03x14 - Trigger Effect

Episode transcripts for the TV show "FBI". Aired: September 2018 to present.*
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Drama about the inner workings of the New York office of the FBI,
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03x14 - Trigger Effect

Post by bunniefuu »




Yosef, hey, Yosef!

This is my mom.

She flew in for graduation.

I told her you guys have the best food in the city.


We are going to miss James when he heads off to grad school.

He is our favorite customer.

- Enjoy your meal.

- Thank you.

Trust me, you are going to love this place.

Their yassa is amazing.

Well, then, I know what I am having.

♪ ♪ I just wish your father could be here with us.

Still doesn't seem real, you know?

- That he's...

- I know.

♪ ♪ He would be so proud of you, James.

How hard you've worked.

- [g*nshots]

- Whoa!


- Get down, get down!

We gotta get out of here!


Come on, now.

- Come on, Mom, come on!

- James!

- Oh!

- James!




All right, listen up, everybody!

We have an active sh**t situation in Morningside Heights...

West th Street...

The Domoda Restaurant.

Near Columbia, would've been packed for lunch.

Yeah, we're getting word there are multiple victims.

NYPD's on the scene, but they're requesting our assistance on this.

The sh**t is still at large.

Kelly, we need access to every camera feed in the surrounding area.

Elise, get up on social media.

See if anyone's posting images from the scene.

Everybody else, start checking chatter.

We have to consider the possibility this is a hate crime.

Let's get to work, people.

Find this guy.

Hey, I just got a call from West Virginia.

The FBI hotline is blowing up with citizen tips.

They've received multiple reports from witnesses who say there are two sh**t.

Two, okay, is this verified?

No, nothing's been verified yet, which is why I need somebody in the JOC close to the investigation examining each tip in real time to figure out what's actionable and what isn't.

- What about Elise?

- Yeah, okay.

Let me bring her up to speed.

You two head over to the crime scene and sync up with Tiffany and Scola.


Spoke to the NYPD rep.

They're setting up a five-block containment, told everyone on campus to shelter in place.

What do we know so far?

About minutes ago, two sh**t opened fire on customers and staff.

The cops were here within minutes, but the sh**t were already gone.

Four dead, three wounded, one critical... a young mother.

NYPD's working on identifying the victims.

Did we get a description of these guys?

Not yet, eyewitnesses all scattered.

Uniforms are rounding them up now.

Restaurant doesn't have any surveillance cams.

We're gonna talk to local businesses, see if they've got any usable security footage.

I got somebody you need to talk to.

Restaurant host says he got into a scuffle with one of the sh**t.

I was by the front door, about to seat a two-top, when I saw a guy pull a g*n out of his jacket.

Like he was going to use it, you know?

And then I heard g*nshots in the back of the restaurant.


Deep breath.

Deep breath, Yosef.

We're gonna get this guy.

We just need your help first, okay?

It's okay.

Can you tell us what happened next?


I lunged at the guy, grabbed his arm just as he pulled the trigger, but I could not hold onto him.

He took off out the front, but the other guy just kept sh**ting.

You're doing great, Yosef, but did you recognize the man you grabbed?

Have you seen him in the restaurant before?

No, never.

Are you aware of any angry customers?

Has anybody been recently fired?

Has the restaurant been a target of any hate speech?

Not directly, but I have friends who have been harassed in the neighborhood.

What about the sh**t?

Can you describe either of them?

I only saw the one.

He was a white guy with short brown hair, my age.

Any distinguishing features, tattoos, or scars?

No, but the jacket he had on was one of those military types...

The camouflage with the brown in it.

That's good.

That helps.

Hang in there.

We know this is traumatic.

Thank you.


All right, here we go.

Suspect number one is a -something white male, short brown hair, wearing a woodland camo M- field jacket.

Scola sent over a bunch of security footage from the neighborhood.

- We're scrubbing it now.

- Good.

So obviously we're looking for the camo jacket guy, but if our sh**t arrived together, we'll be able to identify both of them...

Two-for-one special, just saying.

NYPD just sent us preliminary info on the victims.

- Yeah.

- Three out of the four k*lled

- were of African descent.

- Uh-huh.

We find any other evidence this is racially motivated?

- No, not yet.

- Jubal.

- Yeah.

- I think I got him.

Surveillance cam caught him fleeing the restaurant not long after the sh**ting started.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

That's our sh**t number one.

Pause it...

that's a g*n.

We have enough for facial rec?

We don't have a clear enough angle.

Yeah, what about our accomplice?

No sign of him, still looking.

I think I've seen that guy.

People have been sending in photos and videos they took in the area around the time of the sh**ting.

I've been going through it.

Yeah, here it is.

Same guy's in the background of this selfie.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

According to the metadata, this picture was taken seconds after the sh**ting.

Okay, good.

What's the address?

The Hotel Duncan, a block away from the crime scene.


Okay, let's split up.

Maybe someone saw the sh**t come through here.

All right, Tiff and I will show his photo to reception, see if he's a guest here.

- FBI, do not move!

- Everybody down now!

Get down!

- Get on the ground!

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

- What's in the bag?

- Clothes.

Set it down gently.

Okay, okay.


On your knees, hands on your head.

You've got the wrong guy.


I told you, you got the wrong guy!


You want to explain this?


♪ ♪ Where's your partner?

The hell are you talking about?

We have you on video fleeing the restaurant.

Why don't you tell us where he is, and maybe we can work with you.

- I'm not the bad guy here.

- Okay, seven people were shot.

Four are dead, so I'm curious.

What would it take for you to consider yourself a bad guy?

I didn't hurt any of those people.

I was trying to help them, to save them.

So you're a good guy with a g*n, just trying to be a hero?

I saw a guy k*lling people, and so I drew down on him.

I took a shot.

I tried to help.

Then why'd you run?

I don't have a permit to carry in New York, and I can't catch a felony right now.

Look, I'm in town for a job interview, which I'm missing as we speak, by the way.

I went to lunch.

I saw a shady guy pull a g*n, and yeah, of course I drew my w*apon.

What am I supposed to do?

Just sit there and not help?

So let me get this straight.

You fired your w*apon inside of a crowded restaurant to help people?

Yeah, and I had a clean shot, too, until that idiot grabbed my arm and threw off my aim.

Then the real sh**t saw me and fired back.

And I got out of there fast.

♪ ♪ Let's say we did believe you.

What did the other sh**t look like?

He was all covered up.

He had a dark knit cap, a bandana, and aviator shades.

All I can tell you is he was a tall white guy.

Okay, so Grimes' story checks out.

He was in town for a job interview with Bracken Security, and his g*n is legally registered in Arkansas.

Yeah, makes sense.

ERT found different types of shell casings.

Two were from a -millimeter, match his w*apon.

All the others were from a .

-cal fired from the back of the restaurant from a different g*n.

Which means we're only looking for the one suspect...

The guy with the knit hat, bandana, and aviator sunglasses.

Right, oh, and we caught a video of the guy near the subway at th Street, but facial rec was a bust.

Let's release his photo to the media, see if anybody recognizes him.

Hey, there's a birthday cake, still has candles in it.

Maybe someone was taking pictures.

And the camera might have captured an image of the gunman.

Good idea.

We'll check it out.

Hey, Elise.

Did you come across any birthday photos from the restaurant?

- Birthday photos?

- Yeah.



Everything okay?

Yeah, fine.

I'm just a little...

This case, four dead, and that young mother,

- she's in critical condition.

- Yeah.

Yeah, it's awful.

Hey, guys.

Maggie, we got something.

Guess the restaurant gave Scola and Tiffany the name of the woman celebrating her birthday.

Turns out her sister had her camera phone out when the sh**ting started, and she was recording video.

They just sent it over.






It's over, Frank!

[g*nshots AND SCREAMING]

Get down!

Get down!

We've got to get out of here!

Stay down, stay down!

Can't see the sh**t at all.

Yeah, but I think I heard something.

Can you play that back and enhance the audio right before the sh**ting started?

Yeah, I can do that.


- It's over, Frank!

- [g*nshots]

Yeah, Frank...

Don't we have a victim named Frank?

Yeah, there's a Frank Olson who's listed as one of the deceased.

-year-old African American male.

How many times was Frank shot?


And were any of the other victims shot twice?

No, just Olson, and according to the ERT record, he was seated at the back of the restaurant.

Where the sh**ting started.

Right, so the sh**t knows Frank.

He sh**t him first, he sh**t him twice, and then our "good guy with a g*n" appears...

The sh**t returns fire, k*lling three innocent bystanders on his way out.

So this wasn't a random hate crime or a mass sh**ting.

This is more like an execution gone sideways.

Yeah, and our intended target was Frank Olson.

♪ ♪ Domoda was Frank's favorite restaurant.

He grabs lunch there all the time, so when I heard about the sh**ting...

I tried to call him, but it went straight to voicemail.

I was hoping he'd dropped his phone in the chaos, but part of me knew.

Sorry, Ms.


I've been with Frank since he founded Swain & Olson.

He was a good man.

Can you think of anyone who might disagree with you on that?

What do you mean?

I thought the sh**ting was racially motivated.

That's what the news said.

We have reason to believe that Frank was targeted.

Have there been any arguments or threats?

Not that I'm aware of...

Nothing serious, anyway.

Actually, there is a former employee you should look at, a junior associate who Frank fired eight months ago.

He sued the firm for wrongful termination, claimed he was fired for his political leanings.

Total nonsense.

The truth was he just wasn't billing enough hours, and he wasn't a very good lawyer.

And you think he's capable of doing something like this?

He was just always a click off, kind of guy you worry about.

Okay, could you be more specific?

After the judge tossed his suit, he started showing up at Frank's house at all hours, harassing him, making threats.

Frank got a restraining order.

Just ignored it.

Okay, do you know the last time that he confronted Frank?

Two days ago.

Security guard caught him in the lobby.

It got heated.

A guard chased him off.

Okay, what's this man's name?

Neil Jacobs.




What is it?

We got water leaking from the ceiling downstairs in A.

Seems to be coming from your apartment.

Manager said to come take a look.

♪ ♪ You can't just show up out of the blue.

Why don't you just cut me some slack and let me in?

So I'm gonna try this in English.

Come back in an hour.

I'm in the middle of something.


FBI, get on the ground now!

Careful, he could be going for a w*apon.

♪ ♪ - Okay, okay, okay!

- Don't sh**t, don't sh**t!

- Turn around.

- Okay, okay.

Back room clear!


♪ ♪ I want the name of your supervisor!

He's going to hear all about how you broke into my place, damaged my personal property, physically threatened me without cause!

Our supervisor's a she, Mr. Jacobs, and we'll be happy to give you her name, but she's just gonna tell you the same thing we are.

You're under arrest for criminal contempt.

On what grounds?

On the grounds that you violated an order of protection.

Hey, Frankie!

Anybody know where Frankie is?

That's you, isn't it, in the lobby of Swain & Olson two days ago?

You just... you get that, right?

Where is he, Doug?

Just tell me where he is.

Just tell me where he is...

hey, Frank!

- I'm coming for you, Frank!

- Come on!

- I'm coming!

- Come on, get out!

Can I get some help here, please?

I went there to let them know I'm contesting that order.

It was filed based on false information, so as far as I'm concerned, it's unenforceable.

I doubt a judge'll see it that way.

I'm the victim, not Frank Olson.

He and his minions waged a campaign to ruin my reputation, bad-mouthed me all over town, made sure no one will hire me.

Now they sic the Feds on me?

Tell Olson he can rot in hell.

Afraid we can't do that.

Olson was shot and k*lled by a masked gunman this afternoon.

♪ ♪ He's dead?


♪ ♪ Karma's a bitch.

♪ ♪ Is it?

You think...

I hate Frank, but I didn't k*ll him.

So it's just a coincidence that he was k*lled less than hours after you said you were coming for him?

Yes, that's exactly what this is.

- This is a coincidence.

- Okay.

Then maybe you can tell us where you were today at : p.m.

As a matter of fact, I can.

I was at the NYU Law Library.

I swiped my card on the way in and on the way out, and there's cameras... lots of them.

♪ ♪ Security camera caught Neil Jacobs leaving the NYU Law Library ten minutes before the sh**ting.

There's no way he could have made it from West Village to Morningside Heights in that amount of time.

- Definitely not our guy.

- Okay.

What else do we know about Frank Olson?

Any ongoing issues, gambling debts, financial problems, angry romantic partners?

It doesn't look like it, no.

- Guys.

- Yeah?

Call just came through the tip line.

Woman saw a man matching the sh**t's description hanging out in front of an office building in Williamsburg... same knit hat, same sunglasses.

Said he was holding something in his hand, thought it might be a g*n.

Okay, send Maggie and OA the address.

♪ ♪ Are you sure we're in the right place?

I thought you said this guy was spotted outside of an office building.

The address Elise gave me...

Franklin Street.

Hey, Maggie.

Hey, Elise.

We're out front.

Something's off.

It's Franklin Street, right?


No, sorry, Franklin Place, not Street.

I'm so, so sorry.

How far off are we?

♪ ♪ You're close, half a block north.

- Copy.

- She got the address wrong?


Hey, hey.

Stay back, get back!

You okay?

I got him.

- It's okay.


This is Special Agent Bell.

sh*ts fired at Franklin Place.

I need backup and an ambulance to this location right away.

Suspect's fled the scene.

He's in a gray Mercedes-Benz.

He's headed westbound on White Street.

Hey, the guy that shot you, what'd he look like?

I don't know.

He grabbed a woman in front of the building.

I tried to help... he shot me.

Then he threw the lady in the trunk of the car and took off.

Do you know the woman he grabbed?

No clue, I was just walking to the subway.



♪ ♪ Yeah, Jubal, our sh**t just took off in a gray Benz, and he kidnapped a woman.

All right?

Witness says that the woman was Latina, she was in her s, and she was wearing a pink shirt with a tan jacket.

OA's inside now trying to get a name.

What about the suspect's car?

Did anyone grab a plate?

Jubal said the JOC is searching, for street cams right now.

We got here just as the perp was taking off.

Oh, why didn't you pursue him?

We were on foot.

Car was around the corner.

We got off at the wrong address, half a block south, so we ran over when we heard the g*nshots.

But the good news is that the security guard saw the abduction.

The person that was kidnapped works in the building.

Her name is Maria Muñoz.

Maria Muñoz, divorced, one kid, lives in Brooklyn, has a computer science degree from Fordham University, is the founder of a reputational website called FraudStir.

Oh, I know this site.

People post complaints about unreliable contractors, cheating spouses, deadbeat dads.

Definitely don't want to be in their hall of shame.

They get a ton of traffic.

PD just found Maria's purse two blocks from the crime scene... phone was inside.

All right, well, so much for tracking her down via cell phone.

That's all right.

We just need another angle, another path.

Is there any connection between Maria and our initial target, Frank Olson?

Not yet, as far as I can tell, they've never met.

Yeah, there's no post by or about Olson on Maria's website either.

Keep digging.

Scour her emails, or texts, or financial records.

Let's assume this was not random.

Our sh**t went into this building for a reason.

He was looking for Maria, but he wanted to keep her alive.

Question is why.

Frank Olson?

No, doesn't ring a bell, sorry.

I've been telling Maria for weeks that she should hire security.

Wait, so you knew she was in danger?

Had someone threatened her?

Try everyone.

Maria built FraudStir as a safe place to call out the scumbags of the world, but she didn't think to protect herself.

Any of these scumbags especially angry?

Maria handled all the hate mail.

Feel free to look around her office.

Thank you.

Why'd you cover for Elise back there?

'Cause she made a mistake.

No point in throwing her under the bus.

Street versus place doesn't sound like a big deal, but it cost us a few minutes.

She didn't screw up, we might've been able to prevent this abduction.

You don't know that.

Yeah, but still it's kind of our duty to report it up the chain to Jubal.

Like I said, she made a mistake.

Let's move on for now.


Excuse me.

Do you know who Bob is?

Looks like he tried to call Maria several times.

Yeah, he's been on a rampage trying to get us to delete certain posts.

What kinds of posts?

A user claims he's a pedophile, posted some disturbing photos, but this guy Bob says it's all a lie, demanded the posts be taken down immediately.

- Did you remove them?

- No.

Maria refused.

Then he hit us with a bunch of cease and desist letters, then filed a legal complaint, but the law's on our side.

Our users can post anything they want, and we're not responsible.

That makes perfect sense.


What's Bob's last name?

Bob Avery's an equity partner at Swain & Olson.

He's been there the last eight years.

He has a wife and a teenage son.

According to A*F records, Avery bought a .

-cal Smith & Wesson last month, same caliber as our m*rder w*apon.

And I checked the DMV database.

Avery owns a gray Mercedes.

Okay, it sounds like we got our guy.

Let's add the plate to the BOLO, start checking traffic cams, and let's get Avery's name and picture to every law enforcement agency in the tristate area.

What about Avery's phone?

Already tried pinging it, no go.

Okay, so what triggered all of this?

It looks like these negative posts have been up for a while, so why now... why today?

Because Frank Olson fired him this morning at : a.m.

Just talked to human resources at Swain & Olson.

Because of the photos?

Yes, the firm has been investigating for months but couldn't come up with any hard evidence, but clients have been complaining.

A few have left the firm altogether, so Olson didn't have a choice.

He had to blow him out.

Right, so Olson fires Avery.

Avery snaps.

He sh**t Olson, and then he grabs Maria Muñoz, does not sh**t her, just abducts her, why?

Because he wants something.

Yeah, the name of the person who posted those photos on FraudStir.

Guys, operator said she's got Maria Muñoz on the phone.

We've got her live on video chat.

Okay, transfer it up here.

Kelly, start tracking that signal.

Yeah, on it.

Phone is registered to her daughter.


Anyone there?

Maria, this is Jubal Valentine.

I'm with the FBI.

We're going to help you.

Can you tell me where you are?

I'm in the trunk.

I don't know where, but I'm pretty sure we're still in Brooklyn.

We've been stopping a lot.

I'm tracking the call, but the signal's weak.

Okay, Maria, listen to me.

We're tracking your call.

We'll be there very soon.


Hurry, please.

And if something happens, can someone call my daughter Sophia?

Yeah, yeah, we'll tell her, but Maria, we're gonna help you, okay?

We're gonna get there.

Tell her that I love her, and that she's gonna be okay, and not to be sad, to live her life.

I've got a location...

Oxford Street in Fort Green.

That's Maria's home address.

Okay, go.

Go, go, go!



Thank you.

Maria's cell just stopped transmitting.

♪ ♪

- Car's still warm.

- OA.

♪ ♪ You guys hold the front.

We're gonna check around back.

♪ ♪ I have eyes on her.

♪ ♪ Maria.

♪ ♪ OA, I need your help.

Let's get her on the ground.

One, two, three...


This is Special Agent Zidan.

We need an ambulance to Oxford Street in Fort Green.

We have a victim with a g*nsh*t wound to the chest.

She is nonresponsive.

♪ ♪ No sign of Bob Avery.

She's gone.

♪ ♪ Maria Muñoz is dead.

Avery shot her in a fit of rage, or panic, or because she capitulated and gave him the information he was looking for, right?

And if that's the case, means Avery's got the name of his next target, but we don't.

That's right, so we need to crack that code, people.

Let's figure out what Avery already knows...

The name of the person that exposed him as a pedophile.

FraudStir is refusing to give us access to the database.

And the guys from CART said that the website's security is heavily fortified.

I mean, they're gonna need at least another hour to break the encryption.

We don't have that kind of time.

Okay, what about the tip line?

Is there anything we can run from that?


Where's Elise?

I don't know.

Jubal, I've got something.

So I've been analyzing the online photos of Avery, the ones with him and the young girls.


See the way the light reflects off of Avery versus the young girls?

The angles are different.

Right, right, so is the coloring, gamma, saturation.

I ran it through a reverse imaging database.


- It's a deepfake.

- Yeah, they all are.

- So Avery's telling the truth?

- Looks that way.

Okay, so somebody had it out for him.

They wanted the world to think Bob Avery was a pedophile.

All right, bring in Avery's wife.

Let's see what she knows.

Maybe she can help narrow down the list of possible targets.

♪ ♪ Hey.


- Sorry, I, um...

- No, no, it's okay.

I just...

I had a headache.

I appreciate you not telling anyone I screwed up that address.

Yeah, of course.


I know this is none of my business, but if I was to guess, I would say that probably wasn't headache medication.

If there's something going on, I'm here if you want to talk.

I've been having some anxiety lately, that's all.

My cousin's a doctor.

She wrote me a prescription, and...

hearing that woman say goodbye to her daughter, it brought me right back to the day when...

they put the b*mb around my neck.

♪ ♪ That makes sense.

♪ ♪ Have you talked to anybody in the Bureau about this?

Like your stress levels and medication?

No, no.

I mean, you know you can reach out to any EAP counselor.

I know, but if I do, they'll pull me from the JOC and stick me in some low-stress desk job.

I understand that, but I still think it's important that you address this properly.

I appreciate your concern, but I'm fine.

I've got this under control.

Hey, Maggie.

Avery's wife just arrived.

- All right.

- I gotta get back.


- Everything all right?

- Yeah.

Yeah, she just stepped out, needed a drink.

♪ ♪ I know this is a lot to process right now, but we really need your help.

Ma'am, the photos posted to FraudStir are fake.

So my whole life...

Bob's whole life was destroyed for no reason based on a bunch of lies?

It looks that way.

I cannot imagine what you've just been through, but right now we have got to find your husband before he kills someone else.

We think that Bob is trying to track down the person who he believes accused him of being a pedophile.

So do you know anyone who might have a grudge

- against your husband?

- No.

Someone who thinks that Bob screwed them over?

No, no, before all this craziness, Bob was a kind and decent person.

People loved him.

Then these posts appeared, and...

he promised me that they were fake, that it was some insane plan to destroy his reputation, and I wanted to believe him.

God, I really did, but the longer those photos stayed up, the more people believed they were true, and...

myself included.



Before all of this started, was there anything else going on in your lives...

Anything unusual?


about a week or so before the posts started appearing, the cops came to our house one night, said a concerned neighbor called and accused Bob of domestic v*olence, which of course wasn't true.

I thought it was a teenage prank at the time.


We'll look into it.

Tell me we got something from that bogus call.

- Came from a payphone.

- Really?

Can't be too many of those still around.

More than you think, but this one here is two blocks away from Neil Jacobs' apartment.

Wait, our disgruntled lawyer friend?

Jubal, I've been reading his HR file.

Neil filed a lot of complaints, mentioned Bob Avery in several of them, saying that he got preferential treatment from senior partners, he got access to high-profile clients and transactions.

Bottom line: Neil was jealous of this guy's success.

Well, sure, Avery's career was taking off.

Neil's was going sideways, or backwards.

I think Avery making partner was the straw that broke his back...


First defamatory post appears on FraudStir the day after Avery made partner.

I mean, it could be a coincidence...

Ah, ah, ah!

But you don't believe in coincidences.

I most definitely do not.

Let's track down this Neil Jacobs fast.


[MEN GRUNTING, g*nshots]

♪ ♪ - Where's Avery?

- I don't know.

♪ ♪ - Cover me!

- Covering.

♪ ♪ Go, I'll call an ambulance.

♪ ♪ [YELPS]



This is Special Agent Scola requesting backup and an aircraft at Marcy and Greene.

In pursuit of a white male suspect, Bob Avery...

Late s, possible g*nsh*t wound.

Avery is on foot, armed and dangerous.

NYPD's setting up a four block perimeter containment, knocking on every door.

K unit's en route.

Heard you might've tagged him?

Winged him at the very least.

Either way, he's hurting bad after that fall.

Jubal, what do you got?

Hey, NYPD just confirmed a man fitting Avery's description was seen taking shelter in a storage facility half a mile away.

I'm sending you the address now.

Copy that, on our way.


Hey, Elise, what's up?

Tip just came in.

Caller saw a bloody man getting on the A train heading north near Neil's apartment, said he was limping.

That contradicts NYPD's intel.

I know, but I scrubbed CCTV footage of every stop on that line, saw a man with a limp hop off at th Street.

I couldn't get a good look at his face, but...

That's halfway across town.

I checked the area.

Avery's son goes to school two blocks from that subway stop.

Does Jubal want us to pursue this?

I haven't told him.

We need to roll.

Elise, how sure are you about this?

Avery has to know it's over.

He's been shot, and his target is in our custody.

It makes sense that he'd go see his son to say goodbye.

When I thought I was gonna die that day, that's all I wanted to do...

See my daughter, say goodbye.

♪ ♪ I think this is worth checking out.

Okay, then I'll tell Jubal we're pursuing a different lead.

All right, Elise, we're on our way.

♪ ♪ All right, you check the perimeter.

I'm gonna go inside.


♪ ♪ Maggie, I got a potential Avery in my : , trying to get a better look.

♪ ♪ It's him.

FBI, don't move!


Bob, don't do it!

Don't do it, Bob!

She's just a kid...

she's got nothing to do with this!

- I'll sh**t her!

- Okay, okay, we'll stop.

Let her go.

After I talk to my son!

Bob, we can make that happen, but first you have to let her go.

Why, so you can sh**t me?


You've got ten minutes to bring my son here, or she dies!

♪ ♪ Okay, Josh, we need your help, all right?

Your dad took someone hostage, one of your classmates.

He wants to hear your voice.

You're the only person he wants to talk to, so we need you to get on the phone and tell him that you forgive him...

He's a m*rder*r!

I don't want anything to do with him.

Attention, all students, please head toward your designated safety zones.

Kid doesn't wanna help.

We'll have to take the shot.

What's your status?

sn*per's setting up on the roof, but we don't have a clear shot.

He's got the girl, Hannah, here in this covered part of the courtyard.

Okay, can we approach him through this eastern corridor?

He'd see you coming a mile away.

What if I get him talking, you guys get a jump on him?

Okay, it's worth a shot, but it's gonna have to happen fast.

- Well, let's try.

- Okay.


♪ ♪ Bob Avery!

You got my son?

Do you have Josh?

Not yet.

- We need more time.

- You've got two minutes!

♪ ♪ Hannah, are you okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

Bob, you need to let her go.

No, not until I see Josh.

Look, we know that you've been through a lot these last few months, okay, and we've proven that the photos with the girls are fake.

We're gonna do everything we can to get your story out there and clear your name.

No, it's too late for that.

I just want to see my son.

That's it!

♪ ♪ No, stop!

Stop, stop.

Don't come any closer.

I will k*ll her.

- I will k*ll her!

- Okay, okay.

I'm just putting the g*n away.

♪ ♪ I spoke with your wife today.

She knows the truth, so does Josh.


Well, I want to tell him myself.

Bring him here!

Where is he?

♪ ♪ Where is he?

♪ ♪ He's not coming.


He's not ready to talk to you.

He's upset.

He's too emotional.

He doesn't know how to process this yet.

What're you saying?

It's over.

♪ ♪ There's only one of two ways you're getting out of here: Alive or dead.


Don't leave your son without his father.

You can talk to him another time.

Behind plexiglass in a jumpsuit.

It's better than a casket.

♪ ♪ I know what you've been through has been really traumatizing, and I think you've reacted, and you've done things you wouldn't normally do.

This isn't who you are.

♪ ♪ She's someone else's daughter.

♪ ♪ Please, let her go.

♪ ♪ I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

I didn't...

♪ ♪ Bob, you've...

you've gotta give me the g*n.

We're gonna work it out, but you've gotta give me the g*n.

Give me the g*n.

- Oh, my God.

- It's okay.

It's okay.

Come on.


- Oh, my God.

- You've gotta give me the g*n.


Tell Josh I'm sorry.



♪ ♪

- I got him.

- Okay.

♪ ♪ Crazy how easy it was for one person to create so much damage.

Well, that's why you can't let guys like Avery buy g*ns.

I agree, but I was actually talking about the guy who started all this, Neil Jacobs.

If he wasn't such a bitter, resentful prick, didn't post all those lies...

Well, then Avery would still be partner at Swain & Olson.

And there would be five more people walking and breathing.

Well, it's been a long day.

What do you say we go get some drinks, huh?

I'm gonna take a rain check.

I'm gonna head home.

Hey, that was a really great call about Avery.

I made sure that Jubal and Isobel know, too.


In regards to our discussion earlier...

Oh, I appreciate you following up, but like I said, I'm good.

Today, maybe.

What about tomorrow or the next day?

What about the time that you can't manage your stress?


♪ ♪ The JOC's not a place that we can afford to take that chance.

You've gotta talk to Jubal.

I told you, I can't.

If you don't, I will.

- Maggie...

- No.

Trauma can be deceptive.

It comes at you in waves.

You're gonna have a good day, and then you're gonna have a string of really bad days, and then before you know it, you'll be drowning.

Trust me, I know.

I've been there.

♪ ♪ Elise, you can ask for help.

♪ ♪ Hey, what's up?

♪ ♪

- You got a second?

- Yeah, of course.

What's going on?

♪ ♪
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