01x11 - Wrong Place Wrong Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Crossing Jordan". Aired: September 2001 to May 2007.*

Moderator: Lillith Decker

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Follows a crime-solving forensic pathologist employed in the Massachusetts Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.
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01x11 - Wrong Place Wrong Time

Post by bunniefuu »


No, she's

Hold on.

It's for you.

Garret somebody.



Oh, nobody.

So what's up?

Yeah, I can be there in
minutes. I know where it is.

Okay, see you.



We had sex last night.

Sure looks that way.

Okay! I gotta go.

You mind if I wait here
till you get back?


Work, huh?

Bank robbery. Couple people were k*lled.

Great way to
start your day.

Yeah, well, that's why
they pay me the big bucks.


Morning, Jordan.

Sleep well?

Yeah, fine.

Roommate sounded nice.

Though I don't remember you
mentioning you had a roommate.

Are you teasing me,

Of course not.

I'm your boss. It would be
inappropriate for me to tease you.

Yes, it would.

Besides, it's really
none of my business.

That's right,
it isn't.

Hey, there. Hi.
How are you?

You guys are the medical
examiners, right?

I'm Dr. Macy.
This is Dr. Cavanaugh.

I'm Detective Hoyt.

You know what? Let's just can all the
"Detective" and "Doctor" stuff, all right?

You can just
call me Woody.

Ah. So, where you
from there, Woody?

Just transferred from
Kewaunee, Wisconsin.

Little slow there,
so I figured

I'd move to the big city
once I got my shield.

What was it
that gave me away?

Was it the Wisconsin
accent, there, you know?

No, no. Actually,
it was the tie.


So what do we got?

Okay, two heavily
armed suspects

entered the bank just a few shakes
after it opened this morning,

disarmed the guard,

and got roughly $ , from the cash drawers.

Were the tellers able
to drop a dye pack in?

Yes. Yes,
they did.

One of the new
fluorescent kind.

When it goes off, the robber doesn't know it,

but the cash
still gets marked.

So how did the
sh**ting start?

Well, depends
who you ask.

Witnesses say that the guard
pulled an ankle g*n, got a shot off,

poor woman got shot.

The guard took one
in the shoulder.

Any security

Yeah the feed goes to a lockbox off premises.

The manager's gonna bring
it by the precinct later.

Looks like she got caught
in the crossfire.

Wrong place,
wrong time.

Looks like the guard got off
a lucky shot. Full body armor.

b*llet passed through the
right side of the neck.

I left the mask on. I didn't
want to touch the body.

Wouldn't want you folks
getting upset.

The other robber was
wearing a Bush mask.

George, Sr.,
that is.

Looks like Bill was
the unlucky one.

Not Bill.

Not Bill?


I mean, he just shows up
with a bottle of wine.

"Hi, I'm Tyler, and I'm ruggedly handsome,

"and I thought I'd just drop
by on my way back to LA."

Next thing you know,
my pants are gone.

When I said this really wasn't any
of my business, what I meant to say...

No, it's actually the
best situation, though.

I mean, the guy's only
passing through.

I'm an adult.

If I want to have casual sex,
that's my God-given right, right?

This is a conversation you should be
having with one of your girlfriends.

Sure, I'll invite
the book club over

so we can discuss it
while we're doing our nails.

Hi, guys. Hi.

I'm not catching you
at a bad time, am I?

No, we're just having
some girl talk.

Oh. Okay.

We got an ID on the woman
k*lled in the crossfire.

Sydney Raines Wheeler,

leaves behind a husband
and a three-year-old son.

I guess she's a
bigwig here in town.

Have you guys
heard of her?

Boston Brahmin family. She
does a lot of charity work.

You run the prints
on the dead bank robber?

Oh, yeah, you betcha.
Bonnie Perazzo.

Record's pretty clean.
Nothing like armed robbery.

We've pushed
the autopsy.

We're gonna wait for your guys to
collect the b*llet from the bank.

All right, swell. So, I'll see
you two over at the precinct.

The precinct?

The guard's out
of the hospital.

He's gonna talk us through
the security video.

Should be pretty
informative there.

You don't mind
coming down, do you?


No, it's just we're not used to
the police being so cooperative.

You two have
a good one, now.

Right back
at you, Woody!

Whatever that guy is on,
I want some.

Oh, my sweet Lord.

Is that you?

Excuse me.


Lily, can I speak
to you for a moment?

Sure, Dr. Macy.

What do you know
about this?

Wait, is this you?

Oh, look at
all your hair!

Someone's been going through
my personal scrapbook,

and the thief took the
liberty of removing that photo

and putting it on the
employee bulletin board.

I never knew you
were a drummer.

I'm not a...

Look, this picture was taken
when I was seven years old.

Well, who's this guy
behind you?

That's my father.

Your dad, huh?

I've never heard you
talk about him.

It's because there's
nothing to talk about.

Look, fun is fun,
but I'm the chief now.

I have to maintain respectability,
you know, project authority.

I can't have people putting
my baby pictures on display.

It's just a prank,
Dr. Macy.

Well, how would you like it if
somebody took a picture of you?



I don't think I could
ever show my face again.

Man, I always fall
for drummers.

Wow, at least it was
a happy ending.

Funny, doesn't
sound that happy.

Died on a bus on
his way to Braintree.

Barney Zimmerman, .

How tragically

Cause of death?

Just received his
medical records.

Mr. Zimmerman suffered
from arterial sclerosis.

What, so you're gonna rule it
a heart attack, just like that?

Just like that.
Cause and effect.

Cause, bad heart.
Effect, dead.

And here I thought you had a reputation
for going the extra mile, Buggles.

Leaving no stone unturned.

The Bug I know would
at least run a tox screen.

I will run nothing.
And why not?

Because there are
no question marks.

This is a sign-out,

and I will not autopsy just
for the sake of self-amusement.

For once, I will not have
to spend countless hours

cutting and probing
and tox-screening.

This is simple, Nigel,

and I am in desperate
need of simplicity.

You're not just
a wee bit curious?

I am not in the
least bit curious.

Okay, Mr. Driscoll.

Why don't you take us through
what happened this morning?

I'll do the best I can. This
all happened pretty fast.

Sydney Wheeler.

Yeah, this is about
minutes after we opened.

That's me by the
front entrance there.

I got a buddy who does guard duty at
the First Union a couple blocks away.

Sometimes we chat
on the walkie-talkies.

Guess that's why I didn't see them come in.

There, that's
George there.

He's gonna take
my sidearm,

and he puts me down,

tells everybody
to stay put.

And Bill, he doesn't
say anything.

He just... He's gonna go for the cash.

Did they ask about the vault or
try to get the manager's keys?

I don't know.
They were shouting a lot.

See, they ain't
looking at me,

so I reached for my
ankle piece here,

and I'm starting to draw
a bead on Bill over here,

but before I can
get off a shot,

watch up here in the
right hand corner,

upper right hand corner,
right there.

George shot it out.

Where is he now?

He's back
by the loan area.

Bill turned around
when he heard the blast

and saw that I had
my g*n out, so...

So I had no choice.

I shot him.

George is sh**ting
at me now,

and I got a shot off

but then he got me
in the shoulder,

and I spun him around, and
right here he sh**t the lady,

Sydney Wheeler,
right there.

It's my fault she's dead.

There's something seriously
wrong with that video.

I mean, those two looked like
they didn't know the first thing

about robbing a bank.

What about all the
equipment, all the body armor,

all the machine g*ns?

Clothes don't make
the man, Hoyt.

We already know
Bonnie was an amateur.

I'm guessing Clyde
was, too.

You know, and all that trouble for $ , ?

I don't think so.
What do you think, Doc?

I'm not the resident
conspiracy theorist.

You guys are like a regular
Mulder and Scully, you know?

Except switched around.

You're more like Mulder,
and you're more like...

Thanks, Woody,
I got it.

I love that show.

Barney was such
a wonderful man.

I just can't
believe he's gone.

We're very sorry for
your loss, Mrs. Zimmerman.

Do you have any idea why he
was taking a bus to Braintree?

Last night he mentioned he was
visiting his mother's grave,

which is just where
he'd want to be buried,

right beside her.

Oh, how Barney loved
that dear woman.

I'm sure he knows you're
taking good care of him.

Now, if you'd
just sign here...

Just one question first,
if you don't mind.

I couldn't help
but notice,

here on Barney's admitting form
for his most recent heart surgery,

dated just
one month ago,

that he's listed himself
as divorced.


Barney and I had
our problems, but

we were reconciling.

How lovely.

However, since you're
not next of kin,

we'll have to hold on
to Barney for now.

I don't like you.

What the hell was that?

Foul play, Buggles.

Foul, foul play.

Is this your wife,
Mr. Wheeler?

Yeah, that's Syd.

Man, I can't believe
this is happening.

From everything we heard,

Sydney was a
very special woman.

I told her never
to go anywhere alone.

Everyone knew
that she had money.

That made her
a target.

She should have
been protected.

But she had to make that
deposit every Monday morning,

: am.

She had a good heart.

What'd she get for it?

You have a beautiful son.


Isn't that your boy,
Mr. Wheeler?

Yeah. Jack.

Syd was getting up there
when we had him.

Weren't exactly planning it, you know?

She called him
a miracle baby.

Thank God he's too little to
understand what happened to his mom.

We're doing everything we can to
find out who did this to your wife.


Come on, Jack.

Sure has a lot of
affection for his kid.

Well, grief does strange things to people.

I've been telling people their
loved ones have died for years.

I know what grief
looks like.

Jeez, Garret, you're
starting to sound like me.

You're home

I was just, uh,

freshening up.


I ordered the pies
all by myself.

Aren't you the
resourceful one?

I read in a book

chicks dig the whole
candlelight thing.

Oh, wow,
you're reading now?

Huh. That's a new trick.

Oh, I got lots of tricks
you don't know about.

So why don't you take off
that towel and show me?

You just want me
for my body.

Oh, and that's
a problem why?

You know, it's too bad
you're headed back to LA,

'cause I could really
get used to this.

Funny you should
say that.

Funny how?

I got a job today.

It's just

but the pay's
pretty good.



Here, in, uh...

In Boston?

It's a great city.


Towel's staying on, huh?

I was right
about Ryan Wheeler.

Had our new friend Woody
do some digging.

All right, now I'm
officially scared.

What have you done
with my real boss?

Ryan's a jack
of all trades.

He owns a bar in Southie,
and listen to this,

before they tied the knot,
he was Sydney's bodyguard.

Let me guess. They fell in
love, just like in the movies.

The word in the society page
is Sydney likes her boys bad.

It's too bad she didn't know his history.

Guy tried to take a middle-aged
wealthy deb for a ride down in Florida.

Married her and tried to
cash out half her inheritance.

So he kicked it up
a notch?

He actually had
his wife k*lled?

When is a bank robbery
not a bank robbery?

When it's a m*rder.


Woody's on his way in for the
autopsy. I'll see you there.

Can't wait.

Hey, Bug.

How's it going?

Swell, I guess.

Listen, you didn't happen
to see a picture of me

on the bulletin board
yesterday morning, did you?


No! No.

Because I'm having my
scrapbook dusted for prints,

and you might want to let the responsible
party know that I will find them.



I'll let them know.

Carry on.

Oh, Doctor?

This is
Delbert Zimmerman,

Barney's brother.

It's a pleasure
to meet you, Dr. Vid...

Ooh, that's a long one.

What can I do for you,
Mr. Zimmerman?

Well, I'm here
for Barney.

Of course.

Barney was the biggest
Boston Red Sox fan there is.

He personally asked me to
make sure that when he kicked,

that I scatter his...


That's right.
Scatter them over Fenway.

You see, then Barney would
be part of the Sox, forever.

Isn't that
a beautiful story?

And so convincing, too.

Actually, Mrs. Zimmerman filed a
court order to get custody of the body.

You want me
to go to court?

Damn it, I will!

I know.

You're not the least bit curious.

Lily, do you have
any idea

how a pair of drumsticks
found their way onto my desk?

Sure. I put them there.

I'm making cookies in the
toaster oven. Do you want some?


They're a present.

Maybe they'll help you reconnect
with your inner wild child.

Listen, I really appreciate the
gesture, but as I've already...

If you don't like them,
I can just take them back.

Or you can just say thank
you, like a normal person.

Thank you, Lily.



You're not gonna give Daddy's
body to Delbert, are you?

Just because he lived in
our house and sponged off us

doesn't give him
any right.

Ms. Zimmerman, you are
now the third family member

who has requested
your father's body.

The matter has now
gone to the courts.

There's nothing I can do.

But it's not fair!

For curiosity's sake,

what were your father's
last wishes for his remains?

Oh, well, Daddy was

in the Navy


the w*r,

so he wanted to be
buried at sea,

so he could rest

with his fallen

and women.

How touching.

All right, then.

I'll be patient.

But just so you know,
if you could

see fit to give
Daddy to me,

I would be


Very grateful.

Damn you, Nigel.

Thought you guys didn't start cutting
till you got them in their birthday suits.

In cases involving
body armor,

it's best if we
do it ourselves.

Wouldn't want to disturb
any of the forensics.

This neck wound is superficial.
Didn't sever any major arteries.

The guard's b*llet
just grazed her.

I've got an entrance wound
at the base of her left palm.

Missed it
at the scene.

That's not all
we missed.

Jeez, Louise.

So this is actually
an entrance wound.

We've got exit wounds
here and here.

So one b*llet
goes in,

through body armor,
no less,

and two come out?

No, this trauma was all
done by a single b*llet.

Which means the k*ll shot must be...

Now, where did you
come from, sweetheart?

You guys wouldn't happen to have a
ballistics expert around here, would you?

A genuine magic b*llet.

Eat your heart out,
Oliver Stone.

Can you trace
its path?

I certainly can,


Now, that is
just plain neat.

My little program here is calibrated
on velocity and tumble ratio

based upon a shot
fired from meters.

It's as simple as designating
where the entrance wound was.

Her left hand.

It was probably outstretched
when she saw it coming.

b*llet enters
through her left hand,

bounces off the humerus,
not very funny in this case,

causing a fracture.

Our friend then
begins his tumble,

glances off
the clavicle,

actually penetrates
the skin on the way out,

but alas, bounces off the inside
of the body armor and goes back in.

Hits the ribs,

and finally exits
through the abdomen.

Reduced velocity
embeds it in the armor.

The body armor
trapped the b*llet.

If she wasn't wearing it,
she would have lived.

Forensic irony
is the sweetest of all.

So either the guard knew
exactly where to aim

or he's the luckiest shot
this side of the Pecos.

Neither, dearest.

This b*llet isn't from the
guard's g*n. This is an AK round.

You're telling me this robber
was k*lled by an AK b*llet?


So the guard's b*llet may
not have even grazed her neck?


So she was k*lled
by friendly fire.

The other robber
shot her?


Last question.

Do you like this tie?

Mmm, no.

Okay. I'm gonna get
a new one.

No, I mean, Patagonia
is just unbelievable.

I mean, you ski
right down to the beach,

you pull off your gear,

you dive into
the ocean. It's...

Hey, Jo.

Hey, hey,
what's going on?

I just came by to see if you
wanted to grab some lunch.

My site's right around the corner,

so we're practically

We met last time
you were in town,

but for some reason, we weren't
properly introduced. I'm Nigel.

Tyler. Nice to
meet you, man.

So where's Dr. Cavanaugh
been hiding you?

I am not hiding

She's a very
private person.

Tell me about it.

I am not private!

She just got a new place
and hasn't had a housewarming.

Bad form,
if you ask me.

Would you guys stop talking
about me like I'm not here?

I mean, I just
haven't had time.

I'm free tonight.

I get off in a
couple of hours.

I could throw together
a little dinner party.

He cooks, too?

I am so in.

I'll be there.

Hey, Tyler? Tyler? May I
please speak to you? In private?

Well, of course
you may, Jordan.

What the hell
was that?

I don't know.

Oh, you...

You seemed a little wigged out
last night about me moving here.

I just want
to talk about it.

Yeah, well, that's
what phones are for.

Do you got a problem with
me meeting all your friends?

They're not my friends!
They're my...

They're my coworkers.

Yeah, and who do you think you
are, inviting them over to my place?

It was the
English dude's idea.

You know... And if this is about territory,

I'm already looking
for my own place.

Oh, it's not about
territory, okay? It's about...

I don't know
what it's about!

Great, then I'll
see you tonight.

Hey, man.

I just found bank robber number two.

Just because a guy
has some tattoos

doesn't mean he's
the bank robber.

You asked Woody
about the dye packs.

Yeah, he said they used
a fluorescent dye. So...

Get that light.

And then
there were none.

Hmm, sawdust.

Hey. Ah,
there you are.

We just ID'd your corpse. Leon
Muntz. Two-bit second-story man.

Found his body in an alley
in South Boston, throat slit.

So we've got two dead robbers who
were hired to k*ll Sydney Wheeler

and make it look like
a bank job gone bad.

Hired by who?

Her grieving widower.

Thought you weren't the resident
conspiracy theorist, there, Doc.

Things change.

Now it's just a matter of
connecting Mr. Muntz to Ryan Wheeler.

And since the only two
who can ID him are dead,

we might have to get
a little fancy.

Glucose levels
are off the charts.

This guy was as drunk
as you can be.

Sawdust and liquor.

A bar.

Ryan Wheeler owns a bar.

I got next, man.

Hey, is Ryan around?

Who's asking?

A friend.

Sure you are, pal.

I guess I'll just sit here till he shows up.

We'll have, uh... A couple of beers? Yeah.

And we don't need
any glasses.

Ooh. You got it,
tough guy.

I'm really digging this
new side of you, Garret.

What side is that?

The kickass, "I'm gonna
get you, sucker" side.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say
you're starting to take this personally.

I'm really looking forward
to your dinner party tonight.

Excuse me, we were talking about you.

And now we're talking
about you.

There you go.

Your dude's
relocating, huh?

I think I have
intimacy issues.

That's a startling

What really sucks is that Tyler
knows I have intimacy issues,

and he loves to
push my buttons

'cause he knows I'm just gonna pull away.

So why don't you stop
pulling back, break the cycle?

I don't know.

The cycle's
kind of fun.

You know? The more we
fight, the better the sex.

That's romantic.

You looking for me?

Ryan! Hey, nice place
you got here.

Thanks. Now, go.

Well, the joint has
a very friendly atmosphere.

No wonder Leon came here
after he hit the bank.

It's a great place
to unwind.

Now, do you think if I showed his
and Bonnie's pictures around here,

anybody would
recognize them?

You got something
you want to ask me?

When you decided
to have your wife m*rder*d,

did you ever, for a second,
think about your kid?

I could tell you right now
that I did k*ll my wife

and it wouldn't make
any difference,

'cause you're not
a cop.

You're just
a regular guy

on my property,

which means

I get to kick
your ass.

You're gonna kick my ass?

I am.

Garret, you just
head-butted that guy.

Yeah, I know.
Come on.

One sec, one sec.

Maybe next time.

Ow! Jordan!

Boy, not so tough, are
you now, Dirty Garry, huh?

That's very funny.

The old hit-and-run.
Pretty cool, man.

Thank you.

So you ready to tell me why
you want this guy so bad?

Look, Ryan Wheeler as much as
admitted that he k*lled his wife,

and with his two cronies dead,
there's no way to prove it.

So what's
the real reason?

I have no idea what
you're talking about.

Look, I just want to know
what happened to my boss, okay?

First, you flip out over the
little drummer boy photo...

This has nothing
to do with that picture!

And don't expect me
to explain to you...

Jordan, it's personal.


Why do you think you're always yelling
at me for getting too involved, Garret?

It's supposed to be personal, isn't it?

No, it...

It isn't supposed to be...

I'm supposed to be
professional and objective.

But damn it,
I want this guy.

Welcome to my world.

You really want
to get this guy?

So how does this work?

We recreate Sydney Wheeler's m*rder.

Forget everything
you know.

The only facts
are the forensics.

Now, we know Bonnie didn't make
it out alive, so I'll be Leon.

Now, who are you?

Well, the only reliable
witness was Driscoll the guard.

Okay, so you're Driscoll.

Now, it's : a. m.

What are you doing?

While Sydney Wheeler's
walking in,

Driscoll's by the entrance
and he's on his walkie.

Garret, it's first person. You gotta be him.

Oh, okay, sorry. I'm on my walkie-talkie.

So you don't
see us coming.

Don't move, man!
Give me your g*n!

Okay, I don't
want any trouble.

Get down!
Everybody down!

I'm getting the manager.
What are you thinking?

I'm no longer
a threat to you,

and the other one
has her back to me,

so I want to be a hero and
I reach for my ankle g*n.

Wait a minute. Stop.

We're forgetting something.
Let's back it up.

Before you went
to the loan area,

you shot out the surveillance camera. Why?

I didn't want the camera to
see me k*lling my partner.

Ryan told me
to waste her here.

We start to cover
our tracks.

But I didn't know
you were gonna k*ll her.

So I start reaching
for my g*n.

No, you don't.

Because I'm right here
in the blind spot.

I'm too close.

I'm the one
who starts sh**ting.

Bonnie sees me
raise my g*n.

By then it's too late.

And then I do
what I came here to do.

I go for the cash.

I still have to sell this
as a robbery.

All right, stay down!
Don't move!

And I'm gone.

Didn't make sense.

Why not?

If you k*lled Sydney and your
own partner, then who shot me?

Maybe you shot yourself,
put yourself above suspicion.

Why? I didn't do
anything wrong.

Maybe you did.

The robbery started at : , and Sydney
Wheeler was running late that day.

So, if Ryan
set up the m*rder,

his people would have
been there at : sharp.

How did the K*llers
know that?

Had to be the guard. I
mean, he was on his walkie.

They must have been
on the other end.

Okay, she just got here.
Coast is clear.

The ankle g*n
was a setup.

They were just covering
all their bases.

And what's a bank robbery
without a man on the inside?


Hey, you guys
ready to party?



Um, this is really yummy
paella, Tyler.


Now, this is just
plain depressing.

We're finally gathered in
a forum without dead people,

and what do we have
to say to one another?

Where's the bonding?

The love?

What would you like
to talk about, Nigel?

So hoping
you would ask that.


Party failure
contingency plan A.

I have prepared a series
of queries designed to, um,

get to know each other.

Simply draw a card
from the pile,

put the question
to the table.

Everyone must
answer, but!

If you choose
to remain mum,

then you must
consume a shot

of party failure
contingency plan B.

The dreaded ouzo.

Bug! Shall we
begin with you?

Oh, come on.
I'm not gonna read this.

Go for it, man!
It can't be that bad.

"Where is the naughtiest place
you've ever had a shag?"

All right, people.


Or drink?


Six times in a day?


Hey, I'm just
answering the question.

Lies. Six?

Come on, it's
medically impossible.

Why would you want to have
sex six times in one day?

I mean, come on. We're
people, we're not bunnies.

Dr. Macy
said "bunnies"!

Can I get everybody's
attention for a minute?

Two days ago, somebody broke into my office

and stole something
very personal.

And the culprit then went on
to take that personal thing

and post it on
the bulletin board.

You know, you can stop saying
"personal thing," Dr. Rock Star.

We all saw it.

Right, right.
Okay, so,

let's get to it,
then, shall we?

Tyler, what are your intentions
towards our dear girl?

Oh, I better not tell.

She'll yell at me!

Actually, uh,

I'd love to hear what
your intentions are, Ty.


I think we should pick up
right where we left off in LA.


Huh! That's kind of taking
a step back, isn't it?

I mean, let's take
the living situation.

I am struggling
just to pay rent here.

If you're moving
here to Boston,

why don't you just
move in here with me?

You want to live together?


And another thing, I'm
not getting any younger.

I mean, "tick-tock, tick-tock"
goes that little clock,

know what I'm saying?

Not that we have to have
kids right away, okay?

But, I mean, come on, I should at least
have a ring on my finger within a year.

She's very

Oh, thank you.
You're welcome.

Are you serious, Jordan?


I had no idea
you felt this way.

I mean, uh...


I actually thought you weren't
too cool with me moving here.


So, what do you say, man?

Can I think about it?

Of course.

To bonding.

Thank you for coming down, Mr. Driscoll.

Sorry to put you out, there. We
just have a few follow-up questions.

Sure. Anything
I can do to help.


Uh, what do we
got here? Yes!

How much did Ryan Wheeler pay
you to tip off his hit men?

You go, Woody.

What the hell do you
think you're doing?

My client is a hero.

You want to tell me why
a hero needs a lawyer?

Don't worry, George.

He's fishing.

Okay, well,
while I'm fishing,

I'm just gonna go ahead and
serve you with this warrant.

Fine, search my place.
I got nothing to hide.

Oh, no, George.
It's not for your place.

It's for your body.

I don't know how you got a judge
to sign this thing, Detective,

but you can be sure I'll
get it tossed in court.

If George hasn't done
anything wrong,

why would we ever
be in court?

Hey, guys.
Hey, Woody.

Hey, George.

Mind taking off
that shirt?

Take it easy, Mr. Driscoll.
We're just gonna have a look.

This might sting
a little bit.





Looks like we got
hard contact.

Hard contact?

What's that mean?
What's she mean?

It means that once
a wound is cleaned,

it's impossible to prove
what inflicted it,

unless, of course,
someone was stupid enough

to press the barrel of a g*n
into his own shoulder.

See, the edges of the wound retain the soot

because it's baked
right in.

Why'd you sh**t
yourself, George?

Look, I only dealt
with Leon.

In case you haven't heard, Leon's dead.

Somebody's cleaning up
after themselves

and I can only guess
who's gonna be next.

Okay. Okay.

I went with Leon
to meet the guy.

He wanted me there
as backup,

but I was across the street, I
didn't hear what they were saying.

This guy, if we showed you a
photo, could you pick him out?

Yeah. Yeah, I guess.

Look, I didn't know
they were gonna k*ll her.

How does it feel?

How does what feel?

We won!
You got Ryan!

Feels kind of
anticlimactic, I guess.

Really? Huh! Well, then, maybe you
should go deliver the good news yourself,

see the look
in Ryan's eyes

when he realizes you've
just brought him down.

I'm a doctor, Jordan.
I'm not a cop.

Yeah, whatever
you say, Bones.

You wanna come?

Nah, I do it
all the time.

This one's your baby,
tough guy.

I like your new look.
It's very Chinatown.

I wasn't sure
until just now,

but I think you got
a death wish, pal.

You're not the first one to say that,
and I'm sure you won't be the last.

You want to take
this outside?

Or should I break
your neck right here?

Outside's probably
not gonna work,

because that's where
the cops are waiting.

You know, to arrest you
for m*rder?

Figured I'd bring them here because, uh,

I'm just a regular guy.



you turn around
and I will be there.

I can't wait.

But until then, you're
gonna have a long time

to think about
what you did to your wife

and your son.

Goodbye, Ryan.

Hey, there.
How are you?

This is my first arrest
here in Boston

and I'm supposed
to tell you,

you have the right
to remain silent.

As you've finally
seen the light

regarding this
nefarious plot,

I took the liberty
of doing a bit of digging

and I was able to put my hands on
Barney's last will and testament.

How did you
manage that?

Bird I know works probate
at the County Clerk's Office.

Barney changed his will
two months ago.

The Brighton mafia
strikes again.

So, which one of the sharks
gets the inheritance?

None of the above.

He's left everything
to a local animal shelter.

All $ of it.

There's an obstruction
in the duodenum.


He swallowed something!

I want to hear you
say it.


I'm curious.


Oh, stuff it,

He hated you
and you know...

You wouldn't even have known if your
damn daughter hadn't called you over.

Thieving spy.

Oh, spy?

Why don't you go have another
drink and let the women settle this?

All right, listen... Settle down, children.

Two nights ago, your beloved
Barney sat in front of the telly,

as he did every
Wednesday night.

Clutched in his hand,
a lottery ticket,

with the same numbers he'd
played for over ten years.

And this night,

he was a winner.

The jackpot?




And that's when the
vultures descended.

But unfortunately, Barney didn't want
to share with his loving family, did he?


So he did the only thing he
could to protect his winnings.

He put the ticket
in a bag, and he

swallowed it.

The next morning,
he would take a bus

to the lottery office...

...in Braintree,

deposit his hidden booty
in the loo, and cash out.

his ticker gave out

and the poor guy
died en route.

All right,
we'll cut you in.

You have nothing
to cut, sir.

Barney cut you
out of his will.

Yeah, the transient
pets of Boston

just got
$ million richer.

And that brings us
to the body.

Since you were all so eager to take custody

of the remains, if one of you would just sign


So much for my sign-out.


the puppies
and the kitties

may see fit to contribute
a bit of their inheritance

towards a proper
burial for old Barn.

Hey, Jo.


I was thinking about
what you said last night.

Tyler, I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have...

Yeah, you should have.

I had it coming.

Yeah, you did.

I know
you were bluffing.

You were

bluffing, right?


Maybe not.

I guess
I blew it, huh?


Guess we both did.

So, is this
where we say,

"It wasn't meant to be,

"too bad
we're not grownups,

"let's shake hands and," you
know, "go our separate ways"?

Yeah, we could do that.


Bye, Jo.


I have a confession
to make.

I didn't know
anyone was still here.

Come on in, Jordan.
Cleanse your soul.

I did it.

You did what?

Put that picture of you
up on the bulletin board.

I came in here looking for
a file, I saw your scrapbook.

Couldn't help myself.

I'm sorry.

It's all right.
No harm done.

"No harm done"?

Garret, you've been on a
rampage for the last two days.

Did I ever tell you that
my dad was a trumpet player?


He played jazz on the road,
mostly, when I was a kid.

You know, I didn't
see him much, but...

But when he was home,

he made me feel like I was
the center of his world.

I mean...

I worshipped this guy.

Last time I saw him,
I was about seven years old,

shortly after
this picture was taken.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Well, he didn't
die or anything.

He just got tired of
the family life, I guess.

And my mother, of course, made excuses
for him, so he was still my hero.

He always...

He always wanted me
to be a musician.

Then when I was , I quit high
school and went on the road.

You're kidding.

I saw the world,
I traveled all over,

chased a bunch
of girls, you know,

made some records.

In many ways, it was
the best time of my life.

And then one day I realized
that I would never be great.

And if I couldn't be great, I
felt like I was wasting my time.

So I could do that,

or I could grow up and become
a man like my father never did.

When I looked into that
little boy's eyes yesterday...

You had to do something.


I thought you were the one
who was gonna confess.

Go on home, Jordan. I'm
sure Tyler's waiting up.

Tyler's history.

Guess I win.

You don't look like you feel like a winner.

Want to talk about it?


Not really.

Well, even though you are
my bestest girlfriend.

Thank you.

Good night, Garret.
Night, Jordan.
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