02x12 - Hard Decisions

Episode transcripts for the TV show "FBI". Aired: September 2018 to present.*
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Drama about the inner workings of the New York office of the FBI,
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02x12 - Hard Decisions

Post by bunniefuu »

Thank you. Thank you, have a great day.


Eyes down and hands where we can see 'em!

Hey! You don't wanna do that, kid.

Let's go. Bring them over here.

Come on. Go, go, move!

It's very simple, people. You look up, you get shot.

Give me your keys.

Whatever you want. Please, just don't hurt anyone.

No one's getting hurt unless someone trips an alarm.

If that happens, I will sh**t every last one of you.

Are we clear? Yes.

Are we clear? Yes.

On the ground.

Okay, yeah.

God. Come on, come on.

Here, some coffee. Oh, thank you.


Hey, you.


Hey, here she is.

Careful, she's still in the healing phase.

I'm fine. Okay.

I'm fine.

Hey. How are you?

I'm good. You sure?

Yes, I'm sure.

Hi, I'm Emily.

Heard a lot of great stuff about you.

She's working with me till you get back out in the field.

Oh, great. Welcome aboard.


Hey. Hey.

Great to have you back. Ah, thank you.

Your body can rest, but on this one we need your brain.

Yeah, come on in, folks.

I need your full attention on this.

The First National Trust was just invaded.

And, no, I did not misspeak.

I say invaded because it looks like nothing was actually taken, so it's our job to find out who did this and why.

Get settled in.

Kelly, hook up with NYPD, start pulling video footage from local businesses.

On it.

Maggie, OA, you two head over to the scene and liaise with NYPD.

All right, I'll be right there. Yeah.

Hey, you. Hey.

How you feeling? I'm good.

I'm good, my doctor says I'm a fast healer.

Should be ready to be in the field in a few weeks.

Oh, wha... yeah. A few weeks?

Just maybe seems a little soon?

It isn't. I mean, not for me.

I wanna be back out there.

Okay, good. I'm glad you're back.

The four of them were in and out within three minutes.

Any workable identifiers on the suspects?

You know, arm or neck tattoos?

Gloves and ski masks.

All looked about the same height and build.

What about outside? Did anyone see them arrive?

We got a few wits so far, but they all have the same limited description as the folks in here.

A brown sedan with no plates.

Okay, and they didn't take anything from the customers or tellers?

Not that we could tell, but the English speaking one took the manager's keys and went into the safe deposit box room.

English speaking one?

One of the tellers is Russian.

She said a couple of them were speaking Russian with a Chechen accent to each other.

Good to know. Yeah.

What'd the guy take from the safe deposit box room?

We're not so sure.

He disabled the camera with spray paint, so it's unknown if he accessed any boxes.

Okay, he leave the paint can?

No such luck.

Doesn't it take two keys to unlock a safe deposit box?

Yeah, so if he got into one, he'd have needed a second key.

Okay, thank you.

Two of them spoke Chechen.

Their focus was that safe deposit box room.

Yeah, this list of box owners isn't showing any Chechen or Russian names.

Well, keep digging. These guys were well prepared.

I'm not buying they left there without taking what they came for.

You know, the fact that they did so much pre-planning might work to our advantage. Why's that?

Well, it means they did a lot of recon, right?

It's a good point.

Hey, Kelly, you get that street footage from NYPD?

Yes, we're scouring through a week's worth.

Well, mine it for repetition, same cars wiping through frame, same faces walking by.

And prioritize the ID of anyone who looks directly at the camera.

Anything? Yeah.

Techs got a print of the AR-15 casings found at the bank.

Great. Check it out, we got a print.

Paul Chambers, retired military.

Did two tours in Iraq.

Didn't the witnesses say these guys moved and held their weapons in a military-like fashion?

Bring him in. He's already here.

NYPD picked him up for us.

Mind telling me what this is about?

Bank robbery.

What bank robbery?

What are you talking about?

Your print was taken from this expended AR-15 casing at the scene of a bank robbery.

So what? Doesn't mean I was there.

I do reloads out of my garage to subsidize my income.

You'll find my print on 1,000 cartridges.

You speak any Chechen?


It's not on my bucket list, either.

Look, I'm a veteran.

I fought for this country, and I obey its laws, so I'm offended if you think I'm some type of foreign asset.

Okay, then can you prove where you were this morning?

I was at the VA, getting a new one of these.

Any chance you keep records of the amm*nit*on you sell?

Yeah, I'm very thorough about that stuff.

I have cameras that capture all the transactions.

We'll need that footage. Not a problem.


Okay, where we at?

13 people purchased AR-15 rounds from Chambers.

All paid in credit card with the exception of this man.

He used a fake ID, but we managed to pull a screen grab of him from the security footage Chambers supplied.

Ran it through facial rec and got a match on Frank Ryan.

Does he have any priors?

Did a year at Rikers for as*ault with a deadly w*apon.

Do we have an address on him?

Parole officer says that Ryan's been living in a room above his buddy's metal shop.

He's authorized a hold when we pick Ryan up.

What's the parole officer's temperature on this?

He said Ryan's a violent guy who won't go easy.

Okay, get that address over to Maggie and OA.

Let's not take any chances on this.

I want SWAT taking him down. Yes, ma'am.


Stand by.

Hit it.



On me. Hold.

Cover this!

We have sh*ts fired. Engaging.

Go, go.

Leader team, w*apon hot!

Down, down!

Run the walls!

Where, where? You got him?

Yo, Sam-12, hold the stairs!

Under that!

There, you see him?

Check the wall. D, check the wall!

Hold shot! Flanking!

Frank Ryan. It's Agent Bell.

Put your w*apon down and step out!

Otherwise you're gonna end up on the ground with your friends.

What's it gonna be?

I give up.

I give up. Don't sh**t.

All right, start perimeter check.

Turn around.

On your knees, hands behind your back.

295 on the West Side.

Stand by. Two suspects down.

You've been a busy guy, Frank.


First a bank robbery, now attempted m*rder on federal agents.

Sit down.

So the hole they're gonna throw you in doesn't really get that much deeper.

Yeah, I get it.

So why don't you help us do the math then?

You plus your two dead friends makes three, So who's the fourth player?

Why should I tell you that? Hm?

You gonna cut me a deal?

That depends on what you tell us.

His name's Adam, but I have no idea where he is.

We just reconnected last week.

We knew the guy from being special ops in Syria.

Worked some security detail stuff with him.

So your two friends were mercenaries as well?

Yeah, cut their teeth in the Chechen conflict.

So why would you rob a bank and not take any money?

Adam needed something out of a safety deposit box.

Wouldn't tell us what it was.

How do we find Adam now?

Where's he staying? Hotel, apartment?

I honestly don't know.

See, Frank, if you don't help us, then why would we help you?

Night before the bank job, Adam asked me to pick him up on a street corner and drive him to a building.

A lot of foot traffic in the place, so I was lookout in the hallway while he picked the lock and went inside.

What'd he steal? Not sure.

But he was in there for a while.

Okay, well, do you know the address of this condo?


Clear. Clear.

Well, Adam was definitely searching for something.


I'm gonna get Kristen to run the owner of this place, Dave Johnson.

She's doing pretty good considering everything she's been through.


You know, she wants to get back in the field in three weeks.

Really? Yep.

Jumping into work doesn't make the trauma go away.

Whoa. This can't be a coincidence.

Johnson banked at First National Trust.

Same bank as the robbery.

I bet he has a safe deposit box there too.

Dave Johnson has had a safe deposit box at First National Trust for the last three years.

Okay, so given that the robbery team hit his house, let's assume his box was the target.

Question is why.

I don't know.

I've been running him, and he seems pretty boring.

Yeah? Not even a speeding ticket.

He works as a financial advisor, and he died less than a week ago of a heart attack at his office.

Maggie said the neighbor mentioned family.

Any shifty cousins named Adam?

Mm, he has a sister out west but no Adams that I could find.

So whatever was in Johnson's safe deposit box would have been turned over to his sister, which is why Adam needed to get into it first.

But did he get it, or is it still in the box?

Only one way to find out.

I'll need a copy of the contents you seize for our records. Yeah, of course.

But we've got a suspicion that it might be empty.

Definitely not empty.

There's at least 40 grand in cash here.

Means if Adam got access, whatever he took was more valuable.

This passport is a forgery.

It's a good one but definitely fake.

It's got Johnson's picture, but he's using a different name.

Any travel stamps?

Yeah, a bunch, all to the Caymans.

Well, that makes sense.

These look like foreign bank account numbers...

Passwords included, which means they'll be easy to track.

So maybe Johnson was doing a little money laundering.


And since this was torn open, whatever Adam took was probably kept inside it.

Hey, Kelly, where are we on those account numbers?

We came up dry.

They were all closed out two days ago.

Cayman bank is refusing to cooperate because of confidentiality issues.

Hey. Yeah?

Got something. What's that?

Who is that?

That's our fourth bank robber, Ryan's mysterious friend, Adam.

Yo, yo, people, check it out, our fourth bank robber.

How'd you run him down?

Remember Ryan said he gave Adam a ride to Johnson's condo?

Yeah. Had his car dusted for prints.

Pulled a clean one off the passenger side door handle.

Okay, so this guy's full name is Adam Mizrah.

He's 40 years old, and our records indicate he is ex-Mossad.

I've been tracking his credit cards.

He's had a rental car for about a week, and he just booked a flight to Tel Aviv.

It's scheduled to leave JFK in less than two hours.

Okay, get Maggie and OA that information.

Have them intercept him before he gets on that plane.

Already done.

FBI. Let me see your hands.

Sure, is there a problem?

Yes, we'd like to ask you some questions.

On him!



Get down! Hands behind your back.

You recognize anyone?


Two out of these three people are dead, but not Frank Ryan.

He just identified you in a photo lineup.

He said you were a ringleader of sorts.

What's up?

Yeah, this is Agent Dawson, NSA.

Hey. Hi.

What's the NSA's interest in this?

We have a sealed indictment on Adam Mizrah.

For what?

A data breach in one of our Damascus operations.

Espionage? Yeah.

One that resulted in a dozen of our local assets being k*lled.

So you're taking our suspect.

No, no, the reason the indictment is sealed is because not all of the players have been ID'd yet, and we're not ready to make an arrest.

Okay, so why were we pulled out of the interview?

'Cause I know Mizrah.

He won't speak unless you have leverage on him.

Our indictment gives you that.

So I tell you about this, and the Damascus thing goes away?

If you cooperate fully and plead guilty to the bank robbery, yeah.

You'll get ten years max.

Ten years?

Espionage that results in people getting k*lled has a lot longer tail than that, Adam.

Okay, so I was hired to rob a bank, and I did.

Now what?

Now you tell us who hired you to rob it.

It was a guy who needed me to recover a memory stick from his buddy's safe deposit box.

So what was on the stick that was so important?

I don't know, and I didn't want to.

Okay, what is the name of the guy who hired you?


A hacker.

I've done stuff for him in the past...

Like the Damascus job.

How do we find him?

Never met him face to face.

He sent me instructions from burners.

Okay, where's the memory stick?

I dropped it in a trash can outside the Museum of Natural History about three hours ago.



Okay, so Sentinel's a big deal?

Very big.

He's a world class hacker who steals highly classified information then sells it back to the people he stole it from.

Mm-kay. What kind of information?

According to his file, anything of value.

Nuclear facility blueprints, lists of detained political prisoners...

If it is sensitive and important, he will steal it.

And, as you can imagine, if all of those stolen secrets are on that stick, it is of interest to us and the NSA.

What is he, some kind of truth crusader?

No, no, he's a shameless capitalist.

Does everything for money.

Those assets in Damascus died because he sold their identities to the other side.

But you're the NSA.

Why haven't you tracked him down before now?

Two reasons. One, he's good at staying off-grid.

Two, we're not really looking.

What? Why?

He's made it clear to everyone he's ever extorted that if he were captured or k*lled, the information that he had stolen would immediately be made public.

Dead man's switch. The memory stick.

Yeah, he said the second he was k*lled or arrested, his proxy, this guy Johnson, would release all the information.

We didn't want to incur that kind of risk.

We? What are you talking about?

This information cannot leave this room.

Six months ago, Sentinel hacked the mainframe of this field office, and we quietly paid him

$2 million to keep his mouth shut.

What'd he get?

The names of every confidential informant we have ever used.

So we don't just have to find Sentinel.

The lives of these informants and their families are at risk if we don't get the stick back as well.

Kelly, we pull the footage from the museum security feed?

Yes, we got it queued up to the moment where Mizrah makes the drop.

Okay, he places it in the trash can.

Can you punch in?

And there's the mystery man picking it up.

All right, play it back, freeze on his face.

Hey, Jubal? Yeah.

Already ran facial rec. We got a hit.


This guy's name is James Leavins.

He's 38. He works at a software company in Brooklyn.

Uh-huh. Take a look!

Hey, I've been taking a look at his bio.


No criminal record, but apparently he graduated top of his class at MIT.

All right, kids, to steal a phrase from our computer geek friends, Sentinel just made a fatal error.

Let's make him pay.

James Leavins?

Yeah. We need to speak with you.

Sure. Can we go inside?


I'm kind of getting freaked out here.

Can you tell me what this is about?

Where's the memory stick?

Is it on you?

In your office, your car?

Memory stick?

Wait, wait, what's this?

This is you doing a little dumpster diving.

But that's not me.

Well, we know the footage isn't lying.

That is you four hours ago picking up the memory stick from the Museum of Natural History.

Four hours ago? Yeah.

Oh, thank God, look, I knew this had to be a misunderstanding.

I was just at a client presentation.

I flew in from Boston less than half an hour ago.

So whoever that is, it isn't me.

Check for yourself.

Any other hits on facial rec?

No, no matter how many times I run it, it comes back to Leavins.

It doesn't make any sense.

I mean, if it was as simple as a false positive, I might buy it, but the probability that it would ID a man who has the exact background that Sentinel might have... It defies the odds.

Are we sure that the boarding pass is legit?

We confirmed that he was in the air at the time of the drop.

It's impossible for him to be the man in that video.

Oh, guys, I think I just figured out what's going on.

What we've been watching is a deepfake video.

Are you sure? Yeah.

I slowed the feed, and I studied the frames.

I didn't notice any irregularities until the suspect turned directly into the camera.


You see how the footage gets a little wonky?

That shows it's been manipulated, and only in the facial area.

Great, so Sentinel accessed the museum's security footage and manipulated it.

Yes, it looks like it.

Well, if this guy's got such fancy tech skills, I guess we're gonna have to go analog, boots on the ground.

Grab Emily and Scola, head down to the museum, start canvassing for witnesses.

Show people the picture of that hoodie.

Let's catch this son of a bitch the old-fashioned way.

Now the director is monitoring us, so let's not disappoint him.

He's taking a personal interest in this?

Yeah, so failure is not an option.


Do you recognize that hoodie? Mm-mm.

You walk this route a lot? Six days a week.

Do you remember a guy dressed in this hoodie?

Sorry, buddy, I'm wrestling this bag all the way.

I don't get to look around much.

Hey, question for you. Yeah.

See a guy wearing this hoodie about five hours ago?

Yeah, I remember him and that watch.

It's a classic. Serious?

Yeah, well, hard to forget a weirdo like that.

Comes two, three times a week, eats the dog and throws away the bun.

Who does that?

I... did you see which way he went?

Yeah, he walked north.

Did he get into a cab or an Uber by any chance?

Nah, he lives close by.

I'm not sure where but close, you know?

But am I wrong? What's a dog without a bun?

Nah, nah, you're right, yeah. I mean, what is it?

That's what I'm saying.

Okay, so Maggie thinks they're in his neighborhood, but they can't figure out which address.

Which block? Zero hundred block of West 82nd street.

Okay, I just finished going through a GPS record dump on Johnson's cell phone.

I figured if he was Sentinel's accountant, they must have met face to face at least once in a while, right?

There you go. Anything on 82nd?

Well, not on 82nd, but I do show him making several visits to an address just north of there.

Yeah? 32 West 84th Street.

It's a brownstone owned by a guy named Kenneth Bates.

Kelly, run him.


Kenneth Bates, 40, male, white.

What does he do for a living?

Software engineer, self-employed.

All right, tell Maggie and OA to get eyes on that address right away.

I'll make a phone call and get a search warrant signed.

Yes, ma'am. Nice work.


All right, here we go.

Kenneth Bates, FBI!


Heading up.

Alpha team, get hot.


Got nothing. Open space, straight.

Eyes front, guys.

Top side, third floor clear.

Master's clear.

Front room clear.

Kitchen's clear.

Upstairs clear.

Location is clear.

It's OA... notify Jubal that the suspect isn't home.

Hey, so we searched the house.

He wasn't there.

I should have made them wait for a visual before making entry.

He's gonna go to the ground for sure.

Well, it's not game over yet.

We're still the best team in the Bureau.

I know that.

Just keep me in the loop. I'm gonna update the director.



This isn't your fault.

We're the FBI.

We always get our man, and if we don't, the man upstairs points to the man downstairs, or in this case the woman.

Looks like he left hungry and in a hurry.

I checked the bedroom.

No sign of bags being packed or drawers being emptied.

Okay, all right, a BOLO has been sent out to all airports, train stations, and bus depots.

The only way this guy's gonna get out of town is by car or on foot.

Okay, let's keep searching, okay?

Maybe we'll get lucky, and he left the memory stick behind.

Um, how long was SWAT sitting on this house before we hit the door?

Hm, about 20, 30 minutes?

Well, the dishwasher was running a 20 minute cycle.

Does it have a timer function?

No, it has to be set manually.

Guys, Bates might still be in this house.

Question is where.

Find him, boy.

That's not drywall. That's metal.

We're in.

FBI! Come out with your hands up!

Well, let's hope he wasn't lying to Mizrah when he said this was one of a kind.

If there was more, he could've just had Mizrah destroy it.

I think the fact that he wanted it back means that's the only one.

Yeah, well, I'm gonna hand this to the director personally.

So this is the infamous Sentinel.


Would either of you care to tell me exactly what it is I'm being charged with?

What aren't you being charged with?

Yeah, we've got bank robbery, espionage, blackmail.

I mean, do I really need to go down the list?

Well, what if I were to tell the two of you...

Uh, what was it now?

Oh, yes.

There exists a b*mb in the New York Stock Exchange, which you might have heard of, and it's all set to go off tomorrow morning, I believe, right at the bell.

Give it up, Bates.

You don't have a card to play here.

You're not walking away from this.

Look at you all proud and confident.

Listen, um, Agent Bell, right?

Would you do me a favor, please?

Don't feel bad, okay?

Because the truth is, you're not the first person who has underestimated me.

Is that right?

Yes, that is right.

I'm pretty much a magician with algorithms, and I know how to penetrate firewalls in a far more... magnificent way than you can ever imagine, and, because of this, two days ago I got a hit on some North Korean chatter I was monitoring.

Excuse me, OA, do you smell that desperation in the air?

I do. It's pretty thick.

I discovered that an operative has spent the last four weeks sneaking each component of this b*mb onto the traders floor of the NYSE and now, ooh, by golly, if it isn't assembled and pretty much ready to...


Bombs, North Koreans, operatives, the New York City Stock exchange, really?

It does sound a bit humorous, however I just...

I don't believe that this particular b*mb will be too terribly... um, what's the word?


I mean, after all, hundreds will be k*lled, and the world's economy will be decimated.

And, by the way, when the world finds out that I told the mighty FBI all about this b*mb, you two... will be held responsible.

He's bluffing and doing a bad job of it.

No, he's not known for bluffing.

Run along, have a little chat with the NSA because I promise you they will confirm that they have been hearing a lot of chatter coming from the North Koreans lately.


Prove it.

I happen to have a King Air parked over at Teterboro, and guess what.

As soon as I'm safely in the air, I will be more than pleased to relay the exact location of the b*mb.

You think that we're gonna let you fly out of here on your plane behind that fantastical claim?

Somebody above you is taking me very, very seriously, so I would much prefer to talk to her.

Yeah, you guys might wanna wake up.

I told you I know... everything.

Isobel Castille?

Yes, that is her name. Well done.


But she's not taking you seriously enough to agree without some more facts, so what's it gonna be?

You know, I got a funny feeling she will, and I got an even funnier feeling that I'm done talking to the two of you.

Oh, Isobel, would you be so kind as to join us?

I know you're watching.


Have we met?

No, I just do my homework like a good boy.

So, Isobel, here's how this is gonna go.

When I am in the air and only when I'm safely in the air, then you'll get all the information you need.

If you're telling the truth, then you're a free man, so why do you need to get in the air?

Well, Isobel, because thanks so much to all of you guys, everyone knows I'm Sentinel now, and guess what.

If I don't hide now, then I will very quickly end up well within the territory of dead.

Thank you so very much.

If we release him, and it is a lie, we look like fools.

I can't play liar's poker with hundreds of lives on the line.

Even if there is a 99.9% chance that he is bluffing?

Look, I have seen a situation like this before.

Alabama, 2012.

Oh, the white supremacist bombing at the Baptist church.

Just like this, the chief of police thought the threat was a hoax, and they never notified us.

I remember. I remember.

You were on that response team.


We recovered the remains of nine dead parishioners from that church, including three children.

I can still picture the sight.

Bodies of children being carried out.

So unless a b*mb dog alerts before the exchange opens, Kenneth Bates is getting on that plane.

At least run it by the director.

See where he stands.

I did. He said it was my call.

He doesn't want his fingerprints on this.

Look, he knows it can end very badly no matter what choice I make.

We've got a logistical nightmare if we have to evacuate this place before the bell goes off.

Yeah, go for Maggie.

Are they running the dogs?

Yes, no hits yet.

Tell Jubal to put him on that plane.

Yeah, I think you're gonna have to run it through that database again, all right?

Jubal. Yeah?

It's time.

Isobel wants to put Sentinel on the plane.

For God's sake, he's bluffing.

She's our boss. It's not our job to second guess her.

Yeah, I know.

But it is our job to protect her.

Know what? Grab his personal effects.

Meet me in the JOC.



Why, thank you.

Mm, don't mention it.

Did you really think we'd believe you?

I don't bluff.

And by the way...

Ticktock, time's a wasting.

Teterboro... it's, like, an hour away, right?

So, let's see. That means you only have...

Is there a problem?

What is this?

This is... this is a joke, right?

No, no, it's 9:29.

I thought we could watch the opening bell together.

You did say the b*mb would go off right when it rang, right?

Well, what we consider are surefire bets these days...

Well, common knowledge used to be the tech and energy sectors but some market analysts caution that these areas are too rapidly evolving to effectively work as our so-called "safe bets."

The volatility across global markets...

This is a live feed.

We've got a front row seat.

The anticipation is k*lling me.

How 'bout you?

...401K, an IRA, or other standard investment.

One tech expert was recently quoted saying that she thought cell phones might be a thing of the past.

In the next couple of decades.

Well, what do you know.

Looks like the only thing that blew up is your story.

You miss...

100% of the sh*ts you don't take, right?

You gotta admit that was... that was a pretty good shot, right?

I came pretty close, didn't I?

Well, I wouldn't be too hard on yourself.

You were kind of ahead of your skis on this one the whole time, weren't you?

Hey, so we just confirmed Bates was lying.

There is no b*mb.


He just watched the opening bell ring, and nothing blew up.

What are you talking about?

The exchange doesn't open for another two hours.

Well, it opened a little early today.

I learned a lot about deepfake video manipulation from watching that museum footage.

Plus I wound his fancy watch forward two hours.

You guys did this without telling me.

We took a shot because we knew you were in a difficult situation, and if he didn't buy it, we still had time to put him on the plane.

Thank you.

Both of you.

I am gonna go notify the director.

You are a rock star.

Ah, thank you.

Which is why I need to keep you in the JOC for a while.

For a while?

I'm... I'm getting medical release for field work in less than two weeks.

No, I know, but working with you these last few days has reminded me how much we need you in here.

How much I need you.

Okay, um, well, how... how long?

Not sure. See how it goes.

Okay. Hm.

Yeah? Yeah.


Hey. Hey.

Did you mention to Jubal that I should be back in the JOC?

What? No.

Why would I do that?

Oh, I know you saw me in my car the other day.

It's just... I can do this, you know?

I'm not scared to be back out in the field.

I hear you.

Look, we're not invincible.

I just want you to take the time to heal.

Not just physically.

And when the time is right, you'll be back out there.

Okay, but what if everything and everyone moves on?

Mm-hmm, some things probably will.

But that does not mean that you aren't needed.

I hope you're right.
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