03x15 - Straight Flush

Episode transcripts for the TV show "FBI". Aired: September 2018 to present.*
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Drama about the inner workings of the New York office of the FBI,
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03x15 - Straight Flush

Post by bunniefuu »


- Not my night.

- Mine, either.

What do you think, Felix?

Can you beat a pair of aces?

I wouldn't be holding if I couldn't.

But if you really wanna satisfy all that curiosity,

- it's gonna cost you grand.

- Ah.

I keep telling him, he should be working on Wall Street.

He's wasting his time with all this restaurant nonsense.

- Yes or no, Paul?

- I'm curious.

But not that curious.

What about you, Elliot?

You feeling strong tonight?

Come on, man.

It's only grand.

You pay the idiot who walks your dog more than that.

Yeah, a lot more.



You need another cocktail?

Shall we wait for Vince to come back with some more scotch?

Hey, Vince!

What the...

Please, just take the...

Don't do this, man!

♪ ♪ - Hey.

- Hey.

- How's it going?

- Okay, I guess.

I'm over in White Collar now.

Yeah, I heard.


Look, I...

I'm sorry.

I really was just trying to be helpful.

It's okay.

I'm good.

And it was probably for the best.

And Jubal said it's temporary, so.

That's good.

If you need anything at all, just let me know.



Thanks for carrying that.

- It's a hell of an office.

- Yeah, it's not bad.


Looking good.

- There she is.

- Mm.

Hey, I'm sorry again about last night.

Oh, you know, we'll find a time one of these nights.


For sure, for sure.

So how is Tyler?

Seems to be tolerating the chemo pretty well, actually, except last night.



You literally have not changed.

Yeah, right.

All right, where should we put this?

I'm thinking right behind the desk.

Ah... you know what, actually, maybe put that back in the box.

I don't wanna jinx things.

Since when are you superstitious?


They don't hand out ADIC assignments, you know.

You know, you're the boss now.

Own it.

It's acting ADIC.

This is just a tryout, nothing more.


Rina Trenholm.

Yes, sir.

We're on it.

All right, folks.

Let's take a look at the screens.

We got five victims.

Gerald Becker, .

He was a federal magistrate with a long list of political connections, hence, our involvement.


Paul Larson, , a well-regarded orthopedic surgeon.

Elliot Sanders, .

He was the head of private equity at Crestford Capital.

And Jason Briggs, .

He was the CEO of a large statistical-arbitrage fund.

Whatever that means.

And finally, Felix Serrano, the owner of the Cocina Rosa, the restaurant where the sh**ting took place.

Yes, that's right, people.

This happened after hours at that Cocina Rosa, the trendy hot spot with a three-month waiting list.

Anyway, here's what we know so far.

The restaurant manager found the five dead men this morning, called .

NYPD secured the scene, and then passed it over to us.

It looks like there's a lot of cash and valuables that were stolen, so the working theory right now is robbery.

The manager told NYPD that this was a monthly game.

The date and time were well-guarded secrets known only to the players involved.

Yeah, so it's likely an inside job, so let's compile a list of insiders.

Who else knew about this game?

All right, let's go to work, people.

All shell casings are -millimeter, and a preliminary ballistics report indicates they were fired from the same g*n.

- Any witnesses or survivors?

- Not that we know of.

- Security footage?

- Negative.

Security cameras only cover the front of the place.

Scrubbed them already.

No sign of a potential suspect coming or going.

Shows the perp had knowledge of the layout

- and the security setup.

- Hmm.

We'll need the ballistics report forwarded to Fed as soon as possible.

That the manager?

Poor bastard.

Guy just keeps pacing.

Excuse me.

I'm Agent Bell.

This is Agent Zidan.

I know this is probably hard... I told the cops everything I know.

Do you mind telling us what you told them?

Uh, I opened up around : , and that's when I saw Felix and his friends.

They were dead.

There... there was blood all over the place.

Who else at this restaurant knew about the card game?

Just me, I think.

They played for big bucks, or grand a game.

I told Felix it was a bad idea, but he didn't care.

Thought he was untouchable.

Who's Vince Hodge?

He's a waiter.


Found his backpack behind the bar.

Is that normal for him to leave his stuff at the restaurant?


Definitely not.

♪ ♪ Hey, that's our guy.

Vince Hodge?



♪ ♪ Hey, hey!

I don't know why you hassling me.

I didn't do anything.

We know what happened at Rosa.

We also found your bag feet away from the dead guys too.

So what are the chances we find the money and the g*n in your apartment?


You think I k*lled 'em?

Felix hired me to serve drinks.

But I saw the guy.

He came in through the back.

- You get a look at his face?

- Nah.

He had a mask on, like a stocking covering his face.

Had gloves on too.

- Was he white, black, brown?

- He had dark skin.

Like, Middle Eastern or something.

So why didn't this guy sh**t you too?

'Cause he ain't see me.

I was in the back.

I heard the g*nshots, saw what was going on, got the hell out of there.

You didn't call the cops?

I thought about it, but I got nervous, all right?

Whoever did this robbery is a cold-blooded k*ller.

♪ ♪ All right, you remember what he was wearing?

Ian, start scrubbing the security cams near the restaurant for a man with dark skin, maybe Middle Eastern, wearing a dark sports jacket, gloves, and carrying a black bag.

What about you, Kelly?

How we doing with the victims?

Anything intriguing, actionable?

The owner of the restaurant, Felix Serrano, he looks clean on paper, but if you drill down, there's not much there.

What do you mean?

The restaurant manager says Felix is part of this wealthy textile family in Mexico City.

But the family he claims to be a part of doesn't have a son, just three daughters.

So I dug down even deeper, I got into his financials, and that's when things got even more confusing.

Um, best I can tell, all his money is routed through a maze of Mexican shell companies.

Yeah, based on my searches, Felix Serrano does not exist online before .

There's literally no record of this man being alive anywhere.

No digital footprint or paper trail, no credit cards, no utilities, no medical records.

Okay, so he's using a fake name.

Question is why?

Run his DNA right away.

I just found footage of our sh**t three blocks from the crime scene.


Eyes up, people.

♪ ♪ Gray coat, black bag.

No gloves, though.

- What is he dumping?

- Can't tell.

I tried enlarging it, but the video quality is lousy.

All right, Scola, Tiff.

You guys feel like doing some dumpster diving?

♪ ♪ Isobel Castille.

Are you sure?

Thank you.

Thanks for the heads-up.


Check this out.

This is what the so-called robber dumped in the trash bin.

All the victims' watches and wallets.

We also found the gloves he was wearing during the sh**ting with g*nsh*t residue all over them.

The watches are expensive too.

The Patek Philippe goes for about grand.

Why would he dump these in the trash ten minutes after stealing them?

Yeah, 'cause it was meant to be a m*rder and not a robbery.

The sh**t grabbed the watches and wallets to throw us off the scent.

Question is, who's the target?

My money is on the owner, Felix.



That phone call I just got was about Felix's DNA.

He's the biological son of Antonio Vargas.

Antonio Vargas?

Head of the Durango Cartel.

Yeah, that Antonio Vargas.

♪ ♪ All right, heads up, people.

DNA just confirmed that the restaurant's owner, Felix Serrano, was the son of Antonio Vargas, head of the Durango Cartel.

There's good chance that means he was the sh**t's target, and the other victims were collateral damage.

Now, ERT is searching Felix's apartment.

In the meantime, we need to dig in.

His phone records, emails, financials.

Let's find a motive.

Good news.

The lab found the same thumbprint on the glass bezels of all five stolen watches.

Belongs to a Miguel Rojas, Hispanic, .

Yeah, he's got two priors for cocaine distribution.

Thank you.

Hey, I just got off the phone with Organized Crime.

Rojas is a lieutenant with the Durango Cartel.

Okay, do we have a last known address?

Uh, no, the only address I have on file is an art gallery he owns through an LLC.

Well, that could be his home base.

He works there, runs his drug money through the business.

We'll send you the address.

Hey, I hear we just ID'd a suspect... that's great.

Yes, Miguel Rojas.

We're setting up surveillance now.

But I have even bigger news.

We have a lead on Antonio Vargas.

On Vargas?

What is it?

We found this in his son's apartment.

What's it say?

"Carlos's fifth birthday party.

"Wish you were here.

"But Sofia and I are proud of what you're doing in New York.

Love you very much. Dad."

- Sofia is Vargas' new wife?

- Looks that way.

We've seen her face in some surveillance photos, but we've never been able to ID her or locate her until now.

What do you mean, locate her?

Postmark on the envelope is from Ciudad Acuña, Mexico.

I'm guessing that's where they live.

That's great.

Pass this on to our Mexico City Office.

Uh, I'd rather not.

I'd like to pursue Vargas myself.


I need you here.

If and when we close this restaurant sh**ting case, we can revisit this, but in the meantime, I need all hands on deck.

♪ ♪ It's an interesting spot to launder money.

Hopefully, he'll lead us right to Vargas.

All right, we got eyes on Rojas, heading northbound, approaching the gallery.

He's on the run.

♪ ♪ We are in pursuit of a late-model gold Audi.

License plate number Foxtrot-Mike-India , going north on Broadway at th Street.


Out of the way!

Scola, he's heading right for you.

We'll cut him off.


Don't move.

Miguel Rojas, you're under arrest.

So ballistics confirmed that the g*n we caught you with is a match to the w*apon used to k*ll Felix and his friends.

I got nothing to say.

You've got a lot of guts, Miguel.

Most people who g*n down the son of a drug lord would be worried.

You nervous about what would happen when the news gets out, when he gets put in prison?

If we charge you with these five murders, you are a dead man.

But you know that, right?

I'm willing to offer you a deal.

What kind of a deal?

You help me find Vargas, and I'll help you stay alive.

Change your identity, place you in a prison with no connections to the Durango Cartel.

♪ ♪ Good.

Good, but first, we need to know.

- Do you know where he lives?

- I got no clue.

Do you know his phone number?

I never called him.

All the communication went through Felix.

What about his wife, Sofia?

You know her last name, where she lives?


I'm trying to help you, Miguel, but I need information.

No intel, there's no deal.

I got plenty of intel.

You just been asking the wrong questions.

Vargas is coming to New York.

I'm supposed to meet with him tomorrow morning.

♪ ♪ Vargas is coming to New York because his son was just m*rder*d, and he wants answers.

Yes, so once we know where the meeting is actually taking place, we'll set up and monitor the surrounding area for his arrival.


Just keep me in the loop.

- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah.

Uh, hey.

Uh, just make sure that I know what's going on at all times, okay?


I mean, I think, she's gonna...

She's too close to this, Jubal.

What... what do you mean?

The Vargas incident didn't go over so well in D.C.

Put a real dent in Isobel's reputation.

I mean, that's the reason why they came to me for this job instead of her.

She wants vengeance.

And she wants to vindicate herself.

She wants to reclaim her reputation, that's great, as long as she doesn't do something stupid and ruin my career in the process.

- Ah.

- Mm-kay.

Thank you.

♪ ♪ Rojas just got a text from Vargas about a meet.

- Can we ping his cell?

- I tried.

It's scrambled.

The good news is that the meet is happening this morning at : a.m., just like he said.

So what's the problem?

The meet is at an industrial park in Queens.

It's a surveillance nightmare.

There's about different ways to enter and exit.

Right next to the BQE.

I'm guessing that's why he picked it.

It's gonna be really hard to use a decoy there.

We don't know how many people he's got surveilling the place.

So let's use the real thing.

Put Rojas into play.

Big risk.

We barely know the guy.

I mean, he could run or tip off Vargas.

You two, go wire up Rojas and come up with a surveillance plan.

I need you guys to head over to Teterboro.

You're gonna fly down to Ciudad Acuña.


Airplane's already on the tarmac.

♪ ♪ He's really here?

In New York?


We're gonna nail him too.

Thanks for letting me know.

Hey, we got this, okay?

- Hey.

- Hey.

Hey, I just talked to Scola.

It's our only play.

I mean, this can go bad in a hundred different ways.

Then it's our job to make sure it doesn't.

I don't think Rina will approve it.

Then Rina doesn't need to know.

It's kinda putting me in a tough position here, Isobel.

You report to me, not her.


Yeah, yeah.


So we'll just... we'll keep a close eye on Rojas and make sure this does not go sideways.

♪ ♪ Vargas is minutes late.

We're aware, but stay wide.

He could have people there on foot doing recon.

♪ ♪ All right, heads up.

We've got two vehicles in tandem, driving toward Rojas.

Everybody stay frosty and tucked away till we give the signal.

Rojas is moving towards the second vehicle.

Someone inside the car is gesturing for him to get in.

If we get a positive visual on Vargas, we're moving in.

Stand by for now.

His side windows are tinted.

It's unclear if Vargas is inside.

That's gotta be Vargas, right?

- Are we a go?

- No.

Tighten up your positions.

I have to have visual confirmation before we move.

If those vehicles go mobile, we are in trouble.

If we move too fast and that isn't Vargas, we're gonna burn Rojas and the only viable lead we've got.

So, Miguel.

Where were you when Felix died?

Mi casa.

I was asleep.

I can't believe somebody shot him.

What if I told you that I had a friend at a cell company that checked the GPS signal of your phone that night?

I was home all night.

Come on.

Let me see your damn face.

Felix said that things were not going well between the two of you.

Isobel, even if that isn't Vargas, Rojas is in trouble.

Go, go.

It's Vargas.


♪ ♪ FBI!

Keep your hands where I can see 'em.

Federal agents!

Put your weapons down now!

- Drop your weapons!

- Don't move!

Hands where we can see 'em!

I need a medic at my location ASAP.

Hey, hey, hey, Rojas.


I'm gonna put pressure on this, okay?

You're gonna be all right.

You gotta just hang in there.

You're all right.

It's okay.

Rojas is out of surgery.

Uh, he... he lost lots of blood, but he's stable, so.

Wait, Rojas was in play?

How did I not know this?

I told you to keep me in the loop.

We had no choice.

Yeah, that wasn't my question.

Look, you wanna write me up for not following protocol, that's fine.

Where's Vargas?


Wait, you brought him here?

Damn right, I did.

I thought we had an agreement.

No, you asked.

I never agreed.

♪ ♪ Nice to see you again.

And you are?

Acting Assistant Director in Charge.

Hell of a title.

Do you have any power?

I wouldn't worry about any of that, Mr. Vargas.

It's not relevant.

You still think I haven't taken steps to protect myself?


You're not bluffing your way out of New York this time.

So please, save your empty threats.

Oh, they're not hollow.

I have three bombs hidden in Grand Central Station.

, people walk by them each and every day.

They've been there for two months, just in case I got caught and was extradited here to New York.

The second my plane landed here, the timer was set.

They will explode today at : p.m.

Unless I disable them, of course.

♪ ♪ We need to start clearing people out of here.

If nothing else, we know that Vargas is a man of his word.

So if he says there's a b*mb, there's a damn b*mb.

I get that.

But we also have to confirm that he's not bluffing.

Look, I'll go with Carla and the b*mb techs.

Why don't you stay up here and help the evacuation?


Just be careful, all right?

♪ ♪ All right, we know we're in the right place.

Track .


Oh, wait.

This is the World's Fair poster.

So according to Vargas, that means the expl*sive is nearby.

- Wanna split up?

- Yeah.


♪ ♪ Hey, I got it.

Okay, so what are we working with?

Can we disable them?

So we have visual confirmation of the three bombs.

They're all on timers.

They're all highly sophisticated.

- How sophisticated?

- Very.

According to the techs, the only way to disarm them is with a code.

Vargas told us where they were because he wanted us to know that we are screwed, that we need him.

All right, start clearing people out of there as calmly as possible.

Have NYPD set up a perimeter.

Let's keep new bodies from entering the impact zone.

- Yes, ma'am.

- Put out a press alert too.

Keep it vague.

Warn civilians to stay away from that part of the city while we investigate an unknown device.

Will do, but first, I wanna talk to Vargas again.

No, you focus on the press alert.

I'll talk to Vargas.

All right, you guys start going door-to-door on those buildings to the west.

Nice and easy, okay?

We don't wanna cause a panic.

Everyone should be exiting in an orderly fashion.

♪ ♪ Disable the bombs now, and we will take the death penalty off the table.

Your offer is life in a steel cage?

I don't think so.

First, it's impossible to evacuate Grand Central Station and the surrounding areas in less than two hours.

It'll take you five, maybe more.

Second, let's imagine that you're right, that you can miraculously clear out every single person in the area.

The bombs would still destroy one of New York's most famous landmarks and at least other buildings in a half a block radius.

We didn't just stick those bombs anywhere.

We hired a structural engineer to tell us exactly where to place them.

You are going to release me.

I know it, and you know it.

So please, let's cut out all this needless bluffing and posturing.

♪ ♪ You did it the last time.

You'll do it again.

- Isobel.

- Maggie.

Did you ever hook up with Agent Lopez?

- Yeah, we're with him now.

- Great.

I just sent you the photo we pulled from one of Felix's text.

It looks like it was taken the day after the little boy's birthday party.

It's possibly located in Acuña as well.

And you think the café owner might know something?

- I don't know.

- It looks that way.

If Vargas was comfortable enough to eat there, he'd have to know and trust the owner, right?

Makes sense to me.

- What's the name of the café?

- I don't know.

But in the background, there are three letters clearly: C-A-R, and it looks like the fourth one is a D, but it's hard to tell.

The only restaurant in town with C-A-R is Cardinal Café.

Get over there as soon as possible.


We have minutes.

♪ ♪ That son of a bitch isn't folding.

We still have time.

We're chasing a lead in Mexico.

We're trying to find Vargas' wife and young son.

I'm confused.

We need leverage, something to force Vargas to give us the code.

If we can find his wife, and thr*aten to arrest her, he'll fold.

You really think a guy like Vargas is gonna go paws up just because we find his wife?

He is a cold-blooded k*ller.

Who loves his family.

Listen to me, Rina, if we can find her and prove to Vargas we've got eyes on her, thr*aten to turn her over to the Federales...

He'll hire a great lawyer, pay off a few politicians, and she'll be home for dinner.

That doesn't sound like enough to me.

You're wrong.

- Really?

- Yeah.

The Federale I've been talking to, Colonel Molina, he hates Vargas even more than I do.

He wants revenge even more than I do.

This is gonna work.

Trust me.

♪ ♪ - Okay, minutes.

- Plenty of time.

Here's Café Cardinal.

We'll take the front.


I'll take the back.

All right.

You know these two people?

It's okay.

I understand English.


Do you know them?


They took this photo in this restaurant right there.

Uh, lots of people eat here.

I don't ask for names.

Antonio Vargas.

Does that ring a bell?



Excuse me, I'm expecting a call.

I need to answer that.

We're not done talking here.


♪ ♪ What are you doing, huh?

I asked you a question!


I thought you were the cartel.

They always like to pose as police.

Okay, well, do you believe us now?

You believe we're police now, huh?


If you were cartel, I would be dead already.

Where is Vargas and his wife?


They will k*ll me.

Where do they live?

Last chance, Pablo.

You don't tell us, we're gonna handcuff you right now.

We're gonna walk you down Main Street, make sure everybody knows that you're arrested.

Then we're gonna call the Federales and tell them that you've been helping Vargas hide.


Okay, okay, okay, okay.

I know him.

I cook for them sometimes.

Where do they live?

We have agents in Ciudad Acuña right now as we speak, searching for your wife and son.

Good luck.

And when I find them, I'm gonna turn them over to a man named Diego Molina.

Colonel Diego Molina.

Don't know him.

Oh, he's a good man, best I can tell.

Does have a lot of anger.

His wife Maria was m*rder*d two years ago.

Apparently, she was a lawyer.

A prosecutor.

Tried a lot of drug cases.

I promised him that I'd give him a call if I ever found you or your family.

Kept saying something about venganza.

But I don't know what that means.

I don't speak Spanish.

My family doesn't live in Ciudad Acuña.

Not anymore.

We moved two months ago to Colombia.

You're wasting your time.


♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Hey, Jubal, it's me.

Just so you know, we got about minutes left.

The only way to turn off these bombs is to find the code.

All right, then get back out there and help Scola with the evacuation.

Copy that.

Hey, folks, let's go.

I don't like the look of this, Maggie.

I know, but it's good that we see the guards.

Means the guy was telling the truth.

I have an idea.

Okay, Maggie.

You ready?

Yeah, let's do this.

Yeah, come on, come on, come on, come on.

Manos arriba.

Drop your weapons.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ All right, it's game time.

We either roll the dice on the b*mb not exploding, or we let Vargas go.

Listen up, it's over.

We need to let him go.


I'll deal with the press.

Celebrate the arrest of Miguel Rojas.

Justice for the victims' families.

Try to avoid mentioning the name Vargas altogether.

All right, you heard her, people.

- Jubal!

- Yeah.

Maggie, what do you have?

It's muted.

She's hiding.

- Is that...

- Tell Rina I need two minutes.

- We still have a chance.

- Yeah.

♪ ♪ Will I be exiting through the front lobby like I did last time?

We know where they are.

Sofia and your little boy Carlos.

We're actually inside your house right now.

So you're gonna give me the code, we're gonna deactivate the bombs, and my agents will leave, never saying a word to the Federales or Colonel Molina.

You don't have the guts to hurt a woman or a child.

I'm just doing my job, passing along intel.

I can't control what the Mexican authorities will do.

♪ ♪ From what I was told, Molina's wife was stripped naked, violated in ways that are too disgusting...


I'll give you the code.

♪ ♪ Hey, you got it?

Is it the right code?

I entered the digits I was given, but...

Come on.

You sure this son of a bitch gave us the right code?

Come on.

Come on.

All right, if there's nothing else to do, we need to get the hell out of here.


♪ ♪ It stopped.

♪ ♪ It stopped!



Well done.

Well done, everybody.

We did it.

- Great work.

- Ditto.

Hey, press conference tomorrow just got a lot better.


Miguel Rojas has been charged with five counts of first-degree m*rder.

He's already pled guilty to these atrocious crimes.

His arrest also uncovered certain information that led to the apprehension and arrest of Antonio Vargas, the leader of the Durango Cartel and the most notorious drug lord in the world.

Vargas has been a fugitive for over six years.

He is responsible for at least seven murders, including the m*rder of a decorated FBI agent.

His drug operation supplies an estimated % of all cocaine sold in the United States.

His arrest is a triumph for the Bureau and for the citizens of this country.

Thank you.

What was the motive for the five murders?

When was Vargas arrested?

Will he be extradited?

Will you seek the death penalty?

It's over.

♪ ♪ - Hey.

- Hey.

I'm glad everything worked out.

Me too.

Well, truth is, we got lucky.

Well, either way, we got the right result.

And in my books, that's a win.

A big win.

Hey, uh.

Were you really going to turn Vargas's wife over to Molina?


Oh, um, one more thing.

I just got off the phone with the director.

He offered me the ADIC position for real.

I accepted.


- Let's do this.

- Yeah, yeah.

Hey, uh, you like sushi, right?

Yeah, I like it all.


Me too.

Oh, I am so ready to go out

- and have some fun.

- Yes.

I mean, just work and COVID, life, you know?

Well, and you also deserve to celebrate.

- Thank you.

- Yeah, well.

You're welcome.

Can't believe we're finally having dinner together.

It's been so long.

- A lot of buildup.

- Yeah.

But I hope it's worth the wait.

I think it will be.

♪ ♪
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