04x16 - A Long Walk to Pittsburgh (Part 1)

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Boy Meets World". Aired: September 1993 to May 2000.*
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A coming-of-age comedy follows Cory as he juggles school, friends and romance.
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04x16 - A Long Walk to Pittsburgh (Part 1)

Post by bunniefuu »

Opening Credits

[SCENE – Chubbie’s, Eric enters. He spots Shawn and Topanga hugging, and watched them step apart, look at each say something inaudible, then kiss quickly. Eric sighs and shakes his head]

[SCENE – Matthews’ kitchen. Corey is eating a feast at the table while Morgan eats food, too. Meanwhile, Eric overlooks.]

Cory: Um, Eric, listen, don’t think I don’t appreciate a good T-Bone, but I would’ve been plenty happy with a Double Chubby Burger.

Morgan: (Looks at Cory’s food) He gets steak, (looks at own food) I get cold grilled cheese. What gives?

Eric: Well, Morgan, I just feel that our brother, with his interesting life, he deserves a hardy meal. (Rubs Cory’s shoulders)

Morgan: (Holding grilled cheese feebly) You don’t think my life’s interesting?

Eric: (Leaning in) Morgan, did I just do something nice for Cory?

Morgan: Yeah.

Eric: Do I normally do nice stuff for Cory?

Morgan: No.

Eric: Why would I some nice stuff for Cory?

Morgan: Because something terrible happened to him.

Eric: Yeah, eat your grilled cheese… (Pushes it into her mouth)

Cory: (Takes a bite) So I would be correct in assuming that this wonderful meal is actually one of those condemned man, death row, last meal kind of things but that can’t be because there’s no cake. (Eric lifts the cover off a plate in front of Cory, revealing a large chocolate cake) (Stands) Dead man walkin’. (To Eric) Should be do this in the living room?

Eric: (Places hand on Cory’s shoulder) We could do it there… (Touches his face)

[Cut to living room, moments later, where Cory and Eric are alone talking]

Eric: I’m only telling you this because I’m your older brother and it’s the right thing to do.

Cory: (To self) Big buildup, bad bad bad. (To Eric) Don’t tell me!

Eric: No Cory, I think you gotta hear this one.

Cory: Alright, tell me. As long as it doesn’t have anything to do with Shawn or Topanga, I should be okay.

Eric: (Contemplating uncomfortably) Okay! Um, have you ever heard the expression (mumbles phony Japanese while mimicking stabbing himself with a sword and falling on the couch)?

Cory: (Sits) Well, you certainly have my attention.

Eric: Cor, I saw Shawn at Chubbie’s. He was there with Topanga, she seemed upset, uh, they hugging and he kissed her.

Cory: What?

Eric: He kissed her.

Cory: (After pause, stands) (More intensified) What?

Eric: (Sarcasm) Nothing happened at all! Y’know, normally I love telling you bad stuff but this one’s k*lling me.

Cory: (Grabs phone, starts dialing) (Into phone) Pick up the phone, Shawn. Are you there? Pick up the phone!

Eric: Cor, I know how upset you must be.

Cory: Eric, listen, nothing happened at all, right? You said so yourself. (Dials another number) Topanga, it’s me, are you there? It’s seven o’clock, pick up the phone. Where are you? (Pause, hangs up phone, dejected, then wanders forward)

Eric: I had to tell you, right? You understand, I had to tell you what I saw.

Cory: Eric, listen, I understand that you’re my older brother, okay? You’re not supposed to let anything bad happen to me. (Shoves Eric backwards onto couch) (Angrily) How could you let this happen to me?!

Eric: (Still lying backwards on the couch) (Restraining himself, inhales sharply) Okay, I understand that you’re upset, and that’s why I’m not gonna kick your butt.

Cory: (Calmer) You saw him kiss her?

Eric: (Still on couch) I did.

Cory: My butt’s kicked anyway. (Wanders upstairs meagerly)

[SCENE – John Adam’s High cafeteria. Shawn and Topanga are eating together. Cory enters]

Cory: Shawn? (Camera pans in on Shawn) Hi. Topanga. (Camera pans in on Topanga) Hi. The both of you, (Camera pans out to view Shawn & Topanga) Hi. Topanga, I need to talk to you.

Topanga: I can’t. (Gets up) I have Feeny’s history class. (Makes for exit)

Cory: (Steps in front of her) No, you have lunch now. How come you didn’t call me back last night?

Topanga: It was really late.

Cory: It was seven o’clock.

Topanga: (Uncomfortable pause) Cory, I have history now. (Exits, Shawn gets up to follow, but Cory stops him)

Cory: Wait, where are you going?

Shawn: I have history, now.

Cory: (Forcefully) You have lunch now. With me.

Shawn: (Meekly) You let her go. Okay, okay, but I only got like a minute or two.

Cory: Alright, listen, I am going to be absolutely mature about this. Knock knock (Points finger threateningly)

Shawn: (Unsure) Who’s there?

Cory: You and Topanga, together at Chubbie’s last night, Eric saw you.

Shawn: You-and-Topanga-together-at-Chubbie’s-last-night-Eric-saw-you… who?

Cory: Were you at Chubbie’s last night?

Shawn: Eric has no idea what he saw?

Cory: Were you at Chubbie’s last night?

Shawn: Yes.

Cory: Were you there with Topanga?

Shawn: Yes.

Cory: Okay, I’ll be looking for a “no” on this next question, got it?

Shawn: Yes.

Cory: No. Did you kiss her?

Shawn: Yes.

Cory: No! (Incredulously) You kissed her?

Shawn: Cory, it was no big deal, okay? Topanga got into a fight with her parents. She was real emotional and I happened to be there, so I gave her a hug and, yes, I gave her an innocent kiss. Innocent. That’s what happened and you know that I tell you everything.

Cory: Yeah, but how come she didn’t come to me?

Shawn: She will. We just happened to run into each other first, that’s all.

Cory: Okay, well I guess I feel better, then.

Shawn: Topanga loves you. Your brother’s got you jumping to conclusions, tell him to back off.

Cory: ‘Scuse me.

[SCENE – Matthew’s living room. Cory is lecturing Eric at close range while pointing at him violently]

Cory: And Shawn’s by best friend and Topanga loves me, okay? And it takes a pretty twisted sibling to think that they would ever entertain the thought of sneaking around behind my back. Y’know, Shawn was right about you, seeing what you don’t see, jumping to conclusion. You are my brother, Eric. You’re supposed to protect me.

Eric: ‘Scuse me.

[SCENE – Chubbie’s. Shawn is playing pinball. Eric walks up]

Shawn: Hey, Eric. (Eric grabs him and pins him against the wall) Eric, leave me alone. You don’t know what’s going on.

Eric: Yeah? You think you can do something that causes Cory pain, you’re not gonna get pain back, you don’t know what going on.

Cory: (Enters) Eric! (Pulls him off of Shawn) Eric, listen, let him go. I’ve thought this out, I’ve reached my own conclusion. (Shoves Shawn into wall) (To Shawn) And my own conclusion is that something bad happened. Something bad happened, didn’t it?

Shawn: Yeah, it did.

Cory: Then tell me.

Shawn: I can’t. Okay, you just gotta talk to Topanga. (Cory Exits. Eric points at Shawn threateningly, to which Shawn holds out his hands innocently)

[SCENE – Topanga’s room. She is staring at a picture when Cory knocks on the window. She opens the window and lets him in]

Topanga: What are you doing? (Cory kisses her passionately) What was that for?

Cory: I wanted to be the last one to kiss you before I k*ll you.

Topanga: Cory…

Cory: Topanga, my favorite part about our relationship is that we’ve always been able to talk to each other. About anything. So I want you to talk to me. (Topanga kisses him passionately) What was that for?

Topanga: (Solemnly) I wanted to be the last one to kiss you before I k*ll you. (Paces towards bed)

Cory: This is really bad, huh?

Topanga: (Voice breaking) Cory, look. You’re my best friend and you always have been. And more. And I know how young and stupid this is but I’ve always believed that we’d be together for the rest of our lives.

Cory: (Quietly) Stop that…

Topanga: What?

Cory: I wanna call a stop time now. I want to stop time. Because I know that if you keep on going then you’re gonna get to the bad part. But I know that if we stop time, then we’re gonna be together for the rest of our lives. (Topanga, holding back tears, turns and sits on her bed) Topanga, I called a stop time. (Sits and puts his arm around her) You can’t cry, nothing happens during stop time. We’re just together. (Topanga puts her head on his shoulder) Please don’t cry… (Long pause) How come there’s so many boxes in your room?

Topanga: Cory, (long pause) my family and I are moving.

Cory: (Desperately) To a different house on the same block you live on now.

Topanga: We’re leaving Philadelphia. (Cory stares at her in despondent shock)

[SCENE – Topanga’s room, continued from earlier.]

Topanga: We’re moving the day after tomorrow. There’s no way out of this, my mom was transferred to Pittsburgh and they need her right away. (Pause) Cory, you have to say something.

Cory: I don’t believe in Pittsburgh. I believe in us. I don’t care if I have to walk to Pittsburgh, nothing’s gonna come between us, alright, we’re gonna be together for the rest of our lives. (Hopefully) So, there. I’m as young and stupid as you.

Topanga: I’m sorry I was afraid to talk to you. (Hugs his arm) Here you are, trying to make me feel better. Cory, what’s going to happen?

Cory: Nothing. (Rubs her hand) Look, what’s going to happen is that this is a simple test for our relationship. A simple piece-of-cake test for a relationship as solid as ours.

Topanga: You’re right. If two people who care about each other as much as we do can’t hold it together than there’s not hope for anyone.

Cory: Yeah. I mean, it’s gonna take something a lot bigger than Pittsburgh to break us apart. (They kiss) What was that for?

Topanga: I wanted to be the last person to kiss you before I kiss you again. (They smile and touch foreheads romantically)

[SCENE – Matthews’ kitchen. Cory’s parents are talking to him as he does some calculations with a map]

Amy: Cory, honey, I know hard this must seem right now, but sometimes we have to believe that things happen for a reason and that life works out for the best.

Cory: Mom, listen, everything’s gonna work out, I mean (turns to papers) do you know how close Philadelphia and Pittsburgh actually are? It’s very easy, it’s just a matter of rearranging some schedules.

Amy: No, I think it’s gonna be harder than you realize.

Alan: Amy, Cory’s trying very hard. Now why do we have to…

Amy: Because, Alan, it’s going to be harder than he realizes and I think he needs to know that.

Cory: Mom, listen, Topanga and I have talked about this, okay? If we believe we can make this work why would you doubt us?

Amy: I don’t doubt your feelings for Topanga, it’s just that long distance relationships are very difficult.

Cory: Okay, so what are you saying, you want us to just give up?

Amy: No, I am saying that you have lived around the corner from each other all your lives and now you won’t. And that’s gonna make things painful.

Cory: (To Alan) Why is mom talking about pain?

Alan: Because it may be tougher than you think.

Cory: Listen guys, Topanga and I know what in each other’s hearts, okay? And if our hearts say that we’re worth any sacrifice for each other, and we’re willing to make tose sacrifices because we’re gonna be together for the rest of our lives, then why shouldn’t we?

Amy: The rest of your lives?

Cory: Yeah. That’s right.

Amy: Cory, you’re sixteen years old.

Cory: Yeah, mom, so were a couple of friends of mine names Romeo and Juliet. And they turned out okay, didn’t they?

[SCENE – Matthews’ backyard. Cory is reading Romeo and Juliet when Mr. Feeny enters from his house]

Cory: (To self) Look at my man, Romeo. In love with his Juliet, nothing’s gonna keep ‘em apart.

Feeny: Mister Matthews, brushing up on your Shakespeare.

Cory: Well, yeah. You know how you always told us that we should take what we learn in the classroom and apply it to everyday life.

Feeny: You and Topanga?

Cory: She’s moving to Padua.

Feeny: Pittsburgh, she told me. I’m sorry, Mr. Matthews.

Cory: Well, listen, there are those that don’t think we can make it because we’re just a couple of kids, but here’s the proof, Mr. Feeny, that two kids with everything going against them can take the power of love and make it work.

Feeny: Oh, boy.

Cory: What?

Feeny: You haven’t actually finished the play, have you?

Cory: Well, they’re in love, what could possibly go wrong?

Feeny: Flip ahead a little.

Cory: (Reading) “Yea, noise, then I’ll be brief. O happy dagger, this is thy sheath. There rust, and let me die…” (To Feeny, pointing at text) Happy dagger, see? Happy. (Feeny points to book, Cory reads on) She picks up Romeo’s dagger, stabs herself, and dies. Shakespeare, heh heh, what a hack! (Throws book)

Feeny: Y’know, Cory. Over the course of a person’s life he comes across a few defining moments. Now this is one of yours. It’s an opportunity, really.

Cory: Mr. Feeny, I don’t know, I mean… Pittsburgh’s 305 miles away. Maybe I’m just kidding myself.

Feeny: For as long as I’ve known you, whenever you’ve been faced with adversity you have always risen to the occasion. Now I have no reason to believe you won’t again.

Cory: Do you believe that two 16-year-olds can be in love, Friar Feeny?

Feeny: I believe that you and Miss Lawrence have something that you won’t allow yourselves to lose. And if you search your heart and listen to its instruction, you won’t go wrong.

Cory: Thanks. (Hugs him) That was brilliant. My true journey to Topanga begins, huh? (Runs off)

Feeny: (Unsure) Yes, well… There we are.

[SCENE – Topanga’s emptying bedroom. Cory is hugging Topanga at the waist]

Cory: Marry me. Buy a house, start a family, and live in the same city.

Topanga: Cory, we can’t get married.

Cory: Look, I know we’ll struggle at first, but all couples struggle at first. I figure we get a couple of part-time jobs, cut back on expenses, and find an abandoned home in an upscale neighborhood. No bugs. That’s all I ask. No bugs.

Topanga: Cory.

Cory: Alright, one bug, but nothing with teeth. (Stands) Now let’s go see what your parents will get ya, okay? Come on, let’s go.

Topanga: Cory, we can’t get married.

Cory: Can we see each other every weekend?

Topanga: Yeah. Can we write letters to each other every day?

Cory: Yeah. Every day. (They hug) Look, Topanga, I don’t know. I mean, it is a new town. With a new school, it’s new people. Pretty soon, guys are gonna be lining up to ask you out. I mean with me not there, why shouldn’t you accept?

Topanga: What about you, Cory? I know a million girls who would love to go out with you.

Cory: (Joking) Really? Cause I was thinking about ten.

Topanga: Cory.

Cory: (Laughs) Just a little tension breaker.

Topanga: So where does that leave us? I’m leaving for Pittsburgh tomorrow night.

Cory: Yeah. (Long pause) Well, it’s a long walk to Pittsburgh.

Topanga: (Grabs jacket from nearby box) So does that mean I have to give you back your jean jacket?

Cory: No, keep it. It’s your. (Drapes it on her shoulders, then hugs her from behind) Like I am.

Topanga: Good. Cause I wouldn’t have given it back to you anyway.

[SCENE – Chubbie’s. Cory and Shaun are having sodas and talking. There are countless empty cups, cans, and bottles before Cory, who finishes chugging a cup]

Shawn: So, (Takes a sip) what’re you and Topanga doing this weekend?

Cory: (Blinks disbelievingly) Y’know, Shawn, it occurs to me that we have been here an hour and you are yet to feel bad for me. Now, why is that? Why haven’t you felt bad for me?

Shawn: Cory, would you say that I happen to watch a lot of TV?

Cory: More than anyone I know, why?

Shawn: I have seen this plot a thousand times, and it always ends exactly the same. The girlfriend never moves away.

Cory: Shawn, this girlfriend’s mom got a job in Pittsburgh.

Shawn: Yeah yeah yeah, I know. All packed up and roll to a new school, boohoo, tears tears, gimme a challenge, okay? Topanga is not going anywhere.

Cory: Shawn, it’s not TV.

Shawn: Trust me.

Cory: So, you’re saying that she can’t move if we’re really supposed to be together, can she?

Shawn: Not if TV is the true mirror of our lives.

Cory: Okay, okay, but wait. What about tomorrow night? Now tomorrow night she’s coming over to my house to say goodbye, what about that?

Shawn: It’s not gonna happen.

Cory: What about ER? Now, the doctor on ER, she really left. What about her?

Shawn: ER’s real.

Cory: (Nods happily in agreement/realization) So, you don’t really thing she’s gonna leave, do you?

Shawn: No, I don’t.

Cory: And why not?

Shawn: Because you don’t deserve that kind of pain. (Sips soda)

[SCENE – Matthews’ backyard at night. Shawn and Cory and there. Topanga enters]

Topanga: Hi, Cory. Hi, Shawn, thanks for coming.

Shawn: (Oddly happy) Sure, Topanga. Reeeeeeaaally sorry you’re moving. (Walks behind Cory)

Cory: Um, Topanga, I was thinking, Saturday night, maybe you and I, we could go out to dinner, we could see a movie, we could hold each other for five hours?

Topanga: Cory, what are you saying? I came over to say goodbye, that’s hard enough.

Cory: (Desperately hopeful) Topanga, listen, we don’t need to say goodbye cause you’re not going anywhere, you’re not moving.

Topanga: Cory, what are you saying? My parents are in the car waiting for me. We’re leaving for Pittsburgh.

Cory: (Desperate) No, you’re not moving because we’re supposed to be together, like we’ve always talked about. So you can’t move. Because we don’t deserve that kind of pain.

Topanga: Cory, will you just give me a hug and a kiss and say goodbye to me?

Cory: No.

Topanga: (Hugs him, but he doesn’t respond) Goodbye, Cory. I love you. (Kisses him, but he doesn’t kiss her back. Walks away)

Cory: (Staring on in shock) (Shawn walks over) Shawn, what’s happening?

Shawn: It’s not over yet. (Pointing, sound of car starting) That car’s gonna turn around, just wait, just watch. Any second now. (Sound of car accelerating) Uh-huh. Just wait. Okay. (Sound of car driving away) (Pause) What the hell kind of TV show is this?

[Cut to later. Cory is still standing there with Shawn]

Cory: Shawn, do you know that pain everyone keeps talking about?

Shawn: Yeah.

Cory: I think I’m starting to feel it.

[TAG – Matthews’ backyard, continued from earlier. Shawn is gone, Eric approaches]

Eric: What’s going on?

Cory: (Choking on the words) Not much.

Eric: It smells good out here. What is that, trees? (Looks around)

Cory: (Really sad) I didn’t even say goodbye, Eric.

Eric: It’s alright, you’ll say goodbye the next time you say hello. (Laughs) Pittsburgh’s not that far, I made the drive last night.

Cory: You really went?

Eric: Oh yeah. Drove there, met a couple girls, told them I drove all the way there from Philly, called me a moron and here I am. Look, I was gonna go out, I dunno, get a pizza, rent some movies, you wanna go?

Cory: (Listlessly) No thanks.

Eric: Aw, come on, it’ll be my treat, we’ll go to Little Tony’s.

Cory: (Verge of tears) Naw, I just think I want to stay here.

Eric: Listen, Cor. I know I’m your older brother and everything, but, uh, I don’t know how to protect you from this one.

Cory: Could you just stay with me?

Eric: Yeah. Yeah, I’m not going anywhere, man.

To be continued…
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