01x02 - The Dawn of a New Day

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Crossing Jordan". Aired: September 2001 to May 2007.*

Moderator: Lillith Decker

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Follows a crime-solving forensic pathologist employed in the Massachusetts Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.
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01x02 - The Dawn of a New Day

Post by bunniefuu »

They, uh, switched the locker rooms up, like, eight months ago.

There were more women than men.

Hey, I thought you weren't interested in white women.

Hey, morning.

Hey, Jordan.

Is that a toothbrush?

Tell me you didn't sleep here.

Sleep would be a generous word for it.

Oh, is it that hard to find an apartment?

With what you're paying me, I'm lucky I can afford the toothbrush.

What's wrong with your dad's place?

Oh, it's complicated.

I'm having dinner there tonight.

That's as far as I want it to go.


What's with the record player?

This isn't a record player.

This is a Victrola.

Of course, yes.

And what are you gonna do with it?

I'm integrating.


You know, my work life with my hobbies, my interests.

I'm more than just a medical examiner, Jordan.

I happen to be a very interesting guy.

Bet you didn't know that.

Well, I'd be lying if I said I did, Garret.

Oh, yeah.

I write poetry, play a little jazz drums, Greco-Roman wrestle.

Wow, who knew?

So we're late for the morning meeting.

Yakura takes attendance.


Dr. Macy.


Could you sign this please?


Here you go.

Oh, thank you.

Dr. Macy.

Garret, you devil!

It's working already.

What are you talking about?

Well, she obviously senses that you're an interesting guy.

Are you talking about Lily, the intake girl?

Yeah, that, or she really likes your ass.

Yeah, fine.

Meanwhile, what I said about integrating, that goes double for you.

Meaning what exactly?

Means you are a pain in the ass.

And I say that with love.

Now, the good news is it's not too late to change.

You don't have to be an obnoxious, driven, self-righteous zealot your whole life.

Again, said with love, right?

It is said with love, that's right.

And she does not like my ass.

Listen to me.

Yes, she...


I'm trying to help you here.

I went out on a limb to get you back and Yakura cannot wait to say, "I told you so." So what we have to do, we have to make this the dawn of a new day.


Clean slate, we're starting over.


So you gotta promise me you're gonna try to stay out of trouble.


You promise?


I'm serious.

So am I.

Okay, fine.

I'm not kidding.

All right, fine.


Let's go.


As you know, last year we had...

You, of course, remember Dr. Yakura.

Oh, yeah, sure.

Hello, Grace.

Sit down.

As I was saying before we were interrupted, last year we had a º/º identification rate.

I intend to keep it that way.

Which brings us to...

Mr. Stinky.

We will refer to him as case number and he's been here five months.

I want him identified and processed out of the crypt by the end of the week.

Any volunteers?

Dr. Sanders, how about you?

Dr. Macy, possible homicide.

-year-old male, massive head trauma.

Dr. Goodall, auto versus ped.

And Dr. Olson, -year-old male, drowned in bathtub.

Thank you very much, everybody.

The rest I'll handle myself.

What about me?

Find a case to assist on.


Jordan, it's all right.

Look, if you've got a problem with me, let me know.

Otherwise, why am I not getting a case?

I spent half the night on the phone with the Mayor, the D.A.

And the Police Commissioner trying to explain how one of my M.E. S handcuffed a police officer to his bed.

So if you want to play cops and robbers, please do it on your own time.

Yeah, at least I caught the bad guy.

There are no bad guys, Dr. Cavanaugh.

There are only dead bodies.

Meeting adjourned.

Let's get to work.

Just got a report of a cab driver k*lled over on Congress Street.

Jordan, looks good.

I'll give her a week.

What do we have?

Dead cab driver.

Fits the M.O.

Of a perp we've been looking for.

Calls for a cab, takes them someplace remote, robs them.

This is the first one he's k*lled, though.

Who's the scene commander?

That'd be me.

Lieutenant Winslow, this is the M.E.

Assigned to the m*rder.


Lieutenant, huh?

Hello, Dr. Cavanaugh.

I take it you two know one another.



Nice to see you, too, Jordan.

Medium caliber entrance wound on lower posterior cranium.

Some tattooing around the skin.

It was close range.

Was it a. ?


There's no exit wound.

b*llet's still in there.

We got a description of the suspect from the four previous cabbies this guy held up.

He uses a chrome-plated .

snub nose.

Lividity's fixed.

When was he last known to be alive?

We're checking on that right now.


Sometime after : p. M, when he dropped off his last fare.

Got anything else?

Not much.

I found this on the floor of the back seat.

Nicotine gum.

Orange flavored.

We've got a trace on the last call to his cell phone.

Came from a pay phone over at the convention center.


Look, Jordan, I know you're still pissed, but I got a lot of distance on this thing and I...

Save it, Eddy.

Never gonna find anything, guys.

people could have used that phone since last night.

Nicotine gum.


You ID'd Mr. Stinky yet?

No, it's impossible.

Look at him.

He was wax when they found him.

You probably thought this was arthritis.

Isn't it?

I can see how an untrained eye could miss it.

His fingers have all been broken and rehealed.

And you can tell that how?

Excess cartilage around the joints.

Scar tissue.

Textbook sign of t*rture.

Bug, you know, you've got a real feel for this.

The answer's no.

Oh, come on.

Yakura's gonna k*ll me.

I'll even buy you lunch.

You're curious, I can tell.

You have a thing for Mr. Stinky.

I do not have a thing for Mr. Stinky.

Tuna and sweet corn on whole wheat and pepperoncinis on the side.

Do we get New Year's Day off?

I'm sorry?

New Year's?

People do die on New Year's, sad as that may be.

Well, New Year's is three months away.

Oh, I know, I just...

I like to make my plans early.

Very organized.

I'm a**l, actually.

I can say a**l at work, right?

I'm sure you can.


You know, I...

I watch you in here sometimes and you treat the bodies with such respect.

It's so inspirational.


You, uh, looked a little puzzled there.

Everything okay?

Yeah, it's just...

Never mind.

Don't worry about it.

You sure?

Well, it's just...

A perfectly healthy -year-old man.

He just made partner at a big Beacon Hill law firm.

He went out last night for a three-mile run and ends up bludgeoned to death miles away from his house.


Multiple blows.

It's overkill, really, except for these two right here.

It's what we call "hesitation blows. " Now, if that's not odd enough, there's this.

You see the lividity marks where the blood settled?

I'd say that looks like a license plate.

Yeah, it sure does.

Well, the only problem is, I checked the scene report and the photos.

There was no license plate found there.


A mystery.

You should run this through the RMV, see what comes up.

Maybe you'll solve this m*rder.

Well, that's not really what I do.

Yeah, but...

It would be really cool if you did though, huh?

Well, I better get back to work.

Oh, yeah, okay.


No trace of g*nsh*t residue.

We can rule out mutual gunplay.


I do see some bruising, though, on the knuckles.

Defensive wounds?


These are a couple days old.

This guy didn't put up a fight.

k*ller never gave him a chance.



It's just...

You sound like your father.

I don't mean anything by that.

Look, are you interested in hearing my theory or not?


Okay, this wasn't about scaring the guy.

This was an execution.

One shot from behind, clean.

I just think you're looking in the wrong direction.

Dr. Cavanaugh, the cab driver's wife's here to ID the body.


That's him.

Doctor, can I ask you one question?


Did he suffer?

Well, that's difficult to...


No, I don't believe he did.

You're telling me there's no chance that my husband suffered?

Well, I...

Just tell me the truth, Doctor.

The b*llet sliced through several neural pathways, rendering him paralyzed.

It's possible that he remained conscious for two to three minutes, fully aware of the fact that he was gonna die.


Yeah, I would have to call that suffering.


Nice light touch you got there.

Thanks a lot.

The cabbie's wife, I think she's involved somehow.

Another theory?

She came in to ID the body.

It was like I just told her I k*lled a fly in her kitchen.

People react in strange ways.

He was beating her.

I ran his name.

There were seven domestic disturbance calls in four years.

She filed three restraining orders.

We already know all of this, Jordan.

It's our job.

You see, you figure out how they died, we find the K*llers.

That's how it works around here.

She works midnight to : at a greasy spoon out in Quincy.

Security cameras recorded her entire shift.

Now, if I have any further need of your services or deductive abilities, I will call.

Hi, Dr. Cavanaugh.


I'm sorry about walking in on you this morning.

I hope you don't think I...

Or that I...

What, that you liked what you saw?

Stop busting my chops.

Look, Trey, I'm sorry.

You know, really, it's okay.

I mean, modesty has never really been one of my long suits, anyway.

But I do expect you to return the favor sometime.

Oh, I aim to please.

Jordan, come with me.

Where are you taking me?

To show you how it's done.

Listen and learn.

He just went for a run, same as always.

We didn't even say goodbye.

I'm so sorry for your loss, Mrs. Babcock.

And to lose a husband, I can only imagine your pain.

Do you have any kids?


We were trying, though.

Here, take this.

Did he suffer?

With an injury of that extent, it's almost certain there was a loss of consciousness upon impact.

So, no, I don't believe he did.

That's good.

You know, in the words of the poet Aeschylus, "In our own despair against our will, "comes wisdom through the grace of God. " I believe that.

Thank you, Doctor.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Now, that's how you handle a grieving loved one.


What do we have here?

A b*llet.

Now, who would sh**t an -year-old man?

No, he didn't die from this.

See those periosteum deposits built up over it?

That takes years.

So his hands tell us he was tortured, his lungs say he survived asbestos exposure and got shot in the chest.

And none of that k*lled him.

Mr. Stinky, you are a riddle wrapped in an enigma.


He's on his way home.

I'm in the kitchen.



Smells good.

What is it?

Vegetable lasagna with soy cheese.

He's gotta watch his cholesterol.

Oh, where is he?

He's got yoga on Tuesdays.

Oh, now that's supposed to be a secret.

He doesn't want anybody to know till he can touch his toes.

Oh, well, that'll be a while.

Well, he was really limber when we first met.

Excuse me?

When he was an athlete.

We met in high school.

He never told you?

No, must have left that part out.

You know, you go your separate ways.

But then, after my husband died, well, one day I just called him.

Out of the blue.

Oh, this garbage disposal.

It only works when it wants to.

Oh, honey, could you get me a salad bowl, please?

Yeah, um...

Oh, no, no, no, they're over there now.

Yeah, I like a workable kitchen.

I mean, the teacups were over here, the saucers were over there.

Seems like I spent all my time cleaning out this house ever since I got here.

You haven't gotten to the attic yet, have you?

Your mother died years ago, Jordan.

How long was he supposed to save her clothes?

Honey, I'm home.

We're all here, sweetie.

I made your favorite.

Wow, it's so big.

Yeah, well, all the better to hear it with.

The Comedian Harmonists.

You know the Harmonists?

Well, my father collected old records.

Yeah, so do I.

Jazz and blues, mostly from the ' s and ' s.


You know what I like about you, Dr. Macy?

You are a very interesting man.

Uh, I...

I ran those numbers through the RMV like you suggested and came up with possible matches.

I don't know.

Wait a minute, Louis Stahler?


That's the same name as Dr. Cavanaugh's case.

That's the cab driver that was shot yesterday.

Do me a favor and get me Dr. Cavanaugh's cell number, will you?


I saw Eddy Winslow today.


How's he doing?

I don't know, I didn't ask.

He was my last partner on the force.


When I got...

Well, when I left, he was the...

Just say it, Dad.

He ratted you out.

It was an internal affairs investigation.

What was he supposed to do?

Could we change the subject, please?

So, how are things at the new job, Jordan, huh?

Any interesting cases?

Yeah, mmm, actually.

I'm trying to figure out how this woman blew her husband's brains out.

Blam, you know, b*llet bounces around, brain matter, blood everywhere.

Pretty interesting case.


It's hard to believe anybody could ever do such a thing.

Wow, that stuff happens all the time, right, Dad?

You know, husband carves up the wife with a chainsaw.

Mom kills the kids, tosses them in the river.

I'm sure Dad has some crime photos laying around if you're interested.

Actually, you know what?

I'm surprised you didn't run across any of those while you were cleaning things out around here.

Jordan, can we just have some nice dinner conversation, please?


I thought in this house that was dinner conversation.

Not anymore.

This is a chance for you and Evelyn to get to know one another.


Then maybe she doesn't mind if I ask her a question.

You can ask me anything.

Where the hell do you get off giving my mom's clothes away?

All right, that's it.

I think I'm gonna go out and check on the pie.


I want you to apologize to her right now.

She should apologize to me.


To you!

No, where the hell does she get off touching Mom's clothes?

Jordan, I will not have you treating her that way in my house.

Your house?

Yes, my house.

So if you're not ready to start acting like an adult, you can leave.



Garret, I can't talk right now.

Why would I know the license plate number?

At the impound lot, I guess.


All right, fine, yeah.

I'll meet you there.

They closed an hour ago.

We have to wait till morning.

No, we don't.


Come on, I want to find out what my corpse's license plate was doing on your corpse's ass.

Are you nuts?

We are not breaking into this place.

It's against the law.

We'll be in and out in five minutes.

What are you, chicken?


I'll give you some help.

Right there.

Give me a break.


You know what?

I don't know what you're talking about, Garret.

As far as asses go, yours is kinda sweet.

I'm telling you, man, as soon as I met the wife, I knew there was more to this.

That's not the same number.

Wait a minute.

Now, how the hell did my corpse get in the trunk of your corpse's cab?


You're trespassing on police property.
Keep your hands where I can see them. Don't worry.

I'll handle this.


Don't think I slept a wink.

On the bright side, at least I didn't have to sleep at the morgue again.

Okay, I went ahead and buried your paperwork.

You're all set.

I thank you, my career thanks you.

I'm gonna go home and take a shower.

Do us both a favor and stay away from me for the rest of the day, okay?

Thanks for taking your sweet ass time getting us out.

If you hadn't have mouthed off, you could have been out of here in minutes.

I mean, come on, Jordan.

Breaking into an impound lot?

What the hell were you thinking?

We were going where the evidence took us.

And besides, you're still looking for a crack head who kills cabbies and chews nicotine gum.

Okay, I admit the dead lawyer in the trunk somewhat complicates things.

Wow, no wonder they made you lieutenant.

You're never gonna let me live it down, are you?

What do you think?

I think this case isn't that hard to explain.

Cabbie picks the guy up, he kills him, he dumps the body.

And just by coincidence, gets k*lled by a robber five hours later.

So when are you gonna bring her in?

The cabbie's wife, Elaine.

She's the only one you've got who can tell you how these two guys are connected.

Do you even know where she is?


She's waiting in interrogation.

I don't understand what I'm doing here.

I thought I told you everything I know.

I know, Mrs. Stahler.

There's been a complication in the case and we just have a few more questions, if you don't mind, of course.

You stated before that your husband's shift began at : that night. That's right.

Your husband owned the cab, right?

He was an independent?

That's right.

Anyone else have access to the cab that night before his shift began?


It was parked out front, same as always.


What is this about?

Mrs. Stahler, do you recognize this man?


His name is Nolan Babcock. Do you know how your husband might have known him? My husband knew a lot of guys.

Look, I told you, I don't know.

So you also don't know how this man wound up dead in the trunk of your husband's cab?

My husband was a violent son of a bitch.

And when he wasn't beating the crap out of me, he was off looking for a fight somewhere else.

So you tell me he's driving around with a dead guy in the trunk?

Well, I'll tell you what.

That doesn't surprise me one bit.

Thank you. Must open something pretty small.

This is what we got to go on.

A bus schedule, cents in change and a photograph.

Must be Mrs. Stinky.

Here, take a look at this.

See those neurofibrillary tangles there?

He had Alzheimer's.


All right, gentlemen, how brilliant am I?

Brilliance, by definition, is unquantifiable, Nigel.

You're either brilliant or you're not.

No, Bug.

The answer is very brilliant.

Your b*llet is a.

caliber fired from a Mauser Werke r*fle, standard issue to the Germans in World w*r II.

Now, ask me what makes it so special.


This b*llet was only used during the Battle of Kursk, after which it was discontinued for reasons Mr. Stinky's already shown us.

It wasn't terribly lethal.

How do you know all this, Nigel?

Insomnia and the History Channel.

They're a lethal combination.

Dr. Macy.

Oh, thank God you're okay.

I have been worried sick about you.

Why were you worried?

Well, you know, spending the night in the slammer like that.

Oh, that must have been an amazing experience.

How did you find out about that?

Oh, everyone's talking.


So what happened with Mr. Babcock and the license plate?

Did you solve it?

No, no, no, we turned everything over to the police.

It's in their hands now.


Dr. Macy, you, um...

You didn't have to be anybody's bitch in there, did you?

No, but thanks for asking.

Hey, Garret, I found something.

I thought I told you to stay away from me.

The cops are working off the theory that the cabbie k*lled Nolan, stuffed him in the trunk and dumped his body on the side of the road.

And a perfectly good theory it is.

Do you realize everyone here knows we spent the night in jail?


You are unbelievable.

It says here in your autopsy report that Nolan died from repeated overhead blows to the left of the medial part of the skull.

Now, you determined that the k*ller used their right hand.

And that's where my work in this case ends.

My cabbie had had two rotator cuff surgeries.

He couldn't lift his right arm any higher than this.

He didn't k*ll him.

Somebody else did.

Jordan, if you want to ride your career into the toilet, be my guest, but don't expect me to saddle up with you.

That's kind of a mixed metaphor, though, isn't it?


Uh, I need your help on a case.

Not tonight.

You're not even gonna let me in?

If you've come to apologize, I might.

All right, you know, I'm sorry.

Well, that was pathetic.

And I'm not the one you need to apologize to.

I need your help on this case.

Give me one good reason why I should.

Because I'm your daughter and I need your help on this case.

The cabbie's wife, she's the interesting one here.

Elaine, yeah.

We know she didn't k*ll her husband.

She had an alibi.

But she had access to the cab that night.

Ah, so you're thinking she k*lled the guy in the trunk, Nolan.

Well, she has no alibi for that.

No motive, either.

No revenge, no money involved.

Far as we know, they were perfect strangers.

I know.

I'm going out on a limb here.

I don't know why she did it, I don't even know how.

But right now it's the only hunch I've got.

So who do you want to be?

I'll be the k*ller.

I'll be Elaine.

I'll be Nolan.

The road's empty.

I see you running.

I'm standing in the shadows, scared. My heart's pounding, but I know I have to do this. No. It's not right.

It's too dangerous.

You're a woman.

You're not gonna overpower me.

You're more clever than that.

I need to get you to stop somehow.

Yes, you need to gain my trust.

I fake car trouble.

That's right.

You stop and offer to take a look. I pop the hood. You walk to the front of the car. No.

You'd have to drag me to the back.

I'm six feet of dead weight.

The trunk.

I need you to get something from the trunk. The spare tire. When you're leaning in, that's when I'll do it. Quick, easy. I hear you behind me, but I don't turn. I have no idea you're gonna k*ll me. I hit you, but not hard enough. Why?

You're trying to k*ll me.
No, I'm not sure I want to do this. Hit me again, Jordan.

I don't know.

I've never k*lled anybody before.

Do it.

I'm not a k*ller!

Do it.

Who stood to gain from his death?

I don't know.

A business partner, his wife Sandra, maybe.

He have insurance money?


He was a lawyer.

They were well off.

How did Elaine know where to find him?

How'd she know where he'd be, where he ran at night, what time?

Who could have possibly told her that?

A criss-cross?

You k*ll my husband, I k*ll yours.

Strangers On A Train. No way to trace the motive.

The perfect m*rder.

Now all I have to do is prove it.

So, Mr.

Stinky was born somewhere around , fought in the Second World w*r, was shot, captured and tortured, but survived.

Due to the asbestos we found, probably worked in a shipyard for a long period of his life.

He later developed Alzheimer's and eventually died in Paul Revere Square.

End of story.

All this and we still don't know who he is.


So that's it?

We're just gonna give up?

We did our best.

Sign him out and he's off to potter's field.

Wait a minute.

You said Paul Revere Square, right?

Yeah, so?

Take a look at this.

Paul Revere Square.

"Hold me in your memories, Lydia. " All right, I got a really lame idea.

I'm gonna contact the Veteran's Administration, see if they can run a search, cross-referencing the name Lydia and Massachusetts.

Nice place you got here.

I brought you bagels and these.

They're the phone records for Elaine Stahler and Sandra Babcock.

How did you...

I still have a few friends in low places.

I was hoping to find out if they'd called one another.

They didn't, but look at this.

Elaine called this number times.

I had it traced.

It's the hotline for a battered women's shelter.

The last one, day before the m*rder.

But we already know she was battered.

Ah, but that's not the interesting part.

I traced every one of Sandra Babcock's calls.

This one here is to the administrative office of the women's shelter that Elaine called.

So what does that mean?

Well, I don't know, but in my day, that's what we called a lead.

I gotta get back.

Evelyn and I are shopping for a new sofa today.

By the way, I was the one who told her to give away your mother's clothes.

It was my idea, Jordan.

She's still waiting for that apology of yours.

Hotline, can I help you? Yeah, um, I spoke to someone there the other night and I really need to talk with her again.


Well, it was...
It was Tuesday night, uh, around : p. m.

I'll try to call her and patch you through. Great, thanks.


Can I help you?
Elaine? Garret, I connected the bodies.

The wives, they k*lled each other's husbands.

I went for a run this morning.

Did you hear what I said?

I need to check Nolan Babcock out of the crypt again.

Somewhere near the end of the second mile, I had a breakthrough, an epiphany.

They're going to get away with it, Garret.

There's no hard evidence connecting either one of them to the scene of their crimes.

All we have is a piece of gum and a partial license plate.

Do you remember when Sandra Babcock borrowed my handkerchief?

Run this for DNA.

If your theory's right, it should match the chewing gum you found.

What do you mean it's nothing?

So you can link a piece of gum with some snot in a handkerchief.

If it matches, it's genetic proof that Sandra Babcock was at that pay phone that night.

Yeah, two miles from the crime scene.

You still can't put her in the back of that cab.

And even if you could, without fingerprints and a w*apon?

You're not even gonna try to find a motive?

I mean, maybe Nolan was sleeping around.

Maybe he had a million dollar life insurance policy.

It was a $ . million, actually.

Well, then that's it.

That's her motive.

That is for us to determine, Jordan.

There are procedures to follow in building a case.

Okay, maybe your dad taught you to go barreling head first into brick...

Hey, hey!

Leave my dad out of this.

I can't.

You know why?

He seems to be here every time we're together.

It is time you understood something.

Let's get it out.



I did him a favor.

Oh, yeah, how?

By saving his life.

That's a good one.

He was a liability.

A man can't have that much anger without endangering himself and the men around him.

He was done.

I just helped him see it.

I'm gonna take this to the lab.

But right now, given what we've got, this case hinges on one of them confessing.

And don't hold your breath on that ever happening.


Hope you didn't come all the way down here for the food.

Actually, I came here to ask your advice on something.

Do I look like someone you'd want to take advice from?

It's a subject you know a lot about.

Let's say, hypothetically, that I was getting the crap beat out of me by my husband.

Fine, let's say you were.

Then one night, out of desperation, I make a call.

The voice on the other end is sympathetic, someone with the same problems as me.

I feel safe.

Finally, someone understands.

Even better, she has a solution, a way out.

I am so desperate, I make a deal.

It's a really interesting story, but I have work to do.

Well, what if I found out she lied to me?

What if I did this terrible thing just so she could collect $ million in insurance money?

Then I would say that you don't have the whole story.

But she knew I trusted her.

She used me.

I was duped.

Well, maybe you were.

Or maybe she failed to mention the fact that her son of a bitch husband was molesting her kids.

Maybe she just left that part out.

Sandra Babcock doesn't have any kids.

But don't take my word for it.

It's right here in her husband's obituary.

Elaine, you can make this a lot easier on yourself.

His name was Albert Saltzman.

He was the love of my life.

He had the photograph on him when he died.

This was taken the day before he went off to the w*r.

I wanted to give him something to remind him of me.

I waited for him, but he never came back.

I have one child, three grandchildren, one great-grandchild.

And they're all his.

I never knew I was pregnant when he left.

Would you happen to know what this is, too?

It's been closed for years.

He was trying to find you, Lydia.

I just assumed that he'd forgotten about me.

Apparently, he never did.

Word on the street is you're a real limber guy.

Yeah, uh, it's called downward dog.

Yeah, I can see why.

So, how's your case going?

It's over.

Elaine Stahler confessed to everything.

She's gonna plea bargain for testifying against Sandra.

She's at the police station right now.

years on the force, I've learned one thing.

It's easy to k*ll someone, it's hard to live with it.

So, what do you think?

Of the new sofa?

Oh, nice, nice.

Doesn't really go with the rest of the furniture, but...

Well, it's Evelyn's taste.

I like it, though.

Yeah, listen, Dad, about the other night.


I just, uh...

Coming back home just brings up a lot of stuff, you know?

Um, I know I can be a jerk.

Okay, and it's not as though you don't deserve to be happy.


Wasn't right, me not telling you about Evelyn.

You should know what's going on between us, everything.

Well, if you're gonna tell me that she's good in bed, then I'm leaving right now.

Oh, she's...

It's not that complicated.

Just the opposite.

I need her, Jordan.

Now, you don't have to be her best friend.

You don't even have to like her.

But you do have to apologize to her.

Oh, hello.

This darn thing.

I mean, one minute it works, the next minute it doesn't.

Can we, uh...

You got a few seconds?


It's about the other night.

Look, I just, I want...

Oh, no, don't.

Don't, Jordan.

No, it's okay.

I mean, it's a funny thing about apologies.

When you get to be my age, you learn they're not worth much.

Now, somebody who can figure out how to get a disposal to work, that I could actually use.

We're just having leftovers tonight, but you're welcome to stay.


Yeah, I'd like that.

Good night.

Good night.
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