04x12 - Slaves of the Republic

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Wars: The Clone Wars". Aired: October 2008 - May 2020.*
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The Jedi fight to maintain freedom and restore peace to the galaxy.
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04x12 - Slaves of the Republic

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Kidnapped!

During a Separatist invasion of the planet Kiros, thousands of peaceful colonists were abducted by Zygerrian slavers.

Determined to find the missing colonists, the Jedi travel to Zygerria, home to the galaxy's most notorious sl*ve empire.

It looks like Zygerria is a popular place these days.


Whatever is happening is attracting plenty of high class scum.

Let's just hope the information our spies gave us about the Queen is accurate.

Remember, I'll keep her occupied while you locate the missing people of Kiros.

How do you plan on keeping the Queen occupied?

-With my magnetic charm, of course. -Oh, yes, of course.

Hold on to this, will you, buddy?


AHSOKA: Remind me why I'm the one playing the part of the sl*ve?

I tried it once, I wasn't any good at it.

Besides, the role of master comes easily to me.

AHSOKA: Really? Well, this time try to be convincing at it.




How can a civilization this advanced still practice sl*very?

It makes them wealthy and powerful at the expense of others.

Before the Hutts bought my mother, she was sold in a market just like this.

Get up, you useless skug.

Master, the bonds, they are too heavy.

Tell it to my whip.

You don't want to do that.

You dare touch me!

Excuse my sl*ve, friend. She is freshly caught.

Hmm. What have we here?

You wear Zygerrian armor, but you are not one of us.

Who are you?

I've come for an audience with the Queen.

Then you have an invitation?

We can't just let anyone in to speak with Her Majesty.

No invitation, but I do bring news, news the Queen will be eager to hear.

I doubt that, you're nothing more than a brigand.

I wouldn't say that, especially when the Queen learns you prevented her from hearing the news about Bruno Denturri.

Halt! Cease all hostilities.

This man is to be escorted to the palace, by order of the Queen.


Make certain all preparations are complete for this evening.

And fetch refreshments.

My Queen, I present Lars Quell.


So, you are the man who claims to be acquainted with Bruno Denturri?

Yes, Your Highness.

However, when I spoke with him he failed to describe your beauty.



And did Bruno speak of my intense hatred of him?

Or did that escape his memory as well?

He needed not speak of it, Your Majesty.

In fact, Bruno Denturri will not be speaking ever again.

What do you mean?

Bruno Denturri is dead by my hand.

Here is a sl*ve from his palace, compensation for my efforts.

Unhand me, brigand!

You impress me, Lars Quell.

She is quite a prize.

And to have defeated Bruno Denturri in combat,

you must be quite the warrior.



The sl*ve is certainly of fine stock, Bruno always knew how to choose a beautiful female.

Don't you dare touch me!


Though she will have to be processed.

Her demeanor leaves much to be desired.

What is your price for her?

With respect, how can I price the beauty of this sl*ve, when I look upon the magnificence of Your Highness, whose beauty would make the brightest star seem dull by comparison.


Lars Quell, you flatter me.

No, Your Majesty, however...



Lars, stop it. Stop it!

You are a bold one, aren't you?

My reputation precedes me then.

Perhaps we can find a way to put a price on your sl*ve.

Come, walk with me.




Sir, take a look at this.

Stand watch, I'll take a closer look.

Governor Roshti?

No! No!

Governor, I'm a friend, a Jedi, here to help.

-Where are your people? -They're...


-Sir, did you find out where the others are? -Not yet.

We've got to get him out of here.


You there, what are you doing with that sl*ve?



sl*very is the natural order of things.

The weak deserve nothing more than to kneel before the strong, bound to our service.

I will need men with your talents to spread our ways across the galaxy.



Let me go! (SCREAMS)

You dare raise a hand against your master. Clearly you require further processing.

No! I won't go back there.

Wait! Stop!


Such a waste.

But perhaps she was more trouble than she's worth.

But you, Lars, you are proving quite resourceful.


Very well, I will pay your price for this sl*ve girl.

(CHUCKLING) It seems I am in need of a new servant.

She is my gift to you, Your Highness.

You are a man of many surprises. It pleases me.

I wish you to be my guest at the sl*ve auction, and to sit at my side.


AGRUSS: Well...

-Who is he? -He hasn't talked, but I'll loosen his tongue.

Why would a slaver try to rescue a sl*ve from the palace?

-It's su1c1de. -(GRUNTS)

Wait. I know you from the hologram.

I never forget a Jedi.


Your Highness, Zygerrians, and guests from a thousand worlds, our auction begins with slaves of unmatched quality and impossible quantity.

I give you Togruta from the Kiros System!


(GASPS) Oh, no.

AUCTIONEER: This handsome sample represents a lot of numbering, -no less than 50,000 beings. -(LOUD CHEERING)

Note the compliance.

Virtually untrained in combat.

There will be no rebellion from these slaves.

So where do you keep 50,000 slaves, like the people of Kiros?

Your Majesty, I have urgent news.


All will be revealed in time.

Before we begin the auction, I would welcome a most special guest, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi knight!


Down with the Jedi! The Jedi are not so tough.

My friends, my good friends, do not fear the Jedi.

They are no different from others we have forced into submission, for they have forsaken their ideals to serve a corrupt Senate.

Every Jedi has become a sl*ve to the Republic.

The Jedi Order is weak, and we will help break it.


Teach the Jedi his place.

ZYGERRIANS: Whip the Jedi! Whip the Jedi! Whip the Jedi! Whip the Jedi!

Looks like I have to rescue you again, old man.

I knew you'd have a backup plan.

Prove to me you are a slaver. Swing that whip, or die beside him.

Those are some lousy options.


You leave me no choice, Highness.


Guards, subdue them!


Ahsoka, the Queen!

Looks like your sl*ve empire is finished, again.

Get that thing out of my face, you little skug!




Such determination.



You destroyed my auction and frightened my customers.

Count Dooku and half my kingdom are demanding your death.


You should have listened to them. My friends, where are they?


Continue to misbehave and they die.


A most curious Jedi who cares more about his friends than his own mission.

Hero. General.


And now my servant.

I will not serve you.


Your heart is not in your words.

You will stand beside me, a testament to my power.

Here, my bodyguard will need a w*apon.

And you need not worry about your friends, they will be quite safe.


The Queen has promised once the other Jedi is tamed, you will be mine, little skug.



You better hope that doesn't happen.




My people, we have found them.

Keep moving, skug.

General Kenobi, you are the first Jedi I have entertained at our educational center.

Few possess a Jedi's resolve, and it is strength of will that is my greatest enemy.



Now that I have your attention, Jedi, be aware that it will not be you who suffers should you defy me.

You were once a sl*ve, weren't you?

What makes you think I was a sl*ve?

The noble selflessness in your eyes.

Your commitment to the service of something greater than yourself.

Your Jedi, the grand Republic, even your friends.

I don't see commitment as sl*very.

Oh, it is when it comes at the cost of yourself.

What you could be!

With you willingly beside me, there is nothing we could not accomplish.

We are nothing. You have all the power.


What if I freed your friends?

Would you promise to stay? Commit to serving me?

If a Jedi as noble as you gave his word, I think you might keep it.

I don't trust you.

Have I been anything but honest? I have no reason to lie. I am who I am.

It is you, you, who are the complicated one.

Now, Master Skywalker, the future of your friends lays in your hands.

If they are to live as slaves, it will be you who keeps them that way.
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