04x11 - Kidnapped

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Wars: The Clone Wars". Aired: October 2008 - May 2020.*
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The Jedi fight to maintain freedom and restore peace to the galaxy.
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04x11 - Kidnapped

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: A planet of peace!

The artisan colony of the planet Kiros created a society without weapons.

Instead of w*r, they pursued art and beauty.

But in the Clone Wars, even peace-loving worlds are seemingly forced to change sides.

The simple truth is there is not a warrior among us, Master Yoda.

An armed conflict will destroy us.

We will negotiate with Count Dooku if we are able.

Trust Dooku, you cannot. Send help, I will.

I'm afraid it is too late.

The Separatists have already arrived.

Count Dooku, we have chosen to remain neutral in this w*r.

Why have you launched this invasion against us?

Think of our presence as a peaceful occupation for your protection as well as ours.

I have heard the tragic stories of worlds caught between your droids and their clones.

What of my people?

While I am helpless to prevent the fighting, I can offer your people sanctuary.

A safe haven until the conflict has ended.

Thank you, Count, yours is a kind offer, but...

I insist.

Round up the citizens. All of them.

Roger roger.

-Unhand me. -Watch it.

-Hey! Let me go! -Hey! Watch it!

I said let me go!

REX: All clear, sir. There are no Separatist craft in the system.

It's been 10 rotations since Master Yoda's transmission.

I just hope we're not too late.

-Rex. Take us down. -Yes, sir.


Anybody else think it's too quiet? I haven't seen any colonists.

-They're probably hiding. -Let's hope they stay hidden.

It makes our job easier if we don't have to worry about them in battle.

I don't like it.

The clankers have never been shy about using civvies as living shields.

I'm sure they're here somewhere. Let's make for the city center.

Biker droids dead ahead!

Squad, tighten up! Form on me!

We're all clear, Master.

Captain, have your men secure the area.

How are we doing, Boil?

We're still mopping up clankers here and there, sir.

We've established a perimeter around the Governor's Tower.

-No one gets out without a fight. -Good work.

Cody, any word from the Separatist commander?

He's barricaded inside. His name is Darts D'Nar.

He sent you a message, sir.

Master Kenobi, come to the tower. We will negotiate terms for surrender.

Well, that was easy.

Zygerrian scum. I'll handle that slaver.

Anakin, he asked for me.

I need you to locate the missing Togruta colonists.

Fine. I'll have Admiral Yularen initiate a planetary bio-scan.


Why is he so upset?

Anakin has never talked about his past, has he?

Only to tell me he won't talk about it.

As a child, Anakin and his mother were sold into sl*very by the Hutt clans.


And these Zygerrians, they're slavers?

Anakin has struggled to put his past behind him.


Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him.

Yes, make sure you do.


The last shipment has been received, D'Nar.

I understand the Jedi have att*cked. Why are you still there?

I'm going to make the Jedi pay for their arrogance.

I have them right where I want them.

Do tell.

Gentlemen, meet Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight.


D'Nar, bring him to me on his knees.

With pleasure.

We were going to discuss surrender?

Yes. You will surrender.

We obviously have a misunderstanding, my friend.

-D'NAR: No, you are wrong, Jedi. -OBI-WAN: Am I?

You are no doubt aware your droid forces have been destroyed, and you are surrounded.

Do the honorable thing and give up now, D'Nar.

I promise you will receive fair treatment.

You've broken through my defenses. You think you've won?

Think again.

I have planted bombs all over the city.

No one will survive.

Now, surrender.

If you're not bluffing, then I must concede.

But you'll have to make considerations.

First, you release the colonists.

Here is my counter-offer.

There were no colonists in that structure, but there could have been.

Now, bow down and surrender to me, you Jedi filth.

-ANAKIN: I need a medic over here! -(GROANING)

-Artoo, where are you? -(R2-D2 BEEPING)

Watch yourself, buddy. This is still a w*r zone.

Cody! We don't have time for the planetary scan.

-Hook Artoo up, and he'll locate the bombs. -Right away, sir!

-Ahsoka, let's go. -Where are we going?

To disarm the bombs while Obi-Wan negotiates.

I hope he can buy us some time.

-Very well, I surrender. -(CREATURES CHATTERING SOFTLY)

Long before this w*r, you Jedi destroyed the great Zygerrian sl*ve Empire.

I would k*ll you now, but Dooku would prefer you alive.

I understand your frustration.

It is unfortunate you and I cannot resolve our differences as you do in the Zygerrian tradition.


With no weapons, you would fight me?

For good reason. Say, if I win, you reveal the location of the colonists and the bombs.

And if I Win, I deliver you to Dooku in a cage like one of these filthy creatures.





Careful, you're disturbing my pets.

They fetch a high price.

General Skywalker!

Your droid is transmitting

-the b*mb coordinates now. -(BEEPING)

Copy that, Cody. We're approaching the first b*mb now.

Let's go!



Do you hear that?

(b*mb BEEPING)


There must be a wire we should cut or something to stop the countdown.

Stand back.



-How did you know that would work? -I trusted my instincts.

You mean you guessed.

Yeah, but it was an educated guess. Now, come on. There's plenty more to go.


For thousands of years, Zygerria supplied sl*ve labor to the galaxy.

We prospered.

Our customers prospered.


Then the Jedi came.




-Excuse me, sir. We have a problem. -What problem?

Our spotters are tracking two enemy walkers moving through...



These are the last of them.

Defuse the bombs! I'll cover you!


Master, I think the bombs are linked.

You're supposed to disarm them, not activate them!

Droids on the roof!

If they're connected, we'll have to defuse them at the same time.


Their shields are too strong!

Come on, Anakin. Hurry up.




I'm pinned down! Master, we're running out of time!

I know. We have to do something and quick!

Ahsoka, they're weak from the side. I've got an angle on your droid.

Okay. I've got a view of yours too. Same time. Ready?




-(SIGHS) That was a close one. -Let's hope Obi-Wan shares our luck.




Now I'll take revenge for my people, Jedi.

Sir, you have an urgent transmission.

Sorry to interrupt, sir, but you weren't responding.

What is it?

Uh... The Jedi have disarmed your bombs.


Give me the detonator!

Certainly took him long enough this time.

Well, shall we discuss your surrender?


I still have one b*mb left, Jedi.

Sir, how could you?


No! No!

Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!

Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!

Get it off! Get it off!


Anakin! Anakin, come in.

D'Nar is making his escape from the tower.

On our way!

-We'll never catch him in time. -I am not letting that slaver scum get away.




-So, what's your plan? -I'm open to ideas.


Hungry, my pet?

I'll feed you!



Hold on!

"Hold on"? Do I have a choice?




-Master! -Ahsoka, you're only making it angry!

I'll handle this. Go stabilize the ship.


(LAUGHING) Young Jedi, you'll learn your place.

I'm not so young anymore.





Mission accomplished, Master.

Where are the colonists?

I will tell you nothing.

Where are they?


My queen is going to bring back the royal sl*ve auction as in the days before the Jedi.

Zygerria will be rich and powerful again.

The Jedi will not stop us this time.

(SCOFFS) We'll see about that.

General Skywalker, I ran the bio-scan twice, but the results were negative.

Are you saying the colonists are not in the city?

I'm saying they're not even on the planet.

The entire population appears to have simply vanished.

Vanished? That's impossible. Those are my people.

Troubling is the return of the Zygerrians.

It is likely they mean to use Dooku to rebuild their slaver empire.

We cannot allow that, Master.

Agree I do, but first find the colonists you must.

In great danger, they are.

What is it, Master?

Sense I do a darker hand in this mystery.

sl*very, a great tool it is for the rise of the Sith.
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