Playing Cupid (2021)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Playing Cupid (2021)

Post by bunniefuu »

(school bell ringing)

- [Woman] Hi, Mrs. Fox!

- Hey, Vinnie!

I saw the game on TV last night.

My condolences.

- Kirkland got another hat trick.

We didn't stand a chance.

- We'll get them next time.

- How do you do it, Kerri?

These kids love you.

You've only been here six months.

- Guess I just try to make learning fun for them.

- Mm-hmm, I try to be the fun teacher too, but I still can't get them to like me.

I don't know what your secret is, but you've got the gift.

- I guess I just talk to them like they're people, Marnie.

- They're people.

- Yeah.

- That's where I've been going wrong all these years!

- I'll see you at lunch.


It's not as scary as it sounds because risks can be calculated.

Trust me, I know.

Six months ago, I moved my entire life here.

Now, looking out at all of your faces, the first thing that comes to mind is, "Oh, I wonder if my apartment in Oregon is still available."

(students laughing)

But seriously, you guys, I want you to consider taking a real risk as we begin our next project, which will be worth 40% of your grade.

(students groaning)


Annual Business Competition.

This was a favorite at my old school.

For the next five weeks, you will each start your own business, a real business where people pay you for your services.

(students oohing)

Ah-ah, as a fundraiser for the school.

(students groaning)

You'll create a budget, develop an inventory list, but the most important part, a comprehensive marketing plan.

Now, I want you guys to think outside of the box, okay?

Because this is a district-wide competition, there's also an Innovation Award, which looks great on college transcripts.

And, you know, if we are raising money for the school, I could also use a new desk, (students laughing)

a new laptop and, come on, you guys, please do not make me sit in this old awful chair forever.

(students laughing)

Think about my back, I'm old!

(school bell ringing)

All right, you'll be graded on three criteria: innovation, execution, and potential for success.

Get your ideas to me by Friday.

Make me proud.

Have a great day.

You okay, Clara?

- Yeah.

I'm fine.

- Okay, well, I'm only asking because you got a 55 on your last test and a 60 before that.

- I'll study harder for the next one.

- Hey.

I know it hasn't been easy, but (pausing)

this project's gonna be really important for you.

- Yeah.

See ya.

Have a good day.

- I heard your class cheering through the wall today.

You make me look really bad; I hope you know that.

You can make it up to me by buying the first round at happy hour.

- Can't tonight, Adam and I have plans.

It's our one-year anniversary and six months of living in the same city.

- Wasn't your anniversary two weeks ago?

- I know, but he's been busy with work, so tonight we're gonna reconnect.

We've hit a bit of a speed bump lately, but we're gonna get back into the groove.

What about you?

- Me?

- Mm-hmm.

- No one new.

Maybe I should get back on the dating site.

I mean, I have my feelings about Adam, but you did meet him on there.

And I'm sure there are new guys.

Relationships die every day.

(Kerri laughing)

But I do hope things go well for you tonight while I sit at home alone and watch that dating show where everyone's wearing blindfolds.

- I can't believe you're still watching that.


Really, really sad!

(happy mariachi music)

- Are you sure I can't get you anything?

- No, I'll wait for my boyfriend to get here.

He texted, he's running a little late.

- You know what?

I'm gonna bring you our abuela sangria.

It's a house specialty.

Old family recipe.

- I never could say no to a house specialty or an abuela.

- Coming right up.

- Thank you.

- Sorry.

I know I said I was gonna be a little late.

- An hour is more than a little.

- But it's for a good reason.

I got invited for drinks with the partners and the big-money clients.

- You went out for drinks before our anniversary dinner?

- Yeah, but only because the partners are finally taking notice of me, which they don't do unless they see a potential future.

They didn't even ask Kevin out for drinks, and he's been there way longer and he's got more clients.

- Okay, Adam, just (pausing)


We have barely seen each other in the past two weeks.

You're an hour late and not even a, "Hi, hello, how are you," before launching into work?

- I'm sorry, I'm just amped.


This is all for our future.

- Feels like we spent so much more time together when we were doing the long-distance thing.

- You have to look at this for what it is, Kerri.

- I...

I moved here to be with you.

- I know.

But me and my career are a package deal.

We all have to make sacrifices.

(Kerri scoffing)

- You know, it's interesting.

The people who say that, "We all need to make sacrifices," never seem to be the ones making them.

- C'mon, let's just order.

- You know what?

I can't do this anymore.

This isn't about your career.

I have always supported that.

It's about you being present, being here when you say you will, and you never are.

- Don't you think you're being a little rash?

- Just, I'm tired of being disappointed by you.

Thank you.

Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to drink my abuela sangria in peace.

It's the house specialty.

- [Adam] Fine.

Goodbye, Kerri.

(soft ranchera music)

- Another?

- What is the most (pausing)

decadent, greasy, cheesy-filled comfort food that you have on the menu?

- Well, I don't know about greasy, but for that look, it would have to be the carne asada burrito with cotija cheese and slathered in mole sauce.

- Make mine a double.

- Um...

Look, I don't know what went down earlier, but it seems to me that if somebody puts you in second position, they don't deserve your time and attention.

That's just my (mumbling).

- Where were you a year ago?

Could've used that instinct then.

- You know, actually, I was going through my own separation.

Great instincts for others, terrible for myself.

- I think we should make it a rule that we should not be able to choose for ourselves.

- That's a rule I could get behind.

- (sighing)

Thank you for cheering me up on an otherwise unfortunate evening.

- That's what we do here.

Cantina Corazon, food for the heart.

I'll go get that double started.

- Thank you!

(soft piano music)

- You know I did not wanna be right, but you're all about lifting everybody else up and Adam's all about Adam; you did the right thing.

- [Kerri] I feel like I failed, you know?

And I hate that.

- [Marnie] Mm, you can't have any regrets.

It was something you needed to learn for yourself, and now you know.

- I mean, I've always trusted my instincts to guide me, and moving here felt right.

- And it is, it's just not exactly the home you thought it would be with Adam.

- Maybe I should just move back to Oregon when the school year's over, be near family, watch my nieces grow up.

- Mm-hmm.

Well, you don't have to decide that right now.

You never know what the next four months could bring.

- Clara's doing just fine, Eva, don't worry about it.

Being a parent means being present, and that's kinda hard to do when you're all the way in Texas!

Temporarily has lasted a year, so I don't know what to tell you.

Can we get this one without cheese on the fly?

She is not going to Texas.

Now, I gotta get back to work.

- Well, that sounded fun.

- Armchair quarterback has feedback about my parenting skills.

(soft mariachi music)

What'd I tell you about that mole?


Everything good?


How's it coming, ladies?

- I still don't know what to do for my project.

- [David] Oh no.

- I'm doing websites and I'm interested and coding.

- I like that, fine choice.

- My mom's helping me.

- You know, mija, if you like, you can use the restaurant kitchen if that helps you decide.

Or you could do a portable taqueria.

That's how Abuela Liliana started this place.

- That's your specialty, Dad.

This has to be unique to me.

- Oh, it is unique to you.

It's your family.

It's our legacy.

- So, you'll let me work here then and earn money?

- Your job right now is school.

If you work hard, than you can create-

- Create your own future.

I know, Dad, and I am.

- Well, your report card would beg to differ.

You need to figure out this project and get those grades up, Clara.

- I will.

- Hey, Marnie!

- Hey!

- Usual to go?

- Thanks, David.


Hi, girls.

- [Both] Hi, Miss Rossmore.

- I'll just...

I'm just gonna sit right here.

- So, I said, "We always go to the dances together."

And she was like, "In eighth grade, "everyone has to go with a date."

So, now I have to worry about if someone's gonna ask me?



Are you even listening?

- What?

Sorry, what?

- I was talking to you about the dance.

Where are you?

- Look at them.

They totally like each other.

(soft music)

- Really?

- Check out their body language.

He was sitting, reading.

But as soon as she came in, he put the book away.

Now look at him, learning forward all alert.

And she usually gets her takeout at the kitchen, but she sat right across from him just so she could look at him.

And, look, she's looking at him right now.

She likes him.

- You got all of that outta Miss Rossmore walking in to a restaurant?

- She wants to talk to him.

- Maybe she'll ask him out to the dance since she's a chaperone.

Then we'll really be the only ones without a date.

- Really, again?

You know that doesn't matter, Liv.

All the boys in our school are ugly and annoying, even that boy Trevor.

I'm gonna go help her.

- Wait.

Help her with what?

- Miss Rossmore, for the book report, I can't decide between "Animal Farm" and "To k*ll a Mockingbird." - Oh, both are great books, but I do love how "Mockingbird" explores the moral nature of human beings.

Are they inherently good or inherently evil?

- I'd say they're inherently good, at least Atticus Finch thinks so.

- Every student who passes through my classroom reads that at some point.

- You're a teacher?

- Mm-hmm, middle school.

- An admirable profession.

- You've both convinced me.

I'll do "Mockingbird." Thanks.

- I'm Gavin, by the way.

- Marnie.

- Hi, Marnie.

May I join you?

- Please!

- That was masterful!


You are hereby charged with finding me a date to the dance.

- I can find anyone a date to the dance, which is exactly what I'm doing for my ABC project.

(light upbeat music)

(school bell ringing)

- Miss Fox?

Wait, you're Clara's teacher?

- Yeah.

- I'm her father, David Martinez, from Cantina Corazon.

- I'm...

I'm sorry, I didn't realize who you were the other night.

I don't normally share all of my personal issues with the parents of my students.

- I don't generally share mine with my customers.

- Okay, so now that we've got that awkwardness out of the way, what can I do for you?

- Um...


- Isn't that a fun idea?

- Fun, no.

Nuts, very.

- Dad?

What are you doing here?

I told you not to come.

This is my choice.

- Clara, 13-year-old matchmaker.

What does a 13-year-old even know about love?

- What does anyone know about love?

- I think it's innovative, and in all the years I've assigned it, I've never seen it.

- Well, of course you haven't, because a business where you can't even quantify its success.

Eighth-graders don't wanna be matched up.

She's already struggling in school, she could get held back, and her mother seems to think that...

Look, I'm not even gonna get into that right now.

- Well, I think this could be just the thing to get her grade up.

- Her friends are doing dog-walking and making candles.

- Also great ideas.

- So, why are you encouraging this?

- Because we, we learn so much about ourselves when we climb out on a limb.

- Branches break and people fall every day.

- I can do this, Dad.

I even matched my teacher, Miss Rossmore.

- I happen to know that's true.

- She's had a rough year, and the last thing she needs is to embark on a losing battle when her future's at stake.

- Dad, I can hear you.

I'm right here.

- With all due respect, Mr. Martinez, she's thinking outside the box.

- There is nothing wrong with staying inside the box.

It's safe, it's comfortable.

Good grades exist in the box.

- Right.

Well, maybe we could get you to step outside of the box for just two seconds.

- Would you give us a moment alone?

- [Clara] (groaning)


- She's excited about this.

I haven't seen her this enthusiastic since I've been here.

- Like I said, it's been a tough year.

- Which is why I'm so encouraged by this.

I'm asking you to trust me.

- And I'm asking you to give me a reason to.

- (sighing)

Okay, a majority of the grade is based on execution, all right?

And I mentor them through, beginning to end.

- I can't even begin to see how this is even gonna work.

How are you gonna grade it?

Play a slow song and count how many couples show up on the dance floor?

- Actually, not a bad idea.

Listen, leave it up to Clara and I, okay?

We'll figure it out.

It'll be great.

- She can't fail.

If she does, we're gonna have a problem.

- I won't let that happen.

- Okay.

- Okay.

- A matchmaking business?

That's unique.

Well, I can't wait to see how she does.

You know, once upon a time, you had a sense of adventure.

- Not with my daughter's grades, never with Clara's grades.

- You could loosen the reins just a skitch.

- Yeah, I don't know what a skitch is.

(Andrea laughing)

And I give her a lot of rope.

(Andrea shrieking)

Okay, maybe I don't.

What am I supposed to do?

It's all on me right now to make sure that she succeeds.

- She's a good kid.

She'll succeed.

But she can't be afraid to tell you these things, David.

- Know that she's afraid?

- She calls me sometimes, when she can't get her mother on the phone.

- She can talk to me.

I'm the one who's here.

Like always, Eva's good cop and I'm the bad guy.

- There are certain things that girls just can't talk about with their dads!

- Clara can.

- Of course she can!


She's not going to.

- I fire you yet this week?!

(Andrea laughing)

(soft music)

(cell phone ringing)

- [Kerri] Hi, Mom.

Sorry I'm a mess, I'm on a run.

- Oh, you're a mess?

I told your sister that I'd babysit the girls, now I look like a feral raccoon.

Was way more phone when you were here to help me.

- I miss them.

I miss all of you.

- Well, then come home.

- I can't, I'm in the middle of the school year.

- No, I meant right this second.

I really could use your help right now with these two.

I don't know why you just don't come home.

- I just, I feel like I'm off my game right now and I don't think I can make any more big life decisions.

- Please don't doubt yourself.

Adam was a different guy in the beginning and we all thought so.

- Felt like I had it all figured out, you know?

I knew how my life was gonna go.

- And you're gonna figure it out again.

We're here for ya, honey, and we all, we all miss you.

- I love you.

I'll, I'll call you this weekend, okay?

(faint siren wailing)

- And ticket presales for the dance are at an all-time high as well.

Now, onto PTA fundraising.

Next up is Valentine's Day candygrams.

- Ugh, this guy?

I swear he's everywhere.

- Now, we're gonna be selling these for a dollar each in front of the school all week leading up to the dance and they'll be distributed in the classrooms.

- Why has he been running the PTA?

I thought Marcy Fulton was the president.

- She was, but she went into early labor, so they had a special election last Tuesday and David Martinez stepped in.

- Of course he did, 'cause he likes to keep an eye on everything.

You know, I can't get a read on him.

He seems like a nice guy.

But then this morning, he comes into my classroom and makes it very clear he is not a fan of my methods.

- Oh, he's a little intense when it comes to his daughter.

She got a C on her book report and he made her do three extra credit reports.

I would've had her only do one.

- [Kerri] Yeah.

- Although, he does channel his energy into an insanely good tamale, which I'm craving, so we're going to the cantina after this.

- No, are you kidding me?

One run-in with him is enough.

I do not need another.

- He's not there tonight, he's here.

- Everything from assembly, sales, even accounting.

- Okay, fine, but only because his mole burrito is amazing and it helps me not feel feelings anymore.

- Can we cut the chatter in the back and focus, please?

Please focus.

Now, we are gonna need som faculty advisors to help with candygrams as well-

- Let's go.

- Everything from assembly to accounting,



Maybe a show of hands of everybody who's available this week?

- Okay, excuse me.

- No one, okay.

All right, we'll just, we'll make a signup sheet.

(soft ranchera music)

- [Marnie] (sniffing)


Are you on salary here?

- I wish.

When my dad's here, I'm here.

- Oh.

Did ya hear that, Marnie?

He's here.

Isn't that great?

- If only he had someone who could run things for him.

I don't know, maybe someone that's already been doing it for, say, 15 years.


- I heard that.

And as the owner, the buck stops with me.

- You know, you used to be fun when you had a life outside of this place.

- We both know that's not true.

I was never fun.

(Andrea laughing)

- You two following me?

- It's the tamales.

- Surprised to see you, given that you have a whole class to mentor for that ABC project.

- Well, you know, some of us like to take time for ourselves, live life a little bit, leave the schoolwork behind.

And as for the project, I get some parents in to help.

Three or four entrepreneurs, multiple mentors help me divide and conquer.

- Well, if the ideas are anything as unorthodox as my daughter's, you're gonna need all the help you can get.

- [Marnie] Are you volunteering?

- No.

I've got too much on my plate with Clara's schoolwork, running the PTA; oh yeah, and this place.

- It's fine, I can cover here.

- Oh, no, you don't have to worry.

I have two mentors already lined up, so we're good.

- You said you need three or four.

- And I'll find them, Marnie.

- And you...

You said that no faculty members volunteered at tonight's meeting.

You were so frustrated when you got back.

I know, why don't you two trade?

- No, that's not necessary.

- No.

- You joined the PTA in order to spend more time with your daughter.

This literally puts you right in her classroom.

- In my classroom.

- Great idea.

(Andrea laughing)

- Wow, okay.

Um, you're not gonna be watching me like a hawk, are you?

Making sure I don't ruin your daughter's life?

Because I really don't like to be second-guessed.

- That's actually the part that appeals to me the most, keeping an eye on you.

On; no, on, on this.

On the project.

- Are all of Clara's teachers under such a watchful eye or am I just the lucky one?

- Nope, we all are.


Great food though.

- Fine, I'll do it.

- Fine.

Be in my classroom Tuesday at noon sharp.

- Okay, fine.

- Fine.

As you work on your operating budget, don't forget insurance and payroll tax.

And I need your marketing plans in by Thursday.

Ah, you guys, this is Mr. Martinez, Clara's dad.

He owns Cantina Corazon downtown.

Maybe some of you have been.

Mr. Martinez is going to be a mentor for our class, along with Trevor's dad and Arden's mom.

You're tardy.

- No, I know; we had a corporate lunch thing that I had to help-

- I let one tardy slide.

After that, I write you up.

- I'll remember that.

I'll get to work.

- And when you hire Trevor at the Cutting Edge, your lawn is always perfect.

I'm gonna make millions, but I promise I won't forget you all when I'm famous.

(students laughing)

- I love the name of your company, Trevor.

I just want you to be more sensible with your income projections.

I mean, realistically, how many lawns can you mow after school and on weekends?

But it would be great if you raised millions.

After all, we are raising money for the school.

(students laughing)

All right, Clara, you're up.

(students applauding)

(soft piano music)

You're making her nervous.

If you'd just like smile or something.

Guess that'll have to do.

- I'm Cupid Clara, and I'm here to help you find a date to the Valentine's dance.

I am a matchmaker.

So, if you find yourself single on Valentine's Day, I can help you change that.

You know how it is with these things, girls on one side, boys on another, everyone too afraid to ask the other out.

I can help you change that.

Let me do the work for you.

- Can you explain a little bit about how you do that?

- Mostly, I go on instinct.

- Okay, well, instinct is great, especially in business, but you need to be able to show your potential clients how you put that into action.

- So, take, for example, (pausing)

Neil and Sarah.

I happen to know Neil is a huge soccer fan and Sarah plays for the Austen Middle School soccer team.

And I saw them both at the same movie last weekend, so clearly their tastes are in sync.

This is a match I would suggest, if they were interested?

Nope, which clearly they're not.

I look at my clients and search for common ground.

- That's, that's a good start.

But I'm gonna ask you to do a little more research as you move on with your plan.

Marketing is key in a person-to-person business like this, so finding a unique angle is important, okay?

It's okay, Clara.

It's out there, I promise.

(students applauding)

(Kerri sighing)

(message notification chiming)

(message notification chiming)

(message notification chiming)

(phone keyboard clicking)

(message notifications chiming)


(knocking on door)

(soft pop music)

- [David] Oh, look who's late now.

I may have to write you up.

- Don't push your luck.

I'm a volunteer here.

- Aren't we all?

- When you offered to feed me, I figured you'd just bring food from your restaurant.

- My mother was always against takeout.

It's a big part of our business now, but she always believed that when you cook for someone, it should be fresh.


- Sure.

You know that good grades can't be bought, right?

Even with food as amazing as yours?

- We'll see about that.

We take our customs very seriously.

Couldn't feed you a mole burrito that's been sitting around for an hour.

What would Abuela say?

- I don't know.

But I'm pretty sure we would've been friends.

- Probably.

(Kerri chuckling)

Then again, she loved everybody.

Grab your tortilla.

You need some carne asada.

Then you can work your way through the toppings and top it off with some delicious mole sauce.

(Kerri giggling)

- You know, I can't believe you just threw all of this together.

- It's nothing, really.

- Where's Clara?

Thought she'd be here to help.

- Basketball practice, until 9:00.

So I'm forced to feed the faculty.

- Hmm, well, it worked.

- She thinks she knows exactly what she's doing.

- They all do; they're kids.

They think they know everything.

- They're a complete mystery to me.

- Are you kidding me?

Wasn't that long ago we were just like them.

- Not me.

I worked at the restaurant from the time I was 12; before school, after school.

I loved it.

And it paid off too.

We're still doing well, even since my mom's passed.

I don't know, I thought one day Clara might wanna take it over, but...

She seems more interested in becoming a matchmaker these days.

It's only a couple of weeks.

It's not forever.

And I think, you know, the sooner you accept that, the easier it might be for both of you.

- Have we met?

I'm not so good at the accepting part of things.

- Mm.

Nope, can't say that I've noticed that.

Maybe you could try that sometime.

- [David] So, what made you wanna become a teacher?

- When I was a kid, I had a stutter.

And even with all of the help that my parents got me, it wasn't until the third grade that I was really able to overcome it.

My teacher, Miss LaBelle, she...

She really worked with me.

She made me feel like my voice mattered.

And she wouldn't stop until I got it.

That's the power of teachers.

And I knew then that I wanted to be that for other people.

- Wow.

- Sorry, that was a really long answer to a short question.

- No, it was impressive.

- Also, I just really like to tell people what to do.

I try to talk to my students and not at them, and I think sometimes people forget to do that.

- I try to hear my daughter out, but...

I'll probably be responsible for extensive future therapy bills.

(both laughing)

- I think Clara will be just fine.

- Thank you for caring about her.

- You're welcome.


It's really cold.

Do you wanna?

- Yeah.

- Yeah, okay.

(both laughing)

- Watch out.

- Thank you.


Oh no.


So, these were on the floor.

And even though they're wrapped, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't pass quality control.

I mean, I think we need to eat them.

- Yeah, the ground is filthy out there.

We definitely can't sell these.

- I mean, what would the parents say?

- A lot.

Parents have a lot to say.

- Yes, I'm aware.

(David laughing)

- What's so funny?

- Um...

Just doing our part for the school.

- Okay.

I need advice.

I went online and I found matchmaking services and they have questionnaires that people can fill out.

Should I do one?

- I think that's a great idea?

- What do you guys look for in a date?

More than just age and job.

(Kerri clearing throat)

- Well, I think you can learn a lot about someone by who they spend their time with.

If it's only people from work, it's a red flag and you shouldn't ignore it.

- People don't always see things the same way.

It's important to date someone with an open mind, someone who doesn't think they know everything.

- Very important.

No one likes to be questioned or doubted.

- Or bossed around.

- [Kerri] Find out what they like to do with their friends, how they like to spend their Saturday night.

- Common interests, shared values.

Those things are all important.

- What do you want in a date?

- (laughing)

She doesn't want a date.

Do you?

- Dad, no.


- Oh!

- You like someone?

- No.


Besides, it isn't about me.

(both laughing)

I think I know what to do now.

I should have my classmates fill out my questionnaire and they can decide whether or not they want to purchase their results to find their match.

- That's a great marketing tool.

I mean, you create intrigue with the product and then they wanna purchase it.

- You guys should do it, since you're both single.

- Well, this isn't about us.

- No, we don't need to- - I mean, for practice.

For me.

- I'm telling you, I put my gardener on hold to give Trevor a shot, and I might not ask him to come back!

He's doing a great job.

And now he's doing my neighbor's lawn.


Plus, he's willing to come before school.

- That's great, and thank you for supporting my students.

- Hey, they're my students too.

Plus, Trevor's a lot cheaper than my guy.

Don't tell him I said that.

- Okay.


- Another satisfied customer.

- Great work, Trevor.

I'll see you in class, okay?


Gotta get to the school now.

- Oh.

- And I'm sorry, I can't meet you for lunch.

I've gotta check in on Kristy Forbes and her tutoring business.

- Mm, you're running yourself ragged.

You give new meaning to the words "above and beyond."

You sure you're not deflecting?

- What does that mean?

- When I broke up with Dennis, I vacuumed every day.

It made me feel better to have those little lines in the carpet.

I think maybe this ABC project is your vacuum.

- Well, I mean, if that's the case, it's only because this I can control.

I just need more control in my life.

I don't wanna make any more mistakes.

- I tell my students there are no mistakes, only lessons.

Look for the lesson and be willing to bend.

- Hey.

I bend, okay?

- Mm-hmm.

- I mean, I'm the one that picked up and moved here.

Adam is the one who needs to bend.

- Needs to?

You want him back?

- I just...

I want things the way that they were at the beginning, when they were good.

But good is fleeting.

- Good is still out there, if you're open to it.

Don't let this situation with Adam shut you down.

- I'll see ya later.

- Bye.

(soft upbeat music)

(pan sizzling)

- Buenos dias, sleepyhead.

- Buenos dias.

- [David] So, how's school going?

- Good.

- [David] And your ABC project?

- Fine.

- What about your other classes?

- Good.

- Did you finish that essay that Miss Rossmore wanted you to do?

- I will.

- And what about-

- Why do we always have to talk about school?

(soft piano music)

- Look, Clarita...

I'm trying here.

I know you talk to your mom on the phone for hours at night.

You know, Miss Fox thinks that I could be better about accepting things.

- Well, she is a great teacher.

- I'll do better at that, okay?

- Okay.

- Hey.

(speaking foreign language)

(speaking foreign language)


- Yes, please.

That's it?

- [David] (laughing)


(light upbeat music)

- [Alivia] And now Sarah and Neil are going to the dance together too?

- [Clara] More satisfied customers.

- Did I match with anyone?

Or did anyone ask about me?

- This is a business.

And if you want my product, you need to purchase it like everyone else.

Don't wait too long.

The dance is next Friday and people are already coupled up.

- So I did match with someone.


What about you; did you do one?

- Maybe, just for practice.

- And?

Who did you match with?

- It isn't about me.

I'm the connector.

- It's Trevor, isn't it?

- No, it's not ever someone in our class.

I have to talk to Miss Fox.

See ya later.

- Fine, you win!

I'll pay for it!


- Hey, Miss Fox.

Are you busy?

- Always.

But of course I have time for you.

- So, the intrigue around my questionnaire is working.

A lotta people bought it.

- That's great!

- So, what if I went bigger?

I mean, took Cupid Clara outside of school?

Everyone is matched up who wants to be, so there isn't really anyone else.

- Well, what were you thinking?

- I'm gonna need your help with my dad on that part.

(Kerri laughing)

- I think you overestimate my abilities if you think that I can convince your dad of anything.

- No, you can.

It's kinda weird, actually.

(light upbeat music)

- [David] A Valentine's Day fundraising party in the restaurant.

Now you wanna match up adults?

- [Kerri] You've gotta give her credit for her confidence.

- It's perfect.

Your logo is literally a heart.

And we can call it El Dia del Amor y Amistad, just like Abuela used to do every year.

- What does that mean?

- El Dia del Amor y Amistad is the day of love and friendship.

It's what Valentine's Day is called where my mother came from in Mexico.

She used to love celebrating it at the restaurant.

- I like it.

I mean, it makes it sound less formal.

Maybe you'll find a date on Valentine's Day or maybe you'll just find a friend.

- Yeah, local singles will fill out my questionnaire and I'll match them with their top three.

And we can even old traditions, just like Abuela used to do, like mariachis could come and play love songs.

- (laughing)

Can this even work?

I mean, she's a kid.

No offense.

- It will work.

Your place is the best: great food, great music, great drinks.

- Okay, now you're trying to butter me up.

- And I'm reminded of a miss Marnie Rossmore, whose relationship is still going strong.

- Yeah.

I'm good at this, Dad.

Everyone in my class is coupled up because of me.

- I don't know, mijita, 'cause I'd have to close the restaurant to the public, and Valentine's Day is on a Saturday this year.

- Do you really think singles are gonna come for speed dating and not buy tacos?

- Fair point.

- It's a fundraiser.

And as PTA president, you're always trying to get people to step up.


- Wow, they learn so quick.

- Yeah, they do.

But I really think this could give her an edge for the Innovation Award.

- Which looks great on college transcripts, right, Miss Fox?

- You know your father well, kid.

- I'll help in any way that I can.

It just has to be after 4 p.m.

I've got Ricky Morris's car wash business to oversee.

- Fine.

If you can get people signed up, we'll do it.

- Yes; I'll do it, I'll do it!

Thank you!

I love you!

I'll make it work, okay?

Make you proud.

Thank you.

- So...

We are doing this.

- We are.

It's gonna be great.

- Mm, yeah, this is me letting go, accepting.

- You look a little uptight.

(both laughing)

This is me very proud of you.

- Thank you for meeting me here.

Andrea's son's hockey game went into overtime and I had no one to watch the place.

- Hmm.

We'll dine in, the way Abuela and I like it.

- Papa, Alivia and her mom are here.

I'm gonna go.

- Okay, you got your stuff?

- [Clara] All set.

- Kisses.

(cell phone ringing)

- Oh, maybe it's another Cupid Clara customer.

I'm at 15, by the way.


Hi, Mom.


- Bye.

- Bye.

- I...

I got her a phone so she could talk to her mom whenever she wants.

She does, (laughing)

for hours, but it's good.

She needed that.

Divorce has been so hard on her.

- Well, look at her now.

She's really coming out of her shell.

- It is nice to see.

- How about you?

Was it hard on you?

- Sometimes, two people can seem perfect for each other.

You try and you try for your daughter's sake to make it work.

It's never going to.

- Yeah.

And, you know, sometimes an algorithm based on yes-and-no answers tells you that someone is perfect for you and you believe it because, well, the computer said you are a perfect match, so you must be a perfect match.

- We all have our stories, huh?

- Yeah.

But I will spare you the rest of mine.

- No.

Please don't, I like listening to you.

(soft music)

I mean, who knows teenagers better than a middle school teacher?

I have a lot to learn from you, right?

- Hang on, I'm sorry.

Could you just say that again?

I'm not sure I quite heard that properly.

- Which part?

- You know, the part where you might actually trust my advice?

Hey, actually, hang on.

I'm gonna get this on camera 'cause it might never happen again.

- You heard me just perfectly.

- No-no-no, I didn't; you need to do it again.

(David laughing)

(soft mariachi music)

- Four boxes of 200 each, not counting what we have at my house.

Should we have gotten more?


Bienvenidos a Cantina Corazon.

Let me show you to our best table.

- Kerri?

- Hi.

- This is Gail.

We're just...

You know.

- David Martinez.

I own the place.

- Adam.

Yeah, I've been here before; I work around the corner.

- Right, sorry.

Adam, this is David, my- - You know I don't like to put labels on things.

Let's just say good friends.

- Right, good friends.

- Wow.

That's fast.

- Well, you know what they say, "When it's right, it's right." Right?

- Right.


Enjoy your dinner.

- Let me show you to your table.

- Have a good night.

(Kerri exhaling)

- Thank you for that.

- Anytime.

That wasn't awkward at all.

(Kerri laughing)

- Sorry I'm late, but Jacob won it for them in sudden death overtime!

- That's great!

- (laughing)

I'm such a proud mom!

- [David] He's leaving senior year in style.

- Is it okay if I leave my car in the lot tonight?

- Of course.

- Think I'm gonna walk home.

- All right, goodnight.

- Go, walk that lady home.

- What do you do when the life you thought you'd have ends?

Change your identity, dye your hair green,



- They say acceptance is the first step.

- Oof, I liked that word better when it was about you.

- It's a nice night, do you wanna sit?

- Yeah.

- I say you focus on the things that make you happy.

- And what makes you happy?

- I've always wanted to visit Veracruz, where my mom came from in Mexico.

Almost every single item on my menu was invented there.

It's such a part of my life and I've never even seen it.

- What's stopping you?

- I don't know.

I'll go someday.

- Mm, someday is now.

- Look, I know that (pausing)

your life hasn't turned out the way you expected, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Maybe it will better.

(soft music)

- You don't know that.

- I don't not know that.

Mine is different.

It's not worse.

It's getting better every day.

Clara's doing great, and I have you to thank for that.

- Wasn't me, it's the project.

- No.

It's you.

It's you.

You've given her excitement that she hasn't felt in a while.

Neither of us have.

- Same.

I was beginning to think I didn't know what a reliable, nice guy looked like...

Until you came into my classroom and threatened me.

- I did not thr*aten you.

- (laughing)

Yes you did!

Uh, "If she fails, we're gonna have a problem."

- Look, I still stand by that statement.

You're just lucky she's doing so much better now.


- And you were worried no one was gonna pay you to design a website.

Look at you.

I'm proud of you.

- Thanks.

- Good, now you take that number, and this is where you put in your operating costs.

- Hey.

Did I match with anyone?

- I don't know.

I have to check my records, in here.

I don't remember every one of them.

- Okay.



- Cool.


Blew it.

It's okay.

Hey, Miss Fox, can you sign my flyer?

- Sure.

Let's see.

Okay, and you've already purchased this domain, correct?

- Yes, and Liv made the website.

- I love it, supporting each other's businesses.

Okay, great; send me the website when it's live and your flyer is approved.

- Not so fast, lady.

- What?

What's wrong with it?

- As if you don't know.

- No, I don't know.

- Look closely.

- Nope, nothing.

- Branding.

Unless you include my official logo on there, I'm out.

- I can't believe I forgot about that.


- It's okay, it's not your fault, mama.

It's your mentor.

- Here you go, good job.

- Now we just have to pray that all these clients actually show.

- They will.

(school bell ringing)

Work hard, you guys!

I don't know how much longer I can take this chair.

- We start candygram sales tomorrow.

- Yeah.

Bright and early.

- I look forward to it.

See you later.

(deep breathing)

- You seem to be spending a lotta time together.

- It's just for work.

- It's for the school, for my daughter.

- (chuckling)


- Maybe so.

But you seem a lot lighter this past week, even more so than when you were with Adam.

Maybe something's happening?

- Psh.

I mean, sure.

He's nice.

He's reliable.

He cares.

But I thought all of those same things about Adam when I first met him too.

- I'm just sayin'...

Open your mind.

- Maybe something's happening?

- She just broke up with someone, in my restaurant.

She needs more time.

- (scoffing)

Don't you be making assumptions about what she needs.

You like her.


(deep breathing)

- I don't know, it just feels too soon.

- There is no timeline.

And things were already kind of ending with Adam before you walked away.

- My mind is open.

It's actually the first time I've even entertained the idea of dating since Eva.

But what if- - What-ifs are futile!

- What-ifs are preparation.

(Andrea groaning)

- It's just, I feel like I created this fantasy in my love story with Adam, and now I don't even know what's real anymore.

- Look, Ker, you moved here for love.

Well, maybe that love wasn't with Adam.

Maybe it was with somebody else.

(both groaning)

- Okay, and $3 is your change.

- Just put the recipient's name and class on the card provided and put it in your box and...

- (laughing)

They don't care.


- Thank you.

- Hi.

Five please.

- Five.

- Who are these for?

- Friends.

- Which friends?

- Don't worry about it.

- Here you go.

Oop, you okay?

- Yeah, thank you.

- Don't worry, they can't all be for crushes.

- Am I that transparent?

- Yeah.

- [David] We are definitely going to need to order more.

- [Kerri] Wonderful, more ribbons.

- Ah, more candy.

You're looking at this wrong.


(cell phone ringing)


Gimme a second?

- Oh yeah, I can finish up.

- Eva.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I'm not using her project to promote my business.

I'm allowing her to use my business to promote her project.

No, I am not gonna cancel!

This means everything to her!

Stop, E- Stop; no, she's not coming to Texas.

Well, fine then, you can come home.

This move of yours was supposed to be temporary anyway!

That's what I thought.

Now, look, if you're still there in the summer, then maybe she can come and visit Dallas, but she's thriving for the first time in a year.

She doesn't need any more shakeups in her life.




(soft music)


- It's okay.

Do you wanna grab a coffee or a bite to eat?

And a bottle of wine?


- Coffee sounds great.

Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- So, I have something I wanna tell you.

I booked a trip to Veracruz this summer for me and Clara.

- That's so great.

I'm glad you're finally going, and Clara too.

I hope you come back with a thousand new recipes.

- Another thing I owe to you.

- You don't owe me anything.

- You walked into our lives and set us both straight.

- I was just doing what anyone else would do, throwing myself into other people's business so that I don't have to deal with my own.

- A fine coping mechanism, I know it well.

- So, my mother thinks that I should move back home after this semester.

- [David] What do you think?

- I don't know, I think I'm just waiting on some kind of a sign, you know?

Something that makes it as clear as it was when I first moved here, but I'm coming up short.

- Well, I wish I could help you.

But I do know this: If you leave, there's gonna be a lot of us being real sad to see you go.

- Thank you.

- Thanks.

(light upbeat music)

- And as a reminder, I need a full breakdown of your businesses by tomorrow so I can submit to the competition.

Deadline is Friday.

(knocking on door)

- Okay, everyone, five-minute break for candygrams.

(students chattering)

- Got one for you, Miss Fox.

- For me?

- [Vinnie] It's a pretty interesting one.

(soft upbeat music)

- So?

Who's it from, Miss Fox?

- You know, I think I'm someone's favorite teacher.

(students groaning)

All right, back to work.

- Hey, Jane!

Just picking up PTA mail.

- [Clara] "Meet me outside the dance at 7 p.m."?

- [David] Hey.

Did you hear?

- Hey.

- Candygram sales have made enough money to pay for field trips 'til the end of the year.

- Wow.

Does that mean no more ribbons?

- (laughing)

No such luck.

Demand is at an all-time high.

- Well...

I mean, the kids do love them, so-

- Well, it's not just the kids.

I know adults around campus who appreciate it too.

- Absolutely.

I mean, it's nice to know that someone cares.

- Yeah; you know, it's funny how a small gesture can kick up things that people haven't felt in a while.

- Couldn't agree more.

- [Clara] What are you doing here?

- I, I was just leaving.

I dropped by to pick up PTA mail.

- [Clara] You could've gotten it at pick-up.

- Yes, but I had to meet with the treasurer to get an accounting of candygram sales.

- Mm-hmm.

So, the event is now 36 people and counting.

Mom thinks it's crazy, but I think it's a huge success.

- Boy, that is a lot of heart-shaped tortillas.

Can you believe I let her convince me to make heart-shaped tortillas?

Do you have any idea how time-consuming that is?

- Dad, we have to do it, just like Abuela did in Dia del Amor y Amistad.

Come on, it'll be fun, like old times.

- Yeah, well, you're gonna help me prep tonight.

- Can't, I have basketball.

What about Andrea?

- No, her sister's kids are sick.

She has to help take care of them.

I gave her the night off.

- I'm happy to help.

- No, we couldn't ask you.

You've already done so much already.

You have an entire class to mentor.

- Thank you, but, I mean, I've never made heart-shaped tortillas and I feel like that's a skill I could really use, so-

- Oh; I know it's generally your department, but I am a pretty good teacher.

- Hmm.

We'll see about that.

- Okay.

Then it's settled.

Thanks, Miss Fox.

I owe you.

(soft upbeat music)

- [David] "Okay, then it's settled."

(David and Kerri laughing)

- [Kerri] She knows what she wants.

- [Marnie] Do you wanna go to happy hour tonight?

- [Kerri] I can't tonight, I'm sorry.

- Let me guess.

You're helping David Martinez solve world hunger.

- (laughing)

No, I promised Clara that I'd help her prep for the Valentine's Day mixer.

- Oh.

Are you giving all your students this much attention?

- Yes, actually, I am, which is why I look so tired all the time.

- Okay, maybe...

Maybe you were right.

Maybe moving here does have more to offer than just Adam.

(Marnie gasping)

- I knew it!

You like David Martinez!


I swear, that restaurant is like a magical love portal.

(Kerri laughing)

("Ain't No Mountain High Enough")

♪ Listen, baby ♪

♪ Ain't no mountain high ♪

♪ Ain't no valley low ♪

♪ Ain't no river wide enough baby ♪

- Is this a private concert or can anyone join?!


- Oh, my god!


Grab an abnormally large carrot and join in.

♪ I'll be there in a hurry ♪

♪ You don't have to worry ♪

♪ 'Cause baby there ain't no mountain high enough ♪

♪ Ain't no valley low enough ♪

♪ Ain't no river wide enough ♪

♪ To keep me from gettin' to you, babe ♪

♪ Remember the day I set you free ♪

♪ I told you you could always count on me, girl ♪

♪ And from that day on, I made a vow ♪

♪ I'll be there when you want me, some way, somehow ♪

♪ Oh, baby, there ain't no mountain high enough ♪

♪ Ain't no valley low enough ♪

♪ Ain't no river wide enough ♪

♪ To keep me from gettin' to you, babe ♪

- Are we doing this?


♪ No wind ♪

♪ No rain ♪

(Kerri laughing)

♪ Or winter's cold can stop me, baby ♪

♪ No, no, baby ♪

♪ 'Cause you are my love ♪

♪ If you're ever in trouble ♪

♪ I'll be there on the double ♪

♪ Just send for me, oh, baby ♪

- We should get started on the tortillas.

- Yeah.

Don't touch anything, I'll be right back.

- Hands off.

♪ I'll be there on the double ♪

♪ Just as fast as I can ♪

♪ Don't you know that there ain't no mountain high enough ♪

(soft music)

- Heart-shaped tortillas, balloons that say "amore," and she sent the mariachi band a list of approved love songs.

(Kerri laughing)

- Well, she's giving it her all.

- She's a tyrant.

- I mean, the customer is always right, so be extra nice to her.

(David laughing)

- And if you put oil on your hands, it keeps the dough from crumbling up.

- Another Abuela secret?

- She had hundreds.

I'd watch her cook for hours, first at the taco stand and then when my dad got her this place.

She loved to feed people.

- You're carrying on a great legacy.

- You need flour now.

Way too much oil.

Get some; here.

You need to get it underneath.

Get some oil on your hands.

You're starting to stick again.

- How many of these do we have to make?

- A lot.

(soft piano music)

- We're gonna be here all night.

- I could think of worse things.

(woman clearing throat)

- I hope I'm not interrupting anything.

- Eva!

(cell phone ringing)

- Marnie?

- [Marnie] Turn on Channel 9, now.

- What?


- And my friend signed up for this Dia del Amor y Amistad Valentine's Day event, which is being put on by a middle school matchmaker for a class project.

- She's 13.

- Well, I don't know; when I was 13, I was pretty boy-crazy.

I think I could make a good match.

- Come on, Misty, what does a 13-year-old know about love?


No thank you.

if I wanna find someone completely incompatible.

- He's gonna k*ll me.

- Nobody watches "Good Morning Seattle" anyway.

- Everyone watches it.

That's why we all wanna win the award.

- It doesn't matter.

I mean, if no one comes, if everyone shows, who cares?

You've rocked this project and I'm proud of you.

- I need it to work, but (pausing)

not just that.

I think that someone might be playing a trick on me.

(soft orchestral music)

- Why would you think that?

- I don't know.

I've never really thought about dating and stuff.

I mean, look at our family.

- Clarita.

No, mama, what happened between your mom and me, that is not indicative of your future.

I promise you that.


You are going to make some lucky guy so happy someday.

- You think?

- I know.

As long as he's nice, decent, and you don't date before you're 30.

- (laughing)


- But in all seriousness, mija, maybe you should give this secret admirer the benefit of the doubt.

You never know who it could be if you don't put your heart out there.

- Thanks, Dad.

- I love you.

Now, get in there, you're getting wet!

- Oh, what timing the ex-wife had!

- Tell me about it.

I mean, no one even knew that she was coming home.

Between that and the "Good Morning Seattle" segment, the hits just keep coming.

- Have you talked to David at all?

- No, he said we'd talk later.

But besides one text this morning about the segment, it's pretty much been radio silence.

- I'm sure they're just figuring it out for Clara's sake.

- I just hope I didn't steer Clara wrong.

She's so excited about the party.

What if no one shows?

- Well, you said it yourself: It's about the execution, not the success.

- Still, I don't wanna break a 13-year-old's heart on Valentine's Day.

- She's got the dance tonight.

She'll be fine.

She'll forget all about it.


Why are we doing this?

- Kerri!

Glad I caught you before you left.

Can we talk for a second?

- Yeah, hop in.

- Hi.

- Hi.

- I wanted to apologize for the interruption last night.

- Oh, you don't need to apologize.

Family comes first.

How's Clara doing today?

- Oh, she's more concerned about the dance tonight.


Boy stuff.

- Right, sounds about right for a 13-year-old.

- She really does want that Innovation Award.

- I mean, she might still win it, even if the event is a bust.

(soft piano music)

- Hey, that's not what I wanted to talk to you about.

Our time last night, I enjoyed it, interruption and all.

- I did too.

- So, I...

I'll see you at the event tomorrow.

I hear it's the place to be if you wanna make a match.

(Kerri laughing)

- Yeah, I hear the same thing.

- Bye.

- Bye.

(upbeat pop music)

- Clara.

What are you doing out here?

- Oh, I was...

I was watching my successful couples arrive.

You two are the last.

- Well, come in with us.

(soft mariachi music)

(crowd chattering)

- Group three, one table to the left.

Group two, one table to the right.

- And you were worried no one was gonna show up.

- You were worried; I was never worried.

(phone notification dinging)

(Kerri laughing)

(soft upbeat music)

(knocking on door)

- Miss Fox.

- Hi.

I've got some really great news for Clara.

She's one of the finalists for the ABC project.

- Oh.

Do you usually make house calls for all your students?

- No, I...

I was just really excited to tell her.

I know she worked so hard and...

I mean, I was on my way home, so I just thought I would stop by.

- Oh, I know.

We are so proud of her.

And we really appreciate all you've done, so I will happily relay the message.

We're just in the middle of family time.

- Right.

I'm sorry, please just let her know.

- [David] Kerri.

- Clara's a finalist for her project.

- Oh, wow.

- Miss Fox wanted to let you know.

Isn't that sweet?

- So, Clara must be so happy she's back.

- She is, she is.

Between project and Eva being back, she's herself again.

Might be a bit confusing for her if you and I-

- I was thinking the same thing.

You know, it's important that there aren't too many changes for Clara all at once.

- Yeah, just for a while.

Sorry, Kerri.

- You don't need to apologize, because I actually decided that I'm going back to Oregon when the school year's over; you know, to be near family.

- Oh.


If (pausing)

that's what's gonna make you happy.

- It is.

- Well, you will be very missed around here by all of us.

- It's for the best.

Okay, well goodnight, and please congratulate Clara for me and tell her I'll see her on Monday.

- Will do.

- Goodnight.

- [David] Goodnight, Kerri. c)

- My press has already begun, and I am not counting a "Good Morning Seattle" segment where they doubted me.

- And we haven't even heard about the district awards yet.

- You know, I don't really care about that.

Feels like I already won.

My mom is home, my dad's happier than I've seen him in a long time.

Things are good.

- I'm really happy for you.

And although I don't know much about the other schools, I think you have a pretty good shot at the Innovation Award.

- I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

- You can't leave!

(Kerri laughing)

You make all of our lives better and then you selfishly take it all away from us?

- You'll be fine.

You have Gavin now.

You'll live happily ever after and you'll forget all about me.

- Not possible.

- Maybe this was just a learning experience, you know?

Maybe I'm not supposed to take so many risks with my personal life.

I'm just, I'm glad it ended before I got in too deep.

- Your risks weren't for nothing.

You don't have to run.

(soft piano music)

- I'm not running.


Okay, maybe I'm running a little bit.


I was just looking (pausing)

for a concrete sign, a reason to stay.

And I found the opposite.

- [Clara] Mom's not joining us?

- No, she's actually looking for an apartment, a two-bedroom so you can stay there.

Look, mija, I know that you're happy you're mother's back, but she and I are just gonna be friends.

I know that's hard for you to hear, but I'm sorry.

- I'm Cupid Clara, Dad.

I know when people are right for each other and when they're not.

(David laughing)

- Of course you do.

- I'm happy Mom is back, but you two are so not a match.

I knew that long before you even did.

But I happen to know who is your perfect match.

- Is that right?

- Think you just need a little help.

(soft orchestral music)

- Wait, you were my secret admirer?

- Think of it as a proxy for her.

- Proxy.


That's good vocab word usage.

- Of course, I'm doing very well in school know, you know.

- I know, Cupid Clara.

I know.

(glasses clinking)

(soft pop music)

- Hi.



Hey, guys!

Listen, good luck tonight, okay?

I have a really good the Innovation Award is gonna come out of our classroom.

- Miss Fox, you know Bink and Misty from "Good Morning Seattle"?

They're here, recording.

Right there.

- Mowing lawns for all of his neighbors.

Are you enjoying that, Riley?

- That's a really good sign.

- I know!

(both laughing)

- We should probably get to our seats.

Good luck.

- Okay.

I'll see ya later.

- Hi.

- Hey.

- [Woman] Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming Superintendent Weaver.

(audience applauding)

- Thank you, and welcome to the Annual Business Competition Award.

This year was the most creative and outside-the-box group of businesses I've seen in my 22-year career, specifically out of Austen Middle School, who had the highest number of award finalists in the district.

(audience applauding)

And now, it's time for the coveted Innovation Award.

Every single nominee hit it out of the park on this project.

You are all winners.

(audience applauding)

That being said, the business that has been chosen for this year's Innovation Award in our district...

A rather...

A rather unusual business venture, congratulations to Clara Martinez for Cupid Clara's Matchmaking Service.

(audience applauding)

- I'm so proud of you.

- [Clara] I love you guys.

- Come on up here!


- Thank you!

- Well done.

- Can Miss Fox come up here, please?

Miss Fox?

- Congratulations!

I'm really proud of you.

- You know that makeover you were talking about?

- Oh, the classroom make- Clara, I was just joking.

- Well, you deserve it, and I wanted to do this for you.


- You guys!

(audience oohing)

- A brand new desk and chair, top of the line, with extra lumbar support, just for you.

- You guys, thank you.


Should I sit in the chair?

- Yeah!

- Yeah; okay.

- You like it?

- It's perfect.

- Great.

(audience applauding)

We love you.

- Thank you.

- And...

(audience oohing)

For you.


I know you were just joking, but David Martinez and Clara's mother, Eva, wanted to do this for you.

They coordinated everything.

(audience applauding)

Did you really wanna leave all this behind?

- Thank you.

- [Clara] Thank you, I'll see you later.

Oh, hi.

- I'd like to order my match now.

But I don't really care who it is, unless it's you.

(soft piano music)

- Are you (pausing)

my secret admirer?

- Yeah.

I'm sorry, I chickened out on going to the dance.

I was just thinking about how much you risked with your project, so I thought that I'd take one too.

- Okay, and we did match.

- (laughing)

I thought so.

- So...

What now?

I mean, I only know how to make the match.

I don't really know what comes after.

- Well, would you like to come and see a movie with me on Saturday night?

- Yeah, I'd like that.

- [Trevor] Okay, cool.

Well, see ya then.

- Bye.

- Did he just ask her out?

- I think boys are gonna have to be your department.

- Well, you don't have to do it alone.

- Thank you, and your class as well.

You guys did an incredible job.

I'll see ya later.


- Hi.

- Congratulations again.

- We're gonna have a celebration at the restaurant.

You wanna come?

- I don't, I don't know.

- No, please.

Please, you have to come.

You helped make all of this possible.

You have to be there.

- Okay, yeah, I can come by, Clara.

- Thank you.

See you soon.

- See ya.

(soft upbeat music)


(power switch clicking)

(soft piano music)

- I hope you don't mind it's just a party for two.

You know what's funny?

My daughter is such a good matchmaker I thought you were my secret admirer.

- You had a secret admirer too.

- That kid.


- She's somethin' else.

- She really is.

- But I will continue to keep my distance so it's not weird for her.

I don't want-

- No.

Please don't.

Nobody wants that.

I know that you've decided to go back home.

But if you're willing to give us a chance over the next few months, see what could happen.

- I actually changed my mind tonight.

I mean, those kids...

I'm staying in Seattle.

I mean, did you see my new chair?

If that's not a sign, I don't know what is.

- I picked that chair.

- Hmm.

Then I couldn't possibly leave.

(rising romantic music)

(light upbeat music)
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