03x02 - Two Daughters

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Numb3rs". Aired: January 2005 to March 2010.*
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An FBI agent recruits his brother, a mathematics genius, to help solve crimes.
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03x02 - Two Daughters

Post by bunniefuu »

Last week on Numb3rs:

CRYSTAL: Richer or poorer, baby.

DON: Pretty big career change for a 30-year-old teacher with no priors?

(pumping barrel)


CHARLIE: You have been locked in a pursuit curve with the K*llers.

MEGAN: She has crossed the threshold, and there are no more boundaries.

We're gonna have to take 'em.

FBI. Don't move.

DON: Look, you see what she did to Brenner.

What almost happened to you?

I'm not telling you where she is.

We live, or we die. Your choice.

Get in the car and drive.


"Buck goes free."

Looks like she left out the "or else."


We're doing a complete canvas of the area, but aren't a lot of people out here past 9:00, 10:00 at night.

What about this diner?

Shift change was 6:00 a.m.

We're tracking down the night crew right now.

I mean, she left it like this for a reason.

She's way off her M.O.

No dead bodies left behind.

COLBY: Yeah, what if it's not a body, though?

Maybe it's a hostage. DON: Maybe.

What's the deal with Megan? Where is she already?

I tried calling her at her apartment and her cell phone.

There was no answer. Yeah, well, try Larry.

We don't have a number for him.

And you know he's not listed, right?

Wait. Fleinhardt? Charlie!

You kidding me? Fleinhardt and Megan?

Yeah, man, for about a few weeks now.

So everybody knows?

Everybody knows now.

I can't believe she didn't tell me.

Yeah, so it's... it's like I said earlier.

I mean, even with the new point, I doubt my pursuit curves are gonna hold up any longer.

You know, given the arrest of Buck Winters, the change in movement from random to-to incentivized, they're no longer a team.

Right. You got a number on Larry, give it to Colby.

Uh, actually, Larry doesn't have a number.

He doesn't have a phone. Really?

He doesn't have a cell phone?

Yeah. He calls them "electronic leashes."

Look, you could try him at his office, but, you know, it's still pretty early.

(phone ringing) Oh, wait. Maybe this is her here.

Yeah, I got her. Megan, what's the deal?

Is this Agent Eppes, number one on her speed dial?

Who is this?

Exactly who you think it is.

I want a straight-up trade -- Buck for Reeves.

All right, let me talk to her.

Burbank Airport, 6:00 p.m.

Have a Cessna fueled and ready to go.

All right, get an APB on Megan's car, and a tap on her cell phone.

Start a GPS tracking.

If you get anything, I want it triangulated.

MEGAN (recording): Hey, you've reached 323...

Oh, damn! Pull Winters out of holding.

What-What's going on?

Hoyle's got Megan. Let's go!

(sirens wailing)

So, Hoyle ditched Megan's cell phone in a garbage can off of Alameda.

We got roadblocks set up all over town.

All right, good.

There she is.


DON: All right, let's see how long she waited.

(keyboard clicking)

COLBY: She didn't wait.

She followed.

DON: All right, look.

So, Hoyle wakes up, she finds Buck missing, right?

They've already k*lled one old boyfriend, Pierce Brenner.

DON: And he's out looking for this guy, Billy Rivers, who-who is boyfriend number two.

She must have shown up right at the time we locked up Buck.

And followed us straight back here.

DON: That takes some guts, parking right out there, man.

What kind of person takes that kind of risk?

The scariest kind -- too crazy to care, smart enough not to get caught.

LARRY: We-We had breakfast.

We said goodbye.

What time was that?

Oh, I don't know. 4:30 or quarter to 5:00.

Did you notice anything else?

A car maybe, somebody hanging around?

No, no. I was just...

I was focused on Megan.

And that is not true.

That's not true.

I had my own agenda.

My own need to return to my own intellectual orbit.

What the hell is wrong with me?

We're going to get her back, Larry, okay?

She's one of ours.

If I'd just waited the 15 minutes, followed her car home with my car.

Larry, Megan is a decorated FBI agent, she's a black belt in Krav Maga, and one of the best sh*ts in this office.

What-What are you...?

Is this your artless way of saying that I lacked the competence to defend her?

It's my way of saying that on a good day, any one of us can be gotten to.

(door opening)

It's bolted to the wall.

But go ahead and satisfy yourself.

You've kidnapped a federal agent.

I'm wanted for m*rder, as*ault, enough robberies to lose track.

You really want to tell me now how I'm supposed to let you go before I get into big trouble?

You're smart enough to know what you're doing.

What I want to know is why.

(distant sirens)

I told them I'd trade you for Buck.

That keeps you breathing, till 6:00 p.m., at least.

'Cause you really think they're going to negotiate with you?

(laughs) No, you don't.

You're not stupid, and I don't believe you're crazy, either.

Throwing away the life I had, there are those who would disagree.

Yeah, 'cause they don't know what it's like to live a life that isn't your own.


You read a few files, you figure you understand me?

Yeah, I might know you a little better than you think, Crystal.

I left home at 16.

Oh. How long did it take them to drag you back?

I didn't go back.

But, you know, things got a little crazy, and I had a wakeup call, and I had to decide which way the rest of my life was going to go.


Yeah? You ever miss crazy?

16 and waking up every day free, having no idea where the day was going to take me?

Yeah, I miss it.

Is there some reason you're telling me all this?

The more you know about me, the less likely you are to k*ll me.


Sit down.

Crystal took a hostage.


A federal agent she wants to trade you for.

And you want your agent back?

Then you'd better.

You're not going anywhere until you tell me what I want to know.

That's fine.

I got all day.

Well, I don't, and that should worry you.

Yeah? Why?

'Cause nothing matters to me except getting my agent back, and I got very little time, and you're my only lead.

So what?

What are you going to do?

Are you going to b*at me up?

I've never beaten a prisoner in my life, but if you don't tell me what I want to know by the time I walk out of that door, it's out of my hands.

I'm not telling you anything.

You sure this is what you want to do?

Do I look unsure?

COLBY: Don, I'm just saying, I've seen what happens when you cross certain lines.

It can be really hard to find your way back.

Colby, the only thing I want to find is my agent.


Why are you just sitting here?

I'm thinking.


Pareto improvements, shapely values, centipedes.

You know, Charles, Megan is a c*ptive, and she may be gravely wounded.

I think this might be a time for solutions, and not these-these intellectual musings.

Larry, I'm every bit as concerned about her as you are.

Oh, I doubt that.

But for me to help, I need to maintain an even temper and a lucid thought process, so, your anxiety is understandable, but it's not helpful.

Yeah, I know, I know.

I'm just clouded with emotion, and I am perversely resenting you your clear-headedness here.

What can I do to help?

Right now?


Yeah. I will do that.

They were staying in an abandoned house off of Ventura.

She's probably not there anymore.

All right, you got five minutes to put together a team.

He tell you where she'd go next?

If he knew, he would've told me.



Megan's car.

All right, pop the trunk.

All right.

She dumped Megan's phone about a mile from here, and then they changed cars.

Took Megan with her -- that means she's still alive.

CHARLIE: So what we have, really, is a bargaining game with incomplete information.

You know, it's as if one player has offered something to a second player in exchange for something that the second player's just unable to relinquish.

So the trick, I think, is to alter the game, or, you know, alter the parameters of the game.

You mean like a sudden-death overtime to break a tie score.

You know what?

That's not a bad example. That's not bad.

However, imagine two people playing tic-tac-toe.

If both play rationally, and neither make a mistake, well, then the game will always end in a draw, right?

I mean in order for one side to win, you have to alter the rules of the game, you know allow "X" to, to make two consecutive moves or prohibit "O" from choosing a crucial square.

You mean cheat.

Well, yeah, I mean you could put it that way.

See-see our ability to alter this game stems from the fact that Crystal Hoyle, really, she wants more than one thing.

When we caught Buck, they were looking for Billy Rivers.

Rivers has been pretty good at hiding from her and from us, though.

However, we can apply some forward induction to that problem, as well.

Rivers' criminal history contains one striking commonality, the appearance of a specific attorney in 81.25% of his arrest record.

So you call that attorney.

You explain to him that his client derives a greater benefit from Crystal Hoyle's apprehension than having to, to hide for an indeterminate amount of time.

You think he might go for that?

Well, hey, you know, look.

Even a lawyer can't argue with math.

So you got to explain something to me.

Isn't that how the bad guys always get caught in the movies, explaining too much?

You really consider yourself to be a bad guy?

Don't you?

I don't generally believe in bad and good, I believe in reasons.

I think Buck k*lled his father and that was his reason for running.

But I don't know what yours is.

Well, I couldn't just abandon him.

Sweet boy.

So intense.

Don't you remember what life was like when you were that age, and love was just so uncomplicated?

Yeah, but Crystal, he's just a boy.

Oh, really?

'Cause I don't know many men twice his age that'd be willing to take care of a woman and her...

And her what?

Are you pregnant?

No, I'm not pregnant.

Were you pregnant?

Once upon a time.

When you were 15, is that why you ran away?

No, I ran away because I was a B plus student, soccer team, never kissed a boy.

Parents never let me out of their sight, they were so afraid of me screwing up my life.

So that's exactly what you did.

You came here and you got involved with a married man, and your friend Lydia... said you ran away for six months.

Did Brenner get you pregnant?

Yeah, all of a sudden he couldn't leave his wife.

His father-in-law was going to help him open up a car lot.

So he made some arrangements.

All Pierce had to do was drive me to Billy's house.

It was the last I saw of that bastard.

Until Tuesday night.

But I'll say one thing for Billy, he's a better salesman than Pierce.

'Cause he convinced me that my daughter would be better off with some other family.

Crystal, do you know where your daughter is?


Billy's going to tell me.

And I'm going to find her and get her back.

Haven't seen the girl in like 15 years.

But you knew she was looking for you.

Uh, that friend of hers, Lydia was asking around.

I heard Crystal'd been on the Strip, hitting some of the old places, talking to some of the old people.

Why does she want to k*ll you, Billy?

Who says she does?

She shows up, you drop everything, disappear, you tuck tail and run?

Girlfriend shows up, way past the expiration date, you don't go out of your way to make yourself available, you know what I mean?

I thought he was here to cooperate.

My client is cooperating.

Came here of his own volition.


They're wasting our time here.

Take a look at this.

May change his attitude.

It's the deep background Megan requested on Pierce Brenner.

DON: In 1992, Pierce Brenner made a $50,000 payoff.

Pierce who? Not to you.

To you.

Come on, you're asking me about a single fee from 15 years ago--

From a dead car dealer who had the same girlfriend as your client.

In 1992.


So, that's a small world, Counselor.

Wait a minute, Brenner's dead?

Hoyle k*lled him two nights ago, and if you don't help me here you're gonna be bait for me out there.

Are you threatening my client?

Yeah, you bet your ass I am.

We came in here voluntarily.

Hey. I have an agent four, five hours away from being k*lled.

We're done here.

Oh, you may be but he's not. Arrest him.

Arrest me? For what? For statutory r*pe, how's that huh?

Corrupting a minor, how about that? Crystal Hoyle was 15.

You've just made a big mistake, Agent Eppes.

Yeah, sue me.

I'm crossing lines here.

I'm doing things I wouldn't have done before.

You know, I mean I'm desperate.

I-I don't know what else to do, I got no answers.

You're not responsible.

No, that's exactly what I am.

And I should have turned Edgerton loose on that kid before;

I'd have Hoyle by now.

There's something called the law of unintended consequences.

Charlie, I don't care about your laws, all right?

I don't care about your theories, or your algorithms.

You know, I mean this is like spitting in the ocean here.

The ocean?

We're reasonably certain that Megan and Crystal are somewhere in here.

Well, there's no such thing as a perfect dragnet.

The roadblock went up around the time that she switched cars.

Right around here.

Well, there's something called the trawler problem, where a fast boat chases a slower boat until the slower boat disappears into a fog bank.

Let me guess, we're the faster boat.

Right, and-and this is the fog bank.

The boundaries of the dragnet.

The solution to the problem is for the faster boat to assume that the slower boat has turned around and is heading back toward it.

EDGERTON: Why the hell would she do that?

She wouldn't.

The beauty of the solution is it doesn't matter.

Using the last known location of the missing boat as an origin point, we spiral out, and intersect with the slower boat before completing a full turn.

Crystal took Megan from here.

At approximately 4:45 a.m.

She then contacted you, and discarded Megan's phone here, at 6:50 a.m.

Shortly afterward, she and Megan headed back here.

Where we found Megan's car.

Charlie, this isn't the open ocean, though.

This is a city.

Right, right. No, we have to consider variegated terrain.

And a considerable time gap.

Compensate for the time lag, add overlapping search spirals to maximize the area covered.

Anyone else following this?

Just nod your head and wait for the punch line.

Punch line... is something like...


Man (on radio): Special Agent Eppes, what is your current location?

All right, we're turning out to Whitmore.

We could cross their paths and not even know it.

Beats the hell out of sitting around the office waiting for Hoyle to make the next move.

Make this left on Beaudry.

Left on Beaudry.

Shouldn't we be headed to the airport?

You think I'm a fool, don't you?

You don't just abandon somebody that loves you.

That's the second time you used the word "abandon."

You talking about Buck or your daughter?

Billy just took her right out of my arms.

Okay, listen to me.

You were 15 years old.

That's an explanation, it's not an excuse.

I was too weak to protect her then.

I'm not weak anymore.

Crystal, she's not a baby.

You're talking about a teenage girl who you wouldn't recognize if she walked in that door.


There's a bond between a mother and a child...

You know what, that is a fantasy.

You know what reality is?

You are thinking of ripping her out of the arms of two people who've devoted their entire lives to taking care of her.

And what kind of a life do you have to offer?

You going to take her on the road with you robbing liquor stores?

Shut up!

She is old enough to be Buck's sister.

She's the same age you were when you left home, is that why you're going to do this?

You're going to make your child live through all the same mistakes you made?

I thought you were trying to stay alive.

I just... I want you to think this through.

DISPATCHER: Report of g*nshots, Twilight Motel, Third and Bixel.

That's two blocks from here.

Yeah, that's the next stop on Charlie's map.

(siren wails)

Hey. Room 15.



sh*ts fired, Twilight Motel.

sh**t me and we all go.


Slow down, Crystal.

Just calm down. Grenade.


(siren wailing)

They're up there!

Second floor!

Room 15!

Oh, hey, she's cut, guys!

Hey, Megan, Megan?

Can you hear me?

She's cut bad; it looks like an artery.

Megan? She's in and out of it.

Megan, can you hear me?

Hold on, let me just get these cuffs off.

Silver Pontiac.

I need to take the vehicle. No, no, no, n-no.

We've got to get her to a hospital, she's bleeding out here.

DAVID: Stay with us, okay?

COLBY: I'll get the door to the car.

EDGERTON: LAPD'll be here in two minutes.

She's getting away.

She doesn't have two minutes!

Let's go, let's go.

We got you, sweetie.


Stay with us, Megan.

MEGAN: Pierce Brenner got Crystal Hoyle pregnant, and then found a lawyer sleazy enough to do the dirty work.

Yeah, yeah. We're all over it -- Adam Benton.

Yeah, he paid him 50 Gs.

And he was too smart to leave a straight trail to a 15-year-old pregnant girl, so he farmed out some of his dirty work to one of his regular clients.

Billy Rivers.

Who knows where that kid ended up?

Turns out this whole thing wasn't just about payback after all.

No, I think k*lling Brenner was Crystal's way of symbolically making room for Buck as the surrogate father, and once that affair was uncovered, which was totally rooted in all the childhood traumas, it was like the floodgates opened and now she's chasing a 16-year-old fantasy of love and family.

Well, Rivers is thoroughly lawyered up and we're going to have a hell of a time trying to dig up a 15-year-old black market baby.

We sure don't have enough to take on his attorney Benton.

Judge'll never give us a warrant on this little.

Right, well, we keep digging.

MEGAN: Hey, guys, before this gets away from us, I just wanted to say, thanks very much for the really good timing.

DON: Wasn't me. It was all you, Kickass, with that g*nsh*t, come on.

It just felt like a really good time for a Hail Mary there, but I was so lucky that you two were in the area.


That wasn't all luck.

Ooh, my friend Charlie.

Yeah, he invented a whole new search pattern.

I think he's calling it the "Reeves Variation."

(Megan laughing)

Oh, man, you get kidnapped for the day, you miss a lot around here.

DAVID: I still don't understand why Crystal grabbed you.

I mean, she's smart enough to know we weren't going to release Buck.

I think she feels like she failed to protect one child and she didn't want to see the same thing happen to another.

I don't know, maybe she just subconsciously wanted her story told.

But you know, the whole time we were in there, she was outside the motel on a pay phone.

DON: Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're on the phone dump.

Don't you worry, all right, you just get your rest.

We're supposed to let you get rest, so let's go, guys.

Good job.

Glad you're all right.

Charlie never gave me a variation.


Hey, is she okay?

Yeah, yeah, she's fine, but you guys got to keep it short, all right?

David, uh, earlier today, in the throes of, you know, unprecedented anxiety and fear, I-I said some things and I used a word...

Artless. That's the word.

I just want you to know, I-I apologize for, and thoroughly renounce, the harshness of my language.

You know I have to admit, I thought I'd been called every name there was, but that was a new one, Larry.


Oh, I'm sorry. Only have a few hours --

I didn't want to waste it going back to my apartment.

How's Megan?

Oh, she's going to be okay.

You can go visit her in the morning if you want.


I can't stop thinking about how far I would have gone to get her back.

How far did you go?


Hey, uh, remember when you were in Little League and you got beaned?

What, you mean when John Kinsella thought I was crowding the plate?

Well, you were crowding the plate.

I blame myself for not telling you to back off, but um...

I took it out on your coach.

I told him to meet me in the parking lot.


My point is that when you care about people, and feel responsible for them, it can blind your good sense.

Yeah, well, that's the question -- when's it come back?

Or does it?

Well, in my case, it was right at the moment that I realized that Coach McGuinness was a Golden Gloves boxer.


You see, when you wrestle with your choices, you can take that as a sign that good sense will return.

Sooner or later.

Yeah, so what's up with the condo?

Oh, I narrowed it down to two.

You know, Dad...

I kind of hate my apartment.

Relax, they both have tennis courts.

Well, what I mean is...

I mean, I don't know if you notice, but I'm over here a lot.

No, really?

Yeah. And I got that second room.

I keep thinking I should do something with it.

It's full of boxes that have been there, what, two years?

Are you suggesting that I not move out?

No, what I'm saying is, just don't underestimate how great it is to have somebody to come home to talk to.


Hey. Hey.

What are you doing here so late?

I could ask you the same thing.

Hey... do you want to grab that dinner that we missed?

Um, actually, I kind of knew I'd be here late, so...

I got a sandwich on the way in.

Um, I'm sorry.

I should have waited for you, huh?

I should have... (clears throat)

I should have called you at least.

No, it's fine. I'm not that hungry anyway.

Um, Larry called me, and I'm glad to hear that Megan's okay.

I'm sorry. I really... I should have...

I should have called you.

I shouldn't have not called you.

I just got so preoccupied Charlie... with the trawler problem, and...

Charlie. What?

Have you noticed that you've been apologizing to me a lot lately?

Whether you need to or not?

I'm so... I'm sorry.

No, I... It's just I guess... yeah...

I have been feeling a little pressure since you decided to stay.

I don't want to disappoint you.

Or upset you.

But your solution is to walk on eggshells around me?

Well, when you put it that way, it sounds a little untenable.

Setting aside for one moment the massively egotistical presumption that I opted for the professorship at Calsci just to date you...

No, that's... Look, Charlie, I accepted an amazing position.

And yes, I do want to try.

But only if you want to try, too.

DON: You think Hoyle's taking off?

She gave up a lot to get here to find a long-lost daughter.

My instinct says no.

Well, you know, you should talk to Megan -- see what kind of insights she got on Hoyle.

I have all the insight I need.

What, you don't ever get tunnel vision being on a manhunt this long?

I did.

Messed me up, changed me.

I had to give up that game.

That's the difference.

Hunting didn't change me, it chose me.

Guys, I got the phone dump back from the motel.

Two calls to the Washington DC office of the National Criminal Information Center.

NCIC? Yeah.

Wait, Hoyle had Megan's purse.

That's her contacts, her ID, badge.

Accessing a federal database is a much better reason to grab a fed than some crackpot hostage switch.

These calls went out before 9:00 a.m., before the APB traveled that far.

She was looking for information on Billy Rivers and his attorney of record.

Adam Benton.

All right, you on that? Yeah.

All right call me if you get anything.

All right.

Time of death was around 2:00 a.m.

p*stol-whipped and then sh*t.

Looks like Crystal connected the dots.

She had the same idea Charlie did.

If you can't find Rivers, talk to his lawyer.

These files on the floor -- payments to hospitals, nursemaids, birth certificate registrations.

Black market babies.

Scumbag like Rivers just can't sell the kid out on the street.

He has to find himself a respectable middle man.

Yeah, I'm figuring all Crystal Hoyle really wanted from Billy Rivers was the name of the guy who sold her baby.

And the names of the people who bought it.

It doesn't look like she left here without her answers.

Which means she knows where her daughter is.

And we don't.

Aren't you defying the spirit of the hospital's discharge rules, if not the letter?

I have to find her, Larry.

Crystal Hoyle?

Her daughter.

I mean, what's the difference if we catch every bad guy on Earth if I can't save one innocent life from being ruined?

Okay, granted, but where exactly are we heading to?

I don't know.

Benton is dead, all his files are gone.

Crystal Hoyle may be the only person on the planet who knows where her daughter actually is.

Right this way.

You know, in physics we approach similar conundrums as inverse problems.

You mean, you start with the answers and you work your way back to the question?

That's correct. Instead of exploring the psyche of the hunter, we look at the thought processes of the hunted.

Okay, so we have a childless couple desperate to start a family.

So desperate that they might turn a blind eye to the morally opprobrious means by which the child comes into their lives.

Yes, you're right.

They would try and erase all the emotional evidence.

They would take possession by any acts of normalcy.

But what, what acts?

A birth certificate, a pediatrician, a social security number.

CHARLIE: The first three digits of a social are assigned by the zip code of the applicant.

And the next two break down numbers from the same area into smaller, easier to manage blocks.

Even if we focus on numbers generated in Southern California, that still leaves us with a lot of data.

But in California, each hospital is assigned a batch of social security numbers based on birthrate projections.

Which gives us another filter.


So then, by looking at the remaining numbers issued around the time that Crystal's baby would have been born... we can apply a sorting algorithm.


(computer beeps)


That'll pull out anomalous data in packets, which we can further break down.

Right. Good.

You know, I started playing golf last year because my dad plays golf, you know, Don plays golf, so I thought it might be something we could do together.

Sounds great.

Except that I was terrible.

You know, my body wouldn't do what it was supposed to do, and the math of the ball trajectory was always being challenged by... reality.

And right away, I-I-I wanted to quit.

I think I tend to give up on things that I don't learn quickly.

Which is a character flaw that I am working on.

So, did you get better at golf?

No, I'm still terrible, but I'm improving.

I'm enjoying the journey.

You know, if we put something like this in the filter, I think that it would...

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, that makes it -- that makes it so much more... elegant.

There she is.


(siren blares)

(cell phone rings)

COLBY: Hello?

Megan, a call for you came in from the switchboard.


She's beautiful, isn't she?

Yes, she is.

Crystal, it's time to come in.

I want to talk to Buck.

You need to trust me now.

I trust you to trace this phone call.

You have Buck call me and I might talk long enough for you to find me.


Hey, baby.

How are they treating you?

I screwed up, Crys.

I know you told me to wait, but I couldn't just...

Shh, don't let it get to you, Buck.

Screwing up's the part of life you learn from.

BUCK: I told them it was all me.

I'm going to plead guilty to everything.

You can turn yourself in now.

They have to let you go.

You sweet, silly boy.

You know how much I love you?

I love you, too, baby.

They can't keep us apart from each other forever.

You'll wait for me, won't you, Crys?


Hey, it's Eppes.

We need a helicopter and a roadblock.

CRYSTAL: Only two people in the world I ever loved, and I'm no good for either one of them.

What are you talking about?

Crys, you're my whole life.

Good-bye, Buck.



Signal's moving south.

She's running for Mexico.

She's got nothing left to lose.

Everything in front of her's fair game.

The Galton Board, huh?

You drop enough balls, you get a bell curve distribution.

Honestly Larry, I could do this all day long.

Watching what happens when you begin to block the paths.

The distribution changes, the patterns alters... and the ball no longer has a choice of where to fall.

All right, guys, heads up.

(sirens blare)

(cell phone rings)

MEGAN (on phone): It doesn't have to end this way.

I can't think of another way.

Could you tell my daughter...

Tell her what?


It's like I never was.


You might want to get out of the way, Agent Reeves.

She's coming.

(tires screech)

She's gonna try to run us.

(g*nsh*t, glass breaks)

(tires screeching)

(horn blares)

All right, guys.

Let's clear it.

LARRY: You know, I am forever looking outward for my miracles.

Um, Comet Wild 2, you know, with its core forged in stellar flame.

The spectral properties of supernova remnant 1713.7-3946...

Just, the sheer magnificence of the Magellanic Clouds and, I don't know, every once in a while I allow these, these outer wonders to kind of blind me to the, the inner miracles that are occurring, transpiring, every day all around us.

I didn't see any miracles today, Larry.

No, no, no, but, you see, the tendrils that connect human beings one to another, they're just so, so... unlikely.

So inherently, uh... fragile.

I-I think that it's a miracle that they even exist at all.


I should shut up, shouldn't I?


You should kiss me now.


Of course.

ANNOUNCER: You have to earn a birdie on this par four.

Hey. Hey.

You get her?

Bad, huh?


Oh, golf?

Yeah, I thought I'd remove the physical aspect of the game.

Maybe then I can, uh...

Game your way into a lower handicap?


Thought you were done with this sport.

Yeah, I thought I was, too, and then I... kinda got into trouble with Amita.

And golf gets you out of it?

Well, you're the man, Charlie.

You know what? You shouldn't use your driver, you should use the 3 wood there.


Because of the green.

Here. I'll show you.

All right, just show me. Just show me, then.

Well, give me the thing. Why do you have to try...?

This has the ring of a very familiar conversation.

What are you guys...?

Why do you have to...? What is your problem?

That's so rude.

You're making a very awkward moment for me.

I have to ask my, uh, my landlord for a favor. (bickering)

Will you tell him to stop it? Will you tell him to quit it?


I would like to, uh, build a private staircase to my, uh, bedroom.

At my own expense, of course.

What? I thought you were moving out.

Well, I changed my mind.

Hold on, so no tennis?

You'll have to play on the public courts, my friend, like everyone else. I'm sorry.

And this shouldn't be construed as disappointment.


What happened?

Well, I did a little math of my own.

And I, uh, measured the, um, benefits of privacy versus the pleasure of your company.

Oh. What are you doing?

Well... You're playing golf!

Yeah. Oh!

Thinks he's training for a comeback.

Is that a 3 wood you're using?

That's Don's 3 wood. You can't use a 3 wood.

He's gotta get it up, that's why.

No, you gotta use a 2 iron. Here, let me show you.

Dad, what are you talking about?

This is so ridiculous, you know.

A little expertise wouldn't hurt anybody. This is my game.

This is my TV set. This is my own house.

Well, why don't you get us some of your beers then?

Get your own beers. Quiet. Watch it.

There you go. Nice.

Dad, are we -- we are his guests, right?

I'm getting ready to measure the benefits of privacy all over again.
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