Ladies in Lavender (2004)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Ladies in Lavender (2004)

Post by bunniefuu »


Shall we paddle?

I'd rather not.

I'm going to.

Oh! [Laughs]

Is it cold?

Hey, Ursula, stop it!

Oh! [Laughs]

No, please, I beg you, don't.

[Man on radio]: White, Dover, Thames, Humber, Heligoland.

South-to-southwest gales spreading from the west, with rain and moderate or poor visibility.

Storms are imminent.

I'm going up.

Right. Oh, I'm coming now.

[Wind howling]

[Seagulls screeching]


Janet! -Hmm?

The sun is out again.

[Janet groans]

[Sighs] Oh, good.

Oh. It's so gorgeous.

Everything smells so fresh after the storm.

We seem to have escaped relatively unscathed.

Oh, the buddleia's knocked about a bit, though.

The tide was quite high last night.


What's that? Janet, quick, come here.

What's that? At the end of the beach. That black thing?

I can't see it. There ... there.

Oh. Oh, dear.

I think it's a body.

I'll telephone Pendered.

[Ursula]: Where do you think he's gone?

I don't know. Perhaps he's doing his nets or something.

Did you telephone Dr. Mead?

Yes, of course.

[Ursula]: Do you think he's dead?

I suppose the sensible thing would be to turn him over.

Oh, God.

Oh, Janet, you do it.

He's alive.

The tide's low enough for you to get round the point.

See if you can find Pendered... and Luke.

Get them to bring a stretcher.

And ask Mrs. Pendered for some brandy.

Go on! He's barely alive!

And send Joe Gallow on his bike to find Dr. Mead.

[Man]: What you got there, missus?

I should have thought that was obvious, Mr. Pendered.

[Pendered]: I don't know where he's come from. Ain't no sign of a wreck.

You hear anything, Lukey? No.

That's enough for now.

[Pendered]: Get him on the stretcher.

Be careful with that ankle. I think it's broken.

Lift on three, Lukey.


[Janet]: Did you send Gallow for Dr. Mead?

[Ursula]: Yes, I suggested he came straight to the house.


Good heavens! What's going on here?

Dorcas, we have a visitor. Is the spare room ready?

I'll do it, Miss Janet. This way, Mr. Pendered.

We have to go straight up the stairs.

[Bird chirping]

You can get out for a start.

I was talking to the magpie.

You should've been more polite. Oh, get on with it.

He's decent. You can come in now.

He's obviously exhausted. That ankle's gonna take some time.

Doesn't have much to say for himself, does he?

Perhaps he doesn't understand. He doesn't look English.

Yes, well, leave him to sleep. I'll take a look in the morning.

I'll see myself out. Thank you, Doctor.

Don't keep building up that fire.

If he doesn't have a fever now, he soon will have.

We'd better leave him. There's nothing we can do for the moment.

[Door opening]



Do you want tea?

You'll wake him up.

Think I'll wait until Janet gets up from her nap.

She's up. Is she?

She hasn't been long.

All right. I'll be down directly.

Well he isn't gonna run off.

[Door slams]

Shhh, shhh.

Don't be frightened. You're among friends.

[Speaking Polish]

What did you say?

[Speaking Polish]

Don't you speak English?

Parlez-vous français?

No. No, no, you mustn't move.

No. Um...

Sprechen die-- Sprechen sie Deutsch?


[Speaking German]


Oh, dear, I give up.


We... No, no.


We think... we think... that you were shipwrecked.

[Imitates wind]


And you managed to swim to shore.

And somehow, you, um, broke your ankle.

You broke your ankle.

Dr. Mead, um, the doctor, he thinks you need much rest.

[Speaking Polish]


[Speaking Polish]

But you don't think he's German?

Oh, no. Just as well.

[Mouth full, indecipherable] Oh, Ursula. Please.

Sorry. He seems to understand the language.

Oh, really? Since when did you speak German?

Well, I...

How is he?

If he drinks any more tea, he's gonna need a chamber pot

'cause he ain't fit to walk to the bathroom.

You finished with this lot?

Yes, I think so.

What's he gonna do without his clothes?

His own are ruined.

I thought perhaps some of father's might fit him.

I doubt it, but you could try.

You want me to get the chest then?

If you wouldn't mind, Dorcas.

They're probably a bit damp.

I'll take him the pot too, shall I?

Well, I'm sure he hasn't got nothin' that I haven't seen before.

They're nice and warm.

[Speaking Polish] Hmm?

- Danke schon. Oh.

English - thank you.

Thank you.

Polnisch - dziekuje.

I see.

I'll just, um... leave the door ajar.

And I'm going to get my knitting.

Why are you creeping about?

I'm not creeping about.

I'm just...

Ollendorff and I are going to speak to him.

What, now? Yes.

He might be asleep.

Well, if he is, I won't.

What's the matter with you?

I think he's Polish.


He used the word "Polnisch."

Well, why didn't you say so?

Neither of us speak Polish; we haven't even been to Poland.

Hopeless, Ursula.

Shh, shush!

When did he say it?

Don't push!


[Ursula]: Shh!

Ah! Oh!

[Janet]: Hello.

Are you feeling better?

Are you hungry? Mmm-mmm!

[Janet]: Ursula, stop it.

You look like a cannibal.

Kommen aus Polen?

Aus Polen? Ja.

I told you.

Wie ist dein name?

Marowski. Andrea.

Andrea Marowski.

Ja. [Janet laughs]

[Janet]: Ich Miss Widdington.

Und das ist mein schwester.




Young, see? What?


He never would've won if I hadn't had a bad leg.

Bad leg? You haven't got any skill in your fingers.

How's your castaway getting along then, Doctor?

Pretty bashed about a bit, actually, Jon.

God knows where he came from. Bugger doesn't speak a word of English.

He isn't from around here, that's for sure.

[Men laughing]

Christ Almighty, Lukey!

What the hell's the matter with thee?

[Ursula]: When did Dr. Mead say he'd be here?

When he's finished his surgery.

So what do people from Poland have for breakfast?

Probably some awful kind of sausage.

But I'm sure porridge will do him much more good.

We'll soon find out.

Nothing wrong with his appetite. Glad to hear it.

Are the sisters of mercy in attendance?

Yes, we are.

Good morning, Doctor. Shall we go up?

Morning, Janet.

I'm glad to see that bruise.

Doesn't look very pretty, but better it's there than not.

Eh, nurse? What's his temperature? It's a little over.

Make sure he drinks lots of water.

So, Polish, is he?

It would appear so.

What are you going to do with him?

What do you mean, "do with him"?

He can't stay here forever.

No. When he's recovered, that's for him to decide.

You look a little flushed, dear.

Do I?

Perhaps you should get some fresh air.

Well, when it's a little cooler, I will.

Well, it's time for my rest, I think.

I'll look in on the patient.



I've had an idea.

Now, look.

I say the word, and you repeat it after me.

You understand?

Never mind. You'll soon catch on.

"Chair." Now you say it.



Very good! Very good!




Uh, "clock."

Clock. Yes.


Mirror. Very good.


Curtain. Yes!

"Bed." Bed.

"Ursula." [Laughs]

Ursula. Me. Ursula.


[Ursula]: Now I'm going to take the paper away.

Window. Window.

Yes! Very good!

We're learning English.

He might be, Ursula.

You are making holes in the furniture.

[Man on radio]: Another sausage, and he still owes for the brushes.

[Audience laughs]

Well, now I'm going to get on with my little song.


Excuse me laughing. I know what's coming but it's awfully good.

[Louder]: But I'd like to have done my dance for you tonight, [lower]: 'cause my dancing...

I can hardly hear it. I don't want it to disturb Andrea.

Anyway, you don't like Arthur Askey. That's beside the point.

"Ghastly little man," you call him.


I might as well go to bed.

You coming?

Not for a minute, no.

[Man singing on radio, indistinct]


[Dorcas]: So you want pilchards, do you?

[Janet]: I think so.

We always used to use coley fish.

I'm sure. I think pilchards would be better.

You gonna make it, are you?

All right. What did he think of my pasties?

He loved them.

Ha! Thought he might.

Don't forget the washing. Looks like rain.

You know...

When Andrea's able to walk, he's going to need some clothes.

Yes, I know. I thought I'd use some of the money Aunt Elizabeth left me to get him a new outfit.


What do you mean, "why"?

Why not use our joint account?


We're both responsible for him.

And I was the one who saw him first.

Oh, don't be ridiculous.

Very well. We'll use the joint account.

Don't be angry with me. I'm not angry with you, Ursula.

I'm just gonna get the washing.

No, no, I'll do it. I'll do it!

Oh, Ursula.

[Men chattering]

[Dorcas]: Not cheap, is it?

[Man]: It is for everyone else. You can afford it.

It's just as well.

[Men chattering]

[Dorcas]: I want some pilchards.

[Man]: No more left.

What do you mean, haven't got any left?

I did have half an hour ago.

What have you done with it, then?

All right. Phyllis has got 'em up at the shed.

She'd better have.

[Woman]: What's she want pilchards for?

Stargazey pie.

What's the matter with coley fish?

She wants pilchards.

Can she tell the difference? [Chuckles]

[Janet]: Andrea seems a lot brighter.

Why don't you take him up a cup of tea?


Ursula. What?

Don't you think you're being rather silly?

Silly now, is it?

Oh, for goodness sake!

How many?

[Janet]: I think we need some more.

Mm-hmm. [Janet chuckles]

It hasn't let up for a minute.

I said- I heard you.

I think you should apologize.

What for?

For snapping at me.


I'm sorry.

I'd call that perfunctory.

Ursula. You can be so insensitive.

On the contrary.

Sehr gute?

What did you say?


[Thunder rumbling]

Ursula, I'm sorry if I upset you.

Thank you.

Don't you think you're behaving rather oddly?

Janet, you've apologized. I've accepted your apology.

Just leave it at that, please.

All right for you? Get out.

Jump in. You'll get soaked.

Oh, bloomin' heck!

I knew this was comin'.

Oh, what's all this about?

It's for your patient.

Ain't my patient.

[Dorcas]: Bit of a fog in here.

She were a cr*cker 40 year ago.

Do you think he's ready for this?

If it gets him from the bed to the chair, it's a start.

He mustn't put any weight on the ankle, though.

Do be careful.

Oh! Bravo. Oh, goodness.

Good. Right. I'll see you in a week or so.

[Loud]: Don't try and run before you can walk.

[Man on radio]: Events of major importance happened in Europe today.

First, this morning, the representatives of Britain, France and...

[Ursula]: Do you think Andrea would be a soldier if he were at home?

[Janet]: Probably.

[Radio]: Informed by the German government that Germany regarded the Franco-Russian...

We're going to have to go into Truro to get him some clothes.

I know. Who did father go to?

Can’t remember.

[Radio]: By the obligations assumed at the Carno.

He's so young, isn't he?

Yes, he is.

I think we can eat.

I'll take Andrea's tray up.

Perhaps he might want to try coming downstairs.

Oh, no. It's far too early for that.

I hope he's gonna like it.

They look so sad, don't they?

Not at all.

Don't eat too quickly.


Doesn't matter.

It's very filling, isn't it?

You don't have to eat it, Ursula.

I'm sure Andrea will eat what you can't manage.

Perhaps I'll eat later.

He might like some of my bottled pears.

Penhaligan and Hallett.

What, dear?

Father's tailors. Penhaligan and Hallett.

Oh, yes.

[Indistinct chattering]

[Ursula]: Socks.



For your feet.


"t*nk" you.

Th-th-thank you.

Th-thank you.

It's my pleasure.


[Speaking Polish]

[Speaking German]

[Speaking German]

[Speaking Polish]



Janet, stop! What's the matter?

It’s Andrea. I don't think he likes your playing.

He's become almost violent.

Andrea? Andrea?

[Speaking German]

[Speaking German]

[Repeats German word]

Oh! Oh, he does... he does like music.

He just prefers the violin.

- Ja. Ja. Ja.

Oh, dear. What a pity we don't have a gramophone.

We could buy one. Well, they're frightfully expensive.

Adam Penruddocke plays the violin.

Does he?

I believe so.

Wipe your feet. [Feet wiping]

All right.

Just a minute. Lift them up.

And the other one.

All right.

[Janet]: Oh, Adam.

How good of you to come.

Our guest has expressed a desire to hear some music on the violin.

All right.


This is Adam Penruddocke.

[Speaking German]


You've come to play for him.

Perhaps you better sit down.


[Hits bad note]

Shall I play something else for you?

Give me.


[Plays Penruddocke's song]

[Woman from outside]: Bravo! Encore! Encore!

[Woman]: Forgive me.

I simply couldn't help responding to such marvellous playing.

Was it you?

It was neither of us.

Well, whoever it is is extremely gifted.

Yes, they are.

Now if you'll excuse us.

You don't think that was rather rude? No, I do not.

[Speaking German]

It's no good looking at me.

Who was that then?

I don't know. Never seen her in my life before.

Would he like me to leave me fiddle?

Oh, that would be very kind, Adam.

You can be assured, it will be well looked after.

It's all right. You can hang onto it for a bit.

[Speaking German]

Well, now.

I think that's enough excitement for today.

Thank you, Adam. It's so kind of you.

This way. Mind your head.

[Cranking motor]


Perhaps we should phone Mr. Bennett.

Certainly not. Is the choke full out?

I don't know.



There's the choke.

Now, come on, old girl.

[Engine starts]


I've got a job for you.

You put the peel in here and the spuds in here.

You have done this before, haven't you?


You put the peel in here and the spuds in here.



Proper name is potato, but we call them spuds.



Oh. [Speaks Polish]


[Repeats word]



It's no good. I can't understand a word you're saying.

And don't get artistic.

Just peel the bloomin' thing.

Harris tweed.

Your father had a suit not dissimilar to this one.

I remember. It lasted him for years.

It's a lovely colour, Janet.

Hmm. That's as may be.

That's it.

You don't think it a little heavy for the summer, Mr. Penhaligan?

No, the advantage of tweed, Miss Widdington, is that it allows the wearer to breathe, as it were, because of the openness of the weave.

I see. I like it.

It's also very hard wearing.

And the price?

Um... just over three guineas.

Oh, good Lord.


Oh, yes.

And that includes an extra pair of trousers.

And without?

Zip or button fly, sir?

Zip, please.

[Penhaligan]: 2 pounds and 15 shillings.

Fine. Shirts?



Is this a five or a six, Ursula?


What? Sorry.

Neck size. Is it a 15 or a 16?

16. You need new glasses.

Not at all. It's your writing.

16, please.

Just a minute.

We have collars, Miss Widdington.

Attached and for detached.

A stiff collar looks awfully smart, Janet.

[Janet]: Possibly, but it's awfully uncomfortable.

Attached, I think.



Either of you?

[Church bells ringing]

That's it. Spread it out nice.

Keep them coming.

[Man]: What's Barry doing? Counting it?

[No audible dialogue]

All done now, nearly.

[Ursula]: Do you think he should go?

Oh, why not? The harvest party's always fun.

No, I mean, with Luke on his motorcycle.

Oh, I think he'll be all right.


Oh, you do look smart. [Horn honks]

That sounds like your chauffeur. Thank you.


Do be careful, Luke.



Have a lovely time.

[All]: Going up Camborne Hill coming down Going up Camborne Hill coming down There you go, boys.

I used to run up Camborne Hill.

All right, Barry?

Who's he? Who?

Him there. He's a foreigner.

A foreigner? He plays the fiddle.

Well, he can come and fiddle with me any day he likes.

[Andrea]: What is Camborne Hill?

A bloody great hill, as big as a mountain.

I should have retired a long time ago. No, really?

Yes, but I have the energy of a man ten years my junior.

I don't believe it. But you were saying he lives with the old ladies.

Who? The young man.

Oh, yes. For the time being. Yes. But l...

What else do you know about him?

[Dr. Mead]: Precious little other than that he's Polish.

Come on, Adam. Let's have The White Rose.

[Crowd cheers]

I love the white rose in its splendour I love the white rose in its bloom I love the white rose So fair as she blows Come on, have a dance.

No, thank you.

[Man]: Cheer up, Barry. It'll never happen.

The first time I met you my darling Your face was as red as the rose But now your dear face has grown pale As pale as the lily white rose I love the white rose in its splendour I love the white rose in its bloom I love the white rose Now then, keep in tune.

It's the rose that reminds me of you I love the white rose in its splendour


Keep your foreign, f*ckin' eyes off her, boy.

[Man]: Pack it up, Barry... or I shall have to piss all over you.


[Man]: Bravo!

[Hushed chatter]




[Crowd cheering]

[Speaking German]



[Man laughing outside]



[Groans] [Door opens]


[Men talking, indistinct]

[Andrea, drunk]: Going up Camborne Hill coming down Going up Camborne Hill coming down Coming down Going up Camborne Hill coming down




What do you mean, "what"?

Get them out of here!

Go on.

Go on. Go on by, then.

Go on.

Get past me.

Go on.

I said go on.

Do you think we should wake him?

I'd rather you didn't.

He hasn't made a sound.

He made enough last night.

[Door opens] [Dorcas]: Morning.

[Janet]: Morning, Dorcas.

That Trevor's in a right state this morning.

Beasts all over the place. He's not the only one.

We think Andrea may be rather the worse for wear.

So I hear. Jan had to take him back.

We haven't woken him yet.

Want me to?

Perhaps some strong tea.





Look at the state of you.

He's up.

How do you feel?

Pretty sorry for himself, I should think.

Never mind.

Dorcas has made you some pasties for lunch.

This is where we found you.

I was dead.

We thought you were.



Wunderbar! [Laughs]

Hello, again.

My name is Olga.

How do you do? Good afternoon.

[Speaking German]

[Andrea speaking German]

We met the other evening at the village hall.

Forgive me. I had to stop to listen to that music.

You have such a beautiful garden.

Thank you.

Well, I should go.


Mmm. That's delicious. [Speaking German]

[Andrea speaking German] [Kisses]

I know it's not really Christian of me, but I dislike that woman intensely.

Is she German?

I wouldn't be at all surprised.

Olga's a Russian name.

She frightens me.

She's like the witch in a fairytale.

[Dorcas]: She's no better than she ought to be, that one.

For you.

Music and flowers.

Thank you. Dankeschon.

[Janet]: Oh. Oh, thank you.

Shall we put them in water, Ursula?

I only said "Dankes chon."

I just think it would be better for Andrea if we spoke in English from now on.

Whatever you say, Janet.

[Softly]: Three blind mice three blind mice See how they run see how they run They all ran after the farmer's wife...

[Ursula's voice, reading]: "Forgive my intrusion recently.

"I feel I should explain my interest in your companion and his music.

"My name is Daniloff. My brother is the violinist Boris Daniloff, of whom you may have heard."


"Your companion has a rare gift, "and I should like to know a lot more about him.

"I'm here for a short holiday

"in the hope of improving my meagre ability as a painter.

"Perhaps you would be good enough to pass on my best wishes to-

Is it Andrea?

"Yours sincerely, Olga Daniloff"

Boris? [Footsteps]

Good morning.


Good morning, Andrea.

Would you like some tea?

Yes, thank you.

Well, there's no cup. Some porridge?

No. No, thank you.

You sit and I'll get you a cup.


[Speaking German]


[Andrea]: Daniloff? Boris Daniloff?

[Janet, speaking German]

Ja. He's a god.



Why you ask?


[Ursula]: How clumsy of me.

[Andrea]: Please, I will do.

[Dorcas]: Breaking up the happy home, are we?

[Turns off engine]


[Rings bell]

Good afternoon! Good afternoon.


Very lovely.

Thank you.

Please, carry on.

Well, I'm not sure how I feel about having an audience.



I'm sorry. It's just that you puzzle me.

A talented, and may I say, attractive woman, alone.

The fact that I am alone should not give you, or anyone else, cause for concern.

Yes, of course.


That building over there is a folly.

Is it?

It was built by the owner of the big house as a place to escape from his wife.

Enjoy a quiet drink with his cronies.

Rather a good idea, don't you think?


Well, better let you get on.

I have to heal the sick.

Make the lame walk.

How is your Polish patient?

The Polish patient?

Yes, the young musician who is staying with the old ladies.

Well... Yes, he's fine.

I'm a bit of a musician myself, you know.

Are you?

Contrabass with the Hospital Orchestral Society.

I haven't played for years, mind.

My late wife couldn't abide it.

Well, I better be off.


Perhaps I should have built myself a folly.


It's mended very well.

I don't see why we can't send him back to Poland.

Andrea is part of the family, Doctor.

Is he, now?

That's very nice.

All these artistic visitors, suddenly.

What do you mean, "all these visitors"?

I saw that young painter woman on my way here.

She asked after you.


[Speaking German]

[Continues speaking German]


Yes, indeed.

Right. Well, I'll sh**t off now then.

No need for me to see him again.

Don't you think perhaps you should tell the authorities that he's here?

Probably, yes.

[Janet]: Thank you, Doctor.

I'll see you out.

Just a moment, Andrea.

What is it?

He asked me again about Daniloff. What did you say?

I said we'd heard his name on the wireless.

We do listen to the occasional concert on Friday evenings.

But we didn't. Janet.

Do we have to tell the authorities?

We hear wireless?

Well, in the evenings - 'Abend'

This evening?

No, no, no. Not this evening.

We'd rather hear you play, Andrea.

No. If you could hear Boris Daniloff!

[Andrea]: That way is America - a new life for me.

Let's go back. It's getting chilly.

Aunt Elizabeth used to say, "America was made up of the sweepings of Europe."

I no understand.

[Ursula]: It doesn't matter.

[Classical music on radio]


Shall I make some cocoa? Shh!

[Mouths words]

[Ursula]: Do you think he should? [Janet]: Hmm?

Yes, it's a bit like falling off a horse.

The sooner you get back on, the sooner you conquer the fear.

I see.

I hope you checked father's bathing costume for moth holes.

Yes, silly.

Don't go out of your depth!




Andrea! Andrea!

Janet, where's he gone?

I don't know.




Andrea? Oh!


That is not funny.

[Man singing]: Roses are shining in Picardy In the hush of the silver dew Roses are showering in Picardy But there's never a rose like you And the roses will die in the summertime And our paths may be far apart But there's one rose that dies not in Picardy

'Tis the rose That I keep in my heart

Were you very much in love with Peter?

Ursula, really.

It's just that I keep thinking about you both.

You never speak of him.

I have done.

Did he want to go back to the w*r?

He felt it was his duty.

They all did.

I don't think they had any choice.


Did you nurse Germans too?

If they were brought to us.

I hope it doesn't happen all over again.

So do I.


[Coughs] Oh!


You're full of the joys of spring this morning.



[Andrea]: I want to go to America.

[Fisherman]: You want to go where, boy? America he said, I think.

[Fisherman #2]: Ask Joe over there. Joe will take you.

[Men laugh]

He'll take you on his back, won't he?

[Fisherman #1]: Barry would. [Men laugh]

Barry would take him anywhere. [Andrea]: America?

Don't be daft.

Land's end is about as far as I'll take you.

[Men laugh]


Gave you a bit of a fright, didn't it, boy?

[Shuts off engine]

[Olga laughing]

[Speaking German]

[Starts engine]

Did you have an enjoyable day, Andrea?

I no understand.

[Speaking German]

Yes. Yes. I had a good day.






Will you have some more?

No. Thank you.

I go to play.

What do you think's the matter with him?

I don't know.

[Olga's voice]: My dear brother, I hope this finds you well and that your concerts are a huge success.

During my stay in Cornwall, I have had the great good fortune to meet a young man of extraordinary talent.

He plays the violin almost as exquisitely as you.

If only you could hear him.

I believe you would be astounded.

[Janet, whispering]: Ursula!

What are you doing?

Come back to bed.

I made you a sandwich.

What do you think you were doing last night?


I don't know.

You were happy with Peter, weren't you?

It wasn't all pain.

Why, no, but...

Before he was k*lled, you...


Andrea's a boy.

Yes, and I'm an old woman...

Silly and ridiculous and... foolish.


Well, how could I be anything else?

It's not fair.


No, it isn't.

[Sniffles] Do you want him to go?


Andrea - do you want him to leave?

No, but...

I'll be all right, Janet.

Will you?

[Shuts off engine]

[Resumes play slowly]


I think you should go.

I no understand.

Please, Andrea.


Auf wiedersehen.

Auf wiedersehen.


[Pours tea]

The nights will soon be drawing in.


Shouldn't we wait for Andrea?

I don't see why.

Well, he'll be hungry.

He's been away a long time.

[Door opens]

[Door slams]


Ursula? Ursula!

[Andrea playing violin]



Andrea, what's the matter?!

What do you think?!

Boris Daniloff.


Boris Daniloff. Why you not tell me?

Because she didn't know.

It's all right, Ursula.

I no understand.

Because she didn't know.

I no understand why.

Now do you understand?

How did you know?

Stupid, stupid, stupid.


Ursula, I sorry.

No, no. I'm sorry.

It's not your fault.

Fault? What is fault?

It doesn't matter.

Really, Andrea, it's all right.


Good morning. Morning, Madam.

Uh, I've got a telegram for you. Oh.

Any reply?

No, thank you. Thank you.


That's better.

Wait a minute.



Danke schon.

They're never gonna recognize you down at the pub.

Shall we go in?

Get low and strong, right?

Now, you get three goes.

Take the ball.

Mind your front foot there.

That's right.

Now you're gonna pull it back.

Slow but sure. Slow.

[All chattering] There you are, huh?

Set 'em up again, Hedley.

He's foreign, you see.


I don't know.

[Chattering continues]

Miss Daniloff, what an unexpected pleasure.

I'd offer you a drink, but I doubt that Arthur has any schnapps.

Please, allow me, Doctor.

What would you like?

Good God. That's beyond belief. I wouldn't think of it.

Please, I insist.

Oh, all right then.

Another whiskey and soda, please, Arthur.

[Olga]: And a beer for me.

A pint, please.

A whiskey and soda and a pint for the lady.

How's the painting coming along?

Oh, it's improving, I think.

I haven't seen much of you alfresco lately.


My, my, you look very smart.

You like?


Miss Janet thinks I look like girl.

That is not possible.

Your English is improving. Been having private lessons?

He has a very good ear.

That'll be two and eight.

Thank you. Would you like a drink?



And another beer for my friend. Righty-ho.

[Man on radio]: ...our principal cities within 24 hours of an outbreak of w*r...

[violin playing, high-pitched]

People will be billeted in the country...

Doesn't sound good. I can't listen anymore.

Don't know how you can stand it. Sounds like a strangled cat.

I meant the news.


Do we have any parsnips?

Bit early for parsnips.

Plenty of spuds, though.

Then we'll have to have extra spuds.


[Footsteps on stairs]

I walk.

Oh, good.

Um, we have chicken for supper.



[repeats in German]

Das ist gute. Auf Wiedersehen.

I'll see you later.

I don't think I'll bother Truro with it just yet.

Well, that's up to you.

But I still think it's rather odd.

I'll look into it, Francis.

All right. Morning.

Dr. Mead said they were speakin' German.

I, uh... I speak fluent German.

Does he think I'm involved in espionage as well?

Well, no, but...

I've never heard of anything so ridiculous.

I know you were only doing your job.

Well, you can't be too careful.

All right, Miss Ursula. Good-bye.


You don't know where he's gone then? Sorry?

The young foreign chap - you don't know where he's gone?

Oh, for a walk, I think.

Right. Bye then.


You don't speak fluent German at all.

But she does. Oh, don't you start.

[Andrea]: Hello?

There you are.

- Are you going? We are going.

My brother is in London for the next 24 hours and he said he could see you tonight. Slowly, please. What?

[Speaking German]

[Horn honking]

You can take those two cases and I can manage everything else.

Come on!


He won't be here any sooner.

Oh, I know. I just...

I told him we were having chicken.

I think we should eat.

No, let's wait.

He's sure to be here soon.

I'm going to phone Pendered. All right.

Trevannic 412, please, Mrs. Pengelley.


Mr. Pendered?

It's Janet Widdington.

Yeah... Hello.

We're rather worried about Andrea.

We were expecting him for supper, and we-

Oh, I...

I see.

No. No, we didn't know.

Mm. Yes.

Well... thank you.

Janet, what's happened?

They've gone.

What do you mean?

I mean Andrea is gone.

With that woman.

I don't understand.

Andrea... and the Daniloff woman were seen getting on the train to London.

Oh... Oh, Janet.


Oh, Janet. Don't.

[Sobbing] Ursula.

Oh, don't.




You mustn't, Ursula.

No, you mustn't. Please.

[Radio broadcast, indistinct]

[Switches off radio]

Waste not, want not.

I wanted her to see Mead.

She won't hear of it. Oh.

[Knock on door]

From London. "Fragile."

London? Yeah.

It's from London.

[Andrea's voice]: I am sorry I left without good-bye.

Please do not think bad of me.

You gave me life. Now I have chance to use it.

So much has happened since I met Maestro Daniloff.

But even with Olga's help, my English is not enough to tell you all.

What I can tell is that on Friday, November 10th, I'm on wireless.

Please to listen.

You are always in my thoughts.


P.S. I hope you like the painting.

It was done by Olga.


[Dorcas]: Come on in then.

[Symphony tuning on radio]


Make yourselves comfortable.

Mrs. Pendered, I've got a chair for you over there.

[Dorcas]: Come in. Hurry up, please.

Startin' soon.

You keep quiet now.

[Symphony stops tuning]

[Man on radio]: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Queen's Hall, London.

Could you turn it up a bit? Can’t go up no more.

...with "Fantasy for Violin and Orchestra," by Boris Daniloff.

Under the baton of Mr. Daniloff himself, the soloist is the gifted young violinist, Andrea Marowski.


[Orchestra begins]




I don't believe...

Is it you?

You were wonderful. Wonderful.

Just wonderful. Thank you. I was so nervous.

Did it show? No. Not at all.

How did you get here?

Why you not say you were coming?

It was Dorcas' idea.

Janet wanted to come by car, but we came by train.

Do excuse me, ladies.

Andrea, Sir Thomas is simply dying to meet you.

No, wait. Go.

Yes, go.

Let's go, Janet.
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