01x07 - Sight Unseen

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Crossing Jordan". Aired: September 2001 to May 2007.*

Moderator: Lillith Decker

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Follows a crime-solving forensic pathologist employed in the Massachusetts Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.
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01x07 - Sight Unseen

Post by bunniefuu »

Good morning,
Dr. Macy.


I'm actually allergic to strawberries.

Oh! I'm... I'm sorry,
I didn't know.

Well, that's okay.
I can look, I just can't


See you.

Am I missing something?

Hey, Jordan.
No, I was just...

Staring out the door.
Anything interesting?

Look, Jordan...

Hi, Lil.

You know, you should just ask
her out and get it over with.

I'm not asking her out.

Garret, have you
gotten any recently?

Pardon me?
You heard me.

How long has it been?

We are not having
this conversation.

So you're frustrated.
It's no big deal, you know.

Whether or not I've been getting
any lately is none of your business,

and there are more important
things to do around here

than discuss my sex life.

Yeah, but they're
not as much fun.

Eleven-year-old boy
hit by an SUV.

The young ones
never get any easier.

The day they do
is the day I quit.

You want me
to lock this?


Tread marks
on his clothes.

The tires left skin tears
and internal chest injuries.

Cute kid, huh?


The police report said
the driver never saw him.

He was walking home in a school band uniform.

Kind of hard to miss,
don't you think?

No paint transfer
on the body.

Or contusions
from the front bumper.

Petechial hemorrhaging
could have occurred earlier.

What was his liver temp
when we picked him up?


Which would be fine if he'd
died a few hours earlier.

He wasn't walking.

He was already
on the ground.

That car didn't k*ll you,
did it, pal?

Something else happened.

You were already dead.

Did you know
there were , cases

of clinical depression
in Boston last year?

How depressing is that?

Too bad I wasn't here.
Could have made it , .

To what do I owe
this pleasure, Howie?

As the state psychologist
assigned to this purgatory,

I thought the least I could do would be to
welcome back one of its lovelier inhabitants.

I'll take that
as a compliment.

You take it however you like
it if it means I'll get lucky.

Why, Dr. Stiles, are you hitting on me again?

Would you expect
anything less?

So, how are
the nightmares?

I haven't had one
in, uh,


But who's counting?

Nothing a quickie and some
fresh air wouldn't cure.

I'm available
for the first.

You know, your smile says "kidding,"
but your eyes say something else.

Come on, Jordan,
let's finally do this.

Just clean off the desk.
Right now. Come on.

Would you stop?

I just ate breakfast.

Well, they say that nausea is
a sign of arousal, actually.

All right,
let's be serious.

Talk to me.
The doctor's in.

I'm fine!

I'm working
on a kid right now.

Well, if you change
your mind...

How about an
end-of-the-day martini?

A little shrink 'n drink.
What do you say?

I've gotta work.
I'll call you, I promise.

Lack of social skills, an
inability to express emotion.

Dr. Cavanaugh, professionally, I'm concerned.


and turned on.

Fellas, what do you guys
know about the Big Dig?

Well, aside from it being the
biggest construction undertaking

in the city's history, it
adds minutes to my commute.

And we'll all be worm food
by the time they're done. Why?

Well, with progress
comes excavation,

with excavation comes
discovery. Check this out.

Two city hardhats
sat down to take a nap.

They found this.
A skeleton?

The remains of not one, but two bodies.

Based on what's left of the
puffy shirts they're wearing,

I'm guessing
late th century.

Or vintage
Bay Village.

Boston's tourist buck
thrives on this kind of thing.

You give me the who
and the when,

the city can profit
from the where.

Since this is a little outside of our area
of expertise, I wanted to get a little help.

Trey, Bug, say hello
to Candace Mclntyre,

history and forensic anthropology grad at BU.

Her department head
says she's the best.

Hey, guys, what's up?

My luck,

I hope you guys are as
excited about this as I am.

Oh, excited is definitely an understatement.

The name's Dr. Vijayaraghaven
- satyanaryanamurthy.

But you can
call me Bug.

Okay, Bug.

Which one of your bodies should
we get started working on first?

Hey, you. You know those
tissue samples you had tested?

You were right.

There were Curschmann
spirals in the mucus plugs.

I thought his lungs were
hyper-inflated. He had an asthma attack.


They found him near
Mount Auburn, right?


He was probably trying to get
to the hospital and collapsed.

What about the police report? Does it
say anything about finding an inhaler?

Mmm-mmm. Nothing in his pockets, either.

Some parents just don't take it seriously.

Oh, Dr. Cavanaugh, a Mr. And
Mrs. Bishop are on their way in

to ID their son.

Oh, thanks, Lily. Could
you have his belongings

brought over
to the conference room?

Yeah, you bet.


It's bad enough telling
them their son's dead.

This was totally

Well, you're preaching to
the choir, baby. Good luck.


At first we...

We thought he was
at a friend's house.

Terry usually walked home from school,

and when he didn't call,
we got worried.

I drove around for hours, and
finally, I just called the police.

I'm so sorry.

Terry knew how bad
his asthma att*cks get.

He carried
an inhaler.

All the time?

Absolutely. We always made
sure he had one in his backpack.

In, uh...

In here?

This is impossible.
I put it in here myself.

There wasn't any albuterol
in his lungs, either.

Maybe he dropped it,
or it fell out, or...

Or maybe
this isn't his backpack.

This Sarah Browning,
is she a friend of Terry's?

Not that I know of.

Can you think of any reason
why he might have her backpack?

So even if he reached
for his inhaler...

He never had
a chance, did he?

Hey, Lily.
Oh, hey.

I didn't see you.
I, um...

My health club scale sucks
and I don't have one at home,

so I just thought I'd... Mmm.

Dr. Macy.

Can I ask you a question?


Friday night, I...

I don't have any plans.

So I thought...

Oh, I don't know,
we like to talk sometimes,

so I was wondering if maybe you'd... Lily...

Look, you're very sweet.

I feel it would be inappropriate
to go out with an employee.

Well, even if it's just for a
couple of coldies or something?

I wouldn't tell anybody.
Nobody would know.

See, the problem is
I'd know.


Well, I'd better
get back to work.

Lily, listen,
I'm sorry...

If you look carefully, you'll see
where the femur of the decedent

was rubbing into the
worn socket of the pelvis.


Juvenile, probably.

I'm hypothesizing
a male,

years of age,

who most likely
walked with a limp.

Two bodies, two pistols, two slugs.

Sounds like
a bad bar fight to me.

Or how about a duel?

Over what, exactly?

the opposite sex.

I found one of these in each
of the decedents' jackets.

A hair locket?
Oh, how great is that?

A common showing of affection in those days.

And since the hair samples
are from the same woman,

I'm guessing that she was
diddling both of them.

Oh, shame on her!

Lmagine being
so taken by a woman

you'd be willing
to die for her.

Hard to believe nowadays.

Not if you watch
Jerry Springer.

I actually find it
incredibly romantic.

Being deeply loved by
someone gives you strength.

And loving someone deeply
gives you courage.

I'm impressed, Bug.

Thinkers like yourself
are a dying breed.

I speak from the heart.

Sure that's
your heart talking?

Come on, you guys!

Follow me.


Hi. I have something that
belongs to your daughter.

Where's my Sarah?

Look, just put
the g*n down, okay?

I'm a doctor. I work for the
state. I do not have your daughter.

We came home and found
the message on our machine.

A hundred thousand dollars.

We don't make
that kind of money.

Sarah goes to Saint Mary's
on a scholarship.

Why didn't you
call the police?

Because he told us
we couldn't.

He said he'd k*ll her
if we did.

Mr. Browning, I'd like to help
you, but you have to trust me.

You're a doctor.

How can you possibly help?

I think that a boy
we picked up last night

was with your daughter
when she was taken.

Now, I might be able to
find some forensic clues

that could help us find out
who took her and where she is.

It's what I do.

And if he calls again?

He knows the banks
are already closed.

There's nothing else
you can do till morning.


Yeah, on his lips, too.

So much for what caused the asthma.

Grab the wand
for me, will you?

I pulled about two dozen red carpet
fibers from the back of his uniform.

Nigel said he'd run them
for me on the QT.

But then
I found this.

Looks like
some kind of ash.

See if you can
ballpark the composition.

What do you think
happened, Jordan?

I think

Terry was on his way home
and someone followed him.

But there are
no signs of as*ault.

What did they want?

Before the asthma attack? I'm
guessing about a hundred grand.

The raw emotion of the
period is what intrigued me.

I mean, people were willing to
die for freedom, for passion.

Behind a veil of petticoats and powdered wigs

was a society that would
do anything for love.

And yet it all seemed
so proper, so dignified.

And yet so naughty.

Oh, my God.

Hello, Benjamin Hamilton.

Who? The Hamilton shipping fleet.

They practically owned
Boston Harbor.

In , their oldest son, who
happened to be disabled, vanished.

Benjamin had
a business partner,

and supposedly
they had a falling out.


I think we found him!

For Pete's sake, Jordan.
I thought you were a thief!

What were you
gonna do, bake me?

Where's Evelyn?

Watching TV upstairs.

She likes game shows.
That's all we watch.

You got a minute?

Yeah. What is it?

A m*rder-kidnapping.

Want pie with that?

Yeah, he never meant
to hurt the kid.

He just wanted
the cash.


The fact that he left him near the
hospital means he felt bad, guilty.

What about the girl? Her family
has no money. How does she fit in?

Wrong place, wrong time.

She sure picked a heck of a day
to let Junior carry her books.

So the kidnapper
grabbed both of them,

but by the time he got
where he was going...

The boy was dead.

I assume you told the police about all this.

Jeez, Jordan.
Come on!

The department has people
trained for these situations.

The kidnappers
said no cops.

I promised the parents.

This is some mess you
got yourself into, Jordan.

What, do you think you're just
gonna go find the guy on your own?

No, I kind of figured
you'd help me.

Well, you figured wrong.
I'm not on the force anymore.

It's not like I can run around
playing cops and robbers.

Forget it.

Fine. I'll handle it myself.

Good. Yeah, I've got
contacts in the department.

The kidnapper left his demands
on their answering machine.

Sounds like
a real brain trust.

I'll have McCormick
analyze the tape.

McCormick! That idiot?

You got a better idea?

Well, if you're gonna call in an audio
expert, you call in Barney Reynolds.

Oh, for crying
out loud, Jordan.

You're in way over your head on this one.

Then help me!

Help you with what,



Jordan just needed
some help on something.


Anything I can do?

Oh, I don't think so.

But thanks for the offer.

Why don't you try me?

Might be surprised.

Honey, really,
it's fine.

It's a case I'm working on,
Evelyn, involving a missing girl.

Look, I don't want
to cause any trouble here.

I just really need
his help.

That little girl
really needs his help.

If anybody can find your
daughter, it's Detective Reynolds.

Hey, I'm listening
here, okay?

Floorboards are
creaking. No...

No, it's termites.

I'm retired, but I still pick
up a little action on the side.

Mostly wives trying to catch
their husbands cheating,

but occasionally something comes
along, get to flex the old muscles.

So, here's the message
as it was originally recorded.

Now, I want you to note the
fluctuations in white noise,

and also this barely
audible metallic scratching,

and the kidnapper's voice.

He's nervous. His tone
is almost panicked, okay?

If you want to see your daughter
alive, it'll cost you , .

Don't call the cops.
Don't be stupid.

Just do what I say
and she's yours.

Enough to work with?

If he's breathing,
it's enough.

Let's see just
what we can hear.

If you want to see your daughter
alive, it'll cost you , .

Don't call the cops.
Don't be stupid.

Just do what I say
and she's yours.

he's on a cell phone,

so you can trace
the mobile signal

to pinpoint
his exact location.

If you want to see your daughter
alive, it'll cost you , .


Don't call the cops.
Don't be stupid.

See, this echo tells me that
he's in some kind of truck.

...it'll cost you , .
This metallic sound...

Don't call the cops.
Don't be stupid.

See, this is so complex.

It's metal against metal.

But I'm also picking up
some kind of

Don't call the cops.
Don't be stupid.

Plastic rustling.

Do what I say
and she's yours.

Hangers. A delivery truck
would work, maybe.

Like a dry cleaner?

I found traces of cleaning
fluid in Terry Bishop's sinuses.

Let's call
the boy's parents.

Find out what cleaners they
sent their son's clothes to.

If the kidnapper
works there

and he's been
paying attention,

he knows a lot
about the Bishops.

How they dress, the kind of car they drive,

the type of neighborhood
they live in,

or where their son
went to school.

You look good.

Well, you ought to know.
You've seen me at my worst.

Still living alone?


As can be expected.


Like a rock.


About what?

Well, I don't know, anything.
Life, love, public transportation.

Nope. Happy as a clam.

You know, I've never
understood that.

Are clams happy?

Why are we talking
about shellfish?

Can we just get this
over with, please?

You know I have to do this
every few months.

I mean, it's my job
to find out if you're...

I'm not unstable and unraveling.
I've heard that before.

You want the answers
you always get?

Yes, I'll get some rest. No,
I won't work too much overtime.

And yeah, I'll spend more time with my kid.

Now can we get something
to eat? I'm starving.

How about one of those grinders
you're always telling me about?

Sounds good.

Sausage and peppers.



Are you seeing anyone?

Not at the moment. Why?

Interested in anybody?

Howard, what are you
getting at?

Well, I noticed the way
you looked at that woman.

Do you ever, uh,

fantasize about
your co-workers?


Well, it was just
an observation.

Listen to me. I check
my hormones at the door.

And anybody who says otherwise does not
know me professionally. Is that clear?

It was merely a question.

It was an
insulting question.

Well, I'm sorry.

Fine! You want to go?

Well, not until
you're calm and...

I'm calm.

Boy, then
I must be comatose!

Look, if you've been a little preoccupied
lately, or a little distracted,

you have every
reason to be.

And why is that?

Well, look what
you've been through!

Your mother's death,

and the divorce...

I'll bet you probably
haven't had sex in ages.

All right, that's it.
I'm done.


Do you know what it's like to
do this job, to have this life,

and not have anyone to...

This session's over.

Don't be so hard
on yourself.

You're human.

Live a little.

Jordan, you remember what we
said. If there's any danger,

we call the police.

It's a van full of laundry.
How dangerous can it be?

Hang on.
I'm not ready.

Now I'm ready.

Evelyn know you're still packing heat?

Man's gotta have
a few secrets, right?

Dad, somebody's inside.

Think he still
wants the money?

Limited blood loss.

Red carpet matches fibers I
found on Terry Bishop's uniform.

This is the van, but he wasn't
k*lled here. Someone planted him.

If this is your kidnapper,
Jordan, where's your girl?

You're gonna do an autopsy
now? In the parking lot?

You're very jittery. Are
you eating chocolate again?

Jordan, how do you plan
on explaining this?

What's to explain? I'm not
gonna slice and dice the guy.

I just need some trace
evidence. It might help.

Or you might contaminate
the whole crime scene.

make the call.

I'd be doing this
anyway, you know.

Homicide, please.

Yeah, it's Cavanaugh
from the M.E.'s Office.

Are Detectives Young and
Petrie working tonight?

Oh, thanks.
They're on break.

Hey, guys.
It's Jordan.

I stumbled onto something at
a cleaner's on Beacon Street.

Could you call me,
please? Thanks.


You didn't
leave your number.

I hate
when I do that.

Look, I'll try again later!
Just make yourself useful.

No signs of blood on the
wheel or the door handles.

Seat's back further than
this guy would normally sit.

Meaning somebody else drove.

This guy definitely
put up a fight.

Bruising on the face, knuckles,
possible skin under the nails.

I'm guessing he's been
dead three to four hours.

Look at this!


I don't know, but it was
on the Bishop boy, too.

Gloria's running it
right now.

Check out his eyes.

The k*ller fights dirty. Eye
gouges, thumbs on the eyelids.


Could you open
that, please?

What you got?

I love an eye fighter when
the victim wears contacts.

With any luck, we'll get
a decent thumbprint off that.


You're good.

Well, I learned
from the best.

You do work
here, right?

Work, live, probably die of old age. Why?

Then tell me, why are we sneaking around

like a couple of
small-time crooks?

Because this is
an unofficial investigation.

You just autopsied a guy in a van

and now
you're worried?

Look, I just don't want
anybody asking questions.

Hopefully, we'll get
a clean print off this.

Nice work, darling.

I won't be able to run
victim or suspect

until the computer room
opens in the morning.

Can you call in
a favor?

Might take a while.

Do we have a choice?


Little late for a family tour, isn't it?

And I thought
I was an insomniac.

Evening, Max.

It's not that I don't enjoy seeing you,

but what the hell
are you two doing here?

I can't tell you.


I mean,
I'd like to tell you,


But I can't.
Jordan, tell him.

Tell him?

Garret, you remember that boy versus
SUV that you handed me this morning?

Sweetheart, please, I...

this is not working.

Fine, if you're gonna be that
way, but I can't talk about it now.

No... No! I can't.
I'll call you later.

It's about Jordan...

Evelyn, it's not about
Jordan, it's about me.

We'll talk about it
when I get home.

You okay?

I've felt better.


for what it's worth,

you seem like
the old you again.

Tired and frazzled?

Like you're alive.

Like I'm doing what I love.

I wish Evelyn
could see that.


Morning, Doctor.

So, you have a minute?
Oh, well, I'm kind of busy.

We got four admits
last night, so...


Dr. Macy,
about yesterday...

I owe you
a big apology.

The reason I turned you down
was I was afraid.

I mean, it's been a long time since
I felt this way about anyone, and...

I really would like
to go out with you.

I know it's short notice, but if
you don't have any plans for tonight,

I'd love to grab
that drink.

I mean, yes.


I don't know, : ?
Could leave from here.

Great! Okay, then.

It's great.

The nicks in both rib cages
give us the precise location

of where the b*ll*ts
entered the torso,

and it looks like they
were both shot in the back.

How's that possible?

Did you check
the pistols?

Excuse me?

Three to one they were never fired, love.

It was their seconds.
Duelers always had them,

most often servants who held their boss's
belongings during a fight to the death.

Their seconds probably saw
the duel as an opportunity,

buried their employers,

and disappeared with whatever
valuables they could steal.

Wow. And how exactly
did you put that together?

Yes, Encyclopedia
Brown, how?

Officer Candidate School.

History of Europe's
upper class.

They were always k*lling each
other over one thing or another.



Call me Nige.


All is fair
in love and w*r.

Our guy's name is Tommy
Hughes, a local bottom-feeder.

Three years
for armed robbery,

but got out early on good
behavior months ago.

By all accounts he's been
living clean since then.

Yeah, with one
minor slip-up.

Our k*ller's another story.
Guy's name is George Lupo.

He was Tommy's partner
on the robbery bust.

He's got a record a mile
long. He's dangerous, Jordan.

Not like Hughes.

So when did he
get involved?

My guess, when the boy died, Hughes panicked

and turned to his pal
for advice.

But Lupo got greedy.

Hughes was useless to him.
He already had the girl.

So he took matters
into his own hands.

Listen to me, both of you.

A monster like this
doesn't let people go.

The minute he gets the money, he'll k*ll her.

There's gotta be something else we can do!

You've done
what you could, Jordan.

Call the Feds.

They're all this little girl's got left.

He's right.

So you have known about this since yesterday?

The br*wnings said
no police.

Withholding information,
contaminating a crime scene.

How many laws were you
planning to break, Doctor?

I didn't want to
jeopardize the situation.


So instead of contacting us, you
paid a visit to the retirement home?

Oh, don't hold back
on my account, Meakes.

And by the way,
nice to see you, too.

Under other circumstances,
Max, I might feel differently.

Jordan needed some advice. She
did what she thought was right.

So poor judgment runs in the family, I guess.

Guys, if you want to discuss old
times, maybe we should take it outside.

Here we go.

All right,
Mr. Browning...

Should I answer it?

Nice and calm.

Trace is up.


Listen carefully. Put the
, in a brown paper bag.

Put the bag in an empty sleigh on the
Children's Park carousel at noon today,

then leave immediately.

No cops, no tricks, or you'll
never see your daughter again.

Wait. Please
let me talk to her.

All right, let's get a unit over there, fast!

Are you okay?

I'll be better
when this is over.

These guys are the best.
You'll see.

Suspect has the package.
He's exiting the park.

Position one, leave your post and
intercept north. Let's shut him down.

Right, let's get him!
Go! Let's go!

Oh, my God!

Sarah! Where's Sarah?


Where's my daughter?

What did you do to her? Where is she?

Let's get this guy
to the morgue.

Garret, guys,
I need you.

What's going on?
Oh, long story.

Right now, I just need some answers.

To what? Body that's just coming in?

I need you guys to tell me where
this guy's been for the last hours.

Under analysis,

the hair fibers from Mr.
Lupo's clothes aren't human.

Can you confirm
a match?

Canine. So big deal, the guy has a dog.

These hairs are burned.

The ash we found on the boy
matches Hughes' and Lupo's shoes.

It says here º/º organic
with high traces of bone matter.

Cremated ashes?

Yeah, looks like.

Chloroform, dog hair, ashes.
Where are you guys taking me?

Cons get some pretty lousy
jobs when they're released.

How much you wanna bet this
guy worked at an animal shelter?

I'll check his record.
No time.

There's only one place in town with
the facilities we're looking for.


Sarah? Sarah?

Stay with
the br*wnings.

Sarah, can you hear me?

Sarah, can you hear me?


Can we get this open?

Cut it!


Oh, granted,
history interests me,

but what makes
people tick,

what they're willing
to die for,

that's what I find
truly fascinating.

Hence your knowledge
of dueling.

Oh, dueling's just
one small part of it.

I'm talking about
chivalry in general,

the complicated game of cat
and mouse between man and woman.

Do you have lunch plans? I'd
really love to continue chatting.

Well, there's a nifty little
tapas bar right around the corner.

Okay. Thanks!

Did you hear that?

Guy's got the touch.

It's gotta be
the accent.

That boy can shovel it
with the best of them.

You know what's
really amazing?

My tie?

Besides that.

I got to do something today that
I've never been able to do before.

I told a kid's parents
that their child was alive.

How great is that?

Not bad for
a Medical Examiner.

Interested in
that drink tonight?

Oh, Howie,
you know I can't.

No funny business.
Just a few bad jokes

and a ride home
in a dirty Plymouth

with fast-food wrappers
on the back seat.

Sounds exciting!

Well, it's how I snagged my first wife.

Are you beepable?


I just have to
go somewhere first.

I'll keep it
on vibrate.


Am I early?
I can come back.

No, no, no,
you're fine. Really.

Do I look okay?

I mean,
did I overdress?

I did, didn't I?
I can go change if...

No, this is...

I thought we could start with dinner
at my favorite Italian restaurant.

They do this calamari
that is...

Do you eat squid?

I would try it.

You'll like it.

Then there's this little club that I know...

And you like jazz, right?

Are you kidding me?


Go ahead. You have to.

Yes, Macy.



It's bad news, huh?

Pileup on the Interstate, three
fatalities. Lily, I am so sorry.

It's all right.
It's fine.

No, it's not.
It's not.

Maybe if I could finish
quickly, I can...

Can I come with you?

You want to go to the... Takes a
while to get there, right? We could...

We can talk.

I just want to spend
time with you.

Let's go.


Anybody home?
It's me.


What are you trying to do,
save electricity again?


You okay?

I mean, I thought you and I
had a pretty good day today.

Evelyn went
to visit her kids.

Said she expects an answer
when she gets back.

And, uh,

what's that answer
gonna be?

I don't know.

Listen, I was gonna go have
a drink with someone tonight.

No, I don't feel like it.

How's about I whip up
a nice marinara?

Maybe it's better
I'm alone.

Come on! Lt'll be
just like old times!
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