Girls' School (1938)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Girls' School (1938)

Post by bunniefuu »

Linda Julia Simpson, you've been out all night. Where have you been?

On the hockey field. What?

Listen, Betty .. I've ..

Oh but you won't believe .. Linda, please. Double cross my heart.

I'm engaged. To Edgar?

Linda, how wonderful.

How does it feel? I mean, how does it really feel?

To tell you the truth it ..

It feels kind of funny.

How? Like before an algebra exam? Uhuh.

Betty, I ..

Oh, but if I tell you it will be all over the school.

Linda, I only tell the really important things.

Well listen, then.

Edgar and I are going to elope.


Edgar says it's the only civilized way.

Oh but when, Linda? After the dance tonight.

After all, I can't miss my own senior Prom.

Even for my fiancée.


Linda, nobody has ever proposed to me.

What do they do? Go down on their knees?

No, silly.

They kind of cough.

Then they tremble a little bit.

And then they take your hand and .. you're trembling.

Do you have time to make up a good answer?

I had a honey. I've had it since I was thirteen.

And when my time came, I ..

I had to cough, so ..

I just kind of nodded.

And Edgar put his arms around me.

And then .. do you know what I did? What?

I giggled. I couldn't help it.

Linda, do you have to say 'I love you'?

Oh, that was the hardest part.

It just wouldn't come.

So finally I promised I would tonight on Engagement Bench.

And that's where it really counts anyway.

Nobody's even ever tried to get me on the Engagement Bench.

Well maybe Tommy will tonight.

Oh he won't ask me. He thinks I'm still a child.

Linda. I'm going to work it.

I mean, must you to climb through a window and everything?

Oh no, no. Edgar says the modern elopement is much more civilized.

Now listen, Betty. The minute the band plays Goodnight Ladies ..

You and I sneak up here and drop my bag through the window.


Oh Betty. The magnolias were stunning last night.

The whole world was like a bowl filled with their smell.

There were crickets, mockingbirds ..

New grass.

Honestly, I don't think I saw or smelled or really listened to anything before.

I will never forget a second of last night.


Edgar made a poem.

About magnolias not lasting long.

Or something.

Second bell! I'm starved.

Listen Betty, if you ever tell one living soul ..

Word of honor, hope to die.

Who is it?

It's Natalie Freeman, Miss Laurel.

May I come in?

Yes dear, come in. No, wait.

I look a fright. My goodness ..

We always look a fright to the children.

Don't we, Natalie.

Well what is it, dear?

I'm ready with my Monitor's report, Miss Laurel.

Oh yes. Friday morning is always a low point for both of us, isn't it, Natalie.

Yes, Miss Laurel.

Well let's hear what dark and dreadful deeds have been perpetrated this week.

Julie Patterson. Absent from Chapel, Sunday.

Uhuh, I thought I didn't see her.

Ida Kenyon. Playing phonograph after lights out on Tuesday.

Judith Walsh, late for dinner on Wednesday.

But she wasn't very late Miss Laurel.

They didn't even have to re-warm her soup.

Well, as long as they didn't have to re-warm her soup ..

I'm sure it will be alright.


I guess that's all.

It seems to me that more than that has gone on in the past seven days.

Miss Laurel. Yes, Natalie?

I don't want to be Monitor any more.

Well, you never did want to be, did you Natalie?

But now I can't.

Listen to the child.

Why can't you, pray?

I'll do anything else the school asks me to.

I'll work twice as long in the library.

I'll wait on tables. I'll do anything.

Well, what's happened, child?

Nothing has happened, especially.

Only I can't keep on spying on people anymore.

But .. but you've been a Monitor nearly four years now.

You're almost graduated.

As a scholarship student, you've been given a free education, Natalie.

And now you don't want to complete your part of the bargain.

Oh Armie, please.

There must be some reason at the back of all this.

Oh no, there is no real reason.

Who was it? Who was what?

Who did .. whatever you're talking about.

Nobody did .. nobody did anything.

Nonsense! You've something definite in mind. I know it.

Please Miss Armstrong, my book!

I thought as much. Something has been erased here.

Now, Armie .. What have you erased?

Oh Armie, let the girl alone.

If we don't get it out of her, then Brewster will.

Now come, Natalie. Oh no, no. I don't want to.

My dear, we all have to do things we don't want to do.

Now if you've discovered something such as a theft ..

Oh nothing as bad as that.

Then what? I knew there was something behind this resignation.

I assure you we'll find out. We'll cross-examine every girl in school.

But if we do that, we'll have to call off the senior Prom tonight.

Oh you wouldn't.

My dear, it will go mighty hard with you when all those girls realize that ..

You were responsible for the .. Alright! I'll tell you. I'll tell you.

One of the girls stayed out. How late?

Al night.

Who was it?

Oh, I can't tell you. I won't.

Very well .. there will be no dance tonight.

It was Linda Simpson.

Linda Simpson?

Are you sure, Natalie?

We must report this to Dean Brewster immediately.

That will mean Linda's expulsion.

Well, we should feel very proud or ourselves, Armie.

I was simply fulfilling my obligations.

We have a duty too, even if you choose to ignore it.

I know.

Imagine her staying out all night.

Moonlight, too.

Where are you going?

I'm going to scold Linda Simpson.

Only I'm so jealous of her I could spank her.

Poor Linda.

Poor Natalie.

Good morning, Miss Laurel. A nice morning, isn't it.

It certainly is.

Come in. Come in whoever you are.

Why, Miss Laurel.

We thought you were one of the girls.

Thank you. I'm flattered.

Anyway, you're my favorite teacher.

Well I won't be when you hear what I've come for.

My spelling, again?

Linda, what on earth do you mean staying out all night?

How did you know? Now never mind that.

Will you ..?

Have you told the Dean?

Dean Brewster will have to know.

I'll be expelled.

I won't graduate.

Where were you, child? What were you doing all night?

I know you'll never believe me Miss Laurel, but ..

Edgar drove me straight back at twelve.

And then ..

When I looked at the school it ..

It looked exactly like a prison. I just couldn't come in.

I don't expect you to believe me but ..

I just couldn't.

Go on, child.

And then I found myself daring Edgar to take me out.

Anywhere in the world, just so I would not have to be shut up here in my room.

We went over to the hockey field.

Edgar recited poetry.

He's a poet, you know.

And .. I don't know Miss Laurel.

I felt terribly happy.

Happier than I've ever been before.

Kind of grown-up and free. Do you know what I mean?

I'm afraid I do, Linda.

Just the same there will be a meeting of the Student Government this afternoon.

With The Duchess? With Dean Brewster, yes.

In the meantime, you are to remain here in your room.

I'll get your meals sent up. You're on probation. You must not speak to anyone.

Oh golly. Now remember, Linda.

You are on your honor.

Gee, what's so serious? What did she say?

Was it about you being out all night?

I bet she's on probation. Is that it, Linda?

Who told on you?

Beat it kids. You'll get her in trouble. What about you?

I'm her room-mate and best girlfriend. Now come on, get out.

I'll tell you everything later. Betty.

What? Oh, I haven't told them anything important, Linda. Just ..

You were out all night.

I haven't told them you're eloping. Are you still going to?

Are they going to expel you?

Will they let you go to the Prom?

Are they going to have a Student Government meeting?

Gee, Lindy ..


Oh not a word, cross my heart, Linda.

You think it could have been Natalie Freeman?

Gee, isn't it terrible.

Well gee, I absolutely promised Linda I wouldn't tell.

But maybe if you promise ..?

I could tell you a little.

She's positive Natalie reported her.

Didn't I tell you? And that's not the worst of it.


Tell us, Betty.

Well, I can't tell you why ..

But it will be just awful if Linda doesn't go to the dance tonight.

I mean, she and Edgar are in love.

Really in love. Rats. I don't believe in love.

All there is, is physical attraction.

Don't you believe in romance? Baloney.

We ought to fix that Natalie Freeman, though.

She went right up and told old Laurelei.

While doing her duty in a kind of a way.

Duty? The little sneak.

She ought to be darn glad to be allowed to associate with us.

Shush, The Duchess.

Good morning, Miss Brewster. Good morning, girls.

I really don't know what to say, Miss Laurel.

One of our little girls. Out all night.

We've got to make an example of Linda.

Oh, I'm sure it was just an innocent prank, Miss Brewster.

Innocent? Staying out all night like a ..

Like a heaven knows what.

What could .. what could anybody do all night on a hockey field?

I haven't the faintest idea, Miss Brewster.

Good morning.

Our girls look just like flowers in the spring.

They make me think of that lovely old poem of Longfellow called 'Maidenhood'.

"Standing with reluctant feet".

"Where the brook and river meet."

Perhaps that's why we mustn't be too hard on Linda, Miss Brewster.

She too is standing with reluctant feet.

Something must be done to make her feel the error of her conduct.

The way of the transgressor, my dear Miss Laurel.

Miss Brewster, must she be expelled?

What else is there to do?

Hey, Freeman .. did you hear about Linda?


She may be expelled.

Or perhaps you knew that already?

Well gee, being expelled isn't so bad, but ..

If Linda can't go to the dance tonight she can't ..

Of course ..

Whoever reported her will have to testify before the Student Government.

I would sure hate to be in that person's shoes, wouldn't you kids?

That's right.

Oh, Natalie.

Who are you dragging to the Prom?

A boy from my home town.

I don't think you know him.

Well, what college does he go to?

He works in a store.

Oh .. really?

Will the girl who threw Macaulay's essays in the lake ..

On Thursday afternoon report to Miss Macbeth.

The juniors are requested not to practice tennis in the library.

This afternoon, Miss Dawn Bracket is coming to talk to us all about charm.

In spite of the fact that you are all very charming young ladies.

I am sure we all of us have a great deal to learn from Miss Bracket.

There will be a special meeting of the Student Government in my office.

At 5 o'clock.

That's all.

Don't come in. I can't talk to anybody.

Well, Linda?

This is very shocking news I hear about you.

Very shocking. Yes, Miss Brewster.

In fact, I really don't know what to say to you, Linda.

No, Miss Brewster.

Magnolia Hall has never been faced by such a ..

Such misconduct.

Therefore I felt compelled to send for your parents.

My parents?

Both of them?

I know they will be grieved beyond measure.

Oh Miss Brewster, please. Please don't send for them.

I will do anything if you just won't make them come.

Say Linda, breakfast.

You may enter, Betty. Fetch your books. Yes, ma'am.

I've called your parents and they can be here by 5 o'clock.

Oh Miss Brewster, please. Don't you see they .. they ..

Well, wouldn't just one of them do?

I'm sorry, Linda. But the wages of sin are never easy.

And remember.

There is to be no retaliation against the Monitor for reporting you.

Then it was Natalie?

After all, her position here is not an easy one.

You must continue to be very nice to her.

Oh yes, Miss Brewster. I'll be very nice.

I could just k*ll that Natalie Freeman.

Linda, your honor .. I don't care about my honor anymore.

Oh Betty.


My Mother and Daddy aren't even living in the same house.

They've separated.

I've tried and tried to keep it a secret, hoping that they'd make up.

Now they'll probably catch the same train and get here the same time.

And they won't speak to each other. They won't even look at each other.

Well .. maybe they'll get on alright.


Mother once told me that ..

When you used to love somebody ..

And then you stop.

It hurts terribly when you see them again.

Or even hear about them.

And now everybody will know.

And it's all on account of that Natalie Freeman.

I could just k*ll her.

So could I.

I've felt sorry for her before, but now ..

Hey, where you going? You aren't meant to leave the room.

I'm going to find Natalie and tell her what I think of her.

You're in enough trouble already.

You stay here. I'll send her up.

Oh, Natalie.

Natalie. Linda's in her room. She wants to talk to you.

She does? She'll speak to me?

Yes, indeed.

Take these to class for me will you, please.


You'll miss the algebra class, Freeman and someone will have to report on you.

Oh Linda, I'm so glad you sent for me.

Come on in.

I suppose you think you're smart getting up at the crack of dawn to spy on us.

Linda, I wasn't spying. Honest I wasn't.

I just happened to be at the window .. Happened?

Do you know what I ought to do to you?

Linda, let me explain, please.

I never wanted to be the Monitor.

Alright, go head. Blame it all on your scholarship.

But it's because of the scholarship that I ..

Do you have to go round ruining people's lives for them?

No scholarship in the world would be worth that much to me.

I don't think you know much about scholarships, Linda.

You never had to.

Well I know what is decent and what isn't.

Oh Linda, please. Please believe me.

I'd rather be expelled myself.

Who's talking about being expelled? You think it's the worst thing in the world?

Don't you see a person's private life and feelings are more important than ..

Than ..

Linda, you mean you're less worried of the expulsion than about something else?

It's none of your business what I mean. I'm responsible for doing this ..

You certainly are! So, do you think I'd tell you anything?

I should say not! Go on, go on. Get out, get out!

I tell my personal affairs to my friends, not to my enemies.

It gives me great pleasure.

And it is a great honor.

To introduce to you Miss Dawn Bracket.

Who will talk to all of us on the important topic of .. charm.

Miss Dawn Bracket.

Thank you. Thank you, Miss Brewster.

Thank you. Thank you, dear girls.

Oh, it's so lovely to be back again in Magnolia Hall.

On the very afternoon of the senior Prom.

But looking about me, I wonder.

Just how can I tell all of these bright and happy faces.

These gracefully unfolding buds.

Anything they don't know about charm.

And yet, the problems of the flowers are nothing compared to those ..

Of the young lady trembling on the threshold of society.

Charm can be acquired by one .. and by all.

Now, how shall we enter the ballroom tonight?

In our lovely gowns and dainty slippers.

Shall we rush in headlong, showing off our athletic skills?


No. We will stand for a moment.

In the doorway.


Give people a chance to admire us.

Now, advance slowly.

Body a little forward.

Eager, but restrained.

Smiling always, but not too much.

Just a quarter of a spontaneous smile.

Lean towards him.

Extend your hand.

You are giving yourself to every person you meet.

Giving yourself.

But suppose the young man doesn't pay any attention to you.

Do we swoon like our grandmothers?



Just let your handkerchief ..

Your dainty, scented handkerchief.

Slip gracefully to the floor.


But now again.

What if the young gentleman ignores it?

Do we stoop to pick it up ourselves?

No, indeed.


Just let it lie there.

Look at him with your eyebrows raised.

A mixture of helplessness and indignation.


Well, what do you want?

You are Linda's best friend, aren't you?

Well I certainly am. I shouldn't even be talking to you.

Betty, listen to me. What is it that's worrying her?

I don't mean the fact that she may be expelled.

Well, you'd be worried too if your mother and father were separated.

And you're the only one who knows it.

And then somebody calls them up here on the 4:40 train and when they get here ..

And they won't speak to each other, everybody will know.

You'd rather die.

That's what it is.

The 4:40.

Can't somebody stop them? Oh!

Linda would k*ll me if she knew I had told you.

Don't you dare breathe it to a living soul.

Oh, I speak to you most earnestly on this subject.

Because although you are all young.

Still buds .. you are about to flower into the great social world.

And I want you to unfold your petals with charm and grace.

So that your blooming may bring you the greatest joy.

The greatest security.

The finest positions in society.

I thank you. Thank you.

I am sure we will none of us ever forget Miss Bracket's wonderful eloquent talk.

And that we will all be better equipped to lead our lives ..

As charming young ladies of the world.

Trembling on the threshold of society.

Stand in the doorway a moment. So.

To give people a chance to admire us.

Wait, Natalie. We'll walk over to the library together.

Oh. I wasn't exactly going to the library.

Have you forgotten we have work to do? Come, dear.

Miss Macbeth, please.

I've never missed a day's work and I've never asked before, but ..

Oh could I, could I have this one afternoon off?

Now Natalie, you can do it all later or get your beauty nap or whatever.

But there is something. Something awfully important.

I've got to get to the village ..

Remember Natalie, your obligations to the school are important, too.

C128 fiction section. Shelf D.


Fiction section. Shelf D.

D144. Literature.

D144. Literature.

D145. Dear, dear. How these girls mistreat books.


All marked up with football scores.

And the back is absolutely broken.

Now, you are not like that Natalie, I am thankful to say.




Excuse me please, but whose car is that?

Mr Simpson, Miss. Mr Alfred Simpson.

Oh, thank you.

I understand that you are Mr Simpson.

Why yes I am. Why?

Can I speak to you a minute please? It's about Linda.

She's alright, isn't she? Yes she is. It's just that, well I ..

You mean that little trouble she got herself in?


Won't you get in?

And sit down?

Thank you.

You see .. they sent for Mrs Simpson, too.


Then there is really no necessity.

She can certainly handle the situation without me.

That's just what I thought.

See here, young lady.

You didn't run all the way down here just to tell me this.

Well, I was going to meet the train.

Is Linda as anxious as all that to get rid of her Dad?

Oh no, no. It's just that ..

Well you see, she was afraid that you and Mrs Simpson might come together.

You see, Linda keeps it a secret.

Keeps what a secret? About you and Mrs Simpson. About ..

About your being separated.


Hardly anybody at school knows.

Only a few of her very dearest friends.

Linda .. Linda would just die if people knew.

I see.

And you are one of the very few .. who knows?

Then you must be one of Linda's very best friends.

What's your name?

Natalie Freeman.


I'm glad you told me.

Please, Mr Simpson. Don't you tell Linda I spoke to you.

She'd just be mad. You see, she's very proud.

Alright, Natalie.

It will be our secret.

Oh, Natalie.

Do you think ..?

Do you think Linda would like it if I went back to the station ..

Met Mrs Simpson ..

And then brought her to the school?

Oh Mr Simpson, could you?

Well, I'm willing.

Oh, that would be wonderful.

Well goodbye. Natalie.

You are a swell little girl.

And Linda is mighty lucky.

To have you for a friend.

Turn the car around, Ames. We're going back.

There .. it's happened.

What's happened, Armie? He's asked me.

Who are they and who asked you what?

Monsieur Hervé, the French teacher.

He actually called me on the telephone.


And he's taking me to the dance.

Oh Armie, that's lovely, dear.

Oh I almost forgot. For you, special delivery.


Oh, from Michael. I hope this doesn't mean he can't come.

Michael Hendragin, bio-chemist, interested in insulin experimentation.

Is the winner of a Medical Society award of one thousand dollars.

One thousand dollars?

To enable him to continue his studies for ..

One year .. in Stockholm.


It's all over now, Armie.

He's .. going away.

It isn't for ever.

Oh, it's been forever already.

We should have known it long ago.

Each time we postponed our marriage but ..

We were just burying it a little deeper.

It only takes a few minutes from the station.

Oh Betty, I'm so scared I could die.

Well, maybe one of them missed the train.

Mother is the kind that starts an hour ahead and ..

Daddy always catches them just as they're pulling out.

Oh I could just k*ll that Natalie Freeman.

Linda, your father's car.

Oh, I can't even look.

Linda. Come here.

My mother.

Betty. Betty, they're talking.

Father has come, my mother's with him.

My mother and father are here.

Mother, Daddy.

Well, our Linda.

How are you, darling? Oh, I'm so happy to see you.

Oh, Miss Brewster. How do you do, Mrs Simpson?

And Mr Simpson. I am so glad you could come.

I trust you don't mind the spectacle of our family sentiment?

We're so happy to see Linda.

Mrs Simpson and I were most shocked to learn of Linda's trouble.

It doesn't sound like our little girl, does it dear?

No indeed, dear.

Won't you sit down?

I confess, I was surprised, too.

But unfortunately, that does not lighten the offence.

The Student Government.

Will have to consider the matter most seriously.

And though Magnolia Hall has never yet had an expulsion ..

Expulsion ..?


You will wait for me in the Student Government room.

Will you excuse me now? Certainly.

Miss Brewster. Yes?

Mrs Simpson and I were wondering what that building is.

Why, that's our library.

A beautiful building, isn't it, dear.

Yes, beautiful.

But for a school such as this, isn't it rather small?

We are somewhat cramped. But we hope that one day ..

You know, it would be a simple matter to add another wing.

It might possibly be reserved for a special subject.

History, perhaps. Or literature.

You know how fond Linda is of literature.

For her graduation, why don't you ..? That's a great idea.

We could express our gratitude for everything the school's done for Linda.

But I'm afraid we're forgetting.

Oh yes, of course.

Well ..

Oh, we're keeping you from your meeting.

Please forgive us. Oh.

The meeting.

Oh, Mr Simpson. Yes, Miss Brewster.


It wasn't important.

Sarah, you may begin.

The meeting will come to order.

As you all know, this is a special meeting.

To decide the case of Linda Simpson.

Who has jeopardized the reputation of our ..

Madam Chairman, I object. Same here.

Please state the facts without prejudice.

Interruptions are un-parliamentary.

Where is the witness? The only witness.

Is a Senior Monitor.

Please state your case, Monitor.

Oh .. but it's not my case. I ..

I just happened to ..

Did you or didn't you ..

See Linda come through the algebra class window at 7 o'clock this morning?


I'm not sure.

Did you see Linda come in? Yes, or no?


Linda Simpson.

Do you admit the charge?

I do.

Have you anything to say in your defense?


But look Linda, you're supposed to be on trial.

And if you've got anything to say ..

Well, she didn't have. Can't you see?

The meeting is open to discussion.

Madam Chairman.

This is likely the most serious offence ever committed by a girl in our school.

I think, when we consider Linda's punishment.

We must bear in mind that she must be made an example of, to everybody.

It seems to me that nothing short of expulsion can be fair to the rest of us.

We are not here to consider the rest of us.

Madam Chairman.


We're here to consider Linda.

With anybody else, staying out all night would be pretty serious, but ..

Well, everybody knows Linda's record.

Only last week, we all voted her the most popular girl at Magnolia Hall.

And now you want to kick her out just before she graduates.

And ruin her whole life.

Popularity has nothing to do with it.

Grace and I like Linda just as much as you do.

But the fact remains that she did something perfectly terrible.

And if we don't punish her according to her just desserts ..

What are we all here for?

What's the use of having student government?

Absolutely .. it is not a question of what we think of Linda personally.

And it seems to me you're all acting as if she committed m*rder or something.

Well I mean, after all, the punishment should fit the crime.

And she didn't k*ll anybody or steal anything, did she?

Do I hear a motion?

I move that Linda Simpson be expelled from Magnolia Hall.

All those in favor, raise their right hand.

All those opposed, raise their right hand.

Well after all, Sudie, you have to vote one way or another.


Well I mean ..

Well, because you do, that's all.

Well honest, I don't know what to say.

Linda has always been so nice.

That's got nothing to do with it at the moment.

Sudie has the floor.

If we have self-government, we should have it.

I said Sudie had the floor.

And yet staying out all night is serious, so .. well ..

Don't you think we can trust Linda?

Are you going to be swayed, or do you stand for justice?

I suppose I ought to stand for justice.

So I guess I'll have to vote to ..

Madam Chairman, may your Dean have the floor?

Yes, Miss Brewster.

I mean .. Miss Brewster has the floor.

As you all know, I'm very proud of our school's success in self-government.

But we mustn't forget that board members have positions of great responsibility.

By your decision, you may actually be altering the course of a human life.

The life of a little schoolmate.

Linda's crime is .. serious indeed.

But I do suggest that in rendering your decision ..

You remember that the parents of a young girl are her natural judges.

Linda Simpson stayed out all night.

True. But where was she?

She was not frequenting any forbidden nightclubs as such.

She was safe on our own campus.

If we expel her, her indiscretion is certain to appear ..

Far blacker to the outside world than we know it to be.

Do we do right to expose the fair name of Magnolia Hall to misinterpretation?

I wonder.

I feel that if she were confined to the campus for the balance of the term ..

You would be meting out a just punishment ..

While saving our school's name from outside attack.

Now, I want all girls to feel perfectly free to make up their own minds.

Just as if I weren't in the room at all.

And ..

Perhaps Madam Chairman could resubmit the vote?

All those favoring the expulsion of Linda Simpson ..

Raise their right hand.

Opposing expulsion.

The meeting will please come to order.

The meeting will please ..

I loved the way you answered. Oh, you were wonderful.

Alright. Meeting adjourned.

The wisdom and mercy of children. Isn't it wonderful.

Oh .. thank you.

Linda, are we still trading, or would you rather ..?

Oh don't be silly, of course we are. And Grace and I are trading the night.

I thought she may hold it against you. Come on.

Oh Linda, you know how glad I feel.

I'm not the least bit interested in how you feel.

Serves her right. Yes.

That was honestly all there was to it.

I just kind-of wanted to be outdoors and see the stars.

We believe you, child.

But you must learn.

Now that you're growing up, you need to be more discreet.

You were lucky this time.

What did you say that boy's name was?

Brown. Edgar Brown.

Brown .. hmm.

What an unusual name.

Is he a nice boy, Linda? Well, I think so.

That's the Engagement Bench you're sitting on.

You're supposed to whisk a boy down here the minute he gets ready to propose.

And you're not supposed to say no if he asks you here.

Well, I'm the only boy you're going to sit on this bench with young lady.

For years and years and years.

This is one time I thoroughly agree with you, Alfred.


What business is his father in?

Oh he makes matches or something.

And is Edgar going into the business?

Why, I should say not .. he's a poet.

Oh ..

Please don't ask questions about my friends and then laugh at them.

You haven't any right.

Gee, can't a person have any privacy?

I mean, when a girl is grown up and meant to graduate.

I love you both so much.

I think I have the swellest parents in the world.

Do you, darling?

Well, we don't think our daughter is so terrible either.

Tell me .. is there anything you need? Money, clothes?

Oh you spoil her dreadfully, Alfred.

Now when I was her age .. I spoiled you, too.

What was she like, Daddy?

Well, she ..

She was a great deal like you.



What was he like, mother?


Very much as he is today.

Very gay.

And very foolish.

Cigarette, Eleanor?

No thanks, Alfred. I ..

I really must be getting back to the city.

Must you, Mother?

I haven't seen you both for so long.

Don't forget. You've to make yourself so beautiful for the lucky poet monkey.

Oh, Daddy.

Who is your friend?

She's no friend of mine.

She's the worst enemy I've got. She's the girl who told on me.


She seemed such a nice little girl, too.

Oh, she's awful. Everyone hates her. She never has fun except telling on people.

Perhaps she had to report you?

I'd never have reported her, no matter what she'd done.

Maybe she's sorry now?

Oh, Mother.

Oh, I wish you didn't have to go.

It was a lovely visit, Linda.

I'll never forget it.

Goodbye, mother.

Promise me something, Linda. What?

You've had a lucky day.

Now give that little girl a chance.

Give her just one break.

You know, I've a sneaking hunch that she's awfully sorry she told on you.

Daddy, you don't understand. Promise?

I don't want my little girl to be a snob.

I'll try.

That's a good little girl.

And remember, don't stay out all night again tonight.

I've a very busy day tomorrow.

And don't forget your old Daddy completely for that Brown boy.

I'll try not to, Daddy.

You sure you'll both always love me no matter what I have to do?

I think we can manage to, darling. Cross your hearts?

Hope to die.

You know, I think we did the right thing today, Eleanor.

Haven't we been rather foolish lately?

I mean ..

Hurting Linda by not keeping up appearances.


Yes, that's true.

Shall we ..?

Shall we come up together for her graduation?

I think she'd like that.

Can I drive you into town, Eleanor?

Alfred, I ..

I don't see why not.

Gosh! Oh, I wish I'd gone on a diet.


Remember .. we are all little ladies.

Trembling on the threshold of society.

Simpson, please let me in!

Wait just a minute.

Flowers for both of you. Thanks, Sudie.

Hey, what is this?

Go grab yourself a shower, Sudie.

I'm only going with my cousin.

Well beat it anyway. We're not going with our cousins.

Gee, won't they go so beautifully with my yellow dress.

Gee Lindy, a regular bridal bouquet.


Lilies of the valley.

Whisper so gently, my unrestrained pride.

Or wear this small token of undying love.

My beautiful sweetheart.

And soon to be, bride.

Oh Betty, isn't that beautiful?

Here .. comes .. the bride.

Oh Betty.

I'd swear to always be best friends .. no matter what.

No matter what.

And I'll tell you everything.

Even if you do tell everybody else.

Want to have some fun? Come on!

Natalie, honey.

Some posies for you.

Thank you.


Myra, there must be some mistake. This is for Natalie White.

Oh I'm so sorry Natalie, honey.

Why so it is.

Oh I'm awful stupid. Will you excuse me, please?

Myra, there must be some mistake. This is for Natalie White.

You have a lot of fun, don't you.

We've got to hurry, Linda.

It did seem kind of mean though.

Listen, your Sugar is here. Oh boy.


Shut up.

For me?

Hot-diggity, the boyfriend is here.


Flowers. That gag has been pulled before.

Just as much of a surprise for me, darling. Don't you want them?

They're gorgeous.

Well they're from Daddy. Listen to this.

Please darling, as a special favor wear these tonight.

Instead of the bunch your hero has probably sent you.

To please your sentimental old father.

Well, what are you going to do?

Oh, I wished he hadn't asked it as a special favor.

Simpson, Fleet. Your men are here.


Oh, he's here.

Let's welcome Tommy. Come on.

Wait a minute, Betty. Wait a minute.

I've got that funny feeling again.

This might be the last time I see this room.

You have to come up and get your bags. Oh, that doesn't count.

Oh Betty, I ..

Your mascara will run.


Alright. I'm ready.

But don't forget. As soon as the band plays 'Goodnight Ladies'.

Well, what am I going to do? That's more for a bride.

I've got to wear Edgar's. Daddy will understand.

How about I give Daddy's flowers to Natalie Freeman?

Natalie Freeman?

Well she probably won't have any of her own and ..

After all, I've had a lot of good luck today and maybe I can give her a break.

Come on, Linda. The boys are waiting.

Gee Linda, you look stunning.

And Betty, I love your dress!

Linda, you look gorgeous.

Do you think we all ought to go down in a body?

No. Two at a time, I think.

Oh no, that look so bad.

You girls are so immature.

Gee, there's a crowd of them.

Don't you all just love men's voices?

My cousin has grown a mustache.

You silly girls. What are you afraid of?

Hurry up now, or I'll steal your beaux.

Gee Miss Laurel, you certainly look stunning.

Stay by the side of the chaperone. Come on, you cowards.

You go first, Betty. Oh no, you go first.

Don't push me.

Betty's been ready for hours and now she's afraid.

You'd think you never had a date before.

Come on, Linda.

Oh Mama, pin a rose on me!

Go to bed, babies. Beat it, you juniors.

Hello Gwen, you look terrific.

How you been without me the last months? As well as can be expected.

Oh Tommy. Hiya. Hiya, Betty.

Well .. fancy meeting you here.

Oh .. I just thought I'd drop in.

Do you still feel the same way? Do you?

More than ever.

Not bad.

Hey, there is your girl.

It's not my fault, fellows. My mother wouldn't have asked her first.

Has Mr Booth arrived for Miss Freeman yet?

I have the minister all set.

Do you think he'll believe I'm eighteen?

I'd fix you for twenty tonight.

Oh, Edgar.

Tell me cousin Sudie, are you learning stuff here? I can't tell to look at you.

We had a marvelous lecture on charm today.

If you weren't my cousin I'm meant to say:

"Didn't your mama win a first at the dog show?"

I feel just like I'm dreaming when I dance with you, Sugar.

I feel just like I'm dreaming when I dance with you, Sugar.

Such lovely, innocent, well-bred little girls.

Hello, my angel.

Hello. Why didn't you walk right in, you silly?

Smack into a girl's school?

You look different.

It's your eyes.

Hadn't you better wear your glasses?

Oh Michael, you know I only need glasses for correcting papers.

Forgive me, Miss Laurel .. darling.

How I wished I'd fallen in love with a biology teacher.

I don't feel like any kind of a teacher tonight.

Is it because of my news, sweetheart?

I don't want to talk about it, Michael. What, aren't you glad?

Oh, I'm simply delighted.

We'll talk about it later, Michael. Not now. No now.

It's such a heavenly night.

Let's not talk about anything serious.

Let's not talk at all.


Is the thought of Stockholm so frightening?

Oh, Michael.

How can you ask me that when it spells the end of everything.

But darling, it means our whole life.

It means we'll never be apart again as long as we live.

It's the beginning of everything.

You didn't think I was going to Stockholm without you?

Michael, darling.

Oh .. Michael.

Why you fool, darling.

You utter idiot.

I want to shout. I want to tell everybody.

I want to dance. I wonder how they dance in Sweden.

Oh Michael, let's never stop dancing together for the rest of our lives.

Whoo .. who sent for the plumber?

Well this is sure a high class joint. Even the plumbers wear tuxedos.

Hey plumber, can you fix an old gin flask for me?


I can fix practically anything, from ..

Kiddie cars to college pups.

Hello, George.

Well, what's the matter, girls?

Haven't you ever seen a man before?

I can't exactly blame them.

I can.

What's the matter, Natalie?


Not getting fed up with the Debs, are you?

Look see, you look swell.

Who sent you the garden?

One of the girl's fathers.

Well I guess I should have sent you some flowers but ..

I got all tied up in town.

Just as long you're here. That's all that matters.

It's kind of good to see a friendly face, huh?

If you only knew.

Oh, everybody in tails, huh?

Do you mind? No.

No. Why should I?

Our ancestors were never without them.

I tell you Tommy, we're the only ones who know.

Oh Myra. Say, have you heard about Linda?

No. What?

Tonight? Honest? Yes.

Listen, Gwennie.

I just heard something terrific. What?

But don't tell.


Hey, did you hear? About Lindy? No.

Oh. Isn't it romantic?

Did you hear the latest? Linda is going to elope.

Who told you?

Look, there is Linda Simpson.

Nobody in this whole room knows who we are.

I mean.

I mean nobody knows that we're practically ..

Mr and Mrs Brown.

They are going to run away in his car.

Oh, we'll all be asleep.

Let's stay up all night. I want to see how she does it.

When I'm a senior I'm going to be just like Linda.

Look, Mrs Brown.

Can't we go outside now?

You know, you promised you'd say something tonight. Remember?

On that bench?

I want to go too, but in just a little while.

This is my last school dance and ..

I love every minute of it.

Happy now, Natalie?

I couldn't be happier.

Where did you get those flowers?

I said, where did you get those flowers?

Well what difference does it make? Because they're mine.

I was all ready to forgive you for being a tattle-tale.

But anyone who'd steal a girl's flowers out of her room ..

I did not steal your flowers.

I don't even want to talk to a common thief.

Oh, it's Natalie and Linda.

Look out. The Duchess.

Natalie Freeman.

Have you lost your senses?

Apologize this instant.

I will not apologize.

You will apologize.

Or you can leave Magnolia Hall tomorrow morning in disgrace.

I never heard of such a thing. You, of all people.

Have you no gratitude?


I'm supposed to be grateful for everything.

I'm supposed to be grateful for being allowed to study with such lovely girls.

And grateful for being alive.

Oh, I don't care if I am kicked out.

I'm tired of saying 'thank you' and 'excuse me' every time I turn around.

And then on top of it, being given all the dirty work to do just because ..

Because I'm poor.


Go away.

Oh Nat, darling.

You don't mind me, do you?

I suppose you want to tell me what you think of me.

Yes .. I do.

Will you let me?

Oh, leave me alone and go away.

No .. not until I've told you.

In the first place ..

I think you were tops in that ballroom scene.

Boy, did you tell that bunch of snobs.

And in the second place, I ..

Well, I ..

Oh Nat .. I'm nuts about you.

Oh, George.

Darling, don't .. don't.

It's so funny.



Me and all this.

Me and the rest of them.

I don't belong here, George.

Don't you see? I never did.

These girls have had it so easy. They don't know what it's all about.

When life finally comes along, it's ..

It will knock them over like a bunch of ten-pins.

We're the kind of people who go through trouble first and ..

We get our happiness last.

Believe me, kitten.

We get it.

How do we know we get it?

I kinda think we got it now.

For four years, I ..

Took their insults just so I could graduate.

Then I spoil it all two weeks before I finish.

Mom's been so proud of me.

So set on coming to commencement.


Well .. she could still come.

That is if you'd apologize like The Duchess asked you to.

Do you think I should after all that Linda did?


I don't give a hang if you apologize.

Why, for all I'm concerned you can come home tomorrow and ..

And we can be married. This week.

Oh George!

Oh if you'd said anything else, we'd never have been married.

Of course, if you should change your mind ..

And decide that you want to wait around a while for that old full moon.

A couple of weeks more or less won't make much difference.

George. Boo. Now, Natalie.

Don't you start an argument the very first minute we're engaged.


Are we really engaged? Well ..

We are as far as I'm concerned.

Then you've got to tell me you love me on Engagement Bench.

Oh Natalie.

I thought you were too grown up for that sort of business.

But George .. it's tradition.

Okay then. It's no hardship for me.


Here we are.

It's a heavenly night, isn't it.


Well Linda, are we just going to sit here?

Well, I ..

You have to start it.

Alright .. I ..

I love you.

Go on.

And I ..

Well ..?

Honey, I ..

I just can't say it.

Why not?

I don't know, Edgar. It ..

Just won't come out.

Well ..

Maybe it's because I ..

I've never said it before.

Oh, Linda.

You don't have to say it.

That is .. if you really mean it anyway.

I'll just take the words for granted.

Oh, Edgar.

You are sweet and .. I love you.

You said it.

Well I might have known. I suppose you've heard everything we've said.

We have better things to do than listen to you.

Well go ahead and tell everybody what you heard. Go ahead and tell.

You might at least have whistled or coughed or something.

Wait a minute here. I think this is a private argument.

Oh yeah? You know how it started, don't you?

If you'd sent your girl some flowers, she wouldn't have had to steal them.

Oh, well now.

I've just been waiting for this all evening.

Alright boys, come on now. Don't be hasty.

Let's talk this thing over. Come on.

Linda, they're playing 'Goodnight Ladies'.


George, that's it! Sock it to him!

Edgar .. Edgar, it's the last dance.

Stop .. stop.

Come on.

Give me your hand.

Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo!

Are you alright? Are you hurt?

Are you alright?

I'll take care of him. I've got a coat in the car. You girls go get the bags.

And hurry up if you don't want me to catch cold.

Something tells me that Freeman has let herself in for a bit of hazing.

She took Linda's flowers. What do you all think?

What can we do to her? We can't let her get away with this.

Why don't we treat her like the plumber did Edgar? Into the lake!


We'd better wait until the plumber leaves.

Yes .. we've got to get rid of our men.

Yes, sure.

You must remember exactly what everybody says about my elopement and write to me.

The girls and Miss Laurel and The Duchess .. and everybody.

Oh gee, I wish I didn't have soaking wet bridegroom.

You'd better hurry.

I'll take this to Tommy and I'll meet you at the car.


Are you happy? I mean, about us? Oh terribly.

Are you happy about leaving school tomorrow?


I'll come to see you tomorrow.

I'll see you in church.

[ Singing: ]

"Natalie Freeman's body gets a ducking in the lake."

"Natalie Freeman's body gets a ducking in the lake."

"And we go marching on."

Get ready .. get set.

Stop, stop!

Put her down, put her down I tell you!

Put her down I tell you!

Just let go of her, let go of her. It's all my fault, not Natalie's.

It's .. the night watchman.

Hurry. You want me to catch pneumonia? Edgar.

I can't elope tonight.

What do you mean? I've got to be here tomorrow.

Because of me, everybody thinks that Natalie stole my flowers.

And if I'm not here they'll expel her.


Do you mean you're giving up marrying me ..

Just on account of that?

I'm not giving up marrying you.

I'm just giving up marrying you tonight.

Oh Edgar, don't you see I've got to stay?

Oh this is the end. Edgar!


This isn't really the end, darling.

It's just the beginning.

We don't have to elope tonight. We can wait a little.


Don't you remember what we said last night?

Magnolias live only for a little while.

And die.

But they'll bloom again next spring.

They'll bloom again a million times for us.



Here they are!

When are you going to elope?

Beat it you kids or I'll report every one of you.

I certainly don't know how they found out. I only told one person.

Well Linda .. It's alright.


You don't need to forgive me.

Just let me talk to you a minute.

You see, I ..

I read my father's card to you.

Now I know he wanted us to be friends.

He wanted us both to wear his flowers.

So they would bring us together.


I didn't even know you knew my Daddy.

I just met him on the road this afternoon.

We got to talking.

He and I and ..

Your mother.

He must have liked you terribly to send you flowers.

Natalie, could we ..?

Could we be friends?

I don't blame you a bit.

I've been hateful to you.

We all have.

I'll go to The Duchess tomorrow morning and tell her everything.

You needn't bother.

I wouldn't stay here if they got down on their knees to me.

I know how you must feel.


Goodbye, Natalie.

I am so sorry! I don't know what to do.

No-one in this whole school ever cried for me before.


I'll stay.

And if you want to, we can be friends.

If I want to?

0h .. so that's where you are.

Come on in, Betty.

We've got loads to tell you, haven't we, Nat?

Who's that?

Stop .. stop!

Come back here, come back here!

My gosh, that was old Laurelei.

Why, don't tell me she's eloping.

Well, who would elope with her? She's twenty-nine.
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