01x09 - Digger (2)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Crossing Jordan". Aired: September 2001 to May 2007.*

Moderator: Lillith Decker

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Follows a crime-solving forensic pathologist employed in the Massachusetts Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.
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01x09 - Digger (2)

Post by bunniefuu »

No. No.

Nice going.

What? Like this
is my fault?

Yeah, you and Jimmy Olsen
here violated his home,

spoiled his safe haven, his holy
ground, and all without a warrant.


You want to at least try to
disguise your contempt, Haley?

Not really.

You'd think a professional behaviorist
might be a little more sensitive,

considering a girl died
in my arms eight hours ago

and I have spent every damn second
since trying to help you by describing,

multiple times, by the way,
every little detail that I saw.

You'd think after all this time together,
you might know the slightest thing about me.

You're right,
I'm sorry.

I will tell you
one thing about you.

Oh, bring it on,
G- man.

You're cranky when
you haven't slept.

Your boyfriend's
got brass ones.

Hey, you. This is a federal crime
scene. Get the hell out of here.

You might want to check a little
something called free press.

Yeah, it's under
the First Amendment.

Get out of here before I have you
arrested! Go on, get out of here!

Yeah, it'd be
a different story

if you weren't wearing that badge, pal.

Let me guess, you moonlight as
the FBI's goodwill ambassador.

He's gonna get
somebody k*lled.

I need your list.

Wedding guests?

I figure we can cram
into the M.E.'s lounge,

and that's not including musicians.


My herbalist
Leo plays sitar.

His Ave Maria will
break your heart.

Oh, that's lovely.

Morning, people.

Before I get into
individual case assignments,

I have an announcement that
concerns the entire staff.

For those who
haven't heard,

Dr. Yakura has resigned her
post as Chief Medical Examiner.


Someone finally dropped
a house on her.

That's enough of that. Dr. Yakura
served this office honorably.

She deserves our
respect and gratitude.

Yeah, no one's more grateful
she's leaving than I am, mate.

As of today, I'll be taking
over as Chief Medical Examiner.



Thank you.
Thank you.

There's one more item.

As you all know, office policy
prohibits the use of this facility

for personal business. That includes
rituals or ceremonies of any kind.

This is a morgue. It's not
a bed and breakfast.

Is that clear?

I'll bet you thought
you'd never miss Yakura.

Okay, moving on.

Whoa, whoa.
Not so fast.

That's Yakura's chair.

If you're gonna be the king, Dr.
Macy, you gotta have a throne.

That's Dr. Yakura's chair.

$ worth of
morgue property.

She spent $
on that thing?

That's a lot of chair.

She definitely
scratched him.

But just barely.

There's more skin
than blood.

Enough to get DNA?

I don't know.

You want to bag
that swab, Doctor?

I'll run it over
to our lab.

It's okay.
He's cool, Bug.

Just so long as he's not cooler than me.

Stomach contents, anyone?

So I'm guessing the poor girl's
last supper was at a restaurant.

White wine, goat cheese
salad and mystery meat.

That narrows it down to
about places in Boston.

Why must they always
be skeptics?

You ever taken biology,
Agent Haley?

My doctorate was
in Abnormal Psychology.

'Course it was.

It's definitely organic. Some
kind of poultry? Chicken, maybe?

Incorrect, love. Actually,
it only tastes like chicken.

I took the liberty
of testing for species.

What we're looking at is
actually amphibian meat.

Frog's legs.


Dr. Macy?

Yeah, Lily.

I think "Ms. Lebowski"
might be more appropriate.

Okay, Ms. Lebowski, yeah.
What can I do for you?

These requisitions
need to be signed.

Okay, thanks.

You're welcome.

Was there
something else?

Aren't you gonna
sign them?

Once I've read them, yeah.

Dr. Yakura
just signs them.

Well, I'm not Dr. Yakura. I actually read
things before I put my signature on them.

It's just some

There's no such thing
as "just," Ms. Lebowski.

It's lax management
and bureaucratic loopholes

that lead to $ chairs
ending up on the taxpayers' tab.

Those days
are over.

I will not sacrifice
quality for speed.


So once they're signed,
I'll give you a call.


I know why you're standing
in the way of this wedding.

I'm not standing
in the way of anything.

If you want to treat marriage
as some big joke, be my guest.

But the Medical Examiner's Office is not
gonna be party to a green card wedding.

So this is about the
Medical Examiner's Office?

That's all
this is about.


If you're waiting for me to
beat on the glass of the chapel

and start screaming "Elaine,"
it's not gonna happen.


You see?
There you go.

We don't even share the same
set of cultural references,

and yet you seem to think that
we're some kind of soul mates.

I... I thought...

You thought what, Lily?

That I was gonna rescue you
from yourself at the last minute?

Well, I got a news flash. I'm not.

You and Nigel want to get
married and have a big laugh

at Immigration's
expense, go ahead.

Just don't expect me
to crash the party.

Just call me when you've signed the forms.

I will.

You should let me
take you home.

You should stop treating
me like a tag-along.

Hey, easy, tough guy. I'm just
saying you need some sleep.

When was the last time you slept?

Point taken.

This is the last restaurant on
the list that serves frog legs.

If no one recognizes Chloe,
then I'll sleep. Deal?


Excuse me, ma'am.

Oh, we're not open
for another hour.

we're not hungry.

We were wondering
if you could help us.

Do you recognize this girl? She
might have been here last night.

Oh, I don't know.

Maybe. I work
tables a night.

I'm not keeping track
of who's sitting with who.

We're not getting anywhere.
This trail's getting cold.

I don't think so. Haley.

Stained glass lilies.

He was watching her.

Could've let yourself in. The lock's busted.

When's the last time
someone occupied this place?

Tenant died about a month ago.
It's been empty since then.

Thought I heard somebody moving
around up here the last couple of days,

but, hey, they don't pay
me enough to work security.

Who was
the tenant?

Old lady. Lived here years.

Croaked right in
this easy chair.

Nobody even knew
for three weeks.

If it wasn't for the stink,
I never would've found her.

Probably why I can't rent this damn place.

Still smell her.

She have any family?

A son somewhere.
He never visited.

Hey, Haley,
check this out.

That's a little
tight for a body.

An adult, maybe.

Not a little boy.

Oh, my God.

Someone locked him up in
here when he was a kid.

His mother.

And now he's back.

There's no place
like home.

Okay, so Mommy's name
was Marcy Gallow.

She was never married, but
there was a birth certificate

for a son, Daniel.
No middle name.

Gee, I thought these guys
always had three names.

Yeah, well, this kid was in and out
of institutions most of his childhood.

The paper trail in Boston
goes cold at age .

I'm going back to the office
to see what I can find.

Okay, I'm coming
with you.

No, my friend. You're gonna get some sleep.

Look, your work
is finished here.

Wait, wait, wait.

The manager said she died a month ago, right?

Yeah, so?

So, she died here
in the apartment.

That means she would've had an autopsy.

There's got to be some
paperwork at the morgue.

All right, you go do your thing.

But if you find anything,
and I mean anything, Jordan,

you're gonna call me in
my hotel. You got that?

No, I mean it.

Yeah, I mean it, too.
You're gonna call me.


If I find anything.

I've been waiting here two hours.

Where in the hell
you been?

Off the record?
Yeah, right.

Then I was
at the movies.

Come on, you gotta
give me something.

You know, if it wasn't for me, you
never would have found that trailer.

If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have
been att*cked by a raging psychopath.

I spent six hours getting
grilled by the FBI, by the way.

Where the hell
were you?

Running background
on Haley.

Ace profiler or no?

Guy's a hack.

We've been two steps
ahead of this guy

ever since he and his Bruno
Maglis first set foot in Boston.

That's the most interesting
angle you could find? Haley?

Need I remind you there's
a serial k*ller out there?

Oh, baby.


That is so cute.

You're actually
sweet on this guy.

I am so not.


Presence of º/º occlusion
of the right coronary artery

near the atrioventricular node
is consistent with...


There's scarring to the ventricular
septum distal to the mitral valve...

I'm just saying I can't
believe he chose you over me.

Not only am I
the best man,

I'm the best man
to be the best man.

I was almost the bride. I think
that gives me the inside track.

Yeah, flower girl
is still wide open.

Oh, there you are. All
right, chaps, here's the plan.

We'll have it at my place, all right?

What? With the weird
roomie and all those cats?

What could it
possibly matter?

You want to explain why you made
Trey your best man instead of me?

For the love of...
Who cares?

I do.

This is a sham wedding
for a green card.

Suddenly, everyone's
Martha bloody Stewart?

I just think we should try to
respect the institution of marriage.

Yeah, well, you're gonna put me in
the institution soon, sweetheart.

I think we should
do it in City Hall.

No. I mean, once you add the rental,

the justice of the peace, we're
talking at least two grand.

Look, I'll tell
you what, love.

We'll have me mate with the
garbage scow do the wedding,

I'll lock the cats
in the bathroom,

and I'll buy you a -ounce
porterhouse to celebrate. Deal?

Garbage scow?

Ship's captain.
Brilliant, eh?

So, what do you say,

oh blushing bride of mine?

Sounds great.

Here it is.
Marcy Gallow.

You were right. She came
through here five weeks ago.

Dr. Macy ruled it
natural causes.

Who signed her out?

Jennine Gallow.

Says here she's
the decedent's sister.

We got
a street address?

Yes. I'll write that down for you.

What's up?
Well, I don't know yet.

But I'm gonna find out. Thanks, Em.

Hi. I'm looking for
Jennine Gallow.

Well, it's Burke now.
Can I help you?

Yeah, my name is
Jordan Cavanaugh.

I'm from the Medical Examiner's Office.

I'm just following up on some
paperwork from a couple months ago.

You signed out the remains
of your sister Marcy?

That's right.

And she had a son
named Daniel?

Exactly what kind
of follow-up is this?

It's just routine. I'm
sorry, I can't help you.

Tell me, how was it your sister
had a son, yet she never gave birth?

Her postmortem x-rays.
She was infertile.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

You're her sister, right?

How could you not
know about that?


I don't want
any trouble.

I'm not here to cause you any trouble.

I have a husband.
I've got a family.

I'm just looking
for the truth.

Who gave birth
to her son?

I did.

Danny was my son.

I was years old.

Raising a child would have ruined my life.

Marcy was much older and
she couldn't have children.

She promised she'd
take care of him,

that I wouldn't have anything to worry about.

Do you know what she did
to him? How she treated him?


Marcy was not
a bad person.

She was a free spirit.

She was just trying to make
money the best way she could.

And those men never touched
a hair on that boy's head.

She was a prost*tute.

She promised me she'd take care of him.

What was I
supposed to do?

Does Daniel know
you're his mom?


Thanks for your help.


He's okay,
isn't he?

He hasn't done anything wrong, has he?


Classic. The Big Dig
knock out the power again?

Relax, count to six,
the generator'll kick in.

Five, four, three,
two, one...

Generator didn't kick in.

Lily, you want to call
Maintenance and find out why?

I know why.
It's broken.

It's been down since the last power outage.

And the reason
it wasn't fixed was...

it's your fault.

The repair order was in that stack of papers

that you refused to sign
until you read the fine print.

All right, get them
on the phone for me.

It's closed
until : am.


What's that noise?

Lumbar massage.

But if the power's out,

Well, it has an auxiliary battery in it.

Must be nice.

Who is it?


He's burying
his mother.

Evening, Jordan.

That's why he dyes their hair, draws on
the beauty mark. Why he buries them alive.

Yes, we know that. He's punishing his
mother for locking him in that box.

Marcy Gallow
wasn't his mother.

Get in here.

I thought I told you to call me.

I was following
a lead.

a lead"?

Would you listen
to yourself?

That girl died
because of me.

No, no. That girl died in spite of you.

You are not
to blame for this.

You want to
point the finger?

Start with the woman
pretending to be his mother.

She sure did
a number on him.

Nine times out of , it's
got something to do with Mom.

Tell me about it.


I don't know, there just seemed to
be something more to that sentence.

Don't you have enough people to
profile without adding me to that list?

Well, I can guarantee you that
keeping it inside doesn't help.

talking about it...

So now we're gonna play "you show
me yours, I'll show you mine"?

You gotta
trust somebody.

I don't think so.

You got something
to drink in there?

It's a twist-off.


Tell me about
your mother, Jordan.

I'd just turned
a week earlier.

I was wearing the new shoes
I got for my birthday.

Shoes my mom gave me.

The principal came into the
classroom right before lunch.

There was a uniformed officer with him.

I knew he was there for me.
My dad was a cop.

I just knew something
had happened to him.

Mommy! Daddy!

The house was
filled with people.

It was crazy.

And quiet.

Too quiet for
that many people.

I remember the color
most of all.

It was more than red.

I remember thinking, "There's
no other color like this. "

That's what I was thinking.

Let go of me!
What's the matter with you?

Then I saw my dad.

He was mad, yelling.

Yelling at his friends.

What do you think
you're doing? Let go of me!

He told me later
that he hit a policeman

because they wouldn't
let him see her.


Man, was he pissed.

I'd never seen him
that mad before.

Then he saw me.

Jordan, it's all right!


That's my daughter.
Where you taking her?

Grandma's outside.


I don't really remember much after that.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Jordan, I...

I can't do this.

You're right. This isn't gonna help.

It's not about that.

There are things
that happened to me.

Things that I wish I could
tell you about, and I can't.

Sorry to bother you, Dr.
Macy, but you are the man now.

Don't remind me.
So, what's up?

With no electricity to
operate the cooling system,

the crypt gets warmer
every time we open the door.


It's five degrees
too warm in here.

Told you.

Let's keep the drawers
closed, keep in the cold.

Also, take one
of the vans.

There's a -hour liquor
distributor off Winthrop Square.

Don't you think we ought to
take care of this generator thing

before we start

Oh, and get some dry ice for any new bodies

that come in and we can't store in the wall.

We don't want to be up
to our asses in decomps.

That's an image.
I'm out.

Help me!

Help! Help me!

Oh, my God!

It's not your generator, it's your wiring.

Straight out of
the Stone Age.

Out of the Aluminum Age,
to be more exact.

Well, why does the rest of
the building still have power?

Because the rest of the building
upgraded to copper wiring

when I told them to.

I told Dr. Yakura
to upgrade, but...

Yeah, but she didn't. Okay.

All I would've had to do was
replace a panel or two, but now...

It's a whole new
ball game.

Well, how much?

Oh, , .


Look, what can I tell you?
Should've signed the paperwork.

No, I'm sure Dr. Yakura
was the model of efficiency.

You're kidding, right?

Why do you think the
damn thing's still broke?

I know that we're not always the
fastest at responding to a call,

but maybe you and I can work
out a little arrangement,

you know, so that there's
no problems in the future.

Are you talking
about a bribe?

You said that.

Because I don't
do business that way,

and I resent
the implication.

Well, fine.

Like I said, you pay that bill,
we get you back online, hmm?


have a nice day

in the dark.

Finally. You took your
sweet-ass time getting here.

Whoa, you might wanna think about
easing off the caffeine, k*ller.

Hey, what'd you
find out?

Your pal's a regular Walter Mitty.

Drew Haley didn't exist
until four years ago.

He changed his name?

But didn't cover
his tracks too well.

Drew Haley was formerly
known as Dr. Mark Ellis.

A behavioral psychologist working
with the criminally insane,

diagnosing and rehabbing
severe psychotics.

They said he was the best.

"An almost supernatural judge of the
abnormal human psyche," and I am quoting here.

Check it out. Ellis has got it all going on.

Unimpeachable rep,
beautiful family, whole nine.

Then one night he comes
home, hears crying upstairs.

Walks into the bathroom,
finds his wife.

She drowned their son in the bathtub.

You're kidding.


Who knows?

The point is, this guy Ellis lost it,

disappeared, and was reborn
as Special Agent Drew Haley.

It was right there
in his own house

and he didn't
even see it.

Is this Dr. Mark Ellis?


Was he raised
here in Boston?

No, that's all
I could find out.

The trail gets real murky
about years back, so...

What, no goodbye? Come on,
at least give me a thank you.

Hey, Dad, it's me.

If you're checking your messages,
could you please call me back?

I really need your help
with something. Thanks.

Dr. Cavanaugh.


Emmy, I'm sorry. I'm
just a little jumpy today.

Oh, yeah.
It's okay.

These are for you. They're
messages from an Agent Haley.

He said it was
really important,

so I told him to try you at home,
but I guess you'd already left.

You gave him
my home number?

Did I do
something wrong?


Emmy, it's all right.
Don't worry about it.


Who is it?

It's me.
You got a minute?

I guess.

Dr. Macy, you scared me half to death.


You need a hand
with that?


There you go.

Thank you.

My mom loaned me
her wedding dress.

I told her it was just a
transaction, but she's old-fashioned.


You look beautiful.

I guess it's... It's good luck, anyway.

I'm sure it is.

Well, I better
be going.

I don't want to leave old Nigel at the altar.

Ms. Lebowski...


I think Lily's okay.

The wedding's off.

We already had
this discussion.

I gotta go.

I got Nigel off the hook with the INS.

You? How...

Well, let's just say that his
review was vastly improved.

They're not gonna
deport him because

he's now become one of
my most valuable employees.

Well, that was a very
decent thing of you to do.

I... I hope he
appreciates that.

I didn't do it
just for him.

Hey, Jordan.

I didn't see you there.

I saw you sleeping on the
couch. I didn't want to wake you.

Oh. I was just on my way to the
bathroom. What are you doing here?

I've been leaving you
messages all day long.

Yeah, look, I'm really sorry
about bailing on you this morning.

I do everything
hit and run.

It's not one of
my best traits.

Yeah. Well, look,
something's been bothering me

and I realized after last
night that, well, I...

I need to come clean with you.

I owe you that much.
You don't owe me anything.

Hey, I know you
had me checked out.

Why do you
say that?

Because any time anyone does
an Internet search on an agent,

a red flag goes up in Quantico.
They traced it back here.

Now, we need to talk.
And it's this case.

I don't know... I probably...
You really don't have to.

Wait, wait,
listen to me.

You were gonna find out sooner or later.

Digger's not
a stranger to me.

Jordan. Jordan.

Jordan, what are you doing?

Jordan, what are you...
What are you doing?

Jordan, what are you doing?

I found the tapes!

What tapes?
Yeah, I heard them.

You what? Jordan. Oh, come on,
you've got to be smarter than that.

That's what I've been
trying to tell you.

I've been in contact
with Digger!


Yeah, he sent
me those tapes!

He taunts me. He led me here to Boston.

So why'd you
keep it from me?

Because you are a medical
examiner, not a federal agent!

You are on
a need-to-know basis!

Now, look, I'm sorry. Maybe I should have
told you, but you have got to trust me now.

Oh, yeah, why's that?

Because he sent me this.

He is coming after you. Now, get the
hell out of there and let me explain...


Put her down!

Damn it!

No. No.


I've got agents and police
at every cemetery in Boston.

Well, he needs
a fresh grave,

and he probably hasn't had
time to dig one himself.

Have you called the mortuaries to find
who's got funerals tomorrow and where?

We're on it. I've got choppers in the
air looking for the coroner's stolen van.

Hello. That's right.

Revere and Claremont.
We're on the way.

They spotted the van.
Near Mount Charles Cemetery.

I'm going with you. Now,
look, this is a federal matter.

I said I'm going
with you.

I know you can hear me.

Answer me.

I know what happened
to you, Daniel.

I know about the window seat.
I know what she did to you.

I'm not going
to scream for you.

I am not going to beg.

Danny, what, I'm supposed to
be your mother, is that it?

And I'm supposed to suffer
the way you suffered, right?

All right.

I never meant
to hurt you, Daniel.

I put you in there
to protect you.

To keep you from seeing things
that you wouldn't understand.

I loved you,
that's why I did it.

Please forgive me.


Daniel, I've got a secret.

I can tell you a secret.
You want to hear a secret?

The woman who
put you in that box,

she wasn't
your real mother.

Your Aunt Jennine,
she was your real mother.

Think about it.

Deep down, you know it's true.


Daniel, don't leave.




Everyone quiet.
Turn off those engines.

Help me.

Fan out!

This way, guys.

Help me!


Everybody listen.


There! There!
Get some shovels!

Get in here!

Help me.

Move it! Hurry up.

Get down.

Get it open,
come on!

Get oxygen ready!

Get her up!
Found her!

Come on,
get her up here.

Hang on.

Move back, guys.
Got it?

Agent Haley, they lost the van
and the choppers can't pick it up.

Just breathe. Just breathe, Jordan.
Breathe. Take it easy. Just breathe.

I know where he is.

You two,
back in the car.

Put the w*apon
down, ma'am.

That's right.

He's alive. Paramedics.



Don't let them
bury me.

Let's get out of here.

Listen, thank you for the
adventure, Agent Haley.

Next time you're in town, do me a
favor and don't look us up, all right?

I'll try not to.

You gonna be okay tonight?
Do you want a ride home?

Yeah, actually, I think that's a good idea.

I'll get my stuff.

Does that go
for you, too?

What, about
looking me up?



But try to make it a social call next time.

That was a very interesting
tactic you used tonight.

Telling him about
his real mother.

but interesting.

I was improvising.

I was buried alive.

Might want to
cut me some slack.

I wish...

I wish that hadn't
happened to you.

Yeah, I know.

And I'm sorry I, uh...

Thought you
were a k*ller.

Oh, that. Don't worry about that.
That happens to me all the time.


Well, goodbye, Jordan.



I'm sorry.

About what happened
to your son.
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