04x03 - Rectify

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Bull". Aired: September 20, 2016 - May 26, 2022.*
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"Bull" follows a trial consultant, who uses his insight into human nature, three Ph.D.'s and a top-notch staff to tip the scales of justice in favor of his client. Inspired by the early career of Dr. Phil McGraw.
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04x03 - Rectify

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, hey, hey, flag on the play!

So you tell me that you're broke

and I front you some product,

but now you got
money to buy from him?

You owe me money.

You owe Leon money.

And who the hell are you?

Does Leon know you're
selling bags in his territory?

This is Leon's territory.
We all work for Leon.

You can't just blow in here
and start hustling

without getting
the nod from Leon.

Now, get your money back
and give it to me.

Give the man back his dr*gs.

Get your money
and give it to me.

Put your hands
above your head, man.

Come on.

How old are you?


Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk.

It's empty.

So look, little man.

You need to walk out of here

and never come back.

This is my territory now.

♪ Taking what you got... ♪

♪ Run and hide ♪

♪ We coming down the block
taking what you got ♪

♪ You better run ♪

♪ Run and hide ♪

♪ We coming down the block,
taking what you got ♪

The end of June, we are
almost halfway through the year,

and it's 87 degrees
in the city that never sleeps.

According to his ID,

he's Marcus Lott. 26 years old,

bunch of priors for
possession and distribution.

As you can see,
somebody emptied

a whole lot of a*mo into Mr Lott,

who, by the way,
had a lot of cash

and illegal dr*gs
in his possession.

And who is she?

Name is Karla Angel. 24,

cause of death appears to be

a single g*nsh*t
wound to the abdomen.

Must have been expecting a boy.

Neighbours say she worked at
the 24-hour gym up the street.

Came down here a couple times
a night to wash towels

whenever the machines
were full at the gym.

And these drug dealers,

good news is they're
k*lling each other;

bad news, not fast enough.

It's funny you should say that.

Customer from last night
said that Mr Lott

was with a kid from
the neighbourhood.

His name's Eddie Mitchell.

Doesn't have any priors, but

everyone around here
knew he sold nickel bags

and apparently carried a g*n.

Hey, I remember you.

Hi, Dad.

Hey, I've been leaving messages
for you all over the place.

I know. And I'm sorry,

I just... I got a lot going on.

Well, yeah. I mean,
big journalism scholarship,

going to Jordan for a semester.

Crazy-proud father to deal with.

You want to have dinner?

Sure. Absolutely.

Thing is I'm about
to start this case and

I don't know which night.

OK if I get back to you?

Sure, Dad. I just...

I want to do it soon.

I do too.

I love you.

Mr Palmer?

Eddie Mitchell?

Convicted in 2002

of the triple
m*rder of Marcus Lott,

Karla Angel, and the unborn
child of Karla Angel.

You're the lawyer
from the clinic?

You're here 'cause of the letter?

Well, yeah.

We got it.

But full disclosure...

I'm not a real lawyer.

I'm a law student.

I'm working with the Hudson
University Legal Aid clinic

as part of my studies.

My professor, Dr Upton,
he's a real lawyer.

And, from time to time,
he chooses to take on a case

like yours, and then
students like me get to

assist him,
go to court with him and

participate in the trial,

that is, if we can win you
the right to a new trial,

which, I think we can.

You OK?

You know,
I've written so many letters,

to the warden, to the DA,

to that public defender

who just sat there
and let me get convicted

in the first place.

You said you think a witness
lied during the trial?

- Mm-hmm.
- Now,

that was 17 years ago.
You're just realising that now?

Well, there was this lady.
She was a prost*tute.

And she'd be out on the
street all hours of the night.

Said she was looking
through the window

of the laundromat and
saw me sh**t those people.

But I didn't sh**t anybody

so she had to be lying, right?

Yeah, OK.

But again, how is this different

than 17 years ago?

Well, about three months ago,
I was out in the yard here,

and I'm talking
to this guy, Terrence.

And we're talking about our cases

and Terrence tells me

there's a prost*tute
testified against him.

Said she saw him knife the dude

but she couldn't have,
because he didn't do it.

And I asked him
what her name was

and he said Heather Bent,

same name as my prost*tute.

OK. Well, look, I can understand

how that kind of coincidence
would make you suspicious,

but that's not proof
that she was lying.

Yeah, well,

what if I told you
it was the exact same cop?

The exact same cop

and the exact same witness.

Two different murders. You tell me

what are the chances?

I'm telling you, the walls shake.

I don't want to have
this conversation, Bull.

It's my sister
we're talking about.

It's like a freight train, Benny.

Night falls, we slip into bed,

she sleeps and
I hold on for dear life.

I looked it up.
Pregnant women snore.

That's just what they do.

But I need to sleep.

Don't look at me.
I don't know what to tell you.

Dr Bull.
Any way I could get five minutes?

Hmm, I'm jealous.
Sounds fascinating.

I can't lie.

So far, it has been
pretty damn thrilling.

I mean, we won our motion.

We won our client
the right to a new trial.

Anyway, my professor

asked me to second chair for him.

And I'm thinking it's
a commitment of two

three weeks.

Of course, you know these things

could be over in a day.

Anyway, I'd really like to do it.


Bull said you got a live one.

- He told you about it, huh?
- Ha, ha, he sure did.

How'd you get the judge
to order a new trial?

Actually, the client
did all the heavy lifting.

He realised that
he and another inmate

were convicted based on
eyewitness testimony

from the same witness.
were convicted based on
eyewitness testimony

from the same witness.

And then,
once I did a little digging,

the same woman testified

in five different m*rder trials.

Oops. Pretty damn convenient.

You going to get her to recant?

I would if I could,
but she died a while back.

The good news is
that the judge agreed

that it was highly probable that
the witness perjured herself,

especially once we realised
that she testified in

five different cases
for the same detective.


That's some pretty
flagrant misconduct.

How'd the DA's office miss this?

Cases span seven years.
Different A.D.A.s in each case.

I'm sure they're going to
say that it's plausible

that they had no
idea this one witness

was making the rounds.

I hear you.

Well, it's not like my client's
case got a lot of attention.

Drug dealer g*ns down another dealer

in a Bronx laundromat?

Wait a second,
what's your client's name?

Eddie Mitchell.

Seriously? Eddie Mitchell?

You have been snookered, my friend.

Eddie Mitchell's
as guilty as they come.

k*lled three people,
one of them not even born yet.

That guy deserves to be in prison.

You know this case?

Yeah, I know this case.
It's my case.


No, it says right here that

Bradley Freeman was the
prosecutor in Eddie's first trial.

I was second chair.

My name might not be
on that file, but I was there.

It was my first m*rder trial.

See, here's what you're
not getting, Chunk.

It wasn't just the
eyewitness testimony

that put Eddie away.

There's lots of
evidence against him -

fibre from Eddie's clothing

underneath one of
the victim's fingernails,

a fight with one of the victims
earlier that evening,

witnessed by a whole
different group of people.

That young punk
moved a lot of product

through his neighbourhood.

Well, be that as it may,

without the eyewitness testimony,

I think the case against Eddie
is purely circumstantial

and I think we can win.

And more importantly,
I believe Eddie's innocent.

Well, it's good to believe in things.

Five cases,

same witness, same detective.

Heard you the first time.

♪ Still in the grass ♪

♪ All coiled up and hissing... ♪

My God. Benjamin Colón.

I don't think you've aged a day.


Been a long time. Ah.

Fancy suit, fancy haircut.

You've come up in the world, Benny.


So, what brings you
out to a cop bar

at 2:00 in the morning?

Ooh, couldn't sleep.

I had a question, need an answer.

Eddie Mitchell?

The DA's rattling your cage too?

How about we worry about
the crimes from this decade?

Actually, I heard about it
a different way, but

I just need to ask you,

I need you to tell me,

that was a righteous conviction,

wasn't it, Valerie?

What are you talking about?

Of course it was. Absolutely.

And tell me about this woman,

this sex worker.

She testified for you, what,

five times in
five different cases?

She was a source, Benny.

She was a streetwalker.

You walk the streets,
you see things.

I know, I know.

But you wouldn't

encourage her to lie,

would you?

Help to make
the case go down easy?

What are you doing?

Are you wearing
a wire for the DA now?

- What?
- Do you not remember?

This 16-year-old kid

was selling dr*gs
and carrying a g*n.

It was always
pretty open-and-shut.

Are you worried that someone's
going to drag you into this?

You were second chair.

You were invisible, my friend.

No one even knows you were there.

Don't worry.

I'll take the heat for this,
which I am fine with

'cause I know that
conviction is just,

no matter how I got it,

'cause I know what
that little punk did.

Wait a second.

Now it you sounds like
you're contradicting yourself.

I am not contradicting anything.

I'm telling you I know
what that little bastard did.

But how?

'Cause your source told you
or you told your source?

♪ 'Cause it's the only thing... ♪

Here's the thing.

My source is dead,

so, no matter what

this little crybaby says in court,

it is what I say it is.

Oh, Valerie.

Sorry. Haven't had my coffee yet.

So, tell me what's going on.

You ever notice that
there are babies everywhere?

Kids, kids, kids, kids.

My boss is having one

and another fellow I work with,

he's got an older one.

Well, you know,
it's definitely going around.

What does this have
to do with you, Marissa?

I lied to my husband.

We were all set to try

IVF, artificial insemination.

Both got tested

and I was terrified,

convinced I was barren.

Does anybody say
that word anymore?

Barren. It's a horrible word.

And anyway, it turned out that

he was the one

that was



How did he take it?

I never told him.

I lied.

Told him I changed my
mind about the whole thing.

Well, it's

kind of a sweet lie.

I know, right?

Except, of course,

he doesn't know I lied.

I'm sorry. I'm confused.

Why are you upset and

'Cause he's acting like he hates me.

Hates you? Why would he hate you?

For changing my mind, I guess.

He barely speaks to me,
doesn't touch me.

I may have misspoken last night.

Maybe I can testify for you.

Testify to what?
You weren't there.

Well, I can't just let it stand.

The victims were shot
with a Glock 19

and we know that Eddie
had an empty Glock on him

when he went toe-to-toe
with Marcus earlier that night.

That's funny.

I don't remember seeing that
w*apon on the evidence list.

Ah. I remember now.

He threw it in the river.

My client threw his
g*n in the river?

Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Cops saw him do it.

They were chasing him at the time,

three days after the m*rder.

I don't get it.

Why would he wait three days
to get rid of the m*rder w*apon?

And why would he do it
where the police could see him?

Because, as I recall,

he didn't even know
it was a m*rder w*apon.

He was 16 years old and he was

worrying about getting busted

for carrying an
unlicensed firearm.


The public defender
actually put him on the stand.

You almost never put the accused

on the stand in a m*rder case.

Man, they sold him out.

We all sold him out.

Anyway. I will get out of your
hair and let you do your work.


that professor of yours,
he any good?

Why do you ask?

That would be a no.

A no?

You guys are crazy.

No, not us guys.
This was all his idea.

17 years, Bull.

Think of everything you've
done the last 17 years.

Think of everything
that's happened to you

between the ages of 16 and 33.

No. I don't want to
think about that.

It is a lifetime, Bull.

And I helped steal it
from this young man.

I want to represent him.

I need to represent him.

I need to right this wrong.

What are you talking about?

I'm not even sure
it's your wrong to right.

In fact, I'm pretty damn sure
this isn't even your case.

Well, Chunk's going to
speak to his professor.

I am?

Help me, Chunk.
Tell me your professor

will never go along with this.

Oh, he'll definitely go for it.

The clinic has more cases
than it can handle.

It's me I'm worried about.

I don't want to
give up second chair.

You don't have to
give up second chair.

Like I said, I'm Team Benny.

Always was, always will be.

Look, Bull, let's just
go meet with the guy.

Let's look him in the eye.

See how we feel about him,
see how he feels about us.

I don't understand.

I thought you and your professor
were going to represent me.

If you want the legal aid clinic

to represent you,
that is your right,

and we stand ready to do it.

But I wouldn't be asking you
to consider Mr Colón

if I didn't think
he was the absolute best shot

you have of getting out of here.

And I'll still be on your team.

I'll be with you
every step of the way.

I know you said you were there.

I know you said you feel badly.

Truth is,

I don't even remember you.

Maybe that's a good thing.

Doesn't change the fact
that I regret what I did.

Doesn't change the fact
that I want to make it right.

You say he the best?

He is.

Well, then,

let's do this thing.

I know it's kind of late
to bring this up,

but switching sides,
it just occurred to me,

I don't think I've ever heard
of it being done before,


So, I'm going to go outside
and call my office

and see if we can't arrange

an appointment with
the judge this afternoon.

What for?

Because if we
really want to do this,

we're going to need to go
to court and ask permission.

Somebody tell me why we're here.

Well, as you are aware,
Your Honour,

Eddie Mitchell has won
the right to a new trial

on the m*rder charges
brought against him in 2002.

And while that right to a new
trial was won by the attorneys

at the Hudson University
Legal Aid Clinic,

at this time,
Mr Mitchell is requesting

that I assume the role
of his principal counsel.

We are simply seeking
the court's permission

to make that change.

And is there some reason why we
shouldn't approve such a change?

Mr Colón is failing to mention
that in the original trial

some 17 years ago, he was
part of the prosecution team

that actually put
Mr Mitchell away.

Fascinating omission, Mr Colón.

I was getting to it, Your Honour.

You want to switch sides?

Never heard of such a thing.

We might be making a little
history here today, folks.

And does the current
prosecutorial team

have any reason to object?

Let's start with
Rule 1.7 and 1.11

of the American Bar Association
Rules of Professional Conduct,

which expressly prohibit
this kind of thing.

I am aware of that, Your Honour.

But I'd like to call the
ADA and the court's attention

to Rule 3.8,

which implores a prosecutor,

if he or she is made aware
of a faulty conviction,

to do everything in
their power to rectify it.

And since the current occupants
of the DA's office

have not seen fit

to answer Mr Mitchell's letters,

that duty falls to me.

Now, I believe
a great injustice has occurred.

Now, I can't give this man
back the years he lost,

but I can do
everything in my power

to see to it that
he does not spend

a day longer than
necessary in prison.

I share your sense of outrage

over what appears to be
a likely act of perjury

if not in regard to this case,
then certainly

in one of the five others

the eyewitness in
question testified.

I'm going to allow Mr Colón

to switch sides,
though I'm not certain

I'm doing either him
or his client a favour.

Let me be clear.

Since the eyewitness in question

is no longer alive
and cannot testify

as to her truthfulness
or lack thereof,

mention of her or her testimony

is strictly forbidden.

Is that understood?

- Yes, Your Honour.
- Understood, Your Honour.

You still you want the job?

Yes, Your Honour.

Well, since this case
has been tried before,

I decided to track down
as many of the jurors

from the first trial as I could
find to try and ask them

why they found Eddie guilty.

And it seemed to them he had
a motive for k*lling Marcus Lott.

Lott was the competition.

I was reading the transcript,

and that original
prosecutor made Eddie

sound like a hardened criminal.

And his public defender
did nothing to counter that.

I mean, he was 16,

selling nickel bags,

maybe making a
couple hundred a night.

Not that that's not a crime,
it's just

hard to believe he k*lled
another man over that.

Most of the jurors I polled said
the main reason it was so easy

for them to believe
that Eddie was the k*ller

was because the defence
presented no other suspects.

Bull thinks that our best strategy

is to find someone, anyone

to present as an alternative suspect.

What about that
guy Eddie worked for?

What was his name?

Leon. According to what I read,

he was in Miami with his family
when the sh**ting occurred.

Rock-solid alibi.

Yeah. Still,

the victim was a drug dealer, too.

and he was the real deal,

with the rap sheet to prove it.

There must have been
someone besides Eddie

who had a beef with him.

Let me see what I can dig up
through my old vice contacts.

So you wanted
to buy some dr*gs,

but you knew if the defendant
saw you had money,

he wouldn't sell you anything.

He would just take the money

to cover the loans
he had already made you.

- Yes, sir.
- So then what happened?

So then I heard
there was a new guy around,

working out of the laundromat,
so I went over.

And was he
willing to sell you dr*gs?


And this was sometime
around 1:00 in the morning?

Yes, sir.

And while you were buying dr*gs
from this new dealer,

did anything of note happen?

Yeah. Eddie came in.

He was mad that this new guy
was selling on his turf

and he was mad that
I actually had money

and was buying from someone else
instead of paying him back.

- And did the two men argue?
- Yeah.

I mean, no one hit anyone,
but it was tense.

And then Marcus
pulled his g*n on Eddie,

put it in his face,
took his dr*gs and his cash.

Now, did Eddie have a g*n?

He had one with him,
but, I mean, he didn't show it.

Marcus found it and it was empty.

And did you see
what type of g*n it was?


It was a Glock.

Are you aware that Marcus Lott

and Karla Angel
were shot with a Glock 19?

Yeah. I heard that.

Thank you, Mr Grant.

I have no further questions
for this witness, Your Honour.

Your witness, Mr Colón.

Thank you, Your Honour. Mr Grant,

17 years ago,

how would you have
described the neighbourhood

where that laundromat was located?

Well, I mean,

it was pretty sketchy back then.

And the night that
Marcus Lott died,

you said he was selling dr*gs.

Is that correct?

Yes. He was.

And when you bought dr*gs
from Marcus Lott,

didn't you mention
you paid in cash?

I did.

So Marcus Lott was hanging around

in this dangerous neighbourhood
with dr*gs and cash.

Isn't it possible

that maybe he was shot by

a mugger or another addict,

someone who might
have been interested

in his dr*gs or cash?

Objection Your Honour.
Calls for speculation.

Sustained. The jury
will disregard the question.

My apologies, Your Honour.

I will move on.

They never disregard a question.

Want to grab a bite before
we head back to the office?

By all means.

You know what, guys,

give me a minute. I'll meet
you guys back at the car.

Mr and Mrs Garcia.

Why are you making us relive this?

Mr and Mrs Garcia, believe me,

I would never ask you
to go through this unless--

Unless what?

17 years ago you said
that man k*lled my sister,

my unborn nephew.

Now you're saying that he didn't?

You're absolutely right.

I should have reached out to
you, I should have explained

what I had discovered and what
I planned to do about it.

I apologise.

I'm deeply, deeply sorry.

But if you two have
a moment right now,

- I'd be happy to walk you--
- Walk us through what?

Your imaginary mugger theory?

Your "anybody but Eddie" defence?

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Hey, Benny,
it's almost 2:00 in the morning.

We should call it a night.

You ever look at this photo and
wonder what was going on here?

4:00 in the morning, this
girl's about to have a baby.

Look at this baby blanket,
all these baby clothes.

You think someone at work

gave her their old baby stuff?

She was thinking,

"Today is one of the
best days of my life.

"Today is really something."

A couple of minutes later,
she was dead.

Baby was dead.

What the hell is
wrong with people?

I don't know, man, but
it's getting late, Benny.

We got to be in court at 9:00 am.

If Eddie didn't do this thing,

then why can't we figure
out how to prove it?

Someone else did it.
Why can't we see it?


Call us a car.

Our side doing any better today?

No. But the good news is
we couldn't do much worse.

You know what I don't miss
about being a cop?

Did you just feel
the subject change?

I did. I don't know, Danny.

What don't you miss
about being a cop?

- The uniform?
- No. I looked good in that uniform.

I'll tell you what I don't miss.
Cop bars.

I don't miss cop bars.

They're just so full of


And what's wrong with cops?

I need to know this. I'm single.

Well, they all want
to buy you drinks.

That sounds fantastic.

Oh, they all want
to know where you live.

And why is that?

So they can go there with you.

Clearly, we're just
going to have to agree

to disagree on this one.
Can you get me in?

Why were you at a cop bar?

Working my old contacts.

I found out that Eddie
wasn't the only drug dealer

that Marcus Lott
ticked off back then.

A friend of Marcus'
told Detective Cobb

that Marcus had an issue with
a dealer named George Moran.

Apparently George
here was telling

anyone who would listen
Marcus stole his stash

and that he was going to
"put the hurt on him."

Oh, Bull is going
to be beside himself.

This is exactly
what he was hoping for.

Well, maybe not exactly.

What do you mean?

Well, George Moran
died ten years ago.

A car hit him
while he was crossing

Yellowstone Boulevard in Queens.

The car was never found,
the driver was never caught.

You can draw
your own conclusions.

The point is Benny
can't put him on the stand

and he can't paint him as someone

with a motive to k*ll Marcus Lott,

at least, not with the evidence
that we have.

Six foot, three,

that's a lot of guy.

It sure is.
Danny, how tall is Eddie?

Five, eight. Five, nine, tops.


We thought it was
the three of you.

We've got something
we want to show you.

So, Marissa had this great idea

that maybe we could
use Eddie's height

to prove that he couldn't
have been the k*ller.

So I did a 3-D model
of the crime scene.

Now, based on the
trajectory of the sh*ts

and the angle of
the b*llet wounds,

the computer seems to feel
that our sh**t was most likely

between five, eight
and five, ten.

What am I missing?
That sounds like Eddie.

Great, so I'm going to be
in a coma on my couch.

Oh, oh, not so fast.

But then we took another look
at the blood splatter reports

and Taylor put them
into the computer model

and we realised
something didn't make sense.

What didn't make sense?

Well, there was blood
all over Karla's back.

- Yeah? So?
- So, at Danny's suggestion,

Taylor added in motion
so we could work backward

and make sense of
the blood splatter.

That's obviously supposed
to be Karla Angel.

And as you can see,

Karla was shot at very
close range in the stomach.

I don't get it. Why'd you
have the guy sh**t her first?

Shh. It's...

All right.

Let's say this is Marcus Lott.

And let's assume that he came
out of this doorway here,

which is the bathroom, and that
he was surprised by the sh**t.

Now, here's what we figured out.

Based on where Marcus'
body was found, but also

based on the blood splatter
found on Karla's back,


Karla would have
had to have been down

before Marcus got shot.


Because how else would
the blood have gotten there?

So you think Karla
Angel was shot first?

It's the only thing
that makes sense.

Think about it.

None of Karla's
blood was on Marcus,

which is why we can assume
that he was still in the bathroom

when she got shot.
which is why we can assume
that he was still in the bathroom

when she got shot.

So Karla wasn't just collateral
damage like everyone assumed?

You're suggesting
she was the primary target?

Well, that sure as hell
sh**t the prosecutor's theory

about Eddie out of the water.

Eddie didn't have a
motive for k*lling Karla.

He didn't even know Karla.

Great. So now all we have
to do is find someone

between five, eight and five, ten

who wanted to k*ll Karla Angel,

preferably before tomorrow.

Good morning, Mr Garcia.

I apologise for knocking
on your door so early.

There's been a development
in the case and I was hoping

that I could speak
to your wife about it.

What are you talking about?
What kind of development?

Well, we've uncovered some evidence

indicating that your wife's sister

might actually have been the target

the night of the killings.

I know.

Seems kind of

out of the blue.

No, it seems kind of crazy.

That makes no sense.

Everybody loved Karla.
Who would want to k*ll Karla?

You'll say anything to get
that k*ller out of jail.

No, Mr Garcia.

Get away from my door.

Come on, Eddie.
The laundromat was your turf.

You had to be there
pretty much every night.

We know Karla was there

at least three nights
a week washing towels.

And she didn't talk to anybody,
nobody talked to her?

Well, she was on her cell
phone most of the time.

I mean, I remember
because at first I thought

maybe she was calling the cops on me.

But then I realised
she was smiling, giggling,

saying "I love you,"
talking about "our baby this,"

"our baby that."

Talking to her boyfriend, I guess.

Boyfriend? No.

I went through all the
witness statements last night.

Her sister said Karla
didn't have a boyfriend.

Said that the baby was the
result of a one-night stand.

You said you were

reviewing the case files last night.

You didn't happen to see

Karla's phone records in there, did you?

Mr Garcia, can you please

tell the jury the exact nature
of your relationship

with the victim, Karla Angel?


She was my wife's sister,

my sister-in-law.

Anything else?

What do you mean?

I don't know.
I mean, other than that?

Did you two ever do
anything special together?

Maybe just by yourselves?

Without your wife?

Play cards? Go to the movies?

Make love?

Order, please.

Don't make me clear the courtroom.

Mr Garcia,

would you please look at these

and tell me if you recognise

any of the highlighted numbers.

This is the phone
number for my house.

Karla was always calling my wife.

They were sisters.
They were very close.

Thank you, Mr Garcia,
but look again.

As you can see, a great
number of these calls

were made after 9:00 PM.

And isn't it true that your wife
worked the night shift

as a nurse?


So explain this to me.

If your wife was at work,

who was Karla talking to

at your house, every night for


46 minutes,

an hour and 12 minutes,

over two hours?


Karla was talking to me.

I'm sorry.

Thank you, Mr Garcia.

You didn't want to hurt your wife,

and we understand that.

But could that be the reason

why you k*lled her sister?

Your sister-in-law?

Because you didn't want Mrs Garcia

to know that she was
carrying your child?

Mr Colón,

you are way out of bounds.

Fair warning,

next time I'm citing
you for contempt.

I apologise, Your Honour.

Let me wrap this up.

Isn't it true, Mr Garcia,

that you purchased a Glock 19,

the same type of g*n used to k*ll
Karla Angel and Marcus Lott

a year prior to the murders?

I bought it for my wife.
She worked nights.

It was a bad neighbourhood.

I wanted her to be able
to protect herself.

But as God is my witness,
I didn't k*ll Karla.

I couldn't k*ll Karla.

I loved Karla.

One last question.

Can you actually account
for your whereabouts

on the night in question?

I was in a motel in Maryland.

How did we not know that?

I'd driven my son to the
Naval Academy the day before.

My wife called me that morning,

right after the police called her.

Karla and the baby were dead.

I wasn't there for Karla.

I wasn't there for my wife.

I wasn't there for anyone.

How do we not know that?



walk me through this again.

Based on what I saw,

Isaac seemed pretty convinced
his wife knew nothing

about his affair. But

his wife's reaction,

there was no shock,

no surprise,

just fear and anger.

You think she would really do that?

k*ll her own sister over a man?

We need to put Maria on the stand.

Yeah, I get it.

I just wish we had something,

anything to actually
tie her to the crime scene.

Hey, what if we're wrong

about these clothes?

What are you talking about?

The gifts, the baby clothes.

What if she didn't get
them from people at work?

I don't know.

What difference does that make?

Might make all the difference.

This is your son's
baby blanket, isn't it?

Yeah? Is that your son's initials?

WMG. William Michael Garcia,

right there in the corner, right?


That looks like my son's blanket.

Now take a look at this photo.

See all the baby
clothes on the floor?

Gift bag there on the side?

You give these to your sister too?

Maybe. I don't know why.
It was 17 years ago.

Well, you mean you don't remember?

I mean,
it was 4:00 in the morning,

for goodness' sake.

How often do you go to the
laundromat at 4:00 in the morning?

Mrs Garcia, you see where
I'm going with this, right?

Your marriage is falling apart.
Your son was leaving home.

You just got off of work.
You didn't want to be alone

in an empty house,
so you wanted to talk

to the person you trusted most
in the world.

You wanted to talk to your sister.

Isn't that right?

- I guess.
- So,

you put this bag
together of baby things,

and she told you to meet
her in the laundromat.

Again, it was 17 years ago.

But when you gave
Karla that blanket,

that blanket,
your baby's blanket,

she must've felt
incredibly guilty.

I mean, after all,

she was carrying
your husband's child.

Objection. Is the attorney
going to ask a question?

Ask a question, Mr Colón.

She told you about the affair,
didn't she?

She told me she loved him.

She said she loved Isaac.

And then she told you
she was carrying Isaac's baby,

didn't she?

I mean, your baby
was leaving home,

and she was coming
to take your husband, too.

So you pulled out your g*n
and you k*lled your sister,

didn't you?

And you let that innocent
man go to prison

for 17 years.

Congratulations, Eddie.

Very happy for you.

Thank you,

all of you.

Wish I could somehow

give you back those 17 years.

It's OK.

You gave me back the next 40.

Least I could do.

Well, so now that
you're a free man,

what's the first thing
you're going to do?


I think I just
want to walk around,

just walk around

and not have somebody
tell me it's time to get up,

time for lights out, time to eat,

time to shower, just

walk around,

as long as I want.

Well, when you are done doing that,

I know the city
gave you a cheque for $3,700,

the money you made
when you were behind bars

but I hope you
will come and see us

so we can refer
you to an attorney

who will help you sue
for wrongful imprisonment.

And I would love to put you in
touch with some folks who might

help you get
reacquainted with the world,

maybe help you find some work.


right now,

I really just want to walk.

But thank you.

As you wish.

You guys mind if I....

I've been trying to set up
a dinner with my daughter for....

First free night
I have in a long time, and....

I would....

Go, go, go.

OK. Thanks, Benny.

Ah, Benny.

Thanks for letting me do this.

Oh, come on.


From me to you.

OK, I give up.

You see,

you put them in your ears
whenever Izzy snores.

Just don't tell her
I gave them to you.

Thank you, Uncle Benny.

Don't ever say
I never gave you anything.

You never gave me anything.

Ah, you're so predictable.
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