02x14 - Mr. Monk and the Captain's Wife

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Monk". Aired: July 2002 - December 2009.*
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After the m*rder of his wife, Adrian Monk develops OCD which costs him his job as a prominent homicide detective, but he continues to solve crimes with the help of his assistant and his former boss.
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02x14 - Mr. Monk and the Captain's Wife

Post by bunniefuu »

Karen: There's juice in the blender.

Jared's going to say he hates it, but he has to drink it. The juice is not negotiable.

I understand.

Oh, and I need you to stop at the farmer's market to pick up some vegetables. There's a list on the counter.

The farmer's market.

Why can't we just shop at the supermarket like everybody else?

Leland, please. Do you want your children to be like everybody else and have chemicals and pesticides and god knows what?

Or do you want them to be better than everybody else?


[ Grunts ]


What is in there?

Lighting equipment.

How much did that cost us?

Oh, don't worry, Leland. I will pay you back.

That's not the point. What I meant was, we can't afford lighting equipment.


If I had a digital camera, I wouldn't need so much lighting equipment.

We cannot afford a new camera.

Karen, I do not want to have another fight.

I would love to have another fight because I am sick and tired of this one.

Don't forget about the farmer's market, and don't pretend to forget about the farmer's market.

I will call you later.

Karen: Hi. I'm leaving right now.

Is Sandy there yet?

Hey! Aah!

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ disorder and confusion everywhere ♪

♪ No one seems to care

♪ well, I do

♪ hey, who's in charge here?

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ poison in the very air we breathe ♪

♪ Do you know what's in the water that you drink? ♪

♪ Well, I do, and it's amazing ♪

♪ People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time ♪

♪ If you paid attention, you'd be worried, too ♪

♪ You better pay attention, all this world we love so much ♪

♪ Might just k*ll you

♪ I could be wrong now

♪ but I don't think so

♪ 'cause it's a jungle out there ♪

♪ It's a jungle out there

Hey, monk.


Happy garbage day.

Thank you. What are you doing here?

I was just in the neighborhood and was going to the farmer's market to buy alfalfa sprouts, so I figured I drop that off.

That's your check for the rutherford case.

They're late.

Who's late?

Garbage truck.

It's 8:22. They've never been this late.

No, it's 8:15.

Is that the watch that Trudy gave you?

So you're never going to know what time it is for the rest of your life?


You know, Trudy's been gone for seven years.

I-I think maybe it's time that you think about...

Letting go.

Letting go?

Yeah. You should think about your future.

What future?

Your future.

I don't have one.

Yes, you do. Yes, you do, and I think that you should...

You should start thinking about building a life.

You should get on with it.

Just let it go.

At least buy a new watch.

Just think about it.

I'm afraid to.

Here they come.

Hold on.

Hold on. Where's... Where's Tully?

On vacation.

He never said anything to me about a vacation.

Why would he tell you?

We have a relationship.

He's been collecting my garbage for years.

Mister, relax, okay? We know what we're doing.

You know, we taught Tully the garbage game, okay?

Okay, well, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

You have to start from this end.

Tully always starts from this end.

Didn't Tully mention me?

Believe me, I would've remembered.

[ Liquid swishes ]

What's in here?


You're throwing away water?

Don't ask.

Okay, now this one.

Dude, what difference does it make, man?

I mean, it's all going to the same place.

Actually, no. When you get to the dump, uh, my bags go in sector nine.



Tully puts my garbage in sector nine, so...

So it's separate.

Ha ha ha ha. Right.

Sector... sector nine.

You got it. Sector.

Have a good day.

Hey, god bless you and your work.

Captain, I've been trying to call you.

What's going on?

This morning...

This morning...

For god's sake, Randy, just say it.

It's Karen.

I'm Leland stottlemeyer. My wife Karen was just brought in.

Captain, I'm Dr. Malding. I was on duty when she was admitted.

Um, would you like to come with me?

I have an office upstairs.

No, no, now. Tell me now.

She has some internal hemorrhaging and a non-displaced fracture of the skull.

Bottom line. What's the bottom line?

Her vital signs are strong. They seem to be holding.

If the swelling goes down, we're going to operate first thing in the morning. Who's going to do that?

Dr. Schecter and Dr. Foster.

They're good. I'm an r.N. I interned her seven years ago.

She's right. They're the best we have.

Okay. Can I see her?

In a few minutes. Um, captain...

We're good at our job. Let us do it.


Right, right, I'll call you back.

What do you got?

Okay, this is what we know. A sn*per on highway 9.

So far, it looks completely random...

A thrill-k*lling.

He took out the tow-truck driver, and the truck spun into the other Lane...

Into Karen. Who was it?

We don't have him yet.

I want everybody. You've got them, sir.

Everybody's volunteering.

There's going to be a task force.

I talked to the commissioner. He said whatever you need.

All right, good.


[ Choked up ]

I know.

If I lose her...

I know.



I know.

Since we were kids...

I know.

I know.

Is there anything I can do?

You know what you can do.

The victim's name was Fernandez.

Frank Fernandez... 34, unmarried.

He lives in Oakland.


We're still knocking on doors. Not yet.

He shot from over there?


Any idea where he parked?

We haven't found any tracks.

I mean, he could've parked anywhere.

There's a million little side roads around here.

We're still looking. Why there in the open?

The surrounding area's heavily wooded.

There would have been more cover.

I don't know. That's a good question.

[ Dog barks ]

Ooh, hey, are you lost?

No... just thinking.

I'm not talking to you.

Don't. Sharona, don't...

Don't touch the dog, okay? Just please...

Don't pat the dog. Don't touch the dog.


Okay, if you touch the dog, sharona, I have to let you go.

You always say you're going to let me go, but you never do it.

Well, what's it to him? He doesn't like anybody.

Come on, whose doggy are you?

We recovered the shell. It's a thirty-ought-six from a Winchester bolt action.

That's not a sn*per's r*fle. He's a hunter.

Look at this. He crawled through this hole.

Shirt got caught.

He fired from over there behind the mound.

How did he know the hole was here?

Maybe he cased the area.

Or he lives nearby.

Now she's going to want to keep it.

We can't have a dog.

You don't live together.

Oh, yeah.

You want to see something really weird?



He wasn't wearing any shoes.


Watch your step.

Bare feet?

Why would a sn*per go barefoot?

Especially at 6:00 in the morning.

It's been freezing.

Maybe he was an American Indian.

An American Indian sn*per?

Maybe it was an uprising.

Against technology.

That doesn't make a lot of sense.

Hardly any, really.

Oh. Native American.

That doesn't help.

[ Whispers ]


You're going to want to see this.

[ Barks ]

This can't be a coincidence.

What are you talking about?

Frank Fernandez, the truck driver.

They looked everywhere. They can't find them.

Can't find what?

His shoes.

He was barefoot, too.


Hey yourself.

Brought you some coffee.


How's Mrs. S.?

She's still unconscious.

Have you seen her yet?

Yeah, I've seen her. I'll feel a whole lot better when she can see me.

How are the boys doing?

They're scared to death.

They're with my mother, which is scary enough.

What have you got?

It's coming together.

What does that mean?

The k*ller and the victim were both barefoot.

I mean, monk isn't sure what it means, but he knows it's important.

Do you have a suspect? Do you have a name?

Not yet. Task force has a theory.

They're checking it out.


I'm not supposed to tell you.

They warned me.

You know, the local transport union's on strike.


Harry bolston, the union boss...

He's made a few threats. It's getting ugly.


The tow truck belonged to a union shop.

The driver was a scab.

It was a union thing?

[ Sighs ]

It's just a theory, sir.

They're not sure yet.

Son of a bitch.

Where are you going?

Never you mind, son.

Okay, I'll go with you.

Man: Who's on the front gate?

Man #2: Little Tommy and his crew.

Tell him to take pictures of all the drivers so we know who they are. And don't hide the cameras.

I want them to know that we know.

Yes, sir, Mr. Bolston.

If you want, they can do more than just take pictures.

You're the boss.

Workers: No deal! No work!

No deal! No work!

No deal! No work!


Okay, bye.

That was disher. They're on their way.

Why are we even here?

I want to protect the captain. From who?

From himself.



You call him Adrian?

It seemed to fit.

He's nervous, and he's always cleaning himself.

You should be flattered. I should be...

But I'm not.

Scabs, go home!



Union! Union!

Scabs, go home!


What are you doing?

Well, I'm a union girl.

Since when? Since I started working for you.

Scabs, go home!

I should start my own shop.

Do it. I'll join you.

You're not allowed. You're management.

Oh, yeah? Good. Get rid of the dog.

Will you stop worrying about this?

I got the vet's number off the collar.

They gave me the owner's name.

Now I'm going to drop him off later, okay? Okay.

I'm going to miss you. I'm going to miss you, honey.

Where is Harry bolston?

Captain, please be careful.

Bolston's already sued the department twice.

I'm just going to talk to the man, Randy. That's all.

Captain, I think you're making a mistake. Not now, monk.

I don't think the union is involved.

Look, you've been reading about the strike.

The negotiations are going their way.

Every editorial is behind them.

Why would they do something stupid now?

It doesn't make any sense. It makes sense to me.

Also, the sh**t wasn't wearing shoes.

Can you imagine any of these guys running around barefoot?

Well, maybe he wasn't thinking straight. Maybe you're not.

Monk, you don't know what I'm thinking.

I think I do.

The place you're in now...

That's where I live.

Look, I'm just going to go talk to the guy, all right?

There's no... that's all. Stay here.

Hey, bolston.

I'm captain stottlemeyer, San Francisco police department.

This is a legal strike, captain.

We got every right to be here.

I don't care about your strike.

There was a sh**ting on highway 9 this morning.

A driver was k*lled.

Yeah, I heard about that. I already talked to the cops.

I'm going to tell you the same thing I told them.

I had nothing to do with that. That's what we call...



You got five seconds to wipe that smile off your face.

Did you say this?

"We're going to bring this company down, using any means necessary"... Did you say that?

No. I was misquoted. You know how that goes.

This is incitement, you son of a bitch.

You might as well have pulled the trigger yourself.

Now, look, captain, I can't control every member of my union, just like you can't control every stupid, loud-mouthed cop in your department, can you?

You're frank wicks, aren't you?

I brought you in for as*ault during the last strike, didn't I? You got a good memory.

You're damn right I do. Do you own a hunting r*fle, wicks?

I don't have a g*n. I don't need one.


Where were you at 6:00 this morning?

He was with me.

We were here, okay? All morning, setting up.

Captain, the hospital just called.

Karen's awake.

This isn't over.

I got 10 lawyers.

Call one of 'em.

We've stopped the hemorrhaging and all the internal bleeding.

About an hour ago, she started fasciculating.

Oh, my lord.

No, no, no, that's a good thing.

That means she's stable.

She's not out of the woods yet.

We still don't know how serious the head injury is.

The next six hours will tell the story.

Can we see her?

Maybe tomorrow after the surgery.

[ Banging ]

I... think her husband could use some help.


I hate hospitals.

The doctor says she's stable.

So thank god.

She woke up for a couple of minutes.

She could barely breathe. That's how much pain she's in.

She asked how the kids were. I said the kids were fine.

She passed out again.

What if I lose her?

You're not, you're not. You're not going to lose her.

"Not going to lose her"...

I remember I said that to you one time.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Peanut butter.

I hate these. Do you want it?

Why'd you buy it?

I didn't buy it.

I felt like hitting something.

[ Dog barking ]

Adrian, I am going to spank you.

Come on.

Are you talking to me or the dog?


I'll... I'll stay here.

That's a good idea.

Come on.

Come on.


There you are!

Oh! Where you been, huh? Where's you been?

Where's the squirrel?

Usually, when he runs away, he brings back a dead squirrel.

You must be disappointed. Your taste is improving...

She's a lot cuter than a dead squirrel. Thanks.

I'm Evan coker.

Sharona Fleming.

Sharona, I don't know how to thank you.

I've been going out of my mind.

I don't know how he got away.

I must've left the gate open.

Well, he's really a great dog. I had to leave him at my sister's, because if I brought him home, my son would've fallen in love with him.

He gets very attached to pets, you know.

I think it's because his father's not around.

I-I'm divorced.

Ha ha ha ha.


I like your car.

Thank you.

I just got it. It was kind of an impulse thing.

Sharona: Well... Impulses can be fun.

Ha ha ha ha.

Excuse me, what are you doing?

Hi. I was, uh, just fixing your sundial.

Yeah, leave it alone. It's fine.

Uh... it's five hours off.

No, it's not. My son checked it last week.


Well, he did it wrong.

Well, he's an astronomer.

Maybe his watch was broken.

Who are you?

Just a concerned citizen, ma'am.

A good samaritan passing by.

You're demented.

That's a matter of opinion.

There you go.

It's all done. You'll thank me later.

Get out of my yard, you creep!

Do you know him?

He's my boss.

I don't know how he got out.

I must've left the gate open.

So, what does he do?

He's a detective. We're working with the police now on that sn*per case.

Oh, yeah, I heard about that.

They think it's a union thing, right?

No, no, my boss doesn't think so.

Oh, he doesn't?

No. And believe it or not, he's never wrong.

Hi, Karen.


Hi. Hello.

Are those lilacs? I love lilacs.

Thank you. Will you put 'em here?

Sure. How do you feel?

Like I was hit by a truck.

Ah. Get it? Ha ha.

Shh... he's been sleeping there all night.

What are you doing?

Just making them even.

Even? You'll sleep better if they're even.

What are you talking about?

Hey, did Max draw this?

Yeah, the boys were here all morning.

You know, they're the best medicine in the world.

You know, if there's anything we can do...

Well, as a matter of fact, are you busy tomorrow? Because we need someone to take the boys out to lunch.

Yeah, sharona, I promised my mother that I'd give her a break, but I've got to work, so...

You know what?

I'd love to, but benjy has a dentist appointment.

Hey, but Adrian can take 'em.


They would love that. Would you mind, Adrian?

You mean, take the children to a restaurant?


You mean, a public restaurant?


They would love it.

Sure. Great idea.

Boy, I can't wait.

Monk, I'm wide awake.

Wide awake.


Okay, good work.


You were right.

The second sh**ting at the truck depot...

Thirty-ought-six from a Winchester... same g*n.

So they're both union-related.

Don't try to tell me any different.

What about the barefoot angle? What about it?

Well, monk seems to think the union isn't...

Look, it's not his wife being fed through a tube, is it?

No, sir.

You know, I've been reading about this, uh, this sn*per.

It's, uh, it's really terrifying.

The police think it's union-related.

But you don't agree?

I think the second sh**ting was a diversion to throw us off the trail.


Well, it's still a tough case. How do you feel?

I'm torn.

Half of me is worried about Karen.

40% is worried about captain stottlemeyer.

And 5% is relieved that somebody finally understands what I've been going through.

You know, that's not 100%.

I know. I always keep...

Part of me empty for emergencies.

So, what, you... you offered to take the two boys to lunch?

I didn't exactly offer.

I just felt it was, uh, it was something that I-I had to, um...

Sorry. I can't concentrate.

What is that noise?

Oh, oh, that's the white noise machine.

We've always had it here.

No. This one's different.

Well, yeah, I mean, the other one broke.

Um, it's just a newer model, but it's the same.

No. It's not.

No. The old one went...

[ Makes low-pitched hissing sound ]

And this one goes...

[ Makes high-pitched hissing sound ]

Not... [ Low-pitched hiss ]

[ High-pitched hiss ]

It's like a half an octave higher...

I'm sure all your patients are complaining.

No. Actually, you're the only one.

Well, then, they're being polite.

[ Hissing stops ]

Is that better?



All right, Adrian, would you like me to try to get the old machine fixed?

That would be great.

Thank you.

I'll wait here.

I didn't mean now, Adrian.

I'll try to have it for next week.


What's that?

A savings and loan robbery in delmare last Monday.

The clerk was shot and k*lled during the getaway.

The clerk was 22 years old.

I got it, Rick. Captain...



We've got other cases, sir, and they're starting to pile up.

No, Randy, you have other cases.

In this room, there are no other cases.


What the hell is this? What is he doing here?

Harry bolston to see agent grooms.

Yeah, he'll be right with you.

Good. You got a room around here where I can make a call in private?

Right out here, first door to your right.

Agent grooms called him in. Without my okay?

According to grooms, he's been cooperating.

Yeah, I'll bet he's been cooperating. Sir, don't.

Randy, this is my house.

Randy, the man is in my house.

Where'd bolston go?

Ahem. Conference room.

Just spend the money.

Yeah, that's what the strike fund is for.


Captain stottlemeyer.

Captain stottlemeyer is not here.

It's just us, Harry. Just a couple of guys.

I heard about your wife.

I'm sorry. I really am.

What's her name?

Her name is Karen.

Well, I'll look into it. And if it was one of my crew, I'll take care of it.

It was one of your crew, Harry.

Probably hand-picked.

Everything okay, boss?


Why don't you call in some more g*ons, make it a fair fight?

Now, listen, captain, I can't do business with you hounding me like this.

So what's it going to take to get you off of my back?

It's going to take a heck of a lot more than your girlfriend here.

Stay down!

Stay down!

Oh, boy.

What did you do?

He didn't do anything. My friend tripped...

On his own shoelaces.

It wasn't me.

You ever been here before, Mr. Monk?

No. I-I don't go out much.

Oh, we come here all the time.

Well, I can see why.

It's so... Loud and...


Is this really what the '50s were like?


It's like a time machine.


Stay in the lines.


Max? You have to stay inside the lines.

I don't want to.


It's a rule.

Rules are fun, huh?

We'll finish that later, okay?

Hey, cats and kittens, what's shaking?

I'm Cindy Lou. I'll be your waitress.

Who's ready to roll?

Jared: I'll have an astro burger and a coke.

Me too.

Okay. How about you, pops?



I'm fine. I'm good.

I just ate...

Nine hours ago.

All right. I'll be back in two shakes.

Say something crazy.

Hey, Max, he's not crazy, okay?

He's... troubled.

Thank you, Jared.

I saw your mom today.

She's really doing great.

The doctors say she's going to be coming home soon.

I pray for her every night.

Yeah, me too.

[ Blaring from jukebox ] ♪ rockin' in the gym

♪ rockin' in the hall, rockin' at the sock hop ♪

♪ Rock 'n' roll ball, 16 girls standin' in a row ♪

♪ One said hi, I said hello ♪

♪ I kept walkin', no one said no ♪

♪ 16 girls

♪ standin' in a row

♪ 16 girls standin' in a row ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ dancin' on the floor, dancin' more and more ♪

♪ Dance, baby, dance, go and dance them bones ♪

♪ 16 girls standin' in a row ♪ Check, please.

Isn't this fun?

Yes, it is.

But what are you going to do?

What is it with you and the sundial?

I remembered something when I was with stottlemeyer's kids.

How'd that go?

Fine, fine, kids love me.

Oh, my god, he's back.

I told you before, this is private property.

We'll just be one second, ma'am. Thank you very much.

Call the captain. I solved the case.


She did it?

No. I wish she did.

You solved it with a sundial?

The sundial is the key.

Okay, we've got our warrant.

We're going into the union headquarters building here.

I need a block at these two intersections... it's already done, sir.

All right. Now, the main offices are on floors two and three.

Are they armed? We're not sure.

Assume yes. We're going in heavy.

Two entry teams... Here and here.

Nobody's knocking. We pick and ram.

Who's taking point on team one?

That would be me. I go in first.

Harry bolston is mine. Any questions?

[ Cellular phone rings ]

Okay, it's showtime. Suit up... vests and helmets!


Captain, that was monk.

He said he solved the case.

He what?

He says it's not a union thing.

Is he sure?

He's monk.

It's your call, captain.

Stand down.

Let's go.


Hey, monk.

What do you got? You got a name?

Okay, take it easy.

Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt anybody.

I promised Karen. What do you got?

Evan coker... this was his car. This was the car that was being towed when the driver was shot on Monday.

Yeah, remember the dog I found? It belonged to Evan coker.

Coker, yeah, yeah. It was being repossessed.

I mean, we checked him out. He was clean.

And I don't even think he was worried about losing it.

Didn't he just buy a new t-bird?

He didn't care about the car. He cared about something in the car.

What... money?

A handgun in the glove compartment.

Look at the owner's manual.

That's g*n oil, isn't it?

[ Sniffs ] Sure is.

He kept a handgun in here...

A g*n he had to get back.


I-I don't know.

Obviously, it... It connected him to something...

Something worth k*lling for.

Here's what happened.

On Monday morning, the sound of the tow truck must've woken him up.

His car was being repossessed.

He knew if the car ever got to the impound lot, they'd find his g*n.

Somehow, he had to stop that truck.

He had less than a minute to come up with a plan.

He didn't have time to get dressed...

Or put his shoes on, which explains the footprints.

The truck had to go all the way back through town to reach the highway.

If he ran, he could get there first.

That's how the dog got loose and how the sundial next door got turned around.

He ran to the highway...

Climbed through the fence...

And waited for the tow truck.

And then...

Stottlemeyer: Yeah, I know. What happened after that?

[ Vehicles crashing ]

Monk: He retrieved the g*n.

There was a gravel road.

He didn't want to walk home barefoot.

Before he left, he stole the dead driver's shoes.

In all the confusion, no one noticed.

Randy: And about the second sh**ting at the truck depot?

Monk: That was for our benefit.

He wanted us to keep thinking it was a union thing.

What do you think?

It's good enough for me.

Okay, cap, wait a second. Wait a second.

Captain, we gotta... We gotta call the task force.

We need a search warrant.

We got this guy. We got him.

Let's do it right.

[ Dog barking ]

Hey. What are you doing here?

I was just in the neighborhood.

Hey. Hey.

He missed you. Actually, we both did.


What happened to your feet?

Ah, windsurfing accident.

You wanna come in?

Well, actually, I'm not alone.

I have a few friends with me.

Great. The more, the merrier.

What's going on?

It's a warrant.

My friends want to look around.

Look for what?

r*fle, handgun, maybe a pair of shoes...

Taken off a dead truck driver.

Do you know who I am?

I'm Leland stottlemeyer.

I read about you.

How's your wife?

My wife is going to be fine.

The doctors saved her life.

You should call them and thank them, because they saved yours, too.

You might want to let the lieutenant hold that for you.

Why, are you afraid I'll use it?

I would.

I understand now, monk.

You can't let it go, can you?


Don't ever lose that watch.

I won't.

Anything? Not yet.

Is that it?

Can I start cleaning my place up now, please?


Step inside. I'd like to ask you some more questions.

Thank you.

Oh, my god, oh, my god.

It's garbage day.

Hey! Stop! Stop the truck!

What are you doing?!

Monk: Hold it! Hold it there!

Oh, my god, moe, it's him, man.

How'd he find us? Let's just go, moe, let's just go.

Go! Go! Go! Let's get outta here!

Wait! Don't... Don't go!

That guy is demented.

It's going!

Monk: Stop! Stop!

There's evidence in there!

Stop! There's evidence in there!

Turn it off! Turn off the compactor!


Did Adrian monk just jump into a garbage truck?


[ Coughing ]

You okay?

Brown merrills.

10 1/2.

You get these off the driver you shot?

What else you got in the bag?

Beretta, 9-millimeter.

Savings and loan job in delmare.

Do me a favor! Do me a favor!

Resist! Go ahead!

Randy: Captain, don't.

Captain, don't do this.

Don't do this. You'll lose your badge.

It's not worth it.

You're right. He's not.

He's not worth it.

Arrest him. Don't hurt him.

Mr. Coker, you're under arrest for three counts of felony m*rder. Get him outta here.

Read him his rights.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Exhales ]

Hi! Hi!


Boys! Oh, my little sweeties, hi!

Oh, I missed you so much.

I love you so much.


Oh, my... Where did you get that?

I bought it.

A digital camera? Oh! Leland!

But we can't afford it.

I mean, the other camera was not even insured.

It's only money.

Only money? Yeah.

Who got hit on the head... Me or you?

That would be me.


I love you.

I love you, too.
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