01x03 - Our boy is back

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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01x03 - Our boy is back

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, Gail.

Hey, Larry.

I was just doing my woodworking,
needed a break.

I'm building a bridhouse for
the tweeties on my balcony.

- You want a peek?
- I'm in a rush.

Yeah, I'm going
for a walk anyway.

Enjoy it.

Hey, you wanna see one of
the coolest spots in Philly?

It's three blocks from
here. I discovered it.

I've got a lot of reading to do.
And Bruce is coming over.

Good night, Larry.

How's "The Miller's Tale"
gonna help me in life?

Totally unreadable.

So drop the class.

fI'm going to
med school anyway.



- I'm done studying.
- I'm not.

Yeah, you are.

Bruce, I have
a seminar in the morning.

It's only Summer school.

Skip it.

What am I gonna have to
do, kick you out of here?

I'm getting sick of that story, too.

Came in this morning
addressed to Homicide.

I think it's one of yours.

"Number one. Kitchen floor.

She had a useless
cat who did nothing."

"Number two. Brunette.
At least two useless cats."

Ellen Curtis had two cats.

"Three. This one died on me.
And her useless cat just watched."

Oh... this bastard.

"I don't like what I do,
but I can't go yet.

The days are still warm."

That's him.

Try to get prints off this?

This guy doesn't leave prints.

Where has he
been for five years?

And why is he
sending us this letter?

He's bragging. He's
telling us he's back.

And that he's gonna do it again.

Guy broke in
through the window,

r*ped her like all the others,
but Gail he k*lled.

He got through those bars?

Guy was some kind of spider.

He could climb walls,
get in tiny windows.

- So he's skinny.
- He's a contortionist.


I don't have the constitution
to go after him again.

Why'd he k*ll Gail
and not the others?

She fought back.

Any physical evidence?

Just the DNA from his sperm,
but we never found a match.

I got samples from everybody--

the neighbors, plumbers,
handymen... nothing.

It was like chasing a ghost.

Boss, I can't do this.

I'm not asking you to, Nick.

This case became
a health issue for me.

Didn't you get any
direction where to look?

He only struck when
the weather was warm, so

I check out baseball teams, exchange
students coming in for the Summer...

Circus. / Yeah?

Yeah, yeah,
I interviewed a damn clown.

Who was the top suspect?

Bruce Elridge.

- Gail's boyfriend.
- How come?

He gave a shady,
hostile interview.

Refused to give his DNA,

had not one good alibi
for any of the r*pes.

Unfortunately, Vera's under
orders not to talk to him.

- That's not official.
- The D.A.'s office was very clear, Nick.

Do not approach him again.

What did you do to him?

I was on the case.

He was a serious suspect.

He put him in
the room four times.

What am I supposed to do,
start all over again?

- I'll start it over.
- Whoa, this is my job.

I'm not gonna get cut out of it.

Well, which one is it,
Vera? You in or out?

I don't know.

All right. Lil will read
the case again.

You wanna join her, okay.

But I don't want you going
to Bruce without new direction.

We got the letter.

Connect him to the letter,
Nick, you can go back.

Not before.

You got an angle,
how to do that?

Yeah, I got an angle.

No. Not you again.

- Got some questions, Larry.
- Forget it.

You browbeat this guy, too?

He's a material witness.
I talk to him sometimes.

Larry, it's Lily Rush.
With Homicide.

I need to talk to you about Gail.

I'll talk to you. Not him.

Grow up.

Open the door, Larry.

Detective Vera
will take a little walk.

This guy's sick, huh?

Anything about it say
Bruce Elridge to you?

The smugness fits.

He was such a snob.
He'd never even say hello.

So you didn't know him well.


You told that you thought

Gail and her boyfriend were
having a fight next door.

If I may speak.

I never saw anyone else
go inside that apartment.

What was your
relationship with Gail?

Good neighbors.

Good friends.

Maybe something could have blossomed
if the world was laid out differently.

So now you're flirting?
You didn't say that five years ago.

You asked about the call,
not my relationship with Gail.

Did the noise from next
door wake you, Larry?

I was up, working.


What's going on in there?

It sounds like
more than reading.


I'm at Sansom.

I'm worried about my neighbor.

That was heroic,
making that call, Larry.

It was instinct.

Anyway, uh...

the cops came,

knocked, left.

She was found
dead the next day.

Cops can't break down a door just
because some guy sense something.

I gave a DNA sample right off.
I'll give another one if you like.

That's not necessary.

So back to Bruce.

You seen him lately?

I did run into him a couple of months
ago, up on the Penn campus.

He does experiments
at med school.

Yeah, he was full of hot air

about some kind of sleep
study he's doing on cats.

- Thank you.
- Oh, yeah.

Some maybe we
should check that out.

How'd you find out
about his research?

I track this guy.

I knew it was animals, but
I always figured it was lab rats.

That's him.

You can't talk to me.

That letter you
wrote gave me cause.

Your pal here made my life
miserable five years ago.

You could have ended it at
anytime by giving a DNA sample.

Let's not have that
conversation again.


I'm the one who
wanted to talk to you.

And who are you?

Detective Rush. I'm looking
back into Gail's m*rder.

I was wondering about the
animal research you do.

What about it?

We're talking cats, right?


And I don't feel guilty about it
if that's your next question.

You k*ll those cats? / If need be.
If a person's got cancer

I'm not gonna worry about testing
on some useless animal.

Why are they useless?

They're sub-human.

- Small brains.
- Like women.

Women have a use.

Bruce, why not make this easy?

Volunteer your DNA.

Fourth amendment says
I got a right to privacy.

Don't you wanna be
ruled out as a suspect?

On the contrary.

I don't want desperate detectives
to act like it's a discovery

if they match my DNA to semen
that was on Gail's sheets.

I was her boyfriend.

We were very active,

if you get me.

I'm sure my DNA's
all over that place.

I see.

I don't need a witch hunt

just 'cause you couldn't
solve this thing.


What is it about this job?

You yap on all the time about the
other cases. Why not this one?

This one did things to me.

Like what?

You ever work a job
makes you feel helpless?

Yeah, I can always find
motive, direction, but...

that piece of crap, he stops.

Leaves me with nothing.

I start second guessing
everything, you know?

Maybe I'm not the
bad ass I think I am.

- I want this guy.
- So do I.

We can get him.

But I need you, Vera.

You know him
better than anyone.

If he's following his M.O.,

he's already hunting...

stalking someone right
now following her home.

Let's hope she's got
her windows locked.

I should have noticed
that they all had cats.

It didn't mean anything
till we got the letter.

It's a list of parolees who were locked up
the last five years and just got out.

One guy fits the time line,
but he weights pounds.

Since when?

His whole life. It ain't him.

Was worth a try. / Yeah.

Well, how'd you do today?

Found out Bruce Elridge
tortures cats for a living.

Does he?

Talks about useless animals
and won't give up his DNA.

I gotta go sit on him.

Make sure he doesn't climb
through anybody's window tonight.

I got new addresses
on the first two victims.

They've both moved.

Let's go.

Wait till tomorrow.

I don't want you going to these girls
at midnight asking about their r*pe.



Good night.

My dad told me why you're here.

Can I come in?

No, I'd rather... I'd rather talk out here.

We think he's back, Ellen.

Oh, no.

Can I show you a picture?

A detective showed me
that five years ago.

I know.

Just look again.

Could this be the guy
who att*cked you?

I couldn't say.

I never saw him.

Did his voice sound like
anyone you know?

I told the first detective no.

I don't think so.

You said at the time you were
certain it was a stranger.


You got a different feeling
about that now?

It's okay if you do.


No, I don't know him.

I really can't... I really
can't tell you anything.

The lead detective on
this case is female, Ellen.

Would you be more
comfortable talking to her?



I gotta go to work, but, um...

I'm home every day by : .

All right.

Could be him.

Could be Yo Yo Ma.

I didn't see crap.

He covered your eyes right away.

I'm in my kitchen...

all of a sudden there's
a towel over my face.

Guy whispers that he's real
sorry... r*pes me right there...

and then stays for an hour,
talking to me.

I'm always nervous on first dates.

But we did okay, didn't we?

You were playing such
a sad song before.

You wanna play it for me?

I don't think so.

That's okay.

Those bars on your windows
are no good, honey.

They're too far apart.

You gotta be more careful.

You know what he said to
me right before he left?

"Wish that we had met under
different circumstances."

I'm sorry, Niki.

I just hope you finally get the guy.

I don't wanna make you
uncomportable, but, um...

you were obviously in
close contact with him.


He touched you. You
must have touched him.

Was there anything that you
felt that was distinctive?

Scars? Moles?

This is kind of weird...

That's okay.

I did touch him. I didn't
do it to be intimate...

Of course not.

I was trying to get him off me.

And you noticed something.

Smooth skin.

Legs, arms, everything.

Soft and smooth like a woman's.

Excuse me a second, Niki.

What's that?

Bruce Elridge's coffee cup.

You stole his coffee?

He abandoned it in a public place.

Now we got his precious DNA.

According to Niki Lamas,

we're looking at a guy
with super smooth skin.

That's new.

Maybe he shaves his
body before he att*cks.

No hair ever found at the scenes.

Anything from Ellen Curtis?

Jeffries got the sense she knew
something. I'll go back to her today.

And how's our boy Vera doing?

He's... passionate.

That passion almost compromised
this case five years ago.

I'm watching, boss.

I hate to rat a guy out,

but Vera just walked in with Bruce Elridge.

- I can't have this...
- Let me go.¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

You'll want to look at this first.

This isn't gonna help.

You can't keep me here.

I can keep you here for six hours.

So what's with the animal experiments?

What are you, an activist?

Lot of K*llers start off torturing animals.

But smart guy like you...
know something about that.

So what?

Is that you, Bruce, hmm?

Did you go from cats to
women with your viciousness?

That's a leap.

You slip into their apartments with
that wimp-boy frame of yours.

You terrorize them and you
pretend you're on a date?

I've got a girlfriend.
We're very, very happy.

Maybe you didn't mean to k*ll Gail.

Just r*pe her like the others.

I didn't do anything to her, so why
don't you stop acting like a thug.

What'd you just call me, you little rube?

Say it again, come on!

Say it again.

Say it again!


Looks like Bruce here
thinks I'm wasting his time.

Come out here.

Bruce has better
things to do... / Vera!

We got the DNA back.

It's a negative match.

You bunch of thugs!

Bruce... what the hell's wrong with you?

What's that supposed to mean?

You knew we wouldn't
match your DNA. / So?

So why not give a sample five
years ago like a normal person?

I got a right to privacy.

How's giving a swab of
spit invading your privacy?

A guy's got a right to have
sex with his own girlfriend.



You weren't having sex with her.

Excuse me?

You didn't want us to not find your DNA.

It wasn't anywhere in that apartment,

'cause she was shutting you down.

We went out for seven months.

And by that time a guy's got a right.

You think I wanted all those
macho cops, all my friends,

knowing I was putting up with such a prude?

Hey, Bruce... this ain't high school.

This case died five years ago and
you could have helped us bring it in.

And you coming off to your
pals like some big stud

isn't more important than a girl dying.

My partner got the sense you knew
we were on the wrong trail.

How would I know that?

Maybe you saw the guy.


Maybe... you knew the guy?

- I really try not to think about this.
- That's understandable.¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

But he contacted us.

Let us know he's gonna do it again.

I can't worry about that.

If you could describe

I can't. / I know that's what you've
been saying all these years,

but maybe it's because it's too painful.

Ellen, I'm just scared
it's gonna happen again.

I never used to be scared of anything.


Now I live with my parents.

I'm terrified if I'm not home before dark.

You had a life before.

You just want it back.

I don't think that's in the cards.

I do.

But you have to start by telling
me what you saw that night.

It might not be relevant.

I was at the Free Library,
outside buying a coffee

and this, um... this guy started
talking to me about books

and I can't even remember what else.

But it was only for, like, a few minutes...

and then I went home.

And that was it.

Did you get his name?

Then the r*pe happened that night...



Hey, kitty, kitty, kitty.

You scared me.

I'm so sorry.

First dates are hard.

Especially with serious girls like you.

I just wish we could met under
different circumstances.

It was so quick.

It was like a flashbulb.

And I, uh... I could be wrong, but...

the face I keep seeing
is the guy from the library.

Um... dark hair...

kind of shaggy.

Smooth skin.

This is gonna help us a lot.

I'm sorry I didn't do it earlier.

You weren't ready earlier.

I should have told that first detective.

I was worried he'd think that
since I'd talked to the guy...

I'd let him on.

You know?

Detective Vera only looks
like a Neanderthal.

Excuse me.


Sex Crimes got an as*ault,
th and Lombard.

Same M.O.?

Crawled through the
second floor window.

Our boy is back.

(*) up the drain pipe,

climbed cross the walls,

slipped in through the bars.

Now, that's determination.

Are there prints on the bars?

Of course not.

Ah, but he did leave a token behind.

Kenfield, filter.

Left it right at the bedside.

This the victim?

Yeah. Sex Crimes took her to the hopital.

They know you want talk to her, though.

We doing this together?



Maybe I should have
fought or something.

There's no "should", Tanya.

Does, uh... this look like him?

He covered my eyes so quickly.

Did he speak to you?


Afterwards, he talked a lot.
He talked about art and books.

I'm in grad school for
art history, but I don't...

I don't know how he knew that.

Did you recognize his voice? / No.

He was a stranger.

You study art history?


Been to any museums lately?

Um... I was at the Rodin a few days ago.

Did you notice anything about this skin?

It was... smooth.
You know, like... hairless.

No hair at all?

Didn't seem like it.

Do you know what he
told me before he left?

That he wished that we had met under...

Under different circumstances.

And that he was sorry.

Does this guy stalk girls
on Ben Franklin Parkway?

Gail worked at the Museum of Art.

Ellen was at the Free Library
the day she was att*cked.

And Tanya went to the Rodin last week.

Niki was on Locust.

Leaving the Academy of Music.

Maybe he targets smart girls.

All the victims were college types.

"Serious girls." He said it to Ellen.

Let's post this composite
all over the Parkway.

I got it.

I interviewed a woman that worked
with Gail at the art museum.


Anna... Berlin.

They had lunch together
the day of the m*rder.

We have this now.

Let's see if she knows our new friends.

Is this who k*lled Gail?

Could be.

Do you recognize him at all?

I don't think so.

Take your time.

I can't be sure, but...

But what?

It sort of looks like a guy we'd
see out here at lunchtime.

You and Gail saw him?

He'd hang out here,
smoking, watching people.

I kind of forgot about him.

He hasn't been around for years,

but he's been back lately.

Ever get a name? / No.

We only talked to him once.

How's the pre-med student?

Arrogant. Pushy.

In other words, the same.

I know, I have bad taste in men.

You ladies work here?


How's the new exhibit?

The Monet? It's beautiful.
I recommend it.

Maybe I'll take a look.

See you in there.

I didn't think to mention
it to you back then.

People are always aksing questions.

Do you think he may have
been watching Gail?

He wasn't there for the art.

Got something.

Girl was with a friend and her
mom on Ben Franklin Parkway.

Saw your composite.

This is Lily. She's a police officer, too.

Tell her what you told me.

That's Carl.

My mommy's boyfriend.

What do you got?

Carl Heeley, grew up in a trailer park
in Trenton, moved up Philly at ,

worked as a security guard in the
Franklin Institute from ' to ' .

Across from the Free Library. / Yeah.

And the last five years, he was
at an army base in Portland.

Just got back to town.

How'd he behave in Oregon?

Dishonorably discharged six weeks ago.

Breaking into a female officer's room.

Through the window.

She was trained in combat
though, unlike our girls.

She fought him, ID'd him,
and they sent him packing.

Military will have boold types.

We're getting a subpoena right now.

Pick up this soldier.

What's this about?

A woman was r*ped inOld City last night.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Where were you last night, Carl?

At home. Reading.

Can anyone verify that?

My girlfriend and her daughter.

You a big reader, Carl?

You could say.

You lived in the area five years
ago when three women r*ped.

Do you remember anything about that?

Not really.

But you heard about it, right?

Yeah, I think I remember something
about it, but that was a long time ago.

This looks a lot like you,
don't you think?

Sort of.

Can you arrest a man for
looking like a drawing?

We're asking guys who look like
this picture to take a DNA test.

Would you do that?

I'm sorry. I prefer not to.

Look, I'd love to help you out, but
I gotta get back new job and all.

So, is there anything else?



It was a Kenfield filter.

Carl and I used to date, so...

Well, you lived together, that's a
bit different than dating, isn't it?

Cait, honey, take Dolly
and play in the room, okay?

We lived together five years ago.
We broke up when he moved.

If you broke up, how'd
you get this Army picture?

We kept in touch.

Caitlin says that Carl's
still your boyfriend.

That he's been around
the apartment a lot.

Yeah, well... maybe
I never got over him.

Do you remember those
r*pes five years ago?


Do you remember that
a girl was m*rder*d?

What, you trying to say that was Carl?

This is the guy.

You tell me, Bridget.

Carl is a good person.

He is.

He is. Just should see him
with Caitlin and animals.

Down at that shelter you work at?

Yeah. He helps out sometimes.

You got any pets here?

No, no.

Carl always says that dogs are for
families and cats are for single girls.

- Mm. Carl says that, huh?
- Yeah, we joke about it.

You know, cats and book clubs,

two sure signs that a woman's
all alone in the world.

I'm guessing you wouldn't be
caught dead at a book club.

I noticed your Shakespeare
collection over there.

Yeah, Carl got that at a garage sale.

You guys read the tragedies together?

He looks at'em sometimes.
I don't like books.

Maybe that's why he
took off five years ago.

What do you mean?


No, what?

We talked to Carl earlier today
and he just wasn't, uh...

very complimentary about
your... brain power.

That's mean.

I thought so.

Was he with you last night?

Yeah, he was here.

He go out after?

He went out for a walk, late.

'Cause there was another
r*pe last night.

Another woman who
lives alone, with a cat.

Carl take a lot of walks?

Yeah. He has trouble sleeping.

He always did.

Honey... what's wrong?

Nothing. Can't sleep is all.

Come back to bed.

I'm gonna get some air.


Be careful.

You, too.

Keep the windows closed.

Yeah, he did that a lot.

He'd leave in the middle of the night.

Didn't you think it was pretty odd
that he shaved like that Bridget?

He always shaved,
you know? He said, um...

it had to do, you know,
with biking, for speed.

Did he always shave at midnight?

I don't know.

You remember the r*pes,
though, don't you?


Didn't you ever think...

That I was living with a r*pist?

No, I never thought that. Would you?

Does it make sense now?

Yeah, I guess.

With the walks and all.

Now that I think about it,

he's only ridden that bike a couple
times since I've known him.


I'm so sorry Carl.

You really should be more careful.

I just wish we should've met
under different circumstances.

Why are you here?

We just wanna chat. Again.

We called the base up in Oregon.

Seems you got the same
blood type as our r*pist.

Type A is pretty common.

We've got your letter, too.

I'm not much of a writer.

Plus that cigarette you left at Tanya's--

tells me you're just about
ready to stop this.

How'd them army boys deal with
you shaving your chest and your legs?

I cut that out up there.

Didn't wanna be on the wrong
side of "don't ask, don't tell," huh?

I just didn't get much of a
chance to bike in Oregon.

What kind of people do
you come from... Carl?

Nothing special.



Low rent?

You could say.

Not a lot of books in
the trailer, I take it?

My mom couldn't read.

What about that sister of yours,

the one that's in jail for
prostitution? She a... big scholar?

Yeah, you come from trash,
you end up trash.

With a trash girlfriend. You were
looking for someone better.

A classy girl with... education.

I like girls with culture who don't
eat their takeout right out of a box.

Hm, like Bridget?

Bridget's never been to
a museum in her life.

So you went looking for a girl
with a little something upstairs.

Trolling through the
museums and libraries

till you found her, then
you followed her home.

Looked to see if there
was a cat in her window,

'cause that meant she
was all alone in there.

And you got that talent
for getting into tiny places.

Talk or don't talk.

It doesn't matter anymore.

Bridget gave us your razor.

It's at the DNA lab right now. / Yep.

We're just waiting for the official word.

I used to slide down the laundry
chute at my best friend's building.

You can't believe how narrow it was.

I'd get into the neighbor's
house and steal things.

It was like the one thing that
I was really, really good at,

getting into small places.

I was, like, known for it.

That's sensational, Carl.

I told you... I was ready soon,
soon as the weather changed.

Yeah. You told us.

I just had these demons.

Is that why you joined the military?

To maybe get some discipline?

I kept them down for a while,
but they came back.

The... one in Oregon was a fighter,
like the other ont that... / Gail.

The girl you m*rder*d.

I just wanted to...

date her, you know, not hurt her.

Quiet. I am sorry.

Studying, huh?

- College girl?
- Let me... go!

You should be more careful.

That window's wide open.

Gail. / Be quite.

What's going on there?

Be quite. Quite. Quite.

Sounds like more than
reading. / Quite. Quite.

I just wish we could've met
under different circumstances.

["Heroes" by The wallflowers]

♪ I, I will be king ♪

♪ And you, you will be queen ♪

♪ Though nothing, ♪

♪ Nothing will drive them away ♪

♪ We can be Heroes ♪

♪ Just for one day ♪

♪ We can be us ♪

♪ Just for one day ♪

♪ I, I can remember ♪

♪ Standing by the wall ♪

♪ And the g*ns ♪

♪ Shot above our heads ♪

♪ And we kissed ♪

♪ As though nothing could fall ♪

♪ And the shame ♪

♪ Was on the other side ♪

♪ Oh we can beat them ♪

♪ For ever and ever ♪

♪ Then we can be Heroes ♪

♪ Just for one day ♪

♪ We can be Heroes ♪

♪ We can be Heroes ♪

♪ We can be Heroes ♪

♪ We can be Heroes just for one day ♪
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