06x03 - Fugitive

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Wars: The Clone Wars". Aired: October 2008 - May 2020.*
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06x03 - Fugitive

Post by bunniefuu »

Cause of death unknown!

Kaminoan Doctor Nala Se was unable to find the cause of an illness in clone trooper Tup.

In a desperate attempt to save his friend's life, Fives located and removed a tumor from Tup's brain with the help of Medical droid AZI-3.

Immediately following the procedure, Tup died, and Fives was placed under arrest.

Now the tumor is the only hope to finding answers for Tup's mysterious illness.

General, what did the Chancellor say?

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine wants the tumor and all of the intel gathered sent to the Grand Republic Medical Facility on Coruscant.

So then I'll be going to Coruscant as well?

You were not a part of the Chancellor's request.

I'm sorry, Fives, but this is a matter best left to the medical professionals.

There is still so much we do not know.

Perhaps we would know more if this clone had not taken matters into his own hands.

Listen! I was trying to save my friend!

And yet perhaps by removing this tumor, it was you who k*lled him.

What do you care?

You were going to k*ll him anyway and dissect him too.

He's a soldier. He deserves better!

Stand down, Fives!

Doctor, there is no proof of your claim.

I want this specimen and all the data prepared for transit to the Jedi Temple.

The Chancellor said the tumor and data was to be sent directly to the Medical Facility on Coruscant, not the Jedi Temple.

And it will get there, but after the Jedi have run an analysis on it first.

I protest.

I must personally deliver the tumor to the Chancellor as ordered.

You can protest all you want.

My word is final.

You have one more physical to pass.

If you are cleared, you will be sent back to the 501st.

Thank you, General.

It will be good to put this entire incident behind you, trooper.

I agree.


Hello, ARC trooper Fives.

I regret that we were unable to heal your friend.

Yeah, me too.

Are you going to be reprogrammed as well?

No, AZI, I'm going back to the front.

That is not what I heard.

I heard your mind was going to be wiped and that you would reassigned here and placed on sanitation detail.

We can still be friends, assuming we both remember each other after our memories have been erased.

Let's go, CT-5555.


Look what you did!

I cannot believe what you did.

I am not getting my mind erased, and neither are you.

Let's get out of here!

Are we escaping?


Why are we here?

I knew it.

Nala Se switched the cases.

She's trying to hide something.

Oh, the tumor?

So we are going to continue our research?

Yeah, the research.

That's it. Now, come on!


I'm sorry, sir.

All ships are locked down during the emergency.

Oh, what about that one?


There they are!

Sorry, brother.

I want him brought in alive.

Have that ship tracked.

Yes, ma'am.

Can you float?

I am buoyant and have several survival modes.

Ah, survival, eh?

Autopilot engaged.

Navigation and orbit set.


What are you doing? I thought we were escaping.

Nope, this is a diversion.

I need them to chase this pod while we go back and investigate the cause of Tup's death.

Any more questions, doctor?

Actually, yes, now that you mention it...


Now what?

We're going back to figure out why Tup died.

I can get us there much faster.

Oh! You're just full of surprises, aren't you?

This is one of my various survival modes.

I am equipped to...


A "thank you" would have been nice.

Lord Tyranus, you summoned me?

Prime Minister Lama Su tells me there has been a complication.

What has happened to the inhibitor chip?

It was stolen by a renegade clone.

What does this clone know?

Nothing as of yet.

He is just a soldier after all, however he was a... friend to the clone which malfunctioned.

This behavior is unsettling.

First the malfunctioning clone, and now a renegade.

Are you certain these soldiers will live up to your design in the end?

I am certain.

The malfunction to the inhibitor chip is an aberration.

And how do you explain the renegade?

I'm afraid the Jedi have inspired creative thinking in some of the clones.

That is the cause of this type of divergent behavior.

Will this interfere with protocol 66?

No, I am certain of that.

Find the renegade clone immediately, and make sure you recover the chip.

The true nature of the inhibitor chip must not be discovered by the Jedi.

Yes, Lord Tyranus.

What... Oh.

Once we're inside, I need you to get me a change of clothes, AZI.

Trooper, I think I saw the renegade clone head into the storage room.

All right, let's check it out.

I think he was over there.

We need to get the tumor analyzed.

Follow me.

This is the Genetic Records Hall.

It contains data on the original DNA of every being we have ever cloned.

We will compare the tumor's DNA versus that of Jango Fett, the original donor.

If any tumor like this has been noted before, we will find it.

The tumor, please.



The sample doesn't match anything found in the Jango Fett genotype.

Furthermore, it is not even completely organic.

It is foreign to the body.

Someone implanted it there.

An implant?

You mean this isn't an accident?

Someone did this to Tup?


There have been no unauthorized ships leaving Kamino, General.

I sense we are looking in the wrong place.

We have a report from the Genetic Records Hall.


Someone is accessing the Jango Fett genotype.

It's them.

Evacuate that room quietly.

Is there another way out of here, besides the door we came in?

Yes, there are emergency access hatches in every major room in case of flooding.


Let's get moving.


It's no good.

They've sealed it from the inside.

Station your men at every access point back into the main hallway system.

Yes, ma'am.

Did you get all the information you needed?


We know that the tumor is a foreign material and was implanted for an unknown reason.

However, there is still so much we do not know about it.

For example, at what stage was it introduced to clone Tup?

And why?

What is this thing?

Why would someone put it in Tup?

I believe this is an organic chip built out of cells.

But what's it for?

I do not know.

Ah, thanks.

I need to find out if what was in Tup's head is in mine.

We have already done a scan and...

But it was missed in Tup, and it could have been missed in me too.

You have to take it out.

We cannot be 100% sure if the chip is even there.

I know it's there.

It is a dangerous surgery.

Look, you got it out of Tup. You can get it out of me.

He died after I removed the chip.

Maybe it is connected.

You may die too.

It's a chance I have to take.

I trust you.

All right, I will do it.

Let us go to a sterile facility.

Hold still.

This will not hurt a bit.


You do you know what you're doing, right?

Why, yes.

I have been programmed to perform over 100...

All right, all right.

Let's do this.

You will only be unconscious for a few minutes.

There's no sign of them, General.

They must have escaped by now.

Escape was never their intention.

They're investigating, searching.

Their appearance in the Genetics labs proves this, but what are they searching for?


Was it... was it there?


Identical in structure.

However, it appears that the one I found in your friend had malfunctioned, while yours is perfectly intact.

Are you sure his breakdown was... isolated?

There is no way of knowing that.

And now that we have removed your chip, we do not know what will happen to you.

So then I could snap too?


But when we removed the chip from Tup, he...

I am afraid you may die as well.

I need to know if more clones than just Tup and I have these and when we were implanted with them.

My analysis suggests implantation took place at the earliest stage of development, most likely when you and Tup were only embryos.

Then we have to start there.

Oh, great.

Try to act normal.


♪ Doo-da-la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪ Hello!

How was that? Was that normal?

For you, AZI, yeah.

We will start with the earliest stage of development.


I will now try a stage three embryo.

There it is!

Ah. Try another.

Based on this data, I can calculate how many in this tree are altered.

I can't believe it.

They all have one.

Don't move.

Why are you doing this?

I know what you've done.

What is it that you think I have done?

How do you explain this?

That is a structural inhibitor chip, which is supposed to prevent you from being aggressive, like your source, Jango Fett.

Jedi Master Syfo-Dias instructed us to implant them during your growth cycle.

The Jedi?

The Jedi had this done to us?

It is not uncommon to have inhibitors placed in a clone.

I have analyzed this one, and apparently it has failed.

Up until this point, there has never been a problem.

Well, you have got a big problem now.

Don't move!

Drop your w*apon.

Master Jedi, I know what's going on.

I have the evidence.

The Jedi instructed that inhibitor chips be implanted in us at birth, but Tup's malfunctioned.

That's what made him lose control.

Where is the evidence?

I have it right here.

As you can see, the chip taken from clone trooper Tup is black and rotting, indicating a malfunction of some sort.

What caused the malfunction?

It doesn't matter.

The fact is, Tup's chip malfunctioned, and it drove him insane.

These chips have to be removed, otherwise the entire Republic Army could be compromised.

There is no proof of that.

This is an isolated incident.

Besides, when you removed trooper Tup's chip, he died.

Well, that's not going to happen to the rest of us.

And how do you know that?

Because I removed mine.

Here is clone trooper Fives' chip.

As you can see, there is no sign of malfunction in either him or the chip.

By removing your chip, you are a threat.

Master Jedi, we must terminate this trooper immediately.

I am not a piece of hardware!

I'm a living being!

You were created in our laboratories.

You are Kaminoan property!

Correction: technically, he is property of the Republic.

That does not change the fact that he is a danger and must be terminated.

I believe that's for me to decide.

Fives, you are coming with me to Coruscant.

I think it's time you told your story to the Chancellor.

Master Jedi, I beg you to reconsider!

The Chancellor wanted all the data on Tup to be sent to Coruscant.

We're sending the data, the tumor, and Fives along with it.

Then I am going with you.

As you wish, Doctor.

Thank you for believing in me, General.

It is not a matter of belief, Fives.

It is simply the right thing to do.

It looks like you got what you wanted.

Thanks to you.

I'll see you on the other side.

The other side of what?

Ah, droids.
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