02x09 - Mr. Monk and the 12th Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Monk". Aired: July 2002 - December 2009.*
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After the m*rder of his wife, Adrian Monk develops OCD which costs him his job as a prominent homicide detective, but he continues to solve crimes with the help of his assistant and his former boss.
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02x09 - Mr. Monk and the 12th Man

Post by bunniefuu »

So the salesman says "try the cleats."

I say, "what do I need cleats for?

I work in a toll booth, for god's sake."

They just want their commission.


It's all about volume to them.

Janet buys all her shoes by mail.

I don't get that. How do you buy shoes by mail?

I mean, I got to walk around in them.

I got to walk around the block.

How you doing?

Out of $10.

Man: Are you pulaski? Yeah.

Frank pulaski?

That's right. Do I know you?

Just give me my change, frank.

Hey! What the hell is this?

Frank, what... what happened?


Help, Tommy! God, I can't get it off!

Do something! I'm trying here!

Tommy! Aah!

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ disorder and confusion everywhere ♪

♪ No one seems to care

♪ well, I do, hey, who's in charge here? ♪

♪ It's a jungle out there

♪ poison in the very air we breathe ♪

♪ Do you know what's in the water that you drink? ♪

♪ Well, I do, and it's amazing ♪

♪ People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time ♪

♪ If you paid attention, you'd be worried, too ♪

♪ You better pay attention, all this world we love so much ♪

♪ Might just k*ll you

♪ I could be wrong now

♪ but I don't think so

♪ 'cause it's a jungle out there ♪

♪ It's a jungle out there

[ Gasps ] Oh, my god!

Oh, my god, look at this, on page 10...

That's me and Kenny at the fundraiser he took me to.

Mm-hmm. [ Bell dings ]

Mrs. Ling? Hello, it's 10:00.

Adrian, Adrian, you see that tie?

I picked it out for him.

He said he trusted my taste.

Ha ha ha.

Imagine spending time with a man who actually cares about what I think.

Mm-hmm. [ Bell dings ]

Mrs. Ling?

10:00. Hello?

Adrian, Adrian, listen to this.

Listen, listen.

"Deputy mayor Kenny shale with an unidentified friend"...

That's me... "seen Friday night

"at the gala children's fund benefit.

"Mr. Shale is being touted by many pundits

"as a possible candidate in next year's mayoral election."

You know what that means? Mnh-mnh.

I could be dating the next mayor of San Francisco.

I thought you didn't like Kenny.

I don't know. I changed my mind.

Oh, my god.

I've got to get more copies.

Mr. Monk, I tell you before, do not ring the bell.

Stop that.

It's 10:00, Mrs. Ling.

The ticket says Tuesday, 10:00 A.M.

It's an approximation, Mr. Monk.

It means about 10:00, not at 10:00, you crazy man.

What's wrong with you? Okay, give me your ticket.

[ Groans ] Mr. Monk, I told you before, no copies.

Where is the original ticket?

It's safe at home in my file.

What do you need a file for? This is dry cleaning ticket.

Stop that.

[ Sighs ] Why you let him xerox?

I'm not with him every minute.

Oh, okay, here you go. Four shirts, okay?



Why do I pay more?

Because you so much trouble, okay?

I got to clean everything twice, then I got to stand here and talk to you for, like, half an hour.

Okay, good, thank you. Bye-bye now.

Thank you, Mrs. Ling. Thank you.


What is it now?

This is all wrinkled.

Well, it's cellophane. It's going to get wrinkled.

It's cellophane, crazy man.

Come on.

What... what's this?

Oh, that... that is nothing.

Okay, bye-bye now. Bye-bye.

Let's go. Let's go. This isn't my button.

Your button fall off, but I found a new one.

Identical. No difference.

Looks the same to me.

[ Cellular phone rings ]

The button matches, but the stitching is all different.

See, on the other ones, the thread is crisscrossed, but here, look... it's parallel.

That's how I sew them.

Parallel... that's my style.

But it doesn't match.

I have to live in this town.

Sharona: All right, fine, we'll be right there.

Another job.

I've got a good mind to take my business elsewhere.

Oh, please do, okay? Quit me, okay?


No, no, relax, Mrs. Ling.

I was... I was just kidding. Just kidding.

You're the best dry cleaner in the city.

I'm not going anywhere.


Handcuffed to one wrist and tied to 70 feet of rope.

Oh, god.

Then he was dragged west 7/10ths of a mile.

I just saw the body, or what's left of it.

The m.E. Said he's never seen anything like it.

There's no end to it.

What do you mean?

I mean, this is number nine.

Nine bizarre murders in the past two weeks.

Every time my beeper goes off, my heart skips a beat.

Are they connected?

No, no connection at all.

I mean, four have been men, five women, all different ages, latino, white, black.

And the m.O.S?

All different.

There's been a couple of sh**t, different weapons, a hit-and-run, a drowning, an electrocution...

I mean, it's... it's like a full moon every night.

And you're sure that the cases have absolutely nothing in common.

Well, they have one thing in common, monk...

We can't solve 'em. I swear, there's something in the water.

Saw the picture of you and your new boyfriend.

He's not my boyfriend.

Oh. I was thinking of voting for him, but now I worry about his judgment.

I mean, if he's going out with you, there's no telling what else he might do.

Start a nuclear w*r or something.

I'll tell him that you said that.

No, don't... just... I was joking.

Then I'll tell him you were joking.

No, don't... don't say that.

Just... just don't say anything.

I brought you some coffee.

Thank you. I appreciate it.

Actually, it's for sharona.

Oh, thanks.

Tell Kenny I say hi.

I will.

He stayed on his feet as long as he could.

Then he fell and was dragged away.

I could hear him screaming and begging.

It could have been me.

It should have been me.

What do you mean?

I was wide open. Frankie had three cars in line.

Wait, you were wide open?

But the k*ller went to Mr. Pulaski's booth and waited in line?


Why would he do that, unless...

He was after that particular guy.

So you didn't see the driver and you didn't get a make of the car.

I'm sorry. It might have been a Chrysler. I'm not sure.


What's this?

The k*ller paid his toll with that.

That's supposed to be at the lab.


Hey, hey, guys, what is this, a high school dance?

Give the girl some room. Let her breathe.

Come here. I want to talk to you.

I understand that you are seeing Kenny shale.

Oh, it's nothing serious.

Yes, it is.

I want to tell you something, sharona...

Your life is about to change.

Everybody you know is going to want a piece of you.

You're not going to know who to trust.

Monk can't help you with this, all right?

He's... he's brilliant, but he's monk.

He's lost in monk land.

Now, I've been where you are. I've been in the spotlight, and... well, here.

I want you to take that.

What is it?

That's my cell phone number, okay?

You call me 24/7 if you need anything.

I just don't want to see you get hurt.

Thanks a lot. Thanks.


Oh, I was thinking, um...

Maybe we could get together, do a double date kind of thing, me and Karen, you and Kenny.

I've always liked Kenny.

Kenny, he's... he's a good guy. He's good people.

You called him a weasel.

No, I didn't.

Yeah, you did, three weeks ago.

No, I never said "weasel."

I said he was a... a w...

Well, yeah, I said "weasel."

I called him a weasel, but that... you see...

That's not a bad thing. I had a weasel.

A weasel is a noble animal, all right?

It's... it's a term of endearment.

Jerry, hey, how you doing, you weasel?

Good to see you. See, I call everybody a weasel.


Captain, look at this.

His coin tray... It's almost empty.

He was just starting his shift?

That's right, he was.

So the k*ller had to have been waiting for pulaski to come on duty.

That's right. I remember.

The guy was parked right over there by the call box for about 20 minutes.


So he was waiting.

What do you think, sharona?



She's dating Kenny shale, who's running for mayor.

Yeah, I know. I-I've been reading about him.

I don't think she really likes him.

I think she just likes all the attention.

Everyone in the department has been fawning over her.

Laughing at her jokes, getting her coffee...

Maybe you should be happy for her.

Can I tell you something?

Yeah, that's why we're here.

The last few days, I find myself thinking that if Kenny shale is elected and sharona is still with him, maybe...

She could...

She could...

Help to get you reinstated to the department.

[ Sighs ]

I'm as bad as any of them.

No, Adrian, no, no, no.

You see, there's nothing wrong with being ambitious.

It just means that you're human.


It's been a long time since anybody's called me that.

[ Chuckles ]

What's wrong with your shirt?


Why... why... why are you holding it like that?

I put on the wrong shirt.

What, there's a stain? Because, see, I don't... I don't see anything.

It's the button. Mrs. Ling sewed it back on.

The stitching is all different.

The... the... the stitching.

It's not crisscrossed. It's parallel.

Don't... don't pretend you don't see it.

Man: Arlene?

Arlene carney?


How are you, Arlene?

Who is that?

The lady... Well, th-the dead lady...

Sh-she bought a ticket.

Did she appear to be waiting for somebody?

No, sir.

Did she look frightened?

No, sir.

It fell off, and the dry cleaner sewed it on wrong.


Weren't you staring at my button?

No, sir.


We haven't met. I'm Chuck evered.

The theater manager.

Adrian monk. Sharona.

Sharon... sharona?

If you're looking for Jackie o., she's over there.

You know, Kenny took me to city hall last night, and we had dinner in the private dining room.

Wow, really?

Maybe I'll bring you next time. Kenny might need a bodyguard.

[ Cellular phone rings ]

Hello? Hi, Kenny.

Oh, guys, guys, keep it down.

Her royal highness is talking to Mr. Kenny shale.

Go ahead.

Go ahead, kid. You're doing fine.

So she goes inside, and about a minute later, a man steps up.

Can you describe him?

I couldn't really see his face.

He was holding a handkerchief over his mouth, like he had a cold.

He bought a ticket for the same movie, and...

And I asked him if he wanted the combo special, which is a large popcorn and a medium drink...

A $9.00 value, and only $7.50.

He said no, and then he went inside and k*lled her, which I had no idea he was planning to do.

And he paid you with this?

Yes, sir.

Great, thanks a lot.

You need to go downtown and talk to a sketch artist.

Jerry? Officer Johnson will give you a ride.


Captain. What?

You've got a serial k*ller on your hands.

Monk, the woman was strangled, she didn't know any of the other victims.

I am not crying wolf until I am 100% sure.

This is definitely the same man that k*lled frank pulaski at the toll booth.

A lot of people pay with $10 bills.

It's brand-new.

There a lot of brand-new $10s out there right now.

The serial numbers are sequential.

You remember the...

Well, I got a pretty good look at it.

The bill at the toll booth ended with 6092b.

This is 6093b.

A serial k*ller.

Captain, Washington just sent this down.

It's a prelim psych profile.

Let me guess.

The k*ller is...

Between 30 and 45 years old, white male, does not work in an office, probably spent time in the military, and definitely hates his mother.

Yeah, how'd you know?

That's what they always say.

That's scrap paper.

What about the $10 bills? Anything on them?

They're from a bank in San Mateo.

Wells Fargo. Untraceable.

Of course they are.

All right, everybody, listen up.

Listen up!

We're not going to find him flailing around in the dark. Let's communicate. Keep each other briefed.

We're going dumpster diving. We're going...

What are you doing? What is that?

I'm leaving a space for the next victim.

Take that down.

Take it down.

There is no next victim.

We're stopping the son of a bitch at 10.

Well, thank you. Thank you.


Are you cold? Here you go.

Oh... thank you, Kevin.

Sharona, look at this. Look...

Sharona Fleming?

Oh, yes, I'm sharona Fleming.

These are from, uh, Kenny shale.

Oh, my god, they're beautiful. Thank you.

Sharona, let me get you a vase for these flowers.


Sharona, hello? Hey.

Sharona, sharona, look.

Miss Fleming?

Ha ha ha ha!

Lieutenant. Captain.

Captain, can I show you something?

Look. Lieutenant, look at this one...

This one and that one.

Yeah. The calendar.

Exactly. These three have the same calendar on their wall.

Yeah, we noticed that yesterday, monk.

Come here, I want to show you something.

They send me one of those every year.

They probably print a million of them.

Actually, they print 25,000.

I talked to the insurance company last night.

It's a single office, mom-and-pop operation.

Still owned by Mr. Henry smalls.

It can't be a coincidence.

Captain, three of them... Maybe more...

With the exact same calendar.

We at least have to check this guy out.

We already did. Lieutenant?

Henry smalls... 47 years old.

He's been away for the last two weeks at an insurance convention in Baltimore.

He's due back tonight.

He's been out of town, monk.

Okay, okay, but maybe he's the common denominator.

Maybe you might be right, but I cannot put this on the top of my pile. I have 700 leads.

At least half of 'em are stronger than this is.

I will get to that eventually. I promise.

But he's coming home tonight.

I said "eventually."

Sharona: Did I miss anything?

No, nothing much. We're just trying to catch a serial k*ller before he strikes again.

Hardly worth mentioning, really.

Listen, there's a possible lead. You and I are going to stake out the guy's house later.

You mean tonight? Yeah.

I can't. This is Kenny's only night off.

Adrian, I told you three days ago that I needed tonight off.

Sharona, this guy is coming home tonight.

I have to talk to him. So who's stopping you?

You don't need me. I don't need you?

Haven't you been paying attention for the last three years?

Hire a Kelly girl. A what?

A temp. You pay them by the hour.

They'll do anything.

I can't bring a temp on a stakeout.

All I know is that I'm seeing Kenny tonight.

And I'm going on that stakeout.

Yeah, that's the house.

Number 782.

He'll be home any minute.

Well, I finally got you in the back seat, and after only three dates!

Um, Kenny, uh, you gotta behave yourself.

This is official police business.

You know what I mean?

I'm so sorry. I'm just so excited.

This is my first stakeout.

Well, I brought you some doughnuts.

Real stakeout food.

Okay, and I brought the vino.

This wine is 30 years old, so let's not let it live another minute, okay?

Doughnuts and red wine... This might be the best date I ever had. Here, baby, take this.

Hey, Adrian, thanks again for inviting me.

Don't make a mess back there.

It's my car.

That's true.

Don't make a mess back there.

[ Cellular phone rings ]

Hello. Yes, sir.

Thursday's perfect.

Yes, sir, I'll see you there.

Well, yes, sir, she's right here.

Ha ha ha ha!

I'll tell her. Yes, sir, thank you.

Governor says hi.

That was the governor? Uh-huh.

He said hi to me? Yes, he did.

Adrian, did you hear that?

Did he happen to mention me?

I met him during the campaign.

No. No, he didn't.

I saved his life.

Got him elected. That's all.

Kenny, has sharona told you about some of the cases I've been working on?

Though I, uh, I could do so much more if I was, uh, officially reinstated.

Mmm, isn't that good?

Yeah, it's... it's delicious.

Kenny, not now, I told you. Remember? Not now.

Adrian, what are you doing?

The odometer is 9999.

I'm trying to get it to zero.


So then it'll be at zero.

Well, will that work? Do the numbers change if you just go backwards and forwards?

It's changing. Look.

There it goes.

It's not moving.

Yeah, it's moving. It's moving.

Oh, no. God, oh, no!

Look out behind you!


God! Henry smalls!

Henry smalls!

Adrian! What are you doing?!

I don't know!

That's number 11, damn it.

All right, nobody's going home.

I want to know how many of our victims knew Mr. Henry smalls.

We're going to revisit every crime scene, every house.

We huddle back here at 0900. Go.


Are you okay?


What happened to your hands? You hurt both of your hands?

No, just the left one.

Well, why do you have bandages on both?



Where is our future mayor?

He went home. He was pretty shaken up.

I'll bet he is.

Grace under pressure. That's what I look for in a chief executive.

Can you I.D. This guy?

I'm not sure. He was wearing a ski mask.

Well, you were right about Henry smalls.

Except I honestly thought he might be a suspect, not the next victim.

Yeah, but it is something. It's something real.

We've got our foot in the door. Thank you.

[ Sighs ]

Aw, monk, what the hell is going on here?


An hispanic plumber, a retired white cop, an African-American school teacher...

What do they have in common?

Absolutely nothing.

Exactly. They have nothing in common.

Different ages, occupations, some are rich, some poor...

Captain, this is a very diverse group.

They are too diverse.

Too diverse?

I'm talking statistics.

You'd have to work hard, really hard, to find a group this different.

Plus, look at this.

The blue pins indicate where they lived, right?


The murders took place all throughout the bay area, but the victims all lived in marin county.

What are the odds of that?

Go on. Go, go, go, go, go.

A diverse group, all registered to vote...

You know where you find a group like that?

Yes, yes, on a jury.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Hang on, hang on.

He's right.

They all served on the same jury six years ago.

A jury.

A jury.

11 victims. What did they have in common? They all served together on the same jury six years ago in marin county.

It was a personal injury lawsuit.

A handyman named Ian agnew fell off of a roof, and he landed on a metal pipe which was sticking up out of the ground.

Now, he sued the homeowners... A Stewart and Lisa Babcock...

For negligence. Apparently, part of the pipe is still in the guy's head.

He has a pipe in his head?

Yeah. He's got a 3/4-inch galvanized metal pipe in his head. They couldn't remove all of it.

He has a pipe in his head?

He was awarded $700,000. The homeowner's insurance paid for the whole thing. It was a routine trial.

Except six years later, the jury is being k*lled off one at a time.

Excuse me, captain.

What happened to the 12th juror?

That's a good question, Kenny.

You know, I could use a guy like you on the force.

The 12th and only surviving juror is a fellow named Cassidy.

Wallace j. Cassidy. We're looking for him right now.

Did anything unusual happen during the trial?

Well, not according to this.

They, uh, deliberated for a day and a half.

They went and visited the scene of the accident.

Then they were sequestered at a motel for a night.

And they delivered their verdict.

It's all very straightforward.

Captain, you ready for this?

Randy, you could be halfway through your first sentence now.

We just picked up juror number 12 at a casino in wallenpaupack.

He gambles a lot. He's always in debt.

He did it.

What, he confessed?

No, he lawyered up. He's not saying a thing.

But you think he's the guy.

He tried to bolt when we picked him up. Put up a hell of a fight.

And are you ready for this?

Yes, Randy, we're ready. You don't have to ask.

You never have to ask.

We just came from his house. There was a body part in the freezer... A human finger.

Really? Oh, the d.A.'S going to love that.

They love body parts in the freezer.

But none of the victims were missing a finger.

Yeah, well, uh, he k*lled somebody else.

That's why they call 'em psychotic.

Why would he wait six years and then k*ll everybody else on the jury?

I don't know, and I don't care.

Congratulations, captain. I'll be sure to mention you in my statement.

Whoa, hey, hang on. Kenny, um, I think I should go with you.

They're going to have a lot of questions, and I know this case inside and out.

All right. I'll say a few words, and then I'll introduce you, okay? Good deal.

Kenny? Yeah, baby.



Thank you, honey.


Thank you, honey.

Shall we? Yeah.

Wait, captain.

Why don't we slow down here?

I mean, what if I can I.D. This guy?

I'd like to give it a try. You want to be sure about this, right?

Number 5...

Could you slide a little to your right?

A little more.

Thank you.

Number 1...

You have some lint on your jump suit.

Number 2, could you help number 1?

Adrian, do you see the guy from last night?

Number 3, could you trade places with number 2?

Number 3, stay where you are.

Monk, do you see the guy or not?

Listen to me. This is very important...

For you. It's very important for everybody...

So for the record, before you say anything, please, count to the number 4.

Number 4...

Could you step forward?

Could you straighten that number?

He's not the guy. He's not the guy?

His fingernails are too long! His fingernails.

The guy I fought with last night didn't have any fingernails. I think he chewed them.

Monk, this guy is the only surviving member from that jury.

We found a finger in his icebox.

He's not the guy. I want to know more about that trial.

I think I should talk to the handyman who fell off the roof.

Captain, the press is all over this thing.

We can't keep a lid on it.

All right, monk, look, you go.

You go and you talk to the handyman, okay?

But you make it quick, because I have got to go public tonight. Go.

Thank you for seeing us.

Oh, I don't mind. I don't get many visitors.

So, what can I do for you?

Mr. Agnew, we were wondering about...

Your accident.

Please. Sit down.

Ian, I used to be a nurse. Is there anything I can do?

No. Thank you.

It comes and goes. It's the pipe.

I have a piece of pipe in my head.


I don't get many visitors. Please, sit. Sit.

Sit, sit. Sit, sit.

Sit, sit. Sit, sit.

Sit... sir?

Uh, about your accident...

Ah, the accident.

I really don't remember much about it.

We were building a cabana near the pool for the babcocks, and, uh, I was working on the roof.

And there was a tile loose.

And the next thing I knew, I woke up and I was a human smokestack.

I'll get it.

Hello? Hello. It's a wrong number.

I get 'em all the time. How's that coffee?

Bad dog!!

Anyway, I, uh, I haven't worked since.


How did you get the job?

Mrs. Babcock hired me. Although, by the time I had started, she wasn't there anymore.

Um, they split up. She ran off.

I never got the whole story.

I dealt mostly with her husband stew.

I'll get it.

You know, I just changed my phone number, and it doesn't seem to help.

I don't get many visitors.

Did you go to the trial?

I testified.

Did you spend any time with the jury?

No, ma'am. I wish I had.

Uh, I wanted to thank them. They were very generous.

I don't get many visitors.

♪ Daisy, Daisy

♪ tell me your answer true bad dog!!

You know what I think I miss the most?

Not having this pipe in my head.

I have to take this.

Hello. Hello.

I can't believe you're not the craziest man in the room.

How did you get this number?!

We'll let ourselves out.

You tell me who this is right now!!

Go. Go, go, go, go, go.

Well, I don't believe that for a minute.

[ Laughs ] Ah, that was before my time.

I didn't even meet Stewart until after the trial.

Would you like some lemonade?

No, thank you.

Stew, these people want to talk about the handyman.

What handyman?

The one who sued you.

Why? That's ancient history.

Is that where he fell?

Uh, yes, it was.

Mr. Babcock, were you at home when the accident occurred?

No, I was on vacation with my wife...

My first wife.

The dragon lady.

Did you attend the trial?

Well, there was no reason to.

It was my insurance company's headache.

What is this all about?

I mean, that was settled, like, uh, six years ago.

It's probably nothing.

Will you stop it?



There's another... another case involving a few of the jurors.

The jurors?

Uh, yeah, did any of them try to contact you?

The jurors? No, why would they?

Thank you.

Do you have a trash can?

Just toss it anywhere.

It's... wet.

It's a leaf.

Why don't you just throw it on the ground?

I'll throw it out.

You'll thank me later.

Around the corner, in the kitchen.

Thank you.

I had so much fun the other night. Did you?

Yeah, we have to do it again. I know.

You're so bad. Um, hold on, hold on.

Uh, Kenny wants to know how we're doing.

Tell him I don't know yet. The jury's still out, so to speak.

Uh, Kenny, you know what? He's a little distracted right now. Why don't I call you back later?

Okay. Y-you did?

Oh, my god. Thank you.

Oh, you're an angel. An angel.

All right, I'll speak to you later. Bye.

Adrian, do you know what Kenny just did?

He took care of all my parking tickets.

He's like Superman.

That's strange.


Lisa Babcock said she didn't meet her husband until after the trial.

But look.

This picture was taken more than six years ago.

How do you know?

I recognize that restaurant.

It's O'Malley's on Richmond.

They haven't allowed smoking in there since 1995.


And he was chewing his nails.

Who... Babcock?

Just now. In the pool.

So what does it mean?

It means they're a couple of liars.

Or maybe worse.

Maybe a lot worse.

Kenny, come here. Come here.

What the hell are you doing? I didn't authorize this.

I did. Captain, the people of San Francisco are frightened.

They deserve to know that we have a suspect in custody.

This is not a campaign stop, Kenny.

Monk could not I.D. The guy.

Monk could not I.D. The guy's fingernails, captain.

It's just not good enough. Now, I want to reassure the citizens that we have made a significant breakthrough in this case.

But we haven't made...

Captain, we just found this photograph in Wallace Cassidy's house.

Who's this?

I don't know, but she's definitely a woman.

She looks like she's frozen.

Yeah. Captain, this picture, plus the finger in the freezer, plus he tried to run, plus he's the only surviving member on that jury.

What else do you need?


Okay, go ahead.

Good afternoon. In a few minutes, deputy mayor Kenny shale will be making his brief statement regarding the recent series of homicides...

Monk, you're too late. They've already started.

They're about to name Wallace Cassidy as the primary suspect.

No, no, they're making a mistake.

Lieutenant, there is something else going on here.

Stewart and Lisa Babcock are involved in all of this. I know it.

The homeowners... where the guy fell off the roof. How?

We're still working on it.

Well, can you prove it? Not yet.

Wh-what's this?

The coroner found it. It's a sleeve... part of it.

Henry smalls, juror number 12, was clutching it when he died. Must've ripped it off the k*ller.

Monk, forget it. It's a dead end. It's already gone through the lab.

It's untraceable.

There will be time for a q and a later, but, remember, officially, this is still an open case, so we're not going to be able...

Captain, captain.

What do you got? What's up?

I think I know what's been going on here.

It wasn't juror number 12.

It was Stewart and Lisa Babcock.

What, the couple that's being sued? Are you sure?

Do you mean, am I certain?

Yes, yes, that's what I mean by "are you sure?"

Not yet.

I-I need an hour. One hour.

And then we'll know.

Is there a problem?

Captain? Are we about ready?

Hang on just a second.

Kenny, monk needs an hour. I'm going to give it to him.

What about the press?

The press can wait. That's what they get paid for.

Well, I can't. Now, if we don't start now, we're not going to make the 6:00 news, all right?

Look, I'm going to go ahead with or without you, captain.

It's called leadership.

No, no, Kenny, it's called grandstanding.

Let's go.

Kenny, Kenny. Kenny.

Oh, hey, sweetie, I'm glad you stayed. Watch this. A star is born.

No, wait, Kenny, Kenny, listen to me.

You're making a big mistake. This is the kind of mistake that people won't forget.

Well, sharona, sweetheart, you don't understand how this game is played.

You said you trusted me.

Well, I trusted you to pick out my tie, babe...

Not with the big stuff.

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you very much for coming.

I'd like you all to know that we've made a significant breakthrough in this case...

Mr. and Mrs. Babcock?

San Francisco p.D.

I'm captain stottlemeyer.

Were you folks going somewhere?

We're just getting away for the weekend.

Yes, we have a house at the beach.

Well, I'm glad we caught you.

"I trust you with my ties."

Where the hell does he get off?

Are those passports in your handbag, Mrs. Babcock?

You're not leaving for the weekend, are you?

You're leaving for good.

Because you heard they had just arrested Wallace Cassidy.


Fixes a few parking tickets, and he thinks he can talk to me that way? Nobody talks to me that way... nobody!

Wallace Cassidy. He was on the jury when you were being sued six years ago.

What are you talking about?

Why would we care about somebody on a jury? That...

Monk: Maybe because you knew he was going to confess.

Not for m*rder.

For blackmail.

Juror number 12 was blackmailing you.

He knew that you had m*rder*d your first wife.

After Ian agnew fell off your roof six years ago and sued you for negligence, the jury was brought here to visit the scene of the accident.

One of them... Wallace Cassidy...

Wandered off.

Most likely, he was looking for something to steal.

Mr. Cassidy had a gambling problem.

He was always in debt.

Oh, god, I can't believe I went out with him.

He's not even my type. I felt sorry for that stupid weasel.

Sharona. What?

We're working here.

Mr. Cassidy never did find anything to steal.

He found something a lot more valuable.

It was the first Mrs. Babcock.

He didn't leave without taking a picture...

And one of her fingers.

[ Bone crunches ]

We have that picture, and we have the finger.

It won't be hard to prove who it belonged to.

Monk: He sent you an anonymous note demanding money.

You knew it was from one of the jurors, but you didn't know which one.

At the time, you didn't really care.

Cassidy was smalltime, and he wasn't asking for much.

So you paid him, and you thought that was the end of it.

But it didn't end there.

Cassidy kept coming back for more.

So you decided to k*ll the blackmailer.

But since you didn't know which of the 12 jurors it was, they all had to go... One at a time.


Not you.

Sharona. Murderers... okay?

Relax, honey. They can't prove a thing.

If they could, they would've arrested us as soon as they got here.

That's true. I couldn't prove a thing until... i found this.

Your shirt sleeve was torn off when you att*cked juror number 11.

Can you prove that's my shirt?

No, sir, I can't.

But I know someone who can.

As soon as I saw this, I had a strange feeling that the k*ller and I might have something in common.

We both use the same dry cleaner.

Mr. Monk, why you bring me here?

I got to close my shop, I'm losing money.

You're just my worst customer.

The longest car ride of my life.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Ling, but this is very important.

Do you recognize this?

Yeah. Yeah, I know this shirt.

I clean this shirt. Silk... beautiful shirt.

Hanger, no starch.

What you do to this shirt?

Mrs. Ling, there must be a thousand shirts like this in the world. How do you know you cleaned this particular one?

You know how.

The button... it fall off. I sewed it back on.

The thread is parallel, not crisscross.

No one else sews a button on like this.

I told you, Mr. Monk, that's my style.

He's always complaining about the buttons.

Hey, Mr. Babcock.

When I fix this shirt for you, you don't complain, right?

'Cause you're a good customer.

Mrs. Ling, are you certain that this shirt belongs to Mr. Babcock?

Yeah, I'm sure. He's a good customer.

You come back any time, Mr. Babcock.

Ma'am, he just k*lled 11 people.

12... let's not forget about the first Mrs. Babcock, who I'll bet is buried under that new porch.

Well, he's still a good customer.

Not crazy like that Mr. Monk over there.

Mr. and Mrs. Babcock, would you step back inside, please?

We'd like to ask you a few more questions.

Right this way. This way, please.

Thank you, Mrs. Ling.

Yeah, yeah, all right.

Hey, I saw your boyfriend on TV last night.

Kenny shale.

He's a good man. I like him.

Yeah. Well, I like Mr. Monk better.

Oh... mr. Monk's a crazy man.

Well, I like him better.


I do.

Stop saying that.

Go away, Mr. Monk!

No! No more Mr. Monk! No, no, no.

Go! You, go away!

Oh, forget it. We'll find another cleaners, you know.


Hey, hey! What are you doing?

The meter ran out.

I thought you fed the meter.

I was carrying this.

Hey, hey. You know Kenny shale?

He's a good friend of mine.

You mean the former deputy mayor?


Yeah. Your good friend resigned this morning.

It was on the news.

Have a nice day.

Well, I guess the party's over.

I don't miss him.

I miss the attention, but not him. Here.

What's this? I'm not paying for it.

It's your car.

You didn't put money in the meter.

Okay, let's compromise. You pay the ticket...

And I don't.

What kind of compromise is that?

Well, it's the economical kind.
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