginia last night.

Wants to trade information
on an old one.

Do I break this up and
bring the new kid?

You get me what I need,
I get you that steak dinner.

I know you will, too, Scotty.

Get outta here now.
I'm working.

Hey, how's it going?

Scotty Valens, from West.

Nick Vera.

Yeah, thanks.

Big leagues now, huh? / Yeah.

That Hammond job was
some good work.

Yeah, talk about a bag of bones.

But I got an angle on it. Figured
that's what got to me Homicide.

This is Detective Rush.
Her partner transferred out.

You'll be working with her.

Good luck. / Yeah.

I see... you're Rush.

Yeah. Congratulations.

I...I pictured a guy.

You got the one girl in the joint.

Yeah... okay.

We got an interview in Fugitives.

Cool. What's our angle?

Our angle is I talk, you listen.

Got something on a m*rder.
What's that get me?

Depends on what you did.

Ricky was the driver in a Fishtown
drug sh**ting, two months back.

I was driving a guy to a conversation.
I didn't know he had a g*n.

Don't tell lies, Ricky.

Kite okay making a deal?

Yeah. Ricky here's small-time.


What do you got?

High school girl got iced back in ' .

It was big news, remember?

Remind me.

Paige Pratt.

Keep going.

I ain't saying
I saw the b*llet leave the g*n,

but I did see something good.

I was working at this
auto repair shop back then.

Had the keys,

so I was gonna sneak in.

The youngest kid Will,

he was already there.

♪ Who can it be knocking at my door? ♪

♪ Go 'way, don't come 'round here no more ♪

♪ Can't you see that it's late at night?♪

♪ I'm very tired,
and I'm not feeling right ♪

♪ All I wish is to be alone ♪

♪ Stay away,
don't you invade my home ♪

♪ Best off if you hang outside ♪

I put it all together.

Will Harrell must have k*lled her.

Are you trying to get a deal off of that?

It's good information.

It's crap. / Valens,

remember our angle.


She was years old?

Yeah, real pretty.
Track star.

She had a future.

Why didn't you say
anything back then, Ricky?

I was going to the shop
that night to steal some stuff.

Not gonna explain that. / Mm-hmm.

Okay, I'll check it out.

Hey, it's gonna get me
out of hot water, right?

We'll see how this pans out.

He-Here's the other part.

- Someone else went down for this.
- Yeah?

Yeah. Some mope named Al Clarkson.

He's doing life.

Unsolved is upstairs.
The closed ones are down here.

Cold cases...I don't know.

I like being out on the street.

Paige died in a field near the Schuykill River.

So, what, I work a few of these,
then go on the line?

You act like this is
the B assignment, Scotty.

Ain't it?

Not to me.

I chose it.

Three blows to the head

that would have k*lled her
even if she hadn't been shot.

Passion crime.
Someone she knew.

Al Clarkson was her boyfriend,
convicted in ' .

Commonwealth must've had a case.

Lots of testimony he had a temper.

That's nothing.

His gold chain was found
at the scene. / Better.

Tracks matched the tires on his Nova.

Goodrich TA Radial or
Uniroyal Tiger Paw?

Uniroyal. How'd you know that?

It's a popular tire upgrade
on a muscle car like that.

You know a lot about cars?


So this Will Harrell that saw
Ricky cleaning blood out of his car...?

What kind of ride he have?

Trans AM.

Could have easily had
those same tires.

So it could have been
his car at the scene.

All right. This snitch's story starts to
gets some credibility.

Plus a head injury means
a lot of blood,

but there wasn't much
found near Paige's body.

So she did most of her
bleeding somewhere else.

Like inside a car.

So why do you like old jobs?

You don't like the action?

Don't like bastards
getting away with m*rder.

Will Harrell?

You remember a guy
named Rick Stockvis,

used to work here?

There's a name I'd rather forget.

Why's that?

Guy was a thief.

He was lifting our tools,

We're checking a story he told us

about you washing blood out
your Trans AM, June , .

That's pretty specific.

It was the same night
a girl named Paige Pratt died.

- No, that didn't happen.
- Did you know Paige?

No. / Friend of the family, church?

I just said that I didn't know her.

You sold that car pretty soon
after her death.

According to VIN records,
it was just six days later.

I wanted the new ZX.

What kind of tires were
you sporting, Will?

Factory install or upgrade?

I don't recall.

Well, that's what records are for.

Mind if we sit in your office,
look through your paperwork?

Yes, I do.
I'm very busy.

Will got pretty hinky
near the end there.

Make any connect
between him and Paige?

No. Went to different high schools.

That age, high school's
your whole world.

Still looking for her parents.
They're not at their old address.

You Valens? / Yeah.

Will Jeffries. Congratulations.

Thanks. It's great being here.

Jeffries and Vera are a matching set.

Someone named Roxy
called for you.

Yeah? Good.

Twice. Says she'll try you back.

Yeah. She don't got a phone.

You guys get a job?

Confession at the scene.
Total duck.

You wanna track
this old Trans AM for us?

See if it's still on the street somewhere?

Sure thing. Lil, you might
wanna go see Al Clarkson.

Get his view of the world.

You know, it'd be good to find
the second owner on it.

Whoever bought it from Harrell.

We'll do that.

You could learn something
from this guy.

I bought that Trans AM in .

Yeah, I got a car habit.

Mercedes taste on a Mazda salary.

I hear you.

So, did you break the bank
on that TA?

Nah, that was a steal.

Dumb kid didn't know what it was worth.

I sold it for twice what I paid.

Why'd he sell it so cheap?

I didn't ask.

A good deal falls in your lap,
you take it.

Do you remember anything
about the kid you bought it from?

Well, just that he kept
the car up pretty good.

Seemed to love it,

but still, he was selling.

Look, my boss is
giving me the evil eye.

Mind if we finish our coffee?

Nah, live it up.

So Will worked at an auto shop.

He never heard
about Blue Book value?

Motivated seller maybe.

West Detectives was all
about the volume.

Every night it's hoppin'.

You're out there running
your whole shift.

That's why I'm saying,

I just don't know if cold cases
is gonna be my thing.

And I just don't know
if you have a choice, Scotty.

What do you want with me?

Looking into your case again, Al.

"Lock him up and throw away
the key." That was my case.

Well, we're looking at it again.

I didn't k*ll Paige.

I got railroaded because I was
hanging with a high school girl.

Those guys are a little creepy, Al.

I was a late bloomer.

I see Rudy Tanner was your lawyer.

Strip mall hack.

One of them guys in bad clothes,

dropping his folders
all over the place?

That's him. / I didn't know
how to find someone good.

How do you explain your gold
chainbeing at the crime scene, Al?

- Paige was wearing it.
- She wear it a lot?

When we were getting along.

A lot of people say you had
a real temper with her.

She ran wild on me.
I loved her, so it hurt.

Jealousy ain't against the law.

How come you weren't
with her that night?

She was supposed to be grounded,
but she must've snuck out.

Energetic girl.

Yeah, she was.

My guess is she must've
met some guy.

She had someone
on her mind around that time...

What am I missing, Paige?
You're here to run.

Why you gotta wear
purple eye shadow?

I can race and look good. / Uh-huh.

Which one is he?

- I'm tired of the third degree, Al.
- And I'm tired of being your fool.

Who is he?

Maybe you should just leave.

I'll get my own ride home.

So which one was he?

Never found out.

Think it could have been this guy?

Will Harrell?

Nah, I never saw him.

Okay, thanks for your time, Al.

Yeah. Go pound sand.

You can just take my car?

Don't worry, kid.

We'll get it back to you
when we're done.

There's a dance Friday night.
Will I have it back by then?

We'll do our best.

Yeah, 'cause I just bought this.
I've only had it for, like, two weeks.

First car, huh?

Friday, right?

Hope he's got insurance.

Oh, he don't.

Upholstery could've been
shampooed times,

we're still gonna know
if blood was shed in there.

Figure out a Will and Paige connect?

She was an athlete at Crespi.
He was a loser at Jefferson.

No activities in common.

So maybe Willy's hanging
around the wawa one night,

looking for a party...

Yeah. He's got the car going for him.

- Paige needs a ride.
- He's a little mole.

Doesn't do good with girls.
Makes a play for her.

She brushes him off.

Will breaks her head open.

This is the cool part.

Hit the light.

He knew her somehow.

Found your old Trans AM, Will.

Blood, blood, and more blood.


Wanna see pictures?

Okay. Just...

Here's what happened.

I... hit a dog on the Turnpike.

A dog.

Yeah, I...I put it in my car.
I had to clean it out after.

That's what Ricky must have seen.

You a special kind of stupid, Will?

I'm not making it up.

And the night that girl was m*rder*d,

I was at Raiders of the Lost Ark.

You recall that now, too, huh?

You guys coming around
made me think of it.

Who'd you see the movie with?

Bennett Cahill.
My best friend.

And...And his girlfriend Jane.

I have cheer practice till : .

So when can we talk?

Dinner at : .

So I should call you at : ?

Hey, guys.


I'm seeing Raiders tomorrow.


Yeah. I'm getting in line at noon.

I'll get three tickets,
if you guys wanna go.

Yeah, sounds good.

Okay, great. Saturday...


I still have the ticket stub to prove it.

You have the stub from years ago?

Some good luck.

It's my favorite movies.

You keep stuff like that.

Well, you do realize
that we have the science

to tell us the difference between
dog and human blood, right?

I have the ticket stub.

You and Bennett still close?

Bennett's really successful.
Always was.

Class president, went to Princeton.

He's a surgeon now.

You're friends with a surgeon?

Old friends.

Okay, Will, we'll check out that story.

I have the stub.

So what happened
to your old partner?

Detailed out to H.I.U.

Gotta weed out the weak ones.

He needed all day work
'cause of his diabates.

He wasn't... weak.

Hi. Bennett Cahill.

Detectives Rush and Valens,

What's it about?

Guy named Will Harrell.

You went to high school together.

I could probably place him.

Right, that guy.

- What'd he do?
- We don't know yet.

Will says you and him
were best friends.

More like acquaintances.

He says you went to Raiders
of the Lost Ark

with him and your girlfriend,
June , .

I doubt it.

I probably was with Jane,
but, uh, Will...?

Willy kind of an outcast type?

You could say.

He had this room at his dad's shop.

It was a no-parents zone, you know?

So a lot of us would hang out there,
drink beer, whatever.

How'd he do with the ladies?

Don't recall any big scores.

He ever mention a girl named Paige?

No. But we didn't talk a lot.


After he freaked me out one night,
I stopped going over there.

What'd he do?

He showed me a g*n.

Called it a bitch k*ller.

Yeah. That's when I stopped
going over there.

Will seem like he could get
frustrated enough to hurt a girl?

I really don't know.

Uh... I hope not.

Will was a B-list kid
with A-list aspirations.

Hottie like Paige would
have blown him off for sure.

He meets her, gets the snub,
it's the last straw.

Pulls out his bitch k*ller.

His what?

Nothing, boss.

Did you ever find Paige's parents?

Mm. Moved to Atlanta in ' .

Aren't returning phone calls.

They already got some in jail.
Why relieve the nightmare?

DA's office is gonna hate this.

Well, Kite's already called
a hundred times.

Who't Kite?

Assistant D.A. Ivy League jerk.

Criminalistics just called.

It was Paige's blood in the Trans AM.

You can't do this.

Sure we can.
Read the search warrant.

I'm telling you I hit a dog.

Well, that dog had Paige Pratt's DNA.

Look. Look.

Look at the date.
Look at the date.

- June , .
- Heads up.

Found the bitch k*ller.

I've never seen that before in my life.

My money says this is
the g*n k*lled Paige.

Party's over, Will.

I was with Bennett and
Jane that night!

Yeah, we talked to Bennett.

He didn't back your story.


Your "best friend"
barely remembered you, Willy.

He said you were a nobody in hight school.

A hanger-on who got used
by the popular kids

'cause you gave them a place to party.

He didn't say that.

He said he wouldn't be seen
at the movies with you.

Or anywhere else.

Well, then...

Then screw him.

You wanna know the truth?

For a change, you mean?

We were supposed to go
to the movies that night.

But he asked me to borrow
my car at first.

Where the hell have you been?

There was a problem.

Is that... is that blood?

I, uh, I hit a dog.

- You and Jane?
- No, it was just me, uh...


I tried to save it.
I took it to the vet.

It bled all over the seats.

- You should have called me.
- Yeah...

Well, upholstery's gonna
need to be cleaned out.

I'll do it.


let's tell people that
we went to Raiders, okay?

I don't want my mom
knowing about the dog.


Sure. / Thanks, pal.

Dumb-ass story, Willy.

It's true. / Yeah.

I loaned Bennett my car.

He...He must have k*lled that girl.

And...and then put the g*n in the ceiling.

Then why'd you cover for him?

Me and Bennett had
a deal not to talk about it.


I...I thought we were friends.

Hey, are we gonna do this?

Just a sec.

You owe me a call, Rush.

I was getting to that today.

There's a difference between
cold cases and closed cases.

Do you get my meaning?

You agreed to the deal with
that snitch.

No one mentioned his information
was on a case we already won.

Okay, then, we should just ignore
the DNA and ballistics, huh?

Am I supposed to go to my boss
and say,

"Sorry, you screwed the pooch
on this one.

We're just gonna star over."?

And innocent man's
been sitting in jail

for years because of your boss.

Why don't you tell him that?

I don't spring Al Clarkson
untill you arrest Harrell.

I'm holding him.

I want him arrested.

I want to give it a day. / No.

Okay, then, well...

Will's locked up.

Who's that charmer?

ADA Kite.

He's above cops.

Ain't above checking you out.

I thought you had your guy, Lil.

I'm gonna check out Will's story.

Go through it all again,
this time with Bennett in mind.

Don't matter that
everything points to Will?

Al Clarkson got screwed
'cause the prosecutors

didn't look at all the angles.

I'm not doing that to Will.

So, you looking for
a Bennett-Paige connect?

Yeah. / Well...

Here. Bennett was
the captain of his track team.

Paige ran track for her school.

They could have met that way.

And Al thought she was flirting with
someone at a track meet, remember?

Now something's cooking.

Just a month before.

We going back to the doc?

No, let's go to the girlfriend
he was supposedly with that night


You guys keep reading.


Then we'll wash your car.

We have some questions
about Bennett Cahill.

Did something happen to him?

Nah. Alive and kicking.

He was your high school
boyfriend, right?

- All four years.
- Pretty serious?

Very. But, uh, then we wentto
different colleges, lost touch...

Either of you date anyone else
in high school?

No. No, we were together.

So there wasn't a girl named
Paige Pratt in your lives?

She went to Crespi.

Ran track, like Bennett.

I know who you're talking about,

because of what happened to her.

But we didn't know her.

You and Bennett knew
all the same people?

Why are you asking about this?

Someone was convicted of that crime.

He's been unconvicted.

And what do you want from me?

I don't suppose you remember
what you were doing June , .

Of course she doesn't.

Actually, I do.

For good reason.

Are you sure you're ready for this?

I'm sure.

You know, we don't have to.

I want to.

We love each other, and...

if we're gonna take it to the next level...

First time, huh?



His first time, too?

We were devoted to each other.

So that's a yes?

That's a yes.

You ain't covering for Bennett
all this time later, are you Jane?

Bennett Cahill was an angel.


You wanna write up her interview?


While you're at it,
you gotta redo Clarkson's.

What do you mean?

Uh, you wrote it in the third person.
It's gotta be in their words.

We got goods.

- Yeah?
- Loot at this.

Three pages of blah, blah, blah,

but then, look what this girl
says to Paige at the end.

"Forget the A, go for the B."

Yeah. Could be grades,
could be Al and Bennett.

Not bad. / Mm.

Probably wrote it that way
in case Al ever read it.

Who's Heidi?

Tracking her down.

I'll go you one better.

Surveillance pictures of
Al Clarkson before his arrest.

These were taken
at Paige's memorial service.

What's Bennett doing there?

I have surgery in ten minutes.
Can we make this brief, please?


What were you doing Paige Pratt?

I didn't even know her.

You just like memorial services?

Feel like I'm again.


I guess there's no reason to lie now.

I did know Paige...

for about an hour.

Call me when you get home?

The very moment.

♪ Her hair is Harlow gold, ♪

♪ Her lips sweet surprise ♪

♪ Her hands are never cold, ♪

♪ She's got Bette Davis eyes ♪


♪ She'll turn the music on you ♪


Did you miss your ride?


Can you believe it?

How far do you live?

Not that far.
Six miles.

I can pay you for gas.

♪ And she'll tease you,
she'll unease you ♪

♪ All the better just to please you ♪

♪ She's precocious,
and she knows just ♪

I've always noticed you.

I look for you at all the meets.

Yeah, I've seen you, too.

What did you think?

I thought I gotta meet that girl.

It was a stupid...

a stupid thing to do.

I... I had a girlfriend.

This was the girl that I was gonna
spend the rest of my life with.

Yeah, but she wasn't providing.

I dropped Paige at home
never saw her again.

The only one who ever
existed to me was Jane.

But after Paige died,
you felt guilty.

That's why I went to the service.

Did Jane know about this?

Jane and I had an epic love.

She couldn't know about it.

It would've k*lled her.

You talked to Janie lately?

Breaking up was so awful, we, uh...

we knew we could
never speak again.

Was Paige's best friend,

you must've known about her love life.

Paige had a huge crush
on Bennett.

But he was a senior at Jefferson,
and very taken.

By Jane.

Was she a bitch.

Yeah? Why?

Well, when she found out about

Paige and Bennett doing it
that one time...

she kept calling Paige up

and saying "You're a damn slut"
and all this...

How do you know it was Jane?

Well, she was head
cheerleader at Jefferson

I knew her squeaky little voice.

So you didn't tell the cops about this.

It didn't seem important.

Al was such a slime bag,
we all just thought he did it.

Did Paige ever see Bennett again?


Track season was over.

She was still hung up on him, though.

Wrote me all these notes about him...

Mm... You still have any
of those notes?

No. I wish I did.

Is it true that Al didn't k*ll her?

Looks that way.

That's a wasted life, huh?

Bennett and Jane supposedly had
this epic love...

huh...till Bennett cheats.

He says Janie didn't know,

but she knew enough to call
Paige to tell her off.

So Bennett could've done it
to shut Paige up

or Jane could've done
it out of revenge.

And poor Will's sitting in lockup.

Not a good time

Complicated social life.

So what's with the origami?

Letters from Paige to her best friend.

Full of dirty details about Bennett.


Here's another one.

A little more loopy with the letters.

How do I get stuck doing this?

I'm doing the fancy folding.

We're in the middle of dinner.

We gotta talk about Bennett and Paige.

What about them?

Come on now, Jane.

- It was a one-time thing.
- Is that what he told you?

He begged my forgiveness.
We moved past it.

But Bennett wasn't a virgin anymore.

That must've hurt.

It was a one-time thing.

Not according to these.

Paige wrote these notes
to her friend Heidi.

They're all about Bennett
and the nine times she was with him.

I, um...

highlighted the good parts.

She was a liar.

And a slut, right?

Like you told her on the phone?

You should go.

I'll just leave these for you.

Still wanna stick with your story, Jane?

That you and Bennett hadyour
first night, June , or...

did something else
going on that night?

I told you what happened.

Well, I'll be meeting with Bennett
first thing tomorrow morning.

Hopefully, your stories will match.

How'd it go?

We'll see.

It was just Roxy.

That the one from the other morning?

Nah, that's Blair.

So which one's your girl?

I don't get a girl.

They're, uh, contacts
on the Hammond case.

I'm still looking for a guy.

You know, in West,

we didn't write our interviews
first person.

In Homicide we do.


Homicide's got the best guys, Scotty.

You're not gonna
be the superstar your first week.

There she goes.

The surgeon blowing her off?

He's coming.

Nice ride.

Wants to show the old girlfriend
how good he did in life.

Be a good time to bring'em in.

You know Will Harrell's sittingin jail
right now, don't you, Bennett?

Yeah... mm..

and I feel bad about it.

But you... you really should
be talking to Jane.

Except Jane, didn't borrow
Will's car that night,

where Paige's blood ended up.

I borrowed it,

and then let Jane take it out
with her cheerleader friends.


The new stories just keep coming.

She came and told me what she did.

I loved her,
so I helped clean up after.

When she found out about Paige
and me, she wanted one thing.

What was that?

To see her dead.

Get away.

How could you do that?

It was meaningless.

I was stupid. I'm sorry.

I was gonna give myself to you,

and you just threw it away
on this nobody.

Th...This can't ruin what we have.

What we had is gone.

I can't be with you now.


Who is she?

She was over
at Will's all the time, too.

She must've hid the g*n there.

She told you she k*lled her?

It'll be hard for you to understand.

But Jane and I had something
that most people don't.

In our situation, it,
it didn't seem wrong.

What situation?


Our was different than other people's.

You said the guy was an angel.

Now he's a k*ller?

- This was Bennett's doing.
- That's not what he says, Janie.

He says you were so jealous of Paige,
you went out and shot her dead.

I shot her?

That's his position.

He came to me, crawling...

saying he'd do anything,


to be together again.

Guess what that "anything" was?

Please talk to me.

We're through, Bennett.

No. I have to have you back.

What do you want me to do?
Name it. I'll do whatever you say.

There's nothing to do.

Yes, there is. I know there is,

and I'll do it.

He got a g*n...

he took her out to a field...

and got her out of our lives.

Came and told me about it.

And you kept that secret for him.

What else could I do?

Head for the hills and call the cops.

I don't think you're hearing me.

He loved me so much,

he did m*rder for me.

I've been looking through
your yearbook, Bennett.

You and Janie are all over it.

"Best Couple."

Prom king and queen?

Junior and senior prom.

Ah, must've been great.



I can't keep a girl's attention
longer than three months.

I've never been lucky in love either.

I wouldn't call it "luck."


That's closer.

Jane and I used to say
that we were as...

we were as rare
as Halley's Comet.

That's amazing.

Too bad you ruined it with
that fling with Paige.

I didn't ruin it.

No? How do you make up
for some like that?

We figured out a way.


I got no chance at Halley's Comet...
neither does he...

so we really need you
to help us understand.

We made a plan.

- I know what we can do.
- You do?

I know how we can be togehter.

Tell me.

If we k*ll her, we can erase her,

and then you'll be a virgin again.


It's to save us.

You're right.

You're right.

You'll have to take my word for it.

It made sense.

Bennett told us
how it went, Janie.

How what went?

The m*rder.

'Bout the g*n, the barbells.

I don't know what you mean.

How you were gonna sink her
in the river after.

I don't...

believe you.

'Bout Halley's Comet.

He told you about that?

And he wants to know
if you wanna do this together.

What we thought would save us...

actually ruined us.

After she died, we could
never get back the purity.

So we separated,

never talked again.

And the worst thing?

We never loved anyone else again,

not the way we loved each other.

That's the worst thing, huh?

We belong together.

We'll go down together.


It's Bennett.

I didn't think you'd call.


Yeah, I'm sorry about that.

I've been, uh...

Well, Jane and I broke up.

I'm sorry.

Yeah. And I was wondering
if you wanted to get together.

Tonight. I know it's late, but...

I can sneak out.

Yeah, I'll pick you up in ten minutes?

Are you sure you're ready for this?

I'm sure.

You know, we don't have to...

I want to.

We love each other, and...

if we're gonna take it to the next level...



- Hey.
- Nice car.

Where are we going?

A nice, quiet place.

Well, I guess it's time.

Do it!

Oh, no!


Do it!
You have to do it!

Do it!
You have to do it!

Please! Don't...!

Please... don't...

I can't believe it.

"She's Got A Way About Her"
by Billy Joel

♪ She's got a way about her ♪

♪ I don't know what it is ♪

♪ But I know that I can't live without her ♪

♪ She's got a way of pleasin'♪

♪ I don't know why it is ♪

♪ But there doesn't have to
be a reason anywhere ♪

♪ She's got a smile that heals me ♪

♪ I don't know what it is ♪

♪ But I have to laugh
when she reveals me ♪

♪ She's got a way of talkin' ♪

♪ I don't know why it is ♪

♪ But it lifts me up when
we are walkin' anywhere ♪

♪ She comes to me
when I'm feelin' down ♪

♪ Inspires me without a sound ♪

♪ She touches me and
I get turned around ♪

♪ She's got a way of showin' ♪

♪ How I make her feel ♪

♪ And I find the strength to keep on goin'♪

♪ She's got a light around her ♪

♪ And everywhere she goes ♪
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