01x04 - Born to Run

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Crossing Jordan". Aired: September 2001 to May 2007.*

Moderator: Lillith Decker

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Follows a crime-solving forensic pathologist employed in the Massachusetts Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.
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01x04 - Born to Run

Post by bunniefuu »

No, no, get out of here, you guys. You got to go. We're closed for business.

Yo, yo, yo, beautiful. What are you doing?

Going to work.

Oh, you work here? 'Cause the cop said the club is closed.

Yeah. Somebody got k*lled or something.

That so?

Yeah, so since you're not dancing tonight, maybe you want to come party with us.

Like I said, I got to get to work.

Well, Trixie, at least you can tell us what kind of toys you got in the bag.

Trust me, you guys don't want to know.

Oh, we definitely want to know.

Okay. This is an F-tech temp probe. I stick it in dead people's livers. This end slides in right under the ribcage like that. Barely leaves a mark. And this end here tells you how warm they are. Every degree below 98.6 is one hour they've been pushing up daisies. Pretty hot, huh? Nighty night, boys. Nice place. Come here often?

Hey, what are you doing here, Cavanaugh? I didn't know you swung this way.

A girl can look, can't she? How you doing, Maltese?

Better than those two people in the back room. When'd you get back? Heard you were in La La Land.

Yeah, it didn't take. You get anything from the witnesses?

Well, if they saw anything, they're not talking. This place is owned and operated by the Russian mob. That there is the big fish, Ivan Kerzov. The guy on the right with the beard. Come on, let's meet the lovebirds. Calling it m*rder-su1c1de.

Sounds like a nice, clean explanation. Any reason it's like a sauna in here?

Hey, Pete, you want to turn down the thermostat?

Hey, who found the bodies?

One of the dancers. Dead girl's name is Angelica Grayson. Guy shot her four times before he did himself.

He must have loved her. You sh**t someone once, you just want them dead. Four times, that's love.
You always were a romantic, Cavanaugh.

Takes one to know one, Omar.

He's been dead for 10 to 12 hours.

Yeah, the rigor on the girl puts her in the same time frame.

They were last seen around closing time last night about 5 :00 a. m.

So who is he? A jealous john?

Maybe. His name is Robert Munson. He's an insurance claims adjuster from Kansas. We're running him through BCI. Here you go. Found this .38 in his hand. Pulled a b*llet out of the wall over there.

"Baba. "

Sound Russian?

How would I know?

It's me. Open the door, Jordan.

Hey, Jordan.

Tyler. You're here in Boston

That’s true.

Do you know what time it is?

Yeah, sorry to stop by so late. My flight just got in from LA. I'm on my way to Patagonia. Bad weather down there, grounded till tomorrow. You look great.



Wait, no. No thanks. Do you know what time it is?

Yeah, we just went over that. Anyway, I just wanted to come by and give you back your Swiss Army knife. I lost the tweezers. Sorry.

Oh, I know what you're trying to do.

What am I trying to do, Jordan?

You're trying to make me feel guilty.

Why would you feel guilty? Gonna invite me in?

Ooh, let me think about that. No.

Look, just 'cause you've got confrontation issues...

Oh, I have confrontation issues.

Don't get all defensive 'cause I won't let you off the hook.

Hook? I can let myself off my own hook.

Is it too much to ask to break up with me in person?

I don't know what you're smoking, Ty, but don't lay this Deepak Chopra crap on me.

...and I get an answering machine message, "I'm going back to Boston. See you. " I just want some closure.

You just want some closure?


Here you go.

Late night?

Visit from the Ghost of Relationships Past. Sleep was not forthcoming.

I'm not asking.

And I'm not telling. What happened in the morning meeting?

You and me are on the su1c1de.

Dr. Macy said he'll take the dead stripper.


Right, sorry. See you in trace.

Okay. Good morning, Garret.

You know, despite my objection to you sleeping in the morgue, at least you were on time for work.

Sorry. My alarm broke.

Really. Don't tell me, your dog ate it, right?

Do you want me to come back when you're less grumpy?

Let me explain something to you. Every corpse we process creates approximately six pounds of paperwork, with every I dotted, every T crossed by yours truly. Last night, I left here at 3:00 a. m., and I spent the better part of the morning trying to locate next to kin for Miss Grayson here, so I could start dotting and crossing...



I will take care of her. The notification, let me do it.


You're welcome. So, what've we got here?

Well, we got track marks between the toes. I'm running toxicology, but it's a safe bet she was a user.

Well, these look healed, over a month old at least. What, she tried to kick?

That would explain it.

Explain what?

Enlarged uterus.

She was pregnant?

Yeah, six weeks.

Dr. Macy, your daughter's here. I told her that she could wait in your office.

Thanks, Emmy. I'll be right there.

Your magazines suck.

Well, this isn't a dentist office, Abby. To what do I owe this pleasant surprise? I thought I wasn't picking you up till tonight.

Yeah, well, Mom and Walter left for Sardinia early.

How nice for them. Why aren't you in school?

I got suspended.

Excuse me?

God, like, just freak out before I get to explain, why don't you?

All right, you're right. I'm sorry. Please explain.

It was totally stupid. My bio teacher caught me and this guy messing around in the supply closet.

Messing around? What does that mean, messing around?

You know, messing around? You're not gonna make me say it, are you?

Are you talking about sex?

Yes, Dad, I'm talking about sex. Can I finish? I mean... So me and this kid got ratted out to the principal and she suspends me for four days. It's really, really not a big deal. It's just that now the school's probably gonna call you, so I figured I'd give you a heads up.

Oh, well, thank you, Abby. Thank you so much for keeping me in the loop. I really appreciate it.

No, thank you so much for being so nonjudgmental.

Robert Munson, Caucasian male, age 52 years. Rigor mortis no longer present. Subject has been deceased roughly 24 hours.

Pretty ripe for just a day dead.

Trauma to the head is consistent with self-inflicted g*nsh*t. Powder burns and tattooing indicate
the barrel was pressed to his temple.

Exit wound looks clean. You said they recovered the b*llet from the scene?

Yep. Nigel's running it right now against the b*ll*ts we pulled from the girl. Make sure it's from the same g*n.

Make sure, huh? This one feel funny to you?

Just want to find out why he k*lled her.

Thin line running across the chest. Small cuts under the armpits, probably postmortem. Looks like they might have tied the body down too tight in transport. You got something?

Take a look at this. You see these white spots around the head wound? What do they look like to you?

Maggots. Larvae, actually.


Pass me those forceps and that scalpel.

Hey, Bug, you're not gonna do something gross, are you?



Here you are. When did you find this body?

Last night. Liver and rigor put his TOD eight to ten hours before that.

And the girl?

Same, eight to ten hours. Cops think he k*lled himself after he shot her.

That's odd. There aren't any eggs on her body.

Well, that's exactly why I called you. What's up?

The larva is Hermetia illucens, black soldier fly. The fact that eggs are already hatching on Mr. Munson is… Well, it's impossible.

But I've seen eggs on corpses that have only been dead a few hours.

Are you an expert on black soldier fly larvae?

Not that I recall.

Of course not, because if you were, you would know that the Hermetia illucens isn't normally attracted to a body until five days after death. The corpse has to be at a fairly advanced stage of decomposition for it to be palatable. They're finicky.

But you said the girl's corpse is clean. So if both bodies were found in the same
room and have the same time of death…

They're decomposing at different rates. He's rotting four times faster than she is.


Is this the Hotel Sardinia? Jordan, knock it off. What are you doing? Yeah, I'm trying to reach Señora Maxine Warner. Stop it. Well, is there anyone there who can parla Inglese? Would you put some money in?

Look, this piece of crap has already stolen enough money from me. Do you need some help?

Well, my ex-wife's on vacation in Italy, and I'm trying to find someone who speaks English. Just… What are you doing?

Maxine Warner?


She wasn't there. I left a message.

Where did you...

Language immersion. One semester abroad His name was Paolo. Paolo. Oh, so wait. Why are you trying to track her down on her vacation

Well… Abby is sexually active

Ah, okay. Well, she's 17, right?


Yeah, but that's a healthy age.

What are you talking about? My little girl's messing around with boys in supply closets. The school's about to call me. And I'm expected to deal with this nightmare?

So you're gonna pass the buck to your ex?

I'm not passing the buck. I'm just… I'm trying to enlist the help of someone who's a lot more qualified to deal with the situation.

Abby came to you because she trusts you. Be a dad and take care of it yourself. And be cool. Just listen to her, okay?

Okay. Okay.

Okay. Yes. It'll be fine.

Give me, give me.

Do I even have to ask why you need to fire Munson's g*n?

If you must know, it's because I missed you, Maltese. Fine. We're checking the g*n against the b*ll*ts in Angelica, and the head shot from the wall.

You are aware that we have criminalists who are actually paid to solve crimes?


Okay, I'll bite. But what's not adding up for you? Dead guy, g*n in his hand, half his head blown off.

Munson's body is decomposing radically faster than Angelica's. It's a fascinating medical curiosity, so I'm curious.

You're curious?

Yeah, curious.

Children, stop bickering and look. All right, on the left is the head shot. On the right is the b*llet I fired into the chamber.

They match.

Yeah. Same with the b*ll*ts in the girl's body. They were all fired from the same g*n.

You satisfied now?

Just because the b*ll*ts match doesn't mean you're right.

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck...

Jordan, this is Agent Larrabee with the FBI. Dr. Cavanaugh was the M.E. Assigned to the case.

Detective Maltese. What are they doing with my body?

They're taking Mr. Munson with them.

Taking him where?

I'm afraid I can't tell you that.

Garret, what is she talking about?

We're gonna need any tissue samples, trace evidence analysis, and any fingerprints you might have taken. Oh, if there's an autopsy report, that'd be really helpful, too.

But she can't do that.

She can and she did. I'm sorry.

Thank you for your cooperation, Doctor. Oh, and I'm really sorry about any inconvenience.

I'm sorry, what was that you were saying about a duck? I don't care if they're the FBI. They can't just waltz in here, take my body, my autopsy reports, all my tissue samples.

Robert Munson was wanted for tax evasion, over a million dollars bilked from phony insurance claims and never reported.

They told you that?

That's what they told me, that's right.

Yeah, well, they lied. They're Feds, that's what they do.

So what if they did? Come on, it's their case. Who cares, Jordan?

I do.

This guy is not worth your dogged crusade for truth.

Okay, you're right. He's not the one that I care about. The girl, Angelica. Without Munson, I may never find out why she die?

No luck on the notification?

Her dentals tracked back to Branson, Missouri. Both parents are dead. Only next of kin is a brother, who may or may not be on a fishing boat in Alaska.

Well, you'll find him. You always do.

Yeah, maybe. But what am I gonna tell him happened to his sister? This whole thing is gonna get swept under the FBI's rug, and it's pretty obvious they could care less about her.

You know, the FBI never actually ordered us off Angelica Grayson's case.

Garret Macy. Are you actually telling me to keep crusading?

As if you would ever do what I told you to. Goodbye.

Hey, get your nose out of my yellowtail.

You sure about this? The whole takeout sushi thing seems a little sketchy to me.

Freshly cut and out the door in minutes. Our taco days are over.

Hey, if you're not doing anything for lunch, I'm going to a strip club.

You could have said spatter analysis instead of strip club.

Something makes me think that spatter analysis wouldn't have gotten you here. Stop fidgeting.

This is wrong. How tall was Munson?


The spatter from the exit wound is too low. I don't think he was standing.

On your knees, Sanders.

Too easy.

That's it.

Hey, Bug, hand me that marker.

Want to share with the class?

Munson put the g*n to his temple, fired. b*llet came out the other side, creating the spatter
on the opposite wall. Spatter on this wall is from the blowback, blood from the entry wound But for some reason, there should be blood here, here and here.

But there isn't.

Someone was standing here. Bang.

Forgot something inside. We, uh...

We'll catch up with you later.

You boys want some singles? Agent Larrabee, right?

Please, it's Jenny. You want a donut?

Nice van. Yours?

What are you doing around here, Dr. Cavanaugh?

Please, it's Jordan. So, what's up with the stakeout, Jenny?

Stakeout? Can't a girl just sit in her van and eat some donuts?

Okay, play the secret agent stuff all you want but I could help you if you'd just tell me what the hell's going on.

Well, I could tell you, but then I'd have to k*ll you. Have a good one, Jordan.

That's right. Yeah, I'm trying to get in touch with Robert Grayson. Uh-huh, and your fishing boats
have no phones on them? No, no, I've already left three messages and this is really important. No, thank you. Yeah, you've been extremely helpful. How did you get in here?

Told the lady up front I was here to identify the body of my girlfriend. You're her, all right.

I thought your plane left. I'm not your girlfriend.

Yeah, you never did like the whole label thing.

I don't want to fight.

That's a new one.

Listen, I told you from the get-go this was not gonna be a serious thing.

So that's why you took off. It got too serious.

I did not take off. I… I relocated. Had nothing to do with us.

So it was nothing I did wrong?

What? No.

'Cause I thought the sex was fantastic.

It was fantastic.

We just agreed on something. You can stop yelling now.

Don't tell me what to do.

I never told you what to do. My flight got bumped back till tomorrow. If you wanna talk before then, I've got my cell with me.


Bye, Jo.





Was that your boyfriend?

No. He's just a… You know, some guy.

We heard you yelling. Great sex, eh?

He has a hearing problem. Was there something you guys wanted?

Yeah. You might want to take a look at this.

A b*llet?

Mmm-hmm. Yeah, the feebies took everything, but Munson's x-rays were out at the lab. So, what are you gonna do? Now, I can't be certain, but I would guess that is a .38 caliber.

I thought they recovered the b*llet at the crime scene.

They did. He was already dead.



Two drink minimum.

Two beers.

Is the cop here?


Because if I get seen talking to a cop, Ivan will beat the living crap out of me. Come on. They're watching us. Now they're following us.

What are you doing?

They'll leave us alone if they think you're a client.

Client? Oh, sure.

That dead guy in the dressing room with Angie...


I know him. He used to be in here every night.

I thought Munson was from Kansas.

News to me.

So he and Angelica?

No. This was a year ago. Angie wasn't even working here yet. Deadbeat talked a big game, but he couldn't back it up. He promised me a trip to Hawaii if I gave him a freebie. Grab my ass.


Grab my ass. He's watching us.


Next time I saw him, he was dead with his head blown off.

Okay, thanks for the tip.

That guy, his name wasn't Munson. It was Sergei. He was one of them.

One of who?

One of them.

Tax cheat, my ass.

Hi, Jordan.

You want to tell me what's going on?

Not really.

Look, I know about Sergei, but I don't know what he has to do with you.

He was is witness protection.

So how did he know the girl, Angelica?

I have no idea. Look, I'm not even supposed to be on this anymore. I'm just trying to cover my ass here. When Sergei committed su1c1de, he k*lled my… He k*lled our case.

Well, that's just it. He didn't commit su1c1de.

And how do you know that?

Well, I'd tell you, but then I'd have to k*ll you. Okay, I bought you your latte. Now, who is the artist formerly known as Robert Munson?

Sergei Relovich, bottom feeder in the overall organization, but still in the know. Our friend Ivan from the Play Pen?

Mr. Big Shot?

He pretty much runs the Boston operation. Sergei was his right hand, but stupid, vulnerable. So a couple of years back, we pinch him in a sting. Underage girl.

Working for the FBI, no doubt.

You do what you gotta do. So we cut a deal. Testify against Ivan and walk.

Set him up in Kansas, white picket fence, cushy job.

Case was a slam dunk. Ivan was formally indicted and we were ready to put him and the entire organization to bed.

But Sergei flew the coop.

About a year and a half ago.

And let me guess, it happened on your watch.

I brought him to Boston for a deposition. He slipped me. He walked right out of the hotel. It was a simple job, just watch him, and I blew it.


Best we could figure is he got fake papers and left the country.

So where's he been for the last 18 months?

That's the mystery. This guy… This guy was an idiot, Jordan. But somehow, he just dropped off the planet.

Agent Larrabee, this is Dr. Sanders. He was nice enough to help us out.


All mine.

Your pal Maltese gave me keys to Angelica's place. I told him I needed personal effects to find next of kin. I didn't mention the m*rder*r part. This is everything I could fit in my ride.

Oh, yeah. This looks like a clue.

So what does this have to do with Sergei?

Sergei was already dead when Angelica was shot, so he's just a prop to sell the m*rder-su1c1de. k*lling wasn't about him, it was about her.

So the girl was the target?

Exactly. Any evidence of a boyfriend in the apartment?

Try luxury condo. She was loaded.

Not bad for a stripper.

Someone was taking care of her.

Who's the girl in all the photos?

No idea. Maybe her sister.

She didn't have a sister. Just a brother I can't find. Thank you. This is Angelica. She still has the same eyes. This is what she used to look like before she transformed herself. Had her nose done, teeth fixed, obvious breast enhancement.

Cost a lot of money for that kind of work. Maybe her sugar daddy paid for it.

Well, that's an interesting theory.

How are you gonna prove that?

We ask Angelica.

You want to tell me how cutting this girl open is gonna tell us who paid for her plastic surgery?

I stopped asking questions a while ago. She doesn't like being challenged.

Oh. What about you, Dr. Sanders? You like being challenged?

Depends on the challenge.

Get a room. Hey, guys. Take a look.

What have you got there, Doctor?

It's a breast implant.

An implant with a serial number. Every number leads to a distributor, and every distributor can track their implants to a surgeon. Now, if our sugar daddy paid for this, we just got his name

Hey, sorry I'm late. Traffic really sucked. You look beat.

Yeah, well, I am beat.

You want to stop for pizza?

Abby, we've got to talk.

They called, huh?

Yeah, they called.

Well, I'm sure you have the big after school special speech on teen sex, so, why don't you just let 'er rip?

Can't we just have a normal conversation without the attitude?

Sure, Dad. What do you want to talk about first, condoms or positions?



I just want to talk.

Yeah, as if you're really interested in my life, like you even know me.

Listen, I understand that the last few years have been tough on all of us, but I am really making
an effort here. You should know that I've come to certain realizations about my life lately and...

Oh, God, don't tell me you have cancer or something.

No. No, I don't have cancer. I'm just... I'm trying really hard to connect with you.

Oh, great. Well, you know what? Why don't you make a connection with yourself, Dad? Because for me, it's too little, too late.

Our sugar daddy is a low-ranking goon in Ivan's organization, name of Viktor Belkoff.

Sounds like a nice Irish lad. So, we still thinking m*rder-su1c1de, Detective?

Yeah, yeah. Rub it in all you want.

Tell me about Sergei Relovich.

I don't know any Sergei. Can I go now?

Sure. Just one more thing. Angelica. You spent a lot of money on her, huh?

I told you. I was with friends last night.

You bought her a car, a condo.

It's not against the law, even in this country.

Well, you must have loved her.

So, what if I did?

I admire a man like you, Viktor.

Sure, you do.

Dating a stripper. You must be a really secure guy. All those other men staring at her, touching her. You must have a lot of self-control.

Hey, it was just a job.

Well, you just hear things, you know? With some girls, for the right price, they'll go pretty far.

She didn't do that. Never. Never!

But if you had found out she did, what would you have done?

I'm not answering any more questions. I want my lawyer now.

You don't need a lawyer, Viktor. We're just chatting here. You can go. Did you know she was pregnant?

He k*lled her.

Yeah, well, good luck proving it. He'll alibi out on the girl and there's no way of connecting him to Sergei.

There's always a way.

So you want to link this Viktor guy to both murders. That's tough.

I know. This was about rage, control, and he couldn't control her.

Well, that explains him k*lling her, but Sergei... See, something doesn't fit. If he was already dead, how'd he get to the club?

I don't know.

All right. Let's start at the beginning. I'll be Viktor.

I'm Angelica. I'm working the room. Where are you?


You like to watch me.

And I hate it, too.

This is the only place where I have the power. The way I look, the way I move. It's all about making them mine. But it's an illusion. It's just a job.

Yeah, but it pisses me off.

So what are you gonna do about it?

Wait. Until we close. I want you to stop working here. You don't need to. I'll take care of you.

I don't want to be take care of. Stop controlling me!

Everything you have, I gave you. I own you. You belong to me, you understand that?

But I don't love you!

You shouldn't have said that. I made a mistake. If Ivan finds out I did this in his club, I'm a dead man.

You have to cover it up. You have to find a patsy.

I have a patsy. Sergei.

Where did you get him?

Maybe I k*lled him earlier, stashed him someplace, dragged him in. Made it look like he k*lled her.

But Sergei had the same time of death as the girl.

And he's decomposing faster. Why?

I don't know.

What causes a body to decompose?

Time, exposure to the elements, heat.

You said it was hot at the crime scene.

Yeah, it was like a sauna in there. I had to ask one of the cops to turn the thermostat down.

Who do you think turned it up?

Viktor. Viktor turned it up.


He had to thaw something out? Sergei was on ice. He died the night he disappeared. He was dead for a year and a half. Sergei's been on ice for 18 months. Now, my guess is our boy Viktor caught up with him, put a b*llet in his head, stuck him in a freezer somewhere. No body, no crime.

That's quite a leap.

I know it's a long shot, but if we can find the freezer where they put him, maybe we can trace it back to Viktor.

Uh-huh. And where would we even start?

With Sergei. I just need to take another look at his body.

Not gonna happen.

Why not?

They're flying the body down to Quantico in two hours.

Then we got two hours. You know those guys?

No. They must be from Washington. Look, I told you I got booted off this case. I can't go around flashing my badge.

Badges? We don't need no stinking badges. Hey, boys. Looking for the body of one Robert Munson. We in the right place?

I'm afraid not. And you are?

Medical Examiner's office. Are you sure Robert Munson isn't in there? Because I've got this fax here from the CDC saying I need to do an exam.

Center for Disease Control?

Yeah, you think I'm wearing this suit 'cause it makes me look cool? Take a good look at that body in there, boys. Does the word "contagion" mean anything to you?

Ma'am, this is a classified area.

Fine. Play the classified card. Don't come crying to us when your arm falls off because of some flesh-devouring disease.

Go ahead. We'll be inside if you need us.

It sure looks like a flesh-eating disease.

Dorian Gray effect. Frozen body appears freshly dead when it's first thawed, but as time passes, it exponentially catches up with nature. Sergei's gonna be mush in about two days.

What are you looking for?

Well, if he was hanging up in a freezer for 18 months, we should find trace elements of whatever was in there with him.

What've you got there, dirt?

Definitely coffee. What's it from?

Dead body.


Can you trace it?

"Can I trace it?" She asks. Pass me that binder, love.

"Big Bad Compendium of Exotic Substances. "

On shelves this fall at your local bookstore. See, what we have here really is residue from a coffee bean. Now, coffee beans are unique in region and blend. No two the same. Kind of like snowflakes. Highly caffeinated snowflakes. But I digress. Colombian Sumatra. Right, now where would one find such a unique taste experience? "Beantown: Tracing Coffee in Boston. "

You gotta be kidding me.

Well, when one's entire 401K is invested in Starbucks, one has to know the business. Here we go. Colombian Sumatra. Only three stores in Boston carry it, and, well… Fancy that. They all use the same distributor. Panequator Industries. Now, one would think they have a local warehouse. At least that's where I would start.

FBI! Freeze!

You can't just bust in here!

Can you read, pal? Huh? What's this say? "Warrant." I can bust anywhere I want.

Listen, I'm telling you, no one comes in here. This room's for long term storage. You're wasting your time.

Larrabee, over here. Dried blood. Sergei had cuts under his armpits. He was hanging on this.

No one comes in here, huh?

Lady, you're gonna get me k*lled. This is none of my business.

You getting k*lled is the least of my worries. Now, you tell me. Who has access to this freezer?

You've got nothing on me.

Maybe you're right, Viktor. I mean, just because I can put Sergei in a freezer that you own, doesn't mean you k*lled him, right?


But then I ask myself, how come you're the only person who had access to that freezer? So, we had to look a little harder. I love the smell of dirty cash in the morning Colombia's number two export. Seven hundred grand in laundered money, packed right into their coffee beans.

I want to make a deal.

What kind of a deal are we talking here?

You put me in witness protection, I give you names.

Don't take it personal, Doc. She's just doing her job. It's a fair trade-off. A lot of bad people are gonna get locked up because of this.

And all it took was an innocent girl getting k*lled.

Okay, Viktor. Let's talk.

Sounds real fair to me.

You're here late.

Yeah, guess I'm avoiding going home these days.

Abby, huh?

Mmm. You haven't had that little talk with her yet?

Well, I did and I forgot to thank you for that, 'cause your be cool approach, complete disaster.

Paging Dr. Cavanaugh. There's a Mr. Grayson here. He's here about his sister.

I'll see you.

Yeah, that's her. Angie.

I'm so sorry.

She looks so different. I haven't seen her in six years. She kind of ran away when my folks died.

Angelica's personal effects are in storage. I thought if I ever found you, you might want them. Oh, and there's this. It's for someone named Baba.

When she was little, she couldn't say my name, Bobby, so she'd call me Baba. I collected these when I was a kid. And she used to take them and bury them in the yard. Man! God, I used to get so mad at her. Couple of years ago, I started getting them in the mail. No return address, but I knew they were from… Thanks for finding me. Thanks. Thanks for helping Angie.

Where were you?

Oh my God, you're waiting up for me? Could you be more cliché with the whole lamp flicking on thing?

Come on, we're going for a ride.

Dad, it's 2:00 in the morning.

Abigail, get in the car, right now.

Abby, I want you to take a look at this girl. No, sweetie, look at her.

This is totally messed up.

You got... You have to look at her. Her name's Angelica. She's 22 years old. She ran away from home when she was 16.First, she went to New York, where she contracted gonorrhea working as a prost*tute, then hoping for a better life, she came here and started working at a strip club. Her boyfriend managed to get her pregnant and hooked on heroin. But of course, that was before he put four b*ll*ts in her chest.

Why are you doing this to me?

For the last two days, every time I look at this girl, every time I think about how she ended up here in this drawer, I just wonder why no one stopped her. So I'll tell you why I'm doing this. I'm doing this because I love you, Abby.


Hey. I was pretty surprised when you called.

Yeah, well, I'm just full of surprises.


Oh, God, I am so not good at this crap.

That's your charm.

Okay, look, when I left LA, I know I probably should have talked to you about it, but I wasn't
running from you or from commitment. It's just that when I'm in the same place for too long...I don't like feeling dependent. I don't want to be taken care of. I need to be in control, and with you, I just felt...

Out of control.

Yeah. Maybe.

That wasn't so hard, was it?

Don't push your luck, surfer boy.

Now, why don't you tell me why you really called me to come over here at 3:00 in the morning?

Why, whatever do you mean?

Oh, I just get the feeling you're gonna invite me in this time.

Well, you know, I always was a sucker for a fella flying out of my life the next morning. You are flying out tomorrow morning, right?

Don't worry. I'll let you be in control.


Edited by: Lilith
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