01x09 - Mr. Monk and the Marathon Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Monk". Aired: July 2002 - December 2009.*
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After the m*rder of his wife, Adrian Monk develops OCD which costs him his job as a prominent homicide detective, but he continues to solve crimes with the help of his assistant and his former boss.
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01x09 - Mr. Monk and the Marathon Man

Post by bunniefuu »

(Male announcer) And there's the starting g*n.

Kicking off the 25th annual chronicle marathon, San Francisco.

Over 6,000 runners in the race today.

And it is perfect running weather.

And there is tonday mawwaka, number 534.

What a story he is. The legendary "proud lion."

He's a two-time olympic champion and he's come all the way from his homeland of Nigeria to run in today's event, which he's referred to as his final lap.

Of course, tonday's threatened to retire before.

But, you know, if this does turn out to be his valedictory race, it'll be quite a day to remember.

We'll, of course, be checking in with his progress all through our continuous coverage of the marathon.

Two cameras?

Yeah. In case one breaks. Where is he?

Well, he won't be near the front.

I mean, you know, he's 65 years old.

63. He's my idol. Did I mention that?

About a million times.

No, seriously, tonday mawwaka is the greatest runner who ever lived.

I saw him run in Los Angeles in 1973.

He was 400 yards behind with less than a mile to go.

He had nothing left.

And somehow he just... He just found it.

It was the most amazing finish.

I can't believe you never heard of him.


That man.

He missed a button.

Don't worry about it, okay?

Come on, just have fun.

63 years old, he's still running the marathon.

I gotta get into shape.

No, you're in great shape.

Nah, I used to be.

Now if I can't find the remote control, I just watch whatever's on.

Look at him. How can he stand it?

Hold on to this.

Excuse me, sir.

You missed a button.

What? You missed a button.

You'll thank me later. Oh, oh! Adrian!

Will you get the hell away from me, please?

I'm trying to enjoy this race here.

Here it is. It's not problem. Adrian!

Adrian, he's coming!

Adrian, would you hurry up! Look! He's coming!

These are in the way. No, they're not in the way.

You're in the way! I'm very good at buttons.

Get away! Get away!

Go! Go! [Chanting "tonday"]

There it is. Okay.

You missed him!

You just missed him!

(Woman) No, look, he's... he's wearing blue shorts.

Look, there he is. There... Oh, no. That's not him.

Knowing Trevor, he probably stopped to sell someone a sofa bed.

Lisa, what is wrong with me?

I mean, I can't stand the son of a bitch and I'm trying to catch a glimpse of him.

This is ridiculous.

No, I know.

No, I know.

That's why I told him he has to make up his mind once and for all.

The guy can't have his cake and eat it too.


Hello, Gwen.


What... what are you doing here?

I-i-i thought you were running the marathon.

[Frightened cries]


[Jazzy guitar and bass music]

I can't believe I missed him.

I can't believe I missed tonday.

Well, it's your own fault.

You should have ignored the stupid sweater.

It was askew.

So what? So what?

Why can't you just let people be askew?

I mean, what are you, the askew police?

Yes, I'm the askew police.

What's going on?

Is that the captain?

[Police siren blares]

(Stottlemeyer) You got two out, two kids on, first and third, all right?

My kid throws a fastball like...

Captain! What?

I just talked to the building manager.

He's on his way. Okay. All right.

Work the street. Get statements from everybody.

Let's get to it. This is not gonna go away. Yes, sir.

It's supposed to be my day off!

You're telling me.

Monk, what are you doing here?

You chasing ambulances now?

We were just driving by.

What do ya got?

We got a dead girl.

She lives on the, uh, 21st floor.

Either she slipped or she jumped or she had some help.

It was m*rder.

(Disher) It's a possibility. Yeah.

No, that's what happened. It was m*rder.

And how can you know that, monk?

You just got here.

Her toenails.

She didn't finish painting them.

She was obviously interrupted.

Isn't that the style now?

Like you know.

I think you might be right.

Go ahead.

Anyway, we'll know soon enough when the medical examiner looks at her.


Thanks for dropping by.

Yeah. Good luck with this.

Yeah, it's good to see ya. Yeah.

As long as you're here, you want to make a few bucks?

Sure. Good.

Contract. Excellent.

That's what I thought. Thanks, Paul.

Boys and girls, listen up.

That was the medical examiner.

She was strangled before she went over the edge.

This is now a homicide investigation.

Which means do not touch anything, don't lean on anything, and be careful where you walk.

What do you think?

She lived alone?

Yeah, she lived alone.

But, uh, check this out.

Excuse me.

She has beer in the fridge and cigars in the humidor.

Boyfriend. Yeah.

And according to her neighbor, she had an ex-husband and a boyfriend who nobody ever saw.

Well, somebody was paying the bills.

She was on unemployment.

(Stottlemeyer) And somebody was buying her a lot of gifts.

She hasn't opened any of them.

Hmm, maybe she was planning to return them.

I mean, look at this guy's taste.

What are you talking about?

This stuff is great, I mean, look at this...

Sharona. Evidence.


Do you smell that?


What is that?

(Monk) Chamomile.

It's an herb. It grows wild like a weed.

I know what chamomile is.

Used to make tea.

Yeah. Check the kitchen for chamomile tea.

(Officer) Yes, sir.

Captain, look at this.

Her speed dial.

Number three is blank.

If she had a lover and she was trying to be discreet...

She would not have listed his name.

I've got it, sir.


[a*t*matic dial]

[Line ringing]

(Man) Hello?

Hi, um, this is captain Leland stottlemeyer with the San Francisco police department.

Whom am I talking to?

Hey! It's me, Trevor mcdowell.

We've just opened a new furniture showroom right here in San Mateo right off route 101.

[Bell rings] Break!

Hey, listen, if your family's like mine, the furniture in your house takes a real beating!

Okay, keep it clean! Keep it clean! Gloves up!

That's why you need furniture that can go the distance.

Isn't that right, honey?

With low prices that'll knock you out!

Like this couch.

It's regularly $799.

But with a quick jab from Tyler, that old price is t.K.O.'Ed!

It's yours for only $649! You see that lamp there?

It's got... no! Don't even think about it.

But it... it's not... it's supposed to... stop. Stop.

Normally, it's $1,399.

But with a mighty blow from Luke, here... whoa!

That old price is down for the count!

It's yours for only $1,299!

Heavyweight furniture at featherweight prices!

Tables! Chairs! Sofas! Lamps!

Love seats! You name it!

At mcdowell's, if we can't beat the competition, we'll throw in the towel!

(Male director) Cut! Cut! Who is that?


(Director) Get him out of there!

I'm sorry, it was a little, uh... was i...

Okay, take two.

Oh, my god.

(Stottlemeyer) Trevor mcdowell. Yes, sir?

I'd like to talk to you.

What's going on?

Nothing serious.

I think maybe one of his employees is passing bad checks.

You know what, honey, I'm sure it's okay.

Why don't you take the kids inside and I'll see you in a little bit.

Okay, come on, guys.

Good work today, guys.

You've got a beautiful family, Mr. Mcdowell.

You don't have to tell me that.

Can I get you anything?

Nothing for me, thank you.

Have a seat. Water?

Oh, no, thank you.

It's okay.

So about Gwen.

I heard about it on the news.

But they said she was m*rder*d. Is that true?

That's true.

Horrible. Do you have any leads?

We're workin' on it.

She was your girlfriend.


I really screwed up big time.

How long have you been screwing up?

I met her two years ago.

She was an actress in one of my commercials.

She was the girl in the waterbed.

Oh, my god. I remember that one.

Yeah. Yeah, I-I liked that commercial.

You're a natural in front of the camera.

Oh, thank you.

Do you drink tea, Mr. Mcdowell?

Uh, sometimes, yes.

Chamomile tea? No.

(Stottlemeyer) The building manager said you'd been paying her rent.

He also said you called him a month ago to say you would not be renewing the lease.

That's correct.

I was trying to break it off.

And I realized I made a mistake.

My family's my life.

Gwen understood that.

Did she?

I thought she did.

We talked about it.

Do you have an alibi for 7:55 this morning?

7:55, I would have been on haight street.

Anybody see you there?

Oh, yes, about a thousand people.

See, I was running in the marathon.

(Stottlemeyer) You realize we have several ways to verify that.


Because the sooner you clear me, the sooner you can catch the bastard who did this.

That's my card with my office number.

That's my home number.

If there's anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to call.

I'll be in touch.

Good luck with the investigation.

(Director) Okay, that's a wrap!

How'd you do?

Excuse me?

In the marathon, how'd you do?

3 hours, 41 minutes.

Personal best, actually. I've been training like a demon.

Were you drafting or running open field?

Open field. You a runner?

Uh, years ago. High school.

Made all-state.

You ran?


I just can't picture you on a track team.

I-I had a life, you know, before we met.

Oh, no, no, no. I know you had a life.

[Bike bell jingles]

I just didn't think it involved wearing gym shorts and showering with other guys.

I didn't shower with other guys.

I had a note from my doctor.

I bet you had lots of notes from your doctor.

As a matter of fact, I did.

I had a whole separate binder.

What are we doing here when the captain already checked this guy out?

He definitely ran the marathon.

I know, I just... i just want to make sure.


Hello, can we help you?

Oh, no. It's a stampede. Get a wipe ready. Oh.

I'm Adrian monk. I called earlier.

Oh, Mr. Monk.

Uh, please excuse the mess.

After the marathon, we just kind of hibernate for a while, you know.


This is my assistant, sharona. Hi.

Oh, I'm this year's chairperson, Angie Morrison.

This is tillie graves. Cicily fraiser. Hi.

And Brandon connelly over there.

Got it. Brandon connelly. Hi.

And this is Carl Jenkins. He's our chief of security.

Hi, Carl. Hi.

Thank you.

You got a problem with me?

What? Oh, no, no, no.

You don't want to shake a brother's hand, you just say so.

You don't gotta go wiping it off.

Oh, no. He does that to everybody.

Am I blind?

Do I look like I'm blind?

I saw what I saw.

I'm gonna go and lock up downstairs.

If I stick around here, I might do something I'll regret.

We're all just people, Mr. Monk.

Of course, we are.

I-I always have to... I'm not...

Oh, no. He's not.

What can we do for you?

I just need some information.

How many people, uh, ran in the marathon today?


People of all colors and creeds.

I'm sure they were.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Um, how do you keep track of them all?

Oh, that's all computerized.

The runners are all issued one of these and, uh, it attaches to the top of their shoe.

There's a teeny tiny little computer chip inside there.

Now, we've got scanners at the starting line and another at the finish line and they read the computer chip.

It's all very modern.

We've got everybody's time right down to a 10th of a second.

But what if someone left the race and then came back later?

Well, we'd know right away.

We've got checkpoints all along the route.

We had scanners every mile to keep track.

Um, we're interested in a runner named Trevor mcdowell.

Oh, mcdowell. Number, uh, 948.

The police were asking about him earlier.

There he is.

Yeah, he ran it in 3 hours, 41 minutes, and 22 seconds.

That's a really respectable time.

Quite respectable.

All of our racers are winners, be they black, white, or latino.

It takes many colors to make a rainbow.

Yes, ma'am.

I... I'm a big rainbow guy.

He loves rainbows.

About Mr. Mcdowell, did he miss any checkpoints?

Oh, let's have a look.

Uh, no.

He ran the whole course start to finish.

Paced himself beautifully, though.

[Police radio chatter]

(Stottlemeyer) Mr. Zaleski.

How about I call you Arthur?

Well, you can call me whatever the hell you want.


How long were you and Gwen married?

Four years.

She walked out and you still loved her.

Sure. I had feelings for her.

I bet you did.

Then she picks up with the dinette furniture salesman.

TV guy. That's humiliating.

You were jealous. You became furious.

I'd feel the same way.

I don't like this... being here.

You're not supposed to like being here, Arthur.

This is an interrogation room.

It's not a sports bar.

I need a wipe. Why?

Do you have a wipe?

So why were you harassing your ex-wife?

We've got the phone records, Artie.

You were calling her twice a day.

I don't call my wife twice a day.

I was worried about her.

(Disher) You call it "worried."

The judge called it "stalking."

That was three years ago.

[Wipe squeaking across glass]

What happened, Arthur?

You went over there to talk, right?

You lost your temper trying to talk to her?

[Wipe squeaking across glass]

Everybody has a temper.

What is that? What is that noise?

Excuse me. Keep on him.

Okay, one more time from the top.

So how long were you and Gwen married?

How's it going in there?

It's going great.

Except he wants to know what the little squeaky noise behind the mirror is.

That might have been me.

There's a smudge.

I think it's on your side.

You can get it when you go back in.

I'm sorry.

You think he's the guy?

It's possible.

He had a restraining order against him at one time, which apparently he honored.

He says he was at home in bed at the time.

I'd say he's a d-plus/ a c-minus.

What do you got?

Trevor mcdowell.

No, he was running the marathon.

It checked out. I don't know how he did it, but he's the guy. [Door opens]

I'll tell you why.

Because Gwen was k*lled first then she was thrown off the balcony.

That's the key.

Why would the k*ller draw attention to himself?

There's only one reason:

To establish the exact time of death.

He wanted everyone to know precisely when she died.

Why? Because he had an alibi.

An airtight alibi.

What do you think?

What do I think?

I think it's not possible because he was wearing a computer chip.

And he passed all the checkpoints.

I know. You're right.

That's right.

Unless he took the chip off and passed it off to another runner.

That's interesting.


Maybe he dropped it in another guy's pocket so it looked like he finished the race.

That's very interesting.

You are a genius.

Anything else I can help you with?

Give... give him a wipe.

Just give him one.

Smudge stays. You go.

So now we're looking for two runners.

That's right.

We're looking for another runner who had the exact same time as Trevor mcdowell.

Right, right, right.

Someone who was neck and neck with him for the whole race.

Neck and neck. Okay. That shouldn't be too hard.

Hi, tillie.

No, sorry.

Nobody else had the exact same time.

Look, um, are we finished here?

Oh, just one more thing.

Um, was there another runner whose time at all the checkpoints was close to mcdowell's, like, within a second or two?

Close? Mm-hmm.

Uh, well, look at that.

There's a runner here who ran the whole race just a few paces from Mr. Mcdowell.

Number 534.

Here's the printout.

Who is it?




(Sharona) You know, I read an article about this hotel.

You know how much a suite costs? Huh?

$2,000 a night.

You said tonday was a simple, quiet man, like a poet.


So how many poets could afford to stay here?

What are you saying?

I'm saying that he could have made some extra money helping a rich furniture salesman k*ll his mistress.

Shh! That is not possible, okay?

It is off the table. End of discussion.

Don't touch anything.

You're telling me not to touch anything?

That's tonday's fruit.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

Tonday mawwaka.

Adrian monk.

Ah, Adrian!

How nice to meet you.

Sir, I-I have admired you ever since I was a very strong child.

Young child. Young child.

This is sharona, my... my... something.

[Sharona scoffs]

I'm his assistant.

It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Mawwaka.

Just call me tonday.

Please, come on. Let's sit.

Make yourselves comfortable.

Sir, I saw you run in Los Angeles in 1973.

Ha ha!

The big comeback.


I still don't know how I did it.

Well, it changed my life.

You... you were...

You... you are...

Um, Adrian was a runner too.

Ah, is that so?

What were you running?

I.i.i ran what you ran.

Just not as fast.

You still run?

No, no, I quit.


There... there was an incident in high school during a race.

So they, uh, broke your spirits.

You know, spirits are very...


Easy to break, but not impossible to repair.

I like that.

You know, the hotel manager tells me that you were with the police.

I'm helping the police.

A young woman has been k*lled.


Have some tea!

Oh, thank you.

There you go.

Tonday, we're interested in another runner, uh, uh, Trevor mcdowell.

Do you know him?

No. No, okay.

All right. Wait a second.

Okay. Hold on. Just try... try that one.

What? No. I-I tried this one already.

It doesn't... i tried it.

Well, you're... you're... you're holding it the wrong way.

You're not Eve... give it to me.

No, let me do it. I can do it.

What are you talking about?

Oh, there... there it is.

Thank... thank you.

That old man is me?

That's you.

And there's mcdowell right behind you.

(Sharona) According to the computer, he said that he was behind you or just in front of you for the whole race.

Okay, and later... Later in the race...

Here... you see. Mcdowell's disappeared.

He doesn't show up again until the very end.

Do you remember if he was near you the entire time?

I'm sorry.

When I'm running, I'm not thinking about other runners.

I'm testing myself.

(Sharona) Um, i-i-i really love this place.

Um, does the marathon committee pay for all of this?

You ask me if I can afford a suite like this?


Well, a month ago, I signed a big contract with a big shoe company.

Let me guess.

Size ten.

Did you hear what he said to me?

"From one runner to another."

Remember tonday gave me some tea? Yeah.

Well, I saved the tea bag.

What is it? Chamomile.

Let it go. It's a coincidence.

You think it's just a coincidence that your hero, tonday, drinks chamomile tea?

Yes, I do.

I love these sneakers.

Oh, I see, I see.

Whenever I think of something, it's just a coincidence.

Whenever you think of something it's a work of genius.

Exactly. It was mcdowell. He did it.

(Sharona) How?

(Monk) Don't know yet.


Well, according to this video, tonday came through here at 47 minutes, 15 seconds and mcdowell was a few seconds behind him.


Am I touching the ground?

Because I don't feel the ground.

Did I mention these were a gift from my friend tonday?

(Sharona) What are you doing?

(Monk) I'm running circles around you.

That's how fast I am.

Oh, you think you're faster than me, huh?

Okay, from here to that pole and back.


This should be easy for you.

You're good at touching Poles.

Oh, see, now I'm not gonna be able to run because I'm laughing so hard.


Ready, get set, go!

Hold on. Hold it. Hold it. Wait.

This... this line's a little crooked.

It's straight enough.

Okay, good.

On your Mark... Hold it. Hold it.


It doesn't have to be perfect.

Just a second.

Ugh! Forget it!

Just forget it!

He's like... He's driving me insane.

That's it! I got it!

It's perfect now. W... w... wait.

Okay, after this point, mcdowell is no longer visible on the tape.

This is it.

It's a blind spot right here.

You see how the path curves?

No room for spectators.

If he timed it right, he'd be completely alone.

He could duck behind those bushes.

Nobody would miss him.

When were they here?

Um, one hour and five minutes into the race.

Start the watch.

We're gonna time this out.

Stop the watch.

What is it?

Smell it.

Ooh, no. It's chamomile.

We'll have the lab check for traces at the crime scene.

What was he doing here?

Changing his clothes.

Start the stopwatch.

What are you doing?

Changing my clothes.

Would you mind?


Then he had to get across town.

Oh! There's a road over there.

He couldn't have parked here.

This street was blocked off on sunday, remember?

He couldn't have parked anywhere.

Well, maybe he didn't drive.

Then how did he get across town?

[Trolley approaches]

How are we doing?

17 minutes, 20 seconds.

Excuse me.

Why don't you sit down?

Well, at least hold the pole.

How do you explain this?

I touch everything you're afraid to touch and I never get sick.

I can't explain it.

It's inexplicable.

No. You're inexplicable.

So are you gonna tell me?


Why you quit running.

You said there was an incident.

Uh, ancient history.

Come on. You know you're gonna tell me.

Okay, fine.

May 2, 1974.

Our high school track team.

We had a great year.

We made it to the all-state conference.

It was the biggest day of my life.

It was all tied up.

It came down to the last event:

The 1500 meter.

Everyone was depending on me.

But just before the g*n, I looked down and my laces were, you know, uneven.

[Starting p*stol fires]

It was the first time that I had a problem like that in public.

Come on!

Never ran again.

That must have been terrible.

I got over it.

No, you didn't.

That's true, I didn't. Thank you.

Ooh! This is our stop.

Now we run to the top of the hill.

(Monk) That hill?

(Sharona) Yeah.

I thought you made all-state.

Okay, it's been 24 minutes and 10 seconds.

Are you okay? Yeah, yeah.

That was some hill.

It didn't look that steep from the bottom.

You want to stop? No.

You see, I don't think mcdowell took an elevator.

He wouldn't want to be seen, right?

Just one more flight!

(Monk) Okay. One more flight.

No problem.

Why would someone choose to live on the 21st floor?

Are you all right? I'm good.

Your eyes are crossed.

They're okay now. Let's go.

(Sharona) You don't think he knocked?

No. He had his own key to let himself in.

Okay... okay, you're Gwen.

The TV was on so she's probably sitting here doing her nails.

I'm the k*ller. Let myself in.

Let myself in.

He sat on the couch?

I can do it from here.

Okay, okay.

She hears him.

She turns around.

You're Gwen! She turns around!

She turns... okay.

"Trevor, I thought you were running the marathon."

They struggle.

Struggle, struggle.

He strangles her.

Drags her off to the balcony.

Go! Come on! He's in a hurry! Go!

Okay, over she goes. What's the time?

39 minutes.

39 minutes.

Okay, let's go.

Okay, let's go.

What are you doing?

Uh, I think he took a nap.

Yeah, you wish.

Oh, my god. I love this chair.

It vibrates.

Sharona, we are not here to shop.

This is our primary suspect.

Well, maybe we can get a primary suspect discount.

(Trevor) Well, well, well!

If it isn't Mr. Monk and... Sharona.

Am I right?

Yeah. What can I do for you?

Do you have a minute, sir?

I have all the time in the world.

As a matter of fact, there's a sale on all the convertible sofas in stock if you're interested.

No, thanks.

I'll make you a great deal. Free home delivery.

We're not here to shop.

Although, if it turns out you're innocent, I'd... I'd like to talk to you about that recliner.


Um, do you know tonday mawwaka?

I know of him.

I've never met him.

I believe he was running behind me for most of the race.

(Monk) We checked the records.

You never turned in your computer chip.

I forgot.

And then later, I misplaced it.

You're crooked.

I beg your pardon?

Show him the picture.

Is that you at the finish line?


You ran 26 miles and you're not sweating?

I don't sweat that much.

You know, some runners don't sweat at all.

Is that everything?

But here's what's been bothering me.

This is you around mile five.

Look at your shirt.

It's completely drenched.

Here's what happened.

You had a problem.

Her name was Gwen zaleski.

She didn't want to break it off.

Maybe she threatened to tell your wife everything and ruin your...

Perfect little world.

So you disposed of her.

You tossed her off the balcony like a bag of garbage.

Mr. Monk, I love my family.

They're my life.

Now, do you think I'm gonna let somebody like you or anybody else take that away from me?

So true or false, Mr. Monk?

According to the computer, I ran that entire race from start to finish.

True or false?


[Woman over loudspeaker] Trevor, it's your wife.

Line two.

It's your wife, Trevor.

Line two.

[Knocking at door]

[Disher blows out cheeks]

The zaleski alibi checks out.

He was in bed making a phone call at the exact time of death.

Yeah. It's not the ex-husband.

No, sir.

So, uh, where does that leave us?

It leaves us with mcdowell.

The boyfriend? Yeah.

He checked out. He ran the whole race.

Okay, let's say that mcdowell did pass the chip off to another runner.

That was your idea, sir.

You're damn right it was.

You're thinking tonday.

No, no. Their times don't match up exactly.

Then who?

All right. Here's my idea.

Let's say there were six runners.

Six. Yeah.

Tonday, mcdowell, and these four guys:

Harvester, Blanchard, Crowe, and Davidson.

They pass the chip back and forth among them.

They were all running in the vicinity and...

Like a conspiracy.

Well, no.

I've worked the time out on this graph.

Passing it back and forth, it... the time works out almost exactly.

What do you think?

Yeah, this is worth looking into, sir.

It's all...

No, it's not. It's insane.

There is absolutely no connection between those six men.

Yeah, you're right.

It's... i was just playing devil's advocate with that.

(Male TV announcer) There is something you don't see every day.

A runner in this race with four legs.

Hang on a second. Stop the tape.

What? What's that right there?

G... go back a little.

Is that a dog?

Yeah, it's a poodle.

Maybe he put the chip in the dog collar.

That's a little poodle.

Can a little poodle run 26 miles?

Maybe he drugged it.

It's on dr*gs. Yeah.

I can call a vet.

(Announcer) And, of course, our cameras will be there at the finish line and our microphones as well.

We'll have interviews with the winners, the lead runners and also a coverage of the presentation of the trophy.

And here comes the group that everybody's waiting for as they run through the Castro area.

Once again, the huge applause for the ageless tonday mawwaka, still running steady and acknowledging the fans.

And he's loving this. And why not?

Let's get a shot now from our motorcycle cam just ahead of tonday's group.

And once again, of course, tonday has told us he's planning to call it a career after this.

But hey, he's said that before.

And besides, there are various rumors...

Are you all right? I'm fine.

What happened?

You said it was a matter of life or death.

I know how he did it.

What are you talking about?

Who? Mcdowell.

I know how he k*lled her. I figured it out.

You couldn't tell me over the phone?

Well, I wanted to see your face light up when I told ya.

Okay, I'll take a rain check on that lighting up thing.

Come on, let's go.

(Female TV announcer) And in other news, a private memorial service was held this morning for Gwen zaleski, the young actress who was slain this sunday.

A department spokesman said they have a number of leads and expect to make an arrest...

Cover the office for me. I'll be right back.

(Monk) Take the next exit.

(Sharona) Where are we going?

(Monk) You'll see.

Sharona, it was right in front of us.

We were looking at it all wrong.

We thought that Trevor mcdowell gave his computer chip to another runner.

Like tonday. Like tonday.

But no other runner had the exact same time, right?


I was just watching the tape again and I realized it wasn't another runner.

There was somebody else who ran that whole race from start to finish.

Who? The TV camera bike.

Mcdowell never even attached the chip to his shoe.

He stuck it somewhere on the vehicle.

Maybe he taped it or used one of those magnetic hide-a-key deals.

Mcdowell started the race like everybody else.

He followed tonday and the bike for a few miles.

Then when he got to the curve in the road, Trevor mcdowell quit the race.

But his computer chip continued on.

It didn't miss a single checkpoint.

He had a change of clothes hidden in the bushes.

(Sharona) Near the bach of chamomile.

(Monk) Exactly.

Then after the m*rder, he reentered the race just before the end.

The finish line was mass confusion.

It was easy to rejoin the race.

And that was it.

He had an airtight alibi.

It was the perfect crime.

But what happened to the chip?

I think it's still on the bike.

There was no reason for him to retrieve it.

Nobody knew it was there.

And even if they did find it, they wouldn't know what it was.

Here! Here we are.

Looks like all the vehicles are parked back here.


Oh, my god!

There's mcdowell!

(Monk) We gotta get to that chip before he does.

Ugh! What's wrong?

It's all rusty.

Okay. Okay. It's okay.

I'll do it. Give me a boost.

What? Just put your hands like this.

You're gonna step in my hand?

That's how you give somebody a boost. Come on!

I don't think so. Adrian, that chip is the only thing that connects him to the m*rder.

If he finds it, he'll destroy it and then we can't nail him.

Give me a boost! Let's just think.

Maybe we could build a little ladder.

Out of what?

You know, branches and rocks.

He found it! He found the chip!

Will you give me the boost?

Hurry up! Hurry up! All right. All right. All right.

Come on! Not that... not that foot!

Why? The other foot.

You stepped in something with that one.

Yeah. Go. Go!

You got it?

Wait. Wait. Okay.

Okay, i...

Wait, wait, wait!

What? Oh my god! He saw us!


Adrian, run!


Adrian, run after him!

You're faster! You can do it!

Go, Adrian!

He's heading for the beach!


Did you see that?

Did you see that?

He had about 40 yards on me!

I kn... look behind you!


Look behind you!

(Trevor) There goes your evidence, monk!

Officer, just wait a minute.

Do you know who I am?

Yes, sir, you sold me a dinette set last year.

Oh. Watch your head.

Trev, you might want to make a note in case it ever comes up again.

These new plastic hide-a-keys, turns out they don't sink.

Yeah, they float.

Tonday! Hey!

You shouldn't have done this.

I mean. I could have taken a taxi to the airport.

It's no problem.

We wanted to say good-bye.


[Monk speaks broken African language]

Is that right? Oh, close.

Adrian, did you solve your case?

Ah! I knew you would.

I remember thinking this man is stronger than he thinks he is.

You know, he can run the race.

Here, I've got something for you.

Oh, no.

Tonday, I can't accept anything else.

After we met, I had them send it to me.

It's the...

It's the headband you wore in Los Angeles, 1973.

Adrian, I can tell you're searching for something.

Life is a long and difficult race.

You must hang on.

Hold on to it.



That means "courage."

Thank you, my friend.

Thank you for this.

This... this means the world to me.

I haven't worn it since the big race or washed it.

Baggie. Baggie. Baggie. Baggie.

Just give it to me.

But be... be careful with it.

Don't wrinkle it, all right?

Don't even look at it.

You can... you can glance at it, but don't stare.

It's just a sweaty piece of cotton.

Hey! What are you... don't... You're crushing it now.

Just give it back to me. Here.

Just go in the car. Go in the car.

You think it could be dry-cleaned?

Courage. Yeah.
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