02x01 - School For Scandal

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Bull". Aired: September 20, 2016 - May 26, 2022.*
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"Bull" follows a trial consultant, who uses his insight into human nature, three Ph.D.'s and a top-notch staff to tip the scales of justice in favor of his client. Inspired by the early career of Dr. Phil McGraw.
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02x01 - School For Scandal

Post by bunniefuu »

BULL: Here in the Big Apple we love our scandals.

They're the oxygen we breathe.

Like the spring flowers in Central Park, they bloom across the front pages of our beloved tabloids.

Whether it's that mayoral candidate and his sexting, or that governor and his friend with the perfect lady parts, or our president and his second wife-to-be cheating on his first wife, or his third wife-to-be cheating on his second wife, it's a scandal and we love it.

And when the scandal fades, we wilt, until suddenly, unexpectedly, a new one comes along.

You tell that Australian son of a bitch that a billion is as high as I'm going to go.

And if he wants to find anyone else who's willing to buy his newspapers and television stations for more, he should go ahead and make the deal.

But he'd better make it fast, because my offer is only good for 12 more hours.


You're still up?

I told you, there's nothing else to discuss, darling.

I'm not about to renegotiate our prenup.

We've been married for five years.

People don't renegotiate their prenups after they're married.

That's why it's called "prenup." Well...

I would hope, after all these years together, you'd see that I'm worth far more than you originally thought.

I'm sorry, dearest, but I believe that the agreement we reached before we wed was very generous.

And I still believe that.

Look at it from my side.

Each day that goes by is less and less kind to your beauty.

And I haven't asked to renegotiate.

Have I?



Oh, my God.

Kara, my darling!

What did you do?

- (groans)

- No!








(body thuds, Kara panting)


911 operator.

Hello, police.

Yes, ma'am.

This is Kara Clayton.

And what's your emergency?

My husband tried to s*ab me to death.

- Okay, ma'am.

- I shot him three times.

- I need you to stay on the line with me.

- (panting)

(operator's voice fades)

(phone clatters)

("Lovely Day" by Bill Withers playing)

♪ When I wake up in the morning, love ♪ ♪ And the sunlight hurts my eye ♪ ♪ And something without warning, love ♪ ♪ Bears heavy ♪ ♪ On my mind ♪ ♪ Then I look at you ♪ ♪ And the world's all right ♪ ♪ With me ♪ - ♪ Just one look at you ♪ - (elevator bell chimes)

♪ And I know ♪ ♪ It's gonna be ♪ Hey, where's Dr.


- (phone chimes)

- Mm.

♪ Lovely day, lovely day ♪ ♪ Lovely day, lovely day...

♪ (indistinct conversations in background)




They're ready to see you now.


Bull, Perry Sinclair.

- Hey.

- Thank you for joining us.

Well, how could I resist?

Look at this room.

Who do we have here?

SINCLAIR: This is George Donahue, Clayton Communications' COO.


It's an honor.

And look at this.

Six different law firms represented here.

It's like the New York Yankees of attorneys.

What happened?

Bill Gates run a traffic light?


Have a seat, Dr.


All right, but only 'cause you outnumber me.


What can I do for you fellas?

I think it's what we can do for you, Dr.


We'd like to offer you a job.

You are a witness.

And you have rights.

The opposition lawyer turns to you and says, "Let's assume the following hypothetical." - You have the right to say...

- (quick knocks on door)

Marissa in here?

No, nope, nobody, just, uh, just me.




(door closes, Chunk sighs)

BULL: Hey, I've been looking all over for you.

What are you doing in here?

Going over the books where no one can see them.

Oh, the books are great.

The books are gonna be fine.

Oh, my goodness.

A quarter of a million dollars?

Who gave you a check for a quarter of a million dollars?

The Clayton family estate.

They're pressuring the DA to try the young widow Clayton for the m*rder of her husband.


Based on...

Based on the fact that she shot him.

A fact she does not dispute.

- Can you say "money in the bank"?

- Okay.

But according to the paper, the late Mr. Clayton was attempting to slice and dice his dearly beloved just prior to her deciding to use him for target practice.

I believe they call that "self-defense." Maybe.

Or maybe she shot first and he stabbed her in self defense.

Who cares?

It's a quarter of a million dollar retainer, and another quarter of a million if we actually go to trial - and find Mrs. Clayton guilty.

- Wow.

I had no idea the famous Dr. Jason Bull can be bought.

For a quarter of a million dollars, not only can I be bought, you can gift wrap me.

Which reminds me, guess who's in town?

I'm sorry, did I miss a change of subject?

The best un-wrapper in the world.

Miss Diana Lindsay, attorney-at-law.

Single woman at large.

BULL: New York.

DIANA (in New York accent): What are you talking about?

New Yorkers, they sound just like everybody else.


(in French accent): Do you come to this ceiling often, monsieur?


And now your hometown, Callisto, Texas.

(in Southern accent): Callisto, Texas?

All right.

That fella Bull, he's all hat and no cattle.

That's not what you said 15 minutes ago.

(in British accent): Well, I'm sorry, darling, but I lied.

Mm, that's what I love about you.

(normal voice): What?

That I lie?

No, that there are so many of you.

It's like I can cheat on you with you.

Well, I am glad you are in such a good mood, Doctor.


I need a favor.

It's the reason I invited you over here.


Stupid me, I thought I'd already done the favor you invited me over here for.


Don't overestimate yourself.

That was my favor to you.

- Ah.

- Mm.


I need your help with something, Jason.

You know, ever since I lost that case where the sky bridge fell down, I've been looking for another high-profile New York opportunity.

Something to establish my name here.

I think I found it.

Kara Clayton.

She's asked me to represent her.

Her late husband's estate's been putting all kinds of pressure on the DA to try her for m*rder.

- You don't say.

- Well, the...

publicity alone makes this an opportunity of a lifetime.

Not to mention the fact that this is, uh, self-defense, pretty cut and dried.

I hear the other side's already gone out and hired the biggest g*ns in town - to go after her.

- I know.


That's why I like it.

Diana versus Goliath.

You know?

Boys against the girls.



one boy.

I want you on my team, Jason.


I need you on my team.


Okay, we're both naked under these sheets here, you don't have to make that face to let me know you're not excited.

Diana, I can't.

Yes, you can.

You just have to want to.

You just have to go into TAC and clear up your schedule because this is more important.

I'm more important.

I've already signed with the other side.

I'm working with the Clayton estate.



I can't.

And even if I wanted to, I can't switch sides.

It's a violation of professional ethics.

You know that.

I'm sorry.

(Bull sighs)

(exhales sharply)


Will I see you again while you're still in town?


In court, Goliath.

I'm really sorry.

Then quit.


(elevator bell chimes)

How was dinner?


Never even got to dinner.

Well, that sounds like fun.

Or not.

I'm expecting our new clients in about a half hour.

I have nothing for them.

Bring them to the mock courtroom, - make sure everybody's there.

- Got it.

Yeah, I should warn you, Bull, Chunk's been looking for you all morning.

- What does he want?

- I don't know.

But he's... dressed strangely.


How can you tell?

Who died?

Pardon me?

You're pardoned.

What else can I do for you?

You're serving me with a summons?

(Chunk chuckles, paper rustles)

You took the LSAT.

- Law School Admission Test.

- Yep.

167 out of 180.

That's impressive.


So you're thinking of going to law school?

I'm not thinking about it, I'm doing it.

I got accepted to Vanderbilt in Nashville.

Starting in January.



That's a hell of commute.

I don't know how to swing it in New York.

Even going to school at night, the cost of living on top of tuition...

Is this a pitch for a raise?

I'm not pitching you anything.

This is me trying to be honorable.

Telling you what's going on.

So, if I gave you a raise and if you went to law school at night...

Well, that's a lot of ifs, Bull.

Are you offering me a raise?

Honestly, Chunk, I don't know if I can.

I have to consult with a higher power.

I don't understand.

I just gave you a check for a quarter of a million dollars yesterday.

Uh, Bull, that check just barely got us back to even.

How is that possible?

Look around.

This fabulous office space, all this equipment, all those employees.

Every time you hold a mock trial, we have to pay people to sit on the jury.

Every time we have a client meeting, you want it catered.

When you fly, it's first class.

When you stay in a hotel, it's a suite, not a room.

And it should be.

I'm a very successful person.

Come on.

Image is important.

I'm going in and I'm telling lawyers, company presidents, people accused of very serious crimes, what to do, how to dress, how to speak.

No one is going to listen to me if I take the bus and sleep at the local campground.

I'm sorry.

You cannot give Chunk a raise.

You just can't afford it.

But I don't want to lose him.

Well, neither do I, but if you give Chunk a raise, everyone else is gonna want one.

Benny, Danny, Cable.

Look, I would like a raise.

I have not had a raise in three years.

(laughing): No.

No, I just gave you a raise.


I called you from New Jersey.

Seahawks were playing the Broncos.

It was the Superbowl.

I was in the skybox.

It was between quarters and...

"Gangnam Style" was playing on the stadium P.A.

So, did you use a cell phone or was it the kind you had to crank?


I guess you're right.

Time flies when you're not making money.

Our new clients are here.

This conversation is not over.

Bull, you don't have any money.

There's nothing to talk about.

BULL: And then...

we'll work with the DA to pick the perfect jury.

And by monitoring the reactions of our mirror jury, we will know at the end of each day how our case is being presented and what changes we need to make to realize the best outcome for our client.

Very impressive.

Uh, Dr. Bull...

But it starts with the narrative.

The story we tell that makes sense of what happened, but also supports our version of the facts and leads everyone, the judge and the jury, to the same conclusion.

The narrative.


I don't have yet.

SINCLAIR: Dr. Bull, any way we can speak privately?

BULL: Of course.

(people muttering)

SINCLAIR: Our job is to protect the Clayton estate.

If Mrs. Clayton recovers from her injuries...

and from all appearances, that's what's gonna happen...

she effectively becomes the new owner of Clayton Communications.

DONAHUE: And as you can imagine, Clayton's four grown children are not fond of that scenario, nor is the current board of directors.

SINCLAIR: Which is our way of saying we understand it's hard to come up with a strategy for a case that sure looks like justifiable self-defense.

You lost me at "we understand." We may go to court.

We may even go to criminal court, but that's not our goal.

That's not our endgame.

We look at this as a negotiation.

(laughs lightly)


So, anything less than her walking away with 100% of the company is a win for you.


And I'm guessing you'd actually be willing to forego the whole m*rder trial if there was a number that you and Mrs. Clayton could agree on.


DONAHUE: Like I said, we look at this as a negotiation.


Give me a figure.


'Cause I may be able to sew this whole thing up for you in the next 48 hours.

500 million.

Half a billion dollars.

And she agrees to give up any rights or ownership in the company.

Sounds like a terrific conversation starter to me.

Just one more thing.

If you don't go to court and I am instrumental in helping you solve your problem, I still get the other 250, right?

If you put our little problem to bed...

I'll make it 350.

(elevator bell chimes)

♪ A lovely day ♪ ♪ Lovely day, lovely day...

♪ Yes!

Damn, I'm smart!

Damn, I'm smart.

Damn, I'm smart.

Damn, I'm smart.

♪ Loving it...

♪ (line dialing)

Diana, it's Bull.

Can we talk?

DIANA: Did you quit yet?

- No, but I...

- (line disconnects)

(line ringing)

Diana, you don't understand.

I am gonna make you a winner,

- a giant winner.

- (line disconnects)


Cable, call the Oxwald Hotel,

- ask for Diana Lindsay.

- Sir, yes, sir!


They didn't fire us, did they?

- Fire us?

- Okay.

Uh, she checked out.

Danny, find out what hotel Diana Lindsay checked into.

DANNY: On it.

(elevator bell dings)

Hey, aren't you that fantastic lawyer who got that amazing settlement for that woman who shot her billionaire husband?

This man is stalking me.


Hey, get the door.

Stop him.

Guys, let me out of here, please.

That's my wife.

She needs a kidney.

I've decided to give her mine.


I'm excited to see you, too.

- Get out.

- Is that any way to speak to someone who's about to make you the most talked about attorney in New York?

It's okay, driver.

You can drive.

Just a lover's spat.

No, driver.

We are not lovers.

Well, not this minute, but it's early.

DIANA: I am not talking to you.

You are not a good friend.


Because I won't renege on a professional commitment the second you snap your fingers?

And for the record, I am a great friend.

I am a fantastic friend.

I am the Rachel of friends, if Rachel were a boy.

You used to be so smart.

That not withstanding, I'd like to proffer a settlement from Clayton Communications and the Clayton family.

Well, you can save your breath because we are not interested in settling.

But you haven't heard the offer.

I don't need to hear the offer.

Take a million dollars...


You take a million dollars.

...and multiply it by 500.

Wait, my mistake.

Let me put it in another way.

Take a billion dollars and divide it in half.

Is this for real?

Doesn't get any realer.

Call your client.

Tell her the good news.

Actually, I'm on my way to see her right now.

We can tell her together.

DIANA: Hello, Mrs. Clayton.


It's nice to see you again.

This is a friend of mine.

Great friend, fantastic friend.

Dr. Jason Bull.

KARA: Forgive me for not getting up.

This is a hyperbaric oxygen chamber.

I spend two hours a day in here.

It's supposed to help my wounds heal.

But I'm sure you know all about that, Doctor.

Uh, no, he's not that kind of doctor, Kara.

He's working with the Clayton family, the legal team.

They have a proposition they would like to discuss.

Thank you for seeing me.

I realize this has been a horrible and traumatic experience and that, uh, talk of money and settlements must seem disconcerting at the very least.

Nonetheless, the Claytons did ask me to convey a proposition to you.

In return for your agreeing to give up any rights or ownership of the company, the Clayton Communications Group will use its considerable clout to convince the DA to drop all the charges against you related to the death of your late husband.

The board of directors has authorized me to offer you the sum of one half billion dollars, tax free.

I'm sure this is something you're gonna want to think about.

Discuss with your counsel, your family.

Diana knows how to get in touch with me when you've come to a decision.

KARA: Doctor.

Do you have any idea how much Clayton Communications is worth?

Last estimate I read was about six billion dollars.

And under a normal circumstance, since my husband was the sole owner of the company, it would pass in its entirety to me.

Isn't that correct?

These are not normal circumstances, Mrs. Clayton.

Have you ever been stabbed, Doctor?

Can't say that I have.

Three things went through my mind while it was happening.

First, there's the pain.

The surgeons here said that it's a miracle I'm alive.

The chest wound missed my heart by just a centimeter.

Then there's the realization that the person doing it pledged his life to me, sworn his love to me over and over again, and yet his face was filled with nothing but hate, loathing.

And then there's the business of will I survive this?

Turns out I will.

Tell them I want all of it.

The whole six billion.

Take me to court.

Try me for m*rder.

Tell them they can try whatever they want.

It's all gonna be mine.

It's not too late to quit.

I agree.

You should definitely give that some thought.



that woman's lying.

The challenge is we all think we know what happened.

Woman's been stabbed, man's been shot.

We just fill in the middle.

But the truth is, we don't really know.

So, this is the proposition you wanted to discuss?

You want us to pick up the phone, make a big contribution to the DA's re-election campaign and twist his arm to press charges because you have a hunch?

Oh, it's more than a hunch.

It's what I do for a living.

The woman is lying.

There was emotion, but it was the wrong emotion.

It was crystal clear, no confusion.

Almost as if it had been written, as if it had been rehearsed, as if she'd been contemplating it for a long time.

And I don't know why she's not telling the truth and I certainly don't know what happened that night, but I do know she is lying.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Dr. Bull, but with a m*rder trial, you need all 12 jurors to convict.

That's correct.

That's a very high bar.

I'm tempted to say an impossible bar.


What do you have to lose?

You've already paid me.

If we don't win, I cost you nothing more.

But if we do win, you, the board, the entire Clayton family get to keep their company.

Their legacy, their everything.

Again, I got to tell you, the DA doesn't want to touch this with a ten-foot pole.

Well, tell them they don't have to.

All they need to do is file the charges.

Have them appoint my in-house counsel Benny Colón as special assistant DA.

He used to work there.

That'll give the DA plausible deniability and give me more control.

He can do that?

It's rare, but it's done.

A lot of it hinges on the size of your campaign contribution.

And what is it you're looking for in return for battling this particular windmill, Dr. Quixote?


Just the $250,000 bonus you promised me, and a law school scholarship fund for a person of my choosing.

Any school in New York.

You cover tuition and books for as long as it takes him or her.


See you in court, Dr. Bull.

Ladies and gentlemen.

Let's begin voir dire.

The world's already made up its mind about this case.

So, what we're looking for are jurors with more intellectual curiosity than certainty.

The intellectual curiosity to at least consider the possibility that one plus two doesn't always equal three.

Be willing to search for the conclusions, rather than leaping to them.

So a friend takes you to a restaurant you've never been to before.

It's the hottest reservation in town.

The waiter comes over and says there's an amazing special that night.

Something you've never heard of before.

What do you do?

Do you ask him what's in it?

Do you look around the room to see who else is eating it?

Do you look up the recipe on your phone?



Probably order something I know.

- Something tried and true.

- Smart.

Move to strike, Your Honor.

That's a list of everyone in the jury pool.

You each have 15 names and 24 hours.

I want to know everything about everybody on that list.

Where they work, where they went to school.

Everywhere they ever lived, who they married, who they divorced and who they wish they'd married.

Why do people get married?

Uh, people get married for a lot of different reasons.

Name a couple.



Uh, security.

- Now, when you say "security..." - I, uh...


- (soft laughter)

- I...


Well, let me ask you a question.

Do you think that you can just look at a couple and know why they got married?

Oh, that's a...

great question.

Well, that's a good answer.

Acceptable to the prosecution, Your Honor.

Defense moves to strike, Your Honor.

And we need to remember: I've known Diana a long time.

And she's really smart.

She knows what it is I do, and she understands a lot about how it works.

So we got to stay on our toes.

What do you do for a living?

I'm an actress.

(whispers): A professional dissembler.

I love it.

Nobody can spot a liar faster than another liar.

Now, is that how you actually make your living?

Well, not most of the time.

I guess you could say, I'm a motivational speaker.


Now, what is it that you motivate people to do?

Buy things.

- Ah.

- BENNY: So you're in sales?

I guess that's another way of saying it.

This one's a firecracker.

So what is it that you motivate people to buy?

Whatever it is you need me to sell.

I think I'm in love.

This woman can see the virtue in anything and then do everything she can to sell it to everybody else.

With any luck, she'll be our jury foreman.

BENNY: So a friend takes you to a restaurant that you've never been to before...

I tell the waiter to surprise me.

The more unexpected, the better.

Are you listening to this?

It's positively pornographic.

(quietly): Yeah.

This juror is acceptable to the prosecution, Your Honor.

Well, she's not acceptable to the defense.

We vote to strike this juror.

I think we hit a nerve.

BRENNER: The defense has already exhausted all her strikes.

You may be seated with the jury.

Ladies and gentlemen.

9:00 tomorrow morning, let the games begin.

(whispers): Swing and a miss.


(indistinct chatter)

Sounds like you're at a Yankees game.

More like a bullfight.

No pun intended.

(people gasping, cameras clicking)

No photos.

No photography allowed in the courtroom.

No photos!

Lady knows how to make an entrance.


God had some party the night he cooked her up.

BENNY: So it is your testimony as Marcus Clayton's principal counsel, that the defendant and Mr. Clayton entered into a prenuptial agreement prior to their marriage.


It was very important to Mr. Clayton that there be no misunderstandings should either he or Mrs. Clayton decide to dissolve the marriage at some later date.

So can you explain to us how this prenuptial agreement worked?

Well, without going into too much specific detail, the agreement was structured so that as long as Mrs. Clayton met certain weekly, monthly and yearly obligations, with regard to travel, uh, the entertaining of business associates or...


the performance of, uh, certain, uh, intimate acts...

- (gallery murmuring)

- ...that are annotated in the agreement, then, over time, she would accrue a higher payout, when and if the marriage dissolved.

(indistinct chatter)

My goodness.

The level of engagement is off the charts.

BENNY: So, for instance...

So for instance, if the marriage had only lasted one year, and had Mrs. Clayton fulfilled her obligations per the agreement, she would have received one million dollars.

(gallery exclaiming quietly)


Sounds more like a business agreement than a, uh...

I object to the inference, Your Honor.

BRENNER: Objection sustained.

Keep your opinions to yourself, Counselor.

My apologies, Your Honor.

Please continue, Mr Sinclair.

Now, for every year she stays in the marriage, the amount actually doubles.

So for two years, she would've received two million dollars.

For three years, four million dollars.

For four years, eight million dollars.

And had the marriage ended today, Mrs. Clayton would have walked away with $16 million.

(gallery murmuring)

$16 million.


a nice payday - for five years' work.

- Your Honor.

Uh... my apologies again, Your Honor.

I wish you could see juror 39.

She's lapping this up with a spoon.

My queen bee.

Counting on you to whip the rest of the hive into shape.

BENNY: Let's just say, neither party wanted the marriage to dissolve.

But one of them, say, Mr. Clayton, became deathly ill and succumbed.

Or was in a traffic accident and lost his life.

Or was shot point-blank range in the chest.



But get to the question, please.

What would Mrs. Clayton be looking at?


Well, minus some stipulations in his will with regard to his four children, she would inherit everything.


The entire Clayton Communications empire.

Which is worth...?

As of today?

$6.65 billion.

(gallery murmuring)



Talk about establishing motive.

Eight of the mirror jurors who were totally on Diana's side just moved over to ours.

Thank you, Mr. Sinclair, for that illuminating explanation.

I just have one question.

How much would Mrs. Clayton have received had she been stabbed to death?

(gallery murmuring)


Never mind.

I withdraw the question.

MARISSA: Forget I said that.

Three of the eight went back to Diana.

Hey, we still ended up with five more than we came in with.

See you when I see you.

See you when I see you.

WOMAN (Southern accent): Yes, that trial.


Well, I know you're hearing about it on TV, but I'm there.

All right.


I love you too, Mama.


I'm sorry.

Couldn't help but overhear.

Was that a Texas accent?

Well, it sure was.



Callisto, Texas?

You ever heard of it?

Actually, I have.

(people shouting in distance)

Who vetted juror 39?

I did.

She's from Callisto.

Callisto, Texas!

The same town as Diana.

You didn't see that?

That didn't ring any bells?

Wasn't something you thought I might want to know about?

What exactly are you saying, Bull?

I'm saying she's a plant.

(laughing): Oh.

Diana set me up.

She suckered me in hook, line and sinker.

I need all 12 jurors, and now, no matter what happens in that courtroom, I will only have 11.

(muttering indistinctly)

(line ringing)

WOMAN: Good evening.

Affilian Hotel.

Diana Lindsay, room 1667.

Please hold.


- DIANA: Hello?

- I'm sorry.

Did I wake you?

I'm impressed you can sleep with so much on your conscience.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Well, let's start with your lying client, and then move to the ringer you snuck on the jury.

Yeah, okay, I'm hanging up now.

Oh, you do that, Diana.

'Cause I don't care about you or your ringers.

I'm going to present such an effective case the jury's gonna come back 11 to one, the judge will declare a mistrial, and we will be back in six months.

And I will personally send your client to the electric chair.

Jason Bull, you are simultaneously one of the smartest men I have ever met and one of the dumbest.

Well, clearly, you don't meet enough people.



I don't even know what juror you're talking about.

And as far as my client lying?

Well, I beg to differ.

In fact, she is so anxious to tell her story that she has insisted I put her on the stand tomorrow.


I don't care if you put her on the stand, I don't care if she takes the Fifth.

I don't care if she drinks a fifth.

Your client is lying.

Would you like to know how I know?

Guys with more money than God, they don't s*ab the women they want to get rid of.

They pay them!

"Here's $100 million.

Go away." It's clean, it's quick, and everybody gets what they want.

And that is how I know your client did it.

He didn't want out, she did.

(dial tone sounds)




If you're here to apologize, you're too late.

You better check the temperature in hell.

I haven't come to apologize.

I haven't done anything wrong.

You gave me 15 people to check out in 24 hours, and I missed something.

It's human, Dr. Bull.

And it mystifies me that you can know so much and not know that.

You're the second woman to tell me how much I do and don't know in the last ten minutes.

I'm starting to take offense.

Well, maybe you should listen, because three minutes ago, I realized that, uh, you missed something, too.

What's this?

The evidence file?

I've already been through this.

There's nothing in here.

Yeah, that's what you missed...

the nothing.

Look at the g*n.


There's nothing to look at.

There's no prints on the g*n.


She shot him three times.


How is that possible?

I don't know.

But I know who to ask.

You can say thank you, now.

Thank you.

And I'm sorry.

Any chance I could convince you to stay and help me figure out what this means?

(quietly): Okay.

But if you ever throw something at me again, I swear, you will live to regret it.

I'm stupid, I'm not a moron.

Defense calls Kara Clayton.

Look at the two of them...

smug and smugger.

You ready?

Never readier.

DIANA: Let's talk about that night.

Can you take me through what happened?

My late husband was a very driven man.

He was also given to paranoia.

And over time, he became convinced that I was seeing someone younger.

Were you?


I loved my husband.

So, on this particular night...

He was trying to close a deal to buy a communications consortium in Australia, and it wasn't going well.

He called me into his study to...

comfort him.

DIANA: And did you?


I told him that I didn't like it when he demanded things, that I liked it better when things happened naturally.

And then what happened?

He got angry.

As angry as I'd ever seen him.

Accused me of having a lover.

Started reminding me about our prenup, about...

what I was required to do.

I hate to be bearer of bad news...


It ain't over till the pretty lady sings.

DIANA: And then?


then he...

got up from his desk, came over to me, demanded that I do what he wanted.

I said no.

And that's when I noticed he had one hand behind his back.

So, help me understand.

He grabbed you with one hand.

By the back of my neck.

And his other hand?

Was behind his back.

That's where the knife was.


That's when he started stabbing me.

Three times.

Three times.

Do you have the strength to stand up and show us where the three wounds are?

I think so.


One here.

They said this one just missed my heart by maybe a centimeter.


One here, and one here.

And this one, too.

They say this one just missed the femoral artery.

Thank you, Mrs.


You can sit down now.

I have no further questions, Your Honor.

Mrs. Clayton, just curious...

what was your major in college?





Now, was that always your major?





Your Honor, if you'll allow me to continue...

I think the relevance will be obvious.

Certainly to the jury.

Mm, yeah.

Thank you.

Drumroll, please.

I'm sorry, you...

you were saying?

What did you study prior to finance?



That's the study of the human body.

The internal organs.

Where things are.

Got it.

We're starting to see movement.

Buckle up, we're just getting started.

BENNY (chuckles): I'm sorry, I got us off track here.

So, your late husband was...

he was stabbing you.

One way up there, one way down there, one in the middle.

Just missed your heart, just missed your liver, just missed anything of importance down there.

- Objection.

- Sustained.

And somehow, in the middle of all this, you grabbed a g*n?

There was a small table where he always kept one.

So, it was just right there.

Three steps away.

While you were being stabbed.


- Already loaded?

- Yes.

And so you grabbed the g*n, and...

and you shot him with it?


Then why are there no fingerprints on the g*n?

(gallery murmuring)

I don't understand.

What does this have to do with anything?

You shot someone three times and left no fingerprints on the g*n?

But I already admitted to sh**ting him.

- Isn't that beside the point?

- Not to me.

Were you wearing gloves, Mrs.


Why would I wear gloves?

Why would I try to keep my fingerprints off the g*n?

Not off the g*n.

Off the knife.

When you were stabbing yourself so you'd have an alibi for sh**ting your husband.

And for what reason would I do that?

I can think of six billion of them.

Before you answer that...

...and possibly perjure yourself, I should let you know that the NYPD was at your apartment early this morning, and confiscated the contents of a shredder that was in your husband's office.

It appeared to contain what was once a pair of latex gloves.

The DNA results will be in later in the day.

(excited chatter)

Your witness.

(chatter growing louder)

- (gavel banging)

- Order!

It's a clean sweep.

Nothing but green.

BULL: Yeah, well, that's the mirror jury.

The real one's coming in 11 to one.

Have you reached a verdict?

Yes, we have, Your Honor.

This jury unanimously finds the defendant, Kara Clayton, guilty of first-degree m*rder.

(excited murmuring)

(elevator bells chimes)

♪ ♪ BULL: And as quickly as it consumed us, the scandal fades from memory, replaced by the business of everyday life.

♪ ♪ ♪ When I wake up in the morning, love ♪ ♪ And the sunlight hurts my eyes ♪ ♪ And something without warning, love ♪ ♪ Bears heavy on my mind ♪ ♪ Then I look at you ♪ ♪ And the world's all right with me ♪ ♪ Just one look at you ♪ ♪ And I know it's gonna be ♪ ♪ A lovely day...

♪ Hey, aren't you that fantastic attorney who tried to tell me that you'd never pull any funny stuff with the jury because you're much better friend than I am, much better person, much better everything?

And aren't you the one who said I was representing a liar, a k*ller, a black widow?

I guess we're even.


So, certainly got your name in the paper a lot.

Think you'll be back?

Oh, you can count on it, Dr.


I'm not done with you yet.

I told you, I like 'em stupid.


Me, stupid?


Give me a stupid genius over a smart idiot any day.
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